Neclayı Tarlada Bozdum

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92 model kırmızı bir Doğan almışım. Eski püskü, ama bir bakım, pasta cila, her şey tamam. Ankara`dan Kırıkkale`ye doğru yola çıktım. Yaz havası. Kaset bangır bangır çalıyor. Ben de bağıra çağıra eşlik ediyorum.Benzinliğe girdim. Sigara, su falan aldım. Ayrılırken baktım, iki tane kız. Biri boyalı sarışın, cillop gibi.Uzun bacaklı, mini etekli. Bol makyajlı. Öteki esmer, kuru, çirkince bi şey. Bizi de alır mısın dediler. Oh, canıma minnet. Aldım tabi..Sarışını yanıma oturttum. Öteki arkada. Sigara, şarkı, türkü falan. Yavaştan gidiyoruz. Kasise falan girdikçe bizim cillopun memeler sallanıyor. Bluzunun arasından görüyorum. Aklım başımdan gidiyor. Dayanamadım, elimi bacaklarına attım. Elime vurdu. “Yaramazlık yok, hastayım” dedi. “Hassiktiir, ne hastası lan” dedim, “Parası neyse verecem”. Kibar kibar “Şey, dedi regil oldum, olmaz””Madem hastasın, niye böyle giyiniyosun” dedim. Elimi bacaklarının arasına attım, avuçladım. Hakkaten de elime kilotuyla beraber orkit geldi. Ama sikim kazık gibi olmuştu.Ben de elimi memelerine attım. Atmamla beraber, suratıma bir şaplak indirdi. Az daha yoldan çıkacaktım. “Terbiyesiz şey sen de, rahat bırak beni, indir bizi şurda” dedi. Bankete inip durdum. Aceleyle indiler. Kapıları çarptılar. Boş tarlaların içine doğru yürümeye başladılar. Basıp gidecektim. Ama elim sikimde biraz onları seyrettim. Esmer yere daha sağlam basıyordu. Sarışın, ayağındaki topuklularla bursa escort bata çıka ilerlemeye çalışıyordu. götünü sallayışı, ince beli, beni tekrar azdırdı. Biraz daha izledim. İlerideki küçük bir barakaya doğru yönelmişlerdi. Motoru istop edip arabadan çıktım. Bu karıyı götten sikecektim.Arkalarından seyirttim. Beni fark edince kaçmaya başladılar. Esmer çitlembik anında tüydü. Sarışın koşmaya çalışırken, lombur lombur memeleriyle daha da seksi olmuştu.”Yakalarsam sikerim” diye bağırdım. Daha da panikledi. Düştü. Hemen yetiştim. Artık altımdaydı. Memelerine yumulup ısırmaya başladım. Bağırıyordu. Pantolonumu sıyırdım. “Yapma, sırtım acıyor” diye yırtınıyordu. “Seni acıta acıta sikeceği, hem de götünden” dedim. “İstediğin kadar bağır”. Altımda hem “Necla, Necla” diye bağırıyor, hem de debeleniyordu. Şu karıyı bir ters çevirip götünü bulsam işim tamamdı. Ama memeleri de sert elma gibiydi. Hemen domaltmak istemiyordum. Isırıp emmesi çok zevkli oluyordu.Birden altımdaki karının sesi azaldı. O anda arkamda bir karaltı hissetmemle beraber başımı döndüm ve alnımda koca bir şey patladı. Gözüme toprak dolmuştu, canım feci yanmıştı. Altımdaki karıyı bırakıp tepemde panik içinde dikilen esmer Neclanın ince bileğini yakaladım. Bileğini çekmemle berber altıma düştü. Çok canımı yakmıştı. Bu karı cezayı haketmişti. Salak karı kafama taş diye toprağı geçirmişti. Şimdi ikisi de altımda debeleniyordu.Ben bu Neclanın suratına bursa escort bayan iki tane patlattım. “Seni sikmekten öldüreceğim” diye bağırıp, iki tane daha çaktım. Dudağı patlamıştı. Benim de kaşım açılmıştı. Canımın acısıyla iki tane daha vurdum. “Yapma, dövme” diye yalvarıyodu. Altımdan kalkmaya çalışan sarışına da iki tane patlattım. Ortalık sütliman olmuştu. Sessiz sessiz ağlıyorlardı.Neclanın uzun eteğini sıyırıp, kilotunu bir hamlede bacaklarından çıkarttım. “Yapma, ben bakireyim” dedi. İncecik bacakları yeni doğmuş buzağı gibi titriyordu. “Bir laf daha edersen sesini keserim” diye boğazına sarıldım.Sarışın da “Ona yapma, beni al, o bakire” diyecek oldu. “Şunun cezasını vereyim, senin götüne de sıra gelecek” diye hırladım. Korktu, büzüştü.Dizlerimin üstüne dikildim. Hakkaten, taşlar fena acıtıyordu. Neyse ki altımda yumuşacık karılar vardı. Güneş popomu ısıtıyordu. Benim malı bir tükrükleyip Neclanın bakire amına verdim. Fakat amı kuruydu, girmiyordu. Sarışını saçlarından çekip ağzını sikime bastırdım. “yala şunu, amına koyduğum” dedim. Emrime uyup, sikimin başını, gövdesini yaladı, tükürükledi. Hem de iyice büyüttü. Saçlarını elime dolayıp ağzını sikimden çektirdim. Neclanın amına gömdüm. “Şunu da yala bakalım” dedim. Onu da isteksizce yalayıp, tükürükledi.Yarrağı sıvazladım. Neclanın amına saldım. Amını çekmeye, korumaya çalıştı, ama ne çare.. Gücü yetmiyordu. Mecburen yarrağımı aldı. Yüzünden escort bursa çektiği acı okunuyordu. kadın olmak, iri bir erkeğin altın yatıp kızlık bozdurmak zor iş olsa gerek.. Şimdi hem sıcak, hem de ıslaktı. Vücüdümun tüm ağırlığını üstüne verdim. Artık benim işim rahattı, dizlerime taşlar eskisi gibi batmıyordu. Ben daracık amını esnetirken Necla bas bas bağırıyordu. Zaten el kadar kadındı. Altımdan kaçacak yeri yoktu. Belimin tüm gücüyle pompalarken, sarışının yanımdan kalktığını, gizlice kaçmaya başladığını fark etmiştim, ama keyfimi bozmaya hiç niyetim yoktu.Bu kaltağın cezasını vermek daha zevkliydi.Vücümla onu ezmek, canhıraş feryatlarını dinlemek, her vuruşta amının daha çok ıslanmasının ona verdiği şaşkınlığı izlemek, zevkten mi, acıdan mı bağırdığına karar verememek çok zevkliydi.Daracık amına bütün var erkekliğimi sokuyor, ondan gelen sesleri zevkle dinliyordum. Necla eskisi kadar direnmiyor, sadece ince çığlıklar atıyordu. Artık her an boşalacağımı o da biliyor, bunu kadınca bir teslimiyetle bekliyordu.Erkek olmak, sert bir yarrağa sahip olmak, bununla bir kadını teslim almak dünyadaki en zevkli şeydi. Nihayet patladım. Tabii ki Neclanın derinliklerine. Defalarca, dolu dolu, içini kanırta kanırta patladım. Artık cezası kesilmişti. Ama ben de bitmiştim.Kafamı kaldırdığımda, sarışının barakanın arkasından bizi seyrettiğini gördüm. Gözlerinde korku ve şehvet vardı. Onun da sırası gelecekti ama dizlerimin bağı çözülmüştü. Necla ise hala altımda küçük küçük inliyor ve inceden ağlıyordu. Yarrağımı ağzına verdim. Ona diliyle sikimdeki kan ve belsuyunu temizletirken, gözlerimle sarışını sikiyordum.Gönderen: civan

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Becoming a Submissive

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Again many thanks to Bron Zeage for his patience advice and editing , without his help this would not be here .

Merci encore Monsieur



She spends a week-end with her sister Marge.

It has been a little over a year since my week-end with Rick


I no longer see Rick. He and his wife finally divorced and he has retained custody of his daughter. And moved back to the west coast,


He and I maintain a cordial relation and remain friends.

My Sister Marge.

She was an enigma and a problem for me. I had let her touch me in a sexual manner in her van. True, I was so horny that time I was almost out of my mind. The second time at the cottage, during my week-end with Rick. It was more curiosity It bothered me that the first woman to touch me sexually was my own sister. Actually, I had a problem dealing with the fact I really enjoyed making out with her and the realization that I was bisexual. I knew that my Mom and she were bisexual, but discovering this about me was a bit disconcerting.

To add to my introspective, I promised my sister, I would spent a night with her let her “use my body” as she put it. And, not withstanding my questioning of my sexual orientation, I was looking forward to it with both hesitation and trepidations.

There was also the conversation with our Mom. She seemed quite at ease with me and Marge making out. She even told me a few women she knew would appreciate having me in their bed, including her. She had refused to answer my question when I asked if she played with Marge. It shook me up and worried me. If I got involved in an incestuous relationship with my sister, would I someday end up in bed with my own mother? To say I was in a quandary is an understatement.

I had to talk seriously to Marge. I called her and set a meeting in the municipal park. We could find a seat out of the way and have a talk in private. Sitting next to her I was wet and could feel my pussy lips swelling. I hoped she did not notice.

“Did you change your mind about repaying you dept Fran? If you have hesitations you know I won’t hold you to it or hold your backing out against you. Be very sure . This has to be of your own free will.”

“No, that is not the reason for our meeting. I will admit that I am a little afraid of where it may lead. Mom let escape that you liked to dominate your women”

“The main reason, Marge, is I have a question for you, it is important to me.”


“Do you and Mom make out?”


“Are you sure?”

“Ok, I’ll come clean. Once we were at the cottage, just me and Mom, I was horny and I made her understand that I was available to play if she wanted. She sat me down and told me that both her girls were very sexy and she loved us, but that having sex with her own daughters no matter how tempted she might be, was a line she would not cross.”

“Yet, she seems ok with us having an incestuous relation.”

“Strange, don’t you think?”

“She is not always easy to understand.”

“This is the week-end that I told her I like dominate and use my women. She arranged for me to meet a Dominatrix friend of hers, to be trained in the does and don’ts. You do not want to do permanent harm to a submissive. You want to play with her. She has to enjoy it too.”

“That worries me some, that dominatrix streak in you. I certainly would not want to be whipped, burned, cut, choked, or suffer great pain.”

“I am a Dom. I am not into hurting my pets. I may spank their ass until it is good and red, mess with their nipples, pussy and clit, or some bondage if they like it. I will also use nipple and pussy lips clamps with or without training weights, inflict some moderate pain depending on what they tolerate. I am not into breath restriction. The only thing I put around the neck of my pets is a collar and a leash. If they are tied or in any way restricted, I don’t leave them alone for even a minute. Scat games, forget it. I am not into any of that dirt. I do however love to fuck them with a strap-on, both in the pussy and the ass. I have different size dildos to go with it and I let them choose the size they like.”

That was getting me hotter still. I could feel my pussy twitch and my clit and nipples getting engorged and swelling , my nipples were getting hard and sticking out. I was trying to hide this but Marge was looking at my nipples sticking out trough my blouse. I knew she noticed but did not say anything.

“That clears things, some. These dildos of yours, they are big?”

“Don’t take what you see on the net as normal Dom/sub behaviour. These women having things 5 or 6 inches across and over a foot long inserted into their holes are exceptions and most of them get damaged down there by these things and sooner or later have to have the damage surgically repaired, aside from other problems.”

“My biggest dildo would be the size on very well hung man. Some of my pets only like to serve me and be a bit humiliated. One likes to have her tits and canlı bahis pussy spanked hard and then I get her to lick and tongue fuck my ass while masturbating and finger fucking herself. She is quite good at it. I wonder if she does it to her husband.”

“I have even two sluts I use for their husband’s pleasure, before they fucks their brains out. No, I don’t let the husbands touch me, only the women. Another guy is a widower. I sometimes take a slut to him for an evening of games. He is not really rough, but loves to fuck their mouth and ass and is quite found of bondage,”

“One more very important thing, I will never do anything to you that you don’t want, and you will be able to stop everything at any time.” In my head I was already fantasising about being used by her. I know I was squirming on the seat I was hoping she would take me then and there.

“That pretty well answers my questions. Thanks Marge.”

I was so hot I was afraid I would come. My panties were wet and I was breathing hard.

“Little sister you seem to be all horny. I think that you are more tempted that you let on, but today I will not help you to get release. You will only get release from me if and when you decide to submit to me.”

This disappointed me a lot. I needed release so much, I was almost shaking with desire. But I realised later that this was probably her way to push my buttons .She knew me well and she just told me enough to accomplish her purpose, that is getting me to be submissive to her.

“Take time to consider everything. I will not bring the subject of your supposed debt up again. Once your decision is made, let me know, Fran.”

We exchanged a kiss and each went home. The first thing I did at home was get naked, lay on my bed and finger fuck and masturbate until I was exhausted.

At least I did not have to worry about ending up in bed with my Mom, if Marge could be believed and I did believe her. She would not lie about something like that, but there was a lot for me to consider and carefully ponder before making a decision.

I definitely had the hots for Marge, but did I want to go down that road. I was hesitant, but I was also curious about exploring a world Marge had hinted at.

After all, an incestuous relationship was not quite a normal thing or something I had prepared for until a month ago. Such a relation had never entered even my dreams, or nightmares if you prefer.

And, she wanted me to be a submissive to her. Did I want that? Would I like it and not stop? It was a very slippery slope considering I was tempted to try it.

If I did not want to continue after a first experience, would she try to pressure me to continue? I did not think so, but I had to consider it.

She was my sister. I trusted her not to hurt me, but in the heat of a scene, as they call it, would she go further than planned or agreed to? More importantly, what did I want to experience and what did I not want to do or have done to me? The more I thought about it, the more my pussy got wet. I could feel my juices run down my thighs, just fantasising about it

One thing I knew for sure I would definitely be a pet or more to Marge, in other words her slut. I had to explore that side of my sexuality.

I would have to have another talk with Marge and do further research on the subject. Sex was one thing, but being used and undoubtedly abused, suffering some pain, even if light, was a different thing. I needed to set some limits, but considering our talk earlier I did not think she would go too far with me.

After some research on the net, I contacted Marge again. We met on Tuesday at the little cafe where we normally go.

“So little sister, you have decided to be a pet for me?”

“Yes but I don’t want to be caned. I saw the marks it leaves. I am willing to submit to anything else at least for one time, to see where my limits are.”

“Ok Jimmy is leaving Friday after work to go and help his father replace the roof on his house. That leaves us until Monday. He took Monday off. When are you free during the week-end? “

My pussy was already twitching just thinking about the weekend.

“I have no plan for the whole week end.”

“Come with me in my van I have things to tell you.”

Once in the van, “Now remove your panties slut.” That both surprised and made me hornier.

“Spread your legs and play with yourself while I give you your instructions.”

I did not play with myself fast enough for her. She took my nipples through my blouse and bra and squeezed them till I let out a loud, “Ouch.”

“Now slut, when I give you an order, you obey immediately.” I wasted no time doing as I was told and inserted a finger in my cunt. She opened my blouse took my tits out of my bra and gave them each a good slap I almost came right there. To my surprise the pain was good.

“I did not tell you to finger fuck yourself. I said play with yourself and don’t make yourself come until I say you may.”

“Now, my instructions to you. Don’t talk. Listen carefully.” You will call me Mistress at bahis siteleri all times when we are playing. You will do as you are told immediately unless you have used your safe word which I will give you later” . Immediate blind obedience would be required of me. This surprised and scared me a bit. Could I comply with such control over my actions? I was an independent woman, more used to giving instructions in my professional live than being given orders. For now I obeyed and did not say a word. I let Marge finish with her instructions to me.

“I will call you slut or bitch as I see fit. Come on now, squeeze that cunt of yours hard and pull on that nice clit.” It was hard not to come doing this. Squeezing and pulling on my clit sent feelings of pain/pleasure down my legs and up all the way to my nipples.

