Pastors family 9


Pastors family 9I am on my bed on my back. My older brother Luke is towering above me as heholds my should down and glares into my eyes and asks me again, What thefuck did you just say to me? I said I was looking online and trying to findout why you are acting the way you do and I found a link to Steroids and Iread about them causing fits of rage and anger and it is called roid rage.Luke’s eyes fill with anger and he moves his hand from holding my shoulderto closing around my throat. I am regretting bringing it up to him now. Hestraddles me and gets really close to my face and says in a growly voice,If you ever question me again about steroids, or about my anger, then youwill see a whole new side of me that I promise, you do not want to eversee. As he talked, his grip tightened on my throat. He stopped talking andjust stared at me. This was pure intimidation from him and letting me knowthat he was the alpha, without question and without limits. He let go of mythroat and said, you understand that we will never discuss this again, andI just nodded.Luke got off my chest and laid beside me in the bed. I usually love hiscuddles, but tonight I was scared of him, plus we normally cuddle in hisbed. He pulled my back to his chest and wrapped his strong arm over me andheld me close. He said, this is nice. I just laid there thinking about whathad happened. Luke nuzzled his head to my neck and whispered in my ear,tell me your fantasies. Tell me what you want to try. Tell me what we havedone that you liked the most. We can build on it and go from there. Icontinued to just lay there. He squeezed me in a bear hug and said tell me.I broke my silence and in a timid and shy voice said, I don’t think I wantto do anything else. I have a boyfriend now. Luke giggled and said I don’tcare if you have a boyfriend, I am still going to use you when I need toget off. You might as well accept that. Luke said, besides, I read thetexts between you and he is just using you until he finds somethingbetter. He knew you were a faggot when you ate his cum off a piece ofnotebook paper in class. I tried to block out the words he was saying, buthe knew what to say that would hurt the worst. He made doubt and fear comeback into my mind. He kept talking about me being a whore and even let someof his friends use me and all they wanted was to get off. They don’t loveyou, they don’t care for you. All his words, designed to crush my spiritand they did. Luke made it seem like if I didn’t do what he said, Iwouldn’t have any real purpose or any real friend. He twisted my thoughtswith his words, and I believed everything he said.Luke has just fucked me in the shower just moments earlier, but he shiftedand I felt his cock. It was hard and rubbing on the top of my ass andback. Luke started kissing my neck and grinding his muscular body againstme. My hole was still very sore from the shower. Luke’s arm moved up mybody and his fingers stopped at my lips. He held them there and I finallykissed them, but that wasn’t what he wanted. He pushed 2 fingers into mymouth and whispered into my ear, get them nice and wet. I couldn’t sayanything because his 2 fingers were in my mouth and reaching for mythroat. I sucked on them until he pulled them out. I just closed my eyesand waited.He moved his arm down and I felt his fingers between my cheeks. He knew histarget, and he found my swollen little hole without any issue. His 2fingers pushed and entered me. All the way inside me. Once he couldn’t goinside me any further, he held his fingers deep inside and whispered to meagain. Tell me your fantasies. I didn’t say anything. Luke pulled hisfingers almost all the way out and them jammed them deep inside me again, Ilet out a whimper and said tell me.I said I don’t have any fantasies anymore. Luke was kissing my neck andsaid what do you mean anymore. I said I was happy now with his thingswere. Luke started to fuck me with his fingers and said tell me what youjerk off thinking about. I said I think about you and what we do. I thinkabout Chase and Jacob. Luke pile drives his fingers back all the way insideand said you never think about John anymore. I said I used to, but Johnacts like noting has ever happened and he never approaches me. Luke saidyou liked my friends using your mouth and your ass and I said yes. Lukesaid you enjoy being a cum slut for me too don’t you and I just nodded. Iknew not to anger him.Luke said I have something lined up for you. You are going to have to learnthat I am the oder brother and you will listen, you will submit and youwill obey. I tried to move, but his fingers moved with my body and neverleft my ass. I said what you have lined up for me and he laughed. He saidall you need to know is, always be prepared and he pulled his fingers outmy ass and got up out my bed. I rolled over and looked at him. I said whatdoes that mean. He held out the 2 finger that he had pushed inside my holeearlier and said suck them. I turned my head away. Luke just said, what Ihave lined will teach you a life lesson and you will