Ev Sahibinin Kızı Siktim

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Ev Sahibinin Kızı Siktim

Babam bir fabrikada yönetici pozisyonunda çalışmaktaydı. Bir akşam fabrikanın başka bir şehre taşınacağını ve en azından emekli olana kadar bizim de oraya yerleşeceğimizi söyledi. Şehrin ve oturcağımız ilçesinin ismini veremeyceğim, ki ilerleyen yazılarımda umarım bana hak vereceksiniz. Vakit geldi ve okulların yaz tatiline girmesi ile hemen taşındık. Babam zaten daha önceden fabrikanın kurulum aşamasını takip etmek için devamlı gidiyordu. O sırada oturacağımız ev falan kiralanmıştı. Sırtını bir dağa yaslamış ilerisinden büyük bir nehir geçen, şirin, anadolu insanının sıcaklığı ve samimiyetinin kaybolmadığı ufak bir ilçeydi. Taşındığımız ev iki katlıydı, üst katta ev sabimiz, alt katta da biz oturuyorduk. Ev sahibimiz namazında niyazında karı koca ve iki çocukları vardı. Biri Murat abi hazır askerdi, eli kulağında gününü bekliyordu. Diğeri Ayşen abla, 18 yaşında, orta okuldan sonra okumamış, ev kızı idi.

Günler bir birini kovaladı, yabancılık kalmamıştı, yeni arkadaşlar edinmiştim. Burada hayat İstanbul’a nazaran daha özgürdü, trafik, kalabalık insan yoktu, büyük bir şehir değildi nede olsa. Bisikletlerimize bindiğimiz gibi akşama kadar gezmediğimiz yer kalmıyordu. Her yer, her an bir top sahası olabiliyordu bizim için. Bu arada ev sahiplerimizle de gerçekten bir aile gibi olmuştuk. Ayşen abla ile bir abla kardeş ilişkisi çerçevesinde çok güzel bir diyaloğumuz vardı. Okulların açılmasıyla rutin okul hayatı ve koşturmacası başlamıştı. Okul olmadığı zamanlar evde isem çoğunlukla Ayşen abla evdeki işlerini güçlerini bitirmişse, bize iner, sohbet eder, müzik dinlerdik. O zamanlar şimdiki gibi TV’de çok kanal, internet, VCD, DVD falan yoktu. Gerçekten en güzeliydi bence.

İlk senemi bitirmiş yine yaz tatiline girmiştik. Buraya taşındıktan sonra annem de babamın yönettiği fabrikada çalışmaya başladığı için, ben hafta içi evde yalnızdım. Kah arkadaşlarla, kah evde vakit geçiriyordum. Evde olduğum günlerden birinde Ayşen abla yine bize indi. Bu arada Ayşen abla daha önce dediğim gibi, 18 yaşındaydı. Yaklaşık 170-175 boylarında, 55-60 kilolarda, esmer bir kızdı. Her zaman şalvar ve üzerine gömlek giydiği için vücut hatlarını kestirmek çok zordu. Ve en ufak bir şekilde başka gözle bakmamıştımda zaten. Yine sohbet muhabbet derken müzik setini karşısına oturdu, radyoyu açtı ve kanalları değiştirirken, ben de arkasından dirseklerim sandalyenin sırt kısmına, kollarım onun omuzuna gelecek şekilde eğilerek hafif yaslandım. Bugün dahi halen anlam veremem, daha 1-2 dakika geçmişti ki, nasıl oldu anlamıyorum, Ayşen abla başını onun omuzu üzerinde olan yüzüme doğru döndürdü ve o an dudak dudağa öpüşmeye başladık…

Şaşkınlık ve salaklık arasında karşılık veriyordum. Dudaklarımızı hiç ayırmadan ayağa kalktı ve ayakta devam ederken, birden iki eliyle göğsümden ittirdi. Karşı karşıya duruyorduk ki, okkalı bir tokat yapıştırdı ve koşar adımlarla çıktı gitti. Halen birşey anlayabilmiş değildim. Benim tarafımdan Ayşen ablaya karşı en ufak bir şekilde meğilim yoktu. Ayşen ablaya ‘Abla’ gözünden öte bir gözle bakmamış ve düşünmemiştim dahi. Sonradan ufak ufak kendime gelirken, Ayşen ablanın belki bana karşı bir takım düşünceleri veya beslediği duygular olmuştur diye düşündüm. Ama tokat nedendi? Anlam veremedim. O gün öyle geçti, gün içinde hiç karşılaşmadık.

Öbür gün yine öğlene yakın kalktım. Havalar zaten sıcak, bir duş alıp, altıma sadece şortumu giydim, üst kısmım çıplak vaziyette kendime birşeyler hazırlayıp atıştırıyordum. Kapı çaldı. Açtığımda Ayşen abla karşımdaydı, “Sesin soluğun çıkmıyor, ne yapıyorsun?” dedi. Ben de, “Ne olsun, bişeyler atıştırıyorum. Gel istersen…” dedim. “Ohoo biz kahvaltı yapalı yıl oldu!” dedi ve birkaç saniyeliğine bir sessizlik çöktü. Karşı karşıya ayakta duruyorduk ki, aynı anda birbirimize yaklaşarak yine dudaklarımız birleşti. Bu sefer çok farklıydı, Ayşen abla kollarını boynuma sarmış, ben de belinden sıkıca kavramıştım. Daha kimsenin değmediği o yumuşacık dolgun dudaklarını resmen emiyor, ısırırcasına öpüyordum. Ellerimi yavaşça kalçalarına kaydırdım, şalvarın üzerinden kalçalarını okşamaya, ufak ufak avuçlamaya başladım. İtiraz etmiyordu.

Birkaç saniyeliğine ayrıldık ve salona geçtik, üçlü koltuğa oturduk, yine öpüşmeye başladık. Elinin birini çıplak göğsüme koymuş, biri omuzumda, bense kalçalarını okşar, sıkar vaziyette devam ediyorduk. Bir ara ben de elimin birini göğsüne koydum. Bir saniyelik bir duraklama oldu, irkildi. Ama o da istiyordu, kendi duygularına mani olamıyordu. Tepki vermedi. Ufak çok nazik hareketlerle göğüslerini okşamaya başladım. Kalp atışlarını avcumun içinde çok rahat hissedebiliyordum. Dudaklarımı dudaklarından ayırdım, yanaklarından ufak ufak öpücüklerle kulak memelerine, boynuna inmeye başladım. Hem öpüyor, hem dilimi gezdiriyodum. Ayşen abla kısıkta olsa ufak ufak inlemeyle karışık sesler çıkarıyordu. Göğsündeki elimi gayet yavaş hareketlerle aşağı doğru kaydırıyordum. Ürkek bir ceylan gibiydi, sanki en ufak birşeyde tılsım bozulacak, kaçıverecek gibi. O anda bedeninin aldığı hoş hazzın büyüsünü yaşamak istiyor, fakat beyninin içinde, nereye kadar gidebileceği ve ‘ya duramazsak?’ korkuları vardı eminim.

Elimi önce bacağına kaydırdım, ordan kasıklarına doğru kayarken boynunu yalamaya, öpmeye, emmeye devam ediyordum. Şalvarın üzerinden tam amına dokunmuştum ki, bacaklarını kastı ve sımsıkı kapadı. Kulağına, “Bu zevki yaşamak istiyorum, senin de yaşamanı istiyorum, merak etme kızlığına hiçbirşey olmayacak, bana güven!” dedim. Gözlerine baktım, yarı kendinden geçmişçesine bana baktı ve vücudunun gevşediğini hissettim. Yine boynuna yumulurken, elimi direkt amının üzerine koydum. O da hafifçe araladı bacaklarını. Sıcaklığını şalvarın üzerinden bile hissedebiliyordum. Elimi bastırmaya, amcığını avuçlamaya, okşamaya başlamıştım ki, Ayşen abla bacaklarını dahada açarak, kalçalarını yukarı kaldırarak, yay gibi gerilmeye başladı. Amcığı üzerindeki elimi biraz daha bastırmaya, okşamalarımı hızlandırmaya başladım. Ayşen abla sıtma nöbeti olmuş gibi titriyor, çığlık atmamak için koltuğun yastığını ısırıp, inliyordu…

Diğer elimle gömleğinin birkaç düğmesini açmıştım. Bembeyaz südyeni ile göğüsleri karşımdaydı. Ayşen ablanın titremesi geçmiş, alnında boncuk boncuk ter damlaları ile gözleri kapalı olmasına rağmen yüzünde tarifi imkansız bir tebessümle karışık bir güzellik vardı. Südyeninin üst kısmından taşan göğüslerini öpüyor, yeniden amcığını okşuyordum. Bu arada benim halim içler acısıydı, yarrağım o güne değin hissetmediğim bir şekilde, demirden farksız, kafası zonkluyordu resmen. Göğüslerini öperken südyenini dişlerimle tutarak aşağı çektim. O büyüklükteki göğüslere rağmen uçları minnacıktı. Uçlarına dilimi değdirmemle Ayşen abla başımı tuttu, parmaklarını saçlarımın arasa geçirerek, okşama ile karışık bastırıyordu.

Artık önüm açılmıştı, tüm hareketleri, birşeyler yaşamak, hissetmek istediğinin sinyalleriydi. Göğüslerini alabildiğim kadar ağzıma alıyor, emiyor, öpüyor, yalıyordum. Yine sesi değişti ve vücudu sanki onun kontrolünde değilmişçesine istemsiz kıvranıyordu. Amcığı üzerimdeki elimi yavaşça yukarı göbeğine doğru okşar gibi hareket ettirirken, elim şalvarın lastiğini arıyordu aslında. Sonunda geldiğimde, elimi içine sokarak, yeniden okşayarak, aşağı doğru indim ve amcığı ile elim arasında sadece külodu vardı. Elim amcığının üzerine geldiğinde külodunun sırılsıklam olduğunu farkedebiliyordum. Göğüslerini hırçın bir şekilde ememeye devam devam ediyordum ve Ayşen abla kıvranıyordu.

Külodun kenarından amcığının dudaklarını okşuyor, yavaş yavaş parmaklarımı amcığının üzerine götürüyordum. Ama daha fazla gidemiyordu parmaklarım. Hazır elim şalvarın içindeyken elimi oynatmadan kolumu hareket ettirerek şalvarın sıyrılmasını sağlıyordum. Şalvarı külodun hizasına kadar sıyrılmışken ve Ayşen ablam zaten başka hülyalardayken çıkartmam lazımdı. Sonunda elimi amcığından çekerek, bir çırpıda şalvarı sıyırıverdim. Dizlerinin altına kadar çekmiştim, ama hiçbir hareketimi kesmiyordum. Benim beynimden geçen tek şey, onu kıvamında tutarak, bana itiraz edemiyecek haldeyken, yavaş yavaş soymaktı, ki adım adım başarılı oluyordum. Her şey kontrolüm altındaydı ve onu sevip, okşamak, tenini kokusunu bile hissetmek harikaydı. Kızlığına zaten dokunamazdım.

