Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Şu anda banyo yapıyorum görmüyor musun? Özel hayatıma biraz saygı göstermelisin, hala bunu öğrenemedin mi?” diye söylendim, bedenimi iyice suyun altına gömerek. Çıplaklığımı ancak bu şekilde gizleyebilirdim çünkü.
“Sanırım, konuşmalıyız. Biliyorsun, aramızda geçenlerle ilgili.” dedi, küvetin kenarına otururken. Ayağımın tam kenarında oturmuştu.
“Tamam, bu gerçekten güzel bir fikir. Bazı şeyleri kafamızda netleştirmeliyiz, bence de. Fakat, şimdi hiç de zamanı değil gördüğün üzere. Sen salona git, duş aldıktan sonra gelirim ve konuşuruz.” dedim sakin bir ses tonuyla.
“Şimdi konuşmayı tercih ederim anne…” dedi fısıltıyla. Gözlerimin tam içine bakıyordu. Sanki yanıyordu gözleri.
Dudaklarımın altına kadar suyun dibine batmıştım. Köpükler, bedenimi gizlerken, sıcak su da beni rahatlatıyordu.
“Barkın…” dedim iç çekerek, “Bazı şeyleri çok zorladın, bunun farkında mısın?”
“Ahh… Bilemiyorum anne, bana herşeyi yeterince zorladım gibi gelmiyor. Anlamıyor musun? Seni hala çıplak görmedim. Ve bu aramızdaki ilk adım. Seni çıplak görmeli ve annemden daha fazlası olarak istemeliyim. Kendi bedenimin, seninle bebek yapmaya hazırlık yapmasını sağlamalıyım.”
“Bunu aklından çıkar Barkın. Bu, pek çok farklı sebepten dolayı gerçekleşemez.” dedim kararlı bir ses tonuyla.
“Yani, daha iyi bir planın var öyle mi anne?” diye sordu kaşlarını havaya kaldırarak.
“Evet var.” dedim. Duş sırasında bu fikir aklıma öylece gelmişti zaten.
Barkın’ın yüzü buruşmuş, şaşırmıştı. Bunu beklemiyordu.
“Babana bunu o uzaktayken söylememize gerek yok, onun bir bebeğimiz olacağına inanmasını sağlarız. Bununla ilgili bir sorun yok zaten. Eve güvenli bir şekilde geldiğinde de ona herşeyi anlatırız. Tüm detayları, herşeyi bilir ve böylece rahatlamış da olur. En azından güven içinde eve gelmiş olur ve bir daha da göreve çıkmaz. Emekliye ayrılır.” Barkın’a bakıp gülümsedim. Üzerimden büyük bir ağırlık kalkmış gibi hissettim planımı anlattığımda.
“Planında ufak bir pürüz var anne…” dedi.
“Neymiş o?” diye sordum yüzümü buruşturarak.
“Babama gerçeği anlatacağım. Ona bebeği olmayacağını, senin yalan söylediğini söyleyeceğim. Yarın yeniden konuştuğumuz zaman ona herşeyi anlatacağım.” dedi kendinden emin bir tonla.
Şok geçirmiştim. Vücudumun gerildiğini hissediyordum. Sıcak su bile bunu engelleyemiyordu.
“Ciddi olamazsın! Yapamazsın! Yapmayacaksın!” diye haykırdım.
“İzle ve gör anne. Planlarımızı kararlaştırmak zorundayız. Senin planını anlattın. Peki. Bununla hiçbir derdim yok. Ancak onu seçersek, bunu söylerim. Yarın hem de. Bir karar vermeliyiz, senin planını mı uygulayacağız yoksa benimkini mi?” diye sordu. Yüzündeki o kendinden emin ifade gerçekten midemi bulandırıyordu.
“Bunu yapamazsın Barkın! Beni böyle bir kenara atamazsın!” diye bağırdım.
“Senin planın tamamen bir yalana odaklı anne. Ve sonunda da hiç de iyi bir haber vermeyeceksin. Babam aylarca kandırılmış olacak ve hayal kırıklığına uğrayacak. Ve de eve geldiğinde elinde bir hiç olacak, bebeği olmadığını öğrendiği anda ne düşünecek sence? Ayrıca görüntülü görüşmelerimizde karnını hiç mi görmeyecek? Bunun hakkında nasıl yalan söylemeyi planlıyorsun? Benim planım ise sadece iyilik dolu. Babamı mutlu ve güvende tutacağız ve ailemize yeni, minik bir üye katılacak. Onu hep seveceğiz. Ne güzel değil mi?” dedi gülümseyerek. Buna gerçekten inanması beni şoka uğratıyordu.
“Hayır… Hayır… Hayır…” takılı kalmıştım bir süre… Sonra kendime geldikten sonra, “Barkın, ben senin annenim. Seninle nasıl bir eş olabileceğimizi düşünebilirsin ki, kendimi senden hamile bırakacağımı nasıl düşünebilirsin? Kendi öz oğlumla? Bu nasıl mümkün olabilir? Buna inanmana gerçekten… Bunu kabul edemiyorum. Bu… Bu gerçekten delilik!” diye haykırdım.
“Aslında bu gerçekten kolay olacak anne, tam da sana anlattığım gibi… Ve ilk adımı attık. Sen beni çıplak gördün. Bir noktaya geliyoruz değil mi? Benim de seni görmem gerekiyor.” dedi ve zinciri çekti. Çekmesiyle beraber suyun boşalmasını engelleyen tıkacın çıkması bir oldu.
Suyun bir anda basıncının değişmesinin etkisiyle bir “gulp” sesi geldi. Ve hızla su azalmaya başladı, sanki bir girdap vardı küvetin içerisinde. “Barkin! Hayır!” diye çığlık attim. Hızlıca ayağımı, gidere koydum ve suyun gitmesine engel oldum ama Barkın benden de hızlıydı. Bir hamle ile ayağımı çekti ve su hızla boşalmaya devam etti. Her geçen saniye ile kendimi daha da aşağıya bastiriyordum ancak suyun gizlediği bedenim artık açığa çıkmaya başlamıştı.
Önce boynum gözüktü. Artık onu gizleyen beyaz baloncuklar yoktu. Ardından omuzlarım… Kollarımla göğüslerimi aniden gizledim, kollarımla göğüslerime bastirirken ellerim de kadınlığımı gizledi. Bacaklarımı sikica kapatıp hiçbir şey görmemesini sağlamaya çalışıyordum.
Su her azaldığında Barkın’ın gözleri vücudumu süzüyordu. Vücudumdaki her noktaya dikkatlice bakıyordu, gözleri paril parıldı. Onu hiç böyle görmemiştim gerçekten de. Gözlerindeki ateşi, tutkuyu görebiliyor, hissedebiliyordum.
Yüzümü duvara çevirip gözümü kapattım. Utanıyordum. Kendi oğlum, beni çıplak görmek istiyordu. Ve artık yolun sonuna geldik gibi hissediyordum. Onun karşısında tamamen çaresizdim. Son bir sesle birlikte, su tamamen boşaldığında artık soğuk hava tenime değiyordu. Tüylerim diken diken olurken, gerçek anlamda ürperiyordum. Özel bölgelerimi kapatan kollarım ve ellerim sayesinde tamamen çıplak sayılmazdim ama yine de… Çıplaktım! İnanılmazdı gerçekten! Kendi oğlum beni karşısında çıplak bırakmıştı!
“Kokun bile bir başka…” diye fısıldadı o sırada. Gözlerimi açıp başımı sağ tarafa çevirdiğimde yine şok olmuştum. Barkin iç çamaşırımı elinde tutuyordu ve burnuna götürmüştü. Kokluyordu, yavaşça. Gözleri kapalı, sadece kokumu hissediyordu.
“Şuna baksana… Tam benim için yaratılmış gibisin. Bu anlara gelmemizin bir tesadüf olmadığını biliyordum…” diye fisıldamaya devam etti. Koklamayı bıraktı ve “Artık siniri geçmek istiyorum. Bir ufak adım daha anne. Şimdi senin aminin da nasıl koktuğunu biliyorum.” dedi gülümseyerek. O sırada elindeki çamaşırımı da yere bıraktı.
“Seni hayvan! İğrençsin!” diye haykırdım.
“Hayvanlar, onlara söylenmeden ne yapacaklarını bilirler anne. Ayrıca kendi annesini hamile bırakan çok hayvan var, biliyorsun değil mi?” dedi kaşlarını kaldırarak. “Bak, gördün mü? İç çamaşırının bana ne yaptığını görüyor musun?” dedi gözlerimin içine bakarak.
Barkin küvete doğru bir adım attı ve pantolonun kemerini yavaşça açıp, boxer i ile birlikte bir anda yere indirdi. Erekte olmuş erkekliği tam da gözümün önünde duruyordu. Ne kadar denesem de, gözlerimi üzerinden alamiyordum. Sanki kilitlenmiş gibiydim. Gerçekten güzel ve ihtişamlı gözüküyordu.
“Anne, bana ne yaptığını görüyorsun değil mi?” ses tonu çok farklıydı, gerçekten bana karşı duyduğu tutkuyu hissedebiliyordum. Yalan söylemiyordu. Herşey, gerçekti. Şu anda, oğlumun karşısında kendimi göstermemeye çalışarak duruyordum,tamamen çıplaktım. Ve de oğlum önümde, erekte olmuş erkekliğini bana gösteriyordu. İşin kötü yani, artık bu durumu kanıksamaya başlamış gibi bir halim vardı. Çok fazla garipsemiyordum.
Oğlumdan etkilendiğime şüphe yoktu. Gözümü erkekliğinden ayıramazken o da benden etkilenmişe benziyordu. Terlemiş iç çamaşırımdan olup olmamasının da bir önemi yoktu.
“Hadi ama anne, bir şeyler hissetmediğini söyleyemezsin değil mi?” dedi siritarak.
“Hissetmiyorum, ben senin annenim. Lanet olsun ki öyleyim!” diye haykırdım.
“Hadi ama, arkadaşınla konuşurken seni duydum. Babam uzakta olduğu için zor durumda olduğundan bahsediyordun. Bahsettiğin konu bu değil miydi anne? Aslında o buradayken de istediğin gibi olmuyordu değil mi? Bunların hepsini duydum anne, yalan söylemene gerek yok. Kabullen artık, gerçeklerin ben de farkındayım anne.” dedi. Gözlerimin tam içine bakıyordu, yenilgiyi kabullenmeyecekti.
Bu doğruydu aslında. Fakat, onun önünde bunu kabul edemezdim. Belki bir ya da iki gece gerçekten kivrandığım olmuştu. Vücudumun bazı ihtiyaçları vardı. Gerçekten delirdiğim ve çaresiz kaldığım çok olmuştu ama yine de çözüm ve rahatlamanın formülü bu değildi. Bedenim bana ihanet ediyordu ama hala aklımı kullanabilirdim.
Yalnızca sorun, onun gerçekten güzel erkekliğiydi. Onun güzel, kalın ve büyük erkekliğiydi. Ucundan çıkan zevk suları ile parlayan, adeta bir zevk nesnesi haline gelmiş erkekliği… Ona bakmadan duramıyordum.
“Çek ellerini anne, seni çıplak görmek istiyorum. Göğüs uçlarını görmek istiyorum. Ve ayrıca bak, seni kokladım da artık. Yani artık kesinlikle amını da görmem gerekiyor. Nasıl olsa kokusunu bile biliyorum.” dedi sırıtarak. “Tam da içine fışkırtacağım ve seni hamile bırakacağım yeri görmeliyim…”
Belki biraz zaman kazabilirdim, bir planim vardı. Yalnızca şu anki durumumdan, küvette kapana kısılmış halimden kurtulmam gerekiyordu.
“Kendi başıma kurulanmama izin ver. En azından bunu yap. Bunu bana borçlusun…” dedim zayıf bir sesle.
“Tamam anne, seni oturma odasında bekliyorum. Geçme kalma.” dedi göz kirparak pantolonunu ve boxer ini ayağından atarak, alt tarafı çıplak bir şekilde bir kere daha önümde durdu. Tüm güzelliği ile erkekliğini görüyordum. Sonra da tişörtünü çıkarıp yere attı. Artık tamamen çıplakti. Yere eğilip çamaşırımı eline alıp bir nefes daha çekip yine yere bıraktı. Sonra da bana bakıp, yavaşça banyodan çıktı.
Kollarım ve ellerim rahatlamıştı. İnanamıyordum. Az önce olanların hiçbirine inanamıyordum. Ama bir planım vardı… Buna izin veremezdim…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kapıcı Patlıcan Gibi Yarağıyla Beni Sikti Kevgire

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Kapıcı Patlıcan Gibi Yarağıyla Beni Sikti Kevgire

Kapıcı Patlıcan Gibi Yarağıyla Beni Sikti Kevgire Çevirdi!

