Dilini Amıma Değdirdi

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Ben melda, 27 yaşında evli bir kadınım. Anlatacaklarım yaklaşık 2,5 ay önce iş yerinde geçti. O gün iş yerinde herkes çıktı, en sona ben kaldım. Oda da kimse kalmadığı için facebook\’tan bir arkadaşımın gönderdiği pornoyu izliyodum. O kadar çok azdım ki, elimi külodumdan içeri sokup masturbasyon yapmaya başlamıştım. Zevkten çıkardığım sesler git gide çoğaldı ve bi ara öyle bir çığlık attım pendik escort ki, diğer odadaki müdür duydu. Sesten ne yaptığımı anlamış olmalı ki, odaya girdiğinde eli sikindeydi. Tabi beni o halde görünce ağzı açık kaldı. Bi anda yanıma yaklaştı. Ben de onu arzuluyordum. Yanıma gelip sikini ağzıma soktu, bende hiç bişey diyemeden o azgınlıkla sikini yalamaya başladım. ümraniye escort Bir kaç dakika böyle devam ettikten sonra sikini ağzımdan çıkarıp elini külodumdan içeri götürdü. Ipıslak olmuş amımı okşamaya başladı ve külodumu sıyırıp attı. Mini eteğimi yukarı kaldırıp dilini amıma değdirmeye başladı. 10 dakika kadar yaladı, tam anlamıyla zevkten dört köşe olmuştum. Taş kadıköy escort gibi olan sikini amıma yavaşça soktuve deliler gibi gidip gelmeye başladı. Ben o anki zevk ile çığlıklar atmaya başladım. Sikişirken bi yandan öpüşüyorduk, bir yandan da memelerimi okşatıyordum. Sikini amımdan çıkarıp meme uçlarımı yalamaya başladı. Bir süre böyle geçti ve tekrar sikini amıma soktu, sikişmeye devam ettik. Yaklaşık yarım saat sonra iş arkadaşım boşaldı. Ben de zevkten titremeye başladım. Bir süre sonra üstümü giyinip eve gittim. O gün yaşadıklarımdan kocamın haberi hiç bir zaman olmadı ve haftada en az 1 kere iş arkadaşımla bazen ofiste, bazende onun evinde sikiştik.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kafasını tutup yarrağını soktu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Slm ben yıne mustafa en son pozısyonlarda kalmıstık neyse tam sıksırken kapı caldı baktım arkadasım halılıbrhım mıs neyse kapıyı actım halo ya ıcerı gır dedım o da kabul ettı neyse benı o hakde goren halo bu ne kılık lan sıpa dedı bende derya lıe sıkısıyoruz dıyınce hene 20cm lık pendik escort yarnı tuttu ve bende sıkecem deryayı dıyınce olmaz dedım o hemen soyundu ve deryanın yanına gırdı ardından bende tabı deryanın ben arkadahn o önden weriyoduk kız ın hali orospu karılarınyanında ümraniye escort yunmuş yıkanmış bir şekildi.Kıza ikimizde denk gelidi we aynı anda sokmuşuz we kız bayıldı. neyse bizim için daha iiyidi.hiç nazlanmadan kızın ağzının kendi elimizle açıp weriyoduk.ben kadıköy escort kıza haywan gibi arkadan abanınca kız ayıldı.ondan sonra haloda önden weriyodu o sıralar.kız ölecekti nerdeyse.sonra ben memelerini yalamaya başladım halo kızı çöktürttüğ we kıza yarrağını ağzına almasını söledi.derya ilk kabul etmeyince halo kızın kafasını tutup yarağını soktu.o an heralde kız ölecektı neyse benım 26lık yanında halonun 20lık neydıkı derya onu bırakıp benı yalamaya basladı neyse hadı gorusuru devamı ah derya3 te sıkısmek ıstıyenler msn adresmı alsın

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Sikini götüme yaklaştırdı hızla götüme soktu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Şu an 20 yaşındayım fakat bu anlatacağım olay başımdan geçtiginde çok gençtim. Taptaze vücudum beyaz tenim gaylerin iştahını açıyordu.Önceleri ben bunun pek farkında değildim ama bir gün benden 15 yaş büyük birinin sikini götümde hissedince herşeyi anladım.Aynı zamanda babamın bir arkadaşı olan Emin abiye sıksık gider onun çocuklarıyla oynardım. Yine birgün onun evine gitmiştim fakat çoçukları evde degillerdi ve O bana beklememi söyledi. Ben de beklemeye başladım. Çok eglenceli bir adamdı. Onun yanında hiç sıkılmazdım.O günde neşesi yerindeydi gazetede pendik escort bumaca çözmeye çalışıyordu. Benide yanına çağırdı. Sürekli el şakaları yapıp beni gıdıklıyordu. Bir müddet böyle şakalaştık.Sonra birden sessizleşti ve ben ancak ozaman farkına vardım ki benim elimi sıkıca yakalamış sert sikine yapıştırmıştı.Heyecanlandım, korktum ne yapacağımı bilemiyordum. Ama nedense elimi bir türlü geri çekemiyordum. O da bundan cesaret alıp devam etti. Ayağa kaldırdı beni arkama geçti elleriyle vücudumu okşuyor sıcak dudaklarıyla ümraniye escort boynumu öpüyordu ve taş gibi olmuş sikini götüme yaslıyordu.Artık çıldırmış olmalıydı. Elbiselerimi yırtarcasına çıkardı. Onun karşısında çırılçıplak durmak beni de heyecandan çıldırtmıştı. Onun da soyunmasını istedim güldü; elbiselerini çıkarttı siki benimkinin iki katıydı ama onun beni sikecegini hiç düşünmemiştim. Önümde egilip benim minik sikimi yutarcasına ağzına aldı. Boşalmak istiyordum fakat yapamadım. O bütün vücudumu yalıyordu. Saçlarını kadıköy escort okşamaya başladım. O beni tutup yere yatırdı. Elleriyle kalçalarımı aralayıp pembe göt deligimi yalamaya başladı.Ben yavaşça inliyordum. O da garip sesler çıkarıyordu. Bir eliyle sikini tuttu bir eliyle de göt deliğimi karıştırıyordu. Sikini götüme yaklaştırdı ve hızla götüme soktu. Ben öyle çığlıklar atıyordum ki oda korkup içimden çıktı. Bir kenara çekilip bana nasıl olduğumu sordu. Ben cevap vermedim. O da susup masturbasyon yapmaya başladı.Boşalacağı zaman yanıma geldi ve sikini yalamamı istedi. Karşı koyamıyordum. Sikini ağzıma alıp yalamaya başladım ve oda ağzıma boşaldı. Ondan sonraki birkaç gün göt sızısıyla dolaştım fakat daha sonraları o günü hatırladıkça zevkten çıldıracak gibi oluyorum.Onun beni tekrar sikmesi için herşeyi yaparım.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Sinema yarrağım sığmıyordu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben şu an 18 yaşında bir gencim. Izmirde yaşıyorum. Lise 2deyken dershaneden bir arkadaşım wardı.. Fazla samimi değildik ve o benden küçüktü. Bir gün dershanede sınıf olarak yemeğe ve sinemaya gitmeye karar verdik.. aslında ben onun gay olduğunu biliyordum gözü hep sikimdeydi. Neyse yemek yedik. Orda bayaa samimi olmuştuk ve ben onu sikmeyi göze koymuştum. Sinemaya girdik.. Açık pendik escort sahneleri olan bir filmdi ?? süperdi.. Gözünün hep sikimde olduğunu farketmiştim bi yandan onun durumuna bakıyor, biryandan filmi seyrediyordum. En sonunda atak yaptı we elini sikime yaklaştırdı zaten taş gibi olmuştu.. Okşamaya başladı ve ben de arkadan onun götünü okşuyordum. Kimse görmesin ümraniye escort diye montu örttüm sikime!Ve kafasını sikime doğru yönlendirdi.. Sıcak dilini sikimde hissedebiliyordum. Acayip yalıyordu! Neredeyse boşalıcaktım ama boşalmak da istemiyordum! Biraz bekle dedim! O arada bana sikimin ne kadar muhteşem olduunu söylüyordu.. Ve tekrar baya yaladı sonra kadıköy escort dışarı çıktık!Film arası geldi ve biz sinemanın arkasına gittik.. Çok azmıştı ve ben de tabii! Arkada onu sikmeye kalktım onun götü çok dardı ve benim koca sikim sığmıyordu! Başını soktum ve inledi acayip bir sesti ve çok tahrik oldum. Hepsini soktum cırlıyordu resmen.. Sonra alıştı ve zevk alıyordu! Ben içine boşalacakken yarı bitti! Hemen ağzını döndürdüm ve ağzına boşaldım! Feci tazzikliydi.. Ondan sonra ya dershanede ya da evimde sürekli seviştik.. Denemediğimiz pozisyon yoktu! Ben de kendimi siktiriyordum arada ama sikmek ayrı bişey ya!! Çok tatlı!….. Gönderen: crazy_boi

