Annemle İlk Gecemiz

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Ben 19 yaşindayim ve ünİ. Okuyorum.şehİr dişinda yaşadiğim İçİn pek aİlemle göreşemİyorum.zaten aİlede pek kİmse yok.annem,ben,ve kiz kardeşİm.Bu olay 2 ay önce yaşanmiştir.Ben şehİr dişinda yaşadiğim İçİn pek aİlem İn yanina pek gelmem.fakat bİr hafta sonu annememleresüprüz yapmak İçİn onlarin haberİ olmadan eve gelmİştİ garİptİrkİ sankİ bana süprİz yapilmiş gİbİydİ.annem salonun ortasinda bİr adamla beraber sevİşİyordu.o an neye uğradiğimi şaşirdim.annemler benİ görünce hemen toparlandilar.adam hemen evden ayrildi.hİç bİr şey yapmadan odama gİttİm.çünkü annem yanliz bİr kİşİydİ.yillardir bİr eşİ olmamişti.odama gİttİğİmde olayin şoku hala üzerİmdeydİ.ama bu olaydan çok etkİlendİm.çünkü izmir escort daha önce onu hİç böyle görmemİştİm.gece onu düşünerek mastirbasyon yaptim.ertesİ gün annem yanima geldİ ve bana İkİ üç dakİka manali manali bakti.bende ona baktim.bana ne gördüğümü ve o konu hakkinda ne düşündüğümü sordu.bende bİr şey görmedİğİmİ söyledİm.fakat ben senİ bİzİ İzlerken gördüm dedİ.o andan sonra aklima şeytanca şeyler geldİ.annemİn vücudu gözümün önüne geldİ ve daha sonra anneme dönüp sİzİ gördüğümü ve ondan çok etkİlendİğİmİ söyledİm.şaşirmiş bİr İfadeyle bana bakti ve uzun yillar önce babani kaybettİm ve benİmde doğal İhtİyaçlarimi gİdermek İçİn bİr erkek arkadaşa İhİtİyaç duyduğunu izmir escort bayan söyledİ.onu çok arzuluyordum.en sonunda dayanamayip bende senİ çok İstİyorum ama sahİp olamiyorum dedİm.annem gene bana şaşirmiş bakişini yapti ve neden olmasin dedİ.o anda ben artik patlama noktasina gelmİştİm. Bİrde dün onu İşİn tam ortasinda yakaladiğim İçİn hevesİ kursağinda kalmişti ve oda çok azmişti.sonra bana doğru yaklaşti.hİç ummadiğim bİr anda dudaklarima yapişti.bende onun o güzel göğüslerİnİ mincikliyordum.öpüşerek soyunduk.sonra o benİm penİsİmİn kalktiğini gördü anİ bİr hamleyle ağizina aldi.patlamak üzereyken durdu ve onun amini yalamami söyledİ.bende yerİmİ aldim ve İşe koyuldum.onun escort izmir o İnlemelerİ ve yataği tirmalamari benİ çildirtiyordu.taş gİbİ olmuş aletİmİ ufak darbelerle amina yerleştİrdİ dayanamayip bİr anda İçİne soktum.çiğlik çiğliğa bağirmaya baş daha hizli pompalamami söylüyordu.bende üstadiin dedİklerİnİ yaptim ve İçİne hizli bİr bİçİmde boşaldim.ama hala aletİm taş gİbİydİ.ve onu götten sİkmek İstİyordum.bunu ona söyleyİnce İlk başta karşi çikti.fakat İkna etmesİnİ bİldİm.hizli bİr depar İle banyodan krem kaptim geldİm.geldİğİmde o pozİzyonunu almişti.göt delİğİnİ kremlİyİp hafİfce yüklenmeye başladim.fakat çok zorlaniyordu.bu benİ daha fazla artik İkİncİ pastada gelmİştİ bunu ona söyleyİnce hemen ağizina aldi ve bütün spermlerİmİ yuttu.yüzü ben beyaz olmuştu.İkİmİzde çok yorulduğumuz İçİn yatakda yiğilip kalmiştik.İkİ ay sonra bana hamİle olduğunu söyledİ ve çocuğu aldirdikGönderen: ensest06_06

