Evli Hatunla ilk anlarımız…

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Evli Hatunla ilk anlarımız…

Size başımdan geçen bir anımı yazmak istiyorum. Malum ülkemizde facebook bi tanışma mecrası olarak kullanılıyor. İhtiyacı olan erkek ve kadınlar facebook üzerinden insanlarla tanışıp istediklerini yapabiliyorlar. 2-3 yıl kadar önce facebook üzerinden arayışımı belirten bir yazı yazmış ve bazı sayfalarda yayınlamıştım. Aynı yazıyı bir kaç gün devam ettim yayınlamaya. Bu arada sohbet için gelen kadınlar oluyor sohbet ediyorduk. Genelde bilirsiniz bu sohbetlerden birşey çıkmaz. Bir gün birisi selam verdi. Fotosuz bir profil. Kadın olduğuna bile inanmadım ilk başta. Şansımı denemek için sohbete devam ettik. Bir kaç gün normal şekilde sohbet devam etti. İkimizde ne için orda olduğumuzu ve ne istediğimizi bilsek de ilk adımı atmıyorduk. Samimiyetimiz ilerledikçe sohbetimiz de samimi bir hal alıyordu haliyle.Bu şekilde devam ederken bir sonraki adımı atarak telefonlaşmaya başladık. Sonuç belli gibiydi. İkimizde istiyorduk. Ama o evli ben evli ve bunun bir çekincesi vardı.
Sonunda evine davet etti bir gün. Sabah erken bir saatte evine gittim. Kapıyı çaldım.Komşuları görmesin diye eve bir girişim vardı evlere şenlik 🙂
Neyse çok samimi bir şekilde sarıldık. Oturma odasına davet etti. Oturduk sohbet ettik normal bir şekilde. Çok tedirgin olduğu her halinden belliydi. İlk adımı atmak istiyor ama tabuları, evliliği bir çok şey engelliyordu onu. Farkındaydım. Fakat onun dengesini bozmamak için eğer huzursuz ediyorsam gidebilirim dedim ona. Gitmemi istemedi fakat bir şey de yapamayacağım özür dilerim dedi.
Önemli değil o an için. Eğer üstüne gitseydim ters tepecekti. Çok sıcak ve samimi bir sohbet yaptık. Biliyorum bu okuduklarınız masal ya da hikaye gibi gelecek size ama bu birebir yaşanmış bir anı.
Hiç bir şey yapmasak da dudaklarını tatmak istediğimi söyledim. Çekinerek kabul etti. Sanki ilk kez öpüşüyormuş gibiydi. Acemice hareketleri vardı. Dİlini dudaklarımın arasına alıp emdim. İLk kez böyle bir şey yaşamış olmasının şokuyla öyle bir inledi ki boşaldığını zannettim nerdeyse 🙂
Ellerim ister istemez göğüslerine gitti. Minicik ama dimdikdiler. Uçarı fındık tanesi gibi olmuştu. İp yaydan çıkmak üzereydi. Sütyeninin içinden göğüsleirni okşarken dilini dudaklarını emmeye devam ediyordum. Hem devam etmek istiyor hem de istemiyordu. Bir süre beni durdurdu. O kolutkta göğüsleri dışarı çıkmış uzanmış yatarken ben ereksiyon olmuş halde kalmıştım. Yine gitmemi isteyip istemediğini sordum. İstemedi.
Ben de yine dudaklarına yumuldum. Öpüşmek artık yetmeyecekti ikimize de. Elimden tuttu. Yatak odasına çekti beni.
Girdik ayakta öpüşmeye devam ediyorduk. Kemerimi çözmesini istedim. Önümde diz çöktü. Pantolonumu ve boxerimi çıkarttı. Aletim dimdik önündeydi. Ağzına almasını söyledim. Kocasına hiç yapmadığnı ama merak ettiğini söyledi. Ağzına aldı. Acemi de olsa istekli olduğundan çok zevkle alarak emiyordu sikimi.
Uzun uzun emdi yaladı sikimi. Sıra bende dedim ve göğüslerinden yalamaya emmeye başladım. Uçları siyah üzüm tanesi gibiydi iri ve dik. Minicik göğüslerinin emmek çok zevkliydi. Yavaşça aşağılara indim. Amına geldiğimde sularına silimi daldırdım ilk önce. Yasak meyve çok lezzetliydi o an. Belki de dünya üstündeki en tatlı şeydi benim için. Yalamaya doyamadım. Ben yaladıkça her dil darbemde ayrı bir zevk dalgası sarıyordu bedenini. Titremeleri inlemeleri artık zaptedilemez bir hal almıştı. Artık zamanı geldi diyerek bacaklarının arasında yerimi aldım. Hedefi bulmam çok zor olmadı. Bir hamlede derinliklerine doğru dalışa geçtim.Sıcacık ve sırılsıklamdı. O kadar tatlıydı ki çine girip çıkmak. Hani anlatılmaz yaşanır derler ya. Aynen öyle.
Her pozisyonda uzun uzun siktimm o gün onu.
Kocasının hiç sikmediği götünden bile. Özellikle götünden sikerken çok müthiş zevk aldı. BUnu da bir sonraki yazımda paylaşırım.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Hizmetçilikten Orospuluğa Evrilişim – 3

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Hizmetçilikten Orospuluğa Evrilişim – 3
6 yıllık hasretim sonunda bitmişti. Sinan haşmetli aletiyle paslanmaya yüz tutmuş narin deliğimi sulamıştı. Saksımı sulamış, susuzluğumu gidermişti. Bir kaç gün daha işine devam etti. Evde ne zaman uygun zaman bulsak deliğimi ve ağzımı ona sunuyor, zevkten zevke koşuyordum. Gerçekten de küçük fahişesi, metresi ve sperm bankası olmuştum. Aletini ne zaman boşaltmak istese yanıma geliyor külodumu yana kayırıyor ve içime daldırıyordu. Bir erkek tarafından böyle sahip olunmak her zaman hayalim olan şeydi. İlişkilerde dominantlığı alamazdım. Onlara bırakırdım. Beni nasıl kullanmak isteyeceklerini onların kararına bağlıydı. Sinan an itibariyle beni sahinimdi. Ve onu kaybetmek istemiyorum onun lüçük orospusu olmak istiyordum.En güzel günlerimi yaşıyordum. Bir eşya olmuştum artık ve öyle kalmak istiyordum.

Sinan’ın deliğimi şereflendirmesinden 6 gün geçmişti. Saat 11’di. Havuzu yanında Nihan Hanım’ın yanında ayakta duruyordum. Alımlı vücuduyla uzanmış güneşleniyordu. Arkasında olduğum için farketmiyordu ama gerçekten mükemmel bir kadındı. Vücudu ay gibi parlıyordu. Bir kıl tanesi daha görülmüyordu. Squat yapmış kalçaları üzerinde ben bile gidip gelmek isterdim doğrusu. Karnında hiç bırakmadığı sporun izleri vardı. 6’lı karın kasları oldukça uygun düzeydeydi ve bir erkeğinki kadar velirgin ve afeminen değildi. Optimumdu karın kasları. Rahatsız edici değil şehvet uyandırıcıydı. Sütyenlerine sığmayan dolgunbgöğüsleri ise asıl silahıydı. Göğüs uçları bonkörce açığa çıkmıştı. Altın rengi saçları memelerinin üstüne düşüyor, tablo gibi bir görüntü oluşturuyordu. Tam bir İskandinav güzeliydi. Zafer bey çok sanslıydı. Ben bu düşüncelerle gidip gelirken başını bana döndürdü. Gözlüklerinin arkasından beni baştan aşağı süzdü. 5 veya 10 saniye sonunda ağzını açıp bana vücut ölçülerimi sordu. Neden olduğunu sorduğumda yarın benimle işi olduğunu ve ona uygun giysi gerektiğini söyledi. Bir daha soru sormam doğru olmayacağından peki dedim ve ölçülerimi verdim. Telefonuna not aldıktan sonra güneşlenmesine ters dönerek devam etti. Sert kalçaları altın rengi bikinisi ile harika görünüyordu. Yanlardan da göğüslerinin sağı ve solu taşmıştı. Krem ile masaj yapmamı istedi. Başımı sallayarak yanına gittim. Onu daha önce çıplak görmüştüm ama hiç dokunmamıştım. Ellerim titriyordu. Rahat olmamı söyledi. Bende olabildiğince sakin şekilde masaja devam etmeye çalıştım. Elleri hala titriyordu ama. Birazdan başını salladı ve sütyenin kopçasını çözdü. Memelerini göremiyordum ama yanlarından görebiliyordum. Ellerim hala titriyordu hatta artmıştı. Rahat olman için sütyenimi çıkardım hala yetmedi galiba diyerek sırıttı. Bikinimi sıyır lütfen dedi. Aman Allahım.

Yavaşça ellerimi kalçalarına koydum ve bacaklarına kadar çekip çıkardım. Çırılçıplak şekilde önümde uzanıyordu. Masajıma devam ettim. Yağlı ellerimle arada bir büyük poposunu da olmak üzere belini ve memelerinin yanını okşuyordum. Arada bir küçük küçük inliyor beni tahrik ediyordu. Ellerimle kalçasındayken biraz daha içeri dedi. Amını hedef olarak gösteriyordu. Ellerim süt gibi amına doğru ilerledi. Amına ilk temasında ikimiz de elektrik çarpmışcasına titredik. Enerji geçiş yapıyordu üzerimizden. İlk inlemesi bana devam işareti gibi gelmişti. Amının yanaklarını ellemeye devam ettim. Kremin parlattığı ellerimle Nihan Hanım’ın zevk suları temas ediyordu. Parmağımı ne zaman amından çeksem sular uzuyordu ucundan. İkimiz de masajı umursamadığımız için elim amından çıkmıyordu artık. Beline değil amına masaj yapıyordum. 2 veya 3 dakika daha okşamamdan sonra Nihan Hanım boşaldı. Ellerim zevk suyuyla yıkanmıştı. Başını kaldırdı ve dudağıma ateşli bir öpücük bıraktı. Teşekkürler canım dedi ve giyinip içeri geçti. Zevkten kudurmuş şekilde Sinan’ı beklemek çok kötüydü. Akşam ateşimi alana kadar da kendime dokunmuştum ama ancak aleti içimdeki ateşi söndürmeye yetti.

Ertesi gün saat 9’da Nihan Hanım’ın yanına gittim. Geldiğimde poşetten çıkardığı giysileri yatağın üstüne attı. Bunları giyeceksin bugün dedi. Şirket gerektiğinden nasıl yönetilir göstereceğim sana. Sana da başka konularda staj olacak dedi. Anlamamıştım. Ben üstümü çıkarırken o da çırılçıplak kalmıştı. Üzerime kırmızı bir askılı altıma ise siyah tabanın üzerine çiçeklerin olduğu dar bir askılı vermişti. Altıma ise bir tanga vermişti. O ise daracık siyah bir etek giymişti altına. Squat ile taş bloka dönmüş kalçaları burdayım diye bağırıyordu. Üstüne ise beyaz bir gömlek ve altına ise siyah dantelli bir sütyen takmıştı. Siyah kemik gözlükleri vardı üstünde. Artık hazırdık.

Şirkete gittiğimizde saat 5’e geliyordu. Hemen hemen boşalmıştı ofis artık. 3 veya 4 tane çalışan kalmıştı. Nihan Hanım’ın ofisine geçtik. Birazdan içeri Hakan adında birini çağırdı. 1.80’e yakın boyu orta derecede yakışıklı bir genç girdi içeri. Ben Nihan Hanım’ın masasının 4 veya 5 metre ilerisinde koltukta oturmuştum. Hakan ise Nihan Hanım’ın masasını yanına karşısına oturdu. Nihan Hanım öncelikle onu tebrik etti. Hakan ayın çalışanı ödülünü almıştı. Geldiğimizde de ofiste çalışan nadir insanlardan biriydi gene. Nihan Hanım tebrik ödülünün yeterli olamayacağını ve kendisine 2 kişilik 1 haftalık Çeşme tatilinin de hediye olarak verileceğini söyledi. Hakan teşekkür ediyordu. O esnada Nihan Hanım’ın gözlerine takıldı gözlerim. Dudağını ısırıyordu ve gözlerini Hakan’dan ayırmıyordu. Tam sohbetin bittiğini düşünürken Nihan Hanım ayağa kalktı ve şimdi ben özel olarak sana teşekkürlerimi sunayım dedi. Gözlerim faltaşı gibi açılmıştı. Yoksa beklediğim şeyi mi yapacaktı. Bu güçlü kadının yapacağı şeylerin sınırı yok muydu acaba? Hakan ise benim farkettiğim şeyi farketmemiş merak ile bakıyordu. Nihan Hanım’ı hiç ama hiç tanımıyordu.

Nihan Hanım yavaş adımlarla Hakan’ın önüne geldi. Eteği daha rahat hareket edebilmek için biraz daha kaldırıp Hakan’ın önüne çöktü. Artık Hakan’da olayın farkına varmış şaşkın şaşkın bakıyordu. Nihan elini Hakan’ın pantolonuna atınca Hakan.ın ağzından Nih… sesi çıktı. Sözünü Nihan’ın sshhhh. sesi kesmişti. Önce kemerini sonra ise fermuarını çözdü. Hakan olayın şaşkınlığı ile bana bakıyordu. Benim gözlerimde bir cevap arıyorsa bile yoktu. Olayın şaşkınlığı sadece onda yoktu. Nihan pantolonunu aşağı indirdi ve Hakan boxerı ile kaldı. Onu da eliyle indirirken Hakan’ın kendini biraz kaldırması avın oltada olduğu anlamına geliyordu. Artık Hakan’da bu tanrıçanın ona hayatının en güzel zevklerinden birini yaşatmasını istiyordu. Boxerın altında ortalamanın 1 veya 2 santim uzunu ama kalınlığı ortalamanın daha fazla üstünde bir alet vardı. Sinan’ın aletine oranla azıcık daha şehvet uyandırıcıydı. Ama kalınlığı kesinlikle göz alıcıydı. Nihan Hanım gülümseyerek iyiymiş dedi ve dop dolgun kırmızı dudakları ile muameleye başladı. Dilinin aletinin ucuna temas etmesiyle Hakan kafasını arkaya doğru yasladı. Belki de kaç zamandır bu anı bekliyordu. Bu afet kaç kere önünden kendini sergileyerek geçmişti ve gece kendini tatmin etmek zorunda kalmıştı. Nihan Hanım aletin sapından tutmuş yalamaya devam ediyordu. Dudakları ve dilinin temas etmediği nokta kalmamıştı. Taşaklarından gövdesine ve ucuna kadar. Ben de artık tahrik olmuş sağ elimle amıma elimi atmıştım. Nihan bana bakıp gülümsedi ve beni çağırdı. İkiletmeden gittim
. Ayağa kalktı ve dudaklarını benmkilerle birleştirdi. Hakan oturduğu yerden ikimizin şehvetli öpüşmesini izliyordu. Nihan ellerimi kalçama attı ve eteğimi altından tangamı indirdi. Masasının üstüne attı. Eliyle amımı biraz elledikten sonra beni Hakan’ın sikine doğru yöneltti. Emrine tam itaat gösterdim ve kalın sikinin üstüne oturmaya başladım. başta biraz acısa da yaklaşık 1 dakika sonra tam olarak içime almıştım. 2 dakika boyunca aletinin üstünde dans ederken Nihan’da bir beni bir Hakan’ın ateşli bir şekilde öpüyordu. Bu haza fazla dayanamadım ve Hakan’ın üzerinde boşaldım. İnlemelerim odayı kaplıyordu. Nihan dudaklarıma yapıştı. Dilini ezberleyeceğim kadar öpüşmüştük bugün. Kulağıma sıra bende dedi ve beni kaldırdı. Yorgunluktan bitap düşmüş şekilde tekrar kanepeye oturdum.