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Netten Tanıştığım Çiftle Gurup Sex

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Bilgisayarım bozulduğundan çok zamandır nete girmiyordum. Bilgisayarım yapıldıktan sonra nete girmeye başladım ve İstanbuldan bir bayanla konuşmaya başladık. Ama nicki f&m di. Nedenini sorduğumda kocasıyla beraber chat yaptıklarını söyledi ve inanılması zor şeyler anlattı. İnanmadım demem daha doğru olur sanırım. Sonra istersem benide davet edebileceklerini söyledi. Nede olsa sıra ondaymış ve kimi isterse davet edebilirmiş! Bende kabul edeceğimi söylediğimde saat gecenin 2siydi. Gece bunları düşünerek uyudum. Arayacaktı ama ben pek ihtimal vermiyordum ve konuşmaların geyik olduğunu sanıyordumki cebim çaldı. Arayan zehra hanımdı. Bende okullun bittigini söyledim ve beni almaya geldi. Arabasına atladık ve yola koyulduk. Kendisi çalışmıyordu. Arada bir elini önüme atması beni hem heyecanlandırıyor hemde cesaretimi artırıyordu. Nede olsa tanımadığım bir insandı. Evine vardığımızda kocası sinan evdeydi. Kocasını öptü ve bizi tanıştırdı. Beni pendik escort kendi misafiri olarak tanıttı. Adam espriler yaparak ortalığı kahkahaya boğuyordu. Yemeklerimizi yedik ve konuşmaya başladık. Evlerine gelen 4. Erkektim. Sinan bey söledi. Sinan bey hanımını övüyor onunla evli olduğu için kendini şanslı olarak görüyordu. Bencede öleydi. 40 Yaşlarındaki hatun yaşını göstermiyor ve gören herkesin sikmek isteyeceği bir sexiliğe sahipti. Zehra hanım yavaş yavaş vcdye filmi koydu ve yanıma oturdu. Ortalığın hareketlenmesini istediği belliydi. Sinan bey mutfağa gitti. Artık film başlamıştı. İki kadın ve bir erkek sevişiyorlardı. Erkeğin penisi bayağı büyüktü. Zehra hanım seninkisi nasıl dedi ve fermuarımı açarak benim ufaklığı ağzına almaya başladı. Bu arada sinan bey gelerek karşımıza oturdu. Önce rahatsız oldum ama sonradan bende koyuverdim. Zehra ağzına almış emiyor, yalıyor koparırcasına somuruyordu. Bende yavaş yavaş ümraniye escort onu soymaya başladımve bir çırpıda ikimizde çıplaktık. Zehranın bacaklarının arasına uzandım ve güzel bal kutusunu yalamaya başladım. Zehra zevkten kuduruyordu. Sinan beyde eline almış belliki otuzbir çekiyordu. Sonradan 69 pozisyonunu aldık ve ben zehranın amını o benim sikimi emiyordu. Zehranın gelmesinin ardından bende ağzına boşaldım. Zehra tekrar sikimi eline aldı ve bu gece benimsin diyerek tekrar sikimi ağzına alıp diriltti. Kucağıma atlayarak yatak odasına gitmemizi söyledi. Yatak odasına vardığımızda zehranın yalanmadık yerini bırakmadım ve zehra artık kuduruyor, içine girmem için yalvarıyordu. Bekletmeden amının derinliklerine doğru dalmaya başladım. Arasıra gögüslerini yalayıp ısırıyor ve olanca gücümle amına yükleniyordum. Ben artık dayanamıyordum ve sarsılmaya başlamıştım ki zehra beraber uçalım bekle dedi. Yarım dakika sonra kadıköy escort ikimiz beraber boşaldık. Bu arada sinan bey geldi ve ufaklığı ağzına almaya başladı. Ben şaşırmıştım ama o aldırış etmeden sikimi yalıyordu. Zehrada ağzımın üzerine oturmuş amını yalatmak istiyordu ve bende karşı gelmedim. Sikim kıvama gelince ben yataktan aşağı indim ve yatağın ucunda sinan bey dört ayak pozisyonunu aldı. götü dardı ve üç dört denemede ancak başını sokabildim. Sonra var gücümle abanarak soktuğumda sinan bey karısının amını yalarken bir çığlık attı. Bense işime devam ediyordum. Sinan beyi üç dört dakika kadar siktikten sonra zehra domaldı önümde ve bu defa onun götüne sokmaya başladım. Sonunda her ikisinin yüzüne boşaldım ve birbirlerinin suratlarını yalayarak temizlediler. Ben yorulmuştum ama sinan bey karısını üstüne almış zehra üzerinde var gücüyle zıplıyordu. Çok geçmeden bende zehraya arkadan soktum ve zehra aramızda tost oluyordu. Ohhh koçum ye beni diye inlemelerini unutamıyorum. Geleceğimi anladığımda sikimi zehranın tatlı ağzına verdim ve bütün menilerimi ağzına boşalttım. Bilgisayarımı yaptırdığıma seviniyorum. Canı çeken olursa mail atsın:) ben 185 boyunda 75 kiloda esmer yesil gozlu biriyim..Gönderen: ugur

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

eşim köpekleri seviyor 1

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben cenk ben 26 eşim 25 yaşında ben fantaziye açık biriyim ama eşim tam tersi bu yüzden sex hayatımız oldukça molotonlaştı ama eşim çok güzel birisidir neyse birgün ailece denize gitmeye karar verdik denizde yemek yedikten sonra eşimle birsigara içmekiçin ayrııldık ve gittiğimiz yerde ikitane yavru dalmaçyalı köpek gördük eşim hemen yanlarına gitti ve onları sevmeye pendik escort başladı ve onları nelur alalım ve bakalım dedi ozaman bende tamam dedim ve köpekleri alıp denizden ayrıldık eşim eve geldiğimizde köpeklere çok iyi bakıyordu onlara yeryaptı isimlerini tom ve alfret koyduk ikiside erkek köpekti ve yaklaşık bir sene sonra tomve alfret gerçekten çok iri ümraniye escort bir köpek olmuştu ve bakımı gerçekten zorlaşmıştı eşim birgün köpeklerin nezamandan beri yıkanmadığını beraberyıkayacağımızı söyledi bende tamam dedim ve eşime köpekleri banyoya götürmesini söyledim ve bende üzerime bir şort giyerek banyoya gittim tomu ve alfredi küvete soktuk eşimin kadıköy escort üzerinde dantelli bir kilot ve sütyen verdı eşimi öyle görünce inanın yarrağım sertleşti ve eşimi sikmek istedim köpekleri yıkamaya başlarken aman allahım birde negöreyiğm tomunvealfredin taşakları yumruk gibi şişmişti eşim bunu fark edince neden böyle olmuş diye sordu bende eşleşme zamanları geldiğini ve patlayacak am aradıklarını söyledim eşim bana güldü öyle am nerden bulacazdiye espiri yaptı bende ne bileyim burda üç yarak bir amcık var diye espiriyaptım ve eşim kızarak gülümsedi ve eşim tuvaletegirmek istediğini söyledi bizim tuvalet banyonun içindedir devamı sonra