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Annemin Yaptıkları

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba ilk başta bana başımdan geçen bu olayı anlatma imkanı sunan sexkikayeleri net editörlerine teşekkür ediyorum.Ben istanbul`dan semt imin ismini söylemek istemiyorum.adım kenan 20 yaşındayım istanbulda üniversite öğrencisiyim.Babam 5 sene önce bir trafik kazası sonucu vefat etti.Annem le ikimiz yaşıyoruz babam merkez bankasında çalışıyordu. annem de hemşireydi babam vefat ettikten sonra işi bıraktı zaten babbamın emekli olmasına az kalmış tı annem de babamın ölüm sebebini gösterip 38 yaşında zaruri emekli oldu psikolojik olarak çöküntüye uğrağını söyleyip. babamın emekliği ne az bir zaman kaldığı için elimize bayağı bir emeklilik ikramiyesi geçti bu arada annemin adı inci,annem şimdi 43 yaşında ve bayağı bakımlı babamla ilgili bütün bozuklukları tamamen kafasından atmış durumda vucudu mukemmel gözüküyor boyu 1.70 civarı kilosunu tam olarak bilmiyorum en son hatırladığım 54-56 gibi birşeylerdi. birazda kendim den bahsedicek olursam benim boyum 1.86 kilom 76 vucudumum şekli bayağı iyidir üniversite nin yüzme takımındayım. ve çacukluğumdan beri de yüzme takımlarındaydım. Bizimle ilgili yeteri kadar bilgi vermişsem yaşadım olaya geçiyorum. bundan 1 sene evvel okul un internet kafesin de oturan bir zenci dikkatimi çekti etrafında ki insanlara sıcak davranıyordu. buda birazcık hoşuma gitmişti gerçi onunla tanışana kadar zencilerden nefret ediyordum ama arkadaşım mc lauren hiç te kötü bir insan değil di. Neyse işte o gün etrafında kızların insnalara sıcak davran masından dolayı joe ye yakınlık göstermesi beni iyice sinir etmişti zaten onunla tanışana kadar zencileri hiç sevmiyordum bir de bu tabloyu karşımda görünce iyice delirdim o kızgınlıkla elimde ki çay yanından geçerken kasti olarak üztüne döktüm istiyordum ki. bana ters bir hareket yapsında cafe ona girişeyim. Fakat o tam tersini yaptı kasti olarak o hareketi yapmama rağmen bana nezaketli davranıp olur böyle şeyler dedi ve aramızda sorun olmadığı söyleyip wc ye gitti ben de bütün insanlar önünde yaptığım bu harekete karşı vermiş olduğu tepkiden dolayı kendim den utandım. Ve o an işte zenci insanlara olan fikrim bayağı değişmişti.Ve joe geri döndükten sonra oturup onunla konuşmaya başladık. joe vatandaşıymış aile si bayağı zengin miş hatta şu bilgiğimiz anway mi neydi öyle bir kozmatik falan bir şirket var ya onun yetkili bir çalışanlarıymış galiba. Sonradan öğrendim ki bizim eve yakın bir yerlerde oturuyormuş. böyle zamanla bir birimize yaklaşmaya başladık joe, istanbul anal escort ben ve pınar isminde sevgilisi ders olmadığımız her zaman berebar oluyorduk bir de arasıra ben kim biraz ilişki yaşıyorsam kız arkadaşlardan o bizim le oluyor du ama benim kız arkdaşlarımla ilişki leri fazla uzun ömürlü olmuyor.neyse her gün her akşam ya joe ler biz de ya ben onlarda kız arkadaşı bize biraz uzuk olduğu için ya bizimle kalıyordu gece çok gec saatlerde evine bırakıyorduk. Hani arkadaşlığın safhaları var ya işte onların hepsini joe ile teker teker geçiyorduk hani biraz çekinik bir şekilde başlar sonra lakap takmaya kadar gider ye işte oldan . aradan 5,6 ay geçti artıkın joe ile aramızda hiç bir şey saklı kalmıyordu . ama görüceksiniz joe ile sokaklarda veya okulda dolaşırken ona asıl kızları hepsi bir birinden afet ama pınar çok güzel bir kızdı doğal olmasada sarışınlık ancak bir insnana bu kadar yakışır yani. annemde şarındır ama gölgeli sarışın mı ne galiba işte oldan ama annem de çok yakışıyor. Tabii biz joe yakınlaştıkça ailem yani annemde joe yi yakından tanımaya başladı. ve onu çok seviyordu. işte ne oluysa zaten oldan sonra oldu benim joe ile aramdaki samimiyet o kadar arttıki artıkın dal taşak muhabbetti yapmaya başladık ve joe nin geleneklerinde herkes hakkında konuşmak doğal anne filan vb.. yanii .Bir gün bana annemim ne kadar güzel ve sexy bir kadın olduğundan bahsetti ve benim ona ilgi duyup duymadığı sordu ben aramızda ne kadar samimiyet olsa da donup kalmıştım ve ozaman biraz sinir olmuştum joe de benden korkmuştu zaten normal hayatta da çok hırçın biriydim kavgalı çok olayım olmuş çok tecrübeliydim yani yediğim dayaklardan attığım dayalardan ve joe bunun farkındaydı ben de arasıra koruyordu zaten neyse işte bu olaydan sonra joe ile 1 hafta kadar kadar konuşmadık ve onun söyledikleri düşün me fırsatı buldum ve git gide fikirlerim değişmeye başladı.sonra joe beni hep arıyordu özür diliyordu ve ben de özrünü kabul edip tekrardan görüşmeye başladım. ama fikirlerim değişmeye başlamıştı acaba dedim joe benim ilgimden yola çıkıp anneme bir ilgisi olduğunumu söyleyecekti acaba filan diye.ben de içime düşen şüpheden dolayı beraber olduğumuz zaman annemin ve joe nin bakışlarına gözlem altına aldım. annem hepimiz beraberken ev kıyafetleri le dolaşıyordu aramızda şort kolsuz tişört ve sonradan fark ettim tanga giyiyormuş ve kabak gibide bellioluyormuş giydiği.ben daha yeni farkına varıyordum. neyse bzi ev ortamında bahçelievler escort hep beraberken pınar da aynı şekilde giyindiği için buna pek aldırış etmemiştim. joe ilk başlarda arkadaş ken pınar a hiç kötü gözle bakmıyordum fakat joe nin başka kızlarlada cinsel ilişkiye girdiğini bana anlatmasından sonra dedim ki bu pınar a fazla değer vermiyor ve insan ilişkileri hakkında görüşleride orta da ben de pınar a göz koydum. ondan sonra . Artıkın her tarafta belli ediyordum pınar a karşı olan duyguları mı hatta bir gün odada annem yokken yani üçümüz varken pınar dedim ki ne buluyorsun şu joe de dedim şakasına tabii tabii senin gibi güzel bir kız joe gibi bir zenci nin yanında falan ben joe ye zenci derdim lakap olarak . bak dedim benim gibi delikanlı yapılı sağlam güçlü Türk insanı varken sen git elin zencisiyle seviş bunları aynen söylüyorum eee o dana bana demez mi o nun sen malafartaları görsen sen de bırakamazdın eywah dedim akar sular başımdan aşağı akar sular bulaştı bir joe hakkında düşünürken yarrağının büyüklüğüde işin içine girdi ama bende kendime güveniyordum tabii. ben de ona dedim ki sen bide benim kini görsen ölürsün dedim o arada birşey girdi araya muhabbet kaynadı gitti. Neyse bir kaç gün sonra yanlız ken annem gelid yanıma oturdu ve o zaman odadaki konuşmalarımıza kulak misafiri olduğunu söyledi ve bana demesin mi çok tahrik oldum bayılacaktım gerçi annemle cinsellik yönünden hiç bir sorunumuz yoktu herşeyi konuşurduk yani. Ben de dedimki ne bakımdan tahrik oldun.Oda bana anlatmaya başladı böyle büyük yarrak muhabbetlerini duyunca etkilendiğini söyledi hadi ya dedim annemle cinsellik yönünden hiç bir saklımız yoktu diyordum ya bu kadarını ben bile beklemiyordum. bu söylediklerin sonra aramızda ki cinsellik muhabbetleri de boyut değiştirmiş oluyordu.ARtıkın hep birlikteyken bile şakayla karışık joe yle yok senin sikin daha büyük benim sikim daha büyük muhabbeti yapar duruma geldik.AMa görüceksiniz 4 ümüz odadayken hepimzi birbirmize yaslanıyorduk film izler başka şeyler yapar ken kim kimin yanına gelirse önemli değil di artık hepimiz çok samimiydik artıkın. hatta pınar da olsun annem de olsun bana yaslanırken sağa sola dönerken sikime dirseklerinin deymesin dolayı benimki harekete geçti ği zaman bile hiç gizlemeye çalışmıyordum şorttan hayvan gibi belli olurdu kalktığı benim se hiç umrumda değil di ama hep ateşleyici bir olay bekliyorum. ve ö gün geldi çattıbiz pınarla aynı fakültede okuduğumuz istanbul tesettürlü escort için dersler aşağı yukarı aynı yoğunluktaydı çıkış ve giriş saatleri birbirine yakındı joe nin ki ise biraz esnek ti yani çok geç girerler erken çıkarlardı ve çıktığı gibi genelde bizim vev giderdi ve eve ben pınarla birlikte geldiğimde joe ile annemi sohbet ederken bulurduk. yine böyle bir gün tenefüste mi ne pınar la karşılaştık ve ona ders e girmeyelim ve eve gidelim dedim nasıl olsa joe evdedir dedim oda kabul etti ve eve doğru yola çıktık bizim ev apartman içersinde fakat dublex tir mutfak bir kaç dane salon ve oda altta yukarda bir şeyler var işte aynı şekil de odalar :)neyse biz pınarla eve geldi k kapıyı açtım joe nin aykabbiları burdaydı demekki burdaydı dedim ?? ama içerden inanılmaz sesler geliyordu ve bu sesler annemin sesiydi sesiz bir şekil de salona yaklaştık pınar la ve söyle bir yan gözle baktım da ne göreyim bizim joe anneme aydıyor. ikiside çırılçıplak biri kap kara birisi bembeyaz kayışıyorlar salonun ortasında bizim evin mutfağının salonda bir pence re vasıtasıylar bağlantısı var ben pınar a sessiz ce gel mutfağa geçelim dedim ve beraberce muftağa gidip onları izlemeye başladık . ve onları öyle görünce ve annemin çığlıkları benim sikimi harekete geçirdi e haliyle pınar a da bir şey ler oluşcasına onları hiç gözünü kırpmadan izliyordu ben fırsat bu fırsat dedim pınar ı okşamaya başladım ve yavaş yavaş üzeri çıkarmaya başladım hiç konuşmuyorduk ama o da aynı şekil de beni soymaya başladı . en sonunda ikimizde çırıl çıplak kalı verdik , aman Tanrım o güzel yüz , o iri ama tam kıvamında göğüsler , o çekici göbek , o pürüzsüz am , o mukemmel bakacaklar karşımda çırıl çıplak duruyor sanki çıldıracak gibiydim pınar ında benim 20 cm yi geçik ama tam olarak bilmiyorum yarrağı görünce gözleri fal taşı gibi açılmıştı. onun gözleri ne bakarak ya sana söylediklerimde haksızmıymışım dedim o da haklısın erkeğim dedi ve yalamaya başladı sonra ben de onun neresi gelirse her tarafını yaladım ikimiz de tamkıvama gelicen ce ben de pınar geçir meye başladım hatta benim kisini ilk başta alamayınc a mutfaktan zeytin yağı kullandık. ?? çıldınlar gibi bağıra bağıra sikişiyorduk sonra bir de gözlerimi açtım tam boşalırken joe ve annem bizi izliyor birbirimizi böyle görünce gülmeye başladık joe nin kini de yakından görünce benimkimden fazla bir farkı olmadığını anladım ?? ulan dedim sonra bu kızlar niye ozaman bu zencilere asılıyor Türk erkeklerinden ne farkı var bunların dedim.sonra toplu halde salona geçip artıkın kim kime geldiyse bir annemle bir pınar sikişmeye başladım hatta anneme ben önden joe arkadan giriyorduk sonra pınar a aynı şekil de . işte olay bu şekilde, hala grup olarak hayvanlar gibi sikişiyoruz. ve bu durumdan her kes çok mutlu . Gönderen: king

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Amcamın Kızıııı Müge

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben 18 yaşında bir delikanlıyım.bir gün amcamın evine vcd almaya gittim.amcamın kızı hafif balık etli sarı saçlı çok sexi bir kızdı. ama amcamın kzı müge evliydi.ayrıca birde 4 yaşında bir oğlu vardı.oğlu yanıma geldi hemen mügede vcd yi getirecekti. mügenin her hareketini izliyordum.oğlu saçma sapan hareketler yapıyordu. bu yaptıkların ne dedim annemle babam gece yapıyolardı gördüm dedi. oğlu Ahmet babasının taklidini yapıyordu ileri aşağı. müge içeri girdi ahmet sen ne yapıyosun dedi bende güldüm. ahmet siz gece babamla böyle yapmıyomusunuz dedi. müge utancından kıpkırmızı olmuş ne diyeceğini şaşırmıştı. bense yıllardan beri mügeyi sikmeye çalışıyordum ama elin oğlu çatır çutur sikiyordu. müge bana vcd yi hemen istanbul anal escort verdi. ben eve gittim. avlerimiz yan yana. her zaman kapının üzerinde bırakır anahtarı. aradan 3 saat geçti eve gittim çünkü uyuyacağım dedi. eve gizlice girdim odasına doğru yö atakli geceliği beline kadar sıyrılmış şekilde duruyordu. bense yavaş yavaş donunu sıyırdım ama ondan önce uyandırmaya çalıştım uyanmıyordum aslında sadece yalıyacaktım vücudunu. önceo sexi ayaklarını yaladım sonra amını ve göt deliğini yaladım. bu yavaş yavaş inlemeye başladı zevkten boşalmıştı. hemen bıraktım 5 dakka sonra uyandı.yüzü gülüryordu bense oda da ahmetle oyun oynuyordum. sordum rüyanda güzel birşeymi gördün diye evet dedi. bahçelievler escort ne gördün dedim o da boşver dedi. kendisine kahve yapmaya gitmişti mutfağa hemen yanına gittim. ona mutlu uyanan kadınların rüyasında sex yaptıklarını gördüklerini söyledim o da sen nasıl konuşuyosun benle diyip tersledi. bende dayanacak mecalim yoktu. ben seni o kıvama getirdim dedim o da sen ne yaptın dedi. sonra direk dudaklarına yapıştım o beni iktirdi ama sonra dayanamayıp beni öpmeye başladı. ahmet ben uyuyacağım anne diyip o dasına gitti ama bizim yanımıza gelmedi. ben hemen onu mutfak tezgahına dayadım önce benimkini yaladı tam boşalacakken çekiyim dedim o ısırarak tuttu ve bütün spermleri istanbul tesettürlü escort yuttu zevkle.sonra amına sürtmeye başladım zevkten kudurmuştu hemen boşaldı bende çok çabuk boşalıyosun dedim inleyerek güldü. ellerini amına götürdüğümde sırılsıklamdı. ben sokmaya başladım 3 posta attım bende zevkten dört köşe oluyorum bu sırada ?? biraz dinlendikten sonra götünden de sikeceğimi söyledim olmaz dedi daha kocası bile sikmemiş bense sikicem diye ısrar ettim. yanına yaklaştım benden uzaklaştı bense sağlam bi tokat atıp onu yere yığdım ve domaltarak onun götünü yaladım sonra yarramı dayadım kendini kastığı için girmiyordu bende hemen elimi amına attım iki üç okşamadan sonra boşaldı çok çabuk boşalıyordu. tam boşaldığı sırada sktum yarramı içini götü sımsıcaktı. tam 2.5 saat sikiştim götten artık götü mosmor olmuş ve kanıyordu. yanından dışkıları çıktı tutamadı odanın ortasına sıçtı bende gülmeye başladım boşaldım hemen ardında.ben yarağımı temizlerken o da odayı temizliyordu. şimdi aradan 1 ay geçti rutin haftada 4-5 kez sikişiriz….Gönderen: hulyaa