Nihan Hanım ve Hakan daha boşalmamışlardı. Nihan masaya domalarak göt deliğini hedef gösterdi. Hakan da arkasına geçerek zaten yeterince geniş deliğine bir kez tükürüp girmeye başladı. Yaklaşık 15 dakikadır zevk içinde yüzen Hakan artık son gücünü kullandı ve birkaç dakikalık pompalamadan sonra Nihan Hanım’ın orgazma ulaştırarak götünün içine boşaldı. Yaşadığımız zevk inanılmazdı.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kissing The Bride: Rehearsal 02

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Mrs. Hunter, I hate to tell you this, but you smell of cum. At your own daughter’s rehearsal dinner. What would Kimmy say?”

“She’d say she wants her turn at some hard cocks. In fact, Wendy, she said that just before we left the church.”

“Well, you might want to dab on some perfume, Eric’s Mom is headed this way.”

“Greta! How nice to see you. We hardly had time to speak at the rehearsal.”

“Hmmm. Yes. Well, if you had been on time. That ex-husband of yours was, at least. No wonder he raised Kimmy. You would never have managed. And Jeff, your second husband. He’s useless.”

“Oh, I bet he’s good for something,” Wendy said, giggling. Ruth also collapsed in a fit of laughter, upset her future son-in-law’s mother further. Ruth didn’t care much. She had a position with stock brokerage; I did accounting work out of our home. Our secret porn web casting operation earned us a fortune banked safely offshore in the Bahamas. This allowed all sorts of perks.

Wendy, the maid of honour, was Kimmy’s lover and, if all went according to plan, our future lover as well. Hearing Wendy’s comment suggested to Ruth that seducing her might be easy, Ruth recalled the next morning, as we snuggled enjoying breakfast in bed . Our open marriage thrived on telling each other the full extent of our extra marital adventures.

‘Now,’ Ruth said she had thought, ‘If we can recruit Hank, we’ll share all the bridesmaids.’

What she said to Wendy was, “Speaking of Kimmy, have you seen her around?”

Not for ten minutes or so. She was talking with that usher from out or town. Eric’s friend Lars. Then she disappeared.”

“Lars? Is he the tall blonde kid?”

“Yes, he was an exchange student from Sweden, here for the swim team. Come to think of it, I don’t see him anywhere around either. Last I saw of either Lars or Kimmy, she was making him say ‘kiss the bride’, and making fun of his accent. Just playfully, of course. She had him doubled over in laughter.”

As Wendy spoke, Ruth was scanning the banquet room, pretending to look for Kimmy or me, but actually looking for Hank, or Henrietta as her parents named her. Watching the athletic young woman galloping towards her across the room brought a gasp from Ruth. ‘No wonder Jeff reacted so strongly to her,’ Ruth told me she realized, ‘that underwire bra really flatters her figure, and she has such energy, she’ll eminently fuckable.’

Like me, Ruth had never noticed Hank’s generous chest before the rehearsal. Unlike most of Kimmy’s pals, Hank tended not to hang around the pool in a bikini, or mall crawl in a halter. She was a serious athlete, partial to sports bras and baggy T-shirts. Also odd for Kimmy’s friends, most of whom were sex crazed like Kimmy, Hank was shy and bookish. In addition to the cleavage displayed by the flashy lacy bra visible through Hank’s sheer blouse, high heels transformed her muscular legs into shapely strong stems.

Ruth felt her nipples harden under her skintight moleskin sheath, thinking about burying her nose between Hank’s powerful thighs. She imagined Hank tasting fresh, befitting a virgin, with perhaps a hint of talc, and dewy saltiness born of excitement and exertion. Standing watching Hank’s enticing mix of tomboy and girlishness, Ruth thought she might start by unwrapping the bridesmaid like a Christmas present, careful not to tear the paper, or damage anything fragile. ‘But there’s really nothing breakable about Hank. That makes her even sexier. I can treat her like a man, but enjoy her curves. I would suckle her nipples – maybe just enjoying her tits could take hours.’

Reverend Peever’s offering began seeping out of Ruth’s cumstuffed cunt as she imagined running her tongue first across Hank’s left tit, then to her right, then back. She pictured her hands reaching down, cupping that taut ass, drawing the buttocks apart, fingers curling to access Hank’s pussy from behind. Her breathing slowed. Ruth realized she was panting in anticipation of seducing this girl. ‘Woman, ’she corrected herself, ‘she’s nineteen.’

Still, there was no escaping the fact that Hank appeared virginal and innocent, even unaware of her own sensual allure. This added to the thrill. Wendy’s conduct with Hank at the church parking lot had hinted at the possibility of Sapphic intimacy there, but this inconsistency served to stir up the pot, not detract from Ruth’s anticipation. ‘What would Hank taste like? Is her navel pierced? Will I be the first older woman to tongue her clit? Wendy might be enthusiastic, but can I make Hank cream, her juices flowing in torrents? I want her screaming that I am the best cuntlapper ever.’

Turning back to Wendy, Ruth started to ask if she had seen me. But Wendy was gone.

Rehearsal dinner etiquette has no defined role for the step father of the bride, so it had been a simple matter for me to duck into the coat room. Wendy, as maid of honour would more likely be missed quickly. Because of that, it shocked me slightly when she grabbed me by the arm and guided keçiören escort me into the closet. My heart raced. Kimmy had begun this new chapter of our lives by entertaining me with stories of Wendy’s lust. But so far, Wendy had only tossed a little teasing banter in my direction.

In the coatroom, she spoke first. “You and Ruth both smell like sex, but not sex with the same person.”

“That’s not surprising. We don’t do everything together.”

“Kimmy says that your cock is named Seymour cause it likes it when you watch her naked.”

“Especially when she touches herself.”

“Will you show me Seymour?”

My cock was already stiffening despite sex at the church during the rehearsal with the other bridesmaid’s Mom, and a blowjob by that bridesmaid, Melody Ann Thomas, afterwards. I wanted Wendy. Perhaps I had secretly longed to fuck her since she blossomed into curvaceous womanhood. In the past week, Kimmy’s stories of girl/girl play and shared adventures created a more believable prospect. Wendy did not wait for me to answer aloud. Her experience likely told her that my quickened breath, bobbing Adam’s apple and eyes locked on her stiff nipples all meant “yes.”

Wendy knelt before me; her hands not hesitating at all as she eased my zipper open carefully, since Seymour’s rapidly expanding girth was stretching the fabric. I found my voice. “You can play with Seymour, Wendy, but I promised Ruth that if you did, she could play too.”

Wendy chuckled, her warm breath blowing the opening of my boxers open. “Oddly enough, Jeff, Hank guessed exactly that. She and I had made the same deal. If I got either of you, she wanted to share.”

“She did?”

“Yeah, and since she had her nose half way up my ass and her tongue twisted right around my clit at the time, I sort of had to say yes. I hope you won’t mind.”

Seymour answered for me, choosing that moment to stiffen further, popping out of my shorts. Wendy laughed, grasping the shaft, and stroking gently. “Kimmy was right as usual, Jeff. Seymour is a fine one.”

“I never really noticed how sexy Hank looks until today.”

“Yeah, she’s a bit of a late bloomer. The doctors told her that all the sports suppressed her hormones, so her boobs came along just last summer. So much so that all the guys at school have her pigeon holed as butch. Which she’s not really. Just cause girls discovered her sexiness first, and she has never had a guy, doesn’t mean she’s lez. She just wants her first guy to be special. I think an older man would be perfect. As long as he has a nice hard cock like Seymour.”

Wendy paused to run her tongue around underneath the ridge joining my cockhead to the shaft. Then, she slurped up the flap of skin on the bottom, circling around my peeslit, teasing me.

“You have sex with Hank?”

“Don’t play dumb, Jeff. I know Kimmy told you I like girls as much as guys. Well, not quite as much. Nothing beats a nice hard cock for me. Girls give head better though. Think it’s all the practice we get, or the home field advantage?”

“That depends. I mean, not every girl that eats pussy practices on cocks too. Like, has Hank given head to guys?”

Wendy laughed, her warm breath bathing my cock, her hand idly stroking my shaft. “ No. Not really. Sorta. I don’t know- pick an answer. A few times at parties, I got her to try. But she’s not very good at it, I’m afraid. Or maybe she was just too drunk. She always gagged or found some excuse not to finish. You think I oughta get Melody Ann to teach her? Or is Mrs. H a better cocksucker?”

Did Wendy know about the adventures at the church already? Or was she fishing? I decided it didn’t matter. Trying to keep secrets was silly. After all, she had my cockhead trapped inside her mouth, the top rubbing against her palate, her tongue playing with the underside. All this, and her fingers rolling my balls. Slightly distracted by Wendy’s talents, I considered the question, tempted to say she was better than either. That answer was not what she needed though.

“Melody Ann has great natural ability, and Hank could learn by watching. Ruth would make a better teacher though, I think. Melody Ann might need a few years to catch up in the experience department.”

“Well, Melody Ann is gaining fast.”

Wendy bent again to kiss my cock, her tongue tracing the big vein along the shaft from top to bottom, then circling around the base of my shaft. She paused again, the tip of her tongue teasing my balls. “Hank seems to be a natural born cuntlapper though.”

“Tell me what makes her such a great muff diver?”

“You mean carpet muncher? It’s both technique and attitude. Hank really loves the taste of pussy. She also loves feeling my orgasm, so she doesn’t stop what she’s doing just because my hips are bucking against her face. Unlike a guy, or a lot of women, she’s not selfish. I was the one who had to beg her to try 69. Most women want to toss their leg over and plant their pussy on my etlik escort face right off. Hank starts gradually, but mostly with her tongue. She has nice strong fingers, but they are only there to help, to add grace notes, if you like. Which is appropriate, since she improvises like a jazz player- no two performances alike. Each time, little details altered to keep it fresh.”

Wendy hefted my balls, gently twisting my sack. This, added to her description of Hank’s attitude, gave Seymour a boost to renewed length.

“What about her technique?”

“None of it is original to her. I mean, women have probably eaten pussy since the first Neanderthals left them alone in the cave while they went hunting wooly mammoths. It seems almost as if all that knowledge is distilled onto Hank’s tongue. She’s a real prodigy. You know how some kids pick up a basketball and just know how to play? That was Hank the first time we found ourselves alone in the showers at the end of the school day. At first, I had to be the aggressor, starting out just verbally. I used a bunch of tired lines guys might never get away with. Talking about how guys go for empty bodies, not real women like her. I remember Hank blushing from head to toe, and she said that she wasn’t really a woman yet. Tonight, Jeff you can help finish the process I started that day.”

“How did it start?” I could barely gasp out the four short words; Wendy had squeezed my balls tightly. I looked down at her huge grin, knowing she loved telling me as much as I loved listening, and that, like Ruth and Kimmy, Wendy also loved a little light discipline. Or giving pain. I have never really learned the terms, just enjoyed the experience.

“It was almost like a bad porn movie. She made some comment about envying my tits. I replied that hers had come along nicely recently. Hank asked what was wrong with hers that none of the boys trued to touch them. I don’t know what it was like when you were in high school, Jeff, but, guys today are always pretending to accidentally bump into girls to cop a feel. It’s almost like hazing. Unless you respond positively. Then you get dates. Poor Hank wanted dates. Anyhow, I just offered to test how they felt. Her grin was from ear to ear. Of course, she asked if she could try mine too. I agreed that was fair. Seconds later, we were under the water, Hank’s back pressed against the cool tile wall, kissing and groping madly, our nipples close dancing together.”

“Were they excited like yours are now?” Wendy’s nipples were easily seen through her dress, twin peaks stabbing the fabric.

“Maybe even more. Hank kissed me like a starving sailor rescued from a deserted island eating her first meal. She opened her mouth wide and inhaled my tongue. At the same time, her lips were soft against my cheeks. She has a wide mouth. I bet she could be a world class cocksucker.” Wendy giggled. “I want to watch and find out.”

“What else happened in that shower?”

“Well, I know Kimmy told you how our first time was tender and gentle. That wasn’t the way it was with Hank. We were little savages. I don’t know whether it was because she was a virgin, or the risk we might get caught.” Wendy giggled again, accidentally squeezing Seymour a bit too tightly. She kissed the tip to make up for it. “We kept our lips locked. It seemed liked ages, but really was less than a minute. Just long enough for time to fall away, and to forget the risk someone might enter. Some of my classmates might not understand. Ms. Mera, the basketball coach, fine. She’d probably join in. But the janitor or some prude, such as Lisa Garfield? Bad idea. Anyway, by the time we broke that first kiss, the entire school body could have been watching, we wouldn’t have cared. In fact, that would have made it better. Maybe would have been the only way to make it better.”

“But what was so special?”

“You really like details, don’t you? Most guys just want me to do this.” Wendy leaned forward, her barely covered nipples brushing my cock. “I couldn’t fondle Hank much with her pressed up against the wall. My hands pretty well only caressed her hips. She had a bit more room to grab my ass. At first she hesitated, but as the kiss continued, her fingers dug deeply into my flesh, separating my buttocks. My pussy was already dripping, and begging more attention. I took my time, guiding her fingers around so she spread my labia further. Her fingers were grazing my pussy, but I could feel her nervousness. So I asked her if she had ever had her pussy licked. She said no. Not another word. I just fell into a squat and tasted her. Just kissing had made her soaked, and her lips were wide open already. I gave her one of these.”

Wendy stuck out her tongue and ran it around the tip of my cock. “We call them swirlies. In her case, of course, I did it to her clit. I thought she might panic. Instead, she held my head against her groin, pushing hard enough that my whole face seemed buried in her cunt. I could feel her knees buckling, so I forced rus escort myself free. She seemed pouty. Asked me if she had done something wrong. I told her ‘no’, and led her to a bench in the change room. As we walked there, I wondered if she wanted me to punish her, but decided to leave that conversation for another time. I spread a towel on the bench, and lay her on her back. All the while, I kept just softly caressing her. Naked, she has curves she hides under her clothes. But not soft curves like Kimmy. Hard, firm structures carved in muscle. Feeling her move was amazing. Watching was even better- like watching a leopard in the zoo. The caged power always seems like untamed passion. But I wasn’t there to watch. I was there to eat. So eat I did. I think Seymour is excited about seeing Hank for himself.”

My cock bobbed excitedly, almost as if it could speak for itself.

“I began kneeling beside her, using my fingers to pull her lips wide open. In that position, her pussy opened like a flower. Her clit was standing upright. So I sucked it in just like a nice hard cock.”

Wendy paused to demonstrate, open her lips, bobbing onto my cock, sliding my entire length into her throat, and then withdrawing. Her smile was even wider and sweeter. It reminded me that she was still just nineteen.’ What am I doing?’ I asked myself. Then I realized it was too late to draw lines after the orgy at the church following the rehearsal. Melody Ann might not look as deceptively virginal as Wendy, but she was the same age, and I had enjoyed her bathing Seymour with her tongue. Rejecting Wendy would be foolish. Plus it would disappoint Ruth. I ran my fingers through her raven locks, and caressed her silky jaw line as she resumed her recollections.

“That position was a bit uncomfortable, though, because the bench was so low, and the tile floor was cold. I shifted to a higher position, between Hank’s legs, holding her cunt lips open with my fingers, lapping at her like a puppy. Suddenly, I knew I had to go for the gusto. Maybe it was because she was just as wet as I was. I didn’t ask her to eat me. I just swung around and planted my wetness right on her face.”

“What does a virgin pussy taste like?”

“She used baby soap in the shower, so it had that whole clean thing going too- nothing fancy. I imagine if you sprinkled talc on honey, you might get the same effect. I was more worried about what she’d do with my non-virgin cunt on her mouth.”