never say no to meagain. Luke walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard hisbathroom door close as well. What did he mean?Saturday morning came around and I woke up and showered and got dressed. Iwent downstairs and had some cereal. I was supposed to meet Phillip at themall at 2pm, and it was just 11am. I finished my cereal and my mind wentback tot he mall, and the homeless people. I went upstairs and grabbed somecash I had and crammed it in my pocket. I got on my bike and went to thestore. I got bread and sandwich meat and sandwich bags. I grabbed 2 of thebig bags that have like 20 small bags of chips. I raced home. I startedmaking the sandwiches and putting it and a bag of chips into a brown paperbag. I guess I had about 50-60 of these made up. How would I ever get allthese to the mall on my bike. I guess I didn’t think this thru.I went upstairs and knocked on Luke’s bedroom door. Go Away he said. Iopened the door and said I need your help. I heard movement and then hisbedside lamp came on. Luke propped up on his elbow in the bed. He wasshirtless and looking hot as hell. He said whats up. I said I need a liftto the mall. Luke laid down and said get the fuck out of here. Ride yourbike. I walked in and stood beside his bed. I told him the story of thesecurity guard showing me all the homeless people and how I felt bad seeingk**s and families out there. Luke said , you get that shit from mom. I saidCome on Luke, Please.Luke pushed the covers down and looked at me. He said come take care ofthis and I will give you a ride to the mall. His cock was fully hard. I wasguessing morning wood. His nuts were hanging really loose. I looked at himand said really, Luke grabbed his cock and said once again, you need tolearn to never question me. Defeated, I climbed on the bed and grabbed thebase of his cock. I started licking the head and shaft. I kissed the headbefore I started sucking. Luke was laying back and letting me go my ownspeed today. I was sucking and also jerking the base of his thick cock.I reached and grabbed his nuts and closed my fingers around the top of thesack that was empty and pulled down, pushing his nuts down until theyfilled out the bottom of his sack, I closed my fingers keeping his nutstight in their confined area, I pulled off his cock and started to lick onthe tight skin covering his nuts. Luke reached down and help up his cockand said, just suck me off. I never let go of his nuts, but started suckingagain.I could feel his nuts lurching every time I sucked him casino siteleri into my mouth and Iknew he was close. I let go of his nuts and worked his cock with my mouthand my hand. I could feel his hips moving to push his cock into mymouth. Then I felt his hands garb the back of my head. I knew what washappening. He pulled me all the way down, his cock pushing into mythroat. He wrapped his arm behind my head and held me there as he shotoff. He finally let go and I gasped for air. He had shot his load down mythroat. I looked at him and said lets go to the mall. Luke said, You aren’tdone yet. I looked down. His cock was laying on his abs and several cumdrops had leaked out.I picked up his cock ad sucked and squeezed up from the base to get all hisload out. I held his cock as I licked up the cum from his stomach and inhis belly button. Luke said good boy. I stood up and Luke said throw methose shorts on the floor. I looked and there was prolly 5 pair ofshorts. I said which ones, and he said any. I grabbed a pair and tossed tohim. He pulled them on and a t shirt. I grabbed his cocks and shoes and putthem on. He said bring your ass and lets get this over with.We loaded his truck with my brown bags and headed to the mall. I showed himwhere to park. I got out and opened the trunk. Luke sat in the car. Igrabbed as many bags as I could and I walked over to the trees. I walked upto the people and help out a bag. Most said thanks, so didn’t. I had madeabout 3 trips to the truck to get more bags. I was headed back to get somemore, when I saw Luke walking into the trees carry the bags. We passed outthe rest of them and got back in the car. It was just 1pm, so we headedback to the house so I could get my bike. As we drove, Luke said why do youdo shit like that. I said because I saw them the other night and I had thetime, so I tried to help as many as I could.Luke said you know the church does homeless outreach. I said yea, but thatis the church. I did this because I wanted to help. Luke said why. I said Idon’t know, it just feels like the right thing to do. We sat in silenceuntil we got to the garage. Luke said, I am proud of you for what you didtoday. I just looked at him and smiled. I had gotten my older brother’sapproval for something I did. I was happy.I grabbed my bike and headed back to the mall. I locked up my bike and satin the food court. Phillip walked in and we grabbed some pizza and drinkand sat down. We talked about class and what I do for fun and why I wasworking out and lifting weights, It seemed like really cared about me andwhat I was doing. We finished