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Ah Eniştem

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Anlatacağım şeyler tamamen gercektir.(ablam telefonda görümcesi hastanede olduğu için evde olmayacağını eniştemle beraber talaş taşımam için evlerine çağırdı bende tamam deyip telefonu kapadım.akşam 20:00 da evlerindeydim eniştemde benden hemen sonra eve geldi.beraber talaşları taşıyıp duşlarımızı aldık. Ben eniştemi uyutup yarrağını yalayıp boşaltmak için içeceğine ilaç attım ama bir işe yaramadı eniştem cin gibiydi uyumak bilmiyordu.bende b planı yapmıştım esenyurt escort enişteme porno filim olup olmadığını sordum oda var dedi beraber porno filim seyretmeye başladık filim hep saksofon ve anal sex içerikliydi enişteme sen hiç saksofon çektirdinmi dedim hayır filim seyretmeye devam ettik ben baktım eniştemin yarrak havalarda uçuyor aklıma bir cinlik geldi enişte sırtım kaşınıyor kaşırmısın dedim ve yanına gidip sırtımı kaşıttım kadıköy escort ama eniştem kaşımıyor resmen okşuyor nefes alışları hızlanıyordu bende daha aşağıları kaşı nede olsa eniştemsin dedim oda aşağılara indi bende altımdaki şortu çıkardım oda kalçalaırımı kaşımaya daha doğrusu okşamaya başladı bendende ses çıkmayınca dahada cesaretlenip temiz kılsız kalçalarımı yalamaya göt deliğimi dillemeye başladı ikimizde zevkten dört köşe olduk avcılar escort daha sonra 69 olup ben enişştemin yarrağını yalamaya oda deliğimi parmaklamaya beni alıştırmaya başladı 15 dk böyle devam ettik eniştem geciktirici kullandığı için boşalmak bilmiyordu bana artık hazırsın değip bacaklarımı omzuna alıp o güzel kalın yarrağını derinliklerime saldı.acayip iyi sikiyordu beni ben altta inlerken oda daha çok içime köklüyor karıcım aşkım deyip dudaklarıma yapışıyordu eniştemle sabaha kadar 6 kere sex yaptık hertürlü pozisyonu denedik sabah o işine gitti benden evden ayrılırken ablama telefon açıp anahtarı nereye bırakayım dedim oda herşey için teşekkür etti bana.saf ablam bilse kocasına akşam karılık yaptığımı keser beni herhalde :=)) Gönderen: kaan

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Amcaoğlunun Karısını Siktim

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Merhaba ben tolga emmoğlu ile karısı 6 senedir evli.6 seneden gözümde hep.neyse konuya girerim.bundan 3 hafta önce emmoğluna bakmaya gitmiştim(saat09:00 gibi)eve vardığımda emmoğlu yoktu.karısı çıkmıştı kapıyasordum emmoğluyu yok daha yeni çıktı dedi.bende içimden tam zamanı sikmenimdiye hayal kuruyordum.sözü esenyurt escort değiştirerek bira varmı diye sordum oda var dedi.içeride iç dedi tamam diyerek girdim kendidinin işinin olduğunu söyledi ve mutfak tarafına gitti.bende 5 dk sonra arkasından gittim ve ne görüyüm yere domalmış ve yerleri kadıköy escort siliyordu.penisinim iyice sertleşti ve dayanamadım.penisini çıkararak arkasına vardım ve beni yapıyon sen dedi ve kapıyı gösterdi kimsenin duymayacağı yerde sikmeliydim yatak odası yan taraftaydı avcılar escort ve oraya zorla kattım yatağa bağladım.ağzını bezle kapattı o güzel vücudunda öpmediğim yer kalmadı ve o güzel götüne birkere başaldım ağzını açtıktan sonra ağlamaya başladı.bunları amcaoğluna söylersem senide benide öldürür dedim ve çocuklarını göremezsin olur söyleme istediğini yaparım dedi.tamam ozaman mutfağa geçerek da yeniki pozisyonu almasını söyledi. ve yaptı şimdi kendiliğinden benimdi 6 senedirberi zevkimi 2 götüne 1amcığına boşartarak aldım şimdi nerden bakarsan 2 güne bir giderim.Gönderen: tolga

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Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 101

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A note to readers: This is a long story that unfolds chapter by chapter through the eyes of two protagonists – Mark and Elsa, and as in many of my other stories involves a growing spate of horny characters. This story could appear in a number of genres (Loving Wives, Incest, Lesbian, Fetish, and more) depending on the chapter, but the overall theme is Group, so I have applied this moniker to all chapters. Enjoy.

Chapter 101 – Hot Technology. Infidelity Leads to An Opportunity


I hosted a program review meeting on the Gigabit Cellular Technology or GCT program. We had the entire team in the executive conference room – about fifty people. While I hosted, Tom actually ran the meeting.

We had two test beds that were functioning far better than expected. One young woman reported on how they had tried to overload the system and get it to degrade or even fail, but to no avail. There was so much bandwidth and the PCM under-pinings for the use of the technology just adapted comfortably to whatever they threw at the electronics.

As each person or sub-team reported, Tom looked prouder and prouder of his staff. He was lavish in his praise, and made sure to give each person credit by name for what they’d accomplished. I could see that he was doing this with me in the room so that everyone knew the ‘Big Boss’ (me) had heard about them. I played my role accordingly, often engaging the people at our coffee breaks and adding my gratitude to Tom’s.

The next moves were already charted out. We wanted to wire the entire city with GCT, and toss out some real technology into the real world and see how it behaved. Tom already had a team working with Verizon Wireless to make that happen. We pledged four thousand custom handsets that could handle the technology to them to get things going. As it turned out, some older phones could be easily and cheaply adapted to also use the technology.

The meeting broke up at five o’clock. Tom stayed behind and I felt he had some other agenda item he wanted to discuss, not at all uncommon.

Melanie went off to type up her notes and Sheila went to check on accumulated mail. Izzy breezed by with a handful of calls to return and messages for me.

I gestured Tom into my office. He followed.

I went to my desk and spread out my call slips. As I did, I looked up expectantly and said to Tom, “So, what’s up?”

The silence between us forced me to look at him more critically. He was staring at me obviously in a quandary.

Finally, he spoke, “Mark, I know this might sound crazy, and I’m taking a risk here, but I want to ask Julie to marry me. I’m asking your permission. I haven’t asked her, but I know she’d be in seventh heaven if I did. It’s nothing disloyal to you.”

I felt a flood of tears come to my eyes – happy tears.

I came out from behind my desk and hugged Tom to his surprise. Eventually, I held him at arms length, “God, man, you’re like my brother. You don’t need my permission. I love her and I love you. You two are a match made in heaven. It’s hard not to see that you are both deeply in love. This will make everyone so happy.”

Tom said, “I’m worried it might start a trend.”

“Of what, marriages?”

Tom nodded with a worried look on his face.

I balked, “If people in the family find greater happiness by being tied to someone else by some vows and a piece of paper, more power to them. In your case, I hope you’ll both still stay in the family. I love you and I love Julie. Every one of the rings we’ve given has had some kind of words to go with it to imply that we don’t expect exclusivity or monogamy or total dedication. The rings are simply met as reminders that there is an intentional family that loves you and will always be there for you.”

“Oh, I know. Everyone has told me that. I even reminded Julie of that last night when we were in bed. I think she knows me so well that I’m sure she suspects something like this might be coming.”

“Then do it. Get her a nice ring too and do the whole ‘on bended knee’ thing. Also add in some flowers and a date night of some kind. Be extra romantic. Propose in some magical place.”

Tom laughed, “I like your ideas, and thank you for being so understanding. Just so you know, my expectation and hope is that we will continue to remain in the family as full participants in mind, body, and spirit. Julie loves you and the others so dearly; I can’t see my proposal and a shift in our relationship changing any of that. I love the others, but … well, Julie is just so special to me.”


“Julie has said she wants some – one or two. I do too. I’ve been such a hold out on the matrimonial front that I guess I’ll end up raising my kids more like a grandfather, but I do want them. As you know I’m over twenty years older than Julie.”

“Go do it,” I encouraged. “Take whatever time you need to make it happen, and do some kind of wonderful honeymoon too. Build memories.”

* * * * *

Melanie and Andy beat me canlı bahis şirketleri into the office the next day, a surprising occurrence since Mel normally rode in with me when we were at the condo. She left for work an hour before I had, and I’d wondered what was happening. They were waiting in my office with a young man Melanie introduced as Nat Sterling. I didn’t know why they were here, but I made welcoming sounds. Izzy was moving around the office preparing coffee and some morning cookies in the small kitchenette on the executive floor.

When we all had coffee, Andy motioned to Melanie to introduce the morning, a point I’d been told to wait on a few minute earlier. Mel had more than earned her credentials as my head of special projects or whatever we wanted to call it that day.

Melanie spoke with authority I hadn’t really heard in her voice before, “Mark, Nat’s one of our research fellows in the commercial division’s R&D labs out in Hyattsville. He’s made a discovery that Andy and I think is even bigger than the GCT program. It is more far-reaching, more profitable, and more apt to be stolen or the patents violated than anything we’ve done to date. Andy and I just spent an hour meeting with him this morning going over ever facet of the technology and its implications that we could. He is one smart young man, and he knows he’s got a tiger by the tail.”