Merhaba ben Alev. 28 yaşında, dul bir bayanım. Kısaca kendimden bahsedecek olursam, 1.65 boyunda, 60 kiloda, esmer güzeli biriyim. Erkekleri tahrik etmeyi çok severim. Kocamla boşanma sebebimiz de buydu aslında. Kocamdan boşanalı 3 yıl oldu. Bir Pazar günü evde canım sıkılmıştı. Doğrusu güzel bir sikişmeye ihtiyacım vardı. Daha önceden sikiştiğim birkaç erkek arkadaşımı aradım, ama gelemeyeceklerini söylediler. Kendi kendime (Şu işe bak, kendimi siktirecem, erkekler naz yapıyor! Neyse, akşam olsun bir çaresine bakarım!) diyerek, ortalığı falan topladım. Öğleden sonra da, kapıcı Pazar günleri izinli olduğu için, kendim ekmek almaya indim. Hava sıcak olduğu için üzerimde bir şort ve penye vardı, üstelik sütyen de takmamıştım. Apartmandan çıkarken kapıcıyı gördüm ve şakadan, “Bak sen izin yapıyorsun Mevlüt abi, ben de kendim ekmek almaya gidiyorum!” dedim. Kapıcı da, “Söyleseydin ben gider alırdım bacım, seni mi kıracağız!” dedi, ama göğüslerimi süzmeyi de ihmal etmiyordu. Hemen parayı uzattım, “Hadi al gel o zaman!” dedim. “Tamam bacım!” diyerek gitti, ben de tekrar eve çıktım.

Eve girince aklıma, kendimi kapıcıya siktirme fikri geldi. Ama kapıcı 50 yaşında, 95-100 kiloda, heryeri kıllı, ayı gibi bir adamdı. Biraz düşündükten sonra (Aman Alev, onun da tadını alırsın işte, fena mı olur!) dedim. Kararımı vermiştim, kendimi kapıcıya siktirecektim, ama nasıl yapacaktım onu düşünmeye başladım. Düşünürken buldum, banyodaki damlayan musluğu bahane edip içeri alacaktım. Hemen banyoya gidip, kirli sepetinde nekadar kirli sütyen külot varsa çıkarıp ortalığa attım. O arada zil çaldı. Kapıyı açtığımda, kapıcı “Buyır bacım!” diyerek ekmeği bana uzattı. Ben de, “Teşekkür ederim Mevlüt abi, ama senden bir isteğim daha var!” dedim. “Buyur bacım, nedir?” dedi. Ben de, “Banyodaki musluk damlayıp duruyor, tanıdığın bir tamirci falan varsa getirsene?” dedim. O da, “Ben bakarım, contasındandır, evden anahtarla conta alıp geleyim!” dedi. “Tamam, hadi bekliyorum!” dedim ve gitti…

10 dakika kadar sonra geri geldi. Banyoya götürdüm bunu. Daha kapıdan girerken ortalıktaki iççamaşırlarımı görünce duraksadı. “Ne oldu Mevlüt abi?” dedim. Yutkunarak, “Yok birşey…” deyip içeri girdi. Neyse, musluğu yaptıktan sonra gitmeye niyetlenmişti ki, ama ben, “Mevlüt abi, yatak odasındaki dolabın kapağı düşüp duruyor, ona da bakarmısın?” dedim. Önce gözlerime baktı, sonra da, “Bakalım!” dedi, anlamıştı birşeyler olacağını. Ben önden yatakodasına doğru giderken kırıtarak yürüyordum, kesin kalçalarımı kesiyordu. “İşte evde erkek olmazsa böyle herşey dökülür!” dedim ve dolabı gösterip geri çekildim. O arkası dönük dolapla uğraşırken, ben de odadan çıkıp, koridorda çırılçıplak soyundum ve beklemeye başladım… “Tamam bacım yaptım, başka bir isteğin varmı?” diye seslendiğinde, içeri girip, “Evet bir ricam daha var!” dedim. Beni öyle görünce dondu kaldı. “Beni sikmeni istiyorum!” dedim.

Yutkunup, “Ama bacım…” dedi. Ben de, “Bırak bacıyı falan, erkek değilmisin sen?” diyerek yanına gittim ve dudaklarına yapıştım. Dudaklarını öperken burnuma çok güzel sabun kokusu geldi, demek ki yeni banyo yapmıştı, buna çok sevinmiştim. O da şaşkınlığını atıp, beni tuttuğu gibi yatağa yatırdı ve kendi de soyunmaya başladı. Gömleğini çıkardığında göğsü kıl kaplıydı. Pantolonunu çıkarıp, ardından paçalı külodunu da indirdiğinde, gözlerim faltaşı gibi açıldı ve ağzımdan, “Oha, bu ne!” diye bir laf çıktı. Bizim kapıcının yarağı yarı kalkıktı ve Patlıcan gibi birşeydi. “Ne oldu bacım, korktun mu? Bu seni sikecek olan yarrak!” dedi ve yarağını sıvazlamaya başladı. Ben de dayanamayıp, “Hadi o zaman!” dedim. Üzerime uzanıp dudaklarıma yapıştı. Resmen altında kaybolmuştum. Aradan elimi uzatıp yarağını elledim, ama elime sığmıyordu. Bir an vazgeçmeyi düşündüm, ama sonra (Olan oldu, zevkine bak!) dedim kendi kendime.

O da göğüslerimden amıma inmiş ve amıma öyle dil darbeleri atmaya başlamıştı ki, ben artık yerimde duramıyordum. Birden altından kaçtım ve “Sıra bende, yat bakalım!” dedim. Sırtüstü uzandı, ben de üzerine geçip, dudaklarını, kıllı göğsünü öptüm ve yarağına indim. Yarağının biraz sağını solunu inceledim, en az kolum kadar uzun ve bileğim kadar kalındı. Ayrıca tertemizdi, bir tane kıl yoktu. “Benim için mi temizledin bunu?” dedim. O da, “Sana nasipmiş bacım!” dedi. Gülümseyerek yalamaya başladım. Biraz yaladıktan sonra 69 pozisyonuna geçip, amımı ağzına dayadım, o da amımı yalamaya başladı. Ama aldığım zevkten yarağını yalayamıyordum, hemen doğrulup yatağa yattım ve bacaklarımı havaya kaldırıp, “Hadi Mevlüt abi, sik beni artık!” dedim. “Tamam bacım!” diyerek bacaklarımı omzuna koydu, yarağını bolca tükürükleyip amıma sokmaya başladı…

Başı girdiğinde çok acıdı, “Lütfen yavaş sok Mevlüt abi!” dedim. “Tamam bacım!” diyerek durdu. Ama ben anlayamadan birden bir yüklendi ki, can acısıyla çığlık attım ve “Kurbanın olayım yavaş, yırttın amımı!” diye resmen yalvarmaya başladım. “Tamam bacım, tamam! Daha yarısını soktuk, gerisini yavaş yavaş sokacam!” dedi ve yavaş yavaş içimde gidip gelmeye başladı. Her seferinde biraz daha sokuyordu. Ben bir yanda acıdan, bir yanda zevkten neye uğradığımı şaşırmıştım. En sonunda bana doğru eğilip, “Aldın bacım, hepsi amında şu an!” dedi. Ben de hemen boynuna sarılıp dudaklarından öptüm. Bacaklarımı kollarına düşürüp amıma pompalamaya başladı… Artık alışmıştım ve zevkten inliyordum, ama o git gide hızlanıyordu. Ve ilk orgazmımı o anda yaşadım, resmen kasılarak boşalmıştım. “Kalk Mevlüt abi, ben üste çıkayım!” dedim. “Tamam bacım!” diyerek kalktı, yatağa sırtüstü yattı. Hemen üstüne çıktım ve yarağının üstüne oturdum. Hem yarağa alışmıştım, hemde boşalmamın etkisiyle kayarak içime girdi. Üstünde zıplamaya başladım. O da göğüslerimi okşuyordu…

Bir müddet sonra üzerinden kalktım ve yataktan indim, yatağa ellerimi dayayıp ayakta domaldım ve “Hadi Mevlüt abi, geç arkama!” dedim. “Tamam bacım!” diyerek geçti arkama, yarağını amıma kökledi ve pompalamaya başladı… Yine zevk denizinde yüzüyordum. İkinci kez orgazm olmuştum ki, onun da, “Geliyorum bacım!” demesiyle kendime geldim. Hemen önünden kaçıp yere çömeldim, yarağını elime alıp sıvazlamaya başladım, bir yandanda kafasını yalıyordum. Az sonra dölleri fışkırmaya başladı. Ben sıvazladıkça fışkırıyordu ve o kadar yoğundu ki, ağzım, yüzüm, boynum, boğazım, gçğüslerim, heryerim döl olmuştu. Son damlalarını da yaladıktan sonra bunu bıraktım ve soluk soluğa yatağa yaslanıp yere oturdum. O da yatağa sırtüstü yattı yatağa…

Biraz dinlenip kendime gelince kalktım, banyoya gidip duşun altına girdim. Üzerimdeki dölleri temizledikten sonra, bornozumu giyip banyodan çıktım. Yatakodama gittiğimde halen yatıyordu ve yarağı halen yarı kalkıktı. Acaba bir posta daha sikermi ki diye düşündüm ve üzerimdeki bornozu atıp yarağını yalamaya başladım. Ben, bir posta daha siker mi ki diye düşünürken, beni 2 posta daha sikti… Sonrada duş alıp giyindi ve “Teşekkür ederim bacım!” dedi. Ben de, “Herzaman beklerim!” diyerek dudaklarından öptüm ve yolladım. Kendime hayret ediyordum, ayı gibi herife siktirmiştim kendimi ve beni 3 posta sikip kevgire çevirmişti.

Aradan 1 sene geçti ve kapıcı halen beni sikmeye devam ediyor. Bilmiyorum ama, karısı birşeyler anladı herhalde, bana kötü kötü bakıyor. Olsun, bakarsa baksın, beni en sağlam siken o ayı!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

My mom gets out of the bath tub

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
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My mom gets out of the bath tubThis is one of those things that you just can’t get out of your mind. I was about 16 at the time and just going through puberty and my hormones were always raging. It took nothing for me to get hard, a glimpse at a leg, a woman bent over to pick something up, a touch on the thigh, looking down a neighbor lady’s blouse…you get the idea. Well one evening I was home watching TV, it was getting a little bit late and I had to take a pee really bad. I thought my parents were in their bedroom. I ran upstairs to our only bathroom, and opened the door in a hurry hoping to take a pee. There before me was my mother, she was totally naked and had just stepped out of the shower. She was reaching for a towel and bent over a little bit. Her tits were dangling in front of me and her mound of black pubic hair was totally exposed. I had no idea she had such a nice body, really big tits, big nipples, nice thighs etc. I already knew she had great legs as she was always getting compliments for that, but the rest of her body kind of dazzled me.She yelled at me, “I’m not dressed!” and I ran out as fast as I had ran in, slamming the door behind me. “Sorry!” My heart was beating a thousand times a minute I was so excited, bewildered, shamed, scared, etc. I didn’t know what to do. I waited downstairs and as soon as she was out I ran back upstairs and took a pee. I had been holding it a long, long time. Anyway, I tried to put the whole thing out of my mind as I went to bed that night. It was impossible not to dwell on that image of a naked woman, a really hot naked woman, my mom, right in front of me, tits dangling and water on her pubic hair. God I started getting so hard as I lay in bed, but since kırşehir escort it was my mom, I did my best not to dwell on the whole picture. I eventually fell asleep.I woke up a couple of hours later, there was someone tapping on my bedroom door. I whispered “come in” not having any idea who would be knocking on my bedroom door in the middle of the night. It was my older sister, she had just turned 20. She had gained some weight at college and came back to live at home for awhile between semesters. It was kind of dark, but I could tell it was her, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see she was standing there, wearing a long t shirt but nothing else. I assumed she had panties on under her shirt. Her thighs had spread the past year or so and as she had gained weight I had really noticed her ass. It was really getting big. The fact that she had gained some weight made her look hot to me. But it had worried her and she complained about her weight. This was not like her at all to come in my room at night. She said she wanted to talk to me, she couldn’t sleep and just needed someone to talk to for awhile. I sat there under the covers listening to her tell me how she had lost her boyfriend and was really lonely. She blamed losing him on her weight gain. It helped to talk to me, she said. I told her I thought she looked really attractive.As the night went on, and she kept talking while she sat on the bed, I couldn’t help but check out her legs, and the more we talked, the hornier I got. She even kind of alluded to me comforting her somehow. I looked closely at her shirt and could see her nipples hard against the fabric of her t shirt. I wondered if she were horny, this thought gave me an instant kırşehir escort bayan hard on. I figured since I was under the covers she wouldn’t be able to notice my cock was throbbing.Between seeing my mom naked earlier in the evening and then having my sister alone in my bedroom sitting on my bed with no bra on and her legs exposed, it was hopeless. I wanted to pull the covers down and show her my hard cock and stroke it off in front of her. But I didn’t. I just sat there rubbing my self under the covers. She kept talking and talking…After about an hour of talking she asked me if I still thought she was attractive. “Of course,” I said. “You have a really nice body.” Her reply was “you really think so?” And with that she pulled her t shirt up and showed me her tits. “If you were not my brother, would you make love to me?” Holy… I couldn’t believe it, her big tits dangled in front of me, her nipples were really hard. I sort of sputtered…”wow, your body is really sexy, of course I would…like to fuck…” I wasn’t sure what I was saying, my head was spinning. The room was spinning. Dear lord I was about ready to cum all over the place at this point. Having seen up close two naked bodies of hot women it was overwhelming. And I wasn’t sure what she was saying, had she just asked me to fuck her? Or was she asking if I thought she was attractive. We sat there in silence for a couple of minutes…it seemed like hours. Finally she broke the silence. “If you want me to suck your cock I will. Just don’t let mom and dad know. I know how horny you guys can be.” With that I pulled back the covers and showed her my huge, throbbing teenage cock. She muttered something like “god that thing is big” escort kırşehir and took off her t shirt, she was totally naked underneath, she leaned over, her long hair in my lap as I felt her lips suction on to my cock. She worked it until she could just about gag on the whole thing, stroking me with her hand as she would lift up her mouth from my cock. Over and over she worked my cock, she rubbed her cheeks on it, kissed it, caressed my balls, god she was a pro at this. I couldn’t believe what was happening. She was worshipping my dick and loving every second of it. The whole thing was so overwhelming to me, I reached down and started rubbing her nipples, she sat up and held her big tits in front of my face, “go ahead and suck me” she said. “I need it so bad.”I sucked and caressed her huge tits and nipples and eventually worked my way down her ample body. As I approached her pubic area, she spread her legs and pushed my head down on her cunt. “Suck my cunt! Please suck me!” she moaned. I then licked and sucked her and even licked and sucked her asshole. She loved that. Eventually I mounted her and she let out a moan as my big swollen dick went in. I thrust with all my might, over and over until the cum squirted all over. It was a massive cum load. There was cum everywhere.When we were done, she put her finger on my lip and said “remember, no one can know about this.” I replied, “just you and me sis, just you and me.”The next morning as we were eating breakfast, my mom mentioned to me about catching her naked in the tub. “I hope you weren’t too embarrassed about that, because I wasn’t really” she said. “In fact it kind of turned me on. A young in shape young man like you seeing his mother naked for the first time. There is something sensuous about that.”I agreed with her and said I would try and be more careful in the future. Her response was “well if something happened between us, we just would have to keep it a secret between us now wouldn’t we?”More to come…