“Tonight, you can do whatever you want, even have yourself fucked by half the town, but as of tomorrow, Wednesday, you will not touch yourself. I want you good and horny Friday evening. Is that clear?”

I managed to nod. I was on the edge of an orgasm. She must have noticed

“Bitch, I did not say you could make yourself come yet.”

“Friday, you will be at my place at exactly 8 p.m. You will wear a blouse and a short skirt. No bra or panties. You will be freshly shaved. You will come in the side door. On the hook next to the door there will be a collar and leash. You will put it on. You will undress and go in the den and wait for me with your hands behind you back, kneeling on the floor. If you disobey any of those instructions, there will be punishment.”

“Now bitch show me how much of a slut you are. Make yourself come. And don’t forget to stretch that clit of yours.”

I fingered myself while pulling on my clit till it hurt. As I was on the edge, she took my nipples and squeezed them hard. I had a great big orgasm. One of the biggest I could remember. The pain mixed with the pleasure was a feeling I had never before experienced.

“You will make an excellent slut little sister, if you let me train you well.”

Her voice was hypnotic to me .I was a bit apprehensive at the meaning of being trained, but at the same time my curiosity was growing The idea of my faith being in the hands of another was exciting. I did not know what the training would include, this filled me with anticipation. I was also a little afraid, I has seen some pretty scary thing during my search on the net, (Women suspended from the ceiling by their tits with ropes, whipped with cats of nine tails, caned until there were welts all over their backs, ass and legs, and more ) I definitely had a submissive side to me. It was screaming to get out. This I fully realised now but, how far I would go worried me some.

Marge was looking at me and rubbing my tits, giving me time to think, she must have known the battle going on in my head . Some Doms I knew had their subs service their friends. Loaned them out to other Doms. She had mentioned the widower to whom she brought some of her sluts to play. She had given no details, but I presumed both of them played with the sub. Was he the only one with whom she shared her subs? Did she humiliate her slut in public or expose them in these get-to-gathers for those involved in the life style?

She also told me before that she would do nothing or have me do nothing to which I did not agree. I had to trust her or not. If I trusted her, it was time to give in to my submissive side.

“Mistress I will be your slut and submit to any and all training you see fit to put me through and accept any punishment for my shortcomings. I will be a good slut for your pleasure and my only wish is to serve you well. I accept to have all my limits explored under your guidance.”

“Ok Slut I will be your Mistress and trainer. I am a harsh Mistress, as you will discover, but I take good care of my sluts,”

“Now eat me, slut. I need to come too.”

She lay back on the seat and spread her legs. I went down on her and licked and pushed my tongue as far as I could into her. Finally, I sucked her clit while finger fucking her. She had a nice orgasm and I was pleased to have pleased her. I licked her clean until she told me to stop.

“That was good slut, but you still need some training in how to really please a woman. I will take care of that this week-end”

“Yes Mistress. It will be my pleasure to be trained to serve you better.”

We kissed and she said I had to go home. So did I. I noticed the way she had looked at me. There was a lot more than sisterly love in her eyes. It was the look a lover gives you. Could she be in love with me? If so, was it bad or good? I had extremely deep sentiments for her. Could two sisters fall in love? I decided not to worry about that.

I masturbated till my pussy and clit were sore. I was exhausted. I fell asleep, hoping that Friday would come along fast.


I pulled in my sister’s drive 5 minutes late. I did as instructed, once in the side door. I got naked, put on the collar, went in the den and knelt with my hands bahis şirketleri behind my back.

Marge came in. She had her hair in a pony tail wearing black stockings and shoes with heels. Her makeup was fantastic. She looked great. I immediately started to get wet. I could feel my tits, clit and pussy swelling. Something came over me and the most important thing in the world to me at that instant was to please her. I did not care what I had to endure.

“You are late slut. You will be punished for that.”

“Sorry Mistress.”

She bent down, took my nipples squeezed them and twisted.

“Ouch, humm.”

“I did not give you permission to speak slut.”

“First you have to learn how to present yourself properly. Get up, face me, hands behind your head, legs spread and push your hips forward.”

“That is better I will examine you. I find a hair anyplace, your punishment will be more painful.”

She started to run her hands slowly all over me. Her hands were soft and warm. I could not help moaning. I felt my juice running along my thighs. She ran a hand over my pussy I pushed myself against her hand. She picked up a small crop on the table and gave a hard slap on each of my ass cheeks. It stung, but after a second, a nice warmth replaced the pain.

“Don’t move bitch. I did not give you permission. I am not finished with my examination.”

“Your safe word is Red. That should be simple enough for even a stupid bitch such as yourself to remember.”

She massaged my breasts and passed her tongue on my nipples. I was so hot I could feel the inside of my cunt twitch. I wanted to come in a bad way. She turned my head and kissed me hard. I looked in her eyes. I surely saw lust, but also something else which I could not define. We looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds.

“Slut, looking a Mistress or Master in the eyes is normally a severely punished offence, but it pleases me to look into your beautiful hazel eyes. You have permission to do it.”

“Now bend over bitch, hands on the floor. I will examine your ass.”

In this position, with my ass in the air, I felt so exposed, humiliated and hornier by the second. I hoped I was pleasing her.

“Spread your legs more slut, “she commanded, accompanied by two hard slaps on my ass.

She brought a hand between my legs all the way to my lower belly and slowly brought it back over my cunt. She opened my ass cheeks and rubbed my butt hole. Her fingers ran all the way up my crack. I thought I would die if she did not let me come soon.

“I see my slut wants to come.”

“Yes Mistress. Please let your slut come. She needs it.” She grabbed my hair and stood me up.

“You slutty bitch. You are here for my pleasure, not yours. I will decide when you come. It will not be before you have been punished for being late. Luckily for you, it is time for your punishment.”

This filled me with trepidation. I wanted to be punished and allowed to come. Mostly I wanted to please her. There was a pair of nipple clamps tied to each other with a chain on the table. She sucked my nipples to get them good and hard, even though they already were and snapped the clamps on my nipples. She unhooked the leash from my collar and snapped it on the chain joining the clamps.

“Now it is time for your punishment slut.”

She not too gently pulled me by the leash towards the bedroom. Being pulled by my nipples, in a sense, I could not resist. I realised I had abandoned complete control over what awaited me. This for a reason I could not realise, made me happy and hornier, if possible. I was willingly putting my fate in Marge’s hands


In the room, she took four padded bracelets from the side table and put one each on my wrists and ankles. There were rings on them and lengths of rope in the rings. The bed is one with tall posts at each corner. She took me to the foot of the bed, standing up, facing the bed, proceeded to tie my wrists to the tops of the posts, one on each side, spreading my arms , then my ankles to the bottom of the posts, close to the floor. I was well spread.,ass, legs and back were exposed, thefoot board of the bed was low and I am fairly tall. My tits, belly, cunt and half my thighs were also exposed to punishment from the front.

She proceeded to examine me, slowly running her hands all over me. I was completely humiliated and helpless in this position, but it only increased my need to come. She kissed me and I had a good look in her blue eyes. I am sure a saw love there.

“Now slut, I will administer your punishment.”

She took two clamps with weights attached and clamped them to my pussy lips. She gave a little tap on the weights to make them swing. The pain and pleasure were exquisite. I wanted to come so much. My hips were gyrating as much as my bonds allowed. She took a paddle from the table.

“Now slut, I will give you five slaps with this on each of your ass cheeks, for your five minutes late.”

Whack! The first one stung. So did the second one. By the third, tears were coming and I almost used my safe word, but I wanted to please her. I bit my lower lip and tried to endure. I must have gone to a different state of being. The pain became pleasant. I took all ten slaps.

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Black in Me Pt. 04

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By the time I was in my early twenties the AIDS scare was rearing its ugly head, so my days of anonymous, unprotected sex were ending. I was hoping to find a boyfriend and settle into a more domestic lifestyle and, at age twenty-five, I did just that. I met Leo on the basketball court where he knocked me to the ground while attempting a layup on an asphalt court. A brief description of Leo — he was about 6-foot, seven inches tall and weighed close to 350 solid pounds. Anyway, I came out of my dazed state with him comforting me and taking me to the local emergency room where he worked as an x-ray technician. He asked me for my phone number to check up on me, which I took as a sign that he might be interested in more than just basketball. At least I hoped so, really, really hoped so.

A few weeks had passed before I heard from Leo and I was beginning to wonder if he was going to call at all. At the time I was going out with a guy named Anthony and we agreed to meet at a bar known for it’s rough trade and leather men, which sounded exciting to me.

I had never been to that bar before and didn’t know what to expect. Upon entering I noticed a lot of bigger men which only made it more interesting. I ordered a beer and stood observing the crowd of hot men of various races, ages and sizes. I didn’t see Anthony so figured I’d have a couple of beers before calling it a night.

Based on the stares and glances I must have had that “new meat” look. One guy was particularly aggressive, so I went to different part of the bar to get away from his drunken advances. The back of the bar was dark, smoky, and smelled like sex.

Curious, I explored and saw a group of men huddled together around a partition. Getting closer I saw there were men getting their dicks sucked, men on their knees, and one guy was bent over with someone eating his ass. Having my curiosity about the back room fulfilled I was now very horny. The moans of the half or fully naked men and the atmosphere of sex was alluring. I went behind the partition to investigate more and I recognized Leo, sitting on a bench with a white guy between his legs blowing him. His head was thrown back and eyes closed in pleasure so he did not see me. My first reaction was to go away so that Leo wouldn’t think I was spying on him so I headed to the front of the bar. Then after reconsidering, that this was an opportunity for me to get closer to Leo on a sexual level. ‘What did I have to lose?’ I thought so headed back to see more.

Not wanting to disturb what looked like a great blow job, I stood and watched at a distance. Another guy lifted Leo’s shirt, exposing a large hairy chest and began to suck his nipple. Leo started moaning and pushed the white man’s head down onto his dick as he shot a load into his mouth. ‘What a hot scene!’ I whispered to myself, watching as the guy pulled off Leo’s dick, revealing a humongous dark cock. It was wet with saliva making it shine beautifully in the dim red light. Leo got up and put his dick back in his pants, making his way out from behind the partition.

Sitting at the bar, trying to be casual, I sat drinking my beer awaiting Leo to walk past, and hopefully notice me. I was truly intimidated by him and hoped he would take the lead. On his way out of the back room, Leo saw me and looked very surprised, but quickly smiled.

“Hey man, what a fucking surprise,” Leo said as he approached me. We hugged

and I could feel he was sweaty.

“Yeah, was supposed to meet someone but apparently not happening.”

“Who would turn down a fine man like you?” Leo asked with sincerity.

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” I said stupidly, at a complete loss of clever things to say.

Leo laughed. “I’m sure. So how long you been here?”

“About 30 minutes.”

“So, what did you see?” Leo asked with a grin.

“Everything,” I admitted with slight grin.

“So I noticed,” said Leo as he reached and felt my semi-hard dick.

My laughter was more out of embarrassment that humor. “You headed out?”

“Just getting started, going to get some fresh air outside. C’mon, let’s catch up.” I followed the big man outside, stopping in silence as others greeted him. We spoke outside for a good while, mostly small talk about relationships and the increasing gay presence in the neighborhood where we were.

“Let’s go in the back,” said Leo, opening the door to the bar.

I was anxious but unsure. “Not really comfortable with that Leo.”

“Just a few minutes,” he said as he grabbed my arm and led me to the back, past the hoard of men. There was another section even further back that was a bit more secluded, but still within sight of anyone who wanted to see. As we made our way I watched the guy who just blew Leo on his knees giving head to another black guy. One guy was getting fucked while sucking someone. I had never thought this much open sex was possible in any public area but was definitely excited about it.

When we got to the far back of the room, we were in almost complete darkness. illegal bahis I felt Leo rub his hands on my chest, then press his lips to mine, his tongue making its way in. I returned the kiss, felt his tongue press stronger, and felt his breathing getting heavier.

He stopped kissing to whisper into my ear. “Boy I want to fuck you so bad.”

I did not say anything. His cock was going to be a challenge even for the most experienced bottom. He continued telling me his desires.

He undid my pants and pulled them down to my knees, exposing my behind to all those that wanted to see. It felt strange but erotic. Leo rubbed his hands over my bare cheeks while we returned to kissing. After a few minutes he poked at my hole with a finger.

“Damn baby that’s a nice, tight hole,” he said.

I was overcome with desire and passion, barely able to speak, moaning as his finger entered me.

“Damn that’s hot. Fuck I need to be in there James,” he said as his finger entered me deeper, starting to cause discomfort. I was glad I washed my ass before going out — not that I had planned this, but my hygiene was always very good. He could tell I was in some pain so he pulled his finger out, giving my ass a loud smack. “Fucking beautiful,” he said, unbuckling then lowering his pants. He guided my hand to his semi-hard, very large cock. I slowly stroked it, feeling the foreskin slide past the head.

“Put it in your mouth,” he said, putting his large hand on my head.

“Here?” I whispered, not wanting my bar sex inexperience on display.

“Or your place,” Leo suggested, kissing me softly on my lips, both his hands returning to my ass, squeezing it.

“Let’s go then,” I said with unchecked enthusiasm.

Leo pulled his pants back on, laughing. “You said that kind of quick. Either you want me bad or want to get the fuck out of here.”

“Both,” I said, making sure he knew how badly I wanted him.

Leo stopped at the front bar before leaving, kissing the bartender, a well-built, middle aged man covered with tattoos. “See ya Matt,” said Leo in his sexy, deep voice.

“Later sexy,” said Matt as he continued his busy pace of serving drinks.

We got our coats from the coat check and Leo, who seemed to know everyone,

kissed him and tipped him with a $5.

“Thanks sweetie,” said the coat check guy. “Enjoy,” he added as he winked at Leo.

When we got outside the cold wind hit us immediately. The forecast was for

20 — 30 degrees below zero wind chills and it certainly seemed that was correct.

“I parked a couple of blocks from here,” I told Leo, shivering.

“I’m just down the street so I’ll follow you to your place,” said Leo, huddled in his large coat. He put his skull cap on his bald head and pulled his gloves on. “Motherfucker it’s cold,” he said loudly, grabbing my behind. “But got me a hot ass!”

I laughed at his uninhibited behavior. That’s another thing that seemed to make me attracted to Leo — his ability to be open about everything and not hold back.

“What are you driving?” I asked.

“Black BMW. You?”

I was embarrassed to tell him a 12-year old Honda Civic.

“Alright, be there in a few.” He seemed unfazed by me having a beater car.

I pulled up in front of the apartment building and told him where to park and meet me in the lobby while I parked in the garage. I met him there and as we rode the elevator struck up a conversation.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” I asked.

“You can ask anything you want, no guarantee I’ll answer,” said Leo dryly. “But go ahead.”

“Do you believe in having safe sex?” I asked.

Someone got on the 10th floor so we saved the rest of the conversation for later. After entering my apartment, I took Leo’s coat and hat and hung it in the closet. The coat was huge and heavy and bent my cheap wire hanger, so I went and got another.

“I do,” I heard him say as he sat on the couch, pulling several extra-large condoms and placing them on the table.

“I see. Anything to drink?”

“Beer is good if you got it.”

“Definitely. Shot of Jack?”

“Sounds good to me.”

We both downed our Jack Daniels and drank while finishing our conversation about safe sex that was started on the elevator.

“So how bad you want me?” said Leo, spreading his big legs, playing with his dick inside his jeans.

“I want you man,” I said eagerly but not wanting to sound too desperate.

“Doesn’t look like it,” said Leo, still playing with his dick, now growing, straining the fabric of his pants. “Come over here, sit next to papa.”

I sheepishly walked and sat next to him. I was very nervous. The liquor was slowly setting in and I was becoming more relaxed, but not nearly enough.

Leo must have read my mind. He poured us another shot of whiskey and we drank it down simultaneously. The whole time Leo stared at me, making me uneasy, but turned on, by the confident look. Finally, he put down his beer and leaned in to kiss me, illegal bahis siteleri first softly, then more forceful causing me to have to lean back as he began to cover me with his whole body.