I leaned forward. I had no idea what they were talking about, but the build-up was starting to excite me.

Andy gestured to Nat. He reached into the pocket of his tweed sport coat, and then handed each of us what was obviously a flat battery pack. I examined the device. For a few minutes, I thought it might work in a cellphone or some other device requiring a flat power pack. I looked up at Andy and Nat with the obvious question on my face.

Nat spoke in an even tone, and I could tell he’d rehearsed this short spiel. “What you have in your hand is the best battery pack in the world, bar none. It is lightweight, works at sensible temperatures from sixty below to near boiling, doesn’t wear out that we can tell, meaning that it can handle hundreds of thousands of recharges without degradation, and has an inordinately high energy-density. As far as we can tell it’s safe, meaning no explosions like the lithium-ion batteries that plagued Samsung, it’s fast charging, and I think they’ll be easy to manufacturer. The battery you hold in your hand could power your cellphone without recharging for over two months at full brightness with the cellphone on an open two-way call link. Those are the major benefits.”

I sat back in shock. This really was phenomenal. I wondered about the downside he’d alluded to. Nat looked at us and I looked from him to the battery in my hand. I said, “Keep talking.’

Andy stepped in. “The worldwide battery market is a one to two hundred billion a year chunk of the overall global economy, but if what Nat just said holds true, these little devices could end up going into all sorts of appliances and things that have shunned battery use for all sorts of reasons including every automobile in the world. We’re talking like TRILLIONS here depending on how much market share we can capture. This seems like our chance to get in at the very beginning of something.”

I asked, “What’s the underlying technology? What’s the downside to all these things? Why hasn’t someone else discovered these?” I tossed the battery around in my hands.

Nat turned to me, “The underlying tech is lithium air, but what I discovered is that when we dose the copper anode with a tracer of Thallium – that’s chemical element 81, we get all these other benefits. Add in some other catalysts and voilà, what you see is what you get. The downside is that we’d swamp the worldwide demand for Thallium because the market has been historically small. On the other hand, the techniques to extract this element are known and not too expensive to create. It’s basic ore extraction technology that’s been around for over a hundred years. As for why no one else discovered it to date, I would guess the monkeys haven’t hit the right combination of keys until I did.”

I chuckled at Nat’s reference to the old adage that if you gave enough monkeys typewriters that sooner or later one of them would write King Lear. If that were truly the case, then sooner or later some other monkey would write an even better play and scoop the market on us.

I got up from my chair and went to the door. “Sheila. Izzy. Can you join us? Also, could one of you get Jerry Roberts, our chief counsel, Tom Power, and Marty Winthrop, our head of the commercial division, in here. Tell them to get here on a run. We have a truly explosive and world changing situation that we could blow away if we don’t handle this right.” Izzy who’d come to the door, rushed off to contact the three individuals I’d named. If this was as big as it looked, we wanted a full court press.


Out of the blue, I got a text from Matt, a guy friend I’d met months and months canlı kaçak iddaa earlier at the Club Infinity. ‘Hi Elsa. Still there? It’s been a long time. Would love to see you again. Lots to report that you might find interesting since you knew the opening situation I faced. You set the time and place. XOXOX Matt.’

Before I replied, I recalled the circumstances of our meetings and what I’d learned about the nice man: married to a introversive woman named Peg who’d basically cut him off from sex and even conjugal affection; embarked on a course of action to win her back and put some passion back in their relationship; and had started to try all sorts of things relating to her style of dress (less monastic) and her attitude about sex and love.

I checked my calendar and decided to meet him Wednesday evening at Club Infinity. I texted him, asking if that day and time worked for him. It did.

A couple of days later, I sat at the bar at the Club when Matt sauntered up. I got a kiss on my cheek. “Can a guy buy a pretty lady dinner?”

I stood and gave him a more serious kiss and hug. After all, we had been intimate several times in our crazy relationship and I saw no reason to be standoffish. “You certainly can, but it’s on the house. I wasn’t sure how much time you had. A couple of my sisters might show up, but you needn’t worry about them.”

“About dinner, I insist. This conversation we’re about to have is to help me, and maybe satisfy your curiosity.”

“Matt, my boyfriend, owns this club. We never pay for drinks or meals here, even when we have guests … especially when we have guests who are as nice as you are. If you want to spend your money, stay late and put it in the strippers’ garter belts when they perform or give you lap dance.”

Matt looked surprised, but acquiesced about paying. He expressed his gratitude ahead of time.

We took a table for two off in a little alcove that had a view of the stage. At that point in the evening, the club was appealing to the cocktail and dinner trade, and not the erotic dancer crowd; that would come later in the evening after about ten-thirty.

At his request, I gave Matt a little bit of catch up about my life and the family. He had seen the TV news film clip of my less than perfect landing at city airport, and breathed easier knowing I was well and whole after the experience. He’d also gotten a birth announcement over a year earlier by email when I sent them out to everyone I knew, so he knew I was now a hot MILF instead of only a pregnant single horny female, which is what I was the first time we met. I recalled that I had seen him one time since then when I was nursing and we satisfied his lactation fetish.

I asked Matt, “So, how’re you doing with Peg and your marriage improvement program?”

Matt got a grim look on his face and shook his head negatively. “Not well. Things really fell apart. We’re separated now – divorced. Things happened pretty fast about nine months ago. I’m still kind of reeling from the whole experience. Matter of fact, I feel like I’m just getting my sea legs back about life.”

I sat back in shock. “What happened? Last I recall you’d made a little headway in getting her to dress in a more contemporary fashion, and your sex life had improved slightly.”

Matt shook his head in obvious disbelief, “Elsa, she was living two lives. I don’t know why she even kept hanging around with me now that I understand what the whole situation was. I got to wondering what was going on in her life that was holding her back from getting on with me and my relationship improvement program. I had talked to her multiple times about it, I told her I wanted us to go to counseling, and she had always agreed that we needed to do something but always claimed to be too busy to involve an outsider.

“Anyway, I finally hired a PI for a week to see what she did besides go to her job. The two people in the investigative team switched off and tracked her, and they also, with my permission, tapped our home phone. As it turned out, Peg had a long-term boyfriend. They followed up and got videos, pictures, and details about the whole sordid mess.”

“Oh, Matt. I’m so sorry. That discovery must have hurt.”

“I was devastated – I still am. My ego is permanently damaged. I wonder if I’ll ever trust another woman as long as I live. She apparently knew this guy in high school, and they were lovers back then, pledging their eternal love and all that. He went into the military and spent several tours overseas. They apparently saw each other when he’d come home on leave or between tours – sex and all, and that set up the situation where she was cheating on me, because we’d started to go out. We got married but she continued to see him once in a great while when he’d come stateside. Eventually, he mustered out of the service, returned back to this area, and they picked up where they left off. She just continued to live with me, but put all her love and affection on him – sex included, as well canlı kaçak bahis as dressing well and all. She even had a whole different wardrobe at his apartment.”

“How could she do that to you – to anybody? Did you confront her?”

“Eventually. I talked to a lawyer, and she was good. It turns out things had gone on long enough and deeply enough that we could make a case that she had entered into a common law marriage with this guy starting even before we met and continuing to this day. Well, as you know, you’re a bigamist if you’ve married two people and what she did put her in that situation. Either situation can result in an annulment if one of the parties protests the union, regardless of how long in existence. I said a moment ago that we divorced, but actually I had the marriage annulled. It amounts to the same thing. I asked her to move out and she did. She moved in with boyfriend, of course. I think they plan to get formally married sometime, but that’s speculation.”

“Do you two still talk?”

Matt shook his head. “Only through my attorney. I sent the message that I never wanted to see her again.”

I got up and went around the table and hugged Matt. “I’m so sorry for you.”

Matt made a ‘pffft’ sound. “The funny thing is that by the time all this was discovered and uncovered by my investigators I was in a place where I already felt separated from her. She’d continued to be distant and nearly devoid of affection for me. We rarely had sex. Our conversations were usually functional about the house or some event we were both interested in, such as a neighborhood construction project. We just didn’t interact on much of any basis at all. I have deeper relationships with the people I work with than I did with Peg.”

“Did you ever find out why she stayed with you as long as she did?”

“Not really. The commonly held belief by my legal team and the PIs is that boyfriend didn’t want to make that big a commitment and she needed a security blanket. What’s that old saying about why buy the cow when you can get all the milk you want for free? Well, after my confrontation via my lawyer that included a mountain of evidence and her legal handiwork, she passed on my demand that she move out. She did. No muss; no fuss. The lawyer was friends with the judge and he signed the annulment; better than a divorce actually when nothing is contested. Peg signed off on it, even giving up her rights to any kind of financial settlement. The boyfriend took her in apparently. It should have happened years earlier. I don’t even want to think about it.

“Peg did try to contact me, but I won’t talk to her. I can’t. I hurt so badly that I’d just dissolve into tears and a crying jag that would go on for weeks. She was just so callous to do what she did. What a pile of lies and bullshit. I thought the fire went out of our relationship. I never believed she had built or could build another relationship with someone else – and one that went on for two decades apparently. I guess she never felt any guilt about it either. If I did that I’d have that guilt gnaw at me. My little affairs that I mentioned to you while fun and necessary to my sanity, just felt necessary; maybe it was the idea of cheating that didn’t make them more manifold in my life.”

“So what now?” I asked in a low-key way.

Matt shrugged. “I have no idea. I sure don’t see myself doing the mating dance that the younger single guys do. I guess eventually I’ll try computer dating.” As he talked he gestured to the bar area where a cluster of obviously single men and women were socializing.

“Matt, I have a question for you that I need you to answer very candidly.” He nodded and I went on, “The night we met, we had a nice fuck at the Club in the VIP room, and then some of my sisters joined in.”

“I’ll never forget,” Matt said with a broad smile.

“My question is, ‘What did you really think about that? Guilt? Regrets?”