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ablamın amıdan çıkardım kardeşimin götüne soktum

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba. Çok fazla uzatmadan konuya girmek istiyorum. Ben orhan yaşım 17 ve 2 tane kız kardeşim var biri dilara diğeride petek. Aşağı yukarı 16 yaşımdan beri hep onları izler ve onları düşünerek masturbasyon yaparım. Bence biraz sapıkça bişey ama aynı evde yaşadığımız için sık sık frikik veriyorlar bende bir erkek olarak dayanamıyorum. Bir pazar sabahı ailecek kahvaltı ediyorduk. Ben dışarı çıkıcaktım fakat derslerimden dolayı problemlerim olduğu için babam izin vermemişti. Sinirle odama gittim. Kardeşlerimden petek de beni yatıştırmak için odama girmişti. Üstünde yataktan kalktığı gecelik vardı. Bu arada petek 16 ve dilara 19 yaşında. Biraz petekle muhabbet edip yatıştıktan sonra ayağa kalkarken sıyrılmış geceliğinden donunu görmüştüm. Iyice tahrik olmuştum. Yaşı 16 olmasına rağmen beni çok tahrik ediyordu. Sonra ablam dilarada ailemin yanında sigara içemediği için oda benim odamın balkonuna geldi. Gizlice sigara içmeye başladı ve bende yanına çıktım. O sıradada peteği gözcü olarak kapıya koymuştuk. Ablamla konuşurken ben tabureye oturdum oda ayakta duruyordu. Altında sadece kısa bir şort ve içinde boxer vardı ama şort boxerdan kısa olduğu için kenarlardan çıkmış boxerını görünce tahrik olmuştum. Sonra bacağına dokunmak istedim ama korkmuştum ya aşırı bir tepki verirse diye. Yinede kendime engel olamadım ve tek elimle şakalaşırmış gibi yapıp bacağını elledim. Oda bana dönerek napıyorsun bursa escort dedi. Direk cevabımı verdim daha önce biriyle yattınmı diye. Oda bana bakarak anlaşılan sen biraz kudurmuşsun kız arkadaşın yokmu gidip rahatlıyacağın dedi. Bende var ama evden çıkamadığım için deliricem dedim. Gülümseyerek bana doğru döndü o sırada çok heycanlanmıştım. O sırada kardeşim gelerek annem geliyo atın sigaraları dedi bizde dışarı attık ve muhabbet ediyomuşuz gibi yaptık. Başbaşa kalmıştık…Annem tuzlaya gidicez hadi petek diyip kardeşimi çağardı. Ablamın gitmiyeceğini bildikleri için sormadılar bile. Benimde malum çıkmam yasaktı. petekde tamam dedi. Ben itiraz ettim hayır petekle bişey konuşucam evde kalsın dedim. Annemde kalıcanmı evde diyince kardeşimde meraklanıp tamam ben evde kalıcam demişti. İçimden bugünü evde kalmışken ablam ve kardeşimi sikerek değerlendirebilirim diye düşünüyordum. Ve annemler gitmişti. Başbaşa kalmıştık. petek yanıma gelip ne konuşucan benle çok merak ettim dedi. Bende bekle biraz daha vaktimiz var nasılsa dedim. Ablamla kaldığımız yerden konuşmaya devam ediyorduk. Hala soruma cevap vermedin dedim. Oda tekrar gülerek neden merak ediyorsun ki dedi. Hem burda 16 yaşında bi kız var onun yanında böyle şeyler konuşulmaz dedi. Bende oda öğrensin işte tecrübe edinir dedim. kız kardeşimde yanımıza oturdu. Ablam kolay lokma gibi gözükmüyordu. Bende yine şaka yaparmış gibi ellerimi bacaklarına bursa escort bayan koydum bu sefer ne istiyorsun dedi. Merak ettiğin ne dedi. Bende hiç sadece şaka yaptım diyince gel benle bakalım bi içeri dedi. Çok heycanlıydım ama umarım istediğimi alırdım. Ablam odasında kapıyı kapadı ve peteğe salonda oturmasını söyledi. Biz abinle bişey konuşucaz diyerek. Ablam merak ettiğin bumu dedi ve elimi şortunun üstünden amına koydu. Ellerim titremeye başlamıştı bende sesim titreyerek evet dedim. Oda tamam o zaman dedi. Soyun dedi. Ilk başta bende sadece üstümden tişörtümü çıkarttım. Ağır hareket ediyordum çünkü açıkcası biraz utanıyordum. O da o sırada şortunu çıkarttı. Evet hadisene dedi bende. Peki diyip bu sefer herşeyimi çıkarttım. Heycandan sikim ufacık kalmıştı. Ve kalkmıyorduAblam görünce bu ne diyerek tepki verdi. Bende hemen cevap verdim heycandan oldu diye ama oda direk elini sikime atarak oynamaya başladı. Yavaş yavaş sikim kalkmaya başlamıştı bu sırada kapıdan bir tıkırtı geldi. Ablam petek diyerek bi bağardı. Ondan sonra seslerden anladığım kadarıyla bi koşma sesi geldi. Kapıyı açıp çıplak bi vaziyette salona giden ablam şu yaramazda orda kapı deliğinden sürüneceğine yanımızda bişeyler öğrensin madem bu kadar meraklı dedi ve peteğide odaya aldı. Patlamak üzereydim…Çok korkuyordum ya kardeşim ağzını tutamayıp annemlere söylerse diye. Ama ablam boş durmuyordu peteği alarak tut escort bursa şimdi şunu diyerek yarrağımı peteğin eline verdi. petek yavaş yavaş oynamaya başlamıştı. Iyice tahrik olmuştum artık patlamak üzereydim ve kendimi geri çekerek yere boşaldım. Ablam şimdi görelim neyin var neyin yok dedi ve sikimi ağzına aldı. petekde biraz iğrenmiş gözüküyordu bu durumdan ve kenardan izliyordu. Sonra yeter artık bu kadar diyip domal dedim. Ablam hemen domalmıştı ve içine girdim. Yavaş yavaş gidip gelirken peteği yanına çağardı ablam. Şimdi göğüslerimi em bakalım küçük orospu diyince iyice gaza gelmiştim. Ablamın içinden çıkıp yine yere boşalıcaktımki ablam peteğin elini uzatıp sikimi tutturdu. Sonra sen bırak ellerini dedi ve ben arkama yaslanıp peteğin ne yapıcağını bekliyordum. Ablam şimdi ağzına al dedi peteğe. petekte hemen dilinin ucuyla dokunmaya başladı ve 3-4 dokunuş sonra diline boşaldım. Tam artık doydum derken ablam peteğ`i yanına çağardı ve odasındaki el ve vücut kremini eline alarak peteğin götüne sürmeye başladı. Petek biraz korkuyor gibiydi ama çok da istemez bi hali yoktu. Bana şimdi çok yavaşça sik yoksa kıçının üstüne oturamaz babamlar bişey oldu sanıp doktora götütrürlerse başımız belaya girer dedi. Bende tamam diyerek yavaşça ittirdim. Içine girince tamamen petek çığlık çığlığaydı. Ve iyice zevke gelmiştim. Ikisi de yarrağımı yemek için can atıyorlardı. Ve o gün toplam 3 kere daha sikiştik. Artık ablamdan çekinmiyorum ve ev boş olduğu zamanlar petek yada dilara hangisi evdeyse sikiyorum. Tabi dilara daha çok hoşuma gidiyor. Hem dolgun hemde amcık tadını aldığım ablam olduğu için… Gönderen: Orhanke

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Karachi Kinks

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A Literotica reader asked me to write a series using exploits from his life. This is a work of fiction and I hope he won’t be disappointed.

It was another sweltering hot summer day in Karachi. Luckily, I knew a lot about heat. Today, I was enjoying the sultry services of two scorching local babes – Saima and Raziya. The fans overhead gave off a cooling breeze as the three of us moved naked from the bathtub to the soft cushions and silks thrown all over the floor. I was looking forward to one wild evening with these inventive Indian chicks.