He ran his hand through my hair and took my head in both hands.

“You’re going to enjoy this baby,” he whispered. He got off of me, stood up and took off his shirt, revealing a huge chest matted with dark curly hair and a large but solid, hairy belly. His shoulders were very wide with hair on them as well.

“C’mon baby, get me started,” he said as he reached his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up. “Suck my tits.”

I bent over and place my mouth on his man boob. They stood out proudly and his nipples stuck out from the hair that surrounded them. I sucked them gently, flicking the hard nipple with my tongue.

“Oh yes,” Leo moaned. “Harder baby, bite ’em.”

So I did. I looked down to see that his penis was stretching his pants and looked humongous.

After sucking and nibbling on his nipples for a few minutes Leo placed his hands on my shoulders.

“Get on your knees,” he commanded. Here I was, about to get my first taste

of Leo’s dick. His take charge attitude was turning me on. I got on my knees like he told me to.

“Fuck you James. You’re an obedient bitch. I like that,” he said as he rubbed my head.

I reached out to unzip his pants but Leo grabbed my arm, helping me up. “Not yet. Let’s take a shower together.”

“Sounds good,” I said anxious to get things going but appreciating his desire for cleanliness. I led him to the bedroom bathroom where we both stripped. I couldn’t keep my eyes off this magnificent man. The first that that struck me was how solid he was, not muscle, but natural bulk from his round head and thick neck to his wide long feet. He skin tone was black/dark brown dotted with thick curly hair. Though his belly was large it was firm. His thick cock hung impressively a six to seven inches, nestled between how hanging balls that hung like egg sacs.

“Perfection,” I whispered to myself.

“You say something James?” he asked, turning towards the toilet and letting about a strong stream of piss, which I was oddly turned on by.

“Ah yes. That felt good,” Leo said as turned around and put his arms over my shoulders, staring at me with his beautiful almond shaped, clear eyes. His wide flat nose and full lips were perfectly formed. My heart raced and I caught myself taking a deep breath.

Leo looked at me quizzically. “What’s wrong?” he asked, running his hand through my hair, maintaining his direct gaze into my eyes.

“Nothing, everything is so…perfect. Including you.”

“Thank you, James. I was so happy when I saw you in the bar, because, well, I lost your number,” he said, looking at me comically with a grin. “But here we are, naked, and I’m about to fuck your brains out so all is good!”

Leo took me by the hand and led me into the shower. Once the water was at the right temperature, Leo turned me around and soaped my back, then my ass, slowly working in one, then two fingers. While it was uncomfortable, I endured, trying to show him my toughness. After he turned me around and pulled me into him, we kissed passionately, exploring each other’s mouths with our tongues.

I reached down and felt his penis. The soft flesh was slippery from the water and soap runoff I stroked it. The feel of it in my hands was exciting me beyond description. Leo took my hard dick and we mutually masturbated each other under the pouring of hot water. After exchanging kisses I sucked Leo’s nipples and kissed and licked his massive chest. It took me a long time to soap his body as I enjoy the strength and power behind it.

“Turn around,” said Leo. “Your ass is fucking amazing,” he said. Sure you don’t have a African-American ancestry somewhere,” he laughed.

“Nope, pure Caucasian here, no black in me,” I said.

“Yet,” he said, backing me up into him. We both laughed at the easy set up I provided to him.

He started to kiss my neck then gave me the order I had been anticipating. “Bend over.” So I did as told, putting my arms against the back of the shower wall, braced myself and waited. I felt Leo’s hands rub my cheeks, separate them and play with my hole with a thick finger, then kneel down licking and biting my butt cheeks then a few, hard, loud smacks. Then he replaced his fingers with his tongue, spreading my cheeks wider and forcefully probing inside of me, swirling around, creating such a pleasurable sensation that literally saw me seeing stars.

The combination of drinking, hot water, and Leo’s hot tongue inside of me sent me over the edge. I started coming. My moans of pleasure and muscle tension indicated to Leo that I was having an orgasm. He quickly turned me around and placed his mouth on my dick, grabbing my ass and pulling me into him so that my groin was pressed against his face. I kept shooting and Leo was sucking all that I had. It was the most intense orgasm I ever had. canlı bahis siteleri It felt like everything that was in my balls shot into Leo’s hot mouth. After a minute or so he stood up, looked me straight in the eye, and rubbed his hands over my face. He softly kissed my lips. I could taste my own semen’s, salty, bleach taste.

“This is just beginning” he said, keeping his eye contact.

I was physically drained and ready to get out of the shower and relax and definitely not ready for another round. “Damn that was good.”

“You came quickly.” Leo said.

“Sorry man, that felt awesome.”

“I got a lot planned for you.” He placed my hand on his now hard dick. It felt like a club and had the hardness of a baseball bat. I’d say a good 10 – 11 inches.

Not knowing what else to do I stroked it. Leo remained expressionless, standing before me while the hot water continued to pour down our naked bodies.

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” said Leo.

We got out the shower, not able to avoid having our bodies pressed against each other, dried off and headed to the bedroom. I picked up my underwear and started to put them on when Leo said “What the hell you think you’re doing?”

“Just putting my underwear on.”

Leo looked at me and shook his head in disbelief. “Not yet baby. Let me tell you how this works.” He led me to the side of the bed, sat me down and sat next to me. “I don’t know how you did it with other guys but with me sex is totally different. You can’t come and just leave. In case you had not noticed I ain’t finished.” Leo looked down at his half hard penis resting along his big, dark thigh. “In fact, hardly even began.”

“Sorry Leo, you’re right. It’s just that after I orgasm it take me a bit to get horny again.”

“And that’s my problem how?” He could tell I was in deep thought. “Baby, it’ll be good, I promise you.”

I really was not in the mood after such an intense orgasm but I knew I had to play along. Leo had a very sexual presence and I could tell that “no” was just a suggestion to him.

“Tell you what, let’s relax for a few, watch some TV and just enjoy each other’s company.”

“Great” I said, hoping I could either get my drive back or that Leo would lose his.

Leo was obviously comfortable with his nakedness as he got up to go to the kitchen. His ass protruded beautifully and I could not help but stare as he walked away. His cheeks were not spared of the tight, curly hairs that covered his body. I heard his singing in the kitchen, clanging dishes and bottles. He came back with two more beers. “Nice place you got by the way.”

We sat back on the bed, still naked and watched a pro basketball game. Leo held his arm out and pulled me into him so that my head lay on his breast. He was very animated when someone made a bad or spectacular play. I watched him raise his arms in victory when the team he was rooting for sealed the game. His arms were huge, biceps very large and forearms three times as big as mine. I gathered the beer bottles and placed them in the kitchen, then joined him on the bed as the post-game show had Leo showing his disgust in one of the commentators.

“They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about,” said Leo, shaking his head as he leaned over to look at me, then kissed my lips softly. Leo got on top of me and continued kissing me softly. I could feel his soft penis rest on mine, his nipples and hairy chest rub against mine, his big belly pressed against me against me. With his legs he forced mine apart, allowing his growing dick to slide between my legs. His kisses got deeper as his dick quickly grew to its full length, now pressing eagerly between my legs. Leo got up on his knees, powerfully lifted and spread my legs, exposing my hole.

“Damn boy you got a nice pussy,” he said as he bent down to lick it.

His tongue on my hole was sending waves of pleasure through my body and my cock was again fully erect. He was very good at this. Not a small man myself, my legs were pinned behind me by Leo’s powerful arms and his ass eating was the best I had ever experienced. Although I did feel like a woman being on my back and legs spread, I was enjoying the submissive role. It felt good to have someone take charge and make the decisions, especially in a sexual situation.

I felt Leo’s tongue travel from my hole to my balls, gently licking them and sucking them in. This got me to moaning as y balls are extremely sensitive. He let my tired legs down and started licking my penis, then sucking it all in. I watched as his bald head bobbed up and down my dick, his large lips wrapped tightly around me, giving me the best blow job I ever had. Beads of sweat dripped down his head onto my belly. I reached down and felt his head, smooth and moist. Leo grabbed my arms and pinned them behind me, letting his tongue travel up my belly, to my nipples, and then feverishly kissing my throat and neck. I could feel his dick grinding on mine, wet from his saliva. His entire body was sweaty, creating slickness between us. He then moved to my armpits and I discovered that it was also an erogenous zone. It was both pleasurable and ticklish at the same time — so much so that I tried to get out of his hold. But despite my efforts I couldn’t budge. Leo had me pinned tightly.

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A Day at the Beach Turns Hot Ch. 01

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Funny how your life can change in a matter of hours.

That certainly happened to me last summer on our annual beach trip to Florida. We arrived just about the same time a tropical storm arrived, and it turned out to be a wild week.

We always go down late September and meet some old friends who own a house on the ocean. It’s basically a week-long party with no kids and no cell phones. The women hang out together, and the men fish all day and at night we have a big cookout and end up drunk and half naked.

But it’s a’l good, clean fun. Nobody gets too out of control. Nobody crosses the line. We’re too good of friends to ever let anything like that happen.

The plans changed this time because the storm drove our friends back to Orlando, and we ended up staying in their house alone for the last few days. But before they left, they’d invited some people from the house next door to join us.

Bev and Phil were from Georgia, and they were also down for the week without kids. We’re all in our early 40s, in good shape and nice looking, educated professionals. Everyone got along, and Phil and I seemed to have a lot in common. We decided we’d spend the day fishing after the storm passed and left the wives back on the beach.

The fish weren’t biting at all, so Phil and I ended up in the pier house bar drinking beer and talking about our wives. We got a little drunk, and Phil started telling me how he’s been trying to get Bev to be with other men. Phil wanted to watch.

The story turned me on a little, since I’d fatansized about Sharon being fucked by other men. We’d talked about her college days, and I knew she’d been sexually active before we met. But we’d never really talked about sharing her. The wildest thing she ever told me was that she’d once been with another woman in college, but it was only a drunken one-night stand.

So when Phil and I walked back to beach houses and saw there was no sign of the girls, we walked back toward his place to get another beer. We walked into the back sliding door and saw all their towels and chairs scattered around the room. We also saw their bathing suits in the floor.

The bed rooms were all toward the front of the house, so we walked quietly up the hall until we heard their voices. I distinctly heard Sharon breathlessly moaning and Bev’s muffled voice.

Phil and I looked at each illegal bahis other with wide eyes.

We stood frozen, listening to them for several minutes, not sure what to do. Sharon’s voice was louder, and it stunned me to hear her having sex, much less with a woman we’d just met.

“Yessss!” she cried out. “Right there. Oh God, yesss!”

I’d never heard her like that with me before, and Phil motioned me into the bed room next to the one they were in. There was a door between the rooms, and it was cracked open just barely so that we could peer inside, me standing over Phil, who was on his knees below me, both of us watching our wives in bed together.

Sharon was spread-eagle, naked, her ass on a pillow so that her pussy was elevated. Bev was fucking her with a dildo as Sharon begged for more.

“Fuck me,” she said in a low voice I’d never heard before. She was in another world.

I could sense Phil under me. We were both being as quiet as we could, but when I looked down I noticed he’d pulled his cock out and was stroking it slowly. I’m not sure why, but I had the sudden urge to do the same, even with another man kneeling under me.

So I slid my shorts down and let my cock free only inches from Phil. He turned his head slightly so that his eyes were looking right at my hard cock. I don’t know where the next words came from that left my mouth, but as he stared at my throbbing cock and stroked his own, I whispered to him.

“Suck me,” I said.

He didn’t hesitate, taking my cock into his mouth and slowly giving me a blow job as I watched my wife bucking up and down on another woman’s bed while getting fucked by a dildo.

I too was in another world. I’d never let a man suck my cock before, and now Phil had it all the way down his throat. I let him suck me for only a few seconds before I pulled away, stepping quietly back into the hall and pulling up my pants.

He followed me as we tip-toed back though the sliding door.

I was breathing hard and more than a little confused, both by the scene of my wife with another woman and my cock in another man’s mouth all at the same time.

I still had a raging hard on as I opened my mouth and tried to talk. No words came out.

He laughed and said “I know.”

“I need a beer,” I finally said.

We walked over to our house, looking back to see if the illegal bahis siteleri girls happened to hear us, but saw no sign of them. We walked in from the deck, and I went to get a couple beers out of the cooler in the kitchen. Phil stayed in the den, looking over at his house, rubbing his cock.

I walked back in and handed him a beer. I stared at the bulge in his shorts and began to breathe hard again. I was turned on! What was happening to me?

“I’ve never done that before,” I said.

Phil turned toward me and shrugged.

“I have, but it’s been years.”

He was still rubbing his cock, and I was still staring at his shorts when suddenly he unbuttoned them, unzipped them and let them fall to the floor.

His cock was a little larger than mine, seven and a half inches, cut, with a nice mushroom head. The tip was wet with precum as Phil made a ring with his thumb and forefinger and slowly masturbated the tip, making his cock twitch and grow, more precum oozing out.

I continued to stare, licking my lips without realizing it then as if in a trance going down to my knees and taking his hand away from his cock. I slid my mouth around it and heard him moan low and sensually.

I took his cock all the way into my mouth, using my tongue to swirl around the shaft, feeling his hands behind my head pulling me toward him as I began to slide up and down on his long, warm dick.

I was enjoying it when he began to talk.

“That’s it baby,” he said. “Suck my dick. Suck daddy’s big cock.”

I did as I was told, letting the head slide over my tongue and deep into my throat, slobber and precum oozing out of my lips and drooling from my chin. It was so wrong. And so fucking hot.

He began to thrust his hips rythmically as I wrapped my hands around his bare ass and pulled him in and out of my hot mouth. I loved his cock. I began to caress his balls, sliding a finger underneath him and feeling his asshole, making him quiver and talk more.

“Suck my cock,” Phil said, a little louder now. “You’re such a good cocksucker.”

It turned me on even more to hear his voice. I began to suck him eagerly, making sounds that had never come out of my mouth before, pulling his cock out and letting it slide all over my face as I said “Yes Daddy. I love your big cock.” Then going back down on him, taking it all inside, canlı bahis siteleri down to his balls.

I was good at it. I had no idea.

I was too good at it. He began to cum without telling me. I felt his hot cum explode in my throat, so fast I was forced to swallow some of it before letting the rest spew into my mouth, oozing out of my lips and running down my chin. It was intoxicating.

He came hard, and I sucked every drop out before he pulled away and sat down hard on a chair nearby. I didn’t look him in the eye but went straight to the kitchen for a wet towel. I wiped my face and washed it over and over, gargling a beer like mouthwash and spitting it into the sink.

When I’d finally cleaned up a bit, I walked back into the den. He was looking over at his house again.

“Think they’ve finished?” he asked.

I just shook my head. I was in shock.

I guzzled a beer and grabbed another one from the cooler. Just as I was about to ask him if he wanted one, I heard the sliding door close and saw Phil walk off our deck and into the sand between the houses.

Sharon was walking toward him, carrying towels and her chair, a hat pulled low over her head and sunglasses hiding her eyes. I watched them talk for a few seconds, my heart about to pound out of my chest.

They laughed about something and walked on, Phil to his house and Sharon onto our deck. She came though the sliding door beaming.

“Hey babe!” she said. “Phil said you didn’t catch any fish.”

“Not a one,” I answered. “We just ended up drinking beer all afternoon.”

She came over a gave me a kiss on the lips. Then she lingered for a second, sensing something she couldn’t quite place,

“Mmmmmm,” she said, then kissed me again before pulling away and opening the refrigerator. Pulling out a bottle of wine, she walked into the den. I was scared to death. Did she smell cum?

But then it hit me that I smelled something on her too, the smell of Bev’s pussy mixed with sunscreen.

She walked to the door and opened it.

“Come on out,” she said. “It feels great out here.”

I walked out behind her and to the edge of the railing, looking out toward Phil and Bev’s house and the sun setting in the distance.