Matt gave me a funny look. “You’re kidding, right? Guilt, none. Regrets, only that it didn’t happen to me every night since I started having sex. Elsa, I loved it. I kind of wanted it to repeat, but I never saw another opportunity given how I was feeling and what I was then trying to do at home. No, I thought that night was super. It was unbelievably arousing and sexy. I couldn’t remember ever being so hard and lasting so long either.”

I tried to think how to phrase my next question, and then I had an idea. “So, how would you like to dabble in that bathtub of sex some more – group sex, I mean?”

Matt gave me a warm and mischievous smile that said all I needed to know.

I made a small gesture and two of my sexy sisters leaned in on either side of Matt and kissed him on each cheek: Cindy and Sheila. Matt’s head swiveled back and forth between the two pretty women. Of course, he had a wide grin, surprised by the two.

“Cindy and Sheila meet Matt, and vice versa.” Knowing they were coming to the club that night, I had given them a rundown on what I knew about Matt and this history that I knew about. Of course, now I had a whole new situation to report. After my sisters got their drinks and ordered, Matt excused himself for a few minutes. While he was gone from the table I quickly told them about his new status.

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Four for the Handyman Ch. 05

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Technically by the terms of the amended deal, all of them were in the same boat as Marie, but I knew better than to mention that out loud. Tati would play along for a while, the perfect pet, until she got bored. Karen? No idea, but Susan would revolt. Just yesterday she couldn’t even imagine having sex, to push the pet thing? No… not now, maybe not ever.

Besides, did I really want four pets? Training just the one was an epic challenge.

I put those thoughts aside as I closed up for the night, headed upstairs for what felt like the first time. The hall lights were on and I looked around. Four doors, four rooms, four sexy young women.

Every door was open, nothing hidden tonight. Tatiyana was too tired to worry about being disturbed, she lay sprawled out bonelessly on top of her elegant four-poster bed, invitingly unguarded. Next door I could see Karen, not asleep yet, lying on her stomach humping her pillow gently, my gaze swept past the empty bathroom where it had all started, past Susan’s room to where my Pet lay, uncomfortable but unconscious, her arms still bound behind her back, the uncomfortably wide leather strap between her legs keeping them spread open, her ass, barely covered by the same strap lifted up invitingly by the pillow under her hips, heavy heels pointing skyward as her legs relaxed for the first time since before the lunch we’d all skipped. I imagined heading in there, unlocking her… in the fantasy the problem of the lock being under her wasn’t a problem, taking her… I shook my head, gripping the tiny key in my palm on it’s fine chain.

Finally, Susan, newly minted woman, waiting in her darkened room, lit by candle light, ready for her lover to come to her for the first time. I could see her, clean and freshly showered, lounging on her bed, propped up on a mound of pillows, eyes glittering in the flickering light. Our gazes met and she wet her lips. I reached over deliberately and flipped the lights of the hall illegal bahis off, shrouding the house in darkness, only that lone beacon of warm light inviting me.

I stepped into her room and she rose, beckoning me with her hand, the oversized steel ring glittering on the finger I’d placed it on hours ago. I leaned over her, taking her face gently in my hands, our bodies pushing together, her marshmallow pillows pressing, with their hard tips, into my chest as we kissed, I melted into her inviting flesh, letting my exhaustion claim me, the fatigue draining out of me into the bed beneath us.

I never thought of a kiss as particularly arousing before. In fact, greeting a woman with a kiss should have brought back awkward memories of the passionless romps with my ex… of the fights that provided the only moments of passion…

But when Susan kissed me, no longer little Suzy but a woman, with a woman’s wants and needs, she poured her body into it. Her tongue sought mine, awkwardly, passionately, demanding attention, her fingers clawed at my back as we kissed, her body arcing up to press more fully into my falling one. I hardened against her, my shaft trapped between us, right where he needed to be.

We rolled as one, so I was on my back, she straddling me, kissing me, rubbing her body against mine, her wild red hair falling over us, brushing my face as she kissed her way down my body, exploring it for the first time, her hands exploring ever angle and plane of me, her lips following in their wake. I groaned, resting one hand on her head, twining fingers through her hair gently, giving it little tugs that sent shivers through her as she explored me.

Once she’d reached my little soldier she slowed her search, her exploration, focusing her movements ever closer, teasing me with the spiral she traced with her lips, leaving flaming kiss marks branded into my skin, cooling against the night air.

Her tongue formed a broad brush that she illegal bahis siteleri applied to my balls, licking a long line up my shaft, circling the faint bruising where the rings had pressed the sensitive flesh, bathing ever chafed or sore spot she could find, most of them earned in her own body just that day.

Then she rose above me, my Venus, my Goddess, one leg raised as she knelt on the bed, guiding me as she slowly, oh so slowly, lowered herself, impaled herself, fucked herself. Today I had taken her, tonight she took herself, took her time, explored her own body as she had just explored mine. Tonight I let her, the most I could do for her.

She rode me, moving her hips, her body, hands pressed to my chest, grinding against me. She tried different positions, different moves, her eyes closed, gasps and moans and faint cries her only vocalizations. For an hour, maybe two she worked for both of us, allowing me to play with her breasts, or to stroke her thighs as she fucked herself over and over again.

I came once, maybe midway through, a tepid jerking spray, a gasp, but she didn’t mind, didn’t slow, didn’t even think that we were done, and she was right. She just smiled triumphantly and kept right on going. When she finally collapsed, sweaty and as exhausted as I was, on top of me, kissing me again and again, I was still hard inside her, but I didn’t mind. It had been beautiful.

End Interlude (begin next chapter)

I woke, laying on my side, cock semi hard inside the warm folds of Susan’s body, her back pressed to my chest, her tits in my hand. I lay there for a second until it repeated; a warm wet tongue stroked my ear, hot breath and the nibble of tiny white teeth against the sensitive lobe.

I turned my head, pulling free partially, but Susan barely stirred, even as my cock stiffened slightly now that I was awake. I could see a pale figure in the darkness above the bed, the lone candle that had lit our lovemaking canlı bahis siteleri long since burned down.

“Owner… I need to go potty.” Came a familiar voice, not entirely happy sounding, the resignation that I had heard when I’d put Marie to bed was gone now that she was somewhat rested.

I led her downstairs, not missing, but ignoring, the tiny whimper of protest when we passed the bathroom at the head of the stairs. I led her down, out the back door, to her usual spot by the pool, taking the key from around my neck to unlock her belt.

“I…” she gasped as the belt came free, or at least the strap between her legs did. “I… have to crap.” She looked down. I blinked, I’d already considered this, but I hadn’t quite… you know… considered it. The bent waist pose I was teaching her for urination worked fine for that, but for this? I considered making her pee first, but discarded it.

“Can’t I just… go inside?” she pleaded. “For this at least? This time?” bargaining now. I shook my head slowly, indicating a patch of grass near the fence and some low scrub bushes that was out of the way.

“Squat over there.” I told her. Dinner sat badly with her, obviously, the smell and explosive voiding was disgusting, she cried the entire time, her legs shaking. I had her hold the pose over the mess so I could hose her off, cleaning her efficiently, washing away the worst of the smell as well. I walked her gently over to the light so I could inspect her; clean her more thoroughly with a wet rag. I was worried about irritation from the belt, but aside from a bit of chaffing from the belt and a little reddish irritation there didn’t seem to be anything to worry about. I applied some oil to the prongs, and a little lotion to my pet’s skin, hearing a faint sigh of pleasure at the touch. Had she not been bound I would have handed her the strap to see if she’d put it on herself, but she didn’t fight as I gently pushed the tips inside her, locking her sex up once more.

I put her to back to bed without further ceremony, returning to Susan’s bed, slipping behind her, slipping my air cooled shaft into her warm wet slit, hearing her sigh in her sleep, cuddling back into me like I’d never left.

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Doctors and Nurses

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I walk into the hospital at 3am. Everyone has either clocked off or gotten busy. I walk down to my office to get my doctors gown, only to see that my light is on. I peer through the slats of my blind and see no one. I try to open the door but it is locked. Confused, I fumble for my key in my pocket. I find it and unlock the door and open it. I walk in and find a carrier bag on my desk that I know I didn’t put there I walk over to it, and peer inside. There is a few garments inside that I start to pull out. One is a leather bodice, and the other is a leather g-string.

My eyebrows rise at the thought that the only other people to have a key to this office are the security guard and you, my trainee Candy Striper.

I weigh up the two possibilities and decide (no hope!) that these are yours. I place them back in the bag, only to fins that I missed something. I place the outfits on my desk and root into the bag some more. I pull out a leather cat-of-nine-tails.

‘Well I never thought she liked that’ I smiled to myself. ‘Maybe I could blackmail her…’ My grin becomes cheeky and wide.

Just then, as I’m holding your whip, the door opens and I hear a gasp. I turn round to see you standing in the doorway looking shocked. You are wearing your Candy Stripers outfit. I keep my grin and beckon you in. You walk into my office dumb struck.

“I thought you weren’t coming in tonight,” you stammer as I close the door and blinds.

“So it seems, you naughty girl.” I slap you bottom with the whip playfully.

“I thought you were a straight laced girl”

“I don’t know what you mean” you whisper as your face starts to flush. I lift the clothing off my desk and wave them in front of you.

“These are what I mean,” I say as I thrust them into your hands.

“They’re not mine,” you say quietly.

“Naturally ” I say humorously “Do you realise that this will finish your career?” You look up shocked.

“Put them on” I say.

You look at me, teary eyed. I motion you to be quick.

“I’ll be outside whilst you change. I want to savour this. If you do as I say, when I say, and exactly what I say, you will never be found out.”

With that I walk out the room. I stand outside for several minutes watching the shadows from within my office move about. Then they stop. I hear the door handle start to move, and before you open the door, I open it, walk inside and close it behind me. Locked.

You look exactly the same apart from your waist is thinner now with the bodice holding you in. I see your old underwear on my desk.

“Good” I say “And how long have you been on duty?” I ask

“3 hours” you say, looking at the floor.

