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Yo, Andrés (2)

por piss_boys

[email protected]



Warning: as already pointed out in my previous published stories, I won’t try to write them in English, which is not my mother-tongue. I will keep writing them in Spanish, my second language.

Following the hint one of my readers gave me, I suggest non-Spanish readers who are keen on this fetish to use Google translator to pass it into English.

This is a work of gay fictions containing scenes of sex between males of different ages, so what is this story about, exactly: man to boy sex (M/b), body odours (BO), watersports (WS), smegma.

I hope you will enjoy this new story: if it makes you horny, and your little brother downstairs is raising his head up, then the story has reached its goal… As usual, this is a labour of my fantasy (and, once again, it comes from a non-sexual event actually happened), only intended for an adult audience, the author condemns any act as such here described, and all prescriptions required by law apply. If you are an under-age reader yourself, it is better for you to leave now, go back to cartoons, and come back again in a couple of years, or more, according to your present age.

Please feel free to give me a feedback. Depending on your comments I might decide to write another chapter. Anyway, there are other stories of mine on this same fetish(es) you might find interesting:

–       https://www.//gay/non-english/smegma-forever/

–       https://www.//gay/adult-youth/una-inusual-visita-medica/

–       https://www.//gay/encounters/encuentro-en-el-hospital.html

–       https://www.//gay/non-english/el-angel-rubio.html

if you enjoy what you read in , don’t forget to donate, all of us, authors and readers, need this site open to everybody, but they cannot survive without our help! You can donate here: fty/donate.html




Esta es una obra de ficción gay que contiene escenas de sexo entre hombres de diferentes edades. Entonces, de qué trata exactamente esta historia: sexo de hombre a joven (M/b), olores corporales (BO), pis (WS), esmegma.

Espero que disfrutéis de esta nueva historia: si os pone cachondos, y vuestro hermanito abajo está levantando la cabeza, entonces la historia ha alcanzado su objetivo… Como de costumbre, este es un trabajo de mi fantasía (aunque, una vez más, origina de un evento no sexual realmente ocurrido), solo destinado a una audiencia adulta; el autor condena cualquier acto como tal aquí descrito, y se aplican todas las prescripciones requeridas por la ley. Si tú mismo eres un lector menor de edad, es mejor que te vayas ahora, regreses a los dibujos animados y vuelvas aquí otra vez en un par de años, o quizás más, de acuerdo con tu edad actual y con las leyes de donde vivas.

Por favor, siéntete libre de enviarme comentarios. Dependiendo de ellos, podría decidir escribir otro capítulo más. De todos modos, hay otras historias mías sobre este(s) mismo(s) fetiche(s) que pueden resultarte interesantes:

– https://www.//gay/non-english/smegma-forever/

– https://www.//gay/adult-youth/una-inusual-visita-medica/

– https://www.//gay/encounters/encuentro-en-el-hospital.html

– https://www.//gay/non-english/el-angel-rubio.html

Si disfrutéis de las historias que leéis en , ¡no olvidéis hacer una donación, nosotros todos, autores y lectores, necesitamos que el sitio quede libre, pero Nifty no puede sobrevivir sin nuestra ayuda! Podéis donar aquí: fty/donate.html





Al día siguiente estaba tan emocionado con la idea de pasar más tiempo a solas con Armando que llegué al garaje, su refugio de las tardes, incluso antes de que llegara él. Hacía mucho calor, era otro día bochornoso, el aire estaba húmedo por el calor.

Logré, no sé cómo, subir solo a la pila de colchones, y decidí que si quería que las cosas siguieran como ayer, sería mejor que me desvistiera y me quedara solo en calzoncillos, que era como todo había comenzado el día anterior.

Apenas había terminado de hacerlo cuando Armando entró silenciosamente al garaje. En cuanto sus ojos se acostumbraron a la penumbra, me vio, y también vio que yo estaba semidesnudo, ya que, arrodillado sobre los colchones, me erguía como una torre.

Me dedicó una de sus grandes y dulces sonrisas: “¡hola, Andrés!” me dijo, “veo que tienes ganas de volver a jugar, ¿eh?”. Luego agregó, con un aire un poco travieso: “¿y con qué quieres jugar hoy?”.

“¡Con tu polla!” casi le grité.

“¡Shhh, habla en voz baja! Sobre todo cuando usas esas palabras… ¡Imagina qué pasaría si nos encontraran aquí, ahora!”.

Me sonrojé, y repetí, casi susurrando: “¡con tu polla!”.

Armando se desnudó, quedándose también sólo con sus calzoncillos, y rápidamente se subió a la pila de colchones, acostándose a mi lado.

“Abrázame” me dijo, lo cual hice de inmediato, hundiendo mi cara en el espacio entre el cuerpo y el brazo, a la altura de la axila.

No Giresun Escort pude contener un gemido: “mmmmmm”.

“¡Coño, te gustan mucho mis olores!”.

“Sí, muchísimo”, respondí con voz apagada. Mi voz o tal vez el movimiento de mis labios le hizo cosquillas, tanto que se rió entre dientes y apartó el brazo de su cuerpo. Su gesto dejó la axila al descubierto y yo aproveché para mover mi cara hacia arriba, hacia el hueco, y comencé a inhalar profundamente ese olor fuerte y acre que se había acumulado durante la mañana en la cocina. No contento con solo olerlo, comencé a besarlo allí, con pequeños y delicados besos dados sólo con los labios. Labios que pronto se bañaron con su sudor, que había comenzado a formarse nuevamente. Pasando mi lengua por mis labios descubrí su sabor salado. Tan bueno como todo lo demás que venía de él. Así que abrí la boca y comencé a lamer su axila, limpiando sus pelos castaños como un loco.

Mientras estaba concentrado en mi nueva tarea, seguía abrazado fuertemente a él, así que sentí crecer contra mí su gran pito… no, mejo dicho, su gran polla (tenía que recordar usar la nueva palabra, ¡cuando estábamos entre nosotros!), Así que bajé la mano para agarrarlo a través de sus calzoncillos, y pronto sentí que mi mano se mojaba con ese líquido meloso que había disfrutado tanto el día anterior. Entre esa sensación en mi mano y el olor y sabor de su sudor se me hizo la boca agua.

Pero antes de bajar a su polla tenía que cumplir una misión: limpiar también la otra axila de Armando. Así que le dije “ponte boca arriba, quiero probar el otro lado”.

“Está bien, sólo dame un momento, tengo que hacer pis” y saltó de la pila de colchones, dirigiéndose a un pequeño lavabo que estaba en la esquina del garaje.

“¡Espérame, yo también voy! Ayúdame a bajar”.

