The Tangled Web Ch. 07

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Chapter 7: Biological Clocks© JGUK 2004

The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. Although designed to be read in sequence, I have tried to make each chapter stand as a complete and satisfying story in itself.

* * * * *

It is a warm Thursday evening in May 2001, a time when Sara and her brother Sam would normally be either playing tennis or, more usually, making love in Sam’s flat while his beautiful but often cold wife Lynn supervised exercise classes at a local health club.

Lynn, however, is pregnant with Sam’s child and is too big to run classes any more. She still goes to the club to meet her friends on her usual evenings (and to make sure another instructor doesn’t take over her classes permanently). Lynn is having a miserable pregnancy, feeling sick for most of the time, and loathing the way in which her body is changing. She is morbidly afraid of getting fat and of losing her, admittedly wonderful figure. This has made her sporadic sex life with Sam much worse and as a result he has depended more and more on his long-term incestuous relationship with his sister Sara.

Sara’s boyfriend David is now used to her absence on Thursday evenings. Initially resentful, he has gradually come to accept the amount of time she spent with her brother Sam, and now positively welcomes it because it gives him an opportunity to spend his own private time with Paula, an old friend and re-discovered lover who now works in the same school at which he teaches.

* * * * *

Sara and her brother Sam sat opposite each other at a far corner table in a small Italian restaurant by the river. The food had been good, the wine very good, and they were waiting for their desserts to arrive. Sam was puzzled and more than a little frustrated.

Unusually, Sara had insisted that they should go out that night rather than meet at Sam’s house or her flat because, she said, she had something important to discuss with him. She had told Sam that she wanted both their minds to be clear, and knew that if they stuck to their usual routine they would simply dive into bed together.

Under normal circumstances, Sam enjoyed going out with Sara who was good company over a meal. However tonight he had reached new levels of sexual frustration – over a full month had passed without making love with his wife Lynn, and he and Sara had been unable to make love for the past three weeks – partly because of Sara’s time of the month, but mostly because a series of domestic and business frustrations had foiled all their attempts to be alone.

So far Sara had given no clue as to the nature of the important subject she needed to discuss. They had, as usual talked about many things, especially Sam’s sexual needs and the injustice of his being deprived of sexual satisfaction that evening, but despite this Sam was all the time waiting for Sara to embark on the ‘important’ topic she had promised.

Sam could tell that she was troubled and had been behaving a little strangely for some weeks. He knew Sara’s boyfriend David had put pressure on her to marry him, and deep down Sam feared that she was about to tell him that she had accepted his proposal and consequently their affair must end. Sam tried to dismiss the idea from his mind for the moment.

Their desserts arrived and were eaten enthusiastically. Unlike many women, Sara had no reservations about enjoying herself when out for dinner. Sam sometimes wondered how she kept so slim, but knew better than to mention her appetite. She looked very good that night, Sam thought, in a short, figure-hugging black dress and matching shoes. She wore a gold crucifix at her throat and simple gold earrings. Her face wore the barest minimum of make-up. Her silky brown hair was drawn back and secured with a black band. Sweet and innocent, yet hugely desirable, Sam thought.

At last the waiter brought their coffees and chocolates. Sara fidgeted and Sam sensed that the important subject was approaching. He watched anxiously as she lifted the wide rimmed cup to her lips, looking him deep in the eyes. After a pause, she appeared to take a deep breath, and began.

“Sam, I know you didn’t want to go out to eat tonight. I know how you’re feeling right now – I do too, believe me – but I want to tell you something important and I know in bed we wouldn’t have clear minds.”

“That sounds a bit serious, Midge.” Sam replied, his stomach sinking. Sara had been more distant than ever tonight, obviously with a weighty matter on her mind. Mentally he braced himself for bad news.

“We’ve been together for a long time now, haven’t we?” she began.

“Here it comes!” Thought Sam, but silently nodded as Sara carried on.

“It’s nearly three years since we – ‘got together’. I know some marriages that didn’t last that long.” She leaned forwards and clutched his hand. “Sam, I’ve loved every minute of it….”

“I’ve pendik escort loved it too, Midge.” He paused. “Sometimes I just wish we could…….you know, do more together; be more together.” Sam’s voice faded away.