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Mothers and sons, sons and mothers

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Mothers and sons, sons and mothers“Sweetie,” I cooed, “come to the shopping centre with me.”“Oh Mum, I’m in the middle of something,” came the reply.“The porn film will wait until we get home, now come on, I need a man, and you’re the closest thing I have to one.”We got into the car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. “So why have I got to come with you? Jack asked.“Because I need someone to help me, Sonia is away, so that left you as the only person I could ask at short notice sweetie.”“Help you with what?”“I need some clothes, I want your opinion,” I told him. It sounded ridiculous. kırşehir escort It probably was. “Me! What do I know about frocks?”“Well sweetie you spend half your life wanking over porn films. I assume that the women in them wear clothes for at least some of the film. What I need are some head turning clothes. You sweetie must be an expert.”“You been on something?”“Well, what do you think?”“Its alright,” Jack replied.I tried another. “Not bad Mum, not bad.” Jack said.“Look sweetie, I don’t want not bad, I want fucking hell Mum, understand!”I went back into the changing room, kırşehir escort bayan and tried yet another dress. This one was too short, I didn’t like it, but walked out for my son’s appraisal. “That’s nice Mum, really nice,” he said.Really nice. We moved on, perhaps we’d have better luck in the next shop.I wriggled into a tight little black number, then couldn’t reach the zip.“Jack, come and zip me up darling,” I called.He did as I asked.“Well what do you think?”“Wow, not bad, but…..”“But what,” I asked“Well, no I couldn’t…….“Tell me!”“You need to loose the bra Mum, the escort kırşehir girls in the films would not have a bra on under that dress.” Jack said, red faced.“Unzip me,” I instructed.He did as I told him. I then reach behind me, and unclipped my bra, then removed it. The dress had slipped below my waist, to give Jack a close up view of my breasts. Breasts that I was proud of, 36D. Firm, and still perky, even though I was thirty eight. The mother of Jack, who was now s*******n. s*******n and drooling over his mothers tits.I pulled the dress back up. Jack did the zip.“Well?”“Better. The best so far.”I didn’t want the best of, I still wanted more. Jack unzipped me, and I dropped it to the floor.We moved on, another shop, then another. Finally we reached a small boutique tucked away on the first floor of the centre. I didn’t hold out much hope.“

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Misti’s Adventures Part 2

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Misti’s Adventures Part 2Everybody was having such fun that Joe and Tommy didn’t want to leave, but they had to take the truck back to the office, and clock out for the evening. It would be nearly 4:30 by the time they finished.They unloaded a few things for Michael and Misti, and told them that someone from the company would be by in a few days to check and make sure everything was working right with their new pool. There were four other people who worked there, so they couldn’t tell who it would be. Misti kissed both of them, and told them they were welcome to drop by anytime, working or not,The others were still in the back yard. Mr. Hinkle had taken a shine to Sharon. He loved her long, red hair, and had enjoyed stroking it while she was riding him cowgirl style. He had surprised several of the women with his stamina, and how quickly he recovered after coming. His daughter was the most surprised. She knew that her parents had sex often, but, when her mom told her that it wasn’t unusual for her dad to fuck her two or three times a night, EVERY night, Paula was REALLY surprised. She had figured him for once every two or three WEEKS. That is where she must have gotten her sex drive from. She wanted to get laid as much, and as often, as possible.Carol, it turned out, was the REAL ringer. She had sounded, at first, like a prude, or a stick in the mud, but once she got started, she was as much, if not more, of a wanton, than any of the other ladies present. MIsti had made a mental note to get to know her better. She had, after a little hesitation, paired off with Mr. Hinkle, and had, after sucking him, rolled him on his back and rode him cowgirl style, until she had had four orgasms and made him cum INSIDE her. She cleaned her pussy with a handful of water from the pool, and sighted in on Michael. Michael had given her several more orgasms before he came, also inside her pussy.Mrs Hinkle, it turned out, had developed a thing for black cock, so, before he left, she had partnered with Joe, again, and had thoroughly enjoyed him fucking her. She had, also, given him her phone number, and told him to call her, and, if he wanted, he would be welcome to bring a friend if he wanted. She also assured him that Mr. Hinkle wouldn’t mind. He also liked to watch her with other people.Dave, it turned out, had wanted a turn with Misti. He had watched her in her backyard many times, and thought she was one of the sexiest women he had ever seen. She had been the first partner for him this afternoon. He had also given her a BIG surprise. He had a much bigger dick than she would have ever guessed. He was pretty much or par with Tommy, except Tommy was a tiny bit thicker, but he was able, on their first coupling, able to deliver three huge loads of sperm inside her. NON-STOP!!! She hadn’t felt anything like that in a long, long time. MIchael could, most times, cum twice, non-stop, and a few first-times could give her a double, but, NEVER a triple. She had to rest after Dave had finished, and went inside to use the toilet.She was congratulating herself on getting Michael to buy this house. It had a large backyard, with five large, mature trees, shading most of the yard, a double garage, and three large bedrooms, the largest, of course, being the Master Bedroom. There were two full bathrooms, and a half bath just inside the back patio, between it and the Dining room.Michael had thought, at first, it would be too big, but, she reminded him, there might be some babies some day. You never knew. For now, though, she was content with things going INSIDE her pussy, not things coming out. She had already made plans for THAT, too. Her parents had, when they saw her developing, started training her to be a good wife, someday, or, at least, as her father used to say, a good LAY. There was a nice boy next door who was a few years older than she was. He helped with her training.She was just short of her 15th birthday, when she came into the house, and saw her parents and the boy sitting there.Nothing unusual about that, except they weren’t talking. Her father told her to sit down. She sat down next to her mother, and her father asked if she liked they boy next door. She said she did, and her father asked her if they had ever seen each other naked, or had touched each other. She told him that she had seen his thing one or two times when he was peeing, and had touched it one time, and that he had seen her peeing a few times, and had touched her once before she started growing hair, and a few more times when she had grown hair. He had squeezed her mound two times, and rubbed her slit once, but had never touched her inside. Her mom told her that they had decided that it was time she learned about being a grown woman, instead of a little girl.They had all gone back in the bedroom, and her mother told her to take off ALL her clothes. She was a bit puzzled, but, did as she was told. The boy also took his clothes off. Her mom told her to take the boy’s thing in her hand, GENTLY, and kiss it. She had seen boys and girls down by the canal, so she had an idea about what was happening.She kissed it lightly, and without being told, sucked it into her mouth. She felt it starting to grow. It kept getting larger and larger, until it was difficult having it all inside her mouth. She started doing as she had seen the other girls do, and began sliding it in and out of her pursed lips. It just KEPT getting larger. Then, she felt it twitch, süperbahis and there was something coming out of it, and into her mouth. Her mother told her to swallow it, so she did. More of it came out, so she swallowed that, too. It had a bit of a funny taste to it, but, it wasn’t bad tasting. Her father told her to wipe her chin, as some of it had dripped out of her mouth. She did as she was told, and looked at it. It was as thick as gravy, and sort of white. She licked her finger and looked at the three of them.Her mother told her to go and lay on the bed, and open her legs wide. She did as she was told, and the boy came over and laid down with his head between her legs. Her father told her that the boy was going to kiss and lick between her legs, so just relax, and enjoy what she would be feeling. She felt him pulling her slit open, and then she felt something wet, warm, and a little rough touching her. She raised her head to look, and saw he was licking her down there. It felt nice, so she kept on watching him. The next thing she saw was him pushing down the top of her slit until her button was sticking out, and he started licking and sucking on it, too. This made her jump a little, and suddenly she began to feel warm all over. He kept on until she started squirming, and feeling funny. Her mom was telling her that this was what it was supposed to feel like, and soon she would feel something much, much better.All of a sudden it felt like something was exploding inside her, and she felt something wet on the inside of her legs. She rubbed it with a finger, and touched it to her lips. It was salty tasting, but it also tasted VERY good. Almost as good as what the boy had put in her mouth, she decided. She was breathing fast, and sweating a bit, but, she felt VERY good all over.The boy just kept on licking her, and it just kept feeling better and better. She felt the explosions two or three more times, and asked her mother what was happening. “You’re coming, and when it is done right by your lover, can make you feel VERY good, and want to do more. I am very lucky for that. Your father makes me feel that way almost every time we do it, but there is one more thing that is going to happen to you, and, it may hurt a little, at first, but it will be the best of all the things you do.”The boy, actually, young man, after all, he was 19 years old, raised up on his knees, and moved forward a tiny bit. His thing was MUCH bigger than it was, at first, and was sticking up, pointing at the ceiling. Her mother and her father had moved over to where they could see her whole length, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. The boy was holding his thing in his hand, and was now kneeling with his knees touching her open thighs. He took one of her legs in each hand and pushed them up until her thighs were touching her breasts. Her father had placed a pillow UNDER her butt, and her mother was sitting next to her, stroking her shoulder, and smiling. She was watching to see what he was doing with his thing.She could see her body all the way down because of the pillow. The boy took his thing and started rubbing it on her slit, gently, at first, but pushing harder and harder. Misti felt the tip of it just barely inside of her, and it felt funny. That warm feeling was starting, again. Just then, she felt a tiny, sharp pain that made her yip a bit, and felt his thing going inside her. It felt a bit like she did before she peed, but, DIFFERENT. There was a pressure INSIDE her. Then she saw him raising up, and could feel it coming out. It was tickling her, He pulled back until he was almost out of her, then started pushing back in. Over and over, in and out. It was feeling better each time he did it. Suddenly, the feeling she had felt while he was liking her was coming back, and was even stronger. This time she didn’t moan, she cried out, in pure PLEASURE!!! It felt SO good. She had had her arms by her side, but, now, she grabbed his butt, and tried to pull him deeper inside her. She had NEVER felt this good, before, and was hoping it would last for a long, long time. She began, u*********sly, to wiggle her hips, to make him touch EVERYTHING inside of her. She let go of his hips, and pulled him down so she could kiss him. She was breathing like she was running as fast as she could, and moving her hips like she had never done, before. Then she felt him twitching inside of her, and he pushed in, as deep or deeper than he was already doing. She felt something wet and warm going inside of her. It pulsed. Over and over, she felt it hitting her inside. He was groaning, too. She was hugging him to her breasts, and squirming, kissing him all over his face and neck. He slowly pulled back until he came out of her. She, suddenly felt so empty. Like part of her had been taken away. She opened her eyes and saw her father on one side of her, her mother on the other side, and the boy, or, as he had shown her, the MAN, laying beside her on the bed. His thing had shrunk down almost to the same size it was, at first. It was wet, and when she reached out and touched it, sticky. There was something all over it. She felt wet between her legs, too, and reached down to feel, she was wet and sticky, too.Her mother had gone and had come back with a wet towel, and was now wiping between her legs. It was warm at first, then became cool. Her mother told her that there were two more things she had to do before süperbahis güvenilir mi she was finished. She must clean HIM, and thank him for what he had done, and clean herself, INSIDE, so she wouldn’t have a baby.Her mom told her to take his three things, and lick them clean, until all salty taste was gone. Misti had done as she was told, and her mom took her on the back stoop, where they bathed, and gave her a little bottle with a long nose on it. It was filled with warm water. Her mom had told her to put the “nose” inside of her, and squeeze hard, so the water would clean her inside. She would need to do this until the water came out clear. It took her four times before the water came out clear. Her mom was shaking her head and smiling at her. “He must have given you a very large dose of his cream.”she said. “It is good that you got it all out. He would surely have given you a baby.” They went back inside. Her father and her MAN were sitting at the table drinking tea. “We must really watch them, now.” her mother said. “It took four bottles to get all the cream out. I will have her clean herself one more time, to make sure she is cleaned.”All these memories, and more, had come back in a few minutes. Mr. Hinkle was standing there next to her. He had realized she was thinking about something. It must have been good from the smile on her face. He was asking what they wanted to do for dinner. Everybody was a bit hungry, and they wanted to show their appreciation for her hospitality. MIsti thought about it for a second, and had an idea. “Since everybody is comfortable, and I don’t think anybody wants to get dressed, why don’t we order some pizza and have them delivered. Would that be okay?”Everybody agreed, so they called in their order. Everybody chipped in and Sharon took the money and volunteered to wait for the delivery. They laughed and teased her gently about it. Sharon replied, “If it is a girl, she won’t see anything she doesn’t see all the time, and if it’s a guy, well, maybe he will like what he sees, and I’ll give him an extra special tip. Or maybe he will give ME a special tip. Either way will be fine.” They all laughed, and she went in to wait.It was Dave who came up with the next idea. He asked Michael if he had a camera. Misti, smiling, said they did, and if she was reading his mind right, Dave might have a good idea for some more fun. They were all going to go inside, and wait for the delivery “boy” and Sharon would invite him in, where he/she would see everybody there naked. They would ask them if they wanted to come in, and go from there. If it was a girl, she would have her choice of three cocks, if it was a guy, he would have a choice of four hot pussies. All were ready, and all were willing. It would, however it turned out, be caught on film.Misti went into the kitchen to get drinks for them all. Dave followed her in, and telling her about a movie he had seen, told her that he would like to have her put one leg up on the counter, and let him take her from behind. She laughed, and told him that she would enjoy that, too. She hiked her leg up, and bent slightly forward, so he could put his dick in her. He put his arms around her, cupping her breasts, and slowly entered her still dripping wet pussy. In spite of him having had almost all the ladies, already, he was so excited that he only lasted a few minutes, but, it was still enough to let Misti have two body shaking orgasms. They were laughing, and looked around to see Carol watching them. “I will be expecting you to nail ME like that in the future, big boy. You have NEVER fucked me in that position, before.”This statement, and the seriousness in which it was spoken, set them all to laughing. Dave was enjoying watching his wife have so much fun. He was thinking about sharing her, AND Sharon with some of his friends. What Carol didn’t know, he was certain, was that he and Sharon had been a little more than loving since he was 14, and she was 13. She had came into his room one night, and they had ended up fucking for the first time. He thought that today, the way things were going, he might jump Sharon’s bones for her.Just then, the doorbell rang. Mrs. Hinkle had been peaking out of the curtain. “It’s a guy. Maybe 18 or 19. Looks nice, too.” Sharon gave everybody a chance to get positioned, and opened the door. He had a container in his hands, but, she asked, “Are these the pizzas we ordered? He didn’t hear a thing. He was busy looking at her naked body. She was a bit on the tall side, standing 5′ 10” tall in her bare feet. She was fully aware of how she looked. Full, firm breasts, a small, but not tiny waist, and an extremely nice ass. She also kept the hair on her pussy nicely trimmed. She was too proud of its flaming red color to shave it off. He was taking it ALL in. Then he became aware of all the others there. An Oriental with a body to kill for, an older lady, with a REALLY nice body, AND a VERY pretty face, and a cutie pie brunette with a smooth shaved pussy, and some beautiful legs. This was the best delivery he had EVER made. He finally got his voice back, and, after clearing his throat a couple of times, was able to speak in a somewhat normal voice. “Three pizzas, two Deluxe, and one Veggie. That comes to $36 dollars, with tax.” Sharon stepped back, and told him to put them on the coffee table. He put the case down and took the pizzas out, and began to straighten up. Sharon süperbahis giriş had stepped over behind him, and when he turned, it was into her arms, which went around his neck, followed by a deep, wet kiss, that she took her time in delivering. When she finally broke the kiss, Misti stepped over and delivered a second kiss, taking more time at it than Sharon had. Then it was Mrs. Hinkle’s turn. She laid the best kiss on him that she knew how to give, and, also grinding her pelvis into his crotch. She gave him more than the other two, together. Now Carol was up, patiently waiting for her chance, and vowing not to be outdone. She had to tiptoe to reach high enough, and gave it all she had, tongue and all. She finished by whispering in his ear as he set her down. “Please take off your clothes and fuck me. I want your hard dick inside me, so bad. Please.” She was already tugging at his belt, and had his pants unzipped. Her hand went inside, and extracted his throbbing cock. He broke speed records getting his pants off. Carol had knelt in front of him, and taken his dick into her mouth, sucking it in as deep as she could manage. She was feeling his cock jerking, already, so she backed off to let him relax a bit, and jilling-off so he could see. She was already soaking wet, so, as soon as she thought he had relaxed a bit, she laid back on the sofa, with one leg over the backrest, and the other on the floor. His dick was leaking a drop of pre-cum, so she simply held her arms out in welcome. He knelt in front of her, and she guided his dick to where she wanted it. He slid inside all the way with the first push, and Carol’s legs wrapped tightly around his waist. The began fucking like they were sex-starved. Carol was moaning like she hadn’t in a while. She was so sensitized that she had her first orgasm before he was all the way inside her. She was coming over and over, with, it seemed, each stroke he gave her. Finally, he pushed deep inside of her, and spasm after spasm of his hot cum exploded inside her womb. She screamed, and pulled him down to her face, kissing him so hard he would probably have sore lips. Spent, she all but fainted. Mrs. Hinkle took his arms, and with some help from Misti, lowered him gently to the floor. She started sucking his dick, not only to clean it, but to get him hard, again. She had had more practice at this than anyone would have imagined, so she took him all the way into her throat, balls and all. She sucked and swallowed until she felt him get completely hard. He was looking at her with a surprised look on his face. “You ever fucked an old woman, before? You’re about to find out that because there’s snow on the roof, doesn’t mean there’s not still a fire in the furnace. Now!!! Hang on, Sweetie!!! Your going to get fucked like there’s no tomorrow.” She sat down on him guiding his dick into her pussy, going for a ride. She rocked back and forth enjoying every inch of his cock. She decided to give him a good look at what/ who he was fucking, and turned around on her knees, so he could see himself going in and out of her. It didn’t take much of this to bring him to the edge, and she settled down with him as far inside as he could reach, to receive every drop of his sperm. He laid there this time, thinking he was just about all in. Sharon had other Ideas, though. “I saw him first, and I want to see how it is. Rest a minute Sweetheart. I can wait while you get your breath.” Just then, they heard a voice calling. Unknown to the others, Paula had pulled on a T-shirt, and gone out to her car, telling Joe and Tommy that she could give them a ride back, if they wanted. Joe laughed out loud, and Tommy smiled. “We ride to work, together, and were just talking about whether to come back or not. You cinched it for us. Go ahead and follow us back to the shop, and then follow us. We’ll show you a great spot to go.” Paula agreed. They parked their van, clocked out, and got into a car. Tommy waved, and Paula slid in behind them. It was only a five or ten minute drive to a secluded spot on the river. There was a large grassy area, and room enough for 3-4 cars to park. They stopped and got out, with Paula following suit. It was beautiful, with a stand of cattails screening them from the water for privacy. Then they noticed that Paula’s T.shirt barely reached the top of her crotch, leaving her pussy in plain sight. Tommy, looked at her, hungrily. He hadn’t had her, yet. He had been busy with the others. He reached out and got a handful of her smooth, soft pussy. She took a step toward him, pulling the T-shirt over her head. “I want you in my pussy, first, then I want to try a DP. I like having my ass fucked,too.” Tommy lowered her to the ground, after pulling his pants off. Her legs were up and open for him, so he slid straight in. In spit fo being fucked 4 or 5 times, already, she was as tight as if she was getting her first. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to writhe in pleasure, moaning softly as he humped her. She had her arms around his neck, pulling him down to give him kiss after kiss. In between kisses, she was whispering to him, “Fuck me, Darling. Fuck me like you’ve never fucked, before. Use me as you wish, and pump me full of your sperm. I have decided I want to have a baby, and I want you to be the father. No strings attached. Knock me up, and later, if you wish, I will introduce you to your c***d. I want a baby from you, if you will give it to me.” Tommy was dumbfounded. He would have to think about this. The excitement of what she was saying made him ready, though, and he ripped a load of cum deep inside of her. She pulled him in with her legs so she could have every drop deep inside of her. She wanted to keep it ALL inside.