Armando me agarró con facilidad y me puso de pie en el suelo. Fuimos al lavabo, y lo miré mientras se bajaba los calzoncillos, se sacaba la polla y trataba de concentrarse para hacer pis, lo que no era fácil con la erección que tenía. Tampoco yo lo ayudé mucho, ya que alargué la mano y la agarré.

“¡Oye! ¡Así no me ayudas! Déjala en paz…”. A regañadientes, le obedecí. Con los ojos cerrados, Armando trató de concentrarse, y poco a poco se le desinfló el pito y empezó a salirle el pis. No sé qué pasó por mi cabeza, pero de repente decidí que ese líquido era realmente fascinante, así que estiré la mano y toqué el chorro caliente con un dedo, así que muchas gotas cayeron sobre Armando. Sintiéndose mojar, Armando abrió los ojos, y al ver lo que estaba haciendo yo, con un esfuerzo bloqueó el chorro de orina, mientras me miraba con ojos muy abiertos.

Sonreí con picardía y, mirándolo directamente a los ojos, llevé mis dedos mojados por su pis a mi boca, y los limpié con la lengua.

“¡No me lo puedo creer! ¿Te gusta esto también?”.

“Acabo de descubrir que me gusta todo de ti, hasta ahora, así que… ¿por qué no esto también? Y de hecho me gusta mucho! ¿Todavía tienes más?”.

No logró responderme, sólo asintió lentamente.

“¡Bueno, entonces dámelo!” le dije con decisión.

Aún sin decir una palabra dejó que un pequeño hilo de orina comenzara a fluir nuevamente. Me incliné hacia adelante y lamí un poco de ese líquido caliente y salado, y que aparte de eso no tenía otros sabores.

Decidí que sí, de veras eso también me gustaba, de él, así que abrí la boca y dejé entrar la punta tapada de su polla, luego cerré mis labios alrededor de la parte final de la piel de la verga, como si fuera una pajilla, y empecé a beber, de pronto infinitamente sediento.

Al parecer esto no debió darle asco, ya que, a pesar de que todavía estaba meando, su polla comenzó a hincharse y extenderse.

Dejé que terminara, entonces aproveché la posición y deslicé la lengua por la abertura del capullo, hasta tocar el agujerito del pis, de donde ya no salían más gotas de orina, sino otras de esa miel que tanto me había gustado el día anterior.

Yo hubiera seguido así, de pie, pero creo que Armando no estaba muy cómodo, porque me dijo “espera, volvamos a los colchones” y me levantó. Entonces puse mis brazos alrededor de su cuello y mis piernas alrededor de sus caderas. En esta posición sentí su polla súper dura empujando el pequeño agujero de mi culito, a pesar de que mis calzoncillos estaban entre los dos. Pero incluso este contacto indirecto me dio escalofríos, y mi agujerito pareció apreciarlo mucho, al igual que la polla de Armando, que seguía presionando allí.

De vuelta sobre la pila de colchones nos acostamos, y Armando rápidamente quitó los calzoncillos de ambos. Ahora ambos estábamos totalmente desnudos. ¡Guau!

Por supuesto, mi pitorro no se parecía a la polla de Armando, pero sentirlos uno contra el otro me hacía sentir bien.

¡Ay! Pero yo quería hacer algo, primero, que me hubiera hecho sentir aún mejor… Dedicarme a limpiar su polla… Así que dejé de abrazarlo, y comencé a descender hacia el objeto de mi deseo. Sólo que algo me estaba distrayendo. Sus pezones, que se veían Giresun Escort Bayan tan pronunciados como el día anterior, totalmente rectos, como si fueran dos pollitas. El día anterior había resistido las ganas de llevármelos a la boca, ¡pero hoy no! Me detuve en el primero que encontré, y primero le di una lamida con la punta de la lengua, como para probarlo, luego lo tomé firmemente en mi boca, cerré los labios y empecé a chupar y lamer al mismo tiempo. Armando pareció volverse loco, empezó a mover la cabeza de un lado a otro y a gemir lentamente diciendo palabras incomprensibles, luego con una mano me agarró la cabeza, empujándola contra su pecho, mientras bajaba la otra hacia mi pito y mis bolas. Envolvió todo el paquete en su mano y comenzó a acariciar lenta y delicadamente pito y bolas. ¡Super guay! Ayer él no me había hecho nada, yo solito me había dedicado a él, pero esta cosa mutua era aún más excitante, y yo también comencé a emitir gemidos, mi boquita cerrada en su pezón.

“¡Coño, Andrés, me estás haciendo cosas que nunca nadie me ha hecho! ¡Ay! ¡Ojalá hubieras empezado a hacerlas antes! Si hubiera sabido que era todo tan excitante…”, y continuó: “Es la primera vez que le toco el pito a otro macho, nunca antes se me había ocurrido la idea. ¡Pero ver y sentir lo que haces me procura extraños deseos que ni siquiera imaginaba tener! Es delicioso sentir tu pollita dura empujando contra mi mano, ¡está dura como el acero!”.

¡Oh! Por cierto… no podía olvidarme de su polla. ¿Quién sabe si me había traído más de ese queso de ayer? Bueno, había la miel, la había visto y probado antes, así que tal vez también había queso. Sólo una forma de comprobarlo: ir y ver. Así que solté el pezón y bajé, no, me lancé hacia su polla, la tomé en mi mano, estaba súper dura otra vez, la acaricié un ratito, después bajé con ternura su espesa piel, mientras mi lengua seguía lamiendo su miel, que había comenzado otra vez a salir abundantemente.

El bálano, una vez descubierto, volvió a mostrar ese queso que tanto me gustaba. Armando había cumplido su palabra, había evitado lavarse a fondo por la mañana, y ahora, después de una mañana de trabajo en la cocina, todo a su alrededor olía a él: el sudor acre, el olor a no lavado, el perfume a queso fresco.

Como me pasaba en la mesa, cuando había algo que me gustaba mucho, evitaba el plato principal por un tiempo, así que me dediqué a lavar el resto de sus olores, primero en la base de la polla y en la zona pequeña, entre polla y testículos, donde el sudor se había acumulado más y olor y sabor eran más intensos.

Pero entonces sucedió algo increíble, que nunca hubiera podido imaginarme.

Armando me agarró suavemente por las caderas y empezó a empujar, para hacerme entender que tenía que mover mi cuerpecito. Lo hice, en la dirección que sus manos me señalaban, sin que él dijera palabra, hasta que mi parte central, en fin, donde estaba mi pito, se encontró frente a su rostro. En ese momento Armando volvió a gemir, mientras lo oía olfatear, primero vacilando un poco, luego con decisión.