“How did she react?”

“She was too busy licking to protest. Like I said, she’s a natural. Right from that first time. She started by stabbing up at my clit, tempting it out from its hood.”

“I bet that didn’t take much.”

“Not really. I was already dripping, but still, the stimulation coaxed it fully open. That was where she should her instinctive technique. Most guys, and more than a few women, seeing the fun reaction to that motion, continue it too long, until I get sore. Hank switched up just fast enough. She then spent time swirling her tongue around the bottom of my pussy, flicking the clit with just the tip of her finger. In this position, she was the one with better access still, and she started to finger my butt. It was all I could do to focus on pleasing her. You do know the secret of pleasing a woman, don’t you, Jeff?”

“A ten inch vibrator?”

Wendy laughed, jerking my cock up and down sharply, making me wince.

“Funny man. I mean that to really please a woman you must give way from any thought of your own pleasure and just disappear into her experience.”

“Sounds to me like you disappeared into Hank’s pussy face first.”

“That too. I started slowly though, being careful still not to spook her. I was afraid that if I broke the intimacy for a moment, she would crawl back into her shell. I tried to use my fingers how I guessed she might touch herself, just adding my tongue as an extra treat. I grazed along around her clit, not teasing. Toying might be a good word. Letting her sensations build slowly. It was tempting to devour her with the same hunger she had for me. I remember at one point I stopped, counted to ten, and then did five slow flicks of my tongue from beneath her clit.”

“How slow?”

“I counted ‘one-Mississippi’ between each stroke. Then I added five down from the top side. Across, actually, though, since she was still lying flat. Although by then she was driving her hips up to meet my lips.”

Wendy paused to slurp a drop of pre-cum from the tip of my cock. I asked, “How was she doing with her end?”

“She still needed no lessons. I found out later she spends a lot of time watching porn, and had learned a few tricks from there. Like planting a delicate kiss just above my clit. She also knew to rake her teeth across my nub as she sucked it into her mouth to roll it with her tongue. Like I’m rolling my tongue around your cock right now.”

“If it had the same effect on her that you’re having on me, I bet you came quickly. I know I’m close. I thought you promised to let her watch this. If you don’t stop, she’ll miss it.”

Wendy’s tongue cradled each testicle, drawing it into her mouth, where she sucked it, then its mate. She bathed my entire sack with her saliva, and then ran her tongue again up the underside of my cock.

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Louise and Her Friend’s Father Ch. 02

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Louise describes last night and that morning.

When I left the Wilson’s house that day I was smiling all over myself. As I walked down the street towards my home I was I had finally gotten Mr. Wilson to do something. Jesus, I had been teasing him drastically for over a year trying to get him to take the bait and do something to me. And today, God he had licked my pussy again and again and made me cum so hard I was thinking I might be in love with my best friend’s father. Well maybe I was in love with his tongue.

I had seen his cock last summer when I saw him standing in the outdoor shower rinsing the sand off of his body and out of the crack of his ass and his balls and that big soft cock. It happened by accident. The shower was being remodeled and the top was off of it. If you stood by the window above it you could look down and see anyone standing in it. Amy and I had seen some of our friends, boys especially, and knew how big or small they were. Now they weren’t hard but we still saw their cocks and ass and knew more about them than most of them knew about us. So when Mr. Wilson decide to clean the sand off of his body I couldn’t resist. And then when he lowered his bathing suit and that damn monster jumped out…. well it was the nicest cock I had ever seen. I knew then that I wanted and had to try it. As I stood thee I watched as he washed and then to my surprise he began to stroke it a little. As he did I watched it growing. Well the more he played with himself the bigger it got. I was amazed as I saw the first huge cock I had ever seen in my life.

Now I have had a few guys, actually 5 and none of them had a cock like Mr. Wilson’s cock. His was bigger and thicker and looked like the handle of a hammer. It had to be 9-inches long. It was red and hard and as he stroked it he tilted his head back and closed his eyes and then I saw him cum. Well that did it. I pushed my hand down into my bikini and fingered myself until I did too. His cock was spitting cum shot after shot into the shower stall. And I was humping my pussy on three fingers as I climaxed harder than I had ever remembered doing. I was goriest and I was in a mellow stage of orgasmic come down when I opened my eyes to see Mr. Wilson putting his semi-hard big cock back into a pair of shorts. He didn’t wear any underwear and I smiled knowing that about hi, I was betting his daughter didn’t even know that about her father.

I came down from my spiritual orgasm and went into the bathroom and wiped my pussy and my hand. Then I went down and found him in the kitchen making something to eat. I wondered if he could smell my pussy? I wanted him to smell my pussy musk. I wanted him to walk up to me and lift me up on the table. I wanted him to untie my bikini strings and open my bottoms like a diaper and shove that big cock into me and fuck me like I was a whore. But he was nice and kind and I teased him like a devil. We took the food outside where the rest of the family was already sitting and we all ate as He looked at me and I looked at him as much as we could without getting caught.

Now he had seen my body and I had seen his cock up close very close. Hell I had sucked it and made it cum all over my tits. He loved it too I could see the lust in his eyes. Oh God I wanted him to fuck me with that big long cock. But it was too dangerous and there were far too many people in his family around to even trying what we did do. He lad licked my pussy! God no one had done that to me like he did it. He didn’t just lick it and made me cum. No!. Mr. Wilson licked me and made me cum many times. He had gotten me off like no boy could do. He knew how to please a woman. I knew I had pleased him with my mouth but what I really wanted to sample was his cock in my pussy instead of his tongue. Well to be honest I wanted both. And now we have planned to meet on Thursday night and he would take me to a motel and he would fuck me. I knew from the looks that he had given me for so long that he really wanted to fuck me. And I really, really, really wanted to fuck him. It would be my greatest experience and the biggest cock I have ever had for sure. I could hardly wait until I got home to masturbate to his cock image twice that night.

The story continues:

Tom Wilson went to work on Monday and as the week went by slowly he could hardly wait until Thursday got there. When it did he arrived home early and like he knew he would, Tom found the house empty. Mary Wilson, Tom’s wife, was out of town until Sunday on business. Their kids were all away at the beach for a long weekend at the Wilson’s second home. Tom turned the stereo and used his headphones to listen to the Stones, live on CD. So he didn’t hear Louise come in the back door and didn’t see her as she stood over him. But he felt someone standing there looking down at him. When he opened his eyes there was Louise. She had on shorts that had her very nice ass cheeks hanging out the back of them and he could see the out line of her pussy lips and the slit that ran up between her thighs her shorts were that sincan escort tight.

She had a tank top on and it was short and came just under her full and c cup breasts. Her breasts were so full and round that the material that covered them was standing out away from her stomach about 2 inches. He could see the round shape of the bottoms of those tits pushing the shirt out away from her body. Her breasts were standing up high with big nipples pressing against the white cloth. She smiled as she stood there looking down at him. Actually from where he sat he could see the full round shape of her globs that were poking out under the shirt it was cut that short.

When he saw her, he smiled and took off the headphones then he asked, “Hi Louise I didn’t hear you come in.”

He hadn’t seen her in about a week after he had given her young beautiful body oral sex and she had sucked him off. I didn’t expect to see you until tonight. God you look so fucking hot.”

She looked at him and said, “I can’t wait until tonight Mr. Wilson I came home from class and saw your car in your driveway. I knew I had to come down and see you. Is anyone home?”

He told her no. Then she said, “Well I just want to be sure before I undress for you. Would you like me to do that?”

Tom smiled and said, “Any man would like that Louise. You’re one beautiful woman.”

As she began to lift the cut off tank top, he stopped her and said, “Stop. I want to do that.”

She smiled and said, “No. YOU just sit back and enjoy this. Maybe you could take your shorts off now for me and show me your beautiful cock.”

He smiled and undid his shorts and lifted up and slid them down his legs. Just like she knew Tom didn’t wear any underwear and so his cock jumped out at her. It was beautiful as she remembered it was. As she stood there with her breasts fully exposed and the cutoff top in her right hand he smiled and told her that her breasts were perfect. She lifted each one in her hands and showed him. Tom smiled as she watched her move and he felt his cock jump with excitement for this beautiful 19-year old woman.

He smiled as he looked at two very large full breasts with hard red nipples. There was no sag at all to them. He told her to move her long hair back over her shoulder so he could see all of her beautiful tits.

She smiled and flipped her hair back over her shoulder. He said, “God I have missed you. I didn’t think today would ever get here baby.”

She moved in very closed to him and put her arms around his neck as she swayed back and forth moving hr breasts from side to side slapping his face and mouth with tem. Tom was thinking how he wanted to run his hands over those “C” cups and pull her down so he could suck on her nipples!

She smiled and told me, “Oh Mr. Wilson I have missed you too!”

She kissed him bending forward and he felt her tongue at the tip of his lips. As he opened his mouth he felt her tongue slide in. He reached up and cupped the beautiful breasts as they hung down in front of him. He sucked on her tongue as he felt my cock grow harder. Immediately, he pulled her tightly down on the sofa and against his body! As he did, Tom moved his hands down her sides and around so he could hold her wonderful hard shapely ass. Squeezing it now he held her lower body tightly against his own body with his hard cock up between then both.

He knew she could feel his cock pushing against her shorts as they kissed and held each other. She began to slowly rotate her hips against him easing his cock against her stomach. She reached down and held the hard shaft in her hand and slowly ran it up and down the length of it.

She broke the embrace and smiled saying: “You know what I missed the most about you Mr. Wilson?”

He smiled at her and asked, “Let me see, was it my hands as they squeeze your ass and tits?”

She said, “No that’s nice but that’s not what I miss the most. He kissed her and said, “No.” Well was it my lips as they suck on your nipples like this?”

He lowered his head and she lifted up so he could take one of her hard red nipples and suck it with his lips. She felt the stipulations as they went directly to her clit. She still had her shorts on but she could get them off in seconds when she and he were ready. She smiled again as he licked and sucked her tits and told him, “No. But that is very nice.”

Tom smiled into her eyes and asked, “Was it my tongue baby?”

And s he said it he licked up her neck and around the top of her tits and around the full deep cleavage. She moaned and then looked him right in the eyes and said, “Oh God your tongue is so nice.”

She hesitated for a few seconds and then said, “Well your tongue is the second thing I missed. Only you lick my pussy like you do it Mr. Wilson.”

She took her arm from around his neck and moved it to the shaft of his big cock. She moaned and said, “Oh Mr. Wilson. I missed this. I missed your cock? I missed holding it like this. And I missed sucking it çankaya escort for you.”

He asked her, “How does it feel in your hand now?”

She said, “Hard very, very hard. Just like I remembered it did.”

Louise moaned as she slid her hand down the long thick shaft and pressed the shaft tightly down at the base. His skin around the cock head stretched tighter and he felt like he would explode. But he didn’t. She stroked it now with both hands and felt how long and hard it had gotten. She told him, “You know I missed that big cock of yours so much. I came over here to make sure you knew I still loved it and to tell you I want you to make love to me tonight like we talked about.”

He kissed her for a long time as his hands squeezed and played with her tits. Her nipples were huge and he pulled and pinched and rolled them between his thumb and index fingers. She moaned again. As his lips broke the kiss he pulled back and looked at her and said, “Well you’ll have to tell me exactly what you want me to do Louise?”

She smiled like the devil himself and said, “Fuck me! Anyway you want to do it just fuck me. I want to feel this big cock (she squeezed it again and then ran her hand up and down the length of it) and I want you to fuck me all afternoon! I want your big thick cock in my pussy. Here feel how wet I am already baby!””

She had undone her shorts and opened the zipper. She took his hand and put it down into her pants and between her legs. He moaned again and said, “Oh God your thighs are so wet from your pussy leaking your juices. You are ready aren’t you baby?”

She was in heat! As Tom squeezed her pussy his hand was wet and her pussy and upper thighs were too. She moaned as he inserted a finger into he as deep as he could get it. He squeezed and rubbed her cunt, and she began to rock him his hand. As he stroked her cunt, those beautiful tits came bouncing into his face again. Her nipples were so long that they could have put his eyes out! Tom lowered his head immediately and sucked on one as he bit and sucked on it his fingers, two of them now, were moving in and out of her hole with no problem. She was soaking wet.

His mouth was like a snake as he sucked her tongue now as they kissed and she moaned into his mouth. “Oh God Mr. Wilson! Oh God you’re going to make me cum”, she moaned with passion.

We both helped her remove her shorts. She wiggled and slid them down over her hips and I helped her get them off of her feet. Their lips never parted as her hand went to my cock and we played with each other more.

She whispered, “Fuck me now please.”

Neither of them had anything on now. His cock was jumping with excitement and standing straight up between us. As their mouths continued to stay locked together, they sucked on each other’s tongue. Louise circled his hard shaft with both of her small hands and began to pump it up and down faster trying to make him so hard he would take her. She used her fingernails to rub over the throbbing purple head and sending shivers around his body!

He sat there as she pulled and stroked and rubbed and made his cock as hard as it had ever been. Their nude bodies merged and he felt her hard nipples pressing against his chest. He knew she could feel his very swollen cock jumping and throbbing between them. She rubbed her pussy on it feeling its hardness. The shaft separated the lips of her pussy as she pressed against it. She moaned again and told him she was ready.

His hands cupped her ass and pressed her harder against him. God she was so beautiful. Her body was like some woman you dream about and jerk off to, in your mind. She was 19 almost 20 years old and looked magnificent. Her hair was long and brown and her eyes were very bright and brown also. She had a mouth that made you hard just looking at it. Any guy who saw that mouth open as you kissed her, would love to had his cock in there being sucked with those full lips. She had 34 C breasts that stood up high, with no sag at all. Her nipples were very red and long. Her stomach was small and her hips athletic from the sports she played. Her ass was the type that could lift a man up off the bed and fuck him like he never had before. And her pussy, her pussy was fantastic just to look at. It was not completely clean shaved but trimmed very close to her skin. You could see her cunt lips and the pink insides as they stood up from under the hair that was left. And Tom noticed that it always seem to look wet. Her legs were runner’s legs again athletic and strong. They were smooth with long muscles. Her skin was tanned and had almost no tan lines. But, the best thing about Louise was she loved sex, well maybe it was more correct to say she loved to orgasm!

When he gave her oral sex she had climax multiple time in just a few minutes. He remembered he gave her at least four of them in minutes. He got her off very nicely with his fingers and mouth and tongue! That was before he had fucked her. But today he was going to fuck her and he was now ready eryaman escort and knew she was too.

He told her to stand up. She did and while they were stand together naked pushing their sex into each other he knew she was very hot! Hell so was he. He bent her backwards and moved his head down so he could suck a nipple into his mouth! As he rolled it around between his teeth and flicked his tongue over it she held his head too her tit. “Oh yes, suck it! Suck my nipples for me,” she moaned the words, “Oh Mr. Wilson! Yes suck them!”

He moved to the other one and her hand held his head as he did it. Again she moaned saying, “Oh yes! Oh yes baby! Suck! Suck them! Mummm that feels so nice Mr. Wilson! Your tongue feels great I have missed it so much!”

As he licked her breasts she rocked her hips into him making her cunt rub his cock. He could feel her wetness. She moved her other hand down between them and over his thighs and slowly and very softly took his cock and rubbed the head against her pussy hole. She wiggled around and the tip of his big cock head was opening her pussy hole giving both of them a very nice feeling. Her pussy felt so soft as it slid up and down on his cock head. She them guided his cock head over her open clit and down to her pussy hole again. After a few minutes of this she held me and whispered, “Now! Oh god Mr. Wilson I want your cock so much! No guy in school has a cock like yours! Oh come on baby! Fuck me! Fuck me now I’m ready! I don’t want to wait any longer. Come on let’s go to the bedroom or even get on the floor and fuck!”