We had all been partaking of some chilled, fruity honey wine as we indulged in foreplay. My head was contentedly lapping up Raz’s spicy cunt from a big pillow whilst Saima sat riding her face and teasing her breasts. My thumb was slowly fucking her ass with her own juices as my tongue teased her clit and sucked those nether lips. I could feel her sweet ass gripping and releasing my fingers as her hips gyrated and my cock was pulsing with the pre-come, knowing that before the night was over it would have its share of sweet pussies, tight ass and hot mouths.

We heard the commotion in the streets but that didn’t faze us or stop our loving, some cloak and dagger shit is always going down in the city streets of Karachi. The anxious rattling at the garden entrance did cause us to pause, however, and I quickly went to investigate, grabbing my weapon. I didn’t see anything at first, just a few Suits moving along the streets, a sure sign someone was in big trouble. Then, I heard Saima gasp from behind me as a stick reached towards the latticed awning of the privacy garden, a stick attached to a tiny female form burrowing down behind the potted plants.

“Mr Bond”, she said softly, “I’m Anna, from Lahore, don’t let them get me.”

Shit! This couldn’t have happened at a worse time, I was expecting a very important ‘package’ from Lahore, but not for a few more days. I quickly pulled her inside and locked the door, but I knew the men would be making the rounds of every house in their casino siteleri search. Looking back into the eyes of my lover I scratched my chest. “How the fuck do we hide her, we’ve got less than 10 minutes before they break in all the doors.”

Saima had been my assistant for a long time and was a part of our international aid organization. Firmly grasping Anna, who had shrunk into a shocked ball at our nakedness, she pushed her up against the wall, grasping her by the neck and whispering fiercely: “listen bitch, if you value your life and ours, play along with this game or we’re all dead, otherwise I push you right back out the fucking door now and leave you to fend for yourself, you understand me?”

Two big frightened eyes nodded back at her. Anna and I both gasped as Saima grabbed Anna’s clothes and started to pull them from her. Anna’s hands went up in a defensive gesture and a stunned sound left her throat. Fiercely, Saima gripped her shoulders: “listen cunt, we’re in the middle of a fuck fest here and the best way to deflect suspicion is to have you involved. Now, we don’t have time to play so you go ahead and scream if you want to, and we’re all gonna scream like we’re being fucked into oblivion, instead of your pals twigging what’s up and really fucking us up.

So saying, she grabbed my knife and quickly cut at Anna’s clothes, telling me to help rip them off her and let’s hurry back into the next room. Saima carried the scraps of clothing in her hand, scattering them among the pillows and silks in our love den. Predictably, Raziya was still on the ground moaning and writhing as she pleasured herself with the rabbit dildo, not even aware of what was going on. When she went into a sexual haze she was a fucking bitch in heat.

With a sultry smile Saima pushed Anna down to the cushions, beckoning Raziya. “Look at this fresh pussy I’ve bought just for you, lover, come and get it.”

Not even looking at me, she ordered: “you know how to keep her quiet, deep-throat the bitch, and give them a reason for seeing those slot oyna tears in her eyes.”

I lay down, grasping her head to look into her big soulful eyes. Gosh, she was so exotic, so beautiful even in her fear. “Trust us, Anna, we won’t hurt you, but it’s the only way,” I said, sinking my rampantly hard cock into her mouth.

She whimpered as her hands reached up to push me away and I slammed my cock into her throat, causing her to gag and her body to jackknife. Pulling back, I locked her two slender wrists over her head with one hand as the other grasped her jaw, pulling her head back and forcing her mouth open so that my dick could fuck her throat.

Raziya, feverish in her sexual hunger and unaware of the drama unfolding, had by this time pushed Anna’s legs in the air and was making a feast out of her cunt. She was slurping and shouting how sweet and tight the pussy was and how she was going to eat it until it burst forth its juices. I knew from Saima how talented Raz was with her tongue. More than once I had seen her give other women convulsions. I knew that unless Anna was made out of wood, or those fuckers at the door killed us, Raz was going to lick that pussy until Anna exploded.

Never one to be left out, Saima was sucking and licking Anna’s breasts and had a vibrator trained on Raz’s clit. I knew her intentions, not only was she effectively ensuring that we hid Anna’s body, but she wanted them both to be so sexually high when that door came crashing in, it would look like we were all in a mad orgy and oblivious to the world.

Despite the danger, or maybe because of it, my cock was hard and swollen and ready to burst. The adrenaline in my veins was pumping as I looked down at the way the three of us were using this new pawn. Saliva and tears were all over her cheeks as my cock fucked her mouth, her wide eyes continued to stare at me, but now I swear the look seemed to be one of horny fervor as they had turned smoky and glazed. Her sweet brown breasts with darker tipped, small but hard nipples looked so fucking canlı casino siteleri sexy as Saima sucked them, and I could feel her jerks each time they were firmly bitten. Her stomach was flat and smooth with a nice indented navel my tongue was itching to pour wine into and suck up.

Releasing her face, I stretched my hands to hold one long leg, bringing it to my lips and licking her nicely formed ankles. Damn, she was a beautiful woman, what in Urdu we call ‘khoobsoorat’. I kissed and licked her leg as I felt my balls tightening, my cock head swelling more. “Yeessss, lick that sweet cunt Raz” I cried out. “Suck that clit and make her pussy weep for joy.” “Damn, I can’t wait to fuck you sexy bitches, I want to empty my seed right down her fucking tiny throat!” “I want to feel that tight cunt gripping my cock!”

“Eat her up, girls, eat her to fuck up!” “This is so damn hot, I’m fucking coming!”

I grabbed her head roughly in my hands as I felt the pressure building and my ass cheeks clenching. With a loud yell the first gush rushed through my cock, spurting in her struggling mouth as it shot into the back of her throat, making her gag. Successive spurts poured out of me as my mind lost its grip on reality, my vision became a red haze. My fingers were so tightly tangled in her hair she couldn’t escape even if she wanted to as I emptied my soul into her tender mouth.

I could vaguely feel her tiny hands strangling my cock and balls as she milked me, could hear her orgasmic whimpers.

It barely registered that the Suits were standing over us, guns hanging idle and cocks tenting their pants as they beheld the exotic tableau before their eyes. Three sexy Pakistani houris pleasuring their man and each other, limbs interlocked, the smell of sex all over the place. No place to hide the smuggled wife of a clan leader.

Turning, they quickly checked the other rooms and then headed back out the door, each slyly glancing back with a look of envy on their faces.

The door could be fixed later. Right now, I had three beautiful women to pleasure and a night of passion ahead of me. The following message was transmitted to Lahore much later.

“Package received. A bit handled but still lots of use in it. Will Bond with it nicely until expiry date.”

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Daddy Satisfies Ch. 05: Final

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This episode concludes the Daddy Satisfies series. I appreciate all of the feedback thus far. For my very first story, I think it went well. I am working on a new story that will include family and traveling so look for it under Merlinswand as author. I won’t let you down. Steamy storyline, wicked twists and plenty of sex. Read you soon! Everyone is over the age of eighteen.


It is amazing how fast time travels. Before I tell you the family status, let me tell you what has happened to this point.

So we have new neighbors. Mom and I met them at the lot next to our house with their builder. I got to know the daughters or should I say one of the daughters, Destiny, got to know me, intimately.

Tuesday after we met, the new neighbors were to come to the house to get to know each other better and to swim. The morning started with dad waking to me sucking him off and mom eating my pussy. After our session, dad got dressed for work and was out the front door. He had a set construction project due within the next few days so we were left to clean up our selves. I had dad’s cum on my face so mom politely licked me clean as I fingered her to a long slow orgasm. She put her hand over mine as I sunk three of my fingers as far as I could in her wet hole. It didn’t take long for her to cum and cover my hand with her juices.

After recovering from her pleasure, we took a shower and toweled each other off followed with loving kisses. As comfortable as we were with being naked, mom suggested we put clothes on since it was their first official visit and house rules for anything goes were suspended. I have to say putting clothes on after being naked for so long felt strange. I chose to put on my tiny green bikini top with distressed denim short shorts, the kind that look like they may fall apart at any moment. I was really hoping they would, giving me a legitimate reason to show off my freshly shaved pussy. Mom wore a bikini top that really accented her tan and tits, while her shorts of choice were spandex. She was looking fuck-able hot and I just stared at the outline of her pussy lips in those shorts. We laid around that morning cuddling while we watched tv.