I put my arm around my wife and held her tight, letting the day wash over me, the unbelievable day that had me confused, turned on and scared that Phil and Bev were talking.

My heart was beating fast as Sharon put her head on my shoulder.

“They’re coming over in a little while,” she said. “We’re going to have a party. They seem like fun people, don’t you think?”

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A Pleasurable Experiment

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Chapter 1

“So,” Dr. McMillan said, “if you’ll just take off your clothes, I’ll explain what we’re going to do.” Dr. Siobhan McMillan watched as her newest test subject smiled nervously and looked around the laboratory. Like everything else in the clinic, it was very white and clean. However, the lights had been dimmed, making it feel a little less clinical. Dr. McMillan – in her white coat — smiled reassuringly. What was her name? Katie The girl sighed and began undressing. Katie was Dr. McMillan’s 2nd test subject of the day and twelfth of the series. She needed at least 30, and preferably closer to 50 or more, to have a statistically significant sample that she could base her postdoctoral biology-sociology combined research on.

Siobhan stood holding a clipboard and a pencil next to something that looked vaguely like a dentist’s chair: Wide, comfortable and probably adjustable in any number of ways. Except with straps. On a small tray next to the chair was a selection of objects – medical equipment, one assumed. They were all connected by electrical wires to a small table on wheels next to it. On the table was something like a control panel, the most striking feature of which was a huge red button — vaguely reminiscent of a fire alarm.

“Once you’re ready,” Dr. McMillan said — “ready” being a euphemism for naked – “you’ll sit down in this chair and get comfortable. Okay? I appreciate you volunteering for this experiment, and you will, of course, be paid the $250 that the ad referenced. We are trying to gauge, well, you might call it the ‘science behind sex.'” There are hundreds of books and other items out there in Cosmo and whatnot claiming this way or that way is the best way to have great sex. But it is all anecdotal — I mean, how do you really know? Does that really work? So I have designed a study to test pleasure. I have gone through a series with the men and discovered what works and what doesn’t, and now I’m on to the women, and that is where you come in. Ready to proceed?”

Katie nodded. She was wearing only bra and panties now and was clearly somewhat reluctant to take off the rest. But Dr. McMillan smiled as if to say: I know how you feel. “What did you discover for the guys? I mean, what works?” Katie asked in an embarrassed but curious voice.

“All the data needs to be collated and it’ll be in my published works. But let’s just say that one area was ‘heads’ above any other for stimulation response.” Katie nodded in unspoken confirmation. “When you’re comfortable,” Dr. McMillan went on, “- in your own time, there’s no hurry – I’ll wire you up.” She put down her clipboard and pointed to the equipment on the tray. “There’s really two kind of devices,” she said. “The stimulators and a number of electrodes to check your responses.” Katie stood naked in front of her. She was 22 years old and had a body that bespoke of a college lifestyle — the freshman 15 had hit. She was of medium height, had long legs and an average bust. Long blonde hair framed her plain but not unattractive facial features.

“Are you ready?” Dr. McMillan asked with a business-like tone.

“I think so,” Katie said, forcing a smile.

“You’ll be fine,” Dr. McMillan said. “You might actually enjoy it. In a way, that’s the whole point, right?” Katie sat down on the chair. It was covered with a synthetic fabric that felt slightly cold against the naked skin, but otherwise it was designed to be soft and comfortable. Dr. McMillan skillfully adjusted the chair, until Katie was half-lying, half-sitting. Dr McMillan picked up the first device: A leather strap fitted with two rubber suction cups, wired to the control panel.

“Please sit up straight for a second,” she said. Quickly she strapped the device around Katie’s chest, fitting the cups over her nipples. “This,” she explained, “is the mammarian stimulator. You’ll feel it applies suction as well as vibration to your breasts.”

Dr. McMillan picked up another device. It looked a bit like a thong bottom, except instead of a crotch it had two straps joined together by a round metallic object the size of a pillbox. “This,” she explained, “serves two purposes: These two straps are moisture sensors. And this” — she pointed to a round plastic button underneath the pillbox thing – “is the clitoral stimulator.” Katie nodded. She was blushing slightly, as Dr. McMillan fitted the straps around her back and thighs. The moisture sensors went against her labia, and the stimulator fitted over her clitoris.

The next device was wheeled into place between Katie’s now open legs, a powerful piston connected to a long thick dildo that thrust out towards the young co-ed. Katie frowned. “Yes,” Dr. McMillan said. “It looks a bit weird. But it is important and indeed, I think you’ll find it essential at certain points. This is the vaginal penetrator. Please hold still.” Dr. McMillan adjusted its location until it was only an inch from the young woman’s shaved pussy, and slathered on a good helping of lubricant illegal bahis onto the dildo. The good doctor then ran a power connection test and the piston withdrew the dildo slightly, then pushed gently forward and pressed against and then into Katie. The blond shivered and opened her mouth as if to protest, then a look of resignation flickered across her face — after all, she was voluntarily naked and strapped into a chair with two other sexual toys attached to her.

Then, as Katie sat down, she picked up a fourth device. It looked similar to the dildo device, except that it was only about one-fifth of the size. “This,” she said, “I will not use without your permission, okay? I’ll be very much obliged if you try this out, too. And many women enjoy this stimulation immensely. But – and I really mean it – it’s your decision alone.”

“What is it?” Katie asked.

“The anal stimulator,” Dr. McMillan said.

“No,” Katie said, somewhat regretfully. “I… I’m sorry, but I’m not into that kind of thing.”

“That’s okay,” Dr. McMillan said smiling professionally. She put the device back on the tray and picked up a handful of electrodes, wired to the control panel. “In that case,” she said, “I’ll just attach these and you’ll be all set to go.” She quickly attached the electrodes to Katie’s temples, breasts, stomach, chest area above the heart, and thighs. Then she pushed the table with the control panel up against the chair. “Are you okay?” Dr. McMillan asked. Katie nodded.

“Fine,” Dr. McMillan said. “I’ll leave you to it then. I’ll be in the control room. If you want anything, just call me. And this is important: If you want to abandon the experiment at any time – just push the red button. That will immediately switch off every device and every form of stimulation. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Katie whispered. “I understand.”

“And if you don’t mind,” Dr. McMillan. said. “I’ll just strap you down.”

“Sorry?” Katie said.

“Of course, your right hand will be free to press the red button,” she explained. “But for the sake of the experiment, we have to rule out the possibility of masturbation.” Dr. McMillan fastened the straps around Katie’s arms and legs. “It’s not too tight, is it?” she asked.

“No,” Katie said. “It’s… okay, I guess.”

Dr. McMillan smiled. “A bit weird, I know,” she said. “You’ll be fine. Just relax. And enjoy.” Dr. McMillan picked up her clipboard and turned around to leave. She walked through a door, apparently into the control room. Next to the door, there was a huge smoked-glass mirror the size of a shop window. The lights dimmed further – leaving the room in near darkness. Alone in the darkened room, she immediately seemed to relax. Then Dr. McMillan’s voice came through a loudspeaker, “Would you like some music?”

“Um, yes…do you have some soft piano music ” Katie responded.

Moments later, the soft strains of Chopin filled the room. Sighing, Katie closed her eyes and seemed to relax — clearly waiting for the experiment to begin.

“She’s less nervous than most,” Alan said. Dr. McMillan raised her eyebrows. Her lab assistant wasn’t really supposed to talk about test subjects, but who could help but watch an attractive young woman strip naked, get tied down and have sex toys attached to her. “She chose no anal stimulation,” she said. “And you know how much we need those data. Oh well. Let’s get ready.”

They sat next to each other at the instrument panel in the control room. Above it, through the big two- way mirror, they saw Katie lying naked, strapped to the chair. Alan had oriented his control panel so that it looked mostly towards Dr. McMillan rather than the test subjects. That had been a remnant from when they had done the male tests, and he didn’t regret it now. It gave him a chance to watch Dr. McMillan as she conducted the experiment, and the lovely doctor was the main reason he was here. Indeed, he has taken a year off from going to business school to take this crappy lab assistant job just to near her — the famous Dr. McMillan, beautiful and red-haired. She had blasted her way through Penn State’s undergrad I nearly went there, if hadn’t got that scholarship to Ohio State and Stanford’ Ph.D program in biology. He doubted Stanford Business School would give him another year off, but he’d do whatever it took to stay close to her. Someday I’ll ask you out, if I ever screw up my nerve he thought to himself.

“Let’s start with clitoral stimulation at 2.3”, Dr. McMillan said. Alan turned two dials. This would turn on the vibrator in the strap above Katie’s clitoris. All dials went from zero to ten, and the clitoral vibrator was now set at speed two, intensity three. This would massage her clit slowly and gently.

Dr. McMillan watched the meter on the instrument panel, monitoring her excitement. “Okay,” she said. “She’s responding. Go to 2.5.” Alan raised the intensity to 5, making the device massage the subject’s clit with the same illegal bahis siteleri slow speed but with moderate force.

“Mmm,” Katie’s voice came through the pickups.

Dr. McMillan glanced at a meter slowly beginning to move and made notations on her pad. “We have moisture,” she said. “Mammarian stimulation 3.1.5.” The mammarian stimulator had three controls: One for suction, one for speed, and one for intensity. Alan worked the dials, activating the suction cups on Katie’s breasts. Sucking gently, they vibrated very slowly, but with some force. Almost like a tender love-bite, he thought.

Katie was now moving about slightly in the chair, slowly getting aroused.

“Very good,” Dr. McMillan said. “She’s highly responsive. But I’d like more moisture before we penetrate. Increase clitoral stimulation to 5.5.” Alan turned a dial, keeping the force of the clitoral vibrator at the same level, but increasing the speed. Through the window, Dr. McMillan saw Katie squirming in the chair.

“Oh yes,” she was whispering. “Oh yes…”

Dr. McMillan inspected the meter and nodded, smiling slightly. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Alan was watching her, not Katie, and was smiling at her. She had always found his attention during tests odd and a bit disconcerting, but she wasn’t going to complain that her lab assistant paid attention to her instead of the naked subjects in the other room!

“Great,” she said. “Let’s go to penetration. Immobile to one inch – slowly.” Carefully, Alan turned a dial for the vaginal penetrator. In immobile mode, he simply controlled how far into the woman’s pussy the dildo went. “One inch,” he said.

Katie gasped loudly, as she clearly felt the artificial cock entering her.

“Moisture is more than sufficient,” Dr. McMillan said. “Go slowly to full length.” Alan turned the dial. Inch by inch the device slowly pushed the dildo deeper and deeper into Katie.

“Oh yeah,” she gasped. “Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh God.” The audio records took everything down for later review.

Dr. McMillan looked at the meters and made a further note on her clipboard. “I think she’s building towards a climax already,” she said. Alan had finally turned the dial all the way. “Full length,” he said. “Seven inches and immobile.”

“Mammarian stimulus to zero,” Dr. McMillan said.

Alan switched off all suction and vibration to Katie’s breasts. She was now feeling only the dildo inside her and the vibration on her clitoris. “Clitoral stimulation to 2.8,” Dr McMillan said. Alan turned two dials. The device now vibrated slowly against Katie’s clit, but with great force. Dr. McMillan studied the meters carefully. “And…” she said. “… orgasm!”

“Ahhh!” Katie cried from the room, her feet kicking helplessly inside the straps. “Ahhh!”

“Hmm,” Dr. McMillan said, “this is promising. Penetration to mobile at 5.4.” Dr. McMillan wasn’t going to give the woman a break. Katie was still in the middle of her first orgasm, but the doctor wanted to start the dildo thrusting into her. At 5.4, it would be thrusting half its length into her at a slow, but steady pace. Alan turned the dials and heard Katie crying out in the room.”

“Ahhh! Oh yes! Yes!”

Dr. McMillan bit into her pencil, feeling a slow flush of response coursing over her cheeks. The woman’s arousal had hardly dropped from the orgasmic level, and it was already building again. She should get good data out of this run, if it lasted. “Penetration to 8.5,” she said. Alan turned the dials, making the dildo go almost full length, and just a little bit faster. Katie wriggled about in the chair, moaning aloud. “8.5,” Alan confirmed.

He tried to focus on his work, but he felt his cock swelling and rising inside his pants. Hearing, and somewhat watching, this young woman in sexual ecstasy couldn’t help but be arousing, but it was mainly standing next to Dr. McMillan that he was responding to. Alan had held secret his overwhelming crush on her as best he could for the last 6 months. Alan shifted in his seat, hoping Dr. McMillan wouldn’t notice the growing bulge in his pants. But she didn’t even look his way. She was too busy following the meters in the control room and taking notes on her clipboard.

“Ohhh!” Katie cried. “Ohhh!”

They heard the heavy metal chair creaking loudly as she writhed her body, trying to get even more out of the dildo sliding in and out of her. Dr. McMillan raised her eyebrows. “Gradually increase penetration to 8.8.” Alan’s hands were trembling slightly, as he adjusted the dials, making the latex cock pump into Katie’s pussy in an ever-increasing rhythm. He almost felt sorry for the poor girl. He would have given her a break, but that was not for him to decide. As always, Dr. McMillan wanted to test endurance.

“Oh God!” Katie cried, her body shaking with every thrust of the dildo.

“The moisture levels are impressive,” Dr. McMillan said quietly. “Switch off clitoral stimulation. canlı bahis siteleri Mammarian stimulation to 5.8.8.” Alan turned the dials, giving Katie’s clitoris a rest. Instead, her breasts were now sucked and vibrated with great force in a fast rhythm. The effect was like a lover sucking her nipples vigorously, then tugging at them.

Dr McMillan watched, as the meters showed Katie’s arousal rising again, once more approaching orgasmic levels. Alan saw the reddish glow on Dr. McMillan’s cheeks, and wondered how she managed to maintain her detachment when it was natural to have a response to such authentic pleasure. What could Dr. McMillan be thinking as she watched Katie driven wild by that thrusting dildo, relentlessly fucking her, to another orgasm? Was she imagining herself in her place? Was that what she’d like? To be the subject of the experiment herself?

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Katie gasped, obviously almost at another orgasm.

God, Dr. McMillan was gorgeous, Alan thought. He shook his head, trying to snap out of it and focus on his work. The latex cock kept thrusting into Katie’s pussy in a relentless, mechanical rhythm. It could go on forever, and Katie knew that. She threw herself about in the chair, arching her back, tugging at the straps with all her strength.

“Aaah!” she cried – a deafening sound of lust. “Aaah! Yes!”

“And another orgasm,” Dr McMillan said calmly.

Katie’s face was red. Her entire body glistened with perspiration, strands of her blond hair sticking to her sweaty face.

“Mammarian stimulation to 8.2.0.” Dr. McMillan said. Alan turned the dials, closing down the vibrations, instead applying powerful rhythmic suction at a slow pace. Katie moaned softly. “8.2.0,” he confirmed.

“Clitoral stimulation to 8.5,” Dr. McMillan said without looking up from her clipboard. Alan hesitated for a second. The experiment was clearly putting a great strain on Katie — he wondered if she could handle clitoral stimulation at this point. Of course, she could always use the red button to switch it all off, but what if she passed out? Would Dr. McMillan call off the experiment, if the test subject lost consciousness? Two quick and powerful orgasms are not easy on anyone. But obeying his dreamy doctor, Alan turned the switches, making the device vibrate rapidly against Katie’s clit with moderate force.

“No… Please!” Katie gasped. “Stop it! I can’t…”

Dr. McMillan pretended not to hear her. “Vaginal penetration to 10.6,” she said. Alan turned the dials, making the latex dildo slow down slightly. Instead, it went in all the way with every thrust. All seven inches of the thing buried itself in Katie’s pussy again and again in powerful strokes. “Stop!” Katie gasped. “Please stop!”

Her arousal levels were climbing again. Dr. McMillan moved to the microphone. “If you want to stop the experiment, please press the red button next to you.”

“Oh God!” Katie cried, but did not hit the button. Rather, she pushed against the thrusting, timing the strokes to respond as if it was a lover pushing into her. Dr. McMillan watched her intensely.