“Hueles a bueno, a muchachito” lo escuché murmurar, antes de que una sensación que nunca había sentido antes invadiera mi mente: Armando había lamido primero con delicadeza la bolsa de mis bolas, dos avellanas que se movían arriba y abajo, por cierto nada de grande, luego había tomado mi pito en su boca, y había comenzado a lamerlo, de nuevo vacilando un poco primero, luego con evidente deleite.

Por una vez, fui yo quien se quedó boquiabierto, separándome de su polla y mirando lo que me estaba haciendo, ¡no me lo podía creer!

“Oye, ¿y esto? A ti no te gustan los chicos…”.

“Los chicos no me interesan, no, tú sí. A ti te quiero, desearía que fueras mi hermano pequeño. Y me estás haciendo sentir cosas que no imaginaba, es justo que yo también haga algo por ti” y apenas terminó de hablar retomó mi pitorro dentro de su boca.

Podría haber llorado de felicidad, pero estaba demasiado ocupado disfrutando de esas maravillosas sensaciones que me estaba regalando Armando. Así que me quedé quieto, dejando que Armando hiciera su magia, manteniendo mi cara y mi nariz presionadas en el espacio entre muslo y bolas y oliendo su sudor masculino y el olor de sus hormonas y feromonas (hoy sé lo que son, entonces no lo sabía, solo sabía que el olor allí era mucho más fuerte, y me gustaba por eso) mientras su polla se movía a lo largo de mi cuello, casi como si lo estuviera acariciando.

Al cabo de unos minutos ya no pude resistir aquellas ligeras caricias, y volví la cabeza hacia su miembro, besándolo levemente mientras subía hacia la punta, que por aquel entonces se había vuelta completamente cubierta por la piel otra vez, salvo el punto donde se encontraba el agujerito del pis, cubierto por esa miel cuyo sabor me fascinaba tanto.

Saqué la lengua y lamí todo ese líquido pegajoso y dulce, pero, como ayer, ¡cuanto más comía, más salía! Así que decidí dejar de intentar ganarle en su juego, poco a poco destapé el bálano y me dediqué a limpiarlo, como lo había hecho Escort Giresun ayer. Hoy había menos crema, quizás porque había pasado poco tiempo, no lo sé, estaba toda acumulada en el surco, era más suave y cremosa, y sabía aún más a queso fresco. Salvo que yo estaba continuamente distraído con lo que Armando le hacía a mi pollita: esta actividad, tan nueva para él como para mí, evidentemente le debía gustar mucho, porque seguía chupándome con avidez, alternando entre lamerme bien el pito, chupar suavemente el bálano, y tomar en su boca todo el paquete, polla y testículos, dándome sensaciones cada vez más nuevas y más intensas, que me hacían volar más y más alto, hasta que me pareció que mi cabeza se quedara vacía y que todo mi ser flotara en el espacio. Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, me sentía cada vez más excitado y con ganas de dar más atención al miembro de Armando y al mismo tiempo lograr más de él.

Había limpiado por completo el surco, solo quedaba un ligero olor, como el que te queda en la nariz después de haber comido un buen plato, pero seguía saliendo esa rica miel por el agujerito, así que me llevé todo el bálano a la boca, y comencé a chuparlo imitando lo que Armando hacía con el mío.

Pero las sensaciones de mi bajo vientre seguían aumentando, y subían hacia mi estómago, y entonces de repente sentí como… “¡Armando, lárgate! ¡Se me escapa el pis!”, le dije alarmado, apartando de repente la cabeza de su pito.

“No te preocupes, Andrés” me tranquilizó “no vas a hacer pis, relájate y déjame seguir, ¡ya verás que te gustará mucho!”.

Volvió a chuparme, y como me había prometido, esa sensación extraña, electrizante, que me daba calor por todo el cuerpo, volvió más intensa que antes, hasta que me pareció que todo se volviera negro, y me derrumbé sobre el vientre de Armando, casi desmayándome, mientras mi cuerpo inmaduro parecía tener convulsiones.

Armando dejé que poco a poco recuperara mi conciencia, pero mientras tanto empezó a pajearse lentamente. Una parte de mí, la que no descendía lentamente del paraíso al que había ascendido, lo miraba con avidez. La otra parte de mí sólo podía pensar, con una serie de satisfechos “¡guau!”, en lo que acababa de experimentar, y se preguntaba cuándo podría repetirse esa experiencia de ensueño.

Meneé lentamente la cabeza y Armando entendió que había regresado a la tierra.

“¿Entonces? ¿Como te fue? ¿Feliz con tu primer orgasmo?”.

“¿Organismo? ¿Qué organismo?”.

Armando rió, pero lleno de cariño: “nada de organismo, Andrés, orgasmo… Es lo mismo que viste pasarme ayer, cuando me corrí y se me salió todo ese líquido blanco que tanto te gustaba. Excepto que aún eres demasiado joven, nada sale de tu pitorro, todavía. Pero la sensación es la misma. Entonces, ¿te gustó?”.

“¡Ay, Armando, ha sido increíble! ¡Nunca había experimentado algo así! ¿Lo probaré otra vez, algún día?”.

“¡Por supuesto que sí! Lo probarás muchas veces más, aunque nada tendrá la misma intensidad como la primera vez. De hecho, ahora que aún eres joven y no te corres como yo, puedes tener muchos orgasmos al día, incluso uno tras el otro, no necesitas tiempo para recargar, como nos pasa a los adultos. Sólo tendrás que hacer lo que estoy haciendo yo ahora”, y  mientras decía esto, continuó sacudiendo su polla, pero aumentó la rapidez con la que su mano se movía hacia arriba y hacia abajo.

Mientras tanto, yo me había recuperado, y aunque todavía jadeaba un poco, seguí mirando con interés lo que hacía, hasta que: “¡coño, me corro!” dijo de repente, y como el día anterior, una serie de chorros blancos estallaron desde la punta de su polla, acabando en su vientre y también, el primero, en su barbilla.

Aunque en ese momento no logré coger nada en la boca, recordé lo sabroso que estaba, así que primero volví a atrapar su bálano con mi boca y limpié lo que salía lentamente de su agujerito, luego lamí lo que se había acumulado sobre su vientre liso y su pecho lampiño, y finalmente chupé con deleite lo que había acabado en su barbilla.

Entonces Armando hizo otra cosa – ¡una más! – que no esperaba: bajó lentamente su rostro, mientras tomaba el mío entre sus grandes manos y lo levantaba, hasta que su boca se puso en contacto con la mía. Sentí la punta de su lengua apoyarse ligera en mis labios y apretar, sin sentirme presionado abrí mis labios, y dejé que su lengua penetrara en mi boca, hasta entonces virgen de un contacto tan íntimo.