Around noon the doorbell rang and I was so glad. Soon, maybe, we would all be naked, my favorite state of being. As we opened the front door, we were met with hugs and stares as three gorgeous neighbors walked in the door. The girls had their bikini tops on and their tits were barely covered as their nipples were hard as rocks and visible by anyone that looked. They had on tiny shorts that allowed their ass cheeks to hang out just a bit and their ass cracks ate the backs of the shorts. This led me to believe they had on thongs, if anything at all. Their mom was wearing a bikini top that also barely covered her magnificent set of forty four DD tits, I had to catch my mouth when I first saw them. I noticed my mom staring as well and I could have sworn I saw her lick her lips. Her ass was covered by a sarong but her ass did jiggle nicely as she walked by me.

We went into the den, which looked out over the pool, and their mom commented “I need to ask, before we get out there later, is it okay to be topless around the pool? I hate tan lines on my tits.”

“You can go totally nude if you want” mom said as she cut her eyes at me and smiled that sexy smile. I almost came as I imagined their mom naked by our pool.

Mom walked to the kitchen asking if anyone would like a glass of wine. She returned with a chilled bottle with several wine glasses in one hand with the bottle and more glasses in her other hand. “Sandy drinks some but she doesn’t leave the house afterwards” mom said as she set the glasses down on the coffee table.

“Mom, can we” the girls chimed as they gave their mom their best doe-eyed look.

“Only a little and you can’t tell your father” Sam said with a look of reluctancy on her face. She slowly changed it to a smile as she reached for a glass.

Mom had uncorked the bottle and poured Sam half a glass. Katie and Destiny grabbed for their glasses and mom poured them half a glass. She poured the last two glasses just as the bottle went empty. “We are going to need more wine” mom exclaimed as she sat the bottle on the table.

We all sat, drinking our first of four bottles we downed that day. After our first bottle, we took our second glasses out to the pool area. As we sat our glasses at poolside, Sam took off her sarong for us to see a cute thong that matched her top. She then reached around her back and released her bikini that held her firm tits. I stood speechless with my glass at my mouth but could drink for fear of choking. “Is this okay?” Sam asked as she put her top on the lounge chair by the pool.

“Absolutely” mom said, not missing a beat as she took her top off. With this current development, I removed my top and bottoms then settled in the shallow end of the pool with my wine. Katie and Destiny followed and joined me naked by the pool. Without thinking about it, mom pulled her bottoms down and grabbed casino siteleri her wine and followed us in the water.

Sam, seeing everyone naked, slipped her thumbs in the sides of her thong and eased it down over her thighs. As she removed it past her feet and stood up, I saw that her pussy was bare and I noticed some of her juices slipping between her pussy lips. This caused me to lick my lips as I looked at her so I tried to hide it by taking a sip of wine. I started feeling my inhibitions lessen as I drank more wine and it was affecting everyone else also.

Sam sat on the edge of the pool with her wine in hand and put her feet on the first step. After she took a drink, she leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs enough to give anyone who looked a clear view of her inner folds. I took a look and it was obvious she was wet. I shuttered as I licked my lips getting my eyes full but Sam didn’t notice as her eyes were closed.

As I took in the view of this new wet pussy, I felt two hands reach around my waist. When I turned around, Destiny was moving closer to me. I immediately looked at mom to find her floating on her back and Katie was massaging her chest and stomach. Mom was breathing pretty heavy as Katie tweaked mom’s nipples. I watched as Katie lowered her hand from mom’s stomach down to her bald pussy. Her middle finger disappeared into mon’s wet slit and mom took a deep breath as she raised her tits to meet Katie’s hand.

I turned back to Destiny and was met with a kiss followed by serious tongue action. Our tits came together in their own session, nipples hard as rocks. Destiny’s hands slowly made their way down my back until they found my ass. Each hand had it’s own cheek as her forefinger slipped between my crack and found my bunghole. She pushed slightly and her finger sunk in and I gasped in delight as we shared each other’s tongue.

I spread my legs a little and Destiny put her right leg between mine and her thigh rested on my pussy as her finger continued to ass fuck me. I pressed my pussy against her thigh and began to hump her slowly. As I humped her, she began to hump my thigh as it pressed into her pussy. We were lost in our own world as mom reached her first orgasm with Katie. As Destiny and I kissed, I looked over at mom to find Katie had moved to the end of the float and her face was buried in mom’s pussy. “Fuck that feels wonderful, eat my pussy” mom moaned.

As Destiny and I humped each other, we turned in the water and saw Sam ramming three fingers in her dripping wet pussy, her head back and her eyes closed. Her free hand was massaging her tits and she was biting her bottom lip.

I felt my orgasm building but I wanted Destiny to eat me to orgasm so I broke our embrace and pulled her to the shallow end of the pool, next to her mom. I lay back on the pool deck and Destiny, instinctively, spread my legs and began kissing and nipping at my inner thighs until she reached my wet pussy. Gently, she kissed my pussy lips then took her tongue and licked me to the top of my slit and pressed lightly while her lips sucked into my pussy lips. Her tongue found my clit which caused my ass to thrust toward her eager mouth. I looked over at Sam and she was in the middle of a deep orgasm.

“Fuck…fuck…fuck…!” was all she could say as her stomach tightened with each wave. Her fingers were making a slopping sound as she plunged themin her juice covered pussy again and again.

I reached for my nipples as Destiny found my hole with her finger and inserted it to its base. Sam looked over at me, as her orgasm subsided, and reached for my tit with her hand that had been massaging her own tit. I leaned towards her and met her with a tongue infused kiss. Destiny continued to work my anus with her fingers to stretch me some. This increased the pleasure that I was already enjoying. I felt her fingers enter my anus and it rocketed me closer to my orgasm. “Fuck my ass with your fingers” I told Destiny as I broke my kiss with Sam.

Across the pool, mom and Katie had moved poolside and were busy in a sixty nine position. Moans and groans were all that could be heard from them. They both reached orgasm at the same time and were bucking into each other hard and fast. This caused me to go over the edge and Destiny lapped my juices as they flowed out of my pussy. Some of my juices ran down to my anus, which lubed her fingers for more penetration and that added to my orgasm. Destiny worked my anus over good then pulled her fingers out and sucked them clean,

When my orgasm subsided, I sat up and reached for Sam’s pussy. I had a deep hunger for her pussy. I sank my face in Sam’s pussy which put my ass in the air facing Destiny. Destiny went to work on my pussy and anus again with her tongue sending my back into pre-orgasmic excitement. Sam’s pussy had a hint of strawberry taste to it,which increased my appetite. I circled her clit with my tongue and sucked it in my mouth causing Sam to push on the back of my head, burying my face into her pussy. “Yes, suck my clit. Make me orgasm slot oyna in your mouth.”

My knees were getting weak as I humped Destiny’s face. She was busy eating my pussy and finger fucking my pussy and anus. It felt wonderful and as I reached my second orgasm, I moaned into Sam’s pussy causing her to orgasm. I reached between my legs to slow Destiny down as I was becoming too sensitive at this point. She pulled out of all my holes and licked her fingers clean again.

“Damn you cum a lot” I told Sam as I ate her clean. I sat up and turned to meet Destiny with a kiss to share my juices from her mom. Sam moved around me so she could have some of my juices from Destiny’s face. She licked her face clean. “Mmm…you taste so sweet Sandy.”

Mom and Katie joined us as we licked and kissed juices from everyone’s face and tits. After everyone was licked clean, we all settled on the pool loungers and fell asleep soaking in the sun. I awoke to the sliding door shutting only to see dad walking up to this sea of naked women laying in the sun.

“What do you think dad?” I said softly so as not to wake anyone. Sam stirred but only shifted her leg which gave dad a great view of her wet pussy. “It tastes as good as it looks” I told him as he moved to get a better view. I noticed he was getting hard inside his shorts so I reached out and rubbed his hard cock through his shorts.