“I wish so too, I really do, Sam. I’ve been thinking about the future. About where our relationship has come from…and where it’s going.” A further pause.

“About how we can never get married. How we can never even live together as man and wife.” She gazed around the room as if searching for the right words.

“In fact I’ve come to a decision. It’s a big decision.”

She paused, swallowing awkwardly. Sam waited for the axe to fall.

“I need more from you, Sam. You’re married to Lynn and I understand that. I can even accept it – sort of – because I know you and I can never marry. But I do need more from you, Sam. I need something special – really special – a real symbol of our love, if it’s to continue.”

“What do you mean?” Sam asked, perplexed but relieved that it appeared Sara was not going to end it all right away. Still she went on.

“I’m not doing a ‘jealous mistress’ act, Sam. I know I mean more to you than that. After all, I’ve known you all my life. Being in love with you and making love with you mean more than anything to me.” She paused again, as if contemplating her next move.

“You remember three months ago, I told you David had asked me to marry him and that I had said no?”

“I’m not likely to forget that, am I?”

“No, I suppose not. Anyway, you remember the reason I gave you for saying no?” Sam nodded. “Well, it wasn’t entirely true, Sam.” She paused again.

“Sam, I refused to marry David because …… well, I now know I could only ever love one man enough to marry him. That’s you, Sam …..And if I can’t marry you, I won’t marry anyone.”

A lump formed in Sam’s throat. “Wow, Midge. I’m not going to forget that either.”

“Well, I really feel that Sam. I really do.”

There was a brief silence. Sam felt tears forming in his eyes and definitely saw them forming in Sara’s. But there was more for her to say.

“Sam, David also said that he wanted to have a baby. He said that he was ready for commitment now. He said it would strengthen our relationship and that he thought we were both ready.”

Sam was visibly surprised.

“God! What did you say to that, Midge?”

Sara thought for a while before answering. “I told him I would think carefully about it. He said he understood and would wait for my decision. I left it for two months and thought he had dropped the idea, but then last week and again this week he pressed me for an answer and I said I would give him one very soon.”

“And what have you decided?”

“Oh Sam!” Sara’s eyes fell to the table top. She could not look Sam in the eye. He braced himself again for bad news – but could never have been prepared for the words that followed.

“Sam, I’ve thought about it so much and I’ve decided. I do want a baby. I am ready, but…”. She paused leaving the last word hanging in the air, as if summoning her strength for a final exertion. When she finally spoke, the words came out quickly, without drawing breath, as if her courage might fail her if she hesitated further.

“Sam, I want to have your baby, not David’s. I want us to create a child. You and me! You know how strongly I feel about you. You always say you feel the same about me. Please say yes.”

Sam was speechless. His mouth froze on the lip of his coffee cup.

Sara couldn’t bear his silence.

“Sam! Say something! Please!” She whispered imploringly,

There was another long pause before Sam spoke. When he did speak, his voice was trembling slightly.

“Midge, I don’t know what to say. You’ve knocked me sideways.”

Sara was thunderstruck. Her eyes sought Sam’s, seeking reassurance that she had not just destroyed their relationship. Seeing the look of doubt in his face, she hastily said:

“Then don’t say anything at all now, Sam. We’ll finish our drinks and find somewhere less public. Let’s walk along the river bank for a while.” She suddenly felt nervous, almost frightened, and to Sam’s eyes, incredibly desirable.

“Sam, I’m not mad. I’ve thought it all through very carefully. But I can’t tell you everything…” she looked about her “…in here.”

They finished their coffees in a heavy silence; drinking too quickly; scalding their tongues on the hot liquid. The waiter was painfully slow bringing their bill, so by the time they were walking along the floodlit tow path, Sara could hardly contain herself. She was nervous, excited, but at the same time uncertain of Sam’s reaction.

Once safely out of earshot of the restaurant, she took his hand earnestly in hers.

“Sam. Tell me I’ve not disgusted you. Please tell me that first.” she pleaded.

“God no, Midge!” Sam immediately answered. “I’m just so surprised. It’s such a shock. There’s so much to think about.”

“I’ve done a lot of thinking already. And I’ve maltepe escort done a lot of research.”

“I wouldn’t have expected anything less from you.” He laughed.

“Listen, Sam” she carried on eagerly. “I’ve got a plan. It could really work ….. If you want to hear about it.” She said, her voice questioning.