“I thought so. The mind says we cannot handle it, that we should stop, but the body knows what it knows, and will not be denied. There is a certain point where our passions overcome our inhibitions. She knows that we are watching her, and was clearly worried about what we were thinking of her, hence her protestations. But that inhibition wasn’t enough to stop the pleasure. There must be a point of no return for pleasure — interesting. I wonder if I could hook up brainwave scans to the next pool of subjects…” Dr. McMillan said, apparently to herself. Alan watched her, amazed at her restraint. He could see that her nipples were hard and pressing through the white lab coat that swarmed so seductively over her shapely form. His erection strained against his pants. She must be more turned on than me, since she’s been watching and I haven’t. How can she stand it? I’m getting to my point of no return just looking at her, and she’s fully dressed!

The sounds of passion continued to come over the speakers and Dr. McMillan gave a sharp nod. “Once more, max clitoral stimulation!”

Alan turned the dial to 10, and heard a sharp gasp. The readings went wild as Katie flailed about for a moment, then peaked as she arched her back and thrust her hips downward and experienced what must have been an extremely powerful orgasm. She fell back into in the chair and lay there trembling. The devices buzzed and shook all around her body. “Ooh…” she whimpered, her right hand fumbling for the red button, “ooh…” With trembling fingers, Katie found the button and pressed it. With a whirring sound, all machinery ground to a halt. Katie fell back in the chair, sweating, exhausted, and glowing.

For a few seconds, all was quiet in the control room. The only sound was the Chopin piano music from the other room.

“Thank you very much, Katie,” Dr. McMillan said into the microphone. “I’ll be coming in to help you out.”

Chapter 2

Katie had gotten dressed, and Dr. McMillan paid her the fee, thanking her for her participation. Visibly embarrassed, the young woman nodded silently, then hurried out to the taxi.

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A Collection of First Times

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Author’s Note: all of these stories are autobiographical and absolutely true accounts of some very hot “first times” I’ve had. Only the names have been changed.


***Oliver: my first oral experience***

My very first experience with oral sex was when I was 18 years old and still a virgin. I was at one of my very first college parties, and I ran into Oliver, a guy I knew from church. We weren’t close, but he and I had been friendly. That night he was a little drunk.

“It’s my birthday,” he confessed drunkenly, as he pulled me into him on the dance floor. “I’m twenty-one…” It seemed like his buddies had gotten him drunk for the occasion. Normally Oliver was super shy, but I guess his inebriated state made him a little more bold. He danced against me and I let him. I heard some of the guys he came with whoop and cheer for him.

“Happy birthday,” I whispered and wiggled my ass against him. He gently placed his hands on my hips, and I grinded back into him a little more. I wasn’t sure but I thought I could feel the outline of his cock nestled between my round ass cheeks.

I had spent that last eleven years at an all-girls Catholic school, with no boys around, so I was pretty inexperienced for an eighteen-year-old. The furthest I had gone at that point was let some guy I had met at the rare school dance unhook my bra and play with my D-cups, pinching my stiffening nipples under my sweater while he jammed his tongue down my throat. Now that I was at college and away from all the strict prying nuns, I was up for some sexual experimentation.

After we had spent 15 minutes grinding on the dance floor, Oliver pulled me to him and whispered, “Hey, do you wanna get out of here?” I nodded and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway, his guy friends slapping each other five as we went out.

As soon as we made it into the hallway, it got quieter and all we could hear was the throbbing bass.

“God, you’re so pretty,” he murmured drunkenly and leaned into me, brushing a stray curl out of my face. He leaned in and kissed me, pressing me against the cinder block wall of the dorm. I could taste the beer on his tongue, which turned me on.

“You wanna go someplace more private?” I asked, looking up at him. He nodded.

The best we could do in that moment was the empty commons room next door. He pulled me inside and then locked both doors from the inside so no one could disturb us. Even with the doors locked, we still only had semi-privacy. The windows of the room looked out of the quad: anyone walking by or going into the party could see us if they were looking hard enough. We were so horny we didn’t care.

We fell onto the couch, making out furiously, sucking on each others’ tongues, our hands fumbling under each others’ clothes. I wondered just how many horny couples had fucked on this very couch.

Oliver had pushed my padded bra and shirt up without even unhooking it and was sucking on my swollen nipples. I moaned and enjoyed him lapping and sucking on my ample tits. After a moment he paused, and pulled me up to sitting, while he sat in front of me on the floor.

“I want to taste you…” he said. He tugged my pants down over my hips, pulling my lacey thong underwear down with them. I gasped as my naked pussy was exposed to a boy for the very first time. Once my pants were around my ankles, he sat on the floor between my open legs and gently parted my pussy lips with his thumbs. Anyone who walked by could see my spread pussy, and Oliver with his head between my thighs, ready to go to town on my wet snatch.

He sought out my hard clit with his tongue, licking and sucking on it, while he splayed my chubby pussy lips with his fingers. Even without his warm spit, I could already tell my pussy was sopping wet.

“Mmmmm you taste so good…” he groaned, pausing and then sucking my throbbing clit some more.

“Ohhhh fuck…” I moaned and shuddered, the wet noises of him lapping at my weeping snatch echoing in the empty commons room. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into my pussy, feeling myself getting closer and closer to cumming all over his face. I couldn’t believe this shy boy from mass, who was an altar boy, was now eating me out in a public commons room.

As I discovered that night, I had a bit of an exhibitionist streak in me, and the thought that some drunk frat boys could be watching me getting my pussy eaten for the first time pushed me over the edge. I came, bucking and squirming against his sucking lips, my thighs tight around his ears.

When I finally came down from my orgasm, Oliver climbed back up on top of me, smiling. My pussy juices were still wet on his face. He wiped his face on the couch cushions and then I pushed him back, climbing down between his legs to return the favor.

I had seen pictures of cocks before, and felt them between a layer of clothes, but I had never seen a naked one live in the flesh, and I had certainly had never sucked one before: illegal bahis tonight was going to be a night of firsts.

When he saw what I intended to do, Oliver eagerly unzipped his pants and pulled them down for me, his naked cock springing up, hard and long. I later learned that my first cock was quite the specimen. About seven inches long, fully erect and slightly curved, cut, with tight round balls, Oliver’s cock was and still is, one of the most beautiful cocks I’ve ever seen. Even as a virgin, it made my mouth water. I looked up at his face, already braced with anticipation, and licked my lips. I couldn’t wait to put this gorgeous cock in my mouth.

The second his smooth mushroom tip parted my wet lips I knew I was going to love sucking cock. I hungrily suckled on the swollen head and he moaned, arching his back towards me. I held the thick shaft upright in my fist and then slid my mouth down as far as I could go without gagging. When I pulled my lips off of his cock with a little pop, it was glistening with my spit. One string of spit connected my swollen lips with the wet tip of his erection.

Still holding his cock upright, I licked the shaft from the bottom to the top in long strokes like I was licking a popsicle. Oliver moaned and grunted. For a cocksucking novice, I was a natural.

After a bit, I plunged his cock back into my mouth and started bobbing my head up and down hungrily on his cock. He moaned some more and tangled his fingers in my hair so he could control the pace. The sound of his grunting and groaning turned me on… I slipped a finger in between my wet pussy lips and rubbed my clit while I blew him.

After a few minutes, we were interrupted by some banging on the commons room door.

“Hey, Oliver, stop fucking freshmen girls and open up in there!” some of his friends shouted through the door, “We’re leaving!” Oliver gasped and pulled out of my mouth.

“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, stuffing his erect cock in his pants. “I have to go now or I’m going to get into trouble…” I started pulling my clothes back on and stood up. I think our fooling around had sobered him up a little and some of his awkwardness was back.

“I’ll sneak out first so they won’t bother you,” he said, and smiled awkwardly at me. “See you some other time?”

“Sure,” I replied. And he quickly exited, closing the door behind him. I heard his buddies cheering him on as they noisily left the party.

We never hooked up again but I often think about his awesome cock and the hot time we had on that couch.

***Harley: my first creampie***

Harley was a Southern boy from Missisippi, a ROTC Air Force guy with the rock hard body of a 22 year old soldier. I met him my senior year at college, when he decided that he wanted to try acting. We were cast in the play together, and I noticed that he was always watching me whenever I had to do my romantic scene with another guy. One time when we were back stage he told the poor 18-year-old tasked with kissing me on stage that he was doing it wrong.

“You need to be more confident, forceful, when you grab her to kiss her: like this…” he scolded the younger kid in his heavy southern drawl. He reached out for me by way of demonstration, and much to my amusement, pulled me in for a deep passionate kiss. I felt my knees go weak. “That’s how you kiss a woman,” he said to the pale-faced freshman and walked away.

“Harley is super into you,” my friend Kim whispered to me, as we watched his tight, muscled ass saunter away in his costume, “you should totally hook up with him at the cast party tonight.”

Later that night, Harley showed up to the cast party at my house with a six-pack of Miller High Life, and immediately started drinking with the other guys. I could feel him staring at me from across the room. I had worn a low-cut top for the occasion.

By the time he sauntered up to me, we had both had a little too much to drink. He clearly needed his liquid courage to approach me.

“Heyyyy, darlin’,” he slurred slightly, “what’s happenin’?”

“Nothing much,” I replied slyly and took another swig of my beer. “Except you kissing me earlier…” He grinned and looked away.

“You like that?” he asked with a little bashful smile.

“Mmmmm hmmm,” I nodded.

“Want me to do it again?” he drawled, his face drawing in closer to mine.

I grabbed him behind the neck and pulled him close to me and we kissed, his tongue swirling around in my mouth. He tasted like beer and smelled like pure male pheromones. I couldn’t get enough.

Somehow when we came up for air, we were on the couch and the whole party had cleared out. I guess everyone felt like they should give us some space to do the inevitable.

“Wanna take this to my room?” I asked slyly. He nodded and he followed me to my bedroom, kissing and squeezing me from behind as we went.

As soon as he shut the door he pulled off his shirt and I got my first real view of his muscled chest and illegal bahis siteleri abs. It was a sight to behold.

“You like that, beautiful?” He asked drunkenly, and started pulling off his pants in a sexy striptease. I laughed and turned to put on some music so my roommate wouldn’t hear us fucking in the room next door.

His cock was already semi-hard as he lay back in my bed in nothing but his white briefs. I found it kind of funny and hot that this guy still wore tighty whities. Most guys I knew only would be caught dead in boxers.

He watched me hungrily as I pulled off my shirt and skirt and dropped them to the floor. I climbed into bed with him wearing only my bra and panties. He immediately reached up to unhook the clasp on my push-up bra, and groaned at the sight of my round milky jugs with their fat upturned nipples as they swung free.

“Ho-leeee shiiit,” he whistled his appreciation as he kneaded my soft flesh between his fingers, “these are some amazin’ titties…”

I was a little drunk and we were moving fast. I climbed on top of him and started grinding my satin-clad pussy against his cotton-covered cock. He groaned and I felt his erection growing between my pussy lips. He pushed me off of his hips for a second to shimmy his underwear off and threw them on my floor. I got my first glimpse at his cock. It was average-sized, slightly curved and stood up rock hard away from his muscled body. I was wet and throbbing and anxious to fuck.

My ex-boyfriend was the only cock I had had in my pussy for the past two years. He had popped my cherry two years before and we had done it pretty regularly after that, but there was always so much pressure for sex to be slow and romantic. I never felt like I could just let loose with my ex. Harley was going to be the first casual fuck I was going to have and I was really looking forward to some no strings attached sex.

I peeled my thong panties off and climbed on top of his naked cock and began grinding my wet twat on his now naked erection. He moaned and pushed up against me, trying to squeeze his dick into my pussy.

I’ve always had a pretty tight pussy and even though I wasn’t a virgin, he was having a hard time getting his cock inside me. I adjusted myself until I was holding my chubby pussy lips open and then teased his swollen cock head with the opening of my vagina. I was just about to lower myself on his stiff erection when I realized through my drunken haze that we had forgotten to get a condom.

“Oh shit, we forgot to put on a condom…” I groaned, pulling off of his cock. “It’s okay, it’s okay, babydoll… I’ll pull out,” he moaned. “Please just don’t get up, you feel so good…”

I don’t know if it was his cute Southern accent, or the way his bare flesh felt in between my pussy lips, or the fact that my ex and I had always used condoms, but I gave in. I squatted over his cock and slowly impaled my tight pussy on his erection until our pubic hair was mashed against each other.

I bounced up and down on his cock until we got into a nice fucking rhythm. He reach up and swirled his tongue in my mouth and palmed my tits while I rode him. From his grunts and groans I could tell he was going to pop soon so I reached down and started toying with my clit, but it was too late.

A few seconds later his eyes rolled back into his head and he grunted and came hard, spurting thick ropes of jizz inside me. He came so hard so quickly I could feel the first jet of cum bathing my insides with his goo. “Oh, fuck…” I moaned. When I looked back up at him he had passed out, his softening cock still buried in my cunt.

I slowly climbed off of him, his shiny cock sliding from my stretched hole, now filled to the brim with his spunk. I felt a little dribble out of me and put a hand between my thighs to catch his cum while I quickly tiptoed to the bathroom.

By the time I got into the bathroom, a small puddle of his pearly jism had dripped out of my pussy and into my cupped palm. I quickly sat down and let more of his spunk drip out of me and into the toilet. As I wiped off my hand, I reached for the small make-up mirror on the counter. Still sitting on the toilet seat, I opened my legs and studied my thoroughly used pussy. My lips and clit were swollen and wet and I could see his thick white cream oozing from my hole. I can’t explain why, but looking at my creampied pussy turned me on so much, I rubbed my clit until I came all over my sticky fingers, pushing out more of his cum from my vaginal opening.

When I finished cumming, I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped away a long viscous strand of his cum that was dangling from my spent pussy. I turned off the lights, shuffled to my bed and passed out, Harley’s sticky cock pressing into the cleft of my ass.

The next morning I got up at 6am for my shift at the campus coffee shop. Harley was passed out and snoring in my bed. I contemplated waking him up for a quickie, but thought better of it. I left him a note canlı bahis siteleri and then left for work. I swear I could still feel his spunk leaking out of me all day.

***Jean-Paul: my first monster cock***

I met John-Paul when I was modeling for a figure drawing class. He was smart, clean-cut and professional when he walked up to me after class and handed me a business card.

“This is a link to my work… Just so you know I’m legit,” he said matter-of-factly as I was pulling my robe on and reaching for the card. “I’m always looking for models and I think you’d be perfect. Check it out and let me know if you’re interested.” Before I could answer, he turned on his heel and sauntered away.

I found the card in my pocket a few days later, and remembering his odd manner, I looked up his website and studied his portfolio. His website stated “John Paul Mercier: Erotic Nudes” and the whole site was filled with a hundred erotic nude photographs, all tastefully done, naked women of all shapes and sizes photographed in their homes and in natural environments. I was intrigued.

Before the next class I found him by his easel and told him I had checked out his website.

“Oh yes?” he said, raising an eyebrow at me. “What did you think?”

“Looks interesting,” I replied equally cryptically. “Do you always photograph women in their homes?”

“Yes,” he replied, “People are much more… relaxed in their own home.”

“I see.” Something about the way he said “relaxed” made me wonder just how relaxed he was talking about. Relaxed enough to reward the photographer for his hard work?

“I pay $50 to shoot you in your home, and you get a copy of your favorite print. What do you say? Interested?”

“Okay, sure.” Alright, I’ll bite, I thought. There was something about his no-nonsense, businesslike tone that turned me on. And I had a lot of experience posing nude, so it would be an easy fifty bucks at the least.

“Great,” he replied, “Email me your info and some times that work and we’ll set something up.” And then class began.

Normally, when I’m posing for the figure drawing class, I hold a pose and then let my mind wander. Today, I could feel John-Paul’s eyes on me, as it scanned and appraised my naked body. Something about how he was looking at me made me sweat. Little beads of moisture appeared behind my knees, on my upper lip. At one point I watched him study my freshly shaved pussy and I swear he knew I was getting wet. When class ended he locked eyes with me and smiled slightly.