“Ripe panties then” I walk over to my desk and whisk your panties up. I take a long inhale of your musky panties. I can smell you sex on them. The intoxication of your scent drives me light headed.

“Excellent. You have been thinking of dirty sex, haven’t you?” I ask

Your face goes redder. I walk behind you and güvenilir bahis take you bottom cheeks into my hands.

“You will server me from now on like my servant. You will do whatever I ask, Understand? No-one will ever know about this and your secret.”

You nod your head in agreement.

“Now, bend over and let me see your ass” I command as I take your whip into my right hand.

You bend over my desk and pull your dress up to your waist. You white pantyhose covers your black leather g-string, so I place my left hand on your crease of your bottom.

I dig my fingernails into the fabric and rip a gaping hole over your ass in your pantyhose. You soft skin is now bare to my gaze. I pull on your g-string to pull the gusset into your sex. You squirm on my desk, grabbing the corners, waiting for my personal attention.

I lift the whip over your ass, and bring it down playfully. The sound of the whip frightens you more than the feeling.

“Time to be punished my sweet servant” I bring the whip down again, harder this time leaving tiny red lines across your bottom.

My cock is beginning to stir in its confines of my pants, and I rub it with my left hand.

I continue to bring the whip down on your behind, faster and faster. Leaving your bottom redder and redder. You start to moan loudly, so I stop.

“You like that, Tanya? You like me whipping your smooth, fuckable ass?”

All you can do is pant. Your bottom is hot from my abuse as I caress you reddened behind. You start to complain that you are feeling sore. I ignore your complaints and knead your ass cheeks harder. I rip your pantyhose completely off so that all that is left on you are the legs. I kneel behind you and take in you hot musk from your pussy. I can plainly see your lips as they envelope you g-strings gusset. I run my tongue over your lips, dragging a saliva trail all the way up to your asshole. I pull your g-string aside and plunge my tongue into your tight little hole.

You resume your loud moaning as I rim you ass with my tongue. I take my index finger and push it into your pussy. I start my rhythm into your pussy hole. Fingering you harder and harder, pushing my tongue in further and further. You grip the desk harder as the first wave of you first orgasm hits your pussy.

I pull back from tonguing you as you flood my hand with your cum juice. I rub you juice into your ass hole and pussy.

“Fuck this!” I say as I stand up, unbutton my pants, pull them off and rip my shirt off.

You look behind you and all I see is a wicked smile on your face.

“You’d like this cock in your pussy wouldn’t you, you cock hungry slave!”

I grab my cock and place it against your ass hole

“Well it isn’t going in there yet!” I hiss as your expression changes to one of shock.

Inch after inch of my cock slides into your ass as I grip you hips and push myself into you up to my balls.

I hold it there, feeling your ass clenching and unclenching around it. I start türkçe bahis to pull out when you start whimpering.

“Don’t…. not yet…” you say through gasps of pleasure.

I’m intrigued by this so I do as you ask. You move your hand to your pussy and start to rub your clit. Your actions become faster as your ass clenches my cock harder and harder. After a few moments you gasp as you cum over your fingers. You bring them up to your mouth and seductively show me you tasting your own cum.

‘That does it’ I think as I thrust my cock deep into your ass making you scream out loud.

“Take my cock!” I hiss as I pump you ass hard. All you can do is grab the desk and push back onto me.

I can feel my cock twitching as I ream you ass, stretching it with every thrust. All you can do is repeat over and over again “Fuck me, Mickie! Fuck me, Mickie! Fuck my ass hard!”

I unload my cum into you bowel as I pump your ass for all it’s worth. You lean on the desk, place your hands on your ass cheeks and pull them apart, trying to get me further into you.

I collapse on you, spent and sweating. Through heavy breaths I kiss your face.

“You might like to know that, that wasn’t it. There is more”

“I wouldn’t let you stop” you say with a smirk.

I straighten up and pull my cock out of your abused bottom. I smack you cheeks.

“It’s not up to you to tell me when I can and can’t stop. Remember, you are mine.”

“Yes, Master” you say sarcastically. I grab the whip and give you one hard swipe.

Your scream and laugh at the same time.

“Ok! Ok….I’m yours. Do what you want” And with that you turn over onto your back and present your pussy to me.

You dip your index finger into your ass and bring it up to your mouth. You taste it, licking the white goo off your finger. I look down to see my cum oozing from your spent hole.

Cock in hand, I place it at your pussy entrance. As I slide it in, I grab your clit hood ring and tug it purposely. With every tug, you jolt your body towards mine, making my cock enter you further and further.

“I’m going to shoot my spunk all over you, you fucking gorgeous bitch!” I gasp as your cooch milks my cock hard.

“Yes…cum on me!” you gasp as I keep pulling on your ring.

“Grab my nipples, Tanya! I’m going to cum” You grab onto my nipples and twist and pull them hard.

My pace increases as you cum on my cock, clenching hard on it. Milking it.

I can feel my cum rising from my balls. I pull out from your cooch and spray my jism all over your flat stomach and sweat covered breasts.

Jet after jet, glob after glob of sticky, white goo lands on you. Dripping off your sides as it rolls over your bodice covered stomach and breast and onto my desk.

“Fuck…. yes…baby!” you say as I finish spraying my seed on you. You release my nipples from your grasp and start to rub it in to your skin, occasionally picking up a few strands and eating them.

“Mmmmmm” you coo as your güvenilir bahis siteleri devour the last of my cream. You get up and lean on the desk.

“What now, Master Mickie?” you ask eagerly.

“You may clean me” I say as I make you switch places with me. I lean against the desk as you kneel in front of me and cup my balls. You grasp my ball sack with both hands and pull down. You place your mouth over my head and begin to suck the remaining cum from my cock and balls.

I groan as you suck hard on my head. You run your finger down you my anus and rub it gently. I relax as you begin to slide down my cock with your slick mouth. You regain your pulling of my ball sack, rubbing them together in their sack. I groan loudly as you pick up pace.

“Suck me, my sweet, sweet slave. Let me fuck you mouth”

I hump your mouth as you continue to glide up and down my cock. You reach behind you to play with your ass and pussy, fingering each to your pleasure. I can sense your lust and notice your forehead is wrinkled. You moan on my cock as your cum covered fingers bring you to another climax. I notice you bring your wet fingers to my balls again and begin to rub your juices into them. I feel me orgasm approaching again as you devour my cock.

“I’m coming my gorgeous! I’m going to cream down your throat!” With that I unload what remains in my sack into your mouth. You swallow as much as possible, only letting a few strands remain on my cock as you massage the cream out of my rod with your hand and mouth.

Leaning back, completely spent, I look down as you clean my cock with your tongue and lips. Sucking all the goo off my red, angry looking cock. I ache from our fuck-fest and am looking to enjoy a bit of rest before I take you again. I pull you up and look at you. You are still wearing your bodice; your breasts bunched together creating a splendid period drama pose.

“You and I will get along just fine if you keep me pleasured like that,” I say to you, looking into your eyes. I can see that you are more than happy to oblige my wishes.

“Get cleaned up and dressed. People are probably wondering where you and I are.” With that you strip off your bodice and g-string, and place them in your carrier bag. You grab your other underwear and begin to put on your bra. Looking at your panties, you walk over to my gown and place them in my top pocket.

“That’s to say that I am yours, and yours only. I am your property” You smile seductively, and continue getting dressed. When you have your outfit on again, I reach under your dress and rub your cooch and asshole with my fingers. Just remember that Tanya.” With that you open the door and I give you a hard slap across the backs of your thighs. You yelp and grin back at me.

I get dressed and place my gown on. I look to the carrier bag that you have left here, remembering the cum covered bodice and sweaty leather panties.

I pull your panties out of my top pocket and inhale your scent again.

“Excellent! She’s mine for my devoted pleasure” With that I turn the light off, close the door and lock it.

I walk away down the hall towards my first patient who has been waiting for me in the ward. Content, and satisfied with my little sexpot Tanya.

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Biker Babe Ch. 01

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Alexis Ren

These are the fictional adventures of me, Peter and my cyber wife Robyn. We are both from the UK and Robyn is a 34 year old gorgeous curvy highlighted blonde with big green eyes and a natural 38D, 25, 35 figure. I am 47, slim and fit with brown hair and green eyes.

I have been writing stories foe her and I for some time now whereby we use them to explore our fantasies and often test and push the boundaries.

I hope you enjoy reading this adventure written about a road trip across America and what we get up to during the journey.

Please do leave comments, both positive and negative are all welcome.


The familiar screech of the brakes being implemented as the British Airways 747 wheels touched the runway in the heat of the day at Dulles International Airport, Washington caused the aircraft to slow quite dramatically and all the passengers obeyed the warning notices to not leave their seats nor release their seat belts until the aircraft had come to a complete halt at the Terminal Building. Following a short taxi the movement stopped and the engine whirred to slow and then went off. There was almost a sudden panic as all the passengers seemed to unclick their seat belts at once and rise from their seats trying desperately to recover their baggage from the overhead lockers and exit the aircraft. I sat still and looked at Robyn and smiled. It had been a long flight and we were both feeling jetlagged having set off from Belfast at around 10 in the morning and now arrived into Washington State at 2pm although it had felt and had indeed been a lot longer in the air than the 4 hours of time that had apparently passed in real time. We were also dressed for winter.

The temperature was around 11 degrees and wet in Belfast which was typical Irish weather for that time of year but the outside temperature was a lot better across the Atlantic and the sun was shining brightly as we disembarked the aircraft as we felt the warmth of the day in Washington. I was dressed in jeans, boots, a T shirt and jacket with Robyn dressed similarly but looking a lot more attractive in her skin tight jeans than I ever would in mine. I watched them hug her perfect rear as she gently wiggled her bum as she walked towards the baggage recovery. In my view Robyn could be wearing a rubbish bag and she would look sexy so in her cowboy boots, tight jeans and equally tight T shirt that appeared to accentuated her breasts she looked perfect. Her hair was loose and it flicked as she walked slightly ahead of me. I was admiring the view of her rear and just starting to daydream as we approached the baggage recovery area.