“Midge, I can’t not listen to you. Tell me. Tell me everything.” He replied, and Sara began.

Her plan was simple, but comprehensive. Sara would have to say yes to David’s desire for a baby to explain her coming off the pill and to make sure that he would think any child was his. But having done so, she would then make sure David only made love to her, if at all, when she was least likely to conceive. In cases of emergency she would have to use a diaphragm without him noticing.

She told Sam how she had been measuring her temperature for a couple of months now, working out her cycle to tell when she would be most fertile; how she could plan when to make love to give her the best chance to get pregnant by Sam and the least chance of being fertilized by David; how she had been taking Folic Acid for a month already; how she had cut back on alcohol; how she had bought several books for him to read.

With a broad smile, she told Sam that on her ‘hot’, most fertile days, he would have to make love to her three or more times if they were to maximise her chances of getting pregnant. She explained that she had now been with the Bank long enough to qualify for their maximum maternity support and could return to work after a few months, how their parents had once said they would to help with childcare if she and David ever did start a family. How it really could work.

Sam felt bewildered. Sara had given him no clue that her mind had been in such turmoil. The whole idea was incredible but, he had to admit, deeply moving and incredibly arousing. He thought of his lovely wife Lynn, already pregnant and physically glowing outside, if unhappy inside, and tried to picture Sara’s face with the same glow.

Through the confusion in his mind, he heard Sara insisting that it would be their deepest, most precious secret. A secret testament to a secret love. Sam ‘s head was spinning.

“Sam! Tell me! What do you think?” Sara was demanding, tugging on his arm again, her sweet round face anxious and pleading.

“I … I’m not sure, Midge. I’ll have to think about it.”

“I thought you’d need some time. But I’ve promised David an answer this week.”

“It’s too big a decision to rush, Midge. There’s so much to consider. There’s Lynn, and David, and Mum and Dad, and…” Sam suddenly had a terrible thought. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face Sara.

“Isn’t there a risk that it would have no chin, or a huge nose, or big ears or play the banjo or something?”

Sara laughed.” To be honest, I wondered about that too so I checked up. The risk is tiny, Sam. Tiny. That really only happens after years of in-breeding. Our baby would be …. perfect.”

They walked onwards in silence for a while. Sara held Sam’s hand tightly, feeling the tension in his body. It seemed an age before he spoke.

“If …..if we decided to…well…do it, when would we start?”

“I’d come off the pill tomorrow …. if you wanted me to.”

They walked on again, hand in hand, through moonlit darkness between pools of light thrown onto the tow path by the yellow streetlights. Sara looked up at Sam’s face. He looked incredibly handsome. Tall, dark haired and still lightly tanned, his open necked shirt drew the eye to his athletic upper body and his close fitting pale trousers highlighted taut, firm buttocks. Sara felt her love for him overwhelming her. She looked at the troubled frown on his face which disturbed the large deep-brown eyes that could melt her insides and make her go weak at the knees. Silently she prayed he would agree, or at least not say no forever.

She squeezed Sam’s hand. He squeezed hers back. They strolled onwards.

As the street light’s yellow beam fell across them, Sara saw to her relieved amusement a pronounced bulge in Sam’s trousers. He had not been too badly disgusted by the idea, then. She thought of their conversation over dinner, of his frustration and hers. She thought how much she loved and desired him.

She desired him now and could see how he desired her. The thought of all they had discussed aroused Sara. Suddenly she couldn’t bear his silence any longer.

“Come on, Sam. This way. Quickly.” Sara tugged at Sam’s arm and pulled him down a side path away from the river and into a small copse. The tall trees were black and dense, but the twisting path passing between them was clear. They emerged in a tiny clearing, illuminated by moonlight. Sam looked back towards the river but the wall of trees completely obscured it from view. Obscured them from the view of anyone passing by on the towpath, he realised.

“Where are you taking me?” Sam asked in a hoarse whisper.

In response, Sara laid a finger on his lips and whispered kartal escort “I can’t bear to see you so frustrated. We’ll have to be quick.”