With a slow zip, his shorts fell to the floor and his cock sprang out towards me. I took his hard cock in my hand and pulled him closer to me with it. I slipped it in my mouth and dad stepped up so I could bottom him out in my throat. I love sucking his cock and eating his cum.

He started to slow fuck my face as I sucked him as hard as I could. I wanted him all to myself so I was pumping like a mad woman. I reached around him and stuck a finger in his anus as to cause him climax faster. My other hand was massaging his balls and I felt them rise and knew he was close. He thrust his cock deep in my mouth, grabbed the back of my head and released his first load down the back of my mouth, into my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could so I wouldn’t choke or lose any of his juice. He pumped and pumped his load in my mouth as my finger pumped his ass.

When he sent his last squirt into my mouth, I heard Destiny say “damn, his cock is huge. I would love to have that deep in my pussy.”

Dad pulled out of my mouth and turned towards Destiny with a single drop of his juice on the tip of his cock. He stepped towards her and she licked it off then kissed his still hard cock head. Dad let out a little moan as this new tongue introduced itself to his cock. My finger was still in his anus and when I pumped him, his cock jumped in arousal. Destiny smiled in approval then deep throated dad with one swift suck. She reached for his balls and caressed them gently while I worked his ass. His cock never lost its hardness.

At this point, the other ladies were rousing and pleasantly surprised at what they saw. Destiny continued to deep throat dad while I worked his ass. They quickly gathered around dad and took their turn sucking him. It didn’t take long for him to cum, shooting some in Katie’s mouth and some in mom’s mouth. They were kind enough to share his juice with the others who didn’t get any.

After everyone had a taste, dad removed the rest of his clothes and went to the garage to work out. Katie followed him so she could watch and as dad laid on the bench to do presses, she took his cock in her mouth and sucked him till he was hard. Once he was hard, she straddled him as he worked out and placed the head of his cock at the entrance of her wet pussy.

She lowered herself on him sinking his cock deep inside her. “Shit that feels so fucking good” she said as she squeezed her tits with her hands. She raised and lowered herself until she orgasmed then shoved his cock in her till she was full. Dad had stopped lifting weights so he could concentrate on Katie’s pussy.

As she rode his cock deep inside her, dad grabbed her hips and held her as he came deep in her pussy. Katie’s head fell back as she felt dad release his load. “This is the beginning of a long family friendship” Katie said as she leaned over and kissed dad.

When Katie came out of the garage, mom and I knew what had happened. Dad’s juice, mixed with Katie’s juice, was starting to run down her inner thigh. She sat on a lounger and Destiny saw the mixed juice and pushed Katie back on the lounger and licked her thigh clean. She then proceeded to suck the mixture out of Katie’s pussy, much toKatie’s delight.

When she was finished, Sam leaned over and shared a long passionate kiss with Destiny. She said “I love the taste of your husband’s juice” as she wiped her lips with her fingers then put them in her mouth. Mom agreed then leaned in and gave Sam a slow gentle kiss.

It was getting kind of late so our neighbors said they would be leaving as they had to find a hotel. They didn’t want to drive back home since they were tired from the day’s activities. Mom said canlı casino siteleri “don’t be silly, you all can stay here. We have plenty of room and we are having such a great time together.” The girls looked at their mom and gave the sad look to which their mom succumbed.

“Only if we are not an imposition” she said, looking at mom.

“Plenty of room, plenty of food and wine and plenty of sex” mom said as she stood to get another bottle of wine. While she was inside, she called out for pizza and returned to see who would be brave enough to answer the door naked to get the pizza. Sam said she would if Katie or Sandy would join her.

“I don’t want to open the door alone” she said.

“Like I did the other day when Katie and Destiny came to pee?” I asked.

“Pee?” Sam asked. “They said they were going to ask what they should wear for our visit” cutting her eyes towards the girls.

“Well” was all they could say then began to laugh.

We all enjoyed the laugh together as dad emerged from the garage after his short workout. “I guess I’m just too tired today” he said. We all laughed more as we knew the real reason.

“Must have been a HARD day” I said then giggled more.

A little later, the doorbell rang. “We’re up girls” Sam said as she rose and walked inside towards the front door. When she got to the door and looked back, all three girls were with her. “Safety in numbers” she laughed and reached for the door knob.

When the door swung open, the delivery guy almost dropped the pizzas. “What the fuck” he exclaimed. I reached out and rubbed up the front of Katie’s pussy and Sam told him to come in and put them in the kitchen. Mom and dad came in the back door about that time and the delivery guy couldn’t stop looking around at all the flesh.

Dad retrieved his billfold from the bedroom and paid the guy. Destiny said “I volunteer to blow him for his tip” to which dad discouraged as it was not safe for the rest of the group.

He gave the guy a tip and walked him out the front door and thanked him. We all got a great laugh out of the fact that the delivery guy had lost his ability to speak while there. “He’ll have wet dreams tonight” mom said as she took a slice of pizza and took a bite. She didn’t eat pizza very often so this was a treat for her.

Pizza and wine for all and before long, we were all filled as we sat around in the den. Dad turned the big screen tv on and asked “anyone object to an adult movie?”

No one objected, instead everyone agreed an adult movie would be good to watch at this point. Sam slipped out of the room to call her husband and let him know they would be spending the night at our house. She walked back towards the bedrooms as she talked and I excused myself to go pee. Everyone else was busy deciding which movie to watch. After I peed in the master bathroom, I was met by Sam in the master bedroom as she was saying her goodbyes to her husband.

She asked me to come talk to her as she needed to pee also. I walked back into the bathroom with her as she sat and let her stream of pee flow. She held out her hand and I walked over and reached to hold her hand. She pulled me to her lap and I straddled her then sit on her lap. I leaned in and kissed her as my arms lay over her shoulders. She released my hand and cupped both of my tits with her hands. I arched my back so that I was closer to her and one of her hands dropped to my spread pussy. With ease, she inserted a finger in me and sucked on my tongue as I pushed my hips towards her.

I humps her hand while we sat locked together on the toilet. She fingered me and her thumb circled my clit. This drove me to a fast orgasm and Sam took a nipple in her teeth and gently bit down. “Oh shit” I said as my head fell back and my orgasm shook my body. I held on to Sam so I didn’t fall off her lap. She sucked my tit and slowed her fingering as me orgasm subsided. We kissed like lovers then stood up to return to the den.

When we returned to the den, the movie had already started. Katie was sitting with mom with her head leaning on mom’s shoulder and a throw blanket covered their bodies. Dad and Destiny were leaning back in the oversized recliner with Destiny’s leg laying over dad’s thigh. Her hand was on his chest and her fingers were slowly rubbing his nipple.

Sam and I plopped down on the other end of the couch from mom and Katie. I grabbed another throw blanket and covered us as I sat down. Looking up at the movie, the scene was two porn babes in a slow sex scene, kissing and fondling each other.

It was easy to see, as I looked over at mom and Katie, that mom was busy fingering Katie and Destiny had moved her hand to dad’s cock and she was slow stroking him. I reached up to Sam’s tit and raked my fingers across her nipples. It didn’t take long foe her nipples to harden. I lowered the blanket to expose her it’s and I began sucking on her tit.

Not sure what happened on the movie after that but I can say the rest of the night was spent in the den, on the floor, enjoying various bodies and body parts. There was plenty of fucking and sucking as the night progressed. The next morning found us all tangled up in a love pile. Sam woke and roused the girls stating “we need to get up and get going home girls.”

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Keeping an Open Mind

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Not much to say about this one, just an idea I have been meaning to get to.

“Okay, now I’m asking you to keep an open mind.” Having just finished a great meal cooked by my girlfriend, Seema, for our anniversary, I was in a good mood. However whenever she asked me to “keep an open mind”, it didn’t mean the same thing other people mean. When she uses that phrase she’s suggesting something like, bungee jumping or my personal favorite “let’s take a two week survival course”.