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Taking care of my Aunt

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Taking care of my AuntMy uncle Tony and my Aunt Kristie had been married a good ten years or more but after a good few years things began to change, he apparently started to work long hours and then business trips away and then I heard my mother telling my father one day there was whispers of an affair as well.So on my twenty first birthday we had a family get together, there was the usual presents and party food and few drinks, and by early evening I was ready to head out to the pubs with my mates for a big fucking drinking session as one of my mates put it.Now my Aunt Kristie had come to my family party and I was glad she had because she was my favourite Aunt being she was only just thirty and closer to my age than the other members of our family and so got on pretty well as friends as well.When it was time to head out to the pub Aunt Kristie asked if she could come along as well, her husband was once again away and she really wanted to go out and have a good time for a few hours.So I agreed, and together we headed for the pub, now as I said my Aunt isn’t much older than me, and she is pretty hot too, long black hair with a fairly toned firm body which she kept that way with regular fitness classes, she had several impressive tattoos over her pale white body and a cleavage that often looked like it was trying to fight it’s way out of her low cut tops.But she was my Aunt and I had never thought about her any other way, most of the time.So when we arrived at the pub, my mates couldn’t believe it, their eyes practically bulged out of their sockets when they saw me walk in with her and several made comments about me clearly having brought a prostitute to the party.Fortunately my Aunt didn’t take offence and after introducing her self she spent the next hour or so matching us drink for drink, and clearly enjoying the attention she was getting.The most was coming from my mate Tommy, he was a self dubbed ladies man who truly believed he had a gift to sleep with any woman he set his sights on, and after a couple of hours and many drinks he had set his sights on my Aunt.At first it was just sitting together and occasionally brushing against each other as they reached for drinks, then I noticed Tommy’s hand slip behind my Aunts back, and I was sure he was touching her ass through her jeans as she shifted in her seat at one point.Then another drink later one of her hands disappeared under the table and when I made an excuse to reach down and pick some imaginary thing up, I glanced across and could see her hand resting in Tommy’s lap squeezing his semi hard cock through his jeans.Another drink came and went when Tommy announced he was going to get the next round and got up to go to the bar, a minute later my Aunt decided she needed a pee and disappeared off too.Because of the many drinks on the table already and the party atmosphere the rest of mates were making me join in with it took a good few minutes to realise that after about five minutes neither of them had returned, and so I said I need a pee, and strolled off to the toilets.Reaching the men’s toilets I wandered in and at first found no one there, then I heard a muffled noise coming from another door in the far corner of the room.Curious canlı kaçak bahis to know what it was I strolled over to it, and could clearly hear muffled moans, and kind of knowing what might be happening inside, I eased the door open slightly and saw my Aunt bent over in the cleaning cupboard, with her jeans around her ankles showing off her perfect white round ass and Tommy with his hard cock out, giving her his stiff length from behind.Tommy gripped her hips that were covered in a dragon tattoo as he hammered home his cock into her wet open pussy, from this angle I couldn’t see what it looked like but I could hear it squelching away as he thrust rapidly into her, and she gripped her ankles with one hand, while trying to muffle her moans with other.I couldn’t take my eyes of her, my Aunt, my Mothers sister was getting fucked by one of mates and she was clearly loving it, and I heard clearly say at one point “Yes, keep going! keep going!” But despite Tommy’s best efforts, after just a few more thrusts I heard him begin to groan desperately, and then “Oh Christ!” he said through gritted teeth and then he whipped his cock out and came all over my Aunts round naked ass.That was all I needed to see and quickly headed back out to the table, and few minutes first my Aunt reappeared looking a little flushed which said was because it was hot in here, and then finally Tommy appeared with the beers.After that Aunt Kristie sat closer to me, and as the night went on began to lean on me more, finally it was clear she couldn’t carry on drinking and needed to head home before she passed out.So being a loving nephew I offered to walk her back, and told my mates I would be back in half an hour or so.We left together, she was definitely tipsy but leaning on me we staggered slowly back to hers, which fortunately wasn’t that far, and as we walked I felt I had to aske her.”So did you have a good time?””Yes it was great just to get out and forget about things for a while” she replied cheerily.”I guess you like my mates?” I asked”Yes nice lads” she replied “Tommy seem to like you a lot, he couldn’t stop looking at you” I then said”Well I like to think that’s because i’m very nice to look at” replied my aunt.”You are” I replied backWe both laughed for a bit and then I said “Everyone thought so, you are the hottest aunt I know!””Oh thank you honey!” Aunt Kristie replied kissing my forehead “Your very polite to say so””Hell, given half a chance I would probably fuck you in the cleaning toilets too!” I then said and instantly regretted it as my Aunt immediately stopped, stood up right and looked at me in horror.”You know?” she asked after a moment “How?””I saw you, when I went for a pee” I replied back.”Oh god!” gasped my Aunt “It was a silly mistake, a drunken foolish thing, please don’t tell my husband!””Relax!” I replied “I’m not going to say a word, what happened happened, but t was just a fun thing you need to do, I understand, my uncles away a lot and you just needed to feel loved””Yes, yes that’s what it was” replied my Aunt almost sobbing.”It’s okay” I said wrapping my arms around her to give her a hug “I understand, you just want to be with someone who just wants to be with you”I’m not sure if it makrobet was my words or the booze or something left over from fucking Tommy, but my Aunt looked at me in my eyes as I held her and said those words, and then leant in and we began kissing deeply and passionately right there in the street.After a minute or so, she held me tight, and then we started to march towards her house, and a minute later we burst through the door still kissing and slamming the door behind me, we tumbled into the lounge pulling our clothes off as we did.In seconds I was staring at my aunts hot half naked body, as she discarded her top and her bra, and as we fell onto the sofa I began sucking on her big round d-cup tits and her big pink nipples.”Oh Joe yes!” she gasped as I sucked, licked and pinched her nipples in turn.While I was busy with her plump fun bags she reached down and began undoing my jeans, and then she pulled out my already hard cock and began tugging on it.We both groaned in desire as we fondled each other for several minutes and I really got excited every time I heard her say “Yes Joe suck my titties, suck my beautiful big titties!”Then after a few more minutes, she pushed me back, and as I lay back on along the sofa she bent over and began sucking on my cock.Her hand tugged my shaft as her big red lips ran up and down my cock head and then every so often sucked on my balls, and I groaned excitedly with every touch.”Oh yes Aunt Kristie, I love that!” I groaned”Say it again?” my aunt hissed”I love you sucking my cock!” I said again and then Kristie leant in and began deep throating me.If it wasn’t for the booze i’m sure I would have probably blown my load right then, but I knew I wanted more, so after a moment or two more, I pushed her back and said “My turn!”And as my aunt relaxed back on the sofa, I pulled at her jeans and found myself staring at her nicely trimmed black haired pussy.”No knickers I see!” I said with a grin.”I had to ditch them after your friend cummed on my ass and I used them to clean up!” replied my Aunt.So i then immediately leant in, and pushed my face into her sweet moist pussy, she groaned at my touch as my tongue ran up her slit and flicked her clit, and then more as i pulled her lips apart and began tonging her wet pink box.”Oh joe, fuck yes! fuck yes!” she gasped as i tasted her sweet pink inner hole and her cunt juices.Aunt Kristie held my head as i plunged my tongue inside of her over and over, and lapped at her clit several more times, and very quickly she began to groan over and over and soon she was mushing her wet trimmed pussy right into my face and urging me on to eat her pussy more and then finally she cried out, and clenched my head in tight lock as she came on my face.After a moment or so she released my head and lay back gasping for air.”Oh joe! oh joe!” she gasped over and over “I haven’t cum like that in ages!””Then lets not waste any more time, make you cum like that again!” i replied, and then i crawled up between her open naked damp legs, and begun aiming my cock at her wet waiting hole.”Yes Joe, put in!” she whispered anxiously.And with that i eased myself against her pussy lips, and as she groaned at my touch, i pushed in deeper makrobet giriş and a moment later i was deep in my aunts wet pussy.Her pussy lips sucked onto my shaft like a hungry octopus and i felt her warm wet inner around my shaft and for a moment we stayed just like that, until finally she said “Fuck me Joe, fuck me hard! Your auntie needs it!”And then i began thrusting in and out.Aunt Kristie began groaning loudly and after just a few minutes she had her lovely white firm tattooed legs wrapped around my hips as i plunged in and out of her and between her groaning she would kiss me and beg me for more.We fucked like that for several minutes, and then i lifted her legs up onto my shoulders and really began thrusting into her warm wet hole.”Yes Joe! fuck me! fuck me! fuck me!” she kept groaning.I was loving this, my hot thirty year old aunt taking my hard young cock, and she was clearly loving this too and after several more minutes i soon began to feel the usual feeling in my balls.But i wasn’t done yet, so i pulled out quickly and got her to turn around on her knees.Aunt Kristie knew exactly what i wanted, and bent over the side of the sofa showing off her wet pink pussy and pink little rosebud asshole, and quickly i slipped my cock back into her wet warm pussy.Then gripping her hips i began fucking her rapidly as firm and as hard as i could.”You like this Auntie?” i asked “You like young guys fucking you in this position?” “Yes, i fucking love it!” groaned my aunt in reply.As i held her hips i couldn’t help but admire her big round white ass bouncing around in front of me, a thing i had only seen in a bikini once and now here i was fucking the hell out of it, and with every thrust brought me a little closer to cumming and my aunt too.”Yes! yes! yes!” groaned my aunt gripping the side arm as i powered my cock into her “Keep fucking me! keep fucking me!” she urgedI kept going as long as i could pounding that sweet wet pussy as hard and as quick as i could, really enjoying the sight of my cock slipping in and out of her wet pussy lips and the squelching noises they were making.Then i felt my balls tense quickly and i knew it was time.”I’m cumming!” i groaned and quickly pulled my cock out before it exploded and i began shooting my hot sticky load all over her wet hairy pussy lips.That was too much for my Aunt as well, and she quickly began crying out and bucking beneath me, and several times her open wet pussy slipped back onto my shooting cock taking the head inside again half an inch or so.After several hot amazing seconds we both began to relax and calm down, my cock finally stopped shooting and as my Aunt lay on her knees catching her breath, i lay on top of her, and our warm sweaty naked bodies clung together.”Joe that was fucking amazing!” she gasped after a moment “I really really needed that!””Any time Auntie, i’ll do that for you any time!” i replied before kissing her neck and shoulders.and as i did my cock that was hanging freely below her dripping pussy began to brush up against it and it was long before it began to rise again.”Really? already?” my Aunt asked in surprise.”Well do you want to waste a perfectly good opportunity?” i asked back.She then turned around to face me, sat up and kissed me before saying “No i suppose we shouldn’t!” and for the next few hours we fucked like teenagers in every position, all over her front room until we fell asleep in each others arms on the sofa covered in sweat and cum.

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The Girl – The Connection – The Problem