Sam felt temporarily confused as, without hesitation, Sara knelt before him in the gloom. Her hands immediately went to his belt where she deftly unfastened the buckle. Sam ran his fingers through her smooth, glossy brown hair as she lowered his trousers to his ankles. Sam’s cock was bursting out of his tight white boxer shorts, so hard as to be painful. Sara eased the elastic around his erection to let it burst free in front of her face. Her soft, cool hands slipped his pants down on top of his trousers and returned to his rock solid erection.

Sara took his shaft lightly in her right hand and ran her fingers up and down its length. She felt the firm ridges of Sam’s erection against her palm and the roughness of his pubic hair against her wrist as her hand slid towards its base. It felt good to her; strong and virile and she longed to feel its strength inside her. Eagerly she opened her lips and took Sam’s smooth, swelling head into her mouth.

Sam felt the coolness of the night air on his erection suddenly replaced by the warm wetness of Sara’s mouth. He felt her tongue, warm, lithe and slightly rough as it energetically slithered all over the head of his cock, before seeking the sensitive ridge beneath. His breath caught in his throat and he held Sara tightly by the hair, shuddering as her left hand slipped between his thighs to grasp and toy with his testicles and her middle finger stroked the ridge of skin between his sack and his anus.

Sara felt Sam’s body respond to her touch. His buttocks clenched as she touched his anus, driving his shaft deeper into her mouth. She gagged slightly, recovered and let her teeth run along his length as she drew back her head, before bobbing it down gain to take him deeper and deeper into her throat. Her palms now moved to Sam’s buttocks, steadying them both as Sara repeatedly took Sam into and out of her mouth.

Sam felt the very early stirrings of an approaching climax.

“Midge. Not too much!” he croaked.

Sara pulled her head away slowly, lingeringly, running her lips up his shaft and tantalisingly over Sam’s pulsing head, tasting the tiny eruption of precum on its tip.

“Lie down.” She commanded.

Sam’s knees bent and he lowered himself to the ground, lying on his back, his trousers and pants still around his ankles. He looked up at Sara who stood, releasing her hair from its band and shaking it in the moonlight. He watched as she kicked off her shoes and lifted her dress.

Sam watched spellbound as Sara quickly removed her white knickers and threw them at her handbag on the floor. Approaching Sam’s prone figure, she straddled him, her dress gathered high above her waist. Sam could just make out the familiar dark triangle between her thighs before she lowered herself onto him. One leg placed either side of his waist, Sara knelt over her brother Sam, the heat of her vulva tangible on his skin. She reached behind her buttocks and grasped his iron-hard cock, directing it towards her warm, moist entrance. Sam felt his tingling tip parting her outer lips as he began to penetrate her body.

Sara sat back firmly onto Sam’s cock, driving it fully into her; gasping with pleasure as her weight forced his huge erection deep into her body. She felt the pressure high up inside her as his head deep within her, pressed firmly against her cervix, and the roughness of the thick base of his shaft stretched her tight inner lips far apart. She settled slightly, adjusted the position of her legs, then raised herself on her knees and with a croak, began to lower herself again onto him.

Sam felt himself sliding in and out of Sara’s body as she rode him, tiny grunts escaping her mouth with each downward stroke. He felt his tip being pounded within her and the tightness of her vagina gripping his shaft. Sara threw her head back, her hair falling over her pretty face as her own excitement rose with his and her rising and falling quickened. Sam knew with certainty that he was going to cum soon.

“God! Mmmmmmm!” was all he could utter.

He couldn’t tell if Sara had heard this, but her riding immediately became almost frenzied. Time and again she rose high on her knees until his cock almost left her body, her arms held wide to balance the mounting energy of her movements. Time and again she came down powerfully upon him, small wet arousing noises escaping their union with each stroke.

A now familiar wail began to fill the air as Sara’s climax built. She tried to stifle it but the force of her orgasm was too strong. Sam felt a burning in his spine as his cock took over and began to throb uncontrollably. As Sara began to climax, her tingling legs would no longer move to her command and she paused, shaking with the force of her orgasm, her vulva inches from Sam’s pubic hair, his cock bridging the gap between them.

Sam, seizing the moment, thrust his hips powerfully upwards in time with Sara’s rocking, each stroke driving his erection deeper and deeper into his sister’s body. Her legs, wide apart, stretched her labia wide open and in the moonlight he could see, hear and even smell his shaft penetrating the beautiful body he loved so much.

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