Tom moaned when he heard her say that! She took his hand and they both went down on the rug. She opened her thighs wide and smiled up at him as she rubbed her pussy again with that big cock head. He smiled into her eyes and said, “Put it in baby! Put my cock in your pretty little pussy. Fuck me baby! Fuck me good!”

She arched up as she held the cock and placed it at the opening of her sweet tight pussy tunnel. She moaned when she felt him push a little separating the lips of her vagina. She moaned, “OH GOD! Oh Mr. Wilson I’m so fucking horny. Fuck me now baby! Oh god I want your cock so bad! Put that big dick in me and give me the fucking of my life.”

She moved her hands down and opened her pussy lips with her fingers as he pushed the thick head into her hole. Her breasts were heaving already and she was almost panting! Her nipples stood at attention as he moved between her legs and slowly ran my hands up her thighs touching her wet pussy. He held the cock head at the spread opening and pushed a little more. He felt her lips open more and the tunnel begin to accept him. He moved again and she elevated her hips up and began to fuck him! She cried out, “Oh god baby shove it in! Don’t make me wait! I’m going crazy here! Fuck me!”

He smiled and told her, “OK sweetness here it comes!”

He lowered myself down on top of her more and she grabbed his ass pulling him into her. She positioned her body and the cock head went directly at her cunt hole. She cried out with both pain and need. She said, “More give more. Put it all in me Mr. Wilson please. Please! Please! I need you to fuck me so bad!”

As the head of his cock moved deeper into her now they both moved around and rotated their bodies as he stretched her cunt lips wider and she arched up to take even more of him. He rubbed some of her juices on the shaft and began to pump easy into her as she rotated her hips so more of his cock would go inside her body. Finally the thick purple head was all the way up inside her hole and she felt his balls begin to slap on her as. She had done it! She had taken all of his massive cock inside her cunt. She moaned loud as she began to fuck it back now.

She raised her legs up and out opening herself to me! She cried out, “OH GOD!!! Oh fuck! Oh fuck Y E S!!!”

She cried out again and again as she arched her hips up as high as she could go! He pushed all of it into her again and began to really fuck her now. Inches went in and inches went out, how many she didn’t know but his cock was so much better than any she had had before. Her pussy was flooded with hr juices and she arched and screamed as she orgasm for the first time. He held her and let her go wild on him. He pussy squeezed and thrust and pumped and rammed into him as she orgasm swept over her taking control of her body. She moved her young body hard and fast trying to fuck him as well as she could ever do., She was like some animal, a tiger as she held him and thrust her cunt into him scramming for him to fuck her fuck, her hard and fuck her long!

He rode her orgasm with her and it was unbelievable how she loved on his cock. As she lay under him he saw he begin to calm down some and he began to fuck her again. In and t , in and out, his shaft moved rubbing the thick cock head against the walls of her vagina. She let him lift her legs higher and move them over her head. Bent almost in half now Tom began to really fuck her. His cock felt so good in her wet tight cunt. They looked at each other and since she had cum once she now worked together with him pumping her pussy in time with his thrusts. With each stroke in her cunt, her wetness lubricated his cock more and more now. Her cunt stretched a little more with each downward push too.

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Daddy’s Gaze

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It started just after I turned eighteen. I would catch my Daddy looking at me strangely. It was like he was going up and down my body with his eyes but I couldn’t bring myself to believe that. One day when my Mom was away shopping, my Daddy came out of the bedroom. He just had his bathrobe on. I could see he was watching me again.

“Is there something wrong, Daddy?” I asked him.

“Why should there be something wrong?” He said to me.

I told him he was always looking at me like something was wrong. My Daddy walked over to me. He put his hands on my shoulders and started to push down on me. I was shocked and I tried to fight him. It didn’t work. I was soon on my knees and Daddy undid the belt on his robe and let it fall to the floor. I was staring up at my Daddy’s large cock. I have to admit never seeing one that big before. It had to be eight inches in length and thick as my wrist.

Daddy took hold of his cock and he brought it to my lips. I guess you could say I was shocked at what was going on. He started to slap his dick against my lips. I tried to tell him to stop. That was when he slid his cock into my mouth. Daddy put his hands on the back of my head. He wasn’t going to let me take his dick out of my mouth. The next thing I knew, I was sucking my Daddy’s cock.

He pushed it deep down my throat and I started to gag. It was so big and I was having trouble taking all of it. There ended up being a point where I gave in and I wanted to taste my Daddy’s cock. etimesgut escort I was getting worked up tasting that earthy smell of his prick. I reached out and took his balls in my hand. I started to massage his ball sac and that seemed to turn my Daddy on even more.

Once my Daddy’s cock got hard he pulled out and lifted me up from the floor. His hands went to my shirt. He pulled it off and he unfastened my bra. Off came my shorts and panties next. We were standing naked in the kitchen. Daddy got me over towards the kitchen counter. He lifted me up and he spread my legs apart. I could scarcely believe what was happening. Daddy took hold of cock and he guided it to my opening. He started to push his thick cock into me.

I know I screamed when his cock began to enter me. It was so big and I had only been with one guy before this. Slowly, Daddy filled me with his cock. My pussy muscles were going into spasms as I felt every inch of my Daddy’s cock enter me. Daddy told me to put my arms around his neck. I did as he told me and then my Daddy lifted me up from the counter. I was soon bouncing up and down on my Daddy’s cock. I could hardly believe I had the whole thing inside me.

Daddy soon walked the both of us into the living room. He placed me on the couch keeping his cock inside me. Daddy was on top of me now. He began to plunge his cock all the way inside my tummy. I guess I just lost it. I wanted my Daddy’s cock.

“Fuck me Daddy!” otele gelen escort I told him.

Daddy’s eyes lit up. He was giving me every hard inch of his rod now. My pussy was stuffed and going into spasms. I couldn’t believe I was taking that fat cock all the way inside me. I briefly thought about what would happen if my Mom caught us like this. It wouldn’t be a good situation, that was for sure. My Daddy was also using his bare cock on me. I wasn’t taking any birth control. I didn’t say anything, thinking my Daddy would pull out before he came.

It’s safe to say my Daddy used my pussy that morning. God help me, I wanted him to. I know it sounds silly but I was falling in love with my Daddy and his cock. He kept stroking me for the longest time. My pussy actually felt raw after awhile. That was when my Daddy grunted and he gave me his seed. It was too late to get him to stop. I felt this warm fluid entering my belly. I just did what was natural and I squeezed his cock with my pussy muscles.

Daddy flooded me with all his hot sauce. There must have been a lot of it. I could feel his cum leaking out of me and down my ass. I was thinking that he took me like some cheap whore that morning. And the truth is, I wanted my Daddy’s cum. For some reason I knew he was going to fuck me until he made me pregnant. I was losing all control over myself. Daddy finally stopped and rested his spent cock inside me. He lowered his mouth and he began to kiss kızılay escort my erect nipples.

I don’t have the biggest tits. I am around a ‘B’ cup but my breasts felt enormous right then. All that sucking on my tits gave me some small orgasms. One thing was for sure. I never felt anything like this before. Daddy did pull out of me and we both went back to the shower. Daddy got the hot water going and we got into the tub together. The water was pouring over us. Daddy had me put my hands onto the shower wall. He stood behind me and he rubbed his cock up and down my ass crack.

I didn’t think I could get turned on again so soon but I was wrong. I felt Daddy’s cock get stiff again. He was getting dangerously close to my asshole. I was going to tell him to stop but then I felt him enter my bottom. I know for sure I screamed. Daddy was filling my ass with his thick cock. Thankfully he went very slow. It took awhile but Daddy pushed his cock all the way into my ass. I was raising up on my toes as Daddy gave me his erect cock once more.

He fucked my ass there in the shower and to my surprise he gave me more of his cum. It wasn’t like the first time but I felt his load in my bottom. He came in me and then held his cock in my bottom until he finally slipped out. My pussy and ass felt so raw and bruised. We got out of the tub and dried off. I went back to my bedroom and collapsed. My Daddy had used me hard that Saturday morning.

My Mom did finally show up. Daddy and I acted as if nothing unusual had happened. Daddy still gives me his looks. I almost hate to say it but I want him again. I never felt anything like that before. I want him and his bare cock squirting inside my pussy. I know how crazy it sounds but I want him to fuck me and impregnate me with his baby seed.

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Rahab Bk. 02 Ch. 08: The Bridge

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Ana pulled me with her. When we reached the armoury the other women were already donning their war gear. Ana put on her black breastplate over the chain mail and fitted her sword-belt. I felt both ridiculous and redundant. But, wanting to be useful, I grabbed a small bow and several quivers of arrows.

Ana explained that somehow the enemy had gained access to the lower regions of the complex. The most likely explanation was that the recent drought had exposed the secret entrance. A detachment had been sent to seal it up from the outside, so that its secret was kept, but the imperative was to deal with the incursion. The scout reported that there were more than fifty soldiers.

Ana turned to the others.

‘To gain access to the Holy of Holies, they need to climb the Sacred Stair. We can hold them there whilst our troops come at them from behind.’

There seemed general agreement that this was a good plan, but it seemed as though there were few enough to hold it. Ana explained that their main force was still in pursuit of those who had attacked the convoy. With the remaining garrison split into two, there were ten to resist fifty; the odds were not with us.

‘Stay here, Rahab,’ Ana commanded.

‘I can handle a bow, let me cover you.’

‘You are all I was told. So be it.’

I ran with them.

Ana cursed as we approached a precipitous staircase.

‘Some fool left the footbridge down. If they get across, we will find it hard to hold the stair. With me, Theodosia and Helena.’

The three ran down the staircase like gazelles. Though not called for, I followed.

By the time we reached the footbridge, the enemy were already there. It was too late.

Across the bridge ran two burly warriors.

The first swung his sword down on Ana, she parried with her shield, and her sword drove home. He staggered, she pulled it out, he fell. His companion fared the same at the hand of Theodosia.

I saw an archer load. He was too slow. Even as he drew his bow-string, my arrow struck his throat.

The Assassins stood, looking at the bridge. Their leader, a huge brute of a man, charged across, with two companions, clearly intending to overwhelm the defenders by their momentum. An arrow to his thigh slowed that down, and as he faltered, Ana’s sword struck his neck, and down he went. From the staircase, two more archers dispatched arrows. I took out their second archer.

Helena and Theodosia parried and countered attacks from two more; Ana’s keçiören escort sword put paid to another one.

The dauntless three held the bridge, another wave of attackers was seen off, with the swordplay brutal but effective. The enemy hesitated. Leaderless, and with so many already dead, they faltered. Ana wiped her gory sword.

Then, from behind, came the roar of our troops. Ana led the others across.

The slaughter was grim and bloody. No quarter was asked or given.

It was over within fifteen minutes. Not an Assassin was left, and apart from a few flesh wounds, we had no casualties.

Ana embraced me.

‘You shot well, little one, bringing down their leader helped turn the tide.’

I was breathless, and to tell the truth, slightly nauseous. In awe as I was of their martial prowess, my stomach turned at the result of the Bodyguards’ efficiency. Ana smiled.

‘You did well. But this is no place for you. Go back with Helena, let us dispose of these scum.’

I was glad of the reprieve.

Helena was another tall Amazon. Shaking her long blonde hair loose, as she took off her helmet, she squeezed my hand.

‘You were amazing. Where did you learn to shoot like that?’

I smiled back.

‘At home we had to keep the wolves at bay, and I got a lot of target practice; I am just glad my aim is still good.’

‘So are we, Rahab.’

Back in the armoury, Helena stripped to her tunic. Again, like Ana’s, it had the imperial purple trim.

‘We shall celebrate when the others return, excuse me while I give the orders.’

Finally relaxing, I trembled. I grabbed a cup of wine, and taking a huge gulp and a deep breath, felt better.

As I waited and got my stability back, I reflected on events.

I presumed that the Sultan thought me dead, and it grieved me to think of the anguish he and Jess were suffering. I needed to get back. But then, with Ana, I had found something I had never known. Here was not simply lust for pleasure, here there was a meeting of souls. How could I leave her? The dilemma was painful, but I knew I could not realise what was expected of me here, in this sacred place. That, alas, was not my lot. There was a sudden sense of anguish. I took another gulp of wine. I heard the noise of the others returning.

Ana was leading, smiling triumphant, and in that, as beautiful as I had ever seen a woman be. She seemed to glow. She smiled when she saw me. She held her arms out.

I etlik escort ran to her, and effortlessly, she picked me up and held me to her; our lips met in a long, sensuous kiss.

‘Thank you, Rahab,’ she whispered, pulling her lips from mine for a moment.

‘You were wonderful Ana, so brave, so strong!’

She held me tight. The world seemed to stop.

She carried me to the pool, and once there, stripped my tunic from me, as she stripped her own off. Together we went into the warm water. It made my flesh tingle; or maybe it was her? Who cared? I certainly didn’t. Neither did I care that we were not alone. Something primal possessed us both. We were alive, when we might have been dead, and it was the moment to celebrate that.

My hands caressed her breasts, stroking, kneading, feeling her nipples grow stiffer. I could not resist sucking; so I didn’t resist.

As my mouth fastened on her hard, stiff nipple, my hand slid between her thighs, cupping her moistness; she was sticky for me, and as my middle finger slid into her sex, she moaned, gripping me closer to her. My thumb pushed at her bud, making patterns across it as I rubbed. My middle finger sank deep into her, feeling the velvet walls of her sex close in on it, clenching it, wanting me. I rubbed her bud some more, kissing her sweet lips. Her strength held me in the waters, our bodies making little waves as we played.

I just wanted to give her pleasure. It was all I wanted.

She responded to my urgency. She pushed herself onto my finger, gyrating her hips. Our kiss deepened. Her tongue entered my mouth, making my finger work faster in her sticky wetness. We held each other. The pleasure swept through us both. It was like every nerve end was on high pleasure alert. She shuddered and moaned; I did the same.

Time seemed to stand still.

I held her. She held me. We were one. Where she began and where I ended no longer mattered; the boundaries were down. The pleasure I was giving her, flowed into me also; I tingled with it. Her moans told me that she did too.

Then I felt her rub me. It was as though a thousand pleasure points had been touched. I panted. I heard a voice, my voice, as though it was far off, saying her name, screaming it, she she moaned my name.

And then it broke over us, a great wave, then another and another, wave after wave of pleasure, breaking over us as we held each other. There was neither time, not space, there was just the intensity of rus escort an endless tide of pleasure breaking over and in us. I held her. She clasped me to her. The warm waters rippled around us.

‘I love you, Rahab,’ she whispered to me, her voice husky with screaming, heavy with pleasure.

‘Ana, Ana, I love you too.’

We kissed.

Time meant nothing. It was as though we had become one being, floating in the warm waters, luxuriating in endless pleasure. Gradually we became aware again that time existed. Our hair was wet, we laughed, we rejoiced in being alive, we splashed each other, we hugged, we loved, we kissed.

Ana called for towels.

They were warm. We wrapped each other up. We sat, we drank wine, we ate figs and tender lamb cuts with mint. She looked at me, and I looked at her. The wine coursed through our veins, and the food seemed to revive us at once.

After eating, she called for clothes, and I donned my pants, then an under skirt and tunic, before putting on a longer shalwar kameez in red.

‘You are pretty as a flower in spring, my Rahab,’ she smiled at me.

‘I am yours, all yours.’ I hugged her.

But we both knew that this joy was not permanent, perhaps that was why it had been so intense? We had packed into a few moments more passion than some had in a lifetime.

‘So, my darling Rahab, what next?’

‘Well, my love, I think a message needs to go to the Padishah, he must know I am safe. Get me pen and ink and paper and I shall write swiftly.’

She gave the order.