Al principio no supe qué hacer con mi lengua, dejé que la de Armando hiciera lo que quisiera, pero luego, creo que por instinto, la mía también empezó a moverse contra la suya, y en muy poco tiempo nuestras lenguas se batían a duelo, tal como los mosqueteros con sus espadas.

Pasamos mucho tiempo así, y yo me sentía derretirme por dentro por el placer que sentía y por el amor que sentía hacia Armando. Mientras tanto me había movido con mi cuerpo, y me había acostado sobre él, con mis muslos apartados y apoyados en sus caderas, mientras por la excitación sentía que mi pito estaba duro otra vez, y empecé a frotarlo contra su vientre, cuando de repente sentí algo duro que se abría paso hacia mi culito.

¡Era la polla dura de Armando! Y presionaba contra mi agujerito, de nuevo dándome extrañas sensaciones. Pero ¿qué estaba planeando hacer?


FIN… no del todo (tal vez)


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Subject: Cottage Cruising part 3 Cottage Cruising part 3. The following is a true account about spending a day cruising public toilets for sex when I was 16. Comments gratefully received at [email protected] It contains gay sex between me and two older teens. Usual blurb about don’t read if you are underage, etc. Also why not make a small donation to Nifty so they can keep up the good work. Although I’d already been fucked twice my arse was still itching for more sex and it didn’t take me long to find some. After leaving Carter’s flat I headed to a nearby public toilet that I knew was good for cruising. When I went in it was empty so I went up to the urinal trough and fished out my big limp cock which I began to leisurely wank. In no time it was at its full thick meaty 9 inches. I watched my tanned foreskin peel back and forth over my swollen knob that started to leak pre-cum. For about 10 minutes I wanked and occasionally scooped up my pre-cum and tasted it. Just as I was about to give up someone came in and stood up at the urinal. I kept staring straight ahead until I knew what they were here for. It quickly became apparent neither of us was pissing so I discretely looked out of the corner of my right eye. I saw sexy blond lad looking straight at me. When I went in to the toilet I vaguely noticed two lads on a bench further down the road and he was one of them. “Want to suck on this fag boy?” He said in a scally accent as he waggled his growing cock at me. “You’ve been in here ages so it is obvious you are after some cock.” He said leaving me in no doubt he knew I was cruising for cock. “Are you gay too?” I asked as he was definitely sexy enough to fool around with. “Nah I’m straight but I don’t mind batty boys like you working my cock once in a while.” And a nice cock it was too. It was 7 inches long and thicker than average. It was pale but got increasingly pink as it neared the tip. He was uncut but his pink foreskin had peeled back to expose his shiny pink knob. The shaft was pretty veiny and jutted upward from a dense bush of blond pubes. Hanging below was a nice sized pair of balls in a tight blond pubed sack. The rest of him was hot too. He had short blond hair that was spiked up on the top. He looked about 19 or 20 with a sexy chavesque face that had bright blue eyes and lush pink lips. The skin was pale and flawless. He was wearing a tight fitting white tee shirt that hugged his subtly sculpted chest. The armbands were stretched around biceps that were well toned rather than muscular. His forearms were dusted in blond hairs. The waistband of his black tracksuit bottoms were hooked under his balls with his hard cock jutting out. “So you going to suck it or not faggot?” He said in a commanding but not aggressive way. “OK.” Well how could I refuse such a tempting offer. With that we went into a cubicle. They were good old fashioned toilets with thick tiled walls and full length doors. I went in first and sat on the toilet and he followed and locked the door behind us. He stood in front of me his hard cock level with my face. I noticed he had tattoo on his right bicep. “What’s your name?” I asked as I took his hot hard cock in my left hand and started wanking it. “Lawrence.” “I’m John.” “I don’t care I just want a blow job.” He said as he pulled my head onto his cock. I didn’t resist and opened my mouth as it got closer to his cock. Once the tip was in I tightly clamped my lips around his cock shaft. Lawrence carried on pulling my mouth onto his cock until my nose was buried in his dense bush of blond pubes with all 7 inches of his cock throbbing in my mouth. “Shit if only girl could swallow cock like you batty boys.” He moaned as the hot wetness of my mouth soaked into his hard throbbing cock. “Oh fuck yeah.” He groaned when I started rippling my throat muscles around his swollen knob as I ground my lush lips around the pubed base and flicked the underside with my tongue. I think he intended to fuck my face but once he noticed my skill he relinquished control. I started to deep throat his tasty chav cock. My lush lips bobbed up and down his steely hard hot throbbing 7 inch cock wanking it as they did so. My mouth strongly sucked away as my tongue stimulated the underside by flicking it. He started leaking lots of tasty pre-cum and purring with pleasure. His slightly sweaty horny teen boy aroma filled my nostrils whenever my nose was buried in his blond pubes. He also started to purr with pleasure and his cock strongly throbbed. When I looked up I saw expressions of sexual pleasure on his sexy scally face. His eyes were closed so I guessed he was fantasising it was some sexy girl sucking him off rather than a gay boy. For a couple of minutes I deep throated his cock before pulling off. I pulled his tracksuit bottoms down to his ankles exposing a pair of very fit sexy shapely legs that were toned from footie and covered in blond hairs. After admiring his fit legs and saliva soaked cock I resumed deep throating him. I loved feeling his hot hard veiny cock sliding over my lips and tongue as I drank in his horny teen boy smell. The fact he was a chav and we were doing it in a public toilet cubicle was also a real turn on. My hands were busy caressing his toned hairy thighs or groping his hard shapely downy haired arse. I couldn’t believe the luck I was having. I was sucking my third cock of the day and they’d all been sexy. I was so enjoying sucking his cock. My untouched cock was achingly hard with the top couple of inches poking out of the left leg of my footie shorts with pre-cum dribbling down my inner thigh. I was definitely sucking to impress hoping it wouldn’t be a one off but as it turned out it was just the once. My hot wet sucking mouth was rapidly bobbing up and down his hard throbbing veiny 7 inch cock. I’d pulled up until just his swollen knob was in my mouth which I’d strongly suck and flick with my tongue. Then I’d push my mouth all the way down onto his 7 inch cock until my nose was buried in his blond pubes. As my hot wet sucking mouth bobbed up and down his cock my lush lips wanked his veiny cock. For several minutes I deep throated his tasty chav cock. “Do you want to fuck me?” I asked as my arse was gagging for his cock.” “Gross I wouldn’t even do my girlfriend up the shitter. The only reason I’m letting you suck me off is because she’s been on holiday for a week.” He said with a disgusted look on his sexy chavesque face. “Shit its getting hot in here.” He added before peeling off his tee shirt. “Wow well fit body.” I said in admiration. “Yeah it drives Emma nuts.” He proudly boasted. “Now get back to work pussy boy.” He added. I took the time to admire his sexy body before I resumed