Koltukta doğruldum. Oturur vaziyette kendini koltuğa salmış Ayşen ablanın ellerinden tutarak kalkmasına yardım ettim ve hiçbir şey demeden gömleğinin kalan son düğmesini de açarak, gömleğini çıkardım. Harika bir vücudu vardı. Omuz başlarını öperken, ellerim südyenin kopçalarıyla uğraşıyor, bir yandanda kopçaya doğru bakmaya çalışıyordum. Biraz uğraştırsa da, sonunda açtım ve südyenini de çıkardım. Kolları ile göğüslerini birden kapadı. Gözgöze geldik ve dudaklarına uzandım. Öperken askılarını aşağı indirerek aldım. Yine doğruldum ve ayağa kalktım. Ayağa kalkmamla gözleri açıldı ve bakışları önüme kilitlendi. Hiç hesap etmemiştim, şortumu delecekmişçesine çadır kurmuştu yarrağım…

Bir anlık şaşkınlıktan sonra ellerinden tutarak ayağa kaldırdım. Şalvarı ayaklarına kadar düşmüştü. Ayakta yine öpüşürken bu sefer kalçalarını okşuyor, onları sıkıyordum. Yusyuvarlak, sert ama bir o kadarda pürüzsüz bir teni vardı. İyice kendime çektim. Vücutlarımız yapışmış, yarağımın sertliğini eminim hissedebiliyordu. Kalçalarını okşarken parmaklarımı külodunun arkasından içine sokarak aşağı doğru indirmeye başladım. Öpüşüyorduk. Bu arada itiraz edermişçesine elimi tuttu. Ben biraz daha kuvvet verince elinden kurtuldum ve külodu sıyrıldı. Zaten bir anda anlamasına fırsat dahi kalmadan dizlerimin üzerine çöktüğüm gibi direkt dudaklarımı amcığına yapıştırdım. Geri kaçmaya ve başımı ittirmesine rağmen, ellerimle kalçalarına yapışmış ordan kuvvet alarak başımı bastırmaya devam ettim ve ben de onu oturmaya zorladım. Sonunda kendini koltuğa atıverdi. Çekerek koltuğun kenarına getirdiğim amcığına yeniden gömüldüm ve vücudumu bacaklarının arasına yerleştirdim. Bu sayede bacaklarını da kapayamıyordu…

Dilimi direk am dudaklarının içine daldırdım. Amcığı sırılsıklam olmuştu. Yalamaya, emmeye başladım. Ama Ayşen abla kıvranıyor, bir yandan zevk alıyor, bir yandanda kafası içindeki tabularla savaşıyordu. Birden kendine gelerek, “Kapıları ve camları kapa bari!” dedi. Ben de, “Daha iyi fikrim var!” dedim ve yatak odasına götürdüm. Yatağa yatırdım ve hiç vakit kaybetmeden yine amcığına yumuldum. Abartısız belki bir saat dudaklarımı amcığından çekmedim. Doyamıyordum. Sayısını bilmiyorum ama Ayşen abla defalarca zirvelere çıkmış, titremekten ve kasılmaktan ter içinde ve yorgun düşmüştü ki, “Yeter dur bir nefes alayım ne olur!” diyebildi.

Ben de yanına uzandım sırtüstü, ama benim ufaklığın durumu gayet ortadaydı, çadır dimdik duruyor ve bariz şekilde çıkmak istercesine şorta baskı yapıyordu. Bunu Ayşen abla da görüyor, ama cesaret edemiyordu. Sırtüstü yan yana yatarken Ayşen ablanın nefesi düzene girmeye başlamıştı. Ben ama ortamın soğumasını istemiyordum, elini tuttum ve benim ufaklığın üzerine koydum, onun eli üzerindende ben de tutuyor ve elini çekmemesi için hafif bastırıyordum. Elimi onun eli ile beraber yarrağımın üzerinde gezdiriyor, okşatıyordum. Onun kendi kendine harekete devam ettiğini hissedince elimi çektim. Ayşen abla şortun üzerinden yarrağımı okşuyor ve ara ara kalınlığını hissedercesine parmakları arasında sıkıyordu. Mükemmel bir duyguydu, ama elinin sıcaklığını, yumaklığını hissetmek istiyordum için için. Bir elimi şortumun içine sokarak yarrağımı tenime yasladım, bir elimle de şortumu çıkarıverdim. Artık yarağım gözler ünündeydi. 16 yaşıma göre gayet normal boyutlardaydı ve iki saatlik arzu yüklü yarrağımın ucu ıslanmış, zevk sıvılarım akmış vaziyetteydi…

Ayşen abla sağ omuzunun üzerinde bana doğru dönerek, sol eli ile yavaş yavaş sıvazlıyordu yarrağımı. Zevk sularım parmaklarına bulaşmış, ne olduğunu anlamaya çalışıyordu, “Sen boşaldın mı?” dedi. “Daha değil, seninle sevişirken o kadar doldu ki, artık taşıyor, bunlarda onlar!” dedim. “Hmmm, çok mu dolmuş?” dedi. Pek beklemediğim kelimelerdi. Sıvazlamaya devam ederken, “Geçenlerde, bizim Hatice, abisinin video kasetlerinden birini bulmuş, onlarda seyrettik kızlarla!” dedi. “Neler vardı?” dedim. “Çok iğrençti, filimdeki erkekler senin bana yaptıklarını kadınlara yaptılar, kadınlar da erkeklerin siklerini… anlarsın ya!” dedi. “Benim yaptıklarım zevkli değilmiydi?” dedim. “İnanamıyorum zaten bunları yaptıklarımıza!” dedi. O sırada annesinin sesi geldi, “Ayşen!” diye sesleniyordu yukarıdan. “Annem!” diye büyük bir panikle kalktığı gibi, daire kapısına yakın, “Geliyorum anne!” diye içeriden seslendi. Salona geçip müthiş bir hızla elbiselerini giydi, eşarbını takıp düzeltti. Ben de salona yanına gelmiştim, halen çırılçıplaktım, kazık gibi dimdik yarrağımla ortada onu seyrediyordum. Teşekkür edercesine dudaklarıma bir öpücük kondurarak, uçarcasına gitti.

İçimi büyük sevinç kaplamıştı, Ayşen abla ile çırılçıplak kalmıştık ve hemen hemen bütün sınırları yıkmıştık. Böyle bir sevişme için hiçbir tecrübem olmasa da, gizli gizli okuduğum Penthause, Playboy ve Playmen dergilerindeki hikayelerden aklıma gelenleri uygulamış ve Ayşen ablayı da defalarca zirvelere çıkarmıştım. Artık birdaha geldiğinde kaldığımız yerden devam edebilirdik, orasına burasına dokunsam ne der, nasıl soyarım gibi düşüncelerle uğraşmayacaktım. Ama yarrağım halen kazık gibiydi, banyoya geçtim ve duvara sırtımı yaslayarak gözlerimi kapadım, Ayşen ablanın muhteşem vücudu gözlerimin önündeydi. Teninin kokusu halen içimde, 31 çekmeye başladım. Zaten o kadar doluydum ki, fazla uğraşmadan o güne kadar yaşadığım en şiddetli boşalmayı yaşadım. Bitmek bilmiyordu, taşaklarım dolmuş taşmıştı sanki. Dizlerimin bağı çözülmüştü sanki, vücudum bacaklarıma ağır geliyordu. Duşumu aldım, yerlerdeki döllerimi yıkadıktan sonra şortumu ve tişörtümü giydim. Yatak odasına geçip çarşafı ve örtüleri düzelttikten sonra salonda koltuğa uzandım. Tatlı bir yorgunluk vardı üzerimde. O halde uyuya kalmışım.

Annemle babamın sesine uyandım. İşten gelmişlerdi. Annem yemek işine girişti, babam da televizyonu açtı. Babam, “Ne var ne yok bakalım, napıyorsun? Evde canın sıkılmıyor mu?” dedi. Ben de, “Ne yapayım baba, arkadaşlarla bisikletlerimizle geziyoruz, top oynuyoruz, vakit geçiyor!” dedim. Babam, “İstersen işyerine götürebilirim, fabrikada da gezersin oyalanırsın, değişiklik olur?” dedi. Bir işim gücüm de yoktu ki, babama hayır diyeyim. Mecburen, “Tamam baba.” dedim…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Güvenli Yer 4… (Son)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Güvenli Yer 4… (Son)

Sabah içimde sıkıntıyla uyanıyorum, bütün gece annemin sapık kocası olacak herifle boğuştum durdum, terden ıslanan yastık iğrenç. Toparlanıp kalkıyorum kapıdaki sandalyeyi alıp kapıyı açıyorum telefon elimde sevgilimden hala mesaj yok. Serseri benim işi çözdü karıcığıyla kutluyordur. “Keşke birlikte kutlasaydık” derken evvelsi gece aklıma geliyor, elim donuma gidiyor. Nasıl şartlı reflekslerimiz var ya. Tuvalet, duş, kahve heriften hala haber yok.

Karısını arayıp sinir etmek aklıma gelmiyor değil ama gereksiz hem zaten birazdan ortaya çıkar. Bir bira açıp televizyona takılıyorum. Bu sabah içme işine yeni başladım ama daha önce akıl etmediğime pişmanım. Bütün gün karabasanlar biraz daha uzakta duruyor sabah birası olunca. Mesela 18 yaşımı geçer geçmez bağırta bağırta götümden siken annemin kocası olacak herifi şikayet ettiğimde annemin “aman canım hala bakiresin işte nolucak” demiş olması çok koymuyor o zaman. Ya da evden kaçmaya çalıştığımda annem olacak orospunun kapıyı üstüme kilitlediği ve kocasına yaranmak için “kızı bırakmıyorum bak bilesin” diye aradığını duymuş olmamı hatırlamak ruhumun amına koymuyor.

Üçüncü bira biterken mesaj geldi sonunda. “Sana geliyorum yalnız değilim.” Allah belasını versin ibnenin. İşimi halletti ya şimdi ödülü yetmedi ibneye. İllaki nerden bulduysa buldu birilerine beni siktirecek. Aman neyse. “Evdeyim” yazıp dördüncü birayı açıyorum bari hoş birisi olsa.

Kapı çalıyor, ite sürpriz yapacağım, üstümde sadece bir erkek gömleği var kim bilir kimden kalmış. Adım gibi biliyorum her şey bitince “Gömlek kimin kızım” muhabbetiyle başlayan bir kavga çıkartıp siktirip gidecek hiç değilse süreci ben başlatayım hem de seksi oluyor böyle belki çabucak bitirirler o zaman. Başım dönüyor, kapıyı açıyorum, seksi sevgilim, kendimi güvende hissettiğim tek adam yanında eski kankam olan şimdiki eşiyle sırıtıyor. Şu ben içeride uyurken salonda çatır çatır siktiği, kafamız kıyakken sevgilimin 23 santimlik sikini cetvelle birlikte ölçecek kadar iç içe olduğum asla sevgilimi elimden alacağına inanmadığım kankam. O da sırıtıyor. “Naber, kızım, yine yaraklara gelmişsin yok mu içecek bişey” deyip içeri geçiyor. “Bira dolapta, cigaralığı biliyorsun” diyorum ama istemiyorum bu karıyı evimde. Özellikle üstümde bir erkek gömleği ve kıçımda don bile yokken. “Senin işi hallettim, bunlar böyle tarikat gibi bişeymiş, tek kızları bulup korkutuyorlar sonra da ele geçiriyorlarmış. Dayak delisi olunca patronları tövbe etti” diyor benimki. Benimki değilki, o başkasının artık. Olsun.

“Sağol” diyorum kısıkça. O dayak delisi olan herife ne ölçüde teslim olduğumu asla bilmeyecek. “O bir kız vardı buraya gelen o ne oldu?” “Patronları sopayı yiyip dağılınca onlar hep arazi oldular, zaten 2 kız 3 oğlan varmış sapık herif bunları da birbirlerine siktirip eğleniyormuş bayağı para da edinmişler filan” “Neyse tatlım senin korkman gereksiz ben de karşılığımı her türlü aldım” Almıştır. Oradan, her neresiyse orası, boş çıkmamıştır, mutlaka bir avanta sağlamıştır kendine. Bu arada kankam olacak orospu etrafı karıştırıyor. Yanına gidiyorum kulağına fısıldıyorum “Bu, sen, ben istemeyeceksin değil mi?” Kahkaha atıyor “Sevgilim, bu üçümüz yapmayalım diyor ne diyorsun?” Yüzüme sıcak basıyor ne gerek var şimdi buna. Kanka gülüyor “En son ne zamandı? Bu bizi basmıştı hani değil mi? Ulan ne komik olmuştu be” Evet canım çok komik olmuştu. Sizi basmıştım. Sen sevgilimin üstünde zıplıyordun ve bilmem kaçıncı postandaydın. Sizi görünce içimden birşey kopmuştu ama aynı o geçenki sapık herif sikerken olduğu gibi kendimi tutamamıştım ve aranıza girmiştim. Önceden de yapmadığımız şey değildi ama sevgilim benimdi sonuçta. Sevgilimi o sefer de senle paylaşmıştım. Yoksa bu kere sen sevgilini benle mi paylaşmıştın?