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The Girl – The Connection – The ProblemI had only gone on two dates with Sarah before meeting her best friend Lynnette. Sarah was a nice, sweet, cute girl but Lynnette was the closest embodiment of my perfect fantasy girl. When Sarah surprised me one hot July afternoon by just showing up to my apartment, the next day after just our second date, with her friend Lynnette. I immediately knew I had to have her…..but how? I wasn’t a player and was a shy fool when around girls I was extremely attracted to. Then I had an idea…There I was sitting in my 100 degree plus apartment with two fans on me on a Saturday afternoon in July reading a text book. I was studying for the summer course I had been taking for the past three weeks. I was still sweating even though I was completely nude at the table. I was so engrossed in my studies that I didn’t hear the footsteps come up to my apartment door. There was a lite tap on the screen door. I jumped up and peaked out the window. I saw Sarah and another girl. They didn’t see me or they would of been shocked by my lack of clothing. I ran to my bedroom put on a t-shirt and shorts, foregoing the underwear. Then I heard a second knock just before answering the door. Sarah smiled and we hugged as I held the door open for her and her friend. Sarah introduced her friend. “This is Lynnette, my best friend.” I honestly don’t know why but I also gave her a quick hug and welcomed her inside. Lynnette was shocked I think because she was rigid when I lightly hugged. I felt a surge of energy from her and my cock got a little hard. I told the girls to have a seat on the couch and offered drinks. This gave myself time to cool down. I gave them their drinks and sat next to Sarah so I could check out Lynnette more. Lynnette wore this loose fitting white sheer top that was buttoned only part way up. She wore a white lace bra which was easily seen through her top. Her nipples protruding outward were hard not to focus at. Her breasts looked as if they were stuffed in her bra, wanting to jump out. They bounced as she moved around. They sat perched on her pudgy belly. She had long dirty blonde hair that was curly from the humidity. Her blue eyes were electric light blue. Her skirt showed off her thick thighs as she crossed her legs. Don’t get me wrong, Sarah looked nice too. She was wearing a low cut red top showing off her nice tan tiny cleavage but was too small because her belly hung out a little. She had on tiny white skirt that was a little too tight because she wasn’t able to cross her legs. I put my arm around Sarah as we began talking. While talking, I fantasized about Lynnette. I wanted to go to her, rip her clothes off and pound my meat stick into her soaking pussy right in front of Sarah. It aroused me and I placed my cold drink over my crotch. I half listened to Sarah retelling the story to Lynnette on how we met… which I was sure Lynnette had already heard before. I figured Lynnette was there to see if I was good enough for Sarah. We laughed at some of the goofy things that happened on our first date and I listened to how the two girls had become friends. Then, as I was hoping, Sarah needed to use my bathroom. She got up and I went to get more drinks for us. I returned quickly and handed Lynnette her drink. I sat by her and whispered “I hope you approve of me and I’d like to surprise Sarah for our third date…” I should note that Sarah and I talked güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri about the third date is where we were planning on having sex for the first time together. I already knew Sarah had far more experience than myself and attempted to use my “inexperience card”. I continued to whisper to Lynnette “I want it to perfect, can you tell me anything she likes or dislikes?” The toilet flushed. “Would it be ok if you write your Yahoo messenger ID so we could chat?” I had a pen and paper close by and pushed it in front. Lynnette smiled and said sure. As she wrote, I gazed down into her deep fleshy valley. I grew envious of a small sweat bead slip down between her breasts. She handed me the paper. I looked at it quickly and she also had written her phone number on it. I felt a surge of blood enter my shaft. I jumped up as Sarah opened the door and shoved the paper into my shorts. We hung out and played some card games. When Lynnette used the bathroom, Sarah confessed that I did meet Lynnette’s approval. The afternoon led to the evening and the girls had to take off for dinner. I kissed Sarah and got a warm hug from Lynnette this time. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as I said “later!” Sarah messaged me after dinner and we planned our third date for the night after my final. I wasn’t sure what was the best way to contact Lynnette and chose to call her instead of messaging. She didn’t answer so I left a message. “Enjoyed meeting you the other day, would like any advice you can give me about Sarah. Give me a call at ###-#### or message me.” I hung up. I jumped on the computer and looked for any porn that reminded my of Lynnette to masturbate to. It was about 1:30am when I got a message from Lynnette. I had been rubbing myself on and off for and hour watching 4 second videos of porn ( should note this happened a long time ago and computer came were not common back then ). We chatted briefly about meeting one another. Lynnette mentioned how comfortable she felt around me and felt she’d known me for years. I shared the same sentiment…my cock had gotten extremely hard just typing to her. I began wondering if she too was nude now. I decided to start probing Lynnette about what Sarah liked. Nothing too graphic, at first, just simple stuff like does she like her neck kissed. Lynnette said emphatically Yes! Then I put the ball in her court, “is there anything I should do before we have sex?” There was a long pause, minutes passed and nothing. I was about to message again to see if Lynnette was there when my phone rang. I jumped. I answered it and it was Lynnette. She said “Hi, it’s me.” Then paused again. I asked if she was alright. I heard her sigh then “Would it be ok if I come over?” My heart started beating hard. Umm, sure. Lynnette said she’d be there in 5 minutes. I hung up and jumped in the shower to clean up. I had just toweled off and slipped into sweatpants when I heard a slight tap on my screen door. Lynnette had on a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops. It looked like she was ready for bed. She looked at me and I smiled and hugged her. This time she hugged back and held tight. I got very aroused and I’m sure she felt it press against her belly. I pulled her inside. Lynnette looked up at me and without a word we started kissing. It was exhilarating. We kissed hard. She kicked off her flip flops and I pulled her into my bedroom. She stuffed güvenilir bahis siteleri her hands into my sweatpants and I pushed a hand up under her t-shirt grabbing her breast. My other hand wrapped around her waist. We fell onto the bed and we removed each other’s clothes. I didn’t hesitate, I went down on her. I could tell she had neatly trimmed her bush for me, or at least that’s what I thought. She moaned as I licked her and probed her insides with my fingers. Pulling them out licking them off and then having her lick them off too. We were both into it. I moved out between her legs and rolled over to my back. I pulled her over on top of my face. I let her grind her pussy into me as I groped her body all over. Lynnette seemed to enjoy it. She moaned louder as she pressed herself down onto my face. I was struggling to breathe but wasn’t panicking. I just went with it. Lynnette climaxed on me while grinding and rubbing herself. She let out a few “ughhs” as her body jerked and twisted. She collapsed off to the side of me. I moved in between her legs and on top of her. I easily slid up her sweaty body and began sucking her tits. They were large utters but so much fun to play with. I began rubbing up against her. She stopped me and said “My turn.” Smiled, kissed me and went down. I thought she was there when her mouth formed around my tip and both hands on my sack and shaft. But she continued down my shaft and balls to rim me. I had never had a girl do that. She easily moved my legs upward as she went prone below and buried her face into my hole. I was thankful I had showered and couldn’t believe how good it felt as she continued to squeeze my ball sack in one hand. I tried to look down at her but struggled to keep watching. I decided it easier to just lean back and let Lynnette go after it. I found myself jerking off. I was close and really tried hard not to. I stopped, then Lynnette moved her mouth up onto my cock. She got on her knees, hovering over my tiny rod. She sucked hard and the sounds of her sucking echoed in the room. Then she plunged fingers up into my hole. I exploded and let out a unfamiliar sound as each load of cum was propelled out of me into her unsuspecting mouth. Lynnette gagged and choked on the warm fluid that flooded her throat. She continued to try swallowing as more and more came. She was forced to stop and look at me. Tears were running down her face. Her matted hair caked from sweat and cum seeping out one side of her mouth. Lynnette never looked so sexy. She pumped what little there was left inside me and fell over onto the bed. I pulled her exhausted body up to mine and we kissed. The taste of my own cum was exciting to extract from her mouth. We lay for a few minutes as the sweat glistened over our bodies. I had recovered enough and rolled Lynnette over. I made her get on all fours as I pressed my cock up between her large cheeks. She reached between and guided me into her warm wet well. I slipped inside and slowly took deep strokes into her. I leaned over and played with her dangle tits that swung underneath her body. Then it dawned on me, was this a test? Why was Lynnette really here? I got mad at myself for thinking this way and moved my hands to her thick thighs. I began to pound into her. Lynnette’s head bounced around the harder I went. She cried out “Yes! Fuck me!” Over and over. It fueled me because I began hepsibahis to think this might just be a one time thing and I better get the most out of it. I looked down at her ass hole and how it moved open and closed the faster I pounded as if it was begging for my cock. I pulled out quick. Put my tip up against it and pushed it in with two fingers. Lynnette’s body fell flat she jerked hard and screamed out in pain as I pressed in further. “What the fuck!”she cried out. But what she did next surprised me. She frantically reached a hand back and grabbed my wrist. “If you’re going to fuck my ass, then pull on my hair. I grabbed a large amount of hair and pulled as I plunged into her hole again. “Harder!”Lynnette cried. As I pushed in I yanked hard on hair. Her head jerked back. “Yes! That’s it!” I continued to pound her ass until she begged for me to stop. I finished by jerking off onto her lower back. We fell asleep for a couple hours. I awoke and showered off. I came back to bed as the sun was rising. She was on her back. I slipped up between her legs and began to rub her snatch. Lynnette looked so tired and with her eyes barely open “Do what you want.” She gave a sheepish grin and I took her nice and slow in the missionary position. I unloaded into as we kissed. Lynnette looked into my eyes and without hesitation “I love you.” I answered without really thinking about it “I love you too.” The response I think surprised us both as we just held each other looking into each other’s eyes while our bodies stayed connected. I admit, in that moment, it felt like I’d known her forever and I didn’t want this to end. We fell asleep again, we didn’t wake until the afternoon.Lynnette and I took a shower together. I was so infatuated with her entire body, the thickness, the curves…I washed her body and washed mine. I know we were both thinking as we bathed in silence…”what do we tell Sarah?” Our third date, was to take place tomorrow night. Then Lynnette spoke “I have to tell Sarah.” I knew she was right but I had to ask the obvious “What about us then?” Lynnette looked sad and tears formed in her eyes as she shrugged. My curiosity got the best of me, I had to know…”Why did you come over?” The answer shocked me…Lynnette cried as she state how jealous she was of Sarah and how lucky she was to be dating a guy like me. I admit I was flattered because I never thought of myself as much. But then Lynnette dropped the real truth, Sarah had slept with a guy Lynnette was interested in and she never really got over it. I felt belittled. I decided to confess the strong attraction I immediately felt when we first met. Lynnette had felt a strong connection too. We continued to talk about more and agreed that this was something and we shouldn’t deny ourselves the opportunity to see it through. We agreed that I should be the one to tell her.That evening, Sarah came over and Lynnette went home just before. I told Sarah the truth. What shocked me is how well she took it. Sarah smiled and could tell Lynnette liked me immediately when she too noticed her nipples got erect after we hugged and noticed a bulge in my pants. She also knew Lynnette never got over her fucking a guy she liked and knew it’d eventually happen. I wasn’t sure what to say and stood far enough back to avoid getting kicked in the balls. “So what now?” I asked. Sarah grinned, “Wanna fuck?”For the next f******n months, Lynnette and I dated and eventually moved in together. Sarah moved in with us as we tried living as a threesome. Unfortunately, the passion ran out and Lynnette and Sarah discovered their love for each. They moved away and got married. I was invited to their wedding and can now admit it was for the best.