“Seema, every time you say that I get nervous. Now just tell me. You cooked this wonderful meal, but you’ve clearly got something special in mind, now give.” She grinned, but didn’t answer right away as she finished clearing up from dinner. Finally she finished and predictably led me to the bedroom. We sat on the bed and she continued to grin like a naughty schoolgirl.

“Alright. Now for our anniversary I want to try pegging.” This was hardly the sort of thing I was expecting, despite my past experience with her.

“What?” She grinned.

“I have a strapon, I’m going to wear it and then…” I held up a hand to stop her.

“I know what pegging is Seema. It’s just even with you this is a bit of a surprise.” She laughed before reaching into her night stand and pulling out the strapon. I guessed it was about six inches long and not too thick.

“Good. Well do you want to?” I shrugged as I thought about it. As expected she wouldn’t leave it there. “Come on, I promise you’ll enjoy it, and if not I won’t bring it up again, please.” She had a strange way of turning on a dime from dominant to pleading like a petulant child, however I knew she would persist until I gave in. She usually went back and forth between the two modes until one finally worked.

“I know this won’t surprise you, but you win.” She squealed in delight, which she only does because of the expression it usually produced on my face. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “Seema can you stop, you want me to do something X-rated and then you act like you’re five. It’s a bit much.” She shrugged and she started undressing, so I did the same. Once naked she donned the strapon, with a little help from me.

“On your knees, little slut.” Now normally this would be just her dominant side, but the expression on her face made me lose it. I lay on the bed laughing, on the verge of hysteria, when she smacked my hip, hard enough to sting somewhat, although not enough to really hurt. It took a minute or two, but I managed to calm down.

“Are you going to take this seriously?” She shrugged.

“Sorry I couldn’t resist. Now come on, knees. I want the full experience.” I stared at her a moment. The two things that were off were, the “little” comment, at five foot eleven inches, she was one inch taller, but I was about thirty pounds heavier, and as for her wanting the “full experience”, she never got on her knees for me. Not that I minded, she loved giving blowjobs, just not in so submissive a position.

However this didn’t matter so as asked I got on my knees and with brief hesitation I licked the dildo trying to cover it in my saliva. It had a faint plastic taste, but barely noticeable. She grinned and moaned softly while running a hand through my hair. Deciding that I had enough of licking, I opened my mouth to take it in. I hadn’t gotten much further than the head when I felt it stop and couldn’t figure out how to go deeper. She looked down and smiled, shaking her head.

“Bob your head a bit, but don’t try to take it further. I’ll teach you later, for now, just suck it a bit and we’ll move on.” I shrugged and bobbed up and down on the dildo, it didn’t really do much of anything for me, but I continued anyway. Finally I pulled off to catch my breath and rest my jaw. When I did so she took my chin in hand and gently raised it so we could make eye contact.

“That’s enough, on the bed.” I nodded as I knew delaying would only end in the same way and complying would best. I knew she would do everything she could not to hurt me and she would keep her word to never bring it up again if I didn’t enjoy it. The only problem was that I probably would enjoy it and she would likely want to do it a lot. Nonetheless I climbed onto the bed on all fours, head down and legs spread as I felt this was likely the best position for her. She laughed softly and playfully smacked my ass.

“Well I hope this doesn’t undermine your fragile male ego, but your ass is really cute.” I groaned as the fragileness of male egos is a favorite joke with her, even though she knows it doesn’t really apply to me. She ignored me as she placed what must have been a tube of lube to my ass and squirted inside. I flinched as the lube was a bit cold. She stopped and pulled it out.

“Sorry babe, I didn’t realize that would be so cold. Let me think. I’ll be back soon.” I heard her leave the room and waited in the somewhat uncomfortable position. It must have been a few minutes before she returned. This time when casino siteleri I felt the lube it was warm, not uncomfortably so, but rather soothing. She worked the lube in with her fingers and I relaxed feeling myself open to her.

To my surprise I found it so soothing that I was starting to nod off. I barely noticed when she stopped working her fingers into me. Needless to say I came fully alert when she lined up the dildo with my ass. While this got my attention it was not painful as she slid the dildo inside and continued to apply lube around the edges until she was fully inside me. I found a moan nearly ripped from me as she was all the way inside. I heard her laugh as she playfully smacked my rear again.

“That sounds good. I think I might have you begging for this again after all.” I barely noticed what she said as she slowly pulled back, just stopping short of pulling out, I felt a bit more lube being added before she began pushing back inside. This caused me to moan and soon she was moving the dildo in and out slowly, but steadily. She continued at this pace for several moments and then increased her speed. I moaned a bit louder. She continued in this fashion, thrusting for a bit and adding more lube before increasing her speed. My moaning grew steadily louder and I noticed my cock had grown hard, with precum dripping from it.

She finally reached a peak speed and I felt my cock swell even harder. This continued until she must have hit a sensitive spot because I moaned even louder and I came. My orgasm seemed as though it wouldn’t end and she continued to thrust into me. Finally my orgasm ended, but her thrusts continued further. She slowed her thrusts until she stopped and made two hard thrusts before pulling out. I collapsed completely onto the bed, breathing hard for several moments. In time my breathing calmed and I rolled over. A short time later I sat up to see Seema sitting on the bed beside me, naked having removed the strapon. She grinned and leaned into kiss me. I readily accepted her tongue into my mouth and she wrapped her arms around me and did the same. We kissed for a while before she broke the kiss and we lay down together.

“So what do you think? Are we going to be doing that again?” I nodded.

“You know damn well I enjoyed that. So, yes we will.” She laughed and leaned down to give my cock a quick lick.

“Oh yeah, you definitely came.” We kissed for a while further before falling asleep. She awoke first, I was awoken by her idly stroking my cock, more playing than anything else. She spoke when she saw my eyes open.

“Morning.” I glanced at the clock, it read three after two in the morning. She followed my sight and shrugged. “Well technically it’s morning.” I shook my head.

“So, what now?” She grinned.

“I’m really turned on.” She didn’t speak further as she straddled my face, lowering her pussy onto my mouth. I opened my mouth and began licking, remembering the places she was most sensitive. Soon she was moaning and her already wet pussy became more so. She ground her pussy into my mouth, riding hard. I redoubled my efforts and switched to thrusting my tongue between her lips, this quickly became her riding my tongue. She continued to ride, moaning loudly, to the point where my tongue was starting to feel numb and I was feeling a bit sore. Suddenly she slammed her hips hard and ground jerkily and I knew that she had cum. Moments later she rolled off of me and lay down next to me. She kissed my forehead and soon we were asleep again.

This didn’t involve a significant change in our relationship, just something new to add in the mix. One day as we lay in bed, after having both fucked the other senseless she spoke.

“Kaden, I want you to keep an open mind about something I have in mind.” I sighed as I turned to her.

“Seema, why do you have to sell it to me? And more importantly are you bored? Is that why you keep throwing something new in the mix?” Her eyes opened wide and she shook her head as she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

“No. Never. I just want to have fun and more importantly, with you. I’m not bored, I just find things I want to try and don’t feel like waiting. Does it bother you?” I shook my head and kissed her lips.

“No, I don’t hate the things you want to try, I just wanted to know. So what is it?” She smiled as she relaxed, looking up.

“Oh, nothing much, I just wanted to take this to the next level.” I sighed.

“How Seema?” She ignored my tone as she continued to stare at the ceiling.

“Well, now you’ve taken my strapon, so how about trying the real thing?” Afterwards I would feel a bit silly for not connecting this, but nonetheless I asked.

“What are you talking about?” She laughed as she finally turned to me.

“I want to see you fucked by another man.” I didn’t respond right away and it was not till several days later that she brought it up again.

“So Kaden, have you thought it over?” I stared at her for several moments. slot oyna Finally I sighed.

“Who?” She frowned for a moment, presumably trying to process what I had said as it hadn’t been “yes”, or “no”. She smiled reassuringly as she spoke.

“Kord. He’s in town. I thought we could meet him for a drink. I know you’ve met. I’m sure if you two had a chance to talk you’d hit it off.” I nodded as I recalled Kord. He was about six feet tall and with his shoulder length dark hair looked like a minor Norse god, not quite muscular enough to be Thor or another major one. I wasn’t able to recall what he did for a living, but I knew he was the bassist in a metal band that tended towards performances of operatic proportions. They had a produced three albums so far, I actually owned one.