I wrote to say that I was alive, and that the bearer of the message belonged to an ally who had saved me, and that he should reward her. I added that I loved him, and wanted to tell him all my adventures.

Once it had gone, we knew we had placed a limit on this time together; would we ever have more than this?

She held me. I felt her heart beating.

We discussed the future.

I was no seer, nor was she. We loved each other with a love rarely given to anyone. That, we agreed, must serve for what it was worth. If we had no more than this, then the memory would live as long as we did. But I told her that some instinct said that we should meet again. Indeed, I added that she really ought to come to meet the Padishah with me.

She was reluctant.

She could not, she said, leave the sacred precincts, but she said Helena could accompany me.

So it was that Helena and I set off for Damascus, that same afternoon. Looking back, I strained to see her until even the dot of the horizon was gone.

‘She loves you Rahab. Let that be enough.’

Helena looked at me, smiling.

‘It is, and is not,’ I sighed.

And with that, we set our horses to the Damascus road and what lay ahead.

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Long Time, No Suck

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I felt his eyes burn into the back of my shaggy head. My name is, Tom, I work nights at a local pub. It had been 13 years since the last time we were closer than I had ever been with another man. When I turned and saw Carl’s big frame, I instantly flashed back to my freshman year at Ithaca, in the locker room, the night that the two of us were the last ones left after track practice. He was a strong distance runner, competing in the 440. I threw discus and shot put.

We grew up together, worked out together, we were even in the scouts when we were younger, even going to the same local college, but seeing him like that, naked, sudzy, as he stroked his impressively thick as Italian sausage, king snake of a cock, made me instantly hard. I had seen his cock before, I guess I just had never really looked at it. But then again, I had never been turned on by another guy before. But as he passed me to enter the shower, I felt his warm, incredibly large, throbbing cock brush my upper thigh and ass cheek. That’s when I turned back and finally noticed it, his easily 9″ long circumcised monster. I couldn’t look away, but when I did, our eyes locked, and I felt my cock instantly get even harden.

Carl had been like my big brother. He was two years older than me. I only had one older sister, so my neighbor and best friend, Carl, had taken me under his wing. Our life long friendship added to the sudden surprisingly sexual tension I felt. As he began soaping up and stroking himself, my defenses melted. I found myself hypnotically following him back into the shower. I dropped to my knees in the steamy spray, swallowed his throbbing, pre-cum covered cock head into my curious mouth, and began stroking his ever growing shaft with both of my hands.

Carl looked down at me, and as our eyes connected again, he spoke.

Carl: Tommy, your mouth sincan escort feels great, oh yeah, that’s it, swallow me deeper, oooh Tommy, your tongue feels so wicked, your lips are soo soft, they feel sooo good, that’s it, drag your teeth there, (suddenly, he was commanding me)Swallow all of it, Tommy,,, unnggh

He began to grunt, as he came closer to cumming. He grabbed my head firmly and began fucking my mouth, forcing his cock head past my weakening gag reflex. As his throbbing, molten hot flesh began to explode, by barely touching my own cock, I began to cum, and cum hard, while swallowing every drop of his load.

He pulled me up, thanked me, and spoke.

Carl: I was wondering how long it would take you to figure out you liked my cock? I’ve seen you staring at it. I had no idea that you liked giving blow jobs so much. Your lips felt as soft as Susie’s.

Me (half laughing): Well, I’m not gay. You’re my first. I couldn’t help myself. I had no idea you were so big. I’ve never seen a real penis that big before, never. I was just curious what it would be like to touch it. I really just wanted to touch it and feel it in my hands. It felt so warm, soft and hard, all at the same time, that I wanted to taste it, then I saw your face and I just wanted to make you feel good.

Carl: Really, that was your first time? Well, you succeeded, that felt great.

Me: Yes, it was, and I’m glad you liked it, I just did what I thought would feel good

Carl: You’re a natural, especially with those sweet cocksucker lips. I never said you were gay. Did you really like the taste of my cum?

Blushing, I looked down towards his cock as he spoke. It was hard again, and looked even bigger. He was so long that it was casually brushing mine, in a way that sent sexual shivers through my entire body. çankaya escort I don’t think my own cock had ever gone soft.

Me: Yeah, I liked it, I was surprised, you taste pretty good.

I could feel myself blush crimson as Carl caught my descending chin with his finger. With a mischievous grin he spoke.

Carl: I’m glad you liked it. Tommy, you’re coming camping with me this weekend. I’ll pick you up Friday night around 8.

Me(smiling broadly): That sounds great, but Carl, can I do that again? Can I suck on it?

Carl: Do you want to?

Without another word, I dropped down to my knees again, as Carl sat on the bench.

This was obviously not the first time a guy had pleasured him this way. He gently ran his fingers through my hair, as I again began licking, kissing, sucking, stroking and fondling his beautiful package. Knowing he wanted to go camping again like we used to, made me even hornier for some reason. I felt like I had won the lotto.

Carl: Tommy, are you sure you’ve never done this before?, Don’t stop, keep going, that’s it, right there, yeah, ooh, that’s it, you’re gonna make cum again if you keep that up.

Just like the first time, he grabbed my head and began to roughly fuck my lips, bucking up, then suddenly, an earthquake like throbbing, he backed out filling even my stomach with his sweet seed. I stood up, my cock still hard and sat next to him on the bench. I licked him clean, the began stroking him, and he returned the favor, soon replacing his hand with his own very talented mouth. Pushing his finger into my virgin asshole sent me over the edge. For the first time, someone other than myself had given me an orgasm.

Carl: mm, you taste good too, and you have such a great bubble butt.

Me: Thanks, I think

Carl: Be ready on Friday night.

Me: eryaman escort I promise I will be

We spent those 3 days and 2 nights sucking and stroking each other off. Carl said he loved my soft cocksucker lips. It was a different time and both of our families were hardcore baptists, so when we got home, we both continued to date our girlfriends. He did sneak into my room once before he left for Grad School in Colorado, for a goodbye 69. My older sister had somehow slipped into my room and caught us, making us kiss each other (our first) to keep our secret. A secret she continues to remind me of on occasion.

And now here he was, looking even better than before. I’m no slouch, I’ve spent the years between, working out and cycling 6-7 days a week. Staring at him, I suddenly realized that I’ve grown rock hard. Fortunately, the dim bar lights hid it a bit. I’m 225lbs of muscle, and yet the sight of Carl suddenly made me feel aware of appearance.

I excused myself for a smoke break and headed up to my room above the bar with Carl in tow. We barely made it to the top of the stairs and my door, when Carl grabs me from behind and starts grinding his still impressive king snake into my thick glutes. My defenses disappear, as I turn, and for the first time since our last goodbye, I french kissed another man. My hand instantly found his zipper and I released his pulsing python, dropping to my knees like the hungry cock slut I suddenly am, and obediently slurp, suck, stroke and play with his cock and balls.

History repeats itself again as Carl begins fucking my mouth, turning my entire body completely hard. I somehow open the door and get inside to my bedroom, where we fall into a 69. As he begins to cum, he roughly pushes 2 of his thick fingers into my ass, setting me off and making me cum like never before. We kissed, showered quick, then I went back to work.

He wants to cum over this weekend to hang out, and I am so tempted to let him fuck my virgin asshole. I’ve never done anything like that before, but then again, I’ve never been attracted to any other guys before, so who knows?

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Rachel and Melissa Ch. 03

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Chapter 03: Seeds of Doubt

I walked into Ms. Murphy’s and saw Penny…again. She stood at the front counter, chatting with Melissa; acting all cute, batting her eyes. She let out a phony laugh at something Melissa said, and then placed a hand on her shoulder. Oh hell to the no!

“Hi Melissa,” I said in a loud clear voice, strolling over to them.

“Hi Rachel,” Melissa said shoving the hand away.

“What some coffee Rachel?” Melissa said.

“Sure” I replied, watching Miss Flirty Mc Flirt out the corner of my eye.

Melissa turned away toward the coffee station. Penny was quite attractive; her strawberry blond hair was styled in a glossy and neat ponytail, her eyes were hazel and she wore a lime green sundress with white ballet flats. She was a perfect specimen of Caucasian beauty.

“You’re Rachel, right, Melissa’s college BFF?”

“Yes, I remember you. You’re Penny.”

“That’s me!” ” You’ve been here a lot this week I’ve noticed, hanging around Melissa.”

“Why would you care?” she snapped, “it’s not you’re her girlfriend.

“She is my girlfriend actually.”

“Melissa never mentioned you were her girlfriend.”

How on earth could Melissa not tell her about me? Crap, it’s the return of the Barbie dolls well, one of them anyway, I thought. I readjusted the purse hanging from my shoulder. She was so flirting with Melissa. My gaydar went off the charts.

“Melissa and I had a pretty good thing going.” Penny sighed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “You look very professional.” Penny glanced over my gray pint striped skirt suit and matching high heels. “What do you do?”

“I’m a lawyer.”

“That must be a lot of work and hours.”

“It is but it is worth it.”

“I wonder how much time you actually spend with Melissa.”

“I spend plenty of time with her, we live together, and I come to the bakery nearly every day.”

“I mention that because Melissa seems stressed out lately. I just wonder if you’re a good match. You don’t have much in common with each other. She’s a baker, you’re a lawyer. You can’t even share make up with each other.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” My face scrunched up in confusion.

“Oh… I know she wants a taste of out some chocolate.”

“Excuse me?” I let out a tiny gasp.

“She just must want to know what’s like with a woman of color. From my experience it gets stale after a while. Interracial relationships can be fun and exciting for a bit, but how long will it last before the novelty wears off?

” We’ve been together for over a year! I roared. “I’m a human being, not a novelty!” I blinked back tears, forcing to myself to keep from crying. Some curious people turned in my direction. I snapped my head in their direction. “Do you mind?” Several of them turned away, startled by my wrath.

Penny took a few steps closer to me so she was right in my face and asked in a quiet, malicious tone, “When was the last time she made love you?”

Stunted by my shock and anger, I couldn’t answer.

“That’s what I thought,” Penny sneered.

“Here’s your coffee, Rach.” Melissa was back with a large Styrofoam cup of coffee and a huge chunk of coffee cake. Her eyes went back and forth between me and Penny who managed to step away from me within the seconds it took for Melissa to notice us. “What is going on?”

“Haven’t you noticed Penny has been here a lot this week?” My temper was starting to boil over like a covered pasta pot.

“She just got back to town, we’ve been catching up.” Melissa said.

“When I walked in she was all over you. Why didn’t you tell her about us?”

“I was going to…. and” Melissa stammered.

“Then I ask again, why didn’t you tell her about us?”

Melissa said nothing.

“You mecidiyeköy escort know what, I’m just going to go, let you two ‘catch up’ so more.” I marched out the bakery, my heels clicking loudly against the floor.

When I got home that evening, I tossed my purse and brief case into a corner of the living room. I went to the bedroom and plopped back on the queen size bed with a sigh. The past month was grueling. I was made an associate at the firm which made me busier than ever.

The wedding season was in full swing which meant a lot of work for Melissa as well. She had to bake these elaborate wedding cakes and each detail had to be perfect. We would come home, dragging our feet with barely enough energy to cook a decent meal.

I yanked off my heels, sighing in relief. After giving my feet a massage, I replaced my work suit with a pair of black short shorts and Melissa’s green Kiss Me I’m Irish t shirt. I heard a squeak from the bathroom, indicating that Melissa had just finished her post work shower.

Melissa almost always showers after work unless she is completely exhausted, like on the night of our one year anniversary. I found her curled up on the couch, covered in flour and totally conked out. Some lose strands of her wavy red hair framed her small oval shaped face. She looked so pretty and peaceful. I watched her sleep for a moment, and then woke her up. We shared an amazing steak dinner then spent the rest of the night in bed, our passion for each other as strong as ever.

Not too long after our anniversary, the intimate side of our partnership began to fizzle out. I would pass out or she would before the other could get in the mood stated. Melissa worked a lot of weekends so even then it was tricky to snag her for a quickie, much less for a decent romp in bed. I padded to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and leaned against the counter. I sipped the water in silence for a minute or two before Melissa stormed into the kitchen.

“Rachel,” she said with an irritated edge to her voice, “you left your heels in the middle of the bedroom floor and I nearly tripped over them. This has to be the 50th time it has happened. How many times am I going to have to remind you to put your goddamn shoes away?”

“I’m sorry,” I grumbled, “it was a rough day, my feet were killing me so I just slipped them off and tossed them on the floor.”

“Were the shoes hurting your feet?”

I nodded.

“Then why in the hell do you wear them?”

“It’s a part of the business attire. “What happened today at the bakery? You made such a big scene. I was so embarrassed!” “Your ex- girlfriend was all over you and you didn’t do anything.”

“Yes I did.”

“Only when you saw me walking up the counter.”

“That’s true but…”

“Why did you let her hang all over you?” I put the bottle of water on the counter behind me and folded my arms.

“We were just talking. Penny’s very touchy feely.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll say. It wasn’t just that either. When you went to the back, Penny was poking her fake, plastic surgery nose around like she was Detective fucking Benson asking me all of kinds of questions. Then she…”

I took a deep breath and chewed on my bottom lip.

“What happened?” Melissa’s voice softened.

“She basically made the argument that we weren’t compatible because we have different occupations and not from the same racial background. That you were just trying a piece of chocolate.”

“What? Really? Melissa asked with outrage.

“Yeah,” I said in a tiny voice.

“That’s what made you so angry.” Melissa reached out and stroked my cheek.

“Yes and the last thing she asked me was when was the last time she made love to you in this quiet, sly voice.”

“What a conniving, taksim escort racist bitch! You know what; after you left she tried to kiss me.”

“I knew she was trying get in your panties!” I snapped my fingers and shook my head. “What did you do?”

“I kicked the bitch out me shop, that’s what, and told her to never come back!” Her accent was more pronounced now that she was angry.

“It seemed like you were enjoying the attention. You were laughing right along with her and you two do look…good together.”

Frowning, I strolled away from her and slumped onto the couch in the living room. She jogged behind me and hopped onto the couch right next to me.

“I was. I’ll admit it. You barely pay attention to me anymore.”

“So you go get it from someone else.”

“Wait a second, hear me out.” She reached out and grasped my hands. “When she pressed her lips against mine I heard your voice in my head screaming, “Oh hell to the no!”

We both chuckled and I rested my head on her shoulder. “I was screaming that in my head when I saw you with her.”

“You know race means nothing, Rachel. Forget what that blond piece of shit thinks. I’m with you, not her. We did look good together, did as in past tense. Penny’s in my in my past, you’re my future.”

We embraced warmly and she rested her forehead against mine. “I’m sorry for making a scene” I said, rubbing her back.

“I’m sorry for the lack of attention I have been giving you lately.” Melissa said.

” We’ve both been working like crazy these days.”

“Not to mention, stressed out all the time.”

I lowered my voice into an alluring whisper. “I have a few ideas on how to fix that…” I lifted some of the hair off her neck then planted small kisses along it. She sighed with pleasure, a slow grin spreading across her freckled face.

“That tickles,” she giggled as I continued to assault her neck.

I nuzzled my nose against her cheek. I looked into those stunning green eyes of hers, leaned in and kissed her lips. Her lips were as smooth and sweet as vanilla soft serve ice cream. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I deepened the kiss, gripping onto her waist. As the intensity of the kiss increased, Melissa slid onto my lap. She ground her crotch against my inner thigh, sending hot, electric pluses throughout my entire body.

“Wanna go to bed?” I asked after several moments, using one hand to stroke her damp hair.

“I don’t think I can make it to bed. Do me right here, right now.” Her fingers danced up and down my spine.

“What do you want to me to do?” I kissed and tugged onto her ear lobe.