Konuşurken sardığı çift kağıtlı cigarayı uzatıyor, çoktan yakmış bir nefes almış bile “Siktir et be” diyor. “Kurtuldun ya önemli olan o” Gözleri gözlerimde, kaç gece sabahlara kadar böyle göz göze yatıp kız kıza sırlarımızı paylaştık. Kaç erkek geçti aramızdan bedenimizden başka bir yerimize dokunmadan. Bilmiyorum.

Cigarayı alıp yatağa yüzükoyun uzanıyorum.

Gömlek kıçımı bile örtmüyor. Kankamın eli sırtımda, dokunuşunu ne kadar özlemişim. Erkeğimin soyunduğunu duyabiliyorum. “Benim erkeğim değil artık unutma” diyorum kendi kendime. Sırtımı ve boynumu okşayan orospuya kızamıyorum. Adamı ben kaptırdım. Her dakika taciz tecavüz hikayesi anlatırsan, her sikişmede avaz avaz ağlarsan herif gider başkasıyla yaşar hatta evlenir ara sıra da göt istediği zaman gelir seni siker. Kankamın eli kıçımda, orospu kendi bedenini bildiği gibi beni biliyor tabii. Birazdan yalamaya başlayacak ve ben ilk orgazmı olacağım. Onu da biliyor. Amcığımda nefesini hissediyorum. Tek kelime çıkıyor ağzımdan “Lütfen” Sevgilim, sevgilisi yok yok kocası biliyor ne demek istediğimi. Sikini kaldırmış, 23 santimi ağzıma veriyor. Yalıyorum. Köklemeye kalkarsa öğürürüm ama olsun. Kanka amcığı yalamayı bitirdi göt deliğimde dili. “Lütfen” diyorum içimden, ağzım dolu. “Lütfen hemen götümden sikmesin, önce amımı döllesin, kadınlığımı bileyim” Tabii ki duymuyor. Kocasının siki kankamın elinde başı götüme bastırıyor. Bunu kaç kere yaptık? Ama o zamanlar kankamın elindeki aynı sik benim sevgilimindi. Şimdi onun kocasının. Santim santim içime giriyor. Delirecek gibiyim. Kankam kulağıma bir şeyler fısıldıyor. Anlamıyorum bile. Aklım fikrim götümdeki dev yarakta. Gidip gelmeye başlıyor. Kankamın dudakları yüzüme yakın öpüşüyoruz. Eski sevgilim, onun kocası beni götümden sikerken onunla dillerimiz birbirine karışıyor. Herşeyi unutyorum. Evimdeyim sevdiğim adam ve onun sevdiği kişi olan en iyi arkadaşım benimle birlikteler. Birazdan ne olacağını biliyorum. Erkeğimiz ikimizi de doyurasıya sikecek ve sonra biz kucak kucağa uyurken başımızda bekleyecek. Güvende olacağım.

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Mystery Fuck.

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Sweaty bodies packed tight and hot. Amplified rock, extra loud in the balcony. Billowing smoke through colored lights, two parts pot one part tobacco.

Just how Carly liked it.

She felt the thrum of the bass through the iron rails. There were seats in the balcony, but everyone was crunched to the front.

Her boyfriend Lee passed her a joint. She took a deep hit and passed it to Jake, Lee’s best friend.

They were all bare-armed, sweaty, and dancing as room allowed — and there was no room. Still, Carly managed to light a cigarette.

She found some room by leaning over the railing. Then a guy behind her began rubbing his dick on her ass.

At least he has rhythm, thought Carly. She rubbed her ass back on the mystery dick, which swelled and began dry humping her ass crack.

Lee passed her another joint, and she took another deep hit before passing it to Jake. Holding the hit, she slowed her ass-humping.

So the nameless man behind her pulled up the hem of her yellow sundress and freed his dick from his fly.

Holy shit, thought Carly. His large hand fumbled down, found the gusset of her panties, and pulled them aside. Yup, her pussy lips were quite wet, a probing trabzon escort finger found.

“Oh!! O-ahh!!” cried Carly. Quite loudly, too.

But everyone there was yelling, so nobody noticed.

“Wah-hoo!!” said Lee.

“Hee-yah!!” added Jake.

She had to widen her stance — she now had a long thick cock stroking her pussy lips. It was getting all lubed up, and the ridge of the head kept flicking her swelling clit.

Carly was a small thin woman, and the man had to bend his knees to reach her twat. He must have strong legs, she thought.

Her clit began to throb. Her cigarette fell from her fingers. (Who knows upon whom it landed?) She felt his wiry pubes on her ass and his tumescent balls bounce on her thighs.

Lee passed her another joint. It was just barely short enough to excuse her dropping it. (Who knows whom it fell upon?) “Hey!” said Jake. Carly clutched the thrumming iron railing with one hand and moved the other under her hem.

She fingered the thrusting cock head, which was dripping and sticky. It was cut, and she felt with her thumb how thick the ridge of the dickhead was.

A big hot ol’ dickhead? Slathered in her own pussy juice? trabzon escort bayan Dribbling pre-cum? Carly knew what to do with that!

With a shift of her hips and a shove from her hand, she slipped the cock up into her. Mmm, it was nice and thick. He began humping hot and hard. She tried to keep her fingers on her clit.

“Waugh! Waugh!! WAUGH!!!” said Carly.

“Hoo! Hoo!! HOO!! said Lee.

“Gar! Bangor!!” said Jake.

But she had to grasp the thrumming iron railings with both hands, he fucked her so hard. It was great! He never quite got his whole cock in, but he still overfilled her. He was humping five or six inches in and out with each hump. Oops! There was an eight in!

She noticed her messy right fist, covered in pre-cum and Carly juice. This must be pungent! she thought. He was humping her hard and she was starting to gush. She saw that Lee and Jake were sweaty and reeking, and hadn’t noticed that she was fucking.

The atmoshere wasn’t all air, still she tried to catch a glimpse of her lover. In time to their fucking, in time with Lee and Jake’s dancing, she swung her head around trying to see him. Carly’s head swung back and forth. She didn’t escort trabzon see him.

He skillfully ducked her every attempt. She only succeded in lashing Lee and Jake with her long, straight, dark-blonde hair. They liked it, took it for sexy dancing. When her hair beat their bare arms, sweat spattered.

So she came. Her cunt muscles pulsed on his cock, and she bathed his cock and balls (and pants) in nectar. So he came, with several short sharp thrusts.

Her belly felt warm. He pulled out and withdrew into the crowd. She never saw his face.

Lee handed her another joint, and she took it with her left hand. After taking a deep toke, she mimed apology when handing it to Jake. He took it, but was still mock cross.

As Carly licked her right hand clean, she mused that Jake would be more angry than Lee about her mystery fuck: Lee had fucked her many times, but Jake had never fucked her and never would.

Jake drove them home. Carly and Lee did a sixty-nine in the back seat, with her on top. He had a nice fat dick, she mused as she sucked his head and squeezed his balls. Just not as fat. Lee didn’t know it, but he was eating mystery cum. Her favorite part of all.

Carly had a fleeting thought about Jake. It was brief and unimportant to her. “My boyfriends eat other men’s cum. Out of my cunt. They don’t usually know. You, Jake, wouldn’t like that.”

Perhaps he could have learned to live with it, though. He might have wanted to try.

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My Wife Sucks off My Friend

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Blake was fucking me slow now. His dick was so hard. I wanted him to fuck me harder. Maybe a little sexy talk would do the trick.

“You know what? I don’t know why I’m letting you fuck me. You have not been so nice to me lately. You wouldn’t give me a massage last night. You didn’t have time to make me tea this morning. I thought about just sucking your dick a little and leaving you horny until you started being nice to me again. You really don’t deserve a piece of ass. Next time I’m just going to suck your cock enough to make you want to cum, then I’m gonna just leave you like that. What do you think of that?”

“Have you ever given a guy a blowjob but ended up not fucking him?” he asked me.

“Yeah. You remember Cary was over yesterday? Didn’t you notice his cock was hard? Every time he comes over, his cock is hard.”

“No. I wasn’t looking at Cary’s dick. You sucked Cary’s dick yesterday?”

“Yes. When you went to the store. I hope you don’t mind. That’s why he came over. I called him earlier in the day and told him I wanted to suck his dick. He has such a big dick, and he loves how I suck it.” Blake started fucking me a little harder when I told him this.

“Haven’t you ever noticed that every time he comes over, I wear a short skirt and yellow panty’s? That’s for him. Whenever I can, I flash him my panty’s. When possible, I let him feel me in them. He loves those yellow panty’s. Whenever you are not looking, he rubs my ass and feels my pussy.”

“You trabzon escort mean you sucked him off when I went to the store? Do you like sucking his dick? Did you swallow?”

“But baby, you know I’m your whore. And I LOVE sucking his big dick and yes, I always swallow his nut. What doesn’t spray out. Didn’t you notice my hair was wet? That was his cum in my hair.” Now Blake was really pounding me hard. He was getting more and more turned on, hearing me talk. “You’re a real slut aren’t you? Do you like being a whore?”

He spread my legs with one hand and squeezed my tit hard with the other as he drove his cock into me deeper.

“I wasn’t quite finished with him when you walked in the door. As soon as you drove up in the driveway, he started squirting cum down my throat. His dick was as hard as yours is right now. But much bigger. He held my face and kept coming. I swallowed most of it. I was able to get out of the bathroom before you caught me sucking his big dick.”

He grabbed my wrists and put them over my head. He pinned them down to the mattress, holding me down tight. Then he started really pounding me. “You must like hearing this story babe, your cock is hard as steel. Keep ramming that dick into me. You like hearing me talk about sucking his big dick don’t you? I can tell you do.”

He was about to make me cum. He spread my legs wider as he was fucking me. I kept talking.

“Don’t you remember kissing me when you saw trabzon escort bayan me? You didn’t taste anything strange? I had not been able to swallow all his cum before you grabbed me and kissed me.”

“I kissed you right after he came in your mouth? I noticed your hair was a little wet. So you enjoyed sucking his dick, then kissing me? For that, I think you need to be fucked really hard. Spread your legs some more. I’m going to fuck you good and hard for that.”

“Yes sir. Are you mad? Are you fucking me so good because you’re mad? Well I’m sorry baby, but I suck Cary’s dick a lot. The other day when I broke down and he gave me a ride home. I sucked his big cock as he was driving. As soon as I got in his car, I noticed his cock was hard. I had to reward him. So I unzipped him and pulled his big, meaty dick out and gave him head. He loves hearing me slurp on his dick, so I made my mouth water up and I slurped on his dick. I felt like such a whore. I wish you could’ve watched me sucking on his big dick. You would’ve enjoyed that. He was about to fuck me that day, but you came home early.”

“You mean the day I got off early? You were about to get fucked? You should’ve just went ahead. I would’ve watched. How big is he? I think you need to get on your knees now. I’m getting mad and I want to spank you while I fuck you. Turn over you little dick licker.”

I turned over quickly and got on my knees. He pinched my ass, then he popped me a escort trabzon couple times and at the same time, he shoved his hard dick inside me. I had already came once and it felt good to have my ass up in the air as he slapped it and massaged it.

“His dick is so big, I can’t wrap my hand around it. He told me it is almost 10 inches long. I want him to slam that big fucker into me, but you are always home. You don’t mind if he fucks me? Now that you know about me giving him blowjobs, maybe I can just suck his big dick in front of you.”

“Do you want to watch me suck his big dick baby? Would you like to watch him squirt his cum down my throat too?”

Blake was holding my hips tight, pounding my pussy from behind now. Occasionally slapping my ass cheeks.

“Yes baby. We can go pick him up some night and go riding. You can suck his dick while we ride. Would you like that?”