eating and started walking the mall. Welooked at CDs and movies and just enjoyed the afternoon.My phone rang and it was John. I told him I was at the mall with a friendand he said thats fine, but be home for dinner at 7. I said I was going todo dinner with my friend. John said bring him tot he house and he can eatwith us. Wow, that was strange. Phillip was excited about the invite tothe house. We hit up Dave and busters at the mall and played games for along time.My card was out of credits and I watched as Phillip played his lastgame. We started to walk back towards the food court to leave. SincePhillip drives, we put my bike in the back and went to my house. It wasjust 6pm, so we had about an hour before Johns dinner plans. We walked inthe kitchen. John was cooking and I introduced him to Phillip. We went tothe den and I showed him my X Box and we each took a controller. He wasn’tinto my war games, so we played arcade style games, one player at a time.I watched as he played and we made jokes. I took a turn and instead ofwatching me play, Phillip used the time to get my belt undone, my pantsunbuttoned and unzipped. I did the same for him wheel he played. When itwas my turn to play, Phillip leaned over in my lap and pulled out my dickand started sucking it. He was giving me a blow job as I played my X Boxgame. I lost fast on the game because I was distracted. He startedplaying, and he held his arm up so I could get to his crotch. I pulled hiscock out and started sucking. My oldest brother just in the next room and Iam sucking my friends dick in the den. This went o, back and forth as weplayed the game. I was sucking Phillip while he played and I heard a gruntand felt his spurt his cum into my mouth. It was a big load. I sucked andswallowed as much as I could. I pulled off and he laughed and said you havesome on you chin.I wiped my chin and started to play the game. Phillip leaned over andstarted sucking me. All f a sudden, the back door open and Luke walksin. Phillip scrambles to sit up, but my little dick is hard and wet. Lukewalks by us with a huge grin on his face. He is wearing only gym shorts andshoes. No shirt and he is sweaty. He must have been out running. Phillipsays damn he has a lot of muscles. I said yea, he does. Phillip says youthink he saw us, and I just nod. We both take a minute to get zipped up. Weswitch the TV over to our apple tv box and Phillip says he wants to watchthe new Justice League movie.We start the movie and Luke comes back down. He has showered and has on a tshirt and jeans now. He walks in and sits in the chair across from us onthe couch. He has his legs spread wide and he has a bulge as he usuallydoes. He says start this movie over. So I restart the movie. Luke looks atme and says you may want to change shirts before dinner. And points at myshirt. I look down and there is a big drool and cum stain. I tell Phillip Iwill be right back. I go upstaters and into my close. I grab a shirt andput it on. I head back downstairs. Luke is on the couch, and tellingPhillip to go on and feel my arms, They are hard as a rock. Luke is flexinghis biceps and Phillip is rubbing them.I walk over and sit between them. Luke laughs and reads to the kitchen. Iasked Phillip what that was about. He said your brother came over her theminute you left and was talking about I know what you guys did in class> Ididn’t say anything and he showed me his abs and then started flexing andsaying I could feel his arm, so I did. I said we just need to stay awayfrom him. John calls dinner time and we all head in.John has fixed spaghetti which I love, with garlic bread and even has bakedcinnamon rolls. We sit down and everyone is fixing their plates. John sayswhile we get ready to eat, I talked to mom and dad and they are doingwell. I told them my news and they were very happy. Now I want to tell youguys. I stopped getting food and looked at John. He took a deep breath andsaid, I am no longer going to be an assistant coach at the highschool. That also got Luke’s attention. John said I leave Monday forRecruit Training Depot at Parris Island, South Carolina. I joined theMarines.Wow, I never knew that John was even considering going into theservice. Luke congratulated John and said that was awesome news. Wecontinued dinner and Luke and Jon discussed the marines. Phillip tried totalk to me, but I was just in shock. After dinner, Phillip had to leave soI walked him out and we kissed. It was nice to have someone in my life thatcared about me like I cared about them. I went back in the house andupstairs. Luke followed me and said you need to change into some shorts anda t shirt. I asked why and he said because I told you to. I took off myjeans and grabbed my shorts. I went downstairs and Luke was waiting at thedoor. We got in his car and left. We pulled into a strip mall and heparked. He gave me 20 bucks and said go in there and tell them you want ahaircut. Use a #2 guard all over. I said casino şirketleri isn’t that way short and Luke justpointed to the door. I go in and get the haircut. I