Thankfully we only had two small backpacks to collect; we couldn’t carry too much for what we were planning for the week in the US. Once we had gone through the security checks and customs we were outside the terminal building and I hailed a yellow taxi asking the driver to take us to our nearby hotel. Our plan was to stay over at the hotel for one night then start our journey by motorbike from Washington to California, stopping on the way but what I had estimated as being around 3,000 miles which we thought would take around 8 days. Now we were finally in America the excitement we were feeling was intense and we really couldn’t wait to get started on our journey.

After eating that night at a nearby bar we returned to the hotel for an early night. As usual, once Robyn had finished in the bathroom she climbed into bed dressed just in a short crop top and panties. Exhaustion had almost take over following the long flight but seeing the way she looked and feeling the warmth from her perfect curvy body as she cuddled me in tightly kissing me softly I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her for long as her tongue penetrated my mouth in a deep kiss and I felt her big soft fleshy breasts squashing into me. I gently pushed her onto her back on the bed and within minutes I had worked my tongue from the warm skin of her soft neck and shoulders all the way down her beautiful body sliding my wet tongue into the deep valley between her full breasts before reaching her hot pussy, where I stayed, to taste the nectar.

I always love to eat Robyn’s sweet pussy and taste her juices and after so much practice at one of my favourite hobbies I had become something of an expert at it. It wasn’t long therefore before her body was writhing on the bed and she was moaning loudly as the intense feelings of an orgasm took hold of her body with her juices flooding my mouth and fingers as she came for me. After I had allowed her a short recovery period during which time she had practically tried to force me to stop licking and touching her, I worked my way back up her wonderful body and pulled her onto the top of me as she slid down my 7″ cut thick cock shaft and we fucked hard as she sat astride me and I licked, kissed and played with her big soft breasts and swollen nipples. Sleep followed, wrapped in each others arms with her wonderful breasts squashed against my illegal bahis chest.

I awoke with a start as the phone rang for the early morning call we had requested. It was 6.30am and we were due to collect the bike at 8.

Leaving the hotel I was wearing cowboy boots, tight leather jeans, a black T shirt and leather jacket. Robyn looked stunning in a low cut black leather vest top which buttoned up the front under a leather jacket and short leather skirt with long black leather heeled boots up to just below her knees. The taxi was a short ride to the bike outlet and we were pleased to take the holiday ownership of a gleaming red and black Harley Davidson that sat proudly on its side stand waiting for us to arrive. Having signed the paperwork and loaded our bags into the panniers I helped Robyn onto the upper rear seat and then I mounted the machine sitting astride the monster bike. Pulling it up off the stand I flicked the switch and lights on the dashed flickered brightly.

With a mixture of trepidation and excitement I pressed the starter button and the machine burst immediately into life with a low rumble of the engine sending gentle vibrations up through our bodies. Smiling back at Robyn I clicked my heel engaging the gear and slowly rode the bike out of the garage area, feeling her arms wrapped tightly around my waist with the wind blowing in our hair as I accelerated. Clicking up through the gears as our speed increased the vibrations grew more intense with the motion of the bike. As we left the city area of Virginia we hit the open road on Route 168 and the vast expanse of the country opened up before us with the straight road ahead. I glanced back to wink at Robyn and flicked down my sunglasses as I opened up the bike and watched the speedometer needle start to rise as we increased speed heading on our route East.

Robyn leaned back against the back box and opened her jacket allowing it to flap in the wind with her golden hair blowing back in the warm breeze. Holding the accelerator in place with one hand I reached down with my left hand placing it on her bare thigh feeling the heat and smoothness of her skin as we sped off into the distance. I could tell by her face that she were enjoying both the experience of the ride and the vibrations from the powerful engine as she leaned back, her Rayban’s protecting her eyes from the sun and dust of the road. I glance in the mirror and caught her hand slipping down between her wide open legs and gently touching her black thong against her moist pussy lips as she smiled with her eyes shut. I grinned as I tried to concentrate on the road.

It was just after midday and we decided to pull into the next service station for a break and a beer. The sun was hot as we approached a petrol station that appeared to be in the middle of nowhere and I noticed a small pick up parked near to the front of the shop. I pulled the bike up and switched it off and I got off before helping Robyn to dismount taking the advantage of being able to look at her curves as I helped her off the bike. The area was dusty and I suggested we went and got a beer and then cleaned up before heading on towards our next destination at Jackson where we would stop for the night. Smiling Robyn agreed and we entered the small shop and café area.

Two men were sitting at the bar area drinking coffee and another man was smoking and reading a paper at another table. None of them looked up when we came in but as the wooden entrance door clattered behind us a young looking girl appeared from behind the counter. She was thin with long brown hair tied back and a dress buttoned up the front with the top few buttons undone revealing a small cleavage. I smiled and asked for 2 ice cold beers as you sat at a table. Removing our jackets, the men at the bar did look around then to take in Robyn’s full leather vest top and its contents which appeared to be spilling out. I always loved to see how she could have such an effect on other men, and sometimes women too and I knew that she loved to show off.

Smiling I looked across at her knowingly realising from the twinkle in her emerald eyes that she was well aware that they were eyeing her up and wanting her. But I smiled to myself knowing that she was all mine! The girl brought the beers over and I noticed as she approached our table that her dress was short revealing long thin but shapely legs. She smiled at me as she placed them down and then looking at Robyn’s face, then her cleavage, then her face again; she asked if we wanted anything else? I asked what food they had and turning around and in a loud voice she suggested that they had melons at the back. This comment was met by giggles from the other customers and a look of bemusement on Robyn’s face. She was well used to lewd and often embarrassing comments from those less well structured than her and just smiled sweetly at me with a twinkle in her gorgeous green eyes. ‘Well, at least she looks and feels like a woman!’ I retorted as the waitress illegal bahis siteleri sauntered back behind the counter. Robyn grinned at me as we drank our beers in silence.

After I had put the fuel into the bike and paid the attendant I waited as Robyn went to the bathroom. I could hear giggles coming from the bathroom area and moved to a window which was open above my head and listened as I heard the waitress and Robyn talking in the bathroom. She was saying that she was jealous of Robyn as her breasts weren’t very big and she wishes she had some like hers. As I stood listening to my amazement she asked if she could feel them and I heard Robyn agree, with a giggle. There was the sound of buttons popping and I started to feel excited. I pulled a nearby box over and placing it against the wall I stood to peak in the window at the girls, catching the amazing sight of Robyn with her top now wide open and the waitress touching and licking at her massive rack and nipples.

Robyn was leaning back against the sink and again I noticed her hands were up under her skirt and on her thong. Suddenly the erotic scene was interrupted by someone shouting for service in the bar. Hesitantly the waitress kissed Robyn softly on the lips and smiled before leaving the bathroom area and returning to her work. As she left I called Robyn’s name softly through the window. Looking up at me with a broad grin on her face knowing she had been caught I told her to come outside and join me. The sight of Robyn with the girl had had the desired effect on me and my cock was so hard in the constraints of the leather jeans I knew that I would need to do something about it soon.

I was sitting back on the bike when Robyn finally exited the café. She climbed on the back and I started the machine and we rode further down the dusty road until we reached a rocky outcrop. I felt Robyn’s hand come around the front of my jeans and it stopped directly on top of my straining cock. Leaning forward to my ear she whispered softly and seductively, “Turn off here Peter, I think we need to do something about this!” She giggled. Without any hesitation I turned the bike off the road onto a small pathway and headed up into the area of some rocks. Stopping the bike on its stand we dismounted and I walked Robyn over to a small area of rocks and turning her to face them. Reaching around her I removed her jacket dropping it to the floor. I ordered her to place her hands on the rock face then pushing her forward slightly so she was leaning forwards I looked down at the wonderful sight of her full bum cheeks under the skirt. She felt my hands lift the skirt and then felt my soft fingers in the waistband of her thong as I eased it down. She heard my zipper come down and within seconds I released my throbbing cock from its confined space and placing my hand around the thick shaft I started to stroke it. I was fully hard again within seconds and Robyn was aware that I knew exactly what I wanted and I would not take no for an answer.

Leaning into her I slid by hardness aggressively straight into her wet pussy lips as she leaned further forward jutting her full bum cheeks further out towards me. Robyn gasped as she felt me enter her fully with my hands firmly holding her hips as I started to pump into her. I was so excited at the sight and feel of her that I only lasted about 30 strokes before shooting off into her hot snatch. My cum dribbled down her thigh as I pulled out and she grinned at me seductively before reaching down and lifting some onto her fingers and sliding them into her mouth as she grinned at me. Back on the bike we kissed softly before setting off again.

The night was drawing in as we approached Jackson, a small town on the outskirts of Memphis. Slowing the bike in front of a cheap hotel I noted a number of other Harley’s parked outside and placed ours next to them. Entering the hotel I noticed a group of what appeared to be five bikers in the bar area, all in leather and most with beards and long hair and like us, they too covered in dust from their journey. The men appeared to be Native American Indian with their tanned skin and jet black hair and they were accompanied by two girls also dressed in leather jeans and t shirts.

I turned to ask Robyn if she wanted to go to the room to freshen up or if she fancied a drink first. Smiling at me and with a gleam in her eyes having looked into the bar area she smiled said she wanted a long cold drink. Following Robyn into the bar I saw her walking with her head held high and chest pushed out and wiggling her bum in the tight skirt with her legs looking love and shapely above the boots. Smiling to myself I ordered two beers as I casually looked around the room seeing that all the men couldn’t take their eyes off my beautiful wife. I kissed Robyn on the cheek as she sat down at a table and suggested that I take the bags up to the room and would she be okay being left alone. She looked at me, her green eyes shining before looking at the others canlı bahis siteleri in the bar.

“Oh!” She grinned, “I think I’ll be fine. Don’t hurry back!” She smiled again with the familiar twinkle in her eyes. As I exited the bar area I saw the men and girls move closer to Robyn and heard several offers to buy her a drink.