“Really baby? That would be wild. I could get naked and suck both of you. I could suck him off, then kiss you. Yes. I think I would like that. I think I would like to let you suck his hot sperm from my lips and swallow. Maybe I’ll lay down right there in the front seat and let him fuck the shit outta me right in front of you, while you watch.”

“I might like to watch you get nailed while I drive, but I’m not so sure about taking his cum from your lips.”

His words were doubtful, but I noticed the talk of him taking Cary’s nut from my mouth was making his cock was even harder and he was now long stroking my soaking pussy.

“You like fucking me don’t you?” I asked. “Of course baby. I love your pussy.”

“Well, if you love fucking me, you will take his nut from me. Understand?” He nodded, and continued pounding me. To be continued

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My Weekend’s Left Turn Ch. 01

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Big Tits

Thank you to WildFire Cowgirl for her help with editing. More chapters to come.


I stood leaning against the doorjamb of my walk-in closet, gazing at the clothes that hung there, trying to decide what to wear. Tonight was date number three with Ian the Accountant. He wasn’t actually an accountant. I didn’t really know what he did for a living, only that he owned his own business. That name which I called him (in my own head) came from the fact that so far our first two dates had been very straightforward and by the book. A nice dinner, an after dinner drink, then a walk to my front door with a gentle kiss goodnight, no tongue. This surprised me, as it doesn’t seem to go with the Ian that I first agreed to go out with. That Ian, the one with the gorgeous looks and the sexiest voice I’d ever heard, that Ian had a slight aura of danger about him, a look of arrogance in his bearing and maybe even a little feel of dominance in his demeanor. Unfortunately, I’d only seen glimpses of that Ian on our two dates. He’s been perfectly courteous, but a little too bland for me.

Well, I’m not sure what book he’s following, but in my book, a third date means one thing, and I hadn’t yet decided if that was what I wanted. What I had decided was that this date was going to end one of two ways…with me in Ian’s bed, or sending him on his way for good. Which brought me to my indecision on what to wear: leather mini-skirt and Jimmy Choo’s or beige slacks and pumps.

As I chewed my bottom lip in indecisiveness, I heard my flat mate, Danny, come up behind me.

“Haven’t yet figured out what to wear for your hot date with Edgar?

“His name is Ian, and no,” I answered without turning around.

“Well,” Danny whispered in my ear, having moved up directly behind me, “either way, this is going to have to come off.” As trabzon escort he said this, his hand trailed along my shoulder and down my arm, moving the silky fabric, as his mouth followed in its wake. He rained small kisses in the hollow of my collarbone, sending shivers down my spine.

“Danny, Ian will be here in half an hour,” I whispered, but despite my words, my head fell back against his chest, tilting to give his lips more access.

This, right here, was the main reason that I was having such a hard time deciding what to do about Ian. Three months ago, Danny and I, friends and roommates for more than two years, were enjoying a night in together, and shared a couple bottles of wine, followed by some tequila, and talk turned to sex. We both realized that we were each between partners and having a bit of a dry spell. After all that booze and talk of sex, I guess it wasn’t much of a surprise how the night ended. What was a surprise was the lack of awkwardness the next morning, and the decision that we would be roommates with benefits until one of us found someone else. Just friends, sex, and no strings.

But now that I was contemplating sex with Ian, sex with Danny had to stop…and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that.

Danny’s right hand had moved the silk so that my robe hung off my shoulder, exposing my breast. I could feel the cool air on it for just a moment before his hand came around to reach underneath and lightly stroke it, moving ever so slowly toward my nipple. At the same time his left hand was at my waist, gently rubbing the silky material, slowly moving toward my belly. The feel of the silk gently gliding against my skin was almost too sexy to take. I groaned low in my throat.

“Danny….” I whispered.

“Shhh,” he answered just as huskily, “Don’t worry, Jen, we have plenty trabzon escort bayan of time for my plans.” As he said this, his right hand had finally zeroed in on my nipple; fingers circling it over and over as his left hand, splayed across my stomach, slowly began to pull up my short robe. I was naked under the robe and the feel of the silk as it dragged against my exposed clit made me take a quick breath in.

“Oh God, Danny. This is a bad idea,” I could barely get the words out, and there was no conviction in them.

His right hand had moved to my other breast, stroking, circling. I groaned again. “Danny…ahhh….” His left hand stopped pulling up the robe when it was just barely covering my pussy. I wasn’t sure why he stopped short of his goal, when he slowly rubbed the silk against my slit with his middle finger.

“Oh my God!” My knees went weak and I sagged against him.

“That’s right, sweetheart, give it to me. Tell me how you love it.”

“Oh God, Danny. I can’t take it.”

His right hand was no longer gently circling, but was now pinching and rolling my nipples, first one, then the other, as his left hand was rubbing my clit through the silk robe. I was so drenched I could actually feel it dripping down my thighs.

“God, Danny, don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.” I was panting now and slowly humping his hand.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I don’t plan to stop anytime soon.” A small part of my brain heard the double meaning in this, but I was too far gone to focus on anything so deep right now.

He finally moved the silk away to give himself direct access to my pussy. He plunged his first two fingers in, while continuing to circle my clit with his thumb. God, this is why Danny is so hard to give up. He’s got more talent in his fingers than any guy I’ve ever come across.

“That’s escort trabzon it, baby, ride my hand.”

Holy shit, he turns me on when he talks like that.

“Fuck my pussy, Danny. God, give me those fingers. Oh god, it feels so good.”

I was uncontrollable, twisting my hips so hard on his hand. His thumb circled my clit as he squeezed and pulled my nipples. My head was moving back and forth against his chest. At some point I must have reached up to him, and I realized that had a death grip in his hair.

“Are you ready to give it to me, baby?”

I panted, “Yes, yes.” I couldn’t get out more than that.

“NOW, Jen, cum for me NOW!”

At his words my body exploded. My hips thrust out as I convulsed, gripping his hair with my hands and his fingers with my pussy. He continued to rub my clit, extending my orgasm for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, I began to come down, slowly collapsing into myself; Danny’s arms around me the only thing holding me upright.

I sagged in his arms, breathing heavily. He whispered, “I wanted you to have a little something to think about on your date tonight.”

It takes a moment for his words to sink in. Then my eyes open wide and I shoot up.

“Holy shit…Ian! What time is it?”

“Don’t worry, cupcake, you have a few minutes. You’re going to Tammy’s birthday party tonight, right?”

I frantically dug through my clothes, trying to make a quick decision, while internally berating myself for what just happened. What was I thinking? Ian will be here any minute. God, what if he had showed up early? I’m sure they could hear me scream three doors down.

“What?” I asked, distractedly. “Oh, yeah, we’re going to Tammy’s party.”

“Wear the black leather mini with you stilettos,” Danny said, “and no panties.”

My head whips around in shock.

“I believe the score is Jenny one, Danny zero. I think quick and easy access would be in everyone’s best interest, don’t you? See you at the party.”

I stared at him, speechless, as he strolled out of the room.

Just then the doorbell rang.

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My Tired Girl

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She was sprawled on the couch as though she had collapsed with her final burst of energy for the day, head resting on the worn, slightly dusty throw pillow, hair splayed out haphazardly. I gazed at her, as I do every day, wishing I could take away some of her stress. Her job was physically demanding, as would be all her jobs until she could get through school. Tonight was the beginning of her weekend, and she wanted to stay up as late as possible to celebrate the fact that she could sleep in tomorrow, but I could tell by her drooping eyelids that she would soon be dead to the world.

At my insistence, she eventually unfolded herself from the couch and I led her upstairs to bed. She collapsed, sitting on the mattress, grunting with the effort of it all, and pulled a book off the nightstand, determined to stave off unconsciousness for just a bit longer. Flipping idly through the pages, she pretended to ignore me as I sat on the edge of the bed, picked up her left foot and began pushing my fingertips and thumbs into the soft flesh in a gentle massage.

After a few moments on the single foot, I reached up and wordlessly pushed her back onto the bed. She allowed herself to fall backward, still holding onto the book, but whether she was actually reading I couldn’t tell. I crept up her legs and gently thumbed the button of her jeans, eventually unclasping it then lowering the zipper. She slightly raised her hips to aide in the garment’s removal, but other than this small gesture she gave no reaction to my ministrations.

Her empty jeans, still warm from her body heat, crumpled to the floor in a rapidly cooling heap, her keys falling out of the pocket and jangling trabzon escort briefly before deadening on the carpet. I took a quiet moment and absorbed the sight of her body, my eyes an insatiable sponge. Her cream-colored panties fit perfectly on her hips, the area below her navel lay completely flat, faint wisps of nearly invisible blonde hair on her smooth belly. My eyes ran down her legs, taking in the soft, flawless skin and gentle contours of muscle… despite my best efforts she had never understood how beautiful she was, but damned if I will ever stop trying.

I resumed the foot rub, kneading gently, working up her ankle to her calf, paying attention to each individual muscle, feeling the tension of her day flowing out of her. Upward from her calf to her knee, thigh, all the way to her hip; my eyes brushed over her covered pussy, staring hungrily at the delicate skin between her thighs giving way to the thick hem of her panties, trying to use my insistent gaze as a wedge to uncover the hidden flesh. After a moment of longing frustration, I set down her left leg and turned my attention to her right foot, beginning the process anew, prodding, poking, rubbing, kneading.

She idly flipped a page as my thumbs hooked into the waistband of her panties and peeled them slowly down her hips. She again lifted herself off the bed, almost reflexively, and I slid the material down her legs and off her feet, dropping them on the floor next to her jeans. I ran my hands up and down her thighs for a few moments, taking in her scent, admiring the delicate folds of her perfect pussy, the lips already pouting. Placing my hands under her knees, I lifted and spread trabzon escort bayan her legs while lowering my head to her center, kissing her full on her cunt. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue through her, giving her clit a quick swipe, eliciting from her a quiet gasp.

She finally put her book down on the bed, still open to save her place, and looked at me wryly, eyes sparkling with the beginnings of her arousal.

“Could you um, get the lights?” she asked huskily, to which I grinned. She was a little prudish and didn’t like me watching while she came. I didn’t mind; I knew I would be able to feel her squirming under my tongue, and that was good enough for me.

I stood up quickly and extinguished the lights, feeling my way through the sudden darkness back to the bed and my home between her legs. Leaning in, I entwined my arms under her thighs and let my hands wander her stomach while I took my time exploring her pussy with my lips, nibbling up one side, then gently grabbing the labia with my teeth, pulling her apart, then repeating on the other side.

After all the attention to her lips, I started licking around her clit, padding my tongue against its hood. I pulled back and blew gently on her, and she shivered, moaning slightly. I grinned and began with renewed fervor licking, sucking, nibbling, every few minutes pulling back and lying my head on her thigh, enjoying the closeness and her obvious pleasure.

I stuck a finger in my mouth, coating it, then ran it through her pussy lips, briefly rubbing her clit. Her hips jerked involuntarily, and she made a slight mewing noise. I leaned in and licked her clit while sliding the finger escort trabzon inside her, feeling around for the rough patch of her g-spot. Rubbing it gently, I worked my tongue slowly back and forth over her clit, feeling the little nub bounce to and fro, listening to her breathing become slightly heavier.

As I licked and sucked her pussy, her hips began to gyrate, and we fell into the age-old rhythm. My finger was brushing her g-spot, my tongue circling her clit, my other hand lightly scratching meaningless patterns onto the flesh of her stomach.

A sudden intake of breath and she jumped back a few centimeters, removing my mouth from her pussy. I grinned as she shook, her walls clamping on my finger, and her breath shuddered. A gentle but insistent heel on my shoulder blade told me my work was not done, and I was drawn back to her pussy, pulling out as much pleasure as possible with my tongue. Her hands slapped to the covers at her sides, balling them into her fists, and she bit her lip as she arched her back, her breath still coming in ragged gasps. I sighed contentedly as she slowly came, gently probing her clit with my tongue each time her shaking showed signs of abating, each time her back arched and slowly settled, until she unwrapped a hand from the covers and placed it on my forehead, a quiet sign of her being too sensitive to come any more.