“Lick me!” she begged. She clamped her mouth against mine and gave my ass a brief squeeze.

“Mmmmmm….” I moaned into her mouth. I untied her robe and tossed it away. She was now in the total nude. She stretched out on the couch, lying on her back. It was such a sexy and gorgeous sight. I peeled off all of my clothing in a flash. Resting my body on top of hers; I cupped her milky breasts and felt her nipples become smooth pebbles under my touch.

“Don’t… just don’t touch them…”

I wrapped my lips around her right breast and sucked it, cutting off her sentence.

“Oooohhh, yes, love.” she exhaled in ecstasy. “You always know what I want.”

I glanced up to smile at her, and then dove back in, kissing, sucking and licking that beautiful mound, proceeding to repeat my worship to the other one. My mouth travelled lower down her body. I stroked and kissed along her stomach, I flicked my tongue over her belly button. My fingers dipped in between her inner thigh. They discovered a slick trail of thick, hot moisture.

“Someone made a mess” I teased.

“You caused it, getting me all wet.”

“You want me to clean it up?”

“Yeah…with beşiktaş escort your tongue.”

Happy to oblige, I scooted off of her and knelt down on the carpet in front of her. She sat up, spread her legs and started at me, a coaxing gleam in her eyes. I crawled in between her legs and flicked my tongue against her clit. “You tease,” she crooned. A wicked grin spread across my face. “Baby, quit playing around and eat me out!” Chuckling, I brushed my tongue up and down her entire pussy. I plunged my tongue deep inside of her and began to trust into her with it. She grabbed my hair and bucked against my mouth.

“Yes,” she screamed, “that’s my good girl.”

I moaned into her pussy at her exclamation and my lips hummed against her clit. I lifted my head to gulp in some fresh air and gazed down at my sweaty Irish sweetheart.

“Are you getting close?” I asked

She nodded and said, “Then it’s your turn.” She pressed a passionate kiss on my mouth, took my hand and shoved it in her crotch. I slid two fingers into her and began to pump them. As I worked up a good rhythm, my lips enfolded around her clit and I sucked it. My tongue flicked on her nub in between sucks while I gradually quickened the pace of my trusting fingers. Melissa panted and groaned with reckless abandon. I knew she was almost there.

“Come for me, Melissa,” I urged with a whisper. She tensed, and then shook with a violet quake; she let out her gaudiest screech yet while her orgasm ripped throughout her core. I flopped down my head on her lap, worn out from my efforts.

“Woah, “Melissa breathed, “That was just…wow.” She raked her fingers through my hair.

“I’m sweating like mad.” I sat up and wiped sweat away from my brow.

“You think you’re hot now, wait until I’m done with you.” She smirked.

She stood up and shoved me down on my stomach into the couch.

“Sit on your knees.” She kissed my mouth, the nape of my neck, around my ears, my shoulders and all the way down my back. Meanwhile her strong, warm hands kneaded my breasts.

“Oh God”, I sighed, “don’t make me wait too long, baby, please.”

She grasped onto my ass cheeks and licked my slit. I moaned pressing my face into a pillow. She ran her talented tongue over my slit and up and down my pussy lips. My body relaxed, enjoying the delicious ripples of pleasure cursing throughout it. She also put her mouth to work by sucking hard on my clit and pussy lips in between licks.

“Put your tongue in my pussy,” I breathed. She did as I commanded, trusting it into me slowly and I hissed. “Yesssss.”

Her tongue went in and out of me with passionate zeal. I clung on my pillow, incoherent noises and grunts issuing of my mouth. She replaced her tongue with her fingers after a while then alternated between two, her pace becoming quicker and quicker. She also smacked my ass quite a bit as well. All too soon I felt my muscles begin to tense.

“That’s it,” Melissa urged, “come for me.”

At her words, I squeezed my eyes closed, screamed into the pillow and shook as if I was connected to a high voltage battery. Melissa laid me down on the couch. She gathered me into her arms and cuddled me.

“Are you okay,” Melissa soothed, placing a kiss on my cheek.

“I’m wonderful,” I said in a drowsy and blissful voice.

“Where you really worried I was going to run off with Penny?” Melissa asked.

“I felt threatened, that’s for sure.”

“I thought you had more confidence than that, woman.”

“Well, she’s pretty…”

“So are you. And I love you; I honestly and truly love you. What Penny and I had was lust mostly. Plus you know what they say, once you go black…”

“You never go back!”

We burst out into a big fit of laughter. My worries melted away.

“Want to join me in the shower, Missy?” I suggested after we calmed down.

“That sounds lovely.”

We got up, and I lead her into to the bathroom. “It’s going to be a long night,” I said with a smirk and I shut the door behind us.