the blow job. I took in the sight of his chav mean but sexy face, his eyes already closed probably imaging his girlfriend naked and knelt before him rather than some gay boy. His milky white hairless chest was toned and chiselled rather than muscular. He had pale washboard abs covered with blond hairs. His arms were well toned and then there was his dam sexy hard cock and sports toned legs. He was defiantly one tasty chav lad but it was a shame he didn’t want to fuck me. After admiring his fit sexy body I resumed sucking him off. He was right it was getting hot in the cubicle with the two of us but I didn’t care as I was eager to suck off this sexy straight scally lad. I resumed deep throat his cock. Whenever his swollen knob plugged my throat I squeezed the muscles back there around it. At the same time I’d grind my lips around the pubed base and flicked the underside with my tongue. Then I’d pull up, my tightly clamped lips wanking his thick throbbing veiny cock until just his swollen knob was inside which I’d strongly suck and swipe with my tongue. He was leaking lots of tasty pre-cum and purring with pleasure and when coupled with the way his cock was throbbing let me know he was enjoying the blow job I was giving him. I was enjoying it just as much as him. There was the taste, sight and smell of him coupled with the fact he was a tasty chav lad four years older than me and the fact we were doing it in such a risky location. My hands were busy either caressing his sports toned hairy thighs, groping his hard shapely downy haired arse or caress his lightly haired washboard abs. Lawrence managed to hold out for another couple of minutes. I felt his fit body started to tense up and his breathing became more laboured. I stopped deep throating him and just worked the top half but at a faster pace. I sucked his tasty chav cock faster and harder eager to have him cum in my mouth. He held out for a bit longer before without warning he started spunking up in my mouth. He might not have vocally warned me but all the other signs were there. He grunted with each of the eight big copious jets of scally spunk that was really tasty. I carried on strongly sucking his knob as I let his tasty cum pool on my tongue firing my taste buds with pleasure. When his intense and copious orgasm ended I carried on sucking his knob but he pulled it from my mouth. As I swilled and savoured his thick delicious scally spunk around my mouth he pulled up his trackie bottoms and put on his tee shirt. Realising he was about to leave I asked him if he wanted my phone number. “No my girlfriend is back in two days and I’m going to fuck her juicy cunt red raw so I don’t need a fag anymore. This didn’t upset me in anyway. After all I’d had the thrill and fun of sucking off a really sexy fit blond 20 year old chav lad and drank his scally spunk. “Stay there.” He added before he left. I wondered if he expected me to suck off his mate too. It didn’t take long to find out the answer. A couple of minutes later a tall lanky chav lad walked into the cubical and locked the door behind him. He was wearing a black baseball cap perched high on his head. I didn’t know if he was buzzed cut all over but he was definitely at the back and sides of his head. He had a stereotypical street mean chav face but I found it dam sexy and there was a hint of twink cuteness to it. He had a domineering leer on his face as no doubt Lawrence had told Giresun Escort him I was a cock sucker. His right eyebrow had three lines shaved into it and his left earlobe had a fake diamond stud earring. The skin of his face was really pale with a couple of minor spot blemishes. He had bright blue eyes which had a deviously look and his lush pink lips were curled up in a scowl. He was wearing a light grey vest with all of his pale long slender arms on display. Some of his pale smooth chest was on display through the large neck hole of the vest. His chest and stomach were as flat as a board. He was wearing a pair of black dense cotton shorts which came down to just above his knees. His spindly pale lower legs were on show and were lightly covered with blondy brown hairs. He was pretty sexy in a council chic way rather than the Bel Aim way or American jock. “Lawrence says you’re a poof.” He said in a leering way. “No I screw girls too but more into guys.” “Rather you than me. I’m cock all the way.” He said as he lewdly grabbed his crotch. This took me by surprise as he looked the stereotypical homophobic straight scally lad. My gaze was then dragged southwards when he fished his cock out. He pushed his boxers and shorts down to his ankles in one go and out flopped his cock. It was a good 9 inches long and slightly thicker than average. It was as pale as the rest of him with a couple of prominent veins running down it to keep it pumped up. It dangled down from a small dense but trimmed bush of blondy brown pubes. “What you waiting for?” He asked. Cool he is gay, interested in me and a rough tasty chav to boot which appealed to my upper middle class pussy boy nature. Now is the time to impress as I definition wanted to add him to my fuck buddy list. After placing my hands on his hips I pulled him towards me. Like Lawrence he stank of stale dope, cigarettes and his underlying slightly sweaty horny aroused teen boy aroma. I took his big cock into my left hand and gave it a few wanks. It felt so hot and hard and throbbed wildly. “You have a big sexy cock.” I complimented with my eyes glued to it watching his pale foreskin peel back and forth over his pinky pale knob coaxing out a clear pearl of pre-cum. I leaned in and licked up the tasty drop before I peeled back his foreskin and began swarming my tongue all over his swollen knob. He started to purr with pleasure and his long cock throbbed in my hands as I spit polished his sensitive knob. I gave his swollen bell end a good tonguing before taking it into my mouth. My lush red lips slid down over his flared knob and tightly clamped around the shaft. He loudly moaned in pleasure as the hot wetness of my mouth soaked into his swollen sensitive knob. As I strongly sucked his knob I stimulated the sensitive underside where his foreskin joined. I felt his long hot hard cock throb in my left hand and he dribbled lots of tasty pre-cum onto my tongue. After giving his knob a good working over I pushed my mouth down onto his cock. Inch by inch I swallowed his big cock. As it was only slightly thicker than average I managed to swallow 8 out of his 9 inch cock. “Shit.” He loudly gasped impressed at my cock sucking abilities. I held his cock there and squeezed his knob with my throat muscles as I ground my lush lips around his throbbing shaft as I flicked the underside with my tongue. As I did so I drank in his slightly sweaty horny teen boy aroma mingling with that of stale dope smoke and the whiff of the public toilets. Hardly the most wholesome aroma but fuck did it turn me on. With slutty abandonment I greedily devoured his big hard chav cock. My hot wet sucking mouth rapidly bobbed up and down 8 out of his 9 inch cock. As I did so I strongly sucked it, flicked it with my tongue and wanked it with my lips. Whenever his knob plugged my throat I squeezed it with the muscles back there. When just his knob was in my mouth I was able to look up at his chav mean but sexy face. He was looking down with an expression pleasure mixed with the surprise that he was getting sucked off so expertly by a sweet innocent looking 16 year old boy. “Fuck how long you been sucking cock?” He gasped after about 5 minutes of my deep throat blow job. “Since I was 13 and a half three years