Later that week we arranged for him to come do the photoshoot at my apartment that weekend, when my roommate was out of town. He walked up all four floors to my apartment with his camera and all his equipment, and I answered the door in just my robe.

“Wow, it’s hot,” he said, removing his jacket, “How about we get to work?”

I dropped my bathrobe and hung it over the chair, this time I was nude for an attentive audience of one. He was very professional and we took some artsy shots in the kitchen where the light was good. Me looking out the window, me leaning over the stove, my naked ass pointed at his lens. He clicked away silently for awhile.

After we had shot on the couch and at the table he suggested moving into the bedroom. At this point, I was getting a little hot and bothered and I could tell he was enjoying his work. I lay back on my bed.

“So… You spend a lot of time around naked women,” I said, “Do you ever feel tempted to do more than take photographs?” He looked up from focusing his camera and smiled slyly.

“It depends,” he said, “on what’s being offered…”

I slowly opened my thighs, opening my shaved snatch to his hungry gaze. I watched him swallow hard, his eyes narrowing on my wet slit. I snaked a finger between the wet lips and started playing with myself while he watched, captivated. He smiled and started snapping some more pictures.

“Do you like what you see?” I asked, and giggled naughtily. I splayed my fingers open, exposing my throbbing clit to the lens. John-Paul took four or five more photos before placing his camera on the chair and turned back to me, watching me rub my clit. He took three or four quick steps to the bed and then climbed between my legs fully clothed, and lowered his face to my juicy pussy.

His long tongue wiggled between my lips and teased at my swollen clit, then he quickly ran his fingers between my slit to lubricate them and plunged his fingers inside me, fingering my pussy while he ate me. It took me about three minutes of his fingers and tongue on my wet cunt for me to cum hard all over his face, moaning in orgasm and covering his face in my juices.

“Fuuuuck that was hot,” he moaned, coming up for air.

“I can return the favor…” I replied, now hungry to see this guy’s cock.

“That all depends on if you think you can handle this…” he said, unzipping his fly. Without pulling down his pants, he pulled out the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. It was about ten inches long and very fat, with a big purple head, already leaking precum.

“Holy shit,” I breathed, actually wondering if I could get that monster meat in my mouth. I began reaching for his cock and he stopped me.

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Accidentally Sucking Brothers Cock

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Here I was, on my knees, my little brothers thick, hard, wet, cum-dripping cock rammed down my throat, and all by total accident.

An eighteen-year-old high schooler, Bud was always working out and building up his body. He had massive muscles and whenever he took his t-shirt off, my girlfriends would simply die to fuck him.

Even Mrs Jones, my married science teacher had admitted to me once that she would risk her marriage for a night of passion with Bud.

Now, here I was being face fucked by his huge thick shaft, banging on me like a dog on a bitch. Of course, I’d been with boys before, but nothing like this, and of course Dan was my little brother and sucking-off his huge cock was an incestuous taboo, that I knew, I really shouldn’t have allowed myself the pleasure of.

He’d come home after a big football game, and although he’d already showered once at his school, he showered again as soon as he got home.

Drying himself off illegal bahis in the shower room his huge cock hanging out in front of him as he dried off his sexy hot ass. Listening to music on my pods, I had no way of knowing he was in there. And so, when I opened the door and got the shock of my life when I realised he was standing there naked, and how hung he was, I guess it ready got to me.

I knew Bud could have any woman when I caught him in his room fucking the hell out of his Math teacher Mrs Margaret. Mrs Margaret was a late thirties, hot as hell, beautiful woman, who had a rich and handsome husband. And yet, there she was, on my brother’s bed, his cock deep inside her, his balls bouncing off of her, like tennis balls on a string up against a wall.

Now I was almost choking as he railed my mouth like a paid for whore. My eyes rolling back in my head as he powered into me with the strength he used in his football games. It was almost like I was the illegal bahis siteleri goal and he was shooting the ball home with every powerful thrust.

My hands clutching onto his tight ass cheeks like handles, I had to admit that it felt amazing to have my mouth screwed by my little brother.

To be honest, when I accidentally burst in on him, drying himself off, I’m not sure if I fell over at his feet and onto his thick, long cock, with my gasping mouth, by accident. Or I had actually dropped down at his feet at the mercy of his divine cock.

Whichever way it was, I know I was pretty eager to take his thick hard manhood into my mouth.

Funnily enough, it was doing this very same thing, that he had caught me in the middle of with my boyfriend too!

I had been in my bedroom sucking off my boyfriend when I realised, in the heat of the moment, we’d left my bedroom door open. Realising he was there, watching us, there was nothing canlı bahis siteleri I could do.

I didn’t want my boyfriend to know he was there. So I just had to hope he would go away when he realised I’d seen him. But he did nothing of the sort. Instead, he simply watched us all the way to the final climax. He watched us right up to the point when my boyfriend shot his hot white cum all over my face and in my hair.

My boyfriend’s cum in my hair and eyes, and all over my lips, he watched as I licked it off and then gobbled down on his round cock head and sucked him dry.

And now it was my little brother’s turn!

Pretty much copying what he’d seen my boyfriend do to me, Dan shot his massive wad of cum all over my face. Cum collecting in my hair and dripping into my eyes and mouth, he then proceeded to face fuck me again. He’d almost drowned me in his cum, that was how horny he’d been for me.

When he was done, he simply pulled on his clothes and left me there on my knees, his hot cum dripping all over my face as if I’d had a bukkake from a half dozen guys.

“Thanks, sis,” he said as he left, “next time I’ll fuck you if you like.” He said as he rushed off downstairs.

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Good Friends

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Jill looked over at the phone when she heard the ring. After several rings it went to voicemail. She just didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. She and Justin broke up last night, and although it was mutual, and for the best, she was still sad and disappointed. Another failed relationship. She wanted to enjoy feeling sorry for herself for awhile in peace and quiet. She stood up to walk into the bathroom and look at herself in the mirror. She considered herself to be sort of pretty. She looked in the mirror and saw a woman with long brunette hair, and deep brown eyes. She turned sideways — she could stand to lose a few pounds, but mostly liked her curves. She had nice hips and a gently rounded backside, to go along with her 36C chest. Justin was missing out, she decided.

The phone rang again, and irritated, Jill quickly stepped back into the room, picked it up to see who kept calling. It was her friend Elly. She sighed and decided she better just answer, or knowing Elly, she would just keep calling.

“Hi Elly.”

“Hey girl, what’s going on? You aren’t answering your phone?”

“Sorry,” she said hesitating, “Justin and I broke up last night, and I was having a little pity party for myself.”

“Oh hon, I’m so sorry. I’m on my way over.”

“No, Elly you don’t-“

Elly cut her off, “Not a chance. See you in 20,” and hung up.

Jill smiled in spite of herself, Elly was such a great friend, she knew exactly what she needed.

True to her word, 20 minutes later there was a knock on her door, and Jill opened the door to see Elly standing there with a bag in her arm. Jill always was a little jealous of Elly’s petite body. She was blond, 5’4, with a tiny frame and cute perky boobs. If they weren’t such good friends, she would hate her. “I am here to make everything better,” Elly said, stepping in around Jill and heading to the kitchen, with Jill following. She set the bag down, and pulled out a gallon of ice cream and a bottle of wine. “I brought supplies!”

Jill just shook her head. “Ok, you grab a couple of spoons and the wine glasses, and I’ll pick out the movie!

A couple of hours later, the ice cream and wine were gone, and Jill and Elly were stretched out on the floor in front of the couch, watching the ending movie credits.

“How are you feeling sweetie,” Elly said, reaching over to squeeze Jill’s shoulder.

“Better. I’m really ok, it wasn’t like it was going to work with him. We have hardly spent any time together lately anyway, it’s just..”

” I know — sorry. Geez,” Elly said feeling the tension in her friend’s shoulder. “Even after my ice cream and wine treatment, your muscles feel so tight. Lay down and let me give you a neck rub and massage, I’m sure you could use a little more TLC.”

Jill casino siteleri felt like she should say no, after all Elly had already done for her, but that sounded so good, her neck was pretty sore. So she just moved to lie down on her stomach on the carpeted floor. Elly straddled her friend’s butt, and started kneading Jill’s upper shoulders and neck, trying not to be too rough, but break up that muscle tension. She smiled when she heard Jill let out a small sigh. She loved her friend, and since they shared just about everything, she knew that she and Justin hadn’t spent much time together for the last few weeks, including in bed, and whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was sexually frustrated. Jill could do something about that.

“That feels so good,” Jill moaned. “You can stop in an hour or two.”

“Just be quiet and relax — you deserve it.”

Jill did just that, and let her friend go to work on her aching muscles. It felt amazing to just lie there, and be pampered. She barely noticed when Elly started to push up her shirt in the back, and unhook her bra, pushing the straps down.

“Hey,” Elly said softly.

“Hmmm,” Jill responded softly.

“Sit up for just a minute. I can do a better job without material in the way.” Jill sat up sleepily, and lifted her arms as Elly pulled the shirt over her head, and pulled her bra off. “Lay back down,” Elly said, and Jill did.

Elly started the massage again, now not impeded by clothing coming between her hands and the skin of Jill’s back. Elly couldn’t help thinking about how soft Jill’s skin was, and she was enjoying the feeling of her Jill’s supple flesh under her hands, almost as much as Jill was being on the receiving end.

The soft hands moving up and down the skin of Jill’s back was giving her goosebumps. Not surprising considering that it had been awhile since anyone had touched her much. Elly’s hands traced circles whisper soft on Jill’s back and she couldn’t hold back a small moan.

Elly smiled, glad to be bringing her friend a little pleasure, but she could do better. She paused, pulling her own shirt over her head. She had small perky breasts, so didn’t need a bra, and her nipples reacted to the sudden exposure to the cool air, and hardened. She brought her hands up to her own breasts, cupping them and rubbing her nipples. She held in a moan, not wanted to disturb her friend’s experience.

“Don’t move,” she whispered, and seeing that Jill wasn’t moving, she stood up and shimmied out of her jeans and bikini underwear. She wasn’t surprised to see her hairless pussy glistening with liquid, and she reached down and gave her clit a small rub with her middle finger. She shook her head, looking back at her friend still laying passively on the floor, and walked to the bathroom. slot oyna She pulled out the baby oil off the shelf, and headed back to the livingroom.

She straddled Jill’s hips again, pulling the top of her sweatpants down a little, to expose her lower back and top of her ass. She opened the oil, poured some in her hand, set the bottle down, and starting rubbing her hands together to warm the oil. Then she continued the massage, starting with the middle of Jill’s back, and moving to caress her sides by her breasts, down along her hips, and to the top of her ass. She could hear Jill’s even breathing, and feel how relaxed she was under her. She leaned over to softly run her breasts over Jill’s oiled back, paused to see if her friend would respond, and when she didn’t she reached up to Jill’s neck, and rubbed her hard nipple points back and forth, unconsciously pushing her cunt against the fabric of Jill’s sweats.

Elly pulled slightly up and away from Jill’s body, and moving her by her hips, turned her around gently so she ended up on her back. Jill’s eyes stayed closed, as Elly grabbed the bottle, and prepped some fresh oil. She started rubbing her friend’s breasts, softly squeezing the firm flesh, circling around the hardening nipples. In her half-asleep state, Jill moaned deeply and pressed her hips up against Elly’s pelvis. Elly held her breath, waiting for her to wake up. When she didn’t move again, she leaned over and started nibbling on Jill’s neck, her breasts now rubbing against Jill’s, her nipples somehow hardening further, and her pussy was starting to throb.

Jill moaned again and Elly moved down to take one nipple in her mouth and suck gently, while the other hand continued to flick and squeeze the other nipple. She couldn’t get enough of her friend’s tits, and starting moving back and forth suckling between the two nipples. Then she took a hand to reach down into Jill’s sweats, under her panties. Oh, god, Jill was so wet, her panties were soaking. She was obviously ripe for some relief.

Elly wasn’t gay, but she had been open to lots of different kinds of sexual experiences, and found her sexual relations with women had been so pleasurable. She knew Jill had some interest in women, but would never have approached her, so this had presented her the perfect opportunity to bring them both some needed pleasure. She just hoped this wouldn’t wreck their friendship.

Jill was floating in a partially asleep state, dreaming about someone touching her, caressing her everywhere. She gave in to the sensations overwhelming her, not remembering the last time she had felt this good, if ever.

Elly continued to rub Jill’s slickened clit, feeling the warm wetness leaking from her own pussy down her thighs. Jill was pushing up against Elly’s hand, needing more canlı casino siteleri pressure, thrusting and moaning. Elly took a nipplie in her mouth again, sucking hard, hand moving faster and faster over Jill’s clit, feeling her friend start to tense up near to orgasm.

Jill let out a small scream as she came, juices from her pussy squirting over Elly’s hand, and her eyes opened slowly to look down at Elly’s still sucking on her breast. Elly hadn’t stopped rubbing Jill’s pussy, and now slipped three fingers inside her, while flicking her clit with her thumb. Jill couldn’t believe what was happening, that her friend was touching her like this, and had just made her come harder than she ever had before. Barely were those thoughts running through her head, when another orgasm started to build, and Jill couldn’t stop Elly or even mutter a word. She didn’t want this to stop, she was so aroused her body was on fire.

Elly pulled off Jill’s nipple and looked at her friend below her. She saw she was awake now, and completely turned on. Their eyes met, and Elly knew Jill didn’t want her to stop, so she needed to give her more, she knew she was on the edge. She crawled down Jill’s body, pulling her sweatpants all the way off. Looking at her friends soaking wet pussy, she licked her lips in anticipation. She wanted to eat Jill’s pussy as much as she knew her friend would enjoy it.

Her hands pushed Jill’s thighs apart, with no resistance, and lowered her mouth to first suck on her engorged clitoris. Jill’s hips jerked up in response, and she started moaning, unable to form words. Elly sucked relentlessly, while she pushed her fingers back inside Jill’s cunt, working quickly in and out, in and out. Her own hips were thrusting against the floor, lost in her own pleasure. Elly let out a muffled moan, against Jill’s pussy, while Jill’s moans were getting louder as her hips were thrusting up against her friend’s face.

Elly pulled away from Jill’s pelvis, and Jill sighed in frustration. Elly pulled herself up on top of her friend, kissing her, tongue pressing to get inside. Jill opened her mouth and felt Elly’s tongue press in against her own, tasting Elly and her own juices from Elly’s mouth. Their pussies were pressed against each other thrusting harder and harder, pressure building until they both yelled out against each other’s mouth, climaxing.

Elly collapsed on top of Jill, head against her neck, feeling her juices and Jill’s wetness combining against their thighs. Slowly they were able to catch their breath, and Elly moved off Jill, to sit beside her prone friend. She cautiously glanced at her friend, afraid of what her reaction might be.

“Well,” Jill finally said after a few quiet moments, “I’m a little confused, but I feel better”. Jill sat up to face her friend. “Thanks for coming over.

They both started laughing, and reached over to hug each other. This friendship had just gotten a lot closer, and Jill was looking forward to more “friend” time with Elly.

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Diary of a Cock Sucker Ch. 24

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Diary of a Cock Sucker. Chapter 24.

In which our hero returns to home sweet home.

I walk down the Jetway on Friday afternoon, the conference over and deliverance home mercifully on schedule. The conference was useful and informative and it is good to get away from the office occasionally, a chance for a professional breath of fresh air. The weekend beckons before a return to work and routine next Monday. As I walk to the exit, I reflect back on the week. The video shop was fun although I conclude that I find the glory hole sport less than satisfying compared to my usual engagements. I find that I like the challenges and considerable gratifications of the social interactions of the anonymous engagements, the physical presence of the other person in all the varieties; from the stumbling nervous to the seasoned confident. The glory hole experience was sporting fun, but not really to my taste, the disembodied acts too impersonal and unsatisfying. And I reflect that there are few pleasures like having an anonymous partner watch as I do him, witness the physical act of having his cock in my mouth and swallowing his cum.