watch as my hair fallsoff as the lady is cutting it. Finally she brushes me off and I pay andleave. My hair is way short. In the car, I ask Luke what the purpose is ofmy short hair. He laugh and says you will understand it all before thenight is over. We start driving again.I kept asking where we were going and what we were doing. Luke said, justrelax. Tonight you will have the time of your life. He reached in the seatbehind me and grabbed a bag and tossed in my lap. I opened the bag andlooked in.There were pieces of leather, a roll of duct tape, what lookedlike a blindfold, and a ski mask. I looked over at Luke and said what isall this. He laughed and said this is lesson one for you. We drove and goton interstate. About 15 miles or so, Luke got off the interstate and wedrove into a subdivision of small homes. He drove slowly looking in thedark for the house numbers. He finally pulled up and parked. Luke grabbedthe bag from me and we got out the car and walked to the door.Luke knocked and a guy answered the door. Luke said is everything ready andthe guy said yea and we walked in. The house was mostly dark. Luke pointedat a chair and told me to sit down and stay there until he comes back. Hethrows the bag beside me. The guy that opened the door stays in the roomwith me. He looks around 22 or so and just solid as he can be. I hear Luketalking in one of the rooms in the back. Finally he comes back in andanother guy follows him. The other guy looks about 22 or so as well andanother muscle monster of a guy.I start to worry because these guys are huge chested and look like theywork out all the time. Luke comes in and grabs the bag. He looks at me andsays just remember, this is for your own good so just go with it. He pullsout blindfold and tells me to put it on. I slip is over my head and covermy eyes. My sense of hearing instantly increases. I hear Luke messing withthe bag and Then I hear him opening the plastic on some duct tape. Whereis he going to put it. Then in my ear, Luke says stay calm, Just going tomake sure you cant take off the blind fold. He starts to wrap the duct tapeover the blind fold and around the back of my head. Several times around myface before he stops with the tape. I cant see anything, no light of anykind. The ski mask comes down over my head and the blind fold. I hear oneof the guys say we need to get him undressed.In some strange part of my mind, I am instantly turned on by that comment.I feel someone pulling my shirt up and roughly over my head. Then someonegrabs my under my arms and pulls me up. Mother pair of hands grab my shortsand boxers and pull them down and off, along with my shoes. I am naked andblindfolded. I hear Luke telling me to put my hands behind my back. I do itand I know now that the leather pieces in the bag is now a restraint on mywrists. So now I am naked, blind folded, and my hands are tied behind myback and I am in a room with 3 muscle guys.Someone pushes my shoulders and I stumble forward only to be caught by somehuge arms, that I know do not belong to Luke. The muscle stud holds my armand leads me out of the room we were in. I bump into a wall several times,before I hear a door open. I am pushed onto a bed. I hear Luke say, justlay on your back and enjoy this. I feel someone sit on the left side of thebed and someone on the right. I call out to Luke and he answers and issitting on my right side. He said lets get this started. I feel someone geton the foot of the bed and I feel hands pushing my legs apart. My balls aregrabbed and my dick is grabbed and jerked some. In my mind, I am lost inthe sensations. I feel someone licking my cock and all the way to myballs. Luke said you like that. I do and I say yea, it feels great. My armsare start ing to hurt being tied behind me.I tell Luke my arms are sore and he said just deal with it. This will beover soon. I try to concentrate on the lips on my dick. The blow job isslow, but feels awesome. Luke starts pinching my nipple and saying you looklike you are loving this. My hips are slowly lifting up each time my dickis sucked. I feel hands on my chest and legs and my cock. It seems everyoneis touching me. My hormones are raging and I am lost in pure lust and thesensations happening all over my body.Luke said you ready for the big finish, and I said I don’t want to getfucked while I am tied up. Luke said don’t worry, you will like this. Thelips are now gone from my cock. I hear something being ripped open and thenI feel a rubber being unrolled down my dick. I am the one that is doing thefucking, but how can I when my hands are tied behind me. I lay there and Ifeel the rubber is on, and the bed is moving. Someone is moving aroundabove me and I feel a hand on my dick holding it straight up. I feelsomeone start to lower themselves onto my cock. I am imagining which one ofthe guys it could be. I know its not Luke because he hasn’t left my rightside. I feel warmth surround my dick as I enter the other persons body. Mybody immediately goes into fuck mode and my hips are thrusting up intowhoever is above