ago but I’ve sucked loads since then.” I proudly boasted. “Shit I didn’t start until I was 15 and that was with some older fucker as I was desperate to lose my cherry.” “I bet this has helped you make up for lost time though?” I said wanking his cock as I gave him a cheeky grin. “Yeah but mainly older guys sucking it off or me fucking them. Don’t often see lads as young and cute as you cruising.” “You’re sexy how come you can’t pull lads our age?” I asked surprised why someone as sexy, even if it was in a rough chav way, as him could only find older guys. “It ain’t easy being a chav and gay so not many know I bat for the other team.” “This is your lucky day as I have some mates who’d love to party with you.” I said continuing to loving wank his big hard throbbing cock. It would turn out to be my lucky day too as we became boyfriends for a while but in an open relationship. “That would be fucking ace.” He eagerly replied. Then I resumed deep throating his big sexy chav cock. He began moaning with pleasure again as I greedily sucked his cock. For another 10 minutes I sucked on his hot hard cock. I was torn on whether I wanted to drink his cum or have him fuck my sloppy arse. Unable to decide I plucked for sucking him off and then hoping he’d return the favour giving him time to recover enough to fuck me afterwards. My lush tightly clamped lips wanked his cock as good as any hand job. The sensitive underside of his steely hard hot throbbing cock was caressed and stimulated by my flicking tongue. Whenever his swollen knob plugged my throat I squeezed it with the muscles back there. My hands were busy too. While one hand fondled his heavy balls the other was caressing one of his spindly lightly haired thighs, groping his smooth skinny arse or stroking his flat firm hairless abs. From his moans and groans of pleasure, the way his cock was wildly throbbing and dribbling lots of tasty pre-cum I knew he was enjoying the blow job I was giving him. His breathing started becoming more laboured and I felt his tall lanky body tensing up so I knew I was getting close even before he warned me a couple of minutes later. “Shit you’re getting me close.” He groaned as the level of sexual tension and pleasure intensified in him. “Cum in my mouth.” I muffled around his big hard cock. I stopped deep throating his cock and just worked on the top few inches but at a faster pace as I used my thumb and index finger to form a tight O around the base of his cock and started to wank it. “Oh yeah that’s it.” He moaned. As I was working on the top of his cock I was able to hold his gaze. I saw the sexual hunger in his bright blue eyes. I also so the expressions of sexual pleasure and the battle against impending orgasm on his chav sexy face. As for him he got to look down and see a cute 16 year old blond lad sucking his big cock like a starving baby at its mother’s teat. “Fuck here it comes.” He groaned as I felt his body lock solid and his face scrunch up. I felt the base of his cock swell warning me that his first bolt of cum was racing down it. Then his knob swelled a nanosecond before the first jet of thick tasty cum powerfully squirted onto my tongue. He began to loudly grunt as he pumped jet after jet of scally spunk into my strongly sucking mouth. Like me he was a big spunker and he powerfully blast 10 big jets into my mouth which I let pool on my tongue that fired off my taste buds. When his intense and copious orgasm ended I pulled my mouth off his spent cock. Holding his gaze I made a show of swilling his strong tasting delicious cum around my mouth. “You have very tasty scally spunk.” I purred as its taste lingered on my tongue. “The way you suck cock you’ll be getting lots of it.” He breathlessly panted his pale face now flushed with an orgasmic glow as I stood up. “Fancy returning the favour?” I asked indicating downwards with my eyes. “Fucking hell.” He gasped in surprise when he saw my cock. The top couple of inches of my really thick 9 inch cock poked out of the left leg of my footie shorts which clung to the parts of the meaty tube hidden underneath. I pushed my shorts down exposing my aerosol can thick deeply tanned 9 inch cock in all its glory. “Shit it’s as long as mine but way thicker.” He said totally stunned as he pressed both of our hard cocks together to compare. He then twisted us around and sat on the toilet so his chav sexy flushed face was level with my big thick tanned cock. With a mesmerised expression on his face he wrapped his right hand around my big fat cock. I loved the colour contrast of his pale hand on my tanned cock. He started to wank my cock before he peeled my tanned foreskin back to expose my tanned slightly pink tinged knob. His pink tongue darted out and started swarming all over my swollen sensitive knob. However no sooner had he started then someone came into the toilet. We froze and made sure not to make a sound. We heard someone walk over to the urinal trough and started to piss. We hoped he would piss and go however he didn’t move after finishing. We waited for about 5 minutes but it became obvious he was here to cruise too. “Do you want to come back to my place?” He whispered in my ear. “Yes.” We adjusted our clothes and left the cubicle together. The guy at the trough turned to face us and a knowing grin spread across his face when he saw two teenage boys leaving a public toilet cubicle together. He also twisted to show us his hard cock which was about 6 inches long. He had no chance though as he was at least in his mid 40’s with a big beer belly. We left and the dirty perv tried to follow but we lost him in the nearby housing estate. After losing him we exchanged names. I found out he was called Clayton and he was 19. He was an only child of a single mother who was at work so we wouldn’t be disturbed. In his bedroom we ripped our clothes off. Clayton Giresun Escort Bayan had a tall lanky body that wasn’t much to write home about. Free of his baseball cap I saw he had a buzz cut all over adding to chav appearance. His long slender arms were milky white with his forearms dusted in blondy brown hairs. His chest and stomach were as flat as a board, totally hairless and pale. He had small pink nipples with small pink halos surrounding them. He had a small dense but trimmed bush of blondy brown pubes. His long pale cock was hard again and dangled down under its weight. His legs were long and slender with a light covering of blondy brown hairs. His sexy chavesque face and big cock made up for the plainness of his body. As I scanned him he took in my sports toned deeply tanned body. “Shit you’re tanned all over.” “Yeah my family are nudists.” “Ain’t that weird seeing your folks in the buff?” “Not really as we’re just used to it.” I said as I pushed him backward onto his single bed so he was sat before me. “Time to return the favour.” I said as I wangled my big tanned cock in front of his face. “My pleasure.” He said with a cheek grin on his face. Clayton tightly gripped my big cock in his right hand and gave it a few wanks. Then holding my gaze he moved forward and engulfed my knob in his mouth. I watched his lush pink lips tightly clamp around my tanned thick cock. He started strongly sucking my swollen sensitive knob as he swiped the sensitive underside with his tongue. I started purring with pleasure as Clayton sucked my knob. His pale sexy chavesque face looked so hot sucking on the end of my big tanned boy cock. Despite only just meeting we expressed our lust and sexual hunger for each other in our bright blue eyes. Despite all the sex I’d already had that day Clayton had me as horny as fuck. The