There was a wine social the next night of the conference where one of the attendees came on to me, making clear his interest and intentions, a drink in his room with the remainder unspoken but very obvious. I declined but speculate on how he signaled me out. I was not entirely disinterested but declined because I thought there was too much risk in being compromised professionally. And also because I needed some time to clear my head from my dilemmas at home, my two lovers, both demanding, exhausted testicles and nerves, both needing a rest. I speculate again on what signals I was broadcasting to the conference suitor, some gay male beacon.

As I reach the exit, I cast off the week and look for Thad who has planned to meet me and give me a ride home. He more or less insisted and of course his motivation is obvious. It will be an early departure for him as he has the big game tomorrow and therefore curfew tonight. S** has asked me to come over tonight if it is not too late and we have a bike ride scheduled for tomorrow. Her intentions are also clear. There is the anticipation on her part that I will stay over Saturday night so there is dinner and more sweet dreams with her. Still I have been more or less celibate for the week and I am ready for some companionship. I look up and there is Thad, breathtakingly gorgeous. I am taken aback yet again with his beauty. Each time I see him I find it impossible to believe he can be so attractive, the physical presence of him, the subtle shyness, the way his clothes hang on his slender frame, the seemingly effortless ease of his movements, all this and more. I swallow a catch in my throat and smile a greeting.

We greet warmly with shoulder hugs and proceed to the car park. We trade information and anecdotes about the week just passed, I talking about the conference and the host city, and Thad filling me in about his exhaustive week of school and practice in preparation for tomorrow. He has applied to colleges and so there is a flood of communications and visits and he rattles on for some time about plans for the future. We arrive at the car in the parking garage and I deposit my roller bag in the trunk. That completed, we embrace with a warm hug that goes on for some minutes. I perceive that Thad has not lost his enthusiasm for me as his interest is poking against me. We disengage and get into the car. I look at him and find him tenting. Almost as a joke, I ask if he can make it to my apartment without bursting his pants. He looks at me in complete seriousness and answers with an emphatic no. Apparently taking, or at least hoping, my remarks were an invitation, he pulls his zipper down. His cock bursts forth and I see that he is leaking and his organ is quivering.

We are parked against a wall and reasonably secluded, I assume by his careful choice. I can also assume that he has been thinking about this for some time. I lean over and put my head in his lap. I open my mouth and take his cock, pressing my lips on the shaft. The instant that he feels my lips on the shaft, he emits a shuddering moan of pleasure, putting his hands on my back, pressing forcefully down. His cock is almost vibrating in my mouth and I conclude that he will probably ejaculate within seconds. I let him soak and just hold him there in my mouth with no friction other than my lips just touching the shaft. He emits a soulful gasp of pleasure and exclaims that it feels oh so good and that he has been looking forward to this for days. He adds a series of soulful oh, oh, oh. And he adds an emphasis to this by arching his hips up to get more of his cock into my mouth. So I conclude that, like me, he has given it a rest this week. That explains his urgency, that and being eighteen years old.

I press my lips on his cock and slide up and down on the shaft. He emits a heartfelt moan of pleasure and gasps out a whimpering plea that I not stop. Of course it is hardly like that I would consider stopping. I slide my lips slowly up and down on the cock, lightly pressing my lips on the shaft. Almost immediately casino siteleri his hips begin to shake, escalating rapidly to a violent shudder. I feel his hands press harder on my back, more for leverage to steady himself than anything else. He is gasping and moaning nonstop and his cock is rock hard in my mouth. He cries out that he is going to cum and he goes rigid. I continue on, sliding my lips up and down on the shaft, knowing that he is in the throes of the most intense pleasure. A long keening wail comes from him and his cock bursts in my mouth, his semen jetting out in copious squirts that go on and on. I moan, holding his cock in my lips as the semen floods my mouth. His shudders continue for long moments as he completes his ejaculation in my mouth. Eventually I feel him relax as the climax comes to an end and he punctuates this with a long exhalation, I guess more from relief that his torment is over than the actual physical pleasure.

He is still full but as has been my experience with him, the subtle loss of rigidity of his organ signals the end of his climax. I withdraw and sit up, looking at him. I have been careful on my withdrawal not to make a mess as my mouth is more than full of his semen. I swallow as we look at each other and with the taste of him full in my mouth I observe that it is clear that he missed me. He did, he confirms, and he adds that that felt so wonderfully good, adding a heartfelt thank you and it was a great relief. We set off for my apartment, chatting about my flight, the city that hosted the conference, and about the conference itself. We arrive at my apartment and with no need for an invitation, Thad follows me in. There are the usual travel details of the accumulated mail and the roller bag to be dealt with. But I look up at him and find him expectant. No words are required.

A few minutes later and we are naked in bed together, a tangle of arms and legs, Thad on top of me. As I anticipated, the tryst in the car only took the edge off of him and his enthusiasm for a fuck is in full flood. I am obviously going to give him what he wants. The idea of objecting or refusing is absurd. But my views and emotions about the act that is surely going to take place very soon, and the larger issue of my male lover dilemma are unresolved. So I am conflicted, I want him and any act that he wants or that I want is okay, but I do not want a male lover. In the immediate, he reminds me of why I want him. It would have been perfectly understandable if he just commenced to a fuck. I would have been a willing participant and it is possible that I would have been sufficiently swept up in the act to reach a climax myself as it has happened before. But having had the edge taken off, he now sets about a deliberate effort to pleasure me; his own objective delayed or put off.

We caress, kiss, and press together for some time. Thad is on top of me and I have the freedom of my arms and hands to touch him and guide his movements where I like. We are both erect and I spend a good deal of time with my hands on his back and his ass. He possesses beautiful skin, soft and warm yet with that amazingly firm musculature. His ass cheeks are delicious to hold and I cup and squeeze them in my hands, using them as handles to move him around on top of me. What I expect is that he will eventually mount me and that this pleasantry is all a prelude to that end point. He kisses and licks my neck and slides down rubbing his belly on my cock. This is wildly pleasant and I arch up to press against him. I am leaking so the friction is voluptuously aided by the lubrication from my cock. He kisses and licks his way down my chest and belly, all the time rolling and rubbing on my erection. I have not climaxed for some days so this is wildly arousing. He begins kissing and licking my belly which I find rapturously pleasurable. While he is at this I am caressing his head and shoulders, and before long I am moaning in pleasure and rolling and thrusting my hips.

He slides down further and my cock is his next objective. He slides his arms under my legs and his hands on my belly. He rubs his face on me, pressing my cock down with his face and rubbing his cheeks on the shaft. He goes on with this for some time and the friction of his skin on my shaft is maddening. I am thrusting my hips, my cock rubbing against his face. I still expect him at any moment to mount me and fuck. So it is with some surprise that this is again put off when he begins licking the bottom of my shaft. He holds it up with one hand and licks the bottom, using a mix of techniques, licking the entire shaft, fluttering on the sweet spot, slow, fast, and a hundred combinations. The effect is to have me thrusting my hips in pleasure to the accompaniment of oaths and moans of pleasure. He takes my cock in his mouth and holds me there. I am propped up on pillows and so look directly at his face, his mouth filled with my cock.

Thad looks up at me and we make eye contact, at the same time performing a pulsing squeeze of my cock in his mouth. I burst out a groan of pleasure and arch my hips up. He has a firm grip on my hips with his arms and hands and holds me down so that I can slot oyna thrust upward only a very short distance. He goes into a long sequence of squeezing my cock in his mouth, short firm pulsing squeezes in his mouth that are maddeningly intense, followed immediately by releasing the pressure completely. This goes on and on, squeezing my cock in his mouth to the point that I am clenching madly and groaning in pleasure, followed by no pressure at all. The effect is a long sustained roller coaster flow of the most intense pleasure, kept just short of climax. Eventually I am moaning nonstop, in flowing rapturous pleasure at the peaks, and in dismayed pleading in the valleys.

He takes his mouth off of my cock and I see it standing tall as I look down. He wraps one finger around the base of my shaft to hold it upright and in place in front of his mouth. He then begins licking the underside of my shaft. Sometimes it is slow languorous licking of the entire length of the organ, and at other times it is rapid intense flicking of his tongue on the sweet spot. I watch all of this, staring at my cock and his face behind it, watching him work on my organ, watching as I clench and strain with his teasing and caressing of my cock. At times the pleasure is so intense that I am crying out in great moans of rapture and I am sure that I am going to burst. But his skill is to bring me just to the edge and then back off, the pleasure falling off and denying me the fulfillment of climax.

He takes me back in his mouth and sucks intensely for just a moment. I strain and arch my hips but he just holds me there, the climax just out of reach. He repeats the intense squeezing and sucking for just a moment. He repeats this several times, each time bringing me closer. Each time the peak approaches I moan and plea for him to not stop. Finally he takes his mouth off of me and I look down, my cock held upright, gleaming with the wet of his mouth, clenching and straining. He licks the underside of the shaft. I groan and strain. He looks at me and begins a rapid licking of the sweet spot. I feel my climax approaching again but this time he does not stop. Time seems to slow down and it is like I am watching a DVD, in slow motion and with the zoom on, the entire frame my cock straining and pulsing. I see his tongue flicking on me and my cock performs a slow motion straining pulse. I see the lips at the tip of the cock open and white fluid burst out, flying upward in super slow motion. I watch as the stream of creamy white semen arches high above the head of my cock. The upward flow seems to stop and I watch in fascination as it seems to stay there, suspended, the fluid elegant in its creamy whiteness, before it finally cascades downward. I watch as the head of my cock and my belly are bathed in the splashing creamy white of my semen. I watch as my cock pulses again and another stream of white cream erupts from the head of the organ; again flowing upward in slow motion, again the upward path slows to the point of suspension; again the cream cascades down, splashing on my cock and belly. This is repeated again, and again, and one more time before my climax comes to a conclusion.

He takes me in his mouth and sucks the semen off of my cock. He takes his mouth off of me and licks up the semen on my belly and chest. He slides up, catching the backs of my knees under his arms. I look down and see that his cock is rock hard and jutting straight out from his belly. This is it I think and to be sure in a moment I feel the head of his cock press against my rectum. He slides his arms forward which has the effect of lifting my hips up and I feel his cock penetrate me. We both moan, for me a mixture of initial discomfort and pleasure at the welcoming intimacy of his body pressing on mine. And for him, it is the pure rapturous pleasure of a conquest and a fuck. He presses his chest down on me, my knees pressed back to my armpits, and he strains into me, filling me, his balls lying on my ass, my cock pressed between our bellies, still full.

He presses his mouth down on mine and I taste my semen on his lips. His tongue parts my lips and we kiss, my semen in his mouth and then in mine as I accept the invasion of his tongue. I moan as we kiss deeply, sharing the semen between us, our tongues caressing. We kiss as he rocks up and down and rolls his hips, his cock straining into me. I feel it deep inside, hard and urgent, rubbing inside me. He feels rapturously pleasurable, his body on top of mine, his face buried in my neck, his murmurs and moans electrifying, my arms around his shoulders, holding him close to me. He begins fucking me, slow at first, more rocking and rolling of his hips. But the physical effect of this motion on me is electrifying. He is very hard and the rolling and grinding motion of his hips on my pelvis means that his cock is deep massaging inside me. I feel an intense pressure and pleasure the like of which I have not experienced before. It is like a wave of pressure and heat that build inside. When he eventually pulls out and slides back in, the sensation is rapturous, with an intense feeling of pleasure at the friction of his motion, the pressure when he grinds canlı casino siteleri and the deep massaging of his organ.

He begins fucking in earnest and his belly slams against me as he drives in and out of my rectum. This feel good but then he stops and presses hard into me and grinds and the sensation of intense pleasure immediately returns in increasing strength. I have my arms around his shoulders, holding him tightly and each time he does the grinding motion on me I begin moaning in pleasure. The intensity subsides when he resumes hard fucking but then he again stops and presses firmly into me with more grinding and deep rubbing and the pleasure soars again in increasing intensity.

He slides his arms down and cups my ass cheeks in his hands. He squeezes voluptuously and lifts my hips, pressing me against him. At the same time he presses his hips and pelvis down on me and the feeling of intense soaring pleasure returns. So intense is it that I am crying out, oaths of genuine rapture, the feeling so intense that I am overwhelmed. He is groaning himself and resumes fucking, slamming his cock into me with brutal lunges, aided by holding my ass cheeks in his hands. His oaths and groans are evidence of his own pleasure. But he stops thrusting and resumes pressing and grinding into me. I am grasping his shoulders and arching and thrusting my hips, grinding back against him. The pleasure is like a tidal wave and I begin screaming that he not stop. My hips begin shaking violently and I thrust and grind frantically against him. The pleasure becomes at once so intense that I cry out a series of agonizing screams of rapture and ecstasy, my hips trembling uncontrollably, rocking frantically, desperate for this frenzy of intensity to end.

I am emitting a keening wail of pleasure, the oh, oh, oh, oh flowing nonstop as he slams into me. I urge him on with enthusiasm, adding a god do it in his ear. He resumes thrusting into me, now with long lunging strokes. The room fills with the sound of his belly landing against me, his pelvis slamming against my ass and his balls bouncing on me. His hips become a blur until he suddenly stops and cries out, grasps my ass tightly against him, and I feel him shudder as he climaxes. He pushes hard into me and grinds his pelvis and I feel him pulsing inside me, again and again and again. His body is rigid on top of me as he climaxes. I hold on to his shoulders, my legs grasping his hips. We remain locked together for long moments as he completes a shuddering climax. Finally I feel him begin to relax, the rigidity of his body slowly subsiding, and I hear a great exhalation. I feel the weight of him pressing down on me. The sensation of his body on me is of great intimacy and satisfaction. As I lay there I think of the intensity of my reaction. What was that about and where did that come from go through my mind. We remain locked together for a long time, both of us overwhelmed by the intensity. Eventually he pulls off of me and lies down next to me. I look down and my belly is covered in wet slimy fluid. Although I did not have a physical sensation of ejaculating, the pleasure was certainly intense and I can only assume that I did squirt my juice between our bellies.

We lay together for some moments; the room in silence save for the sound of our breathing. And then he asks me if I am going to see my girlfriend tonight. We have never talked about this and so I am surprised that it should come up now, particularly after the intensity of the lovemaking. There is little point in prevarication so I reply no, not tonight. Tomorrow, he asks? Yes I reply, tomorrow, a bicycle ride with the club. And later he persists? Yes I reply, dinner later. Will you sleep with her he asks? Yes I respond, tomorrow night. But Sunday night with me he asks? Yes I respond. And then there is silence.

After some time he gets out of bed and I hear the shower. I follow and when I come out of the bathroom I find him dressed and ready to depart. I tell him that the evening was wonderful for me and I hope for him. It was he responds. We leave the apartment to walk to his car which is parked downstairs in the parking lot. There is silence along the way and I want with all my being to comfort him if comfort is what he needs. But I don’t know if comfort would be welcomed or rejected with an angry rebuff, where the latter could portend a fatal end to our relationship.

We approach his car and he asks me if I like him or if it is just the sex that I want. I respond that I like him very much, that the sex is wonderful, more wonderful than I could have ever imagined, and that that is because of him, my affection for him, the affection we share for each other. We are at his car in the parking lot. It is dark as it is now well past sunset, the light in the lot providing only the dimmest illumination. He leans back against the side of the car and continues with the observation that he likes me very much, thinks about me all the time, thinks about making love with me, thinks about giving me pleasure. I respond that I know. I press against him and we embrace and kiss. The kiss turns into a passionate grinding of mouths and I am reminded yet again of how powerfully aroused I am by him. I feel him harden against me and I slide my hand down over his cock, squeezing him through his jeans. He moans at this attention and we press together, kissing and groping each other.

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Destined Hearts Ch. 09

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Critiques, tips and comments are welcome!

Welcome to this lovely chapter of one of your favorite stories. I would like to thank you guys for making this story a big success, even better than I imagined. I am sorry for taking too long to post. It’s just school has been keeping me busy but I will still be writing whenever I can and delivering to you. I really hope you guys understand. I love you so much.