me, and in less than a minute, I am shooting cum into therubber. Whoever I am fucking has now sat on my crotch and my cock is buriedall the way inside them. I can feel my hot cum in the rubber.Luke asks me if I liked that and I nodded. I say I just wish I didn’t cumso fast. Luke said practice and you will last longer. Whoever I fucked isstill on top. Luke says to one of the guys, turn on the lights. I feel Lukeas he pulls the ski mask off. He starts to pull the duck tape from where hewrapped it around my head. Luke says I bet you are happy about that haircut now. The tape is gone and Luke pulls the blindfold off. The room isbright so my eyes are blinded at first. Luke says I hope you had funtonight.I blink and squint as my eyes start to focus. I look at the body sitting onmy and I realize, it wasn’t Luke or either of the 2 guys. It is somegirl. And she is still sitting on my and cock and rubber full of cum isstill inside her. Luke laughs and said I hope you enjoyed your first pieceof pussy. Every guy needs to try it at-least once before they decided to begay. I start bucking and wiggling and she finally gets off me. I look atLuke and he is laughing and the other 2 guys are laughing. Luke says calmdown and he undoes the wrists restraints. He said that is why I had to doit this way. I knew your hands would have been trying to feel up whoeverwas on top of you and you would find any muscles on her.I look at him and I scream, I never DECIDED to be gay. I was born Gay.Luke laughs and says whatever, you need to calm down. The girl walks outthe room. One of the guys says to Luke, are we done here? Luke said in afew minutes. The guy says he is going to bang the chick so, take yourtime. He leaves with the girl as like and the other guy are still in theroom with me. I tell Luke I hate him. He says all I did was show you thatpussy isn’t all that bad and you need to experience things in life. I wrapup the cover and Luke says listen to that. We can hear the bed hitting thewall in the other room. The other muscle guy is fucking the girl. Lukelooks at me and says I think you owe us a thanks for what we did for you. Ijust roll my eyes.Luke said, This is where you are not learning to listen. Luke grabs my armand said a name I couldn’t make out, but that he was in the next roomgetting payment for tonight. casino firmalari Luke pointed at the guy still in the roomwith us and said Derrick here still needs to be thanked. So I suggest youstart sucking dick so we can leave. I looked over at the guy Luke calledDerrick. He was already unzipping his pants. Luke grabs the cover and pullsit completely off the bed. I am laying there naked, a rubber full of my cumis barely hanging onto the end of my soft dick.Now I have Luke on one side the bed dropping his pants. And the guy hecalled Derrick, is now naked on the other side. Hulk walks beside the bedand grabs the back of my head and pulls me over while aiming his cock at mymouth. I try to get his cock wet as fast as I can because he is thrustingfast. I feel Luke pushing my leg over and he starts playing with myass. Derrick says to Luke, you never said we could fuck him. Luke said Inever said you couldn’t either. Derrick pulls his cock out of mymouth. Luke pushes me fully over on my stomach. I feel the bed move asDerrick gets behind me. I feel his hands pulling my cheeks apart and hespits on my hole. I wait for the intrusion, but instead, I feel his hadgrab my dick and pull the rubber all the way off. I hear him say to Luke,pull his ass open for me and let me lube the hole with his cum. Luke pullsmy cheeks wide apart. I feel the cum as he lets it drip from the condom andonto my holeI feel a finger pushing some inside me and then I feel the weight of histhighs pressing on my legs and his cock pushing at my hole. One quick jabis all it takes and he pushes every inch inside me. I am being fucked andmy own cum is the lube. I look back behind me. I see my small pale whitethighs pinned to the bed. I look up and see Derrick’s thighs. Tanned andhairy and bulging with muscles and pinning me down. Derrick presses up onmy neck and forces my head down and holds it as he power fucks my hole. Goddamn thats some good man pussy he has here. Derrick’s body goes tense, butinstead of going in and holding while he shoots, he goes into overdrivefucking my ass. He huge body slams into mine over and over. His massivehands pushing my head into the bed. Finally Derrick goes balls deep andsops. He lays fully on me. He is so big and muscular, that he completelycovers my little body.My hole is sore, so I try to push him out with my anal muscles, all thisdoes is drives him wild. He can feel my ass squeezing his cock. He pumps afew times and then I feel as his cock slides out. I start to relax and canmove again, but thats when Luke has grabbed my legs and rolled me onto myback. He pushes my knees to my chest and in no time, his thick cock isfucking me. He fucks harder and faster than normal. Even his rough sexisn’t this fast and hard at home. Each thrust into my hole cause my entirebody to