thrill of sucking him and Lawrence off had my balls aching with pent up cum. He gave my knob a good working over, strongly sucking it and tickling it with his tongue. Then he started to bob his hot wet mouth up and down my eye wateringly thick 9 inch cock. Due to its meaty girth he could only take in the top three or so inches before his lips and jaw were stretched to the max. However that was enough to make my cock feel good. His obscenely stretched pink lips wanked my deeply tanned thick cock as his hot wet strongly sucking mouth bobbed up and down it. His tongue was rapidly flicking away at the sensitive underside as I dribbled lots of pre-cum onto it. As Clayton sucked the top of my cock he wanked the base with a tight grip of his right hand. It usually takes me ages to cum but I was so turned on from sucking off an older straight chav lad in a public toilet cubicle and then his gay mate had made me as horny as fuck. On top of that there was now the physical pleasure of the gay chav lad sucking and wanking my big boy cock. There was also the thrill of an older boy orally worshipping my big tanned cock and the erotic sight of his chav face impaled on the end of it. Also my arse was gagging for his cock up it. Because of that it only took Clayton 15 minutes to bring to an intense shuddering draining orgasm. “Fuck I’m going to cum.” I warned as I felt the warning tingle intensify in my cock as my balls started to tighten up. He started just sucking my sensitive knob but harder and faster and he increased the vigour of his hand job. “Oh god!” I cried out as a big bolt of porridge thick cum raced down my cock and exploded out of my cock into my mouth. It was so thick it was painful to pass. That blast was followed by 7 more of equal volume and intensity. My orgasm was so powerful and intense my sports toned body violently shuddered and shook and I had to stabilise myself on his shoulders as all my energy went into my orgasm making my knees go weak. Clayton muffled purrs of pleasure as I flooded his mouth with hot thick teen boy cum which I felt my cum bubble around my sensitive knob as he stored it there. When my intense and copious orgasm ended he pulled his mouth off my cock and made a show of swilling my spunk around it as I collapsed on to the bed in orgasmic ecstasy. Even though I was in an orgasmic daze the needs of my arse were made clear through the sexual fog. I pulled my legs up and out to the sides exposing my arse had already been fucked twice. “Fuck me with your big cock.” I lustfully begged. A grin that was half eager and half devious spread across his chav face as he crawled onto the bed. He went in to rim my arse but saw it was already lubed up. “Have you been fucked already or are you just prepared?” He asked with a cheeky grin on his face. “Yeah I’ve been fucked by two guys?” I proudly boasted still enjoying my orgasmic glow. “You horny fucker.” He said as he crawled up my body until he was in the push up position above me. “Did they do you bareback?” “Yes.” “Mmm sloppy seconds.” He moaned as his knob popped inside my arse. I felt his swollen knob force open my slightly swollen sphincter which pleasurably tingled when the ridge of his knob popped inside. Then his prominent ridged knob started forcing open the receptive walls of my arse as his long steely hard cock sawed against my sphincter. “Mmm.” Clayton moaned when his sensitive knob ploughed through the puddle of cum up my arse. Then he was all the way in with his hot hard 9 inch cock throbbing away in my arse. “Wow so hot and tight.” Clayton moaned as the hot wet tightness of my cum filled arse soaked into his big sensitive cock. “Fuck yes.” He groaned when I tightly gripped my arse muscles around his big chav cock. “Fuck me hard and pump me full of scally spunk.” I lustfully begged as my orgasmic state make my already highly receptive and sensitive arse even more so and hungry for sex. A devious and eager grin spread across his sexy chavesque face as he launched into a fast hard brutal fuck. He might have been tall and lanky but he could fuck well above his weight. Right from the word go he fucked me with long deep hard powerful thrusts. As I was still in my orgasmic glow my arse immediately lit up with intense pleasure. Every nerve ending tingled in my arse when his swollen knob punched open the receptive walls and then the ridge of his knob scraped down them on the way out. Each deep hard thrust had the two loads of cum already up there bubble around his knob. My slightly swollen tight sphincter glowed with the pleasurable friction of his long steely hard cock sawing against it. My pert up turned buttocks tingled as his groin repeated slapped against them. I didn’t passive take the rough hard fucking he was giving me. Instead I was rapidly flexing my arse muscles around his big pounding cock squeezing it as tight as I could. My hands were busy caressing his tensed slender upper arms or stroking his flat shapeless silky smooth chest. Clayton fucked me good and hard for ages. He sure knew how to fuck and get the most out of it. He’d brutally fuck me fast and hard really setting my arse on fire with pleasure and making it throb. Then when he felt he was getting close to orgasm he eased up and slowed down, fucking me with long slow gentle deep thrusts of his hot steely hard 9 inch cock. When the urge to cum passed he’d launch back into a rough hard fucking. He went through seven of these phases, four fast and hard and three slow and gentle. The seventh phase was fast and hard. My arse took a real pounding and was burning with well fucked pleasure, the walls throbbing like mad from being repeatedly punched open by his knob. My prostate pulsed, my balls ached with pent up jizz and my abs were slick with pre-cum from the boxing my prostate was taking. My tight, slightly sore swollen sphincter was on fire from the pleasurable friction of his long hard cock sawing against it. My buttocks were tingling from the spanking they were taking from his groin repeatedly slapping against them. I increased the frequency of squeezing my arse around his pounding cock. Clayton’s sexy chavesque face was scrunched up from the physical exertion of his fuck and the battle against orgasm. “Yeah fuck my pussy boy arse fully of your cum.” I lustfully begged sensing he was close. To emphasise the point I clamped my arse muscles on his big cock. This made his eyes roll back in his head and he only managed two more thrusts before he brutally rammed his steely hard 9 inch cock ball deep into my tightly clamped arse. I felt his big cock swell, throb and pulse in my arse. “Fuck!” He cried out at the top of his voice as the first jet of cum exploded out of his cock and into my arse like a fire hose going off. I felt the first bolt splatter against the throbbing walls of my arse. Like me Clayton was an intense orgasmer. He cried out in sexual ecstasy and release at the top of his voice with each powerful ejaculation. He stabbed me with short deep hard thrusts of his 9 inch cock as he hosed my public schoolboy arse with scally spunk. “Oh yeah fill me with your cum.” I purred with the pleasure of feeling this rough but sexy chav flood my arse with cum. I felt him pump 9 big jets of jizz into my arse which I was rapidly flexing around his ejaculating cock to fuel his orgasm and milk him dry. When his intense and copious orgasm ended he collapsed on top of me in a sweaty heaving heap his spent 9 inch cock sinking ball deep into my arse that throbbed with well fucked pleasure. “Thanks that was one hell of a fuck.” I purred in contented cum filled pleasure. He was too spent to reply apart