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Tukar Ister

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Tukar Ister
Zam kelihatan serba tak kena. Duduk salah berdiri pun salah. Anak lelakinya yang berumur 7 tahun kelihatan masih leka bermain dengan permainan video di lantai ruang tamu. Hatinya berkecamuk antara marah dan sedih. Semuanya kerana rakaman CCTV tersembunyi di rumahnya yang memaparkan aksi keberahian sepasang manusia di segenap sudut rumahnya. Mata Zam memandang ke jam di dinding. Dia tahu di situ terletak kamera pengawasan yang dipasang secara sembunyi-sembunyi. Malah bukan di situ sahaja, di dapur, bilik tidur, tangga, garaj kereta dan belakang rumah turut diletakkan tanpa pengetahuan isterinya. Zam mengangkat punggung menuju ke bilik kerjanya. Isterinya sedang memasak di dapur melihat Zam dan tersenyum melihat suaminya itu. Zam membalas senyuman isterinya. Sebaik pintu di tutup, Zam membuka komputernya dan melihat kembali rakaman- rakaman cctv yang membuatkan hatinya serba tidak tenteram. Dari satu video beralih ke satu video. Berbagai gelagat dapat di lihat di skrin komputernya. Rakaman isterinya curang dan melakukan hubungan tubuh dengan salah seorang jirannya membuatkan Zam menjadi geram menontonnya. Mata Zam galak menonton isterinya terkangkang di sofa dengan kain batiknya yang terselak ke perut. Sementara itu Adam kelihatan sedang berlutut di lantai menjilat puki isteri Zam dengan sungguh berselera sekali. Di sudut video itu tertera jam menunjukkan pukul 10 pagi. Ternyata waktu yang paling sesuai berikutan anaknya pada waktu itu berada di sekolah dan Zam pula berada di pejabat. “Tak kerja ke hape jantan ni….” getus Zam di dalam hati. Kemudian video itu memaparkan isteri Zam, Sarah menghisap konek Adam. Kepala Sarah bergerak seiring dengan batang konek Adam yang keluar masuk mulut mungil isteri orang itu. Tidak lama selepas itu Zam melihat tubuh Adam melengkung dan kepala Sarah di tarik rapat ke perutnya. Ternyata Adam sedang mengalami kemuncak nafsu. Sarah kelihatan memeluk punggung Adam yang sedang terkejang-kejang mengalami orgasme. “Sial kau Adam. Puas kau bagi bini aku telan air mani kau ye…” getus Zam dengan geram di dalam hati. Kemudian Zam menonton video yang lain pula. Kejadian berlaku di dapur. Kelihatan Sarah sedang mendukung anak Adam yang dijaganya. Adam turut kelihatan berada di situ. Adam meraba-raba punggung Sarah yang bekain batik dan mereka seperti berbual sesuatu. Zam melihat bagaimana Adam yang kemudiannya membuka seluarnya dan menghunuskan koneknya yang keras di punggung Sarah. Bagaikan perempuan miang, Sarah melentikan-lentikan punggungnya sambil Adam menekan koneknya di punggung Sarah sambil memeluk wanita itu. Seketika kemudian, Sarah hilang dari pandangan dan kembali semula ke dapur tanpa bayi Adam. Pasti dia meletakkan bayi itu di ruang tamu. Mereka berdua berpelukan dan berciuman. Sarah kelihatan menjambak konek Adam yang keras sambil merocohnya dengan laju. Kemudian Sarah berpaling dan menonggeng di kabinet dapur. Adam di belakangnya menyelak kain batik Sarah ke pinggang dan berlutut di belakang wanita itu. Celah punggung dan kelengkang Sarah habis di jilatnya. Melentik-lentik punggung Sarah menikmati jilatan nafsu dari Adam. Pasti sedapnya bukan main lagi. “Tak guna punya betina….” getus hati Zam lagi sambil menyaksikan video rakaman itu. Adam berdiri dan menghunuskan koneknya di celah kelengkang Sarah. Melentik-lentik punggung Sarah sewaktu menerima kemasukan konek Adam di lubang pukinya. Adam menekan koneknya hingga habis masuk ke dalam. Sarah menolehh ke arah Adam dan berkata sesuatu. Kemudian Adam pun mula menghenjut tubuh Sarah. Geram Zam melihat Adam menghayun koneknya keluar masuk lubang puki isterinya. Melentik punggung isterinya yang bergegar sewaktu dihenjut Adam dari belakang. Kedua-dua tangan Adam keras memegang kanan kiri pinggul Sarah sambil menghenjut keras dan laju. Sarah kelihatan sedang menikmati persetubuhan segera itu. Dari wajahnya yang terpapar di dalam rakaman, jelas sekali wanita itu menyukai persetubuhan itu dan seronok menikmatinya. Kain batik Sarah melorot jatuh menutup punggungnya. Zam lihat Adam membiarkan punggung Sarah ditutupi kain batik. Malah sambil menghenjut, Adam turut menarik kain batik Sarah agar kelihatan sendat menutupi punggung Sarah. Semakin lama hayunan tubuh Adam semakin laju. Sarah juga kelihatan semakin ghairah dengan tubuhnya yang melentik dan kepalanya yang terdongak. Adam beberapa kali menampar punggung Sarah dan secara tiba-tiba Adam mencabut koneknya keluar dari tubuh Sarah. Segara wanita itu berlutut menghadap Adam sambil mulutnya ternganga menadah air mani yang bakal dipancutkan lelaki itu. Zam lihat Adam menggenggam koneknya dan dihalakan ke mulut isterinya. Sarah bagaikan wanita yang kehausan mengangakan mulut kepada konek Adam yang sedang menanti waktu untuk meledakkan air mani. Tubuh Adam pun akhirnya terkejang-kejang. Koneknya di halakan ke wajah Sarah. Zam lihat memancut air mani Adam ke muka isterinya dan sebahagian besar darinya masuk ke dalam mulut isterinya. Zam turut melihat Adam menggoncang koneknya hingga air maninya habis meleleh masuk ke dalam mulut isterinya yang ternganga. Habis sahaja air mani dilepaskan, Adam menyumbat koneknya masuk ke dalam mulut isteri Zam. Sarah terus mengolom konek Adam hingga membuatkan lelaki itu menggigil tubuhnya kerana kenikmatan yang sungguh hebat di kolom mulut isteri orang itu. Zam berdengus kecil. Skrin paparan video di tutup dan matanya kosong memandang wallpaper yang menunjukkan gambar mereka bertiga sekeluarga. Sayu hati Zam memandang wajah anaknya yang seorang itu.
“Assalamu’alaikum” “Wa’alaikumsalam. Eh, Zam.. Masuk.. jemput masuk” kata Adam yang kebetulan berada di garaj kereta sedang mengilatkan kasutnya. Zam masuk melalui pintu pagar rumah Adam yang sememangnya tidak berkunci itu. “Wah… kilat betul kasut kau Adam…” kata Zam. “Biasalah, hujung minggu… Kalau tak kilat nanti Sarjan marah” kata Adam yang merupakan kopral polis. “Bini kau mana Adam?” tanya Zam. “Ada kat dalam. Dia baru balik kerja tu.” kata Adam. “Baru balik kerja ye… Aku sebenarnya ada…..” kata-kata Zam terhenti sebaik melihat Farha yang masih beruniform jururawat keluar ke garaj. “Eh… Zam rupanya…. ingat siapa tadi..” kata Farha. “Eh Farha… Baru balik kerja ye…. saja je nak jenguk Adam ni buat apa petang- petang… Baby mana?” tanya Zam. “Ada kat dalam tu ha. Tengah kena layan dengan akak- akaknya…. kami baru balik kerja ni yang masih belum buka uniform lagi ni…. Eh… Zam duduk dulu ye…” kata farha yang kemudiannya berpaling dan berjalan masuk ke dalam rumah. Mata Zam geram menatap punggung isteri Adam yang kelihatan begitu sendat sekali dibaluti uniform jururawat berwarna putih ketika itu. Seluar uniform Farha kelihatan sungguh sendat sekali dan oleh kerana baju uniform farha agak singkat dan terselak di punggungnya, mata Zam dapat melihat warna seluar dalam biru terpamer di punggung FArha yang bulat dan lebar itu. Melentik-lentik punggung Farha yang lebih besar dari isterinya sewaktu berjalan. Melenggok-lenggok mempamerkan kemontokan bontotnya yang berlemak dan kelihatan sungguh subur itu. “Tadi kau kata ada hajat… apa dia Zam…” kata Adam. “Ni ha…” kata Zam sambil menunjukkan handphone miliknya kepada Adam. Adam pun mengambil handphone itu dan melihat apa yang ada di skrin. Pucat lesi wajah Adam apabila melihat video dirinya sedang menyetubuhi isteri Zam tanpa seurat benang di atas katil master bedroom rumah Zam. “Aku… err… aku….” kata Adam tergagap-gagap. “Tak apa… kau tengok dulu sampai habis… memang aku datang sini pun nak tunjuk kat kau… tengok je sampai habis…” kata Zam. Adam yang serba salah pun mengikut sahaja kata Zam, menonton rakaman video yang dimainkan di handphone itu. Adam melihat tayangan semula dirinya menghenjut Sarah, isteri Zam dalam berbagai posisi. Kedua-duanya telanjang tanpa seurat benang. Video itu dimainkan sehingga ke babak terakhir. Berkerut dahi Adam melihat dirinya di dalam video itu kelam kabut mencabut koneknya dari tubuh Sarah yang terkangkang telanjang dan menyuapkan koneknya ke dalam mulut isteri Zam itu. Terkejang tubuh Adam di dalam video itu memancutkan air mani di dalam mulut Sarah sambil memaut kepala wanita itu agar air maninya terus sampai ke tekak dan terus di telan seperti selalu. Sebaik habis tayangan video itu, Adam menghulurkan handphone itu kembali kepada Zam. Menggeletar tangannya pada waktu itu. “Aku tau kau cuak Adam. Aku tau kau tak sangka aku boleh rakam semua ni. Ini baru satu, ada banyak lagi sebenarnya yang masih aku simpan dalam PC” kata Zam. “Berapa banyak kamera kau pasang Zam?” tanya Adam dalam nada ketakutan. “Satu je, kat dalam bilik ni la. Aku dah syak lama sebenarnya tu yang aku pasang satu dalam bilik. Rupa- rupanya macam ni kau buat ye.” kata Zam yang menyembunyikan lokasi- lokasi lain kamera tersembunyinya. ” Zam… aku minta maaf Zam… aku janji….” “Dah… dah… dah….. Aku datang sini bukan nak maafkan kau dan nak bagi kau lepas gitu je… Kalau nak settle mesti ada syaratnya…” kata Zam. ” Zam.. kau cakap berapa je.. aku boleh bayar…” kata Adam. “Ada aku minta kau duit ke? Aku cuma bagi kau 2 pilihan je sekarang ni… Pertama, ini video aku bagi pejabat agama dan Sarah aku ceraikan. So, kau boleh ambik dia lepas ni…” kata Zam. “Kau gila… mana bini aku bagi aku kawin sorang lagi… tolong la Zam… kau jangan ceraikan dia ok…. aku janji aku tak kacau lagi rumah tangga kau..” rayu Adam dalam suara yang perlahan agar tidak didengari oleh isterinya di dalam rumah. “Hey… rileks la… masih boleh kowtim la… satu lagi syaratnya adalah…. aku lebih suka syarat yang kedua ni sebenarnya berbanding yang first tadi…. dan aku pun berharap sangat supaya kau pun setuju syarat yang kedua ni…” kata Zam. “Kau cakap je Zam… kalau kau suka syarat yang kedua tu, aku pun suka juga… tapi apa syaratnya Zam…” kata Adam yang semakin gabra dengan keadaan dirinya. “Kau boleh main dengan bini aku…. tapi aku juga nak main dengan bini kau…..” kata Zam. “Kau biar betul…” Kata-kata Adam terhenti sebaik isterinya keluar membawa dulang berisi 2 cawan kopi dan sepiring kuih. “Ala Farha ni susah-susah je…. ” kata Zam sambil matanya memandang seluruh tubuh Farha yang sendat beruniform putih jururawat ketika itu. “Tak ada susahnya Zam… borak panjang nampak… citer apa je?” tanya farha yang sedang berlutut di depan Zam menghidangkan air dan kuih di atas meja kecil. “Alah cerita pasal handphone ni Farha. Adam nampaknya minat dengan handphone saya ni” kata Zam sambil matanya menatap peha Farha yang kelihatan sendat dengan seluar uniform putih sewaktu berlutut di depannya. “Abang nak tukar handphone ke bang?… ” tanya Farha kepada Adam, suaminya. “Alah…. cuma minat je… nak beli berangan je la… awak ingat gaji saya ni besar sangat nak beli handphone baru?” kata Adam. “Hah tau pun…. baik beli susu anak lagi bagus kan Zam? Lain la Zam ni… gaji besar… bini tak kerja pun tak apa…” kata Farha kepada Zam yang sedang khusyuk menatap tubuhnya. “Tak besar mana la Farha…. rezeki masing-masing….” jawab Zam. “Oklah… Farha masuk dulu la.. kacau korang berbual je…” kata FArha sambil berdiri dan menuju ke pintu masuk. “Terima kasih ye Farha buatkan air petang-petang ni… mengganggu je saya ni…” kata Zam sambil melihat lenggokkan punggung bulat Farha yang semakin terserlah bentuknya kerana baju uniform sendatnya terselak ke pinggang, mendedahkan seluruh punggungnya yang memperlihat warna seluar dalam birunya kepada Zam. “Tak ada kacaunya Zam..” kata Farha sebaik tiba di muka pintu rumahnya sambil berpaling memandang Zam. Farha lihat mata Zam tidak lepas memandang punggungnya dan kemudiannya memandang wajahnya. Farha tersenyum dan berdiri sejenak memandang Zam sambil melentikkan bontotnya. Dia lihat mata Zam kembali memandang tubuhnya yang sudah pun diperlihatkan dari sisi. Sudah pasti lelaki itu melihat lentikan punggungnya yang berseluar ketat. Farha memberikan senyuman kepada Zam sambil menjelingnya dan masuk terus ke dalam rumah. “Nakal juga ye kau Zam…” getus hati Farha sambil berjalan menuju ke dapur bersama dulang di tangannya. “Lain macam je aku tengok cara kau tengok bini aku Zam… betul ke kau nak main dengan dia?” tanya Adam. “Betul…. camne? Ada berani?” tanya Zam. Adam terdiam sejenak sambil memandang kosong cawan- cawan berisi air kopi di hadapannya. “Ok… aku setuju… tapi… kau kena mengayat dia sendirilah ye…” kata Adam. “Boleh… cuma aku perlukan bantuan kau untuk dapatkan dia…. kau kena bagi lebih ruang untuk aku sentiasa dapat bersama dia… boleh?” tanya Zam. “Macam mana?” tanya Adam. “Esok weekend, kita memang tak kerja. Tapi hari Isnin nanti kau suruh bini kau pergi kerja dan balik kerja dengan aku selama seminggu. Kau bagi alasan kereta dia nak kena hantar bengkel. Amacam?” tanya Zam. “Tengok la nanti camne” jawab Adam. “Macam berat hati je nampaknya… Rilek la brader, kau boleh main dengan bini aku, takkan kau tak bagi aku main pulak dengan bini kau. Seminggu tu la masanya aku nak ayat dia. Kalau tak, aku balik kepada option nombor satu tadi. So, camne?” tanya Zam inginkan kepastian melihatkan Adam seakan ragu-ragu untuk menurut katanya. “Kau betul-betul sure ke boleh bagi aku main bini kau macam selalu aku buat?” tanya Adam. “Ye betul. Yang penting line korang sendiri yang jaga la. Kalau ada apa-apa berlaku aku tak nak tanggung. Aku pun sama juga” kata Zam meyakinkan Adam yang masih ragu-ragu. “Ok.. mula dari hari isnin nanti kau boleh pergi dan balik kerja dengan bini aku. Soal alasan tu nanti aku settlekan” kata Adam. “Itu macam la brader. Alang- alang buat jahat biar sama- sama rasa” kata Zam dan kemudiannya terus menghirup air kopi di cawannya hingga habis dan meminta diri untuk pulang. ” Zam.. tunggu jap…” kata Zainal sewaktu Zam ingin keluar dari pintu pagar rumahnya sambil berjalan menuju ke arah Zam. “Aku nak tanya sikit la…. sebenarnya apa yang buat kau nak sangat main dengan bini aku tu. Sebab, kalau nak ditengokkan, bini kau tu berkali ganda lebih solid dari bini aku yang dah beranak 3. Si Farha tu dah la lebih berlemak dari bini kau” tanya Adam. “Bini kau tu tak gemuk la Adam. Dia normal cuma tak jaga badan je. Setakat lemak sikit- sikit tu biasalah. Aku geram kat bontot dia yang besar tu. Kena pulak kalau dah pakai uniform ketat macam tu, mananya aku tak geram. Oklah, hari isnin nanti jangan tak jadi. Ahad malam aku call untuk confirmkan” kata Zam dan terus berjalan meninggalkan Adam menuju ke rumahnya yang terletak selang 2 rumah dari rumah Adam. Adam menutup pagar dan menuju ke kerusi. Kelihatan isterinya sudah pun keluar bersama dulang untuk diletakkan kembali hidangan minum petang yang disajikan sebelum itu. “Borak apa je tadi bang?” tanya Farha. “Borak kaum bapak… kenapa?” tanya adam. “Saja je tanya. Hensem betul si Zam tu kan bang?” tanya Farha. “Ah…. dah bawa masuk semua ni… macam-macam pulak awak ni….. haa.. satu lagi, kereta awak saya nak hantar pergi servis isnin nanti, jadi awak pergi balik kerja dengan Zam tau” kata Adam. “Abang dah cakap kat dia ke tadi?” tanya Farha. “Dah… dia setuju…. abang nak bagi duit minyak, tapi dia menolak. Nanti awak cuba la bagi dia duit minyak isnin nanti” kata Adam. “Boleh… ” jawab isterinya. “Kalau hari isnin tak settle kereta awak kat bengkel, awak naik kereta Zam lagi la esoknya atau sampai kereta awak ok” kata Adam. “Teruk sangat ke rosaknya kereta saya bang? Saya bawa rasa macam ok je?” tanya Farha. “Awak mana tau pasal kereta, tau bawa je. Camne? Boleh tak?” tanya adam. “Boleh sangat bang… kalau selalu saing dia pergi balik kerja pun apa salahnya…” jawab FArha sambil masuk ke dalam rumah bersama dulang hidangan minum petang yang sudah habis. “Bini aku ni pun semacam je kat kau… Senang la kerja kau Zam…” getus hati Adam sambil mengeluarkan sebatang rokok lalu dinyalakan.
Zam menunggu beberapa minit di dalam kereta dan kemudian kelibat Farha pun kelihatan yang kemudiannya terus masuk ke dalam kereta. ” Zam…. ni Zam punya….” kata Farha sambil menghulurkan duit RM10 kepada Zam. Zam mengambil duit itu dan memandang Farha di sebelahnya. “Kenapa Zam tengok Farha macam tu?” tanya Farha tersipu malu. “Tak payah la Farha, memang dah kita kebetulan sama laluan. Saya tak rugi apa-apa pun, sebaliknya beruntung dapat tumpangkan perempuan cantik macam ni. Farha ambik la balik duit ni” kata Zam sambil meletakkan duit itu di atas peha Farha sambil mengambil kesempatan meramas peha Farha yang sendat berseluar uniform jururawat itu. ” Zam…. janganlah macam ni…” kata Farha. “Farha cakap macam tu bermaksud saya tak ambik duit tu atau pun saya pegang peha Farha?….” tanya Zam . “Errrrr…… mmmm… dua-dua… hi hi hi….” jawab Farha sambil ketawa kecil. ” Farha… Farha ada 3 orang anak nak kena suap. Lain la dengan saya ni cuma ada sorang anak je. Farha ambil balik ye duit ni. Walau Farha pergi balik kerja saing dengan saya sampai tua pun Farha tak perlu bayar satu sen kat saya” kata Zam. “Tapi Farha kesian kat Zam. Dahlah kena tunggu Farha, lepas tu naik kereta Zam. Tak sedap la kalau Farha tak bayar Zam…” kata Farha masih membiarkan Zam meramas pehanya. “Kalau Farha nak bayar boleh… tapi saya tak nak duit…” kata Zam. “Habis tu Zam nak apa?” tanya Farha. “Saya nak cium Farha…” jawab Zam. ” Zam… Farha ni bini orang Zam…” kata Farha. “Saya pun laki orang Farha… Takkan la saya nak buat depan orang ramai…” kata Zam. “Habis tu Zam nak cium Farha kat mana?” tanya Farha. “On the way balik nanti saya singgah la kat kebun getah estate tu” kata Zam. “Sana clear ke?” tanya FArha. “Kita tengok dulu macam mana. Tapi dari kata-kata Farha tu macam ok je…” kata Zam. Farha cuma tersenyum dan Zam pun mula memandu pulang. Sebaik tiba di tempat yang dimaksudkan, Zam pun terus memegang tangan Farha. Farha hanya tersenyum memandang Zam dan perlahan-lahan Zam mendekatkan wajahnya ke wajah Farha. Farha memejamkan matanya dan merelakan bibirnya bersatu dengan bibir Zam. Berkucuplah mereka berdua bersatu bibir dan saling menggumpal lidah. Farha membiarkan Zam meraba seluruh pelusuk tubuhnya hingga tanpa dia sedari zip seluar uniformnya telah pun dibuka dan memberikan laluan kepada Zam untuk menyeluk tangannya masuk ke celah kelengkangnya yang semakin basah seluar dalamnya dengan cecair keberahian. Zam menarik tangannya keluar dari dalam seluar Farha. Dia membuka seluarnya dan mengeluarkan koneknya yang semakin keras mengharapkan perzinaan. Dia memegang tangan Farha dan menariknya agar jururawat itu memegang koneknya. Seperti yang diminta, Farha memegang konek Zam dan tanpa dipinta, Farha merocoh konek Zam hingga nafsu Zam semakin kuat ingin menyetubuhi isteri orang yang masih sendat beruniform jururawat itu. Zam menyeluk kembali tangannya ke dalam seluar uniform Farha. Seluar dalam Farha semakin lecun dengan cairan pekat nan licin. Ternyata Farha semakin bernafsu. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila Zam menggosok pukinya hinggakan Farha mengerang kesedapan sewaktu mereka masih lagi berkucupan. Zam pun melepaskan kucupan di bibir Farha dan mula mengucup telinga Farha yang masih ditutupi tudung. Kemudian ciumannya beralih ke leher. Farha hanya memejamkan mata kerana berasa sungguh asyik dengan permainan asmara itu. ” Zam…. ohhh……” Farha mengeluh sedap sewaktu Zam mengusap pukinya yang tembam. “Sedap Farha ?…. ” tanya Zam. “Sedap….. Zam… jangan bagi tau sesiapa ye kita buat macam ni….” kata Farha sambil mengurut-urut konek Zam yang keras di dalam genggamannya. “Sudah tentu sayang…. Hisap pelir saya farha…” kata Zam yang kembali duduk di tempat duduk pemandu. Farha terus menunduk dan menyuap konek Zam ke dalam mulutnya. “Ohhhhh…. sedapnya….” Zam merengek sedap sewaktu seluruh koneknya masuk ke dalam mulut Farha dan apabila bibir mungil jururawat itu mengepit pangkal konek Zam. Zam sungguh terangsang melihat kepala Farha yang bertudung putih bergerak turun naik mengolom koneknya. Zam kemudian melihat tubuh Farha yang montok berbaju uniform jururawat yang ketat ketika itu. Semakin ghairahnya menjadi-jadi. “Dah lama saya mengidam nak rasa body Farha yang ketat dengan uniform ni” kata Zam sambil mengusap tubuh Farha. Koloman Farha semakin lama semakin laju. Zam dapat merasakan koneknya semakin licin di kolom mulut Farha. Zam tahu, air mazinya sudah pasti berlimpahan di dalam mulut Farha. Di campur pula dengan air liur wanita itu, sudah tentu koneknya banjir di dalam mulut Farha. Sambil menikmati hisapan Farha yang sungguh sedap di koneknya, Zam mengambil peluang itu untuk melondehkan seluar dan juga seluar dalam Farha hingga mendedahkan seluruh bontot jiran tetangganya itu. Bontot isteri orang beranak 3 yang usianya lebih tua 5 tahun darinya itu di ramas dengan geram. Daging punggung yang lebar dan berlemak dan setiap hari dibaluti seluar uniform jururawat yang ketat kini terdedah tanpa berseluar. ” Farha… dah Farha… ” pinta Zam dan Farha pun kembali duduk di tempat duduk sebelah pemandu. Mereka kembali berkucupan dan ketika itulah Zam membaringkan tempat duduk Farha. Sambil berciuman, Zam menanggalkan seluar Farha berserta seluar dalam yang basah dengan air nafsu. Zam naik ke atas tubuh Farha. Terkangkang Farha memberikan ruang kepada Zam. Konek Zam di rocoh- rocoh dan bagaikan sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk melakukan persetubuhan, Farha menarik konek Zam masuk ke lubang pukinya yang sudah sedia menanti. “Ohhhh…. Zam ……” Farha mengeluh kesedapan sewaktu lubang pukinya menerima konek Zam yang keras menyodok masuk. Mudah saja konek Zam masuk ke dalam lubang puki Farha yang longgar itu. Terus disantak hingga tenggelam seluruh koneknya hilang di telan lubang puki jururawat yang empuk itu. Zam memeluk tubuh montok Farha. Koneknya dibiar berendam di kolam puki Farha. Sekali lagi mereka berkucupan. Zam dapat merasakan lubang puki Farha mengemut koneknya dengan penuh sedap sekali. Zam terus menghenjut koneknya keluar masuk. Bermula dengan rentak perlahan dan semakin lama semakin laju rentak henjutannya. “Cepup… cepap… cepupp… cepappp….” bunyi lubang puki Farha yang melimpah dengan air mazi dirinya dan juga milik Zam kedengaran sungguh jelas sekali di dalam kereta itu sewaktu Zam menjolok koneknya keluar masuk. “Sedapnya Zam….. aahhhh…” Farha merengek sedap sambil memeluk Zam. Zam terus menghenjut tubuh Farha yang ketika itu masih bertudung dan berbaju uniform. Seluar putih jururawat Farha sudah terlucut terus ke lantai kereta bersama seluar dalamnya. Bontot Zam kelihatan turun naik mengepam koneknya keluar masuk ke lubang puki Farha yang sungguh licin dan melimpah dengan air persetubuhan. “Licinnya lubang cipap Farha….. ohhh… rasa macam nak terpancut Farha….” kata Zam. “Lepas luar Zam… ohh…. Farha pun dah nak sampai sayanggg… ahhhh…” kata Farha. Semakin lama henjutan Zam semakin laju dan padat. Farha juga semakin kuat mengerang kesedapan. Nafasnya semakin sempit dirasakan dan otot- otot tubuh wanitanya semakin lama semakin keras. ” Zammmm… sedapppnya sayangggg…. ahhhhh!!!” Farha merengek kuat sewaktu kemuncak orgasmanya tiba. Dia memeluk tubuh Zam dengan kuat dan tidak mahu melepaskannya. Ketika itu jugalah Zam merasakan saat pelepasan air maninya pun tiba. ” Farha… ooohh… oohhh… ohhhhh!!!” Zam memeluk tubuh Farha dengan erat dan menjolok koneknya ke dalam lubang puki Farha sedalam- dalamnya. Air maninya pun dipancutkan terus mengisi telaga bunting Farha. Mengeluh Farha ketika merasakan air mani Zam memancut-mancut di dalam lubang pukinya. Terkemut-kemut otot pukinya sewaktu merasakan konek Zam berdenyut kuat melepaskan benih-benih subur mengisi lubang buntingnya yang sememangnya sedang subur ketika itu. Farha sedar dia mungkin akan hamil dari benih yang Zam semai. Namun kesedapan yang sedang dirasakan membuatkan dia melupakan tentang perkara itu. Kenikmatan yang sedang dirasai lebih diberi keutamaan pada waktu itu. Mereka berdua pun berpelukan dan berkucupan sambil menikmati saki baki denyutan-denyutan nafsu dari konek Zam yang masih berada di dalam lubang puki Farha. Sebaik nafsu masing-masing reda, Zam pun menarik keluar koneknya dari lubang puki Farha. Meleleh air maninya keluar menodai kusyen tempat duduk. Farha turut melepaskan nafas kelegaan sebaik konek Zam keluar sepenuhnya dari lubang pukinya.
Menyesal “Abang…. hari ni Farha balik lambat sikit tau. Ada meeting kat hospital” kata Farha di dalam telefon. “Awak nak balik pukul berapa?” tanya Adam. “Tak tahu lagi. Mungkin pukul 10 kot” jawab isterinya. “Ok..” kata Adam dan terus mematikan talian. Matanya memandang jam di tangan. Baru pukul 6.30 petang. Maknanya pasti puas Zam melanyak isterinya di hotel pada hari itu. Adam sudah sedia maklum sebenarnya sebelum isterinya menghubunginya kerana dia sudah pun menerima sms dari Zam yang mengatakan ingin membawa isterinya di hotel untuk lepaskan gian. “Dahsyat kau Zam…. Semalam baru first day bawa bini aku, kau dah dapat tibai dia dalam kereta. Hari ni baru hari kedua kau dah boleh bawa dia ke hotel. Aku pun dulu nak mengayat bini kau dekat sebulan baru dapat main. Kau memang dahsyat Zam ” kata hati Adam sendiri. Sementara itu pada masa yang sama, namun di tempat yang lain, Farha meletakkan telefonnya di atas meja di hadapannya selepas selesai menghubungi suaminya, Adam. Dia memandang wajahnya di cermin sambil memperbetulkan tudung uniform putih di kepalanya. Seketika kemudian wajahnya berkerut dan dia memejamkan mata. Mulutnya ternganga dan merengek kesedapan. “Awak… ohh… ohhhhh…. dah la tu… saya penat berdiri” kata Farha sambil menoleh ke belakang. Kelihatan Zam sudah pun berada dibelakang Farha. Berlutut di lantai dan seluruh wajahnya rapat di belahan bontot Farha yang sudah tidak berseluar dan juga berseluar dalam. Tubuh Farha meliuk kenikmatan hingga melentik bontotnya sewaktu lidah Zam menjilat pukinya dan lubang bontotnya saling silih berganti. Zam pun bangun berdiri. Telanjang tanpa pakaian di tubuhnya. Koneknya keras mendongak ke langit. Dia melihat tubuh Farha yang hanya bertudung dan berbaju uniform jururawat di hadapannya. Bontot Farha yang lebar dan bulat menonggek itu di tatapnya dengan geram. ” Zam ni tengok bontot Farha macam nak makan je…. dah geram sangat ke? Sarah punya tak sedap ke?” tanya Farha yang menuju ke katil dan naik ke atasnya. Zam tidak menjawab sebaliknya dia ghairah melihat bontot Farha yang sedang merangkak naik ke atas katil perlahan-lahan. Terus dia menerkam Farha hingga menonggeng bersujud wanita itu di atas katil. Ketika itu jugalah Zam menyumbat koneknya masuk ke lubang bontot Farha. Terbeliak mata Farha sewaktu merasai lubang bontotnya dimasuki konek Zam. Terus dia menjerit kesakitan dan meminta Zam berhenti melakukannya namun ternyata sia-sia. Zam terus menjolok koneknya masuk ke dalam lubang bontot Farha sambil kedua-dua tangannya kuat memaut pinggul berlemak wanita itu yang empuk. Patutlah lama benar Zam menjilat lubang bontotnya sebelum itu. Rupa- rupanya dia memang ingin melicinkan lubang bontot Farha untuk memudahkan koneknya meliwat bontot isteri Zainal pada hari itu. ” Zam… jangan… tak boleh masuk kat situ… sakit…. aduuhhhh…” rayu Farha namun ternyata rayuannya itu sia-sia. Zam semakin ghairah menjolok lubang bontot Farha hinggakan wanita itu menangis merayu meminta agar Zam menghentikan perbuatannya. “Aduhhh… banggg…. tolong Farha banggg… Zam rogol bontot Farha bangggg… hu hu hhuuuu… abangggg….” Farha menangis-nangis memanggil suaminya namun segalanya sia-sia. Semakin lama rengekan Farha semakin hilang. Dia sudah tidak mampu lagi untuk bersuara. Dia hanya mampu menahan kesakitan dan mengharapkan agar perkara itu segera selesai. Namun sedang dia menonggeng dalam kepasrahan, tubuhnya ditolak hingga dia terbaring terlentang. Kakinya dikangkang Zam dan kemudian lubang pukinya pula menjadi habuan seterusnya. ” Zam … Zam… slow-slow sikit… bontot Farha masih sakit…” rengek Farha sewaktu Zam cuba memasukkan koneknya ke dalam lubang puki Farha. Zam pun memperlahankan kegelojohannya. Dari bertindak sebagai seorang perogol, Zam pun bertukar menjadi pasangan yang romantis pula hingga Farha terlupa kepada perbuatan Zam yang merogol bontotnya sebelum itu. Farha memegang batang konek Zam dan di sumbat konek lelaki itu perlahan-lahan ke dalam pukinya. Sebaik dia merasakan konek Zam masuk ke dasar pukinya, tubuh Farha melentik sambil dia merengek kesedapan. Zam memeluk Farha dan mula menghenjut perlahan- lahan hingga dia merasakan puki Farha semakin dibanjiri air nafsu yang melimpah- limpah. Zam mengucup leher dan dada Farha yang masih berbaju uniform. Farha pula semakin hilang dalam nafsunya. Mereka pun mula bersetubuh dalam kedudukan normal sehingga kedua- duanya mencapai kemuncak kenikmatan yang tiada taranya. Sekali lagi dalam dua hari berturut-turut Farha merasakan air mani Zam membuak-buak memancut di dalam lubang pukinya. Hangat seluruh rahimnya menerima limpahan benih-benih Zam yang terus disenyawakan telurnya yang subur. Oleh kerana kesedapan yang sukar diucapkan itu, Farha dengan rela menyerahkan tubuhnya untuk sekali lagi disetubuhi Zam buat kali ke dua pada hari itu. Pusingan kedua ini menyaksikan kedua-dua pasangan akhirnya telanjang tanpa seurat benang di atas katil. Cadar katil bertompok dengan air persetubuhan di sana sini. Gigitan cinta berbekas bersepah di peha dan bontot Farha. Tidak sia-sia dia dirogol bontotnya oleh Zam kerana dapat dia menikmati persetubuhan pusingan kali kedua yang tidak pernah dilakukan suaminya sepanjang mereka berkahwin. Farha pun pulang ke rumah pada jam 12 tengah malam setelah di hantar oleh Zam. Adam yang sebenarnya sudah tahu dengan apa yang mereka berdua lakukan di hotel buat- buat tidak kisah dan membiarkan isterinya terperap lama di bilik air membersihkan diri. Ketika itulah dia memeriksa seluar dalam dan seluar uniform isterinya di dalam bakul pakaian kotor. “Mangkuk kau Zam… berapa gayung kau pancut dalam bini aku hari ni… menambah anak lagi la aku gamaknya lepas ni…” kata Adam di dalam hati sambil melihat tompokan basah yang besar berbau air mani di kelangkang seluar dan seluar dalam isterinya. Adam kemudian memeriksa hendphone isterinya. Terkejut dia melihat terlalu banyak sms antara isterinya dengan Zam sewaktu bekerja pada hari itu. Kesemuanya berbaur lucah dan paling mengejutkan Adam adalah luahan kesediaan isterinya yang ingin pergi dan balik kerja bersama Zam sampai bila-bila asalkan dapat bersetubuh dengan lelaki itu selalu. “Lahabau kau Zam…. menyesal aku main dengan bini kau…..” kata hati Adam di dalam hati. Beberapa jam selepas itu, di rumah Zam. Selepas memastikan isteri dan anaknya benar-benar tidur, Zam pun masuk ke bilik kerjanya dan membuka komputernya. Satu-satu rakaman video pada hari itu dilihatnya dan dia tertarik kepada rakaman yang berlaku pada pukul 10.30 pagi. Di dalam video itu menayangkan Adam menarik tangan isterinya menuju ke sofa di ruang tamu. Kelihatan Adam sudah tidak berseluar dan hanya berbaju. Sementara isterinya pula sudah tidak berbaju dan hanya berkain batik. Adam duduk di atas sofa dan Farah pula menyelak kain batiknya dan duduk di atas Adam. Walau pun terlindung oleh kain batik isterinya, Zam tahu pada waktu itu konek Zainal sudah pun masuk ke dalam tubuh Sarah. Zam melihat isterinya yang sedang duduk di atas Adam mula bergerak tubuhya turun naik. Adam pun mula bemain-main dengan tetek Sarah. Beberapa minit selepas itu kelihatan Sarah segera berdiri dan terus berlutut di lantai menghisap konek Adam. Adam pun memegang kepala Sarah dan menghenjut mulut suri rumah itu hingga tubuhnya melengkung sambil koneknya di tekan ke dalam mulut Sarah. Zam tahu, pasti ketika itu isterinya sedang meneguk air mani yang sedang dilepaskan Adam di dalam mulutnya. “Tak apa Adam…. aku puas main dengan bini kau….” kata hati Zam sambil tersenyum.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