With one last lap I withdrew my fingers and sat up, wiping her juices from my face, flashing her a grin she couldn’t see in the darkness. I heard her sigh contentedly, then mutter words of appreciation as she rolled over, already half-asleep. My poor, exhausted, beautiful wife…

Maybe because I made her come so hard she won’t make me clean the garage tomorrow.


This is my first attempt at any sort of story, erotic or otherwise. Please leave some feedback, tell me what’s weak, what’s strong, what you liked, what you hated. All polite criticism is welcome.

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My Submissive: Meghan Ch. 01

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“Talk dirty to me my pet. Tell me how bad you want it.”

“I want that hard cock deep inside my pussy Master, filling me full with your hot seed.”

“How bad do you want it? How long have you been dripping for it?”

“I long for it Master, I want it so bad!”

“But just how bad? Would you show up to my work and beg be to bang you behind the dumpsters?”

“Yes Master.”

“Would you fuck out in public?”

“Yes Master.”

“Would you fuck me as your brother watches?”

“Yes Master.”

“Then it is time for some fun, my pet.”

I throw you onto the couch and rip your stockings open. You have been a good girl and have been wearing only a skirt with no panties. “Hmmm,” you purr. I take my pants off in a flash. You can see my bull cock is hard and ready. I can see that your slit is oozing juice. I line up and thrust in balls deep in a single thrust. “Ohhh marmaris escort Master! I have been waiting for your cock for so long!”

After a few more thrusts you start to cum from the long wait. I feel you squirt on my cock and balls as I continue to thrust through your orgasm. With every thrust I shove you up a little further on the couch, so much so that I have to drag you back to the edge. “Where do you want my cum, my pet?” We both know that you have no say in where it goes. This is just an obedience practice.

“I want it deep in my pussy Master! I love the feeling of your hot seed deep inside me so much. I always cum when you cum inside of me.”

You can feel my cock start to get harder. “Here it cums my pet.” I say as I unleash a torrent of cum. “CUMMING!!!” You cry out. This time I bury myself balls deep inside of you, pushing into your cervix. I feel you squirt, flowing onto marmaris escort bayan me. You feel my jizz going into your womb.

“Squat in front of me now my pet.” I say as I pull out. You obey instantly. You see that my cock is in front of your face and you instantly start to work your magic on it. “Your technique is getting better my pet.” I say as you take the initiative and start to deep throat me. I groan. “That’s the way to do it my pet.”

After 15 mins of your ministrations I grab your hair in both hands. I start to fuck your face and I cum down your throat. “Drink my jizz. Get every single drop my pet.”

You moan in reply and I let go of your hair and pull out of your mouth. “You know there’s only one hole left that I have not fucked my pet.” I back up and you turn around, doggy-style. I shove into your ass and push your face to the floor. You see the mess that leaked escort marmaris out from your pussy while you deep throated me. “Clean up that mess my pet while I fuck your ass.”

“Yes Master!” you say, as you have already started to lick it up. You find it difficult to lick to all up as I am pounding your ass that hard.

I keep on pounding your ass and you are moaning like crazy. “I love your fucking cock Master! I love it when you cum in any of my holes. I am your slut, your whore. I will do anything for you. Fuck a stranger for money. Get fucked in public. Have you fuck me while my brother watches.”

Your dirty talk pushes me over the edge. “Here it cums my pet!” I unload into your ass. It triggers your own orgasm and you squirt all over the floor, leaving a puddle of your juices. I pull out of your ass and grab your hair, moving your face to my cock. “You know what to do my pet.”

You are still out of it from your intense orgasm, but you start to clean my cock. Once my cock is clean I say, “Now clean up the mess that you made my pet. Then we are going to have some fun in the shower.”


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My Sister Knocked up My Girlfriend

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Some fun with video cameras gets wild.

I did some traveling a couple years age and while I was in the Ukraine I met a very sweet lady named Viola and ended up spending a good amount of time with her. On the second week together we starting feeling very comfortable around each other and the relationship became intimate. We had great times together and I made four trips within a year to visit her until the economy took a dive and I had to concentrate on saving my house and business.

I missed Viola and would text and chat with her whenever we had time. A couple months ago Viola said she has been saving her money and would like to come and visit if I would like to see her. I told her that was a great idea and I would love to see her again. She called a couple days later and told me she purchased her plane ticket and would be here in three weeks. We were both excited to see each other again and to pass the time we talked and chatted often. I asked her if she would be staying in the guest room or if she would be sleeping in my bed and Viola said.

“I think the trip would be much more exciting for both of us if I sleep in your bed”

I told her I would like that very much. The three weeks went by quickly and the next thing I knew we were on our way home from the airport. We had a great time talking and laughing on the way home catching up on lost time. I told Viola I would bring in the luggage while she took a nice relaxing shower to freshen up after her 14 hour flight. By the time I finished bringing in the luggage I could hear the shower running in the master bathroom. When I brought the bags into the bedroom I noticed the bathroom door was open and I could see directly into the shower.

She looked even better that I remembered as the soap bubbles traveled down her petite golden brown 34″ x 24″x 35″ body. I couldn’t help but watch as she put on the sexy little show of washing and rinsing her gorgeous firm 5′ tall 100 lb. body. As soon as I saw her lift her foot up onto the shower seat and shave her pussy completely smooth I knew we were in for a wild two weeks. When Viola was finished showering she came bouncing out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a tiny little pair of panties that were stretched so tight that I could clearly see the tight little cleft between her sweet smooth pussy lips.

Viola looked so beautiful and sexy I wanted to take her to bed and ravage her sexy body until she begged me to stop. I knew she was tired and we would have plenty of time together so I told her to relax and take a nap until dinner was ready. I went to check on her a while later and when I saw her lying on her stomach sleeping with her sweet little ass perfectly displayed I felt my shaft swelling. I let her sleep and jumped on my computer to kill some time. After seeing her looking so good sleeping in her sexy little panties all I could think about was getting my hard cock in her and pumping her tight wet pussy with loads of thick potent sperm.

I went to a cool site called Literotica and checked out a couple of my favorite stories before browsing the forum. I was checking out the creampie videos in the Spank bank when the phone rang. I forgot about the computer when I got off the phone and decided to go to the store while Viola slept to get stuff for dinner.

I came home from the store and after putting away the groceries I went to check on Viola and found my bed empty. I found her sitting in front of my computer, I left it on still logged onto The Literotica site with my favorite story about a lady that wanted to make some homemade creampie videos with her boyfriend and they got carried away the day she ovulates and accidently pumped her full of potent sperm.

I snuck up behind her and as I looked over her shoulder I could see she was reading the story with one hand tweaking her left nipple and her other hand was slowly rubbing her clit. Viola saw my reflection in the screen and said.

“Oh babe, this is so hot, is that what you like?”

I reached down and lightly pinched both her firm little nipples as I whispered in her ear “Yes it is, and making a video together so we can watch my cock throb and jerk as it fills your pussy full of hot thick cum on our own TV screen would be very exciting.”

Viola said.

“It would be even hotter if we did it close to my ovulation time, just thinking about the risk of getting pregnant makes my pussy wet and slippery.”

We finished reading the story together and watched a bunch of my favorite videos to get ideas. We talked about it and decided to get up in the morning and buy a video camera so we could make some sexy pregnancy risk creampie videos of our own. We had a nice dinner at home talking and coming up with ideas for our creampie videos. I explained how exciting role playing can be when mixed with Impregnation fantasies and Viola quickly picked up on the idea. After finishing dinner and cleaning up the dishes we headed to the bedroom to cuddle and watch TV.

I took a quick shower and when I came out Viola was lying face down on the bed watching a creampie video on the laptop computer with her feet up in the air. She was wearing a tight little pair of fethiye escort boy shorts panties that perfectly clung to her smoothly shaved pussy. She looked over her shoulder at me and said.

“Daddy will you help me with my sex education homework?”

We both had a blast roleplaying before we were exhausted and fell asleep snuggled tightly together. I woke to a beautiful sunny day and started thinking about a conversation I had with Viola where she said her monthly visitor departed the day before she arrived for her visit. Based on her very regular schedule I figured we had five safe days to play and two dangerous days before her ovulation on day eight. To be safe we would have to use condoms from day 6 to day 11 and then we could go back to making creampie videos.

I slid the covers down and admired Viola’s prefect 34b cup perky little breasts with the nicest stand up nipples I have ever sucked on. I lowered my lips and gently started nibbling and sucking her nipples while slipping a finger between her smooth hot pussy lips. As her nipples started getting harder and her pussy started getting wetter she smiled and said.

“Oh babe, I love it when you wake me up like this.”

I gave her a nice kiss and rolled her on her side as I slid in behind her and slipped my hard cock between her thighs. I slipped my left arm under her neck allowing me to reach around and have access to both nipples and it put her smooth soft neck and ear within reach of my lips so I can kiss her neck and whisper all the kinky things I want to do with her in her ear. Viola turned her head towards me and as she kissed me passionately I slid my right hand down from her hard nipples to her firm flat belly and then lower until I reached her smoothly pussy lips. I grabbed the tip of my cock and pulled it tightly between her hot moist lips and started slowly sliding it back and forth across her swollen clit until her lips and my rigid shaft were wet and slippery with her feminine froth.

I played her well and within minutes she was breathing hard, shaking in my arms and on the verge of orgasm. When I knew she was close I changed the angle and slid my hard cock half way into her tight wet pussy and started strumming her pleasure button with my fingers as I tongued her ear triggering her orgasm. I heard her moan and felt her velvety sheath clamp down on my cock before it started pulsing and milking my shaft. I just held her and rode out her orgasm while enjoying all the squeezing and pulsing rippling along my hard cock. It took all my willpower to keep from letting loose and filling her but I wanted to save it until we got our new camcorder. As soon as we calmed down Viola turned her head kissed me and said.

“Let’s get dressed, grab a quick breakfast and go shopping for a camcorder.”

I just smiled thinking how cool it was to both be thinking the same thing. She must have been as excited as I was to get the camcorder and get back home to play with it because in record time she was ready to go and looking hot. She was wearing a tight little shirt that showed off her perky golden brown tits and just a bit of cleavage with a short skirt that made her round little ass look irresistible.

After a quick breakfast we hopped in the car and headed to the store. As I was driving Viola took my hand and placed it over her pussy letting me know she didn’t bother with panties before we left home. We arrived at the electronics store just after they opened and headed for the camcorder section. It only took a few minutes to find the camcorder we were looking for. Just before the young good looking salesman came over to help us Viola leaned close winking and giving me a quick sexy little kiss as she discretely gave my cock a quick squeeze and said.

“Watch me have a little fun with the salesman.”

I don’t know what she said to him but they looked like they were talking about the camcorder features and she made sure to bend over giving him a beautiful view down her top displaying her cleavage and when she bent down to look at the camcorder I knew he could see her shaved pussy because he was trying in vain to hide a rapidly growing erection. Viola said something to him and he shook his head no. She looked around before squatting down to point something out on the camcorder and in the process her skirt slid up her thigh exposing her beautiful shaved pussy to the salesman again.

He was listing to what she was saying about the camcorder but he was looking at the same thing I was, her smooth little peach. He just about fell over backwards when she slowly slid her finger up her thigh and right between her sweet pussy lips. She looked him in the eye and as they both stood up together, she made sure to step in close so he could smell her perfume and see down her blouse between her perky tanned breasts. She was standing close when she looked up at him, took the finger she just slid between her moist pussy lips and traced the outline of his lips before slipping it into her mouth and sensuously sucking on the tip with a sexy look.

He was in a daze until she pushed her hips forward bumping the massive tent in the front of his pants causing him to quickly escort fethiye bend at the waist and squat down in front of the camcorders. He looked like he shook for a moment and then grabbed two camcorders a small tripod and a remote controlled tripod. She turned to head for the cashier and he followed trying to hold the boxes in front of his pants to hide the wet spot. While the cashier was busy Viola took a little post-it note from her purse rubbed it between her moist pussy lips and then wrote” thank you sweetie” on it and slipped it in the salesman’s pocket.