rock. Luke is looking into my eye as he fucks me I can see himsmiling down at me and sweating.And then he hits his rhythm to cum, long deep strokes into me and he isshooting the entire time. Derrick says damn man, you beat the hell out ofhis man pussy. Luke stays inside me. He lays on me and pants to catch hisbreath, His sweat dripping off his body onto my face and chest. Luke tellsDerrick, run tot he car and grab my drink if you will. Derrick grabs hisclothes and puts them on as he leaves the room. Luke pulls out of me andsays watch the door. Luke pushes me over on my belly and pulls my ass penand dives in with his tongue. He is eating the cum from y hole. My cum andhis cum and Derrick’s cum. Luke grabs my nuts and squeezes very hard, Isteal and he says push those loads out your hole. I try and he is lickingmy ass like crazy.I push his head away and he grabs his shirt and starts to get dressed asDerrick comes in and hands him his drink. Derrick the other guy and thechick are gone. Luke said thats fine, we are about to leave so you can havethe house to yourself. I appreciate you guys helping me get my brother laidtonight with the chick. I slowly sit up on the bed. I had honestlyforgotten about the girl. I grab my clothes and get dressed.I walk out the bedroom and Derrick slaps me on the ass and smiles. Luke isalready out the door and I follow him. We get in the car and headhome. Luke is bragging saying, yea, we git you some pussy, did you like it,do you want more. I look over t Luke and say again. I was born gay, and Ilike being gay. I do not ever want to be with a girl again. Luke justlaughed as he drove.I asked who the guys were. He said they go to college here in town and theyare both on the college wrestling team. I get comfortable in my seat andlayman head on the door and watch as Luke drives. Before long we arehome. I go upstairs and undress. I need to shower. I can smell sex comingfrom my body. I start the shower and get in. I am almost done when Lukecomes in. Luke strips and says leave the water running. I get out and dryoff. I watch Luke as he gets in the shower. I am simply amazed at his bodyand his muscles. I grab my boxers off the counter.For those not into water-sports, you may want to skip to the last paragraphat the end of this story. The events that happen between here and therewill not affect the remaining chapters.I put my boxers on and Luke says did you wash your hole out really good? Isaid I guess so. Luke pulls the shower curtain open and I can see he is allsoapy and his cock is hard again. He said come over here and let mecheck. I say I am already dried off. Luke just stares at me and I know heis waiting for me to obey. I pull my boxers off and walk to the shower. Istop in. Luke turns me around so I am facing away and he pushes my headdown. I bend at the waist.Luke pushes a finger in my hole. He says you still have cum in there. Ireach for a wash cloth and he says there are meany ways to clean aftergetting fucked. I tell him I am tired and just want to shower and go tobed. Luke says, once again, you aren’t listening to me. I am your olderbrother, and you need to learn that you will obey me. I look up at him andjust nod. He pushes me back down. My ass facing him. I feel his dick headpressing at my opening.Luke does a quick jab with his his and the head of his thick cock popsinside my hole. I just close my eyes and wait for him to push the rest ofhis thick meat inside me, but he just holds my hips still. With just thehead of his dick inside me, I hear Luke keep saying, just wait for it, justwait for it. Finally I here him grunt. Thats when I feel a sensation I havenever felt before. It is like my belly is being filled with liquid fire. Ican feel the stream inside me shooting out faster and harder. Luke has adeath grip on my hips to keep me from moving. I can feel my insides fillingup fast. Finally Luke pulls out and says clamp down and go sit on thetoilet.The feeling of fullness was unbelievable. I have my little hole clinchedshut and I get out the shower. I am dripping wet and I sit on thetoilet. Immediately, all of his hot piss rushes out and into the toilet. Ilook down and my cock is rock hard. Did I really enjoy that? Where did helearn that from. Luke opens the shower curtain and says that was fuckingawesome. I look at him and say I don’t think I want to do that again. Lukesays as long as you learn to listen, we will not do that again then. Iwatch Luke as he dries off and stands at he sink to brush his teeth. Helooks over at me and says you might want to rinse off in the shower again.I jump in the shower and rinse off. Finally clean, I dry off and get myboxers on. I go to my room and lay across the bed. I stretch out and myhand hits something under my pillow. I lean up and move my pillow. There isthe folder that Luke made with all my texts and emails and everything. Onthe front of the folder is a note that reads. Found this in the den. Weshould talk and it was signed John. Fuck my life.To be continued…

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