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The Little Special Pill 6 : Living in Cockington,

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The Little Special Pill 6 : Living in Cockington,I came down stairs on a spring morning, my k**s were already out at school and Veronica my wife was in the kitchen.It was then I saw a cup on the coffee table with a little purple pill in it and a note saying ‘Take me at 2pm””What’s this love?” I asked my wifeVeronica stepped into the room “Bridget brought it around, Keith said you should take it at 2pm!” she replied.”But what is it? and why 2pm?” I asked”It’s a surprise and it’s a surprise!” replied Veronica grinning.Then she went back into the kitchen and I continued to stare at it for a bit until I decided to go get some breakfast.For the next few hours it played in mind, what was it? why 2pm? what was going to happen then?Finally it approached and Veronica stepped into the room again curious to watch me take it.”Well?” she asked grinning again.I watched the clock strike 2pm and sat on the sofa looking at the cup for a moment and then i picked up the cup and quickly shot the pill into my mouth, swallowing it I sat waiting for something to happen.”Well?” asked my wife after a moment.”Nothing!” I replied back but then something did happen, I felt a tingle, a strange happy tingle in my trousers and in seconds my junk began to throb and grow.”What is it?” asked Veronica after seeing my face change.”I think I know what it is!” I replied and quickly I began fiddling with my trouser zip before pulling them open and releasing my big purple throbbing cock.”Fucking hell!” cried Veronica seeing my hard cock looking bigger and more swollen than ever.She quickly moved towards me and then knelt at my feet, and then taking hold of my cock, she ran her soft warm hands up and down my erect shaft feeling every inch of my hard meat.”My god it’s beautiful!” she muttered before she lowered her head and began sucking on my cock.As I lay back very much enjoying my wife’s hot wet mouth, I heard a footsteps at the back door and then Bridget the blonde haired twenty year old housekeeper from next door walked in with a tall redheaded woman.”Hey are we to late?” Bridget asked walking up to the sofa grinning.”No we’ve just got started” replied my wife looking up from my cock for a moment.”Great! hi Peter, this is Eve, she’s just moved here and I thought I would show her around the neighbourhood!” Bridget then said looking at me.”Hi” I replied back smiling at Eve.She smiled back and then stood watching as Bridget pulled her top off releasing her big plump tanned boobs, and then slipped onto the sofa next to me, before offering her tits to me.I eagerly began sucking on her big round nipples as Veronica continued to suck on my big throbbing cock and after a few minutes I glanced up at Eve who was still stood watching us.”Hey come on, if you want to join us feel free!” I said and after another second she moved onto the sofa the other side of me, and then reached out to touch my cock.Her long painted güvenilir bahis fingers wrapped around my lower shaft and as Veronica continued to suck my cockhead Eve began tugging my shaft, while Bridget continued to feed me her tits.I then reached over and began fondling Eve’s nice round ass through her knee length skirt and as I did she lifted her ass a bit and my hand slipped beneath her and I could feel her warm moist soft pussy through her knickers.After a few minutes Veronica and Eve were eagerly running their tongues up and down my shaft and then swapping spit every so often and Bridget had removed her short denim skirt and pink knickers and I was thrusting two fingers deep into her wet warm shaved tanned pussy.Bridget then pulled herself free from my hand and then straddled my waist and begun lowering herself towards my cock, as she did Veronica and Eve pulled their heads away from my cock and for a moment started to lick Bridget’s wet pussy and pink asshole making her groan excitedly.Then finally she lowered herself more and my hard rigid cock touched her wet open pussy, brushed between her warm moist lips and finally I was inside of this hot blonde young woman.We both groaned as she sunk lower onto my shaft “Oh God Peter it feels so much bigger than before!” she gasped before she began riding my cock.As I ran my hands all over her body and fondled her big bouncing tits, Veronica and Eve continued their kissing and were soon pulling at each others clothes and in minutes they both naked on the floor rubbing each others pussy’s.I watched excitedly as my brunette wife with her big white plump tits and curvy body, sat between the legs of that redheaded slim white tattooed woman, who had an amazing pair of perky boobs and a little red bush above her shaved pink pussy and all I could do was think how lucky I was, how fucking lucky I was to be living in Cockington.A few minutes later Bridget was getting more and more excited as she bounced harder and harder on my cock and was soon groaning and cursing constantly “Oh fuck Peter, oh fuck peter, your cock is so good, so fucking big and good!” I was thrusting up into her wet cunt as she bounced up and down, and very quickly she reached her orgasm “Oh PETER, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING!” she cried and then she plunged down onto my cock and began bucking wildly on it.Bridget had barely finished cumming and was still gasping for air, when Veronica broke away from Eve, pushed the chubby ass of the blonde off my still hard wet cock and begun to mount me “Excuse me Bridget, but it’s my turn!” she grinned and then Veronica lowered her bald shaved pussy onto my cock and I slipped into my wife’s wet hot cunt and just like Bridget she groaned loudly as she did.”Oh fucking hell!” she gasped “Oh Peter your cocks never been so big!”Then Veronica started to ride me and once more I got enjoy a plump pair of boobs bouncing around in my internet casino face.While me and the wife were having one of the best fucks of our shared lives, Eve had crawled up onto the sofa and was now eating Bridget’s wet pussy beside us.Veronica groaned and moaned loudly really enjoying my larger stiffer cock, Bridget moaned softly as Eve licked her pussy and I eagerly reached over and started to fondle Eve’s swing perky tits.Her warm soft boobs with their hard pink nipples felt great in my hand, smaller than both my wife’s and Bridget’s but still enough to fill my hand, and Eve clearly enjoyed it as she groaned with my touch.”Oh god I love this cock! I love this cock!” groaned my wife bouncing eagerly on my cock.I was soon thrusting up into my wife making her cry out even more and then my wife hit her orgasm “OH FUCK YES PETER! YES!” she screamed as she began bouncing around wildly on me.Then Veronica collapsed on top of me and we kissed passionately for several minutes, before I felt my cock being pulled from my wife’s wet cunt, veronica moaned a little it was free from her pussy but then began groaning softly as I noticed Bridget had slipped off the sofa and was now down between her legs licking her wet pussy.And as my Wife groaned happily while laying on top of me crushing her plump sweaty tits into my hot sweaty chest I felt a new warm wet sensation on my cock and glancing over my wife’s head I saw Eve lowering her perfectly bald pink wet pussy onto my hard pulsing cock.I groaned happily enjoying the feeling of a new tighter pussy engulfing my cock and heard Eve gasp loudly and then groan heavily as she sunk onto my cock, facing away from us.Eve crouched over my waist for a moment getting use to my rock hard cock deep inside of her, and then steadily began to ride my cock, meanwhile Bridget was still eagerly licking my wife’s bald wet pussy and Veronica was now groaning and gasping between kissing me when ever she could manage it.This really was one of the most magical days I had ever had in Cockington, and as our hot sweaty bodies rubbed together I really couldn’t believe how fantastic my wife looked as we both got fucked by friends.I was soon thrusting into Eve’s sweet tight pussy making her groan louder and louder as she tried to stay on my cock, and my wife was soon groaning just as much as Bridget brought her to another orgasm.We fucked excitedly for several more minutes groaning and sweating together until Eve suddenly cried out “OH FUCKING HELL!” and like a cork she burst off my cock and collapsed on the floor bucking uncontrollably as her orgasm took over.Veronica then hit hers cumming excitedly on Bridget’s face and screaming into mine, until finally she calmed down and lay grinning at me.I then rolled my wife off my body and got her to kneel on the sofa, and then taking hold of my still hard purple cock I got behind her and slipped back canlı poker oyna into her now very wet hole.She groaned as I did and quickly I held her chubby hips and begun fucking her pussy rapidly “Oh Peter yes, fuck it, fuck it hard!” she criedAs I did, Bridget got up on the sofa and sat beside us with her legs wide open and Eve having finally recovered from her orgasm crawled between them again and began licking that beautiful tanned wet pussy.After several minutes of fucking my wife from behind and loving her big white ass wobbling in front of me, I pulled out of her and moved behind Eve, and then getting between her slim white legs I slipped my cock into her wet pink pussy.Eve thrust her face into Bridget’s pussy and they both groaned loudly before I begun plunging my cock in and out.Bridget and Eve groaned excitedly as every time I thrust into Eve, Eve’s tongue thrust into Bridget pussy and soon Veronica was leaning in sucking on Bridget’s big tanned tits making her moan more.I pounded Eve’s pussy harder and harder as I held her slim white hips, and soon began to feel the happy tingle in my balls that told me I was close to relief.”Yes i’m nearly there!” I groaned.”Keep going! keep going!” cried Eve before plunging her tongue back into Bridget’s pussy.I continued to ram my cock into her sweet tight pussy, and as I plunged in making her take my whole fat length I knew I was only going to last a few more seconds.”I’m CUMMING! I’M CUMMING!” I cried before I pulled out of Eve’s pussy straddled her back and begun blasting my cum all over Bridget’s naked sweaty body and my wife’s waiting mouth.I groaned happily as my cock spurted blast after blast of hot sticky cum, covering Bridget’s belly and her big soft tits while my wife opened her mouth to catch some as well, and then Eve reached up with her mouth and started to lick and suck my balls.I stood there relieved, my cock finally stopped cumming, my balls empty as Eve sucked and licked them before taking hold of my softening dripping cock and sucking that, while Bridget and Veronica exchanged kisses as they licked up the cum I had covered them in.Suddenly the front door opened and my teen blonde daughter Milly walked in with one of her friends, and they both instantly stopped dead with a look of stunned disbelief as they stared at our hot sweaty cum covered bodies lying naked in the lounge in front of them.”Mum! Dad!” Milly gasped looking at us before adding “Bridget!”We all looked at her not sure what to say, before her young brunette friend said “Fucking hell Milly! Your parents are swingers!” Then Milly screamed loudly and ran up stairs leaving her friend stood staring at us.”Err should I go or follow Milly?” she then asked.”I think you should go, and if you could, don’t mention this to anyone!” replied my wife nervously.”Sure, i’ll keep it to myself, honest!” replied Milly’s friend sarcastically before turning and leaving the house.We then all looked at each other for a moment, before Bridget and Eve begun to get dress and Veronica turned to me and said “Well, who’s going to talk to her then?”Living in Cockington may have just got a little more complicated.