We laughed our asses off all the way home. Viola talked the salesman into selling us two camcorders and two tripods for the same price we were going to pay for just the one camcorder. Her little show was so exciting that she was soaking wet and I had a massive erection.

We hurried home to start charging the batteries while we unpacked the camcorders and set them up on the tripods in the bedroom. Viola got on the bed and I moved the cameras around until we found the best angles to shoot from. After setting up the camcorders and hooking them to the TV so we could see what we would be recording Viola came over and started kissing me while watching us on the screen. She said.

“This is going to be so much fun, let’s take a quick shower and then I’ll change into something sexy while the batteries finish charging.”

I finished showering shaving and splashed on some cologne before slipping on some silk boxer shorts and popping the fresh batteries in the camcorders. I relaxed on the bed testing the remote tripod while I waited for Viola. When she came in to the bedroom she looked amazing wearing sexy little panties and nothing else. We talked about the theme and direction of the video and decided we would alternate each day who would direct the on screen action to give the videos variety. We decided I would direct the first video.

I hit the record button and set the remotes close by as Vila started pulling off my silk boxers and sliding up my body. As she started kissing me I felt her settle her silk covered pussy lips at the base of my cock and slowly slide back and forth. She took the lead as we began role playing for the cameras and started telling me we were all out of condoms and she was very close to her ovulation so we would have to be careful not to get my cum inside her fertile pussy but we could rub against each other until we get each other off as long as we don’t have my cock inside her tight little cunt when it erupts we should be safe. We started kissing and making out while Viola rubbed her sweet little wet cunt against my throbbing erection playing it up for the cameras.

I broke the kiss and as she continued rubbing her swollen silk covered clit against my hard shaft I said loud enough for the cameras.

“Baby I need to feel your tight wet kitty wrapped around my cock, Take off your panties”

Viola started shaking her head no as she said.

“It’s too close to my ovulation and your balls are full of fresh thick potent sperm, it’s too dangerous if you don’t pull out in time I could get pregnant.”

I grabbed her hips and pushing her back and up allowed my rock hard erection to stand straight and tall as I sat her panty covered pussy opening directly against the tip of my cock while it throbbed and oozed out a big glob of thick slippery precum she looked down at my cock and said.

“The only thing keeping you from getting potent sperm inside my pussy is my panties”

Viola’s thin silky little panties were so wet that with just a slight push the head of my cock tore through the crotch of her panties and plunged into her tight wetness. I kept pulling her hips down until her cervix was pressed tightly against the leaking opening on the tip of my erection causing her to moan as her facial expression went through a full series of emotions from surprise to “oh my god your breeding me” She was frantically pushing against my chest to try to lift off my cock as she squirmed on top of me until I said. “Baby I’m close to losing it, if you don’t stop squirming you’re going to make me cum inside you, settle down”

As I held her hips down with my full erection buried balls deep in Viola’s tight fertile pussy she looked at me with wide eyes and begged me to let her up off my throbbing cock. I laughed as I reached up and grabbed her hair pulling her down to me and began kissing her soft full lips before I rolled us over putting me on top with her feet resting on my chest and lining up a perfect angle for the cameras to get close up high definition video of my thick shaft buried deep in Viola’s beautiful little pussy.

I slid my hands up her thighs hooking the back of her knees with my thumbs as I began sliding my cock slowly back out of Viola’s tightly stretched sheath until the thick crown behind the head broke free of her tight silky inner lips coming into full view for the cameras before pausing briefly and slowly sliding back inside until I could feel her cervix tightly pressed against the tip of my erection. It only took a couple of deep strokes before she began coating my shaft with thick clear slippery pussy juice and breathing faster fethiye escort bayan as I slowly fucked her tight pussy with every inch of my thick slippery erection. Viola looked up at me with her big beautiful eyes and an expression of pure sexual pleasure as she said.

“Oh baby it feels so good and I’m so close to cumming all over your cock but I can feel you swelling and getting harder too and I’m right in the middle of my most fertile time of the month, you’re going to have to stop now so you don’t get me pregnant baby.”

I let go of her legs and she wrapped them around my waist as I slowed down my thrusts because I knew she was right I was close and I wanted to make it last as long as possible to get more footage for the cameras before the final money shot. I pushed in deep one more time and held the tip of my cock against her cervix as I said. “Don’t worry baby I promise I’ll pull out before I cum so I don’t knock you up.”

I must have been closer than I thought because as I told her I would pull out before I came I felt my cock jerk hard and belch out a substantial amount of precum against Viola’s cervix before I regained control and held back my impending ejaculation, just barely.

I pulled my cock completely out of Viola’s quivering pussy and we both looked down as the head popped free of her slippery opening to see my cock covered in her clear slippery juices. She reached up and wrapped her soft petite fingers around the base of my slippery shaft gripping it firmly and milking it from root to tip squeezing out a thick white glob of sperm as she said.

“Look you almost leaked enough sperm in me to knock me up, you better be more careful”

As she wiped the thick sperm off on her swollen clit before slotting my cock head up in the tiny pink opening to her tight baby maker. I watched as she tightened her grip around my waist and pulled her pussy up onto my throbbing erection with her leg lock taking half my bare cock back inside her tight little cunt before looking up at me with a sly sexy smile. I held still for a minute with half my throbbing erection basking in the tight hot wetness of Viola’s slippery cunt until I felt in control of my ejaculation before I began sliding in and out of her tight cunt again.

In less than ten strokes we were both breathing fast and Viola’s slippery little twat was starting to squeeze and grip my stiffening cock as we both worked closer to orgasm. I kept pumping her wet pussy hard and deep knowing I was close to the point of no return but beyond the point of being able to stop when I felt Viola’s tight cunt clamp down hard on my thickening erection signaling the start of her orgasm. As her orgasm began and I felt her vaginal contractions milking my throbbing cock she said.

“Oh fuck, I’m Cumming and I can feel you getting thicker and harder, you have to pull out and be careful you don’t get any sperm in my pussy, Oh fuck, so good”

Just feeling her tight wet cunt milking my cock as she shuddered in orgasm and her talk about getting sperm in her pussy was enough to push me over the edge and make my cock jerk hard as my orgasm began and my sperm started its journey to the promised fertile land. Viola had her heels dug into my hips as she humped her little pussy up onto my cock while she convulsed in orgasm making it difficult to pull my pulsing ready to erupt cock free before the first of many thick potent blasts of fresh sperm hosed down her tiny twat. I just managed to get the head out as the first thick blast came surging out of the tip of my erection and painted the opening to Viola’s tiny pink vagina and both her thick swollen lips.

Just as the first blast began to slow down Viola tightened her legs and drove her wet opening up onto my cock pushing my fresh spunk half way to her cervix before relaxing her legs and allowing her pussy to drop off my cock just as the second volley of potent sperm came shooting out and blasting against her swollen clit and splashing into her vaginal opening. Half of my second blast made a nice puddle in the tight opening to Viola’s sweet little pussy and the other half ran down her flat tummy towards her belly button to form a second fresh spunk pond.

Viola thrust her tight pussy up onto my throbbing erection a third time pushing more of my thick sperm deeper and instead of pulling back off my cock just before the third blast she double pumped my cock and took the third blast with the direct deposit method at least two thirds of the way inside her quivering vagina. Viola’s double pump put us out of sequence and now instead of my cock blasting the contents of my full balls on the outside of her pretty little pussy between insertions I was pumping thick potent sperm directly into her slippery cunt and she was pushing it deeper with each thrust of her hips. Each time she pulled off my cock it would jerk and just before my cum would erupt from the tip Viola would thrust her hips up again and pull her cunt as deep as possible onto my cock as each blast of thick semen would launch deeper into her cum filled pussy. I looked down and watched my cock pull free of Viola’s tight pink opening just as it jerked hard and as the thick white sperm was splashing against her tiny opening she pulled her cunt back up onto my cock taking it half way inside her tight sheath as it continued to spray out thick potent baby batter filling her a little more each time.

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My Senior Year Ch. 01: Maya

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I was a relatively late bloomer. My sex life only began in my senior year, when my time at secondary school was nearing its end. Unfortunately for me, bright students are not always popular or confident, and for most of my schooling I had not had any significant success with the opposite sex.

Bookishness aside, I was not unattractive. I had thick, dark brown hair that reached my shoulders, and a neat goatee on my chin. My most distinguishing features were my piercing blue eyes and my stature, being a little over six foot tall. Admittedly, I could have stood to lose a few pounds, but I carried myself well all the same. Although many men would be inclined to exaggerate, I suspect I was on the smaller size down — but it’s not how big it is, it’s where you put it, as they say.

I didn’t lose virginity until I was eighteen, and then the floodgates opened and I couldn’t get enough. This and the chapters that follow detail the exploits across my senior year of secondary school. I’ll save the story of losing my virginity for later, however, because the story that follows is a better representation of my sexual awakening.

Readers may be surprised to learn that the vast majority of my sexual exploits took place in school — on campus. When you’re a senior you get more privileges, including more study breaks and more time alone. I suspect that other students were having a lot more sex than me — both in and out of school — and because I was never invited to parties, school was the only place I could really be alone with a girl.

At school I was surrounded by female students and staff, which provided me with many subjects for masturbatory fantasies. I would orgasm at least twice a day thinking about other students and teachers, but one student featured more regularly than most: Maya.

Maya was attractive in an unconventional sense. She had bushy auburn hair, slightly bucked teeth, small breasts, and a long face that reminded me ever so slightly of a horse. But she also had beautiful deep brown eyes, a cute smile, voluptuous lips, and a lithe body with long, naturally-tanned legs.

I knew about Maya’s legs thanks to the school’s uniform — a light blue blouse and a dark blue plaid skirt that most of the girls, including Maya, wore well above the knee.

The short skirts came in handy for more than merely admiring the girls’ legs.

During a particularly dull mathematics class being taught by the equally dull Ms Johnson, I was seated directly behind Maya. She suddenly stood up and leaned over her desk to pass a pencil to the student seated in front of her. Her skirt rode up over her thighs and revealed her pink lace panties. Gemma, the student sitting next to her, responded quickly to Maya’s unintentional display of immodesty, but it was too late; I had seen plenty.

The sight of Maya’s panties only served to feed my daydreams. I longed to put my hands on her perfect thighs, to feel her soft, smooth, spongy flesh, and to move my hands upward, under her skirt. But that longing was merely fuel for my fantasies.

A few weeks after that incident, I asked my history teacher for permission to use a computer lab during lunchtime. The computer labs were usually off limits at lunch, but the library was ironically too loud and busy to get much work done. Ms Webster was compliant and issued a permission slip in case another teacher tried to evict me from the lab.

When I arrived at the lab, I was surprised to find another student inside, bent over at one of the computers that sat on the desk that lined the room’s walls. I instantly recognised Maya by her bushy hair and lovely legs. trabzon escort I paused a moment to admire her legs and the way her skirt was pulled taut over her bottom, emphasising her curvature. If only I had a camera!

My member twitched and I instinctively brushed it with the back of my hand. I wished I could take it out and stroke myself.

Eventually I stepped inside and allowed the door to swing shut behind me. It made a soft thump that caused Maya to turn her head and look at me. She smiled.

“Hey!” Maya said, straightening up and turning to face me properly.

“Hey Maya.”

“If you’ve come here to do work, I’m not sure you’ll get much done,” she warned. “The computers don’t seem to be working. This is the second one I’ve tried … Wait, you’re good with computers; maybe you could take a look for me?”

“Sure,” I said, and began to approach her. I felt myself stiffen considerably. It was difficult to take my eyes off her, but the longer I looked the harder I became. Being alone with her wasn’t helping either.

I was relieved to make it to the desk, where I could bend over to avoid her seeing the growing bulge in the front of my trousers.

“The computers are on,” she said, indicating a glowing light on the front of the computer, “but the screens aren’t working. I’ve tried wiggling the mouse and pressing the keys, but nothing happens.”

I idly tapped a few keys to confirm, not quite sure what I was expecting to happen. Nothing happened when I pressed the power button on the monitor either.