My cock was starting to harden again in my leather trousers as I returned to the bar sometime later to see Robyn sitting at a table with one of the girls and four men. The other man and girl were kissing at another table. Someone had produced a pack of cards and was dealing them out. One of the bikers turned to look at me.

“Hey Man! Welcome!” He stood and offered me his hand. “I’m Marco!” I responded by shaking his hand. “Wanna join in?” Marco offered. “Sure!” I grinned and sat opposite to Robyn. Alongside me was the other girl and I couldn’t help but notice her cheap perfume odour and her tarty appearance with short mini skirt and tight t shirt covering her small pert breasts.

“Poker!” said Marco, the bearded biker as he introduced the group, Paul, Jed, Randy and Cleo. “Hi, y’all”, said Cleo turning to give me a dazzling smile, her deep brown eyes looking very attractive. “And that’s the lovers!! Shirley and Jim”, she said pointing over to the other pair. “Lovely to meet you all”, I responded in a typically British manner which gave them something to laugh about. “This is Robyn, and I am Peter”. The greetings over we took our cards. “Poker!” Marco repeated, “As in strip poker!” There was a sudden silence around the room before all of us started to laugh and swigged our beers back.

“And the winner takes all!” Marco continued as the laughter died down. Not being sure what he meant I was happy to play and saw that Robyn was too with a big smile on her beautiful face.

The cards were turned and I lost first, removing my t shirt to show my muscular torso, then Marco, Jed and Randy, all heavier than me and Randy being quite fat and his chest was covered in hair. My white skin seemed pale in comparison to their reddish brown skin Native American Indian appearances. Then it was Jed who lost pulling off his boots. The cards then turned the other way and Robyn lost. Standing, Robyn started to unbutton her vest top revealing a black low cut lace bra underneath. There were gasps of awe as the group saw her body for the first time. “Fuck, look at them udders!” Marco grinned.

The black material looked awesome against Robyn’s pale white skin with her huge breasts casting shadows deep into her cleavage. Smiling Robyn dropped the vest top on the floor and continued with the game. We continued to drink beer and eat pretzels until Randy and Jed were down to their underwear. Marco was still in jeans, Cleo was still fully dressed and Robyn had just lost again. Her boots were already off and Robyn had the difficult choice between her bra and skirt.

Smiling at me as she stood Robyn released the button on her skirt before pulling it down to reveal her satin black thong. My cock was rock hard in my trousers as I looked at Robyn’s beautiful body. And all the men couldn’t take their eyes off her, as we ordered more beers. I swigged mine back trying to calm down as the atmosphere in the room became more sexually tense and conversations around the table became deeper.

Cleo lost 3 times in a row, first removing her boots, then her tiny skirt to show red French panties followed by her T shirt to reveal her small but perfectly formed naked breasts. The barman locked the door and closed the window blinds. A bottle of whisky was placed in the middle of the table along with six small glasses and Marco poured the malt liquid into each glass. Much to my embarrassment I then lost and removed my leather trousers to reveal a big hard cock inside my tight black boxers. Embarrassed I sat down but suddenly felt Cleo’s hand on my thigh under the table.

Marco was next to loose and removed his jeans showing an even larger bulge than mine and then at the turn of the cards Robyn realised that she was the loser. She looked directly at me and I saw a smile curl on her lips. Lifting the small whisky glass she swigged back a shot of whisky before reaching up to the front of her bra and opening it. Her big beautiful 38D udders tumbled out and there was a gasp from all the men and Cleo at the size and shape of them. I noticed Marco’s arm move and assumed that he had his hand on Robyn’s thigh then saw Randy from the other side doing the same. I looked into Robyn’s eyes and noticed that she had that beautiful far away and contented look on her face which had been created by a mixture of the alcohol, the heady atmosphere in the room and loving attention she was now receiving from the men closest to her.

Glancing under the table I saw Robyn’s legs were now parted slightly and that she had a tanned male hand at the top of each thigh belonging to her neighbouring players. I looked at Cleo who had that same look as she gazed at me, her hand sliding gently up my thigh. Taking further shots of whisky we all clinked glasses and emptied them before the final deal of the cards. “Winner takes all, remember!” Marco reminded everyone, as he flicked the cards to everyone around the table.

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First Time Was With Debbie

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I can remember back when I was in high school in the late 1969, there was a girl named Debbie, who I had the hots for. Fortunately she also had the hots for me and we were going steady. Even though we were both 18, neither of us had ever “been” with anyone, sexually, before. Late one afternoon, we made up for lost time.

I was at her house a couple of weeks after graduation. It was a warm summer afternoon, while her mom was at work. We watched TV and began necking as usual. This time I was a little more aggressive and began tickling her, all over her body. She was really getting turned on when I began to run my fingers along her cleavage.

Debbie sported a very large chest and, I was dying to get my hands on her breasts. When I got too daring though, she moved my hand away, but not very forcefully. After half an hour of trying, she finally got tired of the games. She asked if I really wanted to see her boobs. When I said yes, she sat up. Debbie undid her blouse buttons and told me to close my eyes.

I did as I was told. When she said to open them, she had removed the blouse and her bra. Her hands hid her boobs, but they could not completely cover them. Slowly, she lowered her hands, revealing the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.

Her jugs were indeed large. Her dark tan lines, causing her bare white flesh to glow, outlined them. Her areolas were pale pink and her nipples were slightly darker. They were growing harder by the moment.

She asked me if I wanted to touch them, so I cautiously reached over to one and lightly brushed against it with my fingers. She said to go ahead and hold one, so I did, squeezing the soft flesh. A soft moan escaped her lips as my thumb slid across canlı bahis şirketleri her rock hard nipple. I reached out for the other boob and again she sighed.

Then, she said that she wanted to see me. I stood up and she undid my jeans and pulled down my pants and underwear. I had a straining hard on and, she smiled when she saw it. Debbie reached out to touch it and softly ran her fingers up and down the shaft. Her fingers lightly crossed over the head of my cock and she was startled by the pre-cum flowing from the slit. She daringly tasted the fluid and said that she liked the taste. Her hand clamped onto my shaft and she began to stroke me. She used her other hand to feel and cup my hairy balls. She said that they felt interesting.

I told her that I wanted to see all of her and she said to sit back. Debbie stood up and rolled down her shorts and undies off her body. I’d never seen a real naked female before, except in pictures. I did not know that they had pussy hair. I reached out to her fur and ran my fingers through it. Debbie shivered and said to keep doing that. I kept my fingers in her fur and another hand on her jug.

Debbie said to suck on her nipples, so I moved my mouth to her breast and latched onto a luscious tasting nipple. Debbie’s moaning grew louder and she moved her own hand to her pussy. She spread the fur and moved the hand over the flesh under it. Her sounds were even louder, now. She reached for one of my hands and placed it where hers had been.

I was touching my first pussy and it was all sticky and wet. Her love lips opened up and my finger slid into her body. Suddenly, Debbie let out a deep moan and my hand was soaking wet. I did not know it canlı kaçak iddaa then, but she had just cum. Debbie sank to the floor and called for me to join her.

She began to stroke my cock with a steady movement. I still had my lips latched on her succulent boobs, but she told me to lie on my back. She kept jerking my dick and I felt a rumbling down deep inside my balls. When I told her that some thing was going to happen, she stepped up the pace.

Faster and faster she pumped my steel hard rod. Then, it began to throb and suddenly, sticky white goo exploded from the tip. Spunk ran down Debbie’s hand and fingers as she continued to pump my dick.

She said that she had never seen anything like that before. She wanted me to do it again. I told her that she had to keep on jerking my rod and she did so. I was hard again, in an instant.

Debbie leaned over and rubbed her boobs on my dick. I told her that it felt wonderful. Debbie lay on her back and I positioned myself over her. I kept rubbing my dick on her boobs.

She began to try to lick my cock with her tongue and I moved it closer so that she could. She licked it like it was an ice cream cone. I nearly came again with pleasure as she lapped up and down the shaft. She licked off the clear goo oozing out my slit and commented on its taste. Then she inserted my rod into her mouth. Her tongue flicked at the head, then ran around the underside of it. I came instantly, flooding her mouth.

Debbie was surprised, but tried to swallow all of it. Some did run out her lips however. She said that she liked the taste after all and how my dick felt in her mouth when I came.

We began kissing and fondling each other more canlı kaçak bahis passionately. I had a hand working her pussy and my mouth was locked on one of her boobs. Debbie had her hand on my cock, trying to get it hard again. It did not take long for my rod to stiffen again.

We were not experienced with intercourse, but we were about to learn. She said to get between her legs while she lay on her back. I did so, still attached to her jugs. Debbie was wiggling and thrashing about under me and she tried to reach her pussy with her fingers. She told me to move up a little and let my cock “kiss,” her opening.

I moved as she instructed and my dong was at the door of her pussy. Debbie reached down and moved my dick up and down along her opening. She was going wild with lust. Suddenly she shifted her hips and inserted my dick into her cunt. She let out a groan of contentment and began rocking her hips back and forth. I nearly came, but since I had cum twice already, I had a little bit of staying power.

Debbie said to get off of her and to lie on my back, so I did. She hovered over me, facing me with her beautiful tits. Slowly she lowered her self onto my cock. The feeling was incredible. She sank all the way down and then slowly rose up off my cock.

Debbie repeated the up and down movements and told me to maul her tits while she did so. She started bouncing up and down and her big tits were bouncing to the motion. It did not take long until my dick was ready to fire again. Before we knew it, I came with wave after wave of cum rushing out of my cock. She reached down and touched her clit and fired herself off, too.

Debbie crumpled onto my chest and told me she loved me. We kissed and cuddled while my cock deflated. Covered with cum and pussy juice it finally fell out of her pussy. Cum flowed out of her cunt and down her ass, so she got up and said it was time to clean up. We showered quickly and played again in the running water.

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