“Fine, we’ll meet him. But I’m not really interested in sex with someone I only know slightly.” She shrugged.

“He’s in town a week, so you should have an opportunity to know him better. If not I’ll wait. He promised to be back in a couple of weeks.” I thought a moment.

“Okay, we’ll see. Just out of curiosity did you rope him into this, or is this where his interests actually lie.” She smiled.

“Oh, Kord doesn’t restrict himself, if there is a mutual attraction he tends to go for it. He sees their drummer off and on.”

As agreed we went to a local bar that we liked. When we arrived Kord’s band Huginn (named for one of Odin’s ravens) was in the midst of one of their lighter sets, meaning the band were playing to relax having overruled the lead, who tended to do an entire epic. We applauded with everyone else when they finished. The band got drinks and each went to a different part of the bar. I noted the lead sitting next to a dark skinned amazon of a woman, whom I knew was his wife. Kord meanwhile approached with a glass of red wine. Jokes were occasionally made about his preference for wine, as opposed to beer or whiskey. He smiled when he reached us and sat down.

“Hi Seema, how are you?” His voice was rich, but not too deep, clearly a voice meant for singing epics, as he did a few times on their albums.

“Very well, Kord. This is my boyfriend, Kaden. He owns your second album and listens to it a lot.” He laughed and sipped his wine.

“Don’t let Anton hear that. He wants to forget the second one, thinks it was a complete misstep.” Seema and I laughed with him.

“Why don’t you boys discuss Doctor Who? I know you’re both huge fans.” He nodded and turned to me.

“Actually I think Doctor Who floundered until about ’06.” I smiled and shook my head.

“I got into the series in ’95, so I prefer the classic series overall. However I really enjoyed Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor.” He shrugged.

“Hellbent?” I laughed and shook my head.

“Flawed from top to bottom. Big Finish, Kord?” He nodded.

“Just beginning. It’s far more difficult to get into.” I sipped my drink.

“So when you’re not contributing to Anton’s epics, what do you do, Kord?” He smiled.

“My job is very boring. I have to wear a suit and move money around, other people’s.” I laughed hard at this statement, soon they joined me in my humor. Finally we calmed down and I spoke.

“So, basically you have to be respectable and strait-laced at work, so you go the other way in your personal life?” He grinned widely.

“That about sums it up.” We spent much of the evening discussing Doctor Who, we found it was best to agree to disagree. However it was great to debate with him. After a couple of hours his band wanted to return to their hotel and Seema practically dragged us to the car. Once back at her place she served us drinks and we sat in the living room.

“So Seema, are you two serious?” She smiled looking over at me.

“Actually I want him to move in, but he still has another month on his lease. I’m thinking of asking him to marry me, but not yet.” I stared at her as this last part was news to me. She ignored me as she continued. “So what do you think of him?” He glanced at me smiling before turning back to her.

“Obviously he’s cute. Are you sure?” He shrugged. Seema smiled.

“I’ve used a strapon, he loves it. But let’s start slow. Shirts off.” He slipped off his black t-shirt revealing a toned chest that showed he worked out regularly, but only pumped weights moderately. They both turned to me and I shrugged before removing the Within Temptation t-shirt that Seema had bought at a concert we had attended. She nodded and turned back to Kord.

“Well, you seem to be taking the lead Kord. Please continue.” He grinned. We had already removed our shoes upon entering, so he slipped off his socks and stood to drop his jeans. He sat to finish removing them and nodded to me. I followed suit. He grinned and dramatically took his underwear off. He hesitated before revealing his cock, which although only semi-hard was bigger than her strapon had been.

Again they turned to me and I was soon naked as well. It is a bit of canlı casino siteleri a running gag that when a guy sees another man with a larger cock he feels intimidated, however all I was thinking was that Seema was nuts. I mean I usually thought she was nuts, but this time in particular I felt that way because I was certain he would never fit inside me. Seema grinned and kneeled in front of his chair.

“Do you mind?” He shrugged. She gently took his cock in both hands and started stroking. The response was immediate as he moaned softly and his cock began swelling. He was still not completely hard, but was noticeably thicker than her dildo and was now about eight inches long, based upon how it filled her hands. Before he was fully hard she began licking his shaft and quickly shifted to taking the head in her mouth.

He moaned a bit louder and she began taking more in her mouth. I watched in fascination as he swelled until fully hard and despite a bit of stretching she continued to take him further in her mouth. As it was in her mouth I could only guess at how big he had become, but nonetheless she had taken him to the base. He moaned loudly.

“Wow…you are only the second person who has been able to do that and the first was Deeta.” I glanced at him as this was the name of his lead singer’s wife. He shrugged as Seema pulled off and gasped for air. “It was a bet. He had to clean the house for a week and give her food massages.” I leaned closer looking at Seema wiping drool from her face.

“For how long?” He laughed as he relaxed further into the chair.

“He’s been giving foot massages for almost two years, on demand.” I grinned and Seema spoke.

“Get over here Kaden, I want you to try.” I got on my knees next to her. Kord didn’t speak, but watched intently as she held his cock to me and I leaned in. I looked at her, hesitating a moment before opening as wide as I could. I took the head in my mouth and sucked hard, eliciting moans from Kord, trying to remember everything Seema had been teaching me about blowjobs.

However with everything she had taught me I started gagging when I pushed much past the head. I pulled back and concentrated on slightly more than the head as that was what I was comfortable with. He moaned and put a hand on my head, but it was only resting not gripping. I felt him swell slightly and I thought he might cum, but Seema tapped me and I pulled off to see what she wanted.

“Not too soon. Get in position, right here on the floor. Kord let me know when you’re ready.” I didn’t hear a response so, he must have nodded and she left the room. I got into position, head down ass up and I heard an appreciative whistle.

“Well, if I weren’t motivated already, I would be now, you have a great ass Kaden.” Seema reentered at this point and spoke in an amused voice.

“I know right. That’s what got me thinking about pegging him. Okay Kord, I’ll prep him, you lube yourself up.” I felt her applying lube and using her fingers to open me up. She was so practiced at this and I had been taking her dildo for a while that I was ready in a short time.

“Good. Now Kord, I’ll hold him open. Move slowly.” I heard his grunt of acknowledgement and she spread my ass cheeks, while I concentrated on completely relaxing. I felt his cock head press against me and hesitated a moment before pushing. He didn’t immediately penetrate, but it didn’t hurt as he pushed a bit more.

Suddenly the head went in and I moaned, while Seema kept me up. He waited while she added more lube and then he pushed forward. I felt my ass spread further, not painful as she had done a good job, but a little uncomfortable. Soon he was all the way inside and I moaned loudly feeling as if his cock were pushing mine from behind. I was almost immediately fully hard and dipping precum.

He slowly pulled out and slowly worked his way back in. He did this a few times before increasing speed. Suddenly on an inward stroke he slammed back in rather than slowly sliding in. This action prompted an even louder moan from me. Seema, who by this time had stopped holding my ass cheeks, leaned into kiss me. Her tongue plunged into my mouth with as much enthusiasm as Kord’s cock. I moaned into her mouth as Kord continued to pound away, gripping tighter on my ass.

I lost track of everything besides her mouth and his cock, especially time. She broke the kiss and before I could react she had her mouth around my cock and my moaning somehow became louder and I felt somehow higher pitched. This reached a peak as I came down her throat. She didn’t stop licking and sucking until my cock was clean. As I came my ass tightened and I felt Kord slam his cock into me as he came.

I relaxed and he made a few more thrusts in rapid succession before pulling out. I collapsed onto the floor and as I nodded off I saw Seema cleaning Kord’s cock with her mouth. However a short time later I came wide awake as she began licking the cum from my ass and I moaned. At last she finished and I slowly sat up. Kord was once again sitting in the chair and Seema led me to the couch. She kissed me again and I tasted a hint of his cum.

“So, how much did you like that, baby?” I smiled and turned to Kord.

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