“I’m pretty sure these are new screens,” I said. “I wonder if …”

I leaned over the edge of the desk and peered around the back. My throbbing member rubbed against the hard edge of the desk and I shivered. Now was really not the best time for an erection, but I thought maybe I’d be able to tug myself off under a desk when she wasn’t looking.

As I straightened up, I hoped that we were close enough that she wouldn’t look down.

“I feel so stupid! Thanks for working that out,” she said, flashing me a smile with those thick lips. She really was cute.

“You’re welcome,” I smiled back, looking into her beautiful eyes.

I don’t know what came over me, but I plunged.

I grabbed Maya by her firm buttocks with both hands and pulled her close, pressing my member against her, and planted a kiss on her lips. She went rigid and tried to pull away, but I kept my lips locked firmly on hers.

I dropped my right hand to her thigh, feeling for the hem of her skirt. My hand moved under her skirt and slowly stroked her soft thigh, moving millimetre by millimetre higher.

As I moved my hand up her thigh, her resistance melted. Maya opened her mouth and our tongues danced.

I wrapped my arm around her leg and began caressing her inner thigh, continuing ever higher. I could feel the heat radiating off her other thigh as the gap between her legs narrowed. A drop of fluid rolled over my hand. She was wet already.

The side of my hand finally touched fabric. I pressed against her labia through her panties. Maya moaned as I varied the pressure, and I could feel the material moistening.

I moved my hand back to her outer thigh and felt for the waistband of her panties. I slipped a finger inside the elastic and ran along it until my finger brushed a soft tuft of pubic hair. I worked my hand down the front of her panties and edged toward her lady parts. Maya let out another moan as I gently massaged her pubic mound.

“Do it,” she whispered hoarsely.

I moved my hand further into her panties and extended my middle finger, trabzon escort bayan running it along her slit. Maya shivered. I inserted my finger between her labia and pushed it inside her. She gasped. I wiggled my finger and started sliding it in and out of her.

We kissed again, her breathing heavy.

After a few minutes of writhing around my finger, Maya grabbed my wrist and guided my hand out of her panties. She caught her breath and smiled, dropping my hand and starting to unbutton her blouse.

“They’re not the biggest, but I think you’ll like them all the same,” she said.

Her blouse fell open to reveal a pink lace bra. I wondered if her panties matched and hoped I’d find out.

I put my hands on Maya’s hips and slid them up her body to her bra straps, stroking the sides of her small breasts through the lace. Maya unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, revealing her erect nipples.

I admired her breasts briefly, taking in their soft, perky curves, then started stroking them again. I gave each a little squeeze, though they were barely a handful each, and played with her nipples, before leaning in to kiss her breasts and give each nipple a gentle suck.

I pushed Maya back against the desk and lifted her onto a space between two computers. She leaned back on her hands. I continued kissing her breasts, then made my way down her body until I reached the waistband of her skirt. Maya reached down to unclasp it.

“No,” I said. “Leave it on. Just lift it up.”

Maya grinned and grabbed the hem of her skirt, pulling it up over her stomach. My member pulsed at the sight of her pink lace panties.

I knelt on the floor and kissed her pubic mound, then pushed her legs wide. Slowly kissing southward, I eventually reached the moist strip of material between her legs. Her faint scent reminded me of peanut brittle. I kissed her moist panties, then stuck out my tongue and ran it along the material.

Maya giggled.

I brought her legs together so that I could remove her panties, slipping them over her white socks and black shoes, then dropping them to the floor.

I stopped to admire her thin, glistening slit and neatly trimmed pubic hair, then got to work. I lapped at her labia and slowly inserted my tongue between them. Lick fervently, I felt her juices flow onto my face and into my mouth. Maya groaned and gasped as I licked and licked, pressing my face into her muff with her hand.

When I eventually came up for air, Maya slid off the desk.

“Now it’s your turn,” she said with a smirk, and knelt down in front of me.

I felt like my member was about to explode. Maya unbuckled my belt and undid the button on my trousers, wiggling them down to the floor. She gripped the waistband of my briefs and slowly pulled them down. My throbbing member sprung to attention when freed.

Once my underwear was down around my ankles, Maya turned her attention to my shaft. She ran the back of her hand along its length and I shivered with excitement. She gripped it lightly and began to stroke, my considerable pre-cum acting as a lubricant.

Maya smiled seductively and brought her head forward. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and kissed my glans. Her lips parted and I slid inside her soft, warm, wet mouth. She sucked and moved her head back and forth, her lips tightening around me, her tongue licking my glans.

I put my hands on the back of her head and thrust into her mouth as far as I could. Maya choked and I let go, sliding out of her mouth so she could pause for breath. She put her hand back on my shaft and stroked escort trabzon slowly.

“Ready?” I asked, looking down at her.

Maya nodded. I helped her stand and pushed her back to the desk, so she was sitting on it again.

I stepped out of my trousers and underwear, leaving them on the floor. Maya lifted her skirt and leaned back, resting on her palms. I approached her, my member in my hand, and she parted her legs.

I directed my glans toward Maya’s wet snatch, and the tip made contact. She let out a soft moan as I rubbed it along her labia, slowly parting her downstairs lips.

After teasing her for a while, I finally slide insider her tight, went cunt. She moaned as our pubic mounds made contact. My cock was fully inside her. I pulled back and began thrusting slowly, sliding in and out. I looked down and saw that my member glistened with her fluid.

In and out I went, gradually increasing the speed of my thrusts. We were both panting and sweating. She squirmed with pleasure around my cock.

After a few minutes I slid out of her.

“Finished so son?” Maya taunted.

“Not by a long shot.”

I pulled her to her feet and turned her around so she was facing the wall. I gently pushed her forward so she was leaning with her palms on the desk, and lifted her right leg so that her knee rested on the desk.

Grabbing my cock, I again directed it to her wet opening and slide inside her. My hands went to her hips and I began thrusting. Instinctively, my hands found their way to her breasts, and I fondled them, tweaking her nipples.

Maya was moaning and groaning. My stomach slapped against her arse cheeks and I thrusted. The penetration was shallower in this position, and each thrust brought less stimulation, allowing me to preserve my stamina a little. The exertion was still taking its toll, however, and I slowed down, coming to a stop with my cock still inside her.

Maya turned her neck to look at me.

“Can I choose now?”

I obliged and slid out of her. Her fluid dripped off my cock and onto the floor.

“Lie down,” she said, motioning to the floor.

I sat on the floor and leaned back, propping myself up on my elbows so I could still see her.

Maya squatted over me, her long legs spread apart. I was reminded of the time we were dance partners and I had observed her agile, almost frog-like legs bending with ease. She gripped my cock and lowered herself onto it. Her arse touched my thighs and I was inside her again.

She lifted herself up, then dropped back down. This was slower, but deeper. Maya kept bouncing on my stiff cock until she became tired and knelt with one leg either side of my thighs.

She began unbuttoning my shirt. Once it was open, she put her hands on my chest and leaned forward, her long hair dangling down and brushing my nipples.

Maya used her knees to pivot, raising and lowering her abdomen. Her went cunt slid rapidly up and down along my shaft, building intense speed.

Faster and faster she went, her moans interrupted by sharp gasps for air.

I felt myself tense and realised I was only a few strokes from climax. My legs went rigid.

“Oh, Maya!” I groaned. “I’m about to cum!”

Then it happened. I felt my cock erupt, spewing hot semen into Maya’s cunt. She felt it too and slowed down. I spurted twice more, each time ejaculating a little less. I felt myself becoming lip inside her.

Maya lifted herself off me and my limp cock retreated from her cunt. I watched as the cocktail of semen and vaginal fluid dribbled down her inner thighs.

She rolled off me and onto her back. I instinctively dropped my elbow and caught her in my arm.

We lay there for a few minutes, waiting for our breath to return to normal. I checked my watch and discovered there were only five minutes until classes resumed.

“We better get cleaned up.”

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My Neighbor’s Daughter

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Mary is a gal who lives in the condo next to mine and when I answered the knock at my front door that Wednesday night there she was.

“Bill, I’ve got a problem that I am hoping you can help me with.”

“Sure Mary, what is it?”

“I just got a call from my manager and she wants me to get my butt out to Chicago for a huge corporate meeting that just came up and I’ll be gone for three days. I hate to leave Sally alone for that length of time and I am hoping you will be able to sort of look after her while I am gone.”

Mary has some kind of job in direct marketing and has always been a great neighbor. She’s in her late thirties, which is about five years older than I am. Her husband ran off with a young bimbo a half dozen years ago leaving Mary to fend for herself and raise Sally. Sally is a gal that I think has stayed out of trouble but I can see why Mary is concerned. Sally isn’t the prettiest thing around but she’s about twenty without much of a shape but she’s certainly pleasant enough but of the age when trouble comes knocking.

“No problem Mary but there is a situation I have to present to you and let you make your decision after hearing it. I am leaving tomorrow morning to my cabin up in the far reaches of Maine. It is a two-bedroom place and while it is certainly more than big enough for Sally and I she might find it a bit boring. I was planning to do some fishing on the lake my cabin is on and then some good old fashion hiking. So, if you think Sally could handle that kind of weekend I’ll be happy for the company.” I’m a writer so I am able to control my work schedule pretty well and going off for a week or so is almost a routine of mine.

“Well, that will certainly be different than any other weekend she has ever experienced. How about I bring her over and the three of us can discuss it? Hold on and let me go get her.”

Sally sounded as if she would be happy to join me and that was it. Mary left it that she would go the local food store that night and stock up on things we could enjoy on our mini- camping trip.

The car ride up to the cabin is about six hours and with the two of us jabbering away it seemed to go fast. It turned out that Sally had celebrated her twentieth birthday a few days earlier so when we stopped for lunch I had the waitress bring over a couple of pieces of chocolate cake I had spotted in the bakery rack. The waitress was a great sport and led the diner in singing “Happy Birthday” to Sally. The whole place joined in and applauded when the song was over. Sally could have died with embarrassment but laughed good naturally.

We arrived at the cabin around three and had our stuff unloaded a half-hour later. I have a local woman come by to dust and just do general clean up whenever I call and tell her I’ll be up so the place was presentable and Sally wouldn’t get the idea I was a total slob.

I really like the place but I have been here in late November thru early March and it does get a mite chilly. My first time up in the winter I thought I would freeze to death. I had the propane heaters and the wood fireplace going 24/7. I had to call a guy who lives here year round and sells firewood to deliver three extra large loads during that period. That summer I had a local contractor come in and do a much better job in weatherproofing the place. He showed me some gaps in the insulation I could put my fist through. The guy I had build the place had moved out of the area after he did a shitty job building my place and a few others in the area.

There are a couple of pieces of all weather kind of furniture out on the porch facing the lake and I came through the living room and saw Sally on the sofa out on the porch just looking at the water. There is a huge roof over the porch so the furniture stays in decent shape even though it is exposed to the weather year round.

“So what do you think? Like it so far?” I asked.

“Oh heck yes. It is serene and the view is terrific.”

I went over and sat beside her on the sofa and she looked up at me and said,

“Bill, would you mind if I asked you some personal questions?”

I had no idea where this was going but I knew the situation with her wandering father and she didn’t have a man to chat with about things that prey on the mind of teenagers.

“Not at all, ask away.”

She stood up and got in front of me and just turned herself in a complete circle and then sat back down along side of me.

“My question is why don’t any guys ever ask me out on dates? I know I am no beauty queen but I don’t think I am ugly.”

“Are you saying you have never been on a date?”

“Yep, that’s exactly what I am saying.”

“Geez. I don’t know if I can answer that. I know if I were a bit younger I would be knocking on your door. Let me give it some thought and I’ll get back to you.”

“I have fired up the charcoal grill so how about if we go for a walk while it is heating up? Who knows maybe we’ll see a deer or two and I promise to think more about how to answer your question while we are walking.”

Our walk took fethiye escort us about a mile around one part of the lake before we turned back. She kept at me about did I have any ideas as to what the problem was with her lack of men friends and I didn’t have any answers that satisfied either of us. I’ll give it some more thought later.