Please understand that I didn’t have much time to edit this chapter so there might be some tiny errors but I promise it won’t ruin the story for you. I love you so much, guys.



Praveen is a starry-eyed young groom, dreaming of a fairytale life with his husband. But what happens when the fairytale has no happily ever after? Watch as Praveen deals with the disappointment of his broken dreams. A courageous story of a young boy’s struggle in the world that is against him… Can he survive and find true happiness? Destined hearts starts now.

Feel the passion…


“That is you in the picture?” Antonio gasped, pointing shakily towards the magazine. He quickly rushed to Praveen, grabbing the magazine away from him. “B-but, how? When? Where?”

Praveen shook his head, frowning at the question his husband was asking. “That day when I was locked out in the room, I came out and found that you had already had the shoot. Mr. Lopez felt really bad that he decided to have the shoot. I couldn’t turn him down so…”


“Oh, stop whining!” Granny chuckled, slapping his hand a bit. His eyes were still glued on that cover. “Praveen, dear, you looked really different.”

Praveen sighed, smiling at granny. “I know granny. That’s just another part of me that I haven’t seen for a really long time. Actually, I used to look like that before I started wearing glasses.”

Emilia was really surprised. She went to Praveen and looked at him. “I am so proud of you, Praveen. This is a really high fashion photo.”

“Thanks, mother.” He nodded. “I am really sorry that I didn’t tell you that about the shoot earlier.”

“You don’t have to apologize.” She rested her hand on his shoulder. “It’s a shame that my son didn’t get to shoot with you. I am proud of the both of you, son but most especially you because you’ve proved that you can do anything those models can do.”

Bruce on the other hand was standing there looking like a constipated monkey. He was burning, mad because of what he had seen. Praveen was his competition, he thought as he clenched his fists, looking straight at Praveen. He wanted to vent out! His body was about to start shaking in anger.

He moved his eyes to Antonio, seeing him looking at the cover like he wanted to rip it made him want to cry. He could tell by the way Antonio looked at that magazine that… anyway, he didn’t want to even think about it. Praveen had won against him and he needed to beat him.

Ethan chuckled when he saw the look in Bruce’s eyes and he had an idea. “You know, this is really nice considering that it was your first photo shoot. I would say that you’ve…” He eyed Bruce, giving an evil grin when he saw him frown. “…done a lot compared to some of these models, even Antonio’s photo isn’t that hot.”

They all laughed except for Antonio who was still staring at the magazine, Bruce who was burning in anger and Andrea who was still shocked by the news of Praveen’s photo shoot. The boy had guts and she knew it wasn’t gonna be easy to do something to him.

Antonio slowly opened the magazine and the first photo he saw inside made him feel really cold and weak. In that picture, Santiago was seated on a classy office chair with a big building behind him, dressed in a beautiful gray Designer’s suit with his shirt half way done and his jacket off but it was with Praveen who was holding it seductively in his hands.

Praveen was wearing a beautiful black designer’s skinny jean with a white shirt and yellow snickers and his hair tied in a braided ponytail. He looked like a true model, especially with his body language. He had his foot between Santiago’s parted legs and then leaned down in a position that made him closer to Santiago’s face. It was as if he was teasing him.

Antonio had seen such a pose before but there was something about the way Praveen and Santiago took it that made his blood boil. They had a smile on their faces with Praveen pulling the tie of Santiago, office romance.

Antonio couldn’t believe what he was seeing. For the first time since his marriage to Praveen, he felt really mad at seeing such a romantic photo of him with another man. It felt as if… he didn’t even know how to explain it. His heart was racing beyond miles.

He flipped through to the next page and he just got weaker. This time, Praveen was in front, pulling Santiago by his necktie with a really brilliant smile on his face, slightly looking behind at the handsome man behind him who had one of his hands around his waist. Shit! Antonio clenched his fists, going to the other side of the page.

This casino oyna time Praveen was alone, dressed in a beautiful red designer’s shirt that was tucked in a beautiful white designer’s skinny jean that showed his gorgeous curves that almost looked feminine. He was standing in a place filled with flowers with the brightest smile Antonio had ever seen on him. His hair was being blown backwards, revealing his gorgeous face. It was almost as if Antonio had never seen him before. He couldn’t believe that was the same boy standing right next to him.

He slowly started passing his hands on that beautiful picture, a smile popping up his face but before he went far, he withdrew and then went to the next page. But he lost his cool when he saw Santiago holding Praveen as if he was about to fall, holding his waist tightly.

Praveen was holding on tightly to the man’s shirt, both of them looking into each other’s eyes. Antonio closed the magazine and looked at the boy that was talking to his granny, his mother and Celine. He looked really different, smiling at the people he was talking to and were congratulating him. He had no expression on his face because he felt a little mad.

“He’s hot, isn’t he?” Antonio heard a voice say to him.

He looked passed his shoulder, seeing his friend with a smile. He chose to ignore him and just looked at Praveen, getting lost in him. Both of their eyes met but Praveen decided to look away and talk to the people he was talking to.

Meanwhile, Bruce was still standing there feeling out of place. People in that fucking house hadn’t given him attention like that when his and Antonio’s magazine had come out a few hours back. They were acting as if Praveen was the first model to have ever appeared in a magazine.

“Fuck!” He said under his breath.

“This is absolutely amazing, Praveen.” Granny said with a smile on her face. “Now I can see that my two sons are celebrities.”

“No, granny.” Praveen shook his head, smiling brightly. “I only took this photo shoot because I felt like I had let the crew down. They had so much expected to see me in magazine and they felt bad when I explained what had happened. I didn’t do this because I wanted to be famous.”

“But you are.” Ethan said, coming closer to him with his eyes on the phone. “The people online are demanding answers as to who the model in the picture is.” He said, looking at Praveen with a bright smile on his face. “There are reporters right now at the modeling company and they demand answers right away.”

“What?” Andrea gasped, feeling extremely mad. “But that’s impossible. Praveen knows nothing about modeling and besides, there is nothing good about that photo shoot. I still think Antonio and Bruce’s is hot though.”

Everyone looked at Andrea in shock, wondering why she would say such a thing. She looked at them with her eyes moving from side to side, shrugging. “What? I am only saying the truth. All of you saw that Antonio and Bruce’s magazine has been the highest rated magazine of their history in the few hours it came out. That to me seems like good modeling.”

Ethan shook his head and then just chuckled softly. “You think so?”

He opened his palm, showing his phone to her. He was showing her the number of sales and views that had happened in just two hours after the release of the magazine. When her eyes landed on that phone, her mouth fail open as her eyes widened. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her heart instantly started pounding deep in her chest as anger and envy got the best of her.

“This is impossible?” She shook her head. “I am sure those views and sales are all fake.” She chuckled bitterly. “He’s the owner of that company and can do anything just to…”

“This is the official website, Andrea.” Ethan was a little pissed by the way she answered. “Not everyone is narrow minded like…”

“But it’s impossible to sell…”

“50,000 copies and 10 million views in 2 hours.” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “This is possible and it’s because when you’re good, you’re good.”

Andrea clenched her fists, looking away in anger. She could tell that Bruce was dying inside because of the way he was looking. There were a lot of things going on through his head. In his years as model, he had been getting more views. His pictures, magazines and commercials had been getting high sales than any other model in the industry but never had he reached such sales or views in just a few hours. Those usually took weeks for him to reach. He was so mad that an amateur like Praveen had dethroned him and that meant war.

Antonio on the other hand felt as if the entire world had just fallen on his shoulders. He was looking at Praveen non-stop, getting angrier and jealous at the same time. He had supposed to take that photo shoot with Praveen that particular day and not some guy that had his hands all over him.

His heart was racing his anger, his breaths coming out harshly. He couldn’t control himself at all. He knew that being there and listening to his family slot oyna members telling Praveen that he looked hot with another man made him really mad.

He knew he couldn’t be there. He just turned and started leaving but he didn’t even go far before he suddenly stopped and froze, his eyes widening. His mouth started shaking as his feet felt cold, his body reacting. Antonio was suddenly hit by strong emotions that pounded on him like heavy stones.

His body started vibrating in anger, his fists getting clenched. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing at all. The guy, the some guy that had taken photos Praveen with him was standing right in front of him with a bright smile on his face. He was wearing a dark blue designer’s shirt, green trouser and brown shoes with a black blazer. His hair was well done and he looked handsome but Antonio didn’t care.

“Oh, hello.” Santiago greeted the man that was staring at him like he was a ghost. “I am sorry to come in like this.” He extended his hand to Antonio who just looked at it like it was made of thorns. “It’s really nice to finally meet you face to face, Antonio. I am such a fan.”

Antonio gave a half smile, slowly shaking the man’s hand. He didn’t even say a word but deep down inside, he was so mad that he wanted to kill the guy in front of him.

“Santiago!” Antonio heard Praveen’s voice behind him.

Praveen was really surprised when he saw Santiago right in his house. He somehow felt uneasy and uncomfortable because everyone was inside that house and he didn’t want things to go… anyway, just forget about it.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, moving slowly to him.

“I am so sorry.” Santiago apologized, looking at the boy with a smile on his face. “I couldn’t help but come to you because what you’ve just done is an achievement to my company. I had to come and see you myself. I just hope it’s not too much trouble, otherwise, I could…”

“No!” Granny said with a smile, coming closer with a smile on her face. “Please, come in dear. You’re most welcome.”

Santiago looked past Praveen and saw a beautiful elderly woman with a smile on her face. She reminded him of someone, his grandmother that he had lost a few years back. Seeing her, he couldn’t help but smile brightly.

“Thank you so much.” Santiago said as he quickly rushed to the woman, touching her feet. “Please, just give me your blessings. I have been missing this for a really long time, now. Please!”

Everyone was in shock with what they show. Santiago looked like one of those modern men that didn’t give a hoot about culture but what he did, pleading for blessings proved them all wrong.

“Bless you.” Granny touched his head with the brightest grin. “May you always be happy, son.”

He slowly got up, touching his head softly with a smile on his face. Granny cupped his cheeks, slowly rubbing them and right in front of everyone gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Fuck!” Okay that was it for Antonio. He didn’t like the guy one bit. First he had gotten a photo shoot with Praveen and now he was stealing his blessings? He was so pissed that he saw red. He was mad and he was having difficulties controlling himself.

“I am sorry for coming in like this.” Santiago apologized, putting his hands together. “I know this was your family moment but I couldn’t help myself. After all the achievements that my company has made in just a day, I had to come here to thank all of you, especially you, Praveen.” He turned and looked at him as if he was staring into his very soul. Praveen couldn’t help but blush. “Our magazine has had more views and sales than I had expected. I am now receiving calls from various firms and media houses asking me about the model that I took a photo shoot with.

They all want you as their model and they are offering all kinds of deals to me. The phones at the company are going crazy. There are reporters all over the company premises and they all just wanna know who this talented model really is.”

“But I already told you that…”

“I know Praveen.” He gave a sigh, nodding his head. “I won’t ever disclose your identity to them. But they shall have my head for this. What you’ve done is nothing that any model has ever done at my company. To be honest, I thought Antonio and Bruce appearing on the cover would yield more sales but that…” He chuckled happily, taking a deep breath. “…that was a shocker and I am glad I was in that picture with you. You’re like the greatest model ever.”

Bruce’s heart gave a sharp pinch, making his entire system feel as if it was poisoned. He clenched his fists harder, ready to snap but before he opened his mouth, he felt a hand grip his arm, stopping him from creating a mistake. He looked past his shoulder and saw Andrea staring at him, shaking her head in disagreement to what he was thinking of doing at that particular moment.

He breathed harshly, biting his bottom lip hard and swore that Praveen was gonna get it from him. He wasn’t gonna just let it go like that.

“Why are you guys canlı casino siteleri talking like that while standing?” Emilia asked, raising her eyebrow. “Son,” She smiled brightly at Santiago. “Why don’t you come to the living room where we can all talk and enjoy this time we have?”

“Sure!” Santiago nodded.

Emilia led him to the living room and made him sit down on the couch. The entire family went there with the exception of Antonio and Ethan. While Antonio was looking at the guy, hating on him, Ethan on the other hand had been watching Antonio’s reaction ever since Santiago had arrived.

“Why do you look like that, dude?” Ethan whispered, wondering what was going on in his friend’s mind.

Antonio sighed, his eyes still glued on the handsome man. “There’s something that I don’t like about him.” He groaned, clenching his fist.

“What?” Ethan teased, slightly hitting his shoulder. “Is it because he had a photo shoot with Praveen?”

“What?” Antonio looked at his friend, wide eyed. “Fuck, no!” His voice was filled with anger. “I had a photo shoot with the love of my life. What else can I ask for? I don’t care about who Praveen takes a photo shoot and if you think I am jealous then you’re wrong.”

With those words, he rushed to the living room and sat on the couch with his legs crossed, his eyes still on the guy. Ethan on the other hand shook his head, laughed and went into the living room. He had no idea if it was his craziness but he could tell Antonio was jealous.

“So son, what would you like to have?” Emilia asked, smiling brightly at him. “We have anything that you want.”

“Oh no!” He shook his head. “I don’t think that…”

“You cannot come to the Gonzalez house and leave just like that.” Granny shook her head. “I will have the maids make something for you.”

“No mother,” Praveen interrupted, getting up from the couch. “I will do it. After all, he is a my guest.”

“But Praveen…”

“No, granny.” He smiled brightly. “Santiago came to see me so it’s better I serve him. I will be back.”

He quickly left the living room into the kitchen to make something quick. He just took some flour, made dough and started making some cookies for his guest which he was sure he was gonna love. He was still making the cookies when he looked towards the entrance and found Antonio entering with his eyes everywhere.

Antonio slowly walked towards Praveen who was staring at him as if he had just seen a ghost. He looked away and continued what he was doing. Antonio wanted to talk to him, tell him to send the Santiago guy away but he didn’t know where to start. Plus, he didn’t want to talk to him but he also needed to get his attention somehow.

Antonio slowly walked towards Praveen, clearing his throat. Praveen just looked at him once and continued making his cookies. He wasn’t interested in what Antonio was trying to do or his trouble.

Praveen put the cookies in the oven and got some ice from the fridge, putting them in a bowl. He was trying to get some cups but almost bumped into Antonio who was standing right there without saying anything. They looked at each other awkwardly and looked away.

Antonio took an apple from the table and started eating it, leaning towards the table. He saw Praveen opening the fridge and then walked slowly to him. When Praveen closed the fridge to go back to the table, he just found himself staring into Antonio’s beautiful eyes and found himself drifting away.

Antonio was staring at him as if he was telling to just stand down and remain immobile and that was what he did. He felt as if something had him glued where he stood. He was holding in his hands but he felt really weak in his knees.

A shiver went down his spine to his brain, making his heart jump in his chest. His body felt hot and cold at the same time, making him feel as if he was standing in a really cold shower. Everything suddenly froze. It was just him and Antonio there.

Antonio on the other hand had no idea what was happening to him. Looking into Praveen’s eyes, his beautiful face and his sweet, pink lips got too much for him. Wait! Did he just say Praveen was beautiful? What was wrong with him, he thought as he tried to move away but he couldn’t do it.

For the first time ever, Antonio saw Praveen in a way he hadn’t seen him before. He was wearing glasses but he was breathtakingly gorgeous and his coolness, his quietness was something that he couldn’t understand. Sometimes Praveen was a little fierce but other times he was just quiet.

With all those questions in his mind, Antonio didn’t even realize how close he was getting to Praveen. His hands were slowly moving up to Praveen’s face, probably to cup his cheeks. His breaths were getting a little harsh and his body, his feelings were vibrating, getting out of hand with each passing second. He was getting lost in those…


A voice got the both of them out of their thoughts, bringing them to reality. Antonio almost jumped up from where he stood. He quickly stood right in front of Praveen staring at the person in front of him with wide eyes. It was Celine and she had a really beautiful smile on her face. She wasn’t even talking but Antonio knew she was teasing them.

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