gercek bir olay

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

gercek bir olay
Basimdan gecen, ve hala devam eden, hic kimseyle paylasamadigim ve paylasmadigim olayi sizlere anlatmak istiyorum.
Almanyanin Batisinda yasiyorum, Evliyim 45 yasindayim. Karim 40 yasinda. 20 senedir evliyiz. Bir Okuyan 20 yasinda oglumuz var. Karimin bir 42 yasinda evli 4 cocuklu abisi ve bir 51 yasinda, 165cm boyunda biraz kilolu, bosanmis ablasi var. Ablasinin Almanya disinda calisan 26 yasinda tek bir oglu var.
Abisi Hamburgda, bizden 300km uzakta yasiyor. Ablasi bizim kaldigimiz sehirde.
2011 Senesinin paskalya tatilinde karim oglum ile beraber abisine tatile gittiler. Ben iseEvi badana yapmak icin süpriz olsun diye bir bahane uydurup gitmedim . Ablasi ise bel agrisi oldugu icin araba yolculugunu yapmak istemedi. Böylece yalniz baslarina bir haftaligina Hamburg a yola ciktilar.
Karimin gittiginin ertesi günü ablasi bana telefon acip yemek yaptigini gelip alabilecegimi söyledi. Ben de evi badana yaptim icin, zamanimin olmadigini, evde yemek oldugunu söyleyip tesekkür ettim.
Ertesi günü badana isini bitirip, ortaligi temizledim, dusumu aldim. Aksam üstü sarabimi actim ve yaptigim isleri degerlendirdim. Bi ara evin zili caldi kapiyi actim. Baldiz yemek getirmis, beraber yaptigi yemeklerden yeyip, birer kadeh sarap daha ictik. Orda burdan muhabbet ettik.
Aksam saat 21:00 olmustu, beraber 2. Sise sarabi bitiriyorduk, sordum niye gitmedigini Hamburg a. O da bana belinin bir haftadir agridigini, araba yolculugunun onu daha kötü yapa bilecegini söyledi.
Hafif cakir kafayla ona isterse belini masaj yapabilecegimi söyledim. Belinin agrisina iyi gelir diye oda kabul etti. Kaslarinin yumsamasi icin sicak dus almasini önerdim. Dusunu alip benim bornozumu giyip iceriye girdi. Yere yastik koyup, karninin üstüne yere yatti ve masaja koyuldum.
Bornozu üstünden beline kadar siyirip, südyenini de izni ile cözüp, belini ve sirtini 15dakika kadar masajyagi ile masaj yaptim. Poposuna yaklastikca tanga kilotlardan giydigini farkettim. Sonra kilodum yaglanmasin diye biraz daha assagiya indirdi. Poposunun yarisi ortada idi. Bende yavas yavas poposunun üstüne kadar yaklastim masajimla. Hic ses sikarmiyor ve itiraz etmiyordu. Isterse Kilodunu birazdaha assagiya cekebilecegini söyledim, daha rahat masaj yapa bilmek icin. Ozaman bacaklarininda masaj yapmami istedi. Kendini tamamen ciplak his etmesin diye bornozu sirtina örtüp,zaten assagida olan kilodu kendisi dahada assagiya indirdi. Bende izni ile tamamen cikarttim kilodnu. Iste o kocaman ve güzel göt ortaya cikmisti. Bacaklarini yaglayip bacak kalca masajina basladim. Bastan bacaklarini araliksiz tutarken sonra gevseyip hafiften aralamaya basladi. Aminin hafif killi dudaklari görüküyordu. Ben poposuna yag döküp göt deligine kadar parmaklarimi gezdiriyordum. Zevklendigi belli idi. Hafif hafif göt deliginin üstünden parmagimi gezdiriyordum. Benim üstümde sadece t-short ve shot vardi. Biraz geriye cekilip t-shordumu cikardim. Masaj yaparken bir elimle shordumu assagiya indirdim. Ben de arkasinda simdi ciplak halde onu masaj yapi yordum. Yagli parmaklarimla aminin dudaklarini masaj yapiyordum. Kendisinden hafif hafif inlemeler geliyordu.Hafiften üzerine egilip sikimi poposuna degirdim. Bastan ürktü, ve ciplak oldumu anlayinca oda poposunu hafif yukariya kaldirdi. Artik girmemi bekliyordu. Biraz aminin üstünden öyle sürtünüp icine girdim. Sonra sirtinin üzerine yatirip oral sex yaptik. 69 , arkadan, her posisionda sevistik……güzeldi…
Kac senedir sex yapmadigini, neyazikki itiraz edemedigini söyledi. Söz verdik ne olursa olsun ikimizin arasinda kalacagini herseyin.
Bazen bulusup hafta sonu uzaklara saunaya gidiyoruz. Ona yine bir kadin oldugunu hatirlatiyorum.
Sex e mahrum kalacagina, veya her hangibi birilerine dost olacagina, böylesi daha iyi oldugunu düsünüyoruz.
Benim ikinci karim artik….

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32