The coals were white hot when we got back and I threw on a couple of the steaks Mary supplied us with. I heated some water and put a handful of asparagus on the screening that fits the pot so we were going to have steamed asparagus and steak for dinner. I always have the place stocked with wine and booze so I cracked open a nice Merlot and we sipped that while enjoying our meal.

The longer I chatted with Sally the more confused I got. As I said, she certainly isn’t a beauty queen but she is one interesting gal and a great conversationalist. What the hell is keeping the guys away from her?

When we were almost finished eating I announced that I was going for a swim. It was only six thirty and I was going to love the feel of the tingling cool lake water. Knowing that I would feel a little more than just cool when I got out of the water I threw some logs in the outdoor fireplace and lit the kindling. It would burn for hours.

“Bill. I didn’t bring a bathing suit but I can go in with the shorts I have on and a T-top I have in my suitcase as long as I can use your dryer later.”

“No problem, I’ll be also using an old pair of shorts I keep up here for just this. Last one in is a rotten egg.”

It was nearly a tie but I do think she beat me by a few seconds.

She is a fantastic swimmer. God, her strokes aren’t only powerful but are as graceful as imaginable. Damn, she would clean my clock in a swimming race.

It was about another half-hour before dusk so we swam back and forth and then out a hundred yards or so and then back into shore.

“Sally, I’m going in now. You can join me or stay in the water as long as you would like.”

“No, I think I’ll join you. I do hope you have a few towels we can use.”

“That I have. There is a locker by the door into the cabin from the porch that holds a half dozen fluffy white towels. We can spread a few beneath us while sitting on the sofa in front of the fire and use a few more to hurry our drying.”

She was a good few steps behind me and I turned to see her climbing the steps to the cabin. Holy cow, she had a nice body but certainly had it hidden under the clothes she was wearing that day. I think I have discovered while she wasn’t getting any action from the guys. The way she dressed made it appear that she had a body of a guy. That can be fixed rather easily.

“Sally, you are probably going to be upset with what I am about to say but you were the one who asked for my opinion as to why you never had any dates.”

“Yes, so what is your big discovery?” she asked sheepishly.

“It’s easy. Your problem is the way you dress. You cover up some of your best assets. All day I thought you were basically flat chested and now when I see you in a wet tee shirt I can see I was grossly mistaken. You actually have TITS.”

Whew, even as dark as it was getting I could see the blushing start at her neck and quickly go up to her hairline.

“Well, heck, I don’t want to dress like a slut.”

“Sally, I’m not suggestion that you do but on the other hand dressing like a guy isn’t helping your appeal to the opposite sex.”

“So you think that if I dressed differently I would attract guys?” She asked.

“There isn’t the slightest doubt in my mind. I KNOW I’m right. Look, do something for me. Get another towel and turn your back to me and then slip out of that wet tee shirt and wrap the towel around your neck letting the ends of it drape down over your chest and then turn back to me.”

She did it but not too quickly. This wasn’t something she was excited about doing.

When she was facing me again I could see that the towel was protruding out a good ways and then I thought I’d go for broke.

“Sally, I would like to see what you have under there so if you will please hold the ends of the towel away from your body.”

“You mean you want to see me naked up top?” She asked with a stutter.

“Sally, all I am trying to do is to see what we have to work with as far as picking out more attractive clothes for you. If you don’t want to do that, no problem. Come sit back on the sofa and I’ll get us a glass of wine and we can watch the flames in the fireplace and chat about what we can do for the next few days. One of which is to drive into town and get you some different things to wear.”

Almost before I finished that sentence the towel was being held out and I was looking at a lovely pair of tits. Not Dolly Parton material but what is the old saying, “A nice pair of tits are about the size of a champagne glass.”? Hers were a good bit larger and appeared to be as firm as rocks. Damn, wait until we get her dressed differently and she’ll be a new gal.

“Sally, I can promise you that when we get you at least escort fethiye some better tops and perhaps a different bra you will not recognize yourself.”

“Hey, I’m going to go in and take a shower and then pull on my sweat pants and shirt that I wear to bed and I’ll be back down in fifteen minutes. I’ll pour you a glass of wine you can sip on till I return.”

“No, don’t do that. I’ll go and take a shower too. I’ll gather the towels we used here along with the clothes we swam in and throw them all in the washer if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. The laundry room is right off the kitchen.”

I have a bathroom off the master bedroom but there isn’t a private bath off the guest bedroom. The bath for it is right next door to it but she was going to go from the bedroom next door to the bath.

When she was going from the bedroom to the bath she must have thought I was in my bath but I had taken a quick shower while she was throwing stuff in the washer and was on my way back out when she was going from the bedroom to the bath and only had a towel wrapped around her top. That left her uncovered from the waist down and I was able to see that she hadn’t shaved a rather large black bush. She would have shit fit if she thought I saw her like that.

I had switched to scotch after my shower and threw another log on the fireplace and sat on the sofa just looking at the stars and the lights from the houses far along the distant shore of the lake. It really is a peaceful tranquil sight and I love it. I come up here often when I am trying to get some ideas for my writing and I never fail to get just the kind of charge that I need.

“Boy, you are fast Bill. How long have you been sitting out here?”

“Oh not very long, maybe ten minutes or so. Remember, I don’t have the long hair of yours to wash and dry.” (I was talking about the hair on her head not her pussy!)

“I’ve switched to scotch and you are certainly welcome to some if that’s your choice but I wasn’t going to change your drinks without your OK”

“That’s good. I think I had better stick with wine. I’ve only had one glass of scotch in my whole life and hated the taste of it”

“No problem, one glass of wine coming up,” and I rose to get the bottle from the dining area table where I had put it down before our afternoon walk.

“Well, tomorrow is a big day. We are going to get you some new clothes and then have lunch in town and then back here for some fishing out on the lake.”

“What kind of clothes do you think I need and remember I didn’t bring a ton of money with me so they better take credit cards.”

“Don’t worry about the cost. They will be my treat. I was thinking that we ought to go to a store other than a Wal Mart and get a sales gal who looks as if she understands fashion and simply ask for her help. Maybe something with sequins sewn all over it with a skirt way up above your knees and an ultra tight top to go with it. What do you think?”

“I don’t know if you are joking or not but I can tell you this, you will never see me in anything with sequins” She said forcefully.

“Yeah, I’m joking. I was thinking of a pair of nice shorts with a couple of not too tight tops. Perhaps we can also get you in a pair of long pants that could pick up the colors of the tops. Who knows, we’ll just ask the sales girl for her guidance”

“Sounds good but I have to ask why are you doing all of this?”

“Well, I hated to hear you say you never had a date and I think I know the reason why and want to do something about it. ‘Besides, never look a gift horse ………”

“Sally, I think I am going to hit the sack. Would you like me to pour you another glass of wine before I leave?”

“No, I am just going to finish the glass I have and then hit the hay as well. See you in the morning.”

I was awakened with the smell of coffee and the clanging of silverware and got up to see that Sally had started the coffee and was putting some bread in the toaster. The day was starting out right.

“Hey Chef, you do nice work. I’ll bet you could scramble a couple of eggs if you tried read hard.”

“Scrambled eggs coming up.” She said as she reached for the frying pan.

We sat eating our eggs and talked about what the day was going to bring. It was only eight AM and I said that by the time we finished breakfast and got ourselves and the kitchen cleaned up it would be close to nine. The ride over to the main shopping area would take about forty-five minutes, which would be perfect. The stores opened at nine thirty and we would be there shortly afterwards.

“Bill, I’m not sure I want to go ahead with clothing makeover you have planned.”

“Oh cut the crap Sally. You admit you are not getting any action from the guys you know and I know perfectly well the reason. The way you dress would make any guy think you are from Deadsville. I know how to resolve the issue and If you don’t want to go ahead with it, fine but you will have to stop moaning about your lack of popularity to both me and anyone else, including your mother. Make up fethiye escort bayan your mind now because if we aren’t going shopping I am going to put my fishing togs on and I’m ready to catch a whale.”

She lowered her head and mumbled, “OK we’ll go shopping.”

“Before we do that I have something else to talk to you about. We are going to have to trim your pubic hair a lot to keep it from protruding from the edges of any shorts we are going to get you. Girls nowadays trim it back on both sides or shave it completely. If you are wondering where I got this info I have to tell you that your hair was visible around the shorts you wore swimming. I have scissors and a razor and will do it for you if that won’t embarrass you too much.”

“You mean you want to give my private parts a HAIRCUT?”

“Well, yes if that’s the way you want to think of it.”

“Oh my God, I hardly know you and you are suggesting that I let you get that personal with me.”

“Sally, you can do it yourself but I can imagine that it will be very hard the first time. I’ll cut it back on each side and then shave those areas with my razor and shaving cream. If you think you can do all of that without cutting yourself you are certainly welcome to try. Just let me know for we are going to have to do it before we leave for the stores. We can’t have the sales girl see you there or she will flip out”

“C’mon Sally, what the heck’s the big deal. I have seen a lot of girls ‘private parts’ as you so describe.

“I’ll get warm wash cloths and a basin of warm water and bring them to your bed.”

She followed my instructions well and it was only another fifteen minutes that I was looking at a huge black bush and her face was redder than a beet as she was lying on the bed.

“OK, Sally, raise up a bit. I want to put a towel under your butt to catch the hair I will be cutting off.”

I had her lay on her back and began the cutting with the scissors. Her bush was so thick I couldn’t even see the lips of her pussy until I got a lot of the hair off. She had her arm thrown across her face to sort of hide herself; like that was going to keep me from seeing her. I got most of it trimmed and then had her open her legs and trimmed what was there. I then got the warm wet wash cloth and sort of draped it over her while I got the shaving cream out and a new razor. I had cut fairly close with the scissors so the shaving went fairly easy.

When I smeared the cream on I made sure my fingers dwelt a little bit longer than was necessary on the lips of her pussy. As soon as she felt what I was doing with my fingers she began a little moan. I started shaving her and every time I got near her pussy lips I let a finger trail over the nearest lip. Her moans became louder and I asked if I was hurting her and she whispered. “No, but the way you are touching me feels so strange.”

“Strange good or strange bad?” I asked but kept my fingers doing right what they were as I asked.

“Strange nice.” She responded.

“Well, let me finish this and see how it looks and feels for you.”

It only needed a few more strokes of the razor and then a wipe up with the wash cloth before I was finished. I then let my fingers slide up one side of her pussy and then over to the other side to do the same thing. After just a few minutes of this she was moaning big time and had began to throw her hips back and forth and up to meet my fingers.

“Sally, after you shower again I am going to get a little Vaseline and wipe it over where I just shaved. I think it will make the area feel better.”

When she got up from the bed the hair I had trimmed completely covered the towel I had her lie on. It was going in the trash rather than try to salvage it. The amount of hair would certainly clog my drain.

I heard a little shriek from the bathroom and rushed in to see what it was only to find her posing in front of the wall mirror and looking at my handiwork.

“I’m naked she shouted. Where did all my hair go?” She said laughingly.

“You just joined the twenty-first century Sally. Now get into the shower and wash yourself good before I smear a little Vaseline on that area to smooth it


“Sally, you are going to have to come up with some kind of story about shaving your pussy for your mom.”

“Yeah, she’ll be jealous as heck.”

“What would she have to be jealous about?” I asked.

“Cause she would wish it was her pussy you had shaved. She’s been wanting to get it on with you for a long time. She thinks you are soooooooo handsome.”

Hmmmm, I am going to have to pay more attention to my neighbors when I get back.

I few minutes later she was dried off and going back to her bed and I was right behind her with the Vaseline and a huge throbbing hard on.

“Lay back Sally and let me put some of this stuff on you and I am certain it will feel good.”

I got a gob of it on my fingers and slowly began to caress the shaved part and once again let my fingers trail over the lips of her pussy. This time I let them enter her a very little way but that was all it took. I was glad the cabin was deep in the woods so no one could hear her moaning. Each time my fingers opened her pussy lips up a little her moans got louder and as my fingers retreated they got softer.

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