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Der Frosch, ein Märchen für Erwachsene

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Der Frosch, ein Märchen für ErwachseneDer Frosch, ein Märchen für Erwachsene In einem weit abgelegenen Königreich, am anderen Ende unserer Träume, lebt ein Königspaar mit seinen drei Töchtern Kuschi, Luschi und Muschi. Kuschi, die Älteste ist überaus scheu und zurückhaltend. Luschi die zweitälteste hingegen, ist wie der Name schon sagt, hinter jedem Schwanz her, der einigermaßen zum Ficken taugt. Auch Muschi die Jüngste, kann trotz ihrer jugendlichen 16 Jahren, keine freie Minute die Finger von ihrer flauschigen Schatzinsel lassen. Sie ist bereits gut entwickelt, hat feste runde Titten und ihr junges zartes Fötzchen versteckt sich hinter einem dichten Gewirr aus weichem roten Flaum. Wer weiß schon welches Schätzchen sich wohl hinter diesem feuchten Schleier verbirgt. Der König jedenfalls hatte so eine Ahnung und weil er befürchten musste, sie könnte auch so werden wie ihre nimmer satte geile Schwester Luschi, schenkte er ihr zum Geburtstag einen Goldenen Fickstab und hoffte so, das dieser sie von den jungen strammen Burschen ablenken könnte.Inzwischen hat sich der kleine Goldene Fickstab zum Lieblingsspielzeug der frivolen Prinzessin hochgemausert. Liebevoll nennt sie ihn ‘mein Herz aller liebstes Goldfickschwänzchen ‘. Wann immer sich die Gelegenheit bietet, spreizt sie ihre Oberschenkel und streichelt mit der glatten Spitze ihres Goldschwänzchen sanft über ihre zartrosa Lustlippen. Vorsichtig drängt sie mit ihrem königlichen Freudenspender immer tiefer in ihren feuchter werdenden Flaum bis ihr eigener Mösensaft an den Oberschenkeln entlang bis hinunter zum Boden rinnt. Das erregt sie jedes Mal dermaßen, dass sie einfach nicht mehr anders kann und sich ihr Goldfickschwänzchen ganz hinein schieben muss durch das glitschige Tor der Freuden, hinein in ihren vor Erregung vibrierenden Lustkanal, bis sie seinen Schaft gerade noch mit ihren Fingerspitzen greifen kann. Ein leicht stechender Schmerz jedoch signalisiert ihr das nahende Ende ihrer feucht heißen Höhle. Zu spät, ihr jugendlicher Körper erschauert bereits und beschenkt sie mit süßer feuchter Wonne.Im Schlosspark, gibt es eine Lichtung, dort befindet sich ein schattiges Plätzchen mit einem wunderschönen kühlen Teich. An besonders heißen Tagen, pflegt Muschi, ihre wollüstigen Leidenschaften dort im Schatten der schützenden Bäume auszuleben. So setzt sie sich an den Rand des Teichs und spreizt ihre Beine soweit es geht. In dieser Position kann sie nun im Spiegel der Wasseroberfläche gut beobachten, wie ihr Goldfickschwänzchen immer wieder in ihr Fötzchen eintaucht, kurz darin verweilt und wieder heraus flutscht. Dabei spürt sie wie sie durch dieses frivole Treiben immer geiler und feuchter wird. Hin und wieder taucht sie ihre Fingerspitzen in das kühle Nass und benetzt damit abwechselnd die süßen kleinen Nippel ihrer Titten, bis diese dann ganz steif und hart durch die leichte Sommerbluse spießen. Wie genießt sie es doch, wenn sich ihr Fotzenschleim ganz langsam und zäh in dünnen Fäden nach unten zieht, die Wasseroberfläche des Teichs berührt und in geisterhaften Schlieren abtaucht in das unbekannte Nichts.Es ist ein sehr schwüler Tag. Muschi ist wieder einmal zum Lustwandeln am Teich. An diesem Tag ist sie jedoch so aufgewühlt in ihrer Geilheit, das ihr der inzwischen schleimig gewordene Goldfickschwanz aus den Fingern gleitet und unvermittelt in den Teich fällt. Starr vor Entsetzen kann sie nur noch zu sehen, wie ihr liebstes Stück für sie unerreichbar in den dunklen Tiefen des Teichs versinkt. Sie weint herz zereisend und will sich gar nicht mehr beruhigen. Auf einmal vernimmt die Prinzessin eine dunkle quakende Stimme neben sich, ‘Hallo Prinzesschen, quak, was ist dir denn passiert, das du so jämmerlich weinst, quak. Warst du doch sonst immer so ausgelassen und geil an meinem Teich gekommen und hast mir etwas von deinem geilen Schleim ins Maul laufen lassen’. Muschi erschrickt und schaut sich um. Aber am Teichrand sitzt nur ein großer grüner Frosch. Seine Haut glänzt wie der Mösensaft zwischen ihren Schenkeln. Er hat eine lange schleimige Zunge mit der er sich wohl selbst am Arsch lecken könnte, wenn er denn wollte. ‘Mein Herz aller liebstes Goldfickschwänzchen ist in den Teich gefallen und ich wüsste nicht, wie ich mich ohne ihn je wieder in so geile Wonnen verführen könnte’. ‘Ach wenn dass Alles ist, dann wein mal nicht mein frivoles Prinzesschen’, quakte der Frosch. ‘Ich kann Dir deinen Freudenspender schon wieder aus den Teich zurück holen. Du musst mir aber drei Dinge versprechen: ich canlı bahis siteleri darf beim nächsten Abendessen in deinen Schlüpfer kriechen, mich dort zwischen deine warmen Mösenlippen kuscheln, mich im Saft deines Fötzchens suhlen und wenn Du dann so richtig nass und glitschig zwischen den Beinen bist, nimmst du mich mit in dein Schlafgemach, quaaak. Mit meiner langen Zunge werd ich dich dort in die hohen Freuden der Wollust einweihen. Du wirst es genießen, quaaak. Mein Zunge wird der Wegbereiter sein, sie wird langsam und tief in dich eindringen, quaaak, bis Du bereit bist und es gar nicht mehr erwarten kannst, dass ich das Flehen deiner jungendlichen Geilheit erhöre und dich in deinen süßen runden Arsch ficke, so tief und solange, bis dein Innerer Krieger bereit ist nachzugeben, quaaaak.Muschi hat gar nicht richtig zugehört, sagt aber sogleich ‘Alles was du willst mein lieber Fickfrosch, wenn ich nur mein Goldfickschwänzchen wieder unbeschadet zurückbekomme. Also gut, abgemacht, sagt der Frosch, springt mit einem mächtigen Satz in den Teich und taucht hinab bis auf den schlammigen Grund.Inzwischen hat sich das frivole Prinzesschen wieder gefasst und sinnt darüber nach, wie sie wohl den garstigen Frosch austricksen könnte. ‘So einen schleimigen Bruder an meinem zarten Fötzchen? Niemals’. Und dann noch seine eklige lange Zunge in meinen süßen kleinen Arsch, Igittigitt’.Es dauert eine ganze Weile, dann taucht der Frosch wieder auf und hat tatsächlich den goldenen Fickstab der Prinzessin im Maul. Noch bevor er aber aus dem Wasser ist, grabscht die freche Göre nach dem Stab, packt ihn und rennt eiligst davon. Halt nicht so schnell mein süßes Königsfötzchen, ich kann dir nicht so schnell folgen. Doch sie hört ihn schon gar nicht mehr und aus den Augen aus dem Sinn, wie schnell ich doch im Laufen bin, ist sie entschwunden.Zeit zum Abendessen! Die Prinzessin die Jüngste hat die Geschichte bereits vergessen, plötzlich hört die königliche Gesellschaft etwas Plitsch-Platsch die Treppe herauf kommen und an der Tür klopfen. Nichts ahnend macht Muschi auf, doch als sie den Frosch sieht, erschrickt sie fürchterlich, knallt die Tür gleich wieder zu und rennt zurück an ihren Platz. Der König wundert sich sehr über das Verhalten seiner jüngsten Tochter und fragt sie warum sie plötzlich so bleich sei. Und da sie ja fast keine Geheimnisse voreinander haben, erzählt sie ihm die ganze Geschichte. ‚Na gut mein frivoles Töchterlein, sagt er, da musst du wohl durch. Versprochen ist versprochen und wird auch nicht gebrochen. Also geh schon, mach die Tür auf und lass den mysteriösen Frosch herein. Wollen wir doch mal sehen und erleben wie er dich zum Jubeln bringen will’. Alles Jammern hilft nichts, sie muss gehorchen.Kaum ist die Tür einen Spalt offen, flitzt die Prinzessin flugs zurück an den Tisch und presst ihre Oberschenkel ganz fest zusammen. Der Frosch jedoch hüpft ihr Plitsch-Platsch schnurstracks hinterher und verschwindet unter dem Tisch. Die Königliche Gesellschaft beobachtet während dessen ganz gebannt jede noch so kleine Regung ihrer Jüngsten. Der Frosch derweilen, an ihren glatten Schenkeln angelangt, kriecht ganz langsam und behutsam daran hoch. Das kitzelt die Prinzessin so sehr, dass sie dabei ganz vergisst, dass sie ihre Beine geschlossen halten wollte. Diese Gelegenheit lässt sich der Frosch nicht entgehen. Schwupps, schon ist er in den Schlüpfer der Prinzessin geschlüpft und drängt sich wollüstig zwischen die zartrosa Lippen ihres jungendlichen Fötzchens. Ein kalter Schauer durchströmt die Prinzessin. Erst ist es Ekel, dann prickelnder Schauder vermischt mit steigendem wollüstigem Verlangen.Dem König ist die zunehmende Erregung seiner frivolen Tochter sehr wohl aufgefallen. Unwillkürlich, ohne dass er dies hätte verhindern können, regt sich sein königliches Glied in seiner Hose und schwillt sogleich zu ansehnlicher Größe heran. Die Königin, die unmittelbar neben ihm sitzt, bemerkt dies natürlich und schickt sich sogleich an, den Königlichen Schwanz im Zaum zu halten. Obwohl sie zu gerne auch diesen geilen schleckenden Fickfrosch an ihrer reifen Fotze gehabt hätte, die königlichen Pflichten haben Vorrang. Schnell greift sie nach des Königs zuckendem Schwanz und beginnt damit ihn genüsslich nach alt hergebrachter Weise zu wichsen. Doch auch der König will nicht untätig sein, er rafft den Rock seiner Königin und drängt mit seinem linken Arm unter ihr pralles Gesäß. Seine Finger krabbeln langsam immer weiter nach vorne, zwischen ihren Arschbacken canlı casino hindurch, verweilen kurz an der bereits vor Lüsternheit zuckenden Arschrosette ihrer Majestät, bis die Finger letztendlich das feuchte Tal erreichen. Der Königin scheint der frivole Besuch zu gefallen. So beginnt sie langsam auf des Königs Hand hin und her zu rutschen, bis sie endlich einen seiner Finger in ihrer feuchten Grotte spürt. Einer der anderen Finger macht sich seinerseits auf den Weg ihr enges Arschloch zu erkunden. Ihre Majestät die Königin versteht ihr Handwerk gut, so dauert es auch nicht lange und der König verspritzt seine weiße Pracht unter den Tisch.Das aufgegeilte Königspaar war so mit sich selbst und ihrer Jüngsten beschäftigt, dass beide gar nicht mitbekommen haben, dass die beiden Schwestern Kuschi und Luschi, unbemerkt unter den Tisch geschlüpft waren. Die Schwestern wollten eben das frivole Geschehen aus nächster Nähe beobachten.Sie können es kaum fassen, was unter dem Tisch so alles vor sich geht, wie dieser geile Fickfrosch im Schlüpfer ihrer kleinen Schwester wühlt, dabei ihr Fötzchen unaufhörlich massiert und dabei mit seiner langen Zunge an ihrem Lustzäpfchen schleckt. Der Schlüpfer der jungen Prinzessin ist bereits so durchnässt, dass sie ihre Erregung vor ihren Schwestern kaum verbergen kann. Diese sind davon so angetan, dass sie selbst beginnen sich gegenseitig zu streicheln. Nach und nach stecken sie sich gegenseitig einen Finger nach den anderen in ihre eigenen feuchten Höhlen. Kuschi kann dabei ihre Augen keinen Augenblick von Muschis nassem Schlüpfer lassen, doch Luschi hingegen, das geile Luder, hat bemerkt, dass genau gegenüber, vor ihrer Nase, der stattliche Schwanz des König gewichst wird, während der wiederum, seine Finger in der Königin’s Arsch und Fotze steckt. Diesen Augen- und Gaumen-schmauß kann und will sie sich nicht entgehen lassen. Denn sie weiß sehr wohl, was bald darauf folgen wird.Während die Finger ihrer Schwester weiterhin unaufhörlich in ihrer gereiften Fotze wühlen, postiert sich Luschi so, dass ihr Gesicht genau in der Schusslinie liegt von des Königs praller Eichel. In der Hoffnung doch ein bisschen vom Quellsaft ihrer Zeugung zu erhaschen, von des Königs Dessert zu naschen, ohne dass davon jemand etwas mitbekommen würde. Schon kündigen die ersten Lustperlen auf seiner königlich glänzenden Schwanzeichel das all abendliche Königsschießen an. Unvermittelt trifft sie sein erster Erguss mitten im Gesicht. Doch schon der zweite findet seinen Weg direkt in ihren Schlund, wo er sich langsam und zäh die Kehle hinunter bewegt und so die Lustschreie der geilen Luschi bedämpft. Gierig schnappt sie nach jedem erreichbaren Schwall. Vor Erregung windend legt sie sich auf den Rücken, mit dem Gesicht genau zwischen des Königs Beine. Und so sammelt sie auch noch die letzten der schleimigen Fäden, die sich langsam und zäh aus des Königs Schwanzeichel lösen, in ihrem verlangendem Schlund.In der Zwischenzeit war der Frosch so fleißig am schlecken, dass Muschi schließlich befürchten muss, dass die zunehmende Geilheit ihr die Sinne rauben würde. Verlegen rennt sie eiligst aus dem Raum und verschwindet mit dem Frosch in ihrem Schlafgemach.Rücklings lässt sie sich auf ihr Bett fallen und fängt an die zarten erregten Nippel ihrer Brüste zu streicheln. Wie von mehreren Blitzen gleichzeitig getroffen, zuckt der Strom der Wollust durch ihren Körper. Mit Genugtuung bemerkt dies der Frosch, wie es um ihn herum immer glitschiger wird und wie saftiger weißer Fotzenschleim die ganze frivole Umgebung flutet. Mit größter Wonne suhlt er sich im Saft der geilen Prinzessin. Dies bringt seine königliche Gespielin nun erst richtig in Rasche. Sie wirft sich auf den Bauch und hätte den Frosch fasst erdrückt, hätte er sich nicht schnell mit dem Kopf voran bis zu den Hinterfüssen in das nasse Fötzchen der Prinzessin gezwängt. Er kann sich aber gerade noch rechtzeitig aus dieser misslichen Lage befreien, als sich die vor Geilheit rasend gewordene Prinzessin ihr innig geliebtes Goldfickschwänzchen bis zum Anschlag in ihre nasse Königsfotze schiebt.Nun gibt es auch für den Frosch kein Halten mehr. Mit den Vorderfüssen drückt er die Pobacken der Prinzessin weit auseinander, bis er ihre vor Wollust pumpende Arschrosette genau vor seinen Augen hat. Gleichzeitig strampelt er mit seinen Hinterfüssen in der vom Goldfickschwanz bereits besetzten nassen Fotze. Ein kleiner weißer Quell entspringt ihrer Lusthöhle. Genüsslich schlabbert der Frosch diesen kaçak casino Wonnesaft mit seiner langen Zunge in sich hinein und bald schon, hat er das ganze Maul davon voll, voll duftendem geilem Schleim.Nachdem er nun so richtig satt ein gesabbert ist, beginnt er mit seiner Zungenspitze das kleine goldbraune Arschloch der Prinzessin zu liebkosen. Sie ist inzwischen außer sich vor Gier und pumpt mit ihrer Arschrosette, als wenn sie damit nach Luft schnappen wollte. Der Frosch nimmt diese Gelegenheit wahr und dringt mit seiner gut geschmierten Zunge unvermittelt ein, ein in den Arsch der lüsternen Prinzessin. Immer weiter drückt er nun ihre Pobacken auseinander bis es ihm endlich gelingt, sich mit seinem Maul an der Arschrosette der Prinzessin festzusaugen. Seine Zunge kann so nun um so tiefer und tiefer ein dringen in die dunkle braune Höhle. Schon ist er mit seiner Zungenspitze am Inneren Krieger der Prinzessin angekommen. Sie bebt, sie zuckt am ganzen Körper, reckt ihren festen runden Arsch in die Höhe, wie eine läufige Katze, die auf die hundert Schwänze einer Horde geiler Kater wartet.So fällt auch diese ihre letzte Verteidigungsbastion, der Innere Krieger. Der Frosch dringt ein, in selbst der Prinzessin unbekannte Sphären. Heftig schmatzend hängt er am Arsch der Prinzessin, und bemerkt gar nicht, wie er immer mehr Luft in ihren Darm pumpt. Und so kommt es wie es kommen muss, in einem orgiastischen Pfurz, befreit sich die Prinzessin von dem unerträglich geilen Druck. Für den Frosch gibt es keinen Halt mehr, er fliegt in hohem Bogen durch den Raum und klatscht mit immenser Wucht gegen die gegenüberliegende Wand.Die Prinzessin ist fast ohnmächtig geworden. Es dauert geraume Zeit bis sie wieder zu sich kommt. Als sie sich umdreht um nach ihren Meisterfickerfrosch zu sehen, sieht sie stattdessen einen jungen strammen und splitternackten Mann hinter sich stehen, der sie mit einer liebevoll eindringenden Gier betrachtet und sich dabei ganz genüsslich seinen großen dicken Schwanz wichst. ‘Hallo meine königlich-geile Stute’, sagt er mit erregender Stimme, ‘ich bin Eisenfickschwanz, ein verwunschener Prinz. Die böse Hexe Syphilia hat mich verzaubert, weil ich ihr nicht zu Diensten sein wollte. Da verwandelte sie mich in diesen erbärmlichen Frosch mit seiner immer geilen Zunge. Nur wenn ich eine Prinzessin finden würde, die sich damit in den Arsch ficken ließe, würde ich wieder meine menschliche Gestalt erhalten. Du siehst, Deine Geilheit hat mich gerettet’.Während er seine Geschichte erzählt, wichst er unaufhörlich weiter an seinen inzwischen prall angeschwollenen steifen Prinzenschwanz. Auch die Prinzessin kann keinen Blick mehr von ihm lassen und fängt an, sich bewusst alle Finger ihrer linken Hand in ihre noch immer triefend nasse Fotze zu schieben. Mit der anderen Hand zieht sie ihre Schamlippen weit auseinander, so dass dem strammen Prinzen kein Anblick mehr verwehrt bleiben sollte. Schon zeigen sich die ersten glitschigen weißen Liebesperlen am Ausgang seiner seidig glänzenden Eichel. Er kommt seitlich an ihr Bett und reckt der Prinzessin seinen harten Prinzenschwanz entgegen. Sanft schiebt er seine feucht glänzende Eichel durch ihre leicht geöffneten Lippen hindurch in ihren warmen Schlund. Voller Inbrunst beginnt die lüsterne Prinzessin wie wild daran zu saugen und schiebt sich das ganze geile Teil immer weiter hinein in ihre enge Kehle. So dauerte es nicht lange und ihr Arsch war bereit, für den besten Fick aller Zeiten. Sie zerrt den Prinzenschwanz aus ihren Mund, dreht sich blitzschnell um und rammt sich den harten Schwanz des Prinzen bis zu den Eiern in ihren Arsch. Mit ihrer anderen Hand rührt sie während dessen ungeniert weiter in ihrer Lust geweiteten Fotze. Der geile Saft beginnt ihr aus sämtlichen Fickhöhlen zu rinnen, fast so, als wenn sie pissen würde. Mit harten Stößen fickt der aufgegeilte Prinzenschwanz unermüdlich den saftigen Arsch der Prinzessin, bis er nicht mehr anders kann und seinen geilen heißen Saft mit einer gewaltig pulsierenden Fontäne in ihren königlichen Darm hinein pumpt. In einem unbeschreiblich orgiastischen Höhepunkt, schreien Beide ihre Wolllust hinaus in die Welt. Noch ein paar letzte zuckende Stöße, dann fallen sie ermattet auf das Bett und suhlen sich in ihren eigenen schleimigen Hinterlassenschaften, den Zeugen einer wollüstigen Begegnung.Das Königliche Fötzchen jedoch, muss noch ein Weile warten, bis auch es endlich in den Genuss dessen gelangen wird, wovon ihr Arsch schon lange schwärmen darf, nämlich ‘einen steifen prallen Prinzenfickschwanz tief in sich zu spüren, bis der warme königliche Saft in sie eindringen wird und lustvoll ihren Innersten Wunsch erfüllen wird’. Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann ficken sie noch heute. ……..

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Wie ich zum Wichsen kam

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Wie ich zum Wichsen kamSeit einiger Zeit erinnere ich mich wieder an die (ganz) alten Zeiten.Wir hatten eine kleine Wohnung und ich kein eigenes Zimmer !Ich schlief mit im … EHEBETT !!!Eines nachts wurde ich wach…Unruhe neben mir.Nur das Licht der Straßenlaterne schien ins Zimmer.Öffnete meine Augen…meine Mutter lag neben mir.Ihr Körper wippte leicht auf und ab.Im schwachen Licht sah ich ihre großen Titten hin und her bewegen.Sie war zwar mollig, aber nicht zu dick und ihre Brüste waren wirklich schönanzusehen.Ihre strammen Beine waren angewinkelt, Stiefvater über ihr.Ab und zu klatschten ihr Körper hörbar aneinander…Sie flüsterte, er solle leiser machen, was genau das Gegenteil bewirkte !Sie stöhnten, es schmatzte, dazu quietschte das Bett…Mehrmals ermahnte sie ihn …”pssst, nicht so laut” !Drehte ihren Kopf zu mir, bahis siteleri schnell schloss ich meine Augen.Kräftig fuhr er immer wieder in sie.Das Klatschen ihrer Körper wurde lauter,ihre Arme lagen auf dem Bett, mittlerweile atmeten beide schwerer.Ich genoss den Anblick ihrer tanzenden Titten.Plötzlich…rührte sich mein kleiner Pimmel in der Hose.Er wurde richtig steif…So lag ich neben den Beiden und schaukelte leicht in ihrem Fick-Rhythmus mit.Mein Jungenschwanz pochte und drückte.Stiefvater fickte sie nun noch härter und schneller, das Bett quietschte im Takt laut mit, ich fragte mich, bis wohin man das wohl hörte ?Nochmals schaute sie kurz zu mir, wurde aber wohl von seinen harten und bestimmt tiefen Stössen mitgerissen.Sie zog ihre Beine noch weiter an ihren Körper,ihr Bauch drückte sich zwischen ihre Schenkel.Das bedava bahis Straßenlicht gab mir einen geilen Einblick,wohin der Stiefvaterschwanz immer wieder verschwand.Ohne mein Zutun lief es mir heiß und klebrig aus meinemharten Pimmelchen…alles in die Schlafanzughose !!!Erstarrt lag ich da, dachte zunächst, ich hätte mir in die Hose gemacht,aber es fühlte sich anders…und auch schöner an !Stiefvater schaffte und pumpte seinen Schwanz weiter eifrig in die Möse meiner Mutter,plötzlich Stille, kein Klatschen, kein Stöhnen, kein Bettquietschen mehr…Ein tiefer, leicht unterdrückter, kehliger Seufzer….er spritzte sein Sperma in sie….musste so sein, kannte ich aus Pornoheftchen,die ich gefunden hatte !!!Mit langen Atemzügen lag er noch kurz auf ihr, rollte sich an von ihr…ging ins Badezimmer.Sie bedava bonus streckte sich aus…auch sie atmete noch laut,ihr Brustkorb hob und senkte sich…ihre Titten glänzten !nach einigen Minuten drehte sie sich auf die Seite und schob sich mit ihrem Rückenzu mir. Sie strahlte eine große Hitze aus.Überhaupt war im Schlafzimmer jetzt eine besondere Atemluft aus Schweiß und ich sag mal…Fickduft !Plötzlich griff sie hinter sich, meinte, dass sie meinen immernoch harten Penis streifte…Mir blieb fast das Herz stehen…ob sie was merkte?Auch meinte ich, kurz danach immer wieder leichte Bewegungen ihres Arsches (der auch nicht gerade klein war)zu spüren.Konnte aber auch Einbildung gewesen sein.Auf jeden Fall schlief ich dann ein.Seit dem Geschehen in dieser Nacht bespannte ich die Beiden bei jeder Gelegenheit und wichste dazu…und ich erwischte sie oft…nicht nur die Beiden zusammen, sondern sie auch mit anderen !!!Das war mein Erstlingswerk…wenns gefällt, schreibe ich noch mehr Erlebnisse,wie eingangs erwähnt, sind die Erinnerungen an damals wieder sehr präsent….

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32