from the occasional groan of pleasure as I kept rippling my arse muscles around his spent cock. “You can fuck me anytime and my mates are going to love you.” I added as I lovingly caressed his back and savoured feeling his sweaty body pressed against mine. As Clayton savoured his orgasmic glow coupled with the hot wet cum filled tightness of my rippling arse around his cock I savoured pleasures of my own. There was the heady aroma of two sweaty teenage boys who had just engaged in passionate gay sex, that delicious mix of sweat, teen boy pheromones, arse and cum. My slightly sore swollen sphincter still glowed from the friction of his long cock sawing against Escort Giresun it. The walls of my battered arse throbbed with well fucked pleasure. My prostate was still pulsing and my cock throbbed and twitched being sandwiched between our sweaty stomachs. Then there was the feeling of his lanky sweaty body pressed against my sports toned body. It took Clayton five minutes to recover from his orgasm it was that intense. Then he slowly pulled his spent slowly softening cock from my battered but satisfied arse. A quiver of pleasure ran through me when his knob popped out of my arse. As it was a single bed I shuffled to the edge as he lay to my right between me and the wall. “Can I fuck you?” I asked as even though I’d already cum four times that day Clayton was so sexy in a rough chav way I was as horny as fuck especially after the brutal fucking he’d just given me. “Shit I don’t know. I mainly top and it’s been ages since I’ve been fucked with something that big.” He said staring down at my cock that even though I was three years his junior was as long as his but a lot thicker and he was hung to start with. “I won’t introduce you to my mates if I can’t fuck you.” I teased but with no intention of carrying through my threat. Even if he wouldn’t let me fuck him I would still introduce him. “From the way you worked your arse on my cock I think you’ll be a handful enough.” It looked like I’d have to persuade him some other way so I crawled between his long spindly legs and lifted them up to expose his arse. The really pale cheeks were lightly dusted in downy hair with the crack being slightly more hairy. His arse crack glistened with sweat and his groin was ripe with the smell of gay sex. I dove in and dragged my tongue from the base of his spine and up through his sweaty hairy arse crack and then over his sweaty recently drained balls. Immediately the saltiness of his fresh tasty sweat made my taste buds dance with pleasure. I had to go back for more so I long licked his arse crack until it was clean of sweat. As I did so Clayton purred with pleasure. Once I’d licked up all his sweat I started homing in on his arsehole. Soon my tongue was circling the tight ring of muscle before I started flicking over it causing it to quiver under my tongue. When his sphincter relaxed a bit more I started tongue fucking his hot tasty arse. I wormed my tongue into the tight steamy confines as far as I could and licked away causing him to moan and squirm about in pleasure. Then I started tongue fucking his arse stabbing my tongue in and out like a small dick. “Fuck yeah eat my arse.” Clayton groaned as he mashed my face into his arse. I started alternating between stabbing my tongue in and out, to flicking over his quivering arsehole to sucking and chewing it. Clayton didn’t last long under my tongue’s assault. “OK you can fuck me but go slow to start with.” He said. My tongue had done its work and awakened the cock hunger in his arse. With a look of apprehension on his chav face he watched me lube up my baseball bat thick 9 inch cock. Then I liberally lubed up his hot tight arse giving it a good finger fucking to loosen it up. Clayton had his legs in the air with his hands gripping them behind his knees. I shuffled up until I was knelt before him. I slapped my heavy bulbous knob against his pink pucker splattering it with clear pre-cum. Then I started pressing forward. His tight sphincter gave up a lot of resistance. “Fuck.” Clayton yelped at the stinging burning sensation radiating out from his breached sphincter as my prominent ridged bulbous knob popped inside. As for me I groaned with pleasure as the hot wet tightness of his knob soaked into my sensitive knob. I held still mainly to let him recover but it gave me time to savour having my bare knob in an older lad’s arse. When he stopped panting I started slowly forcing more of my big fat cock into his tight arse. “Shit it’s so thick.” He groaned in discomfort, his face winced up as I forced more of my eye wateringly thick bare cock into his arse. I felt his arse rippling as if he was forcing out a shit and each ripple relaxed his arse enough for me to stuff another inch in. It took me a minute to bury my big thick 9 inch cock ball deep up his arse. I held my cock deep in arse to let him recover. As I held my cock inside him I savoured the steamy hot tight confines of his arse wrapped around my big boy cock. After a couple of minutes Clayton gave me the go ahead to fuck him. I started slowly pulling my cock out. As I did so I felt his tight arse sucking and closing after my retreating cock. I pulled back until the ridge of my bulbous knob butted up against the inside of his sphincter which had a strangle hold on my really thick cock. Then I slowly forced my big thick 9 inch cock ball deep into his steamy hot wet tight arse. As it sank in the wet soft walls of his arse caressed my swollen sensitive knob as his tight sphincter wanked my long fat cock. For the first few minutes it was a real struggle for me to hold back as I was as horny as fucked and wanted to tear his arse up with my huge teen cock. However I managed to hold back and fucked him slow and gentle. Despite that he was constantly groaning in discomfort and his chav face winced but he persevered and fought the pain in his arse. Then he went over the pain barrier and the change was immediately obvious. His arse loosened up so my big cock slid in and out much more easily. His groans of discomfort turned into purrs of pleasure. His sexy chav face no longer wince but instead expressed sexual pleasure. As I fucked him I had a hold on his ankles spreading his long pale slender legs in a wide V. This gave me the perfect view of watching my aerosol can thick deep tanned 9 inch cock plunging in and out of his skinny milky white arse. When I pulled back I watched my cock yank out his obscenely stretched pucker that had gone from being pink to red. Then I’d push it back in on the inward thrust until my blond pubed and tanned groin was pressed against his pale arse. I also watched his pale hands with long, slender fingers caressing my deeply tanned washboard abs that were rippling from the fuck I was giving him. I was also able to take in the sight of his milky white slender smooth body and chavesque but sexy face. Now that Clayton had loosened up I started to let rip and began fucking him as fast, hard and brutally as I liked to be fucked. Clayton started to groan in a mix of pleasure and discomfort but his arse quickly adapted to my fast hard furious fuck. My really thick 9 inch cock burned and tingled with the pleasure of fucking a hot wet tight arse bareback. His tight sphincter wanked my long fat cock shaft as good as any hand job. The hot wet velvety soft walls of his arse caressed and stimulated my bulbous sensitive knob. He might not bottom much but he wasn’t passively taking the fucking I was giving him. Occasionally he’d tightly squeeze my big thick cock with his hot arse. He was also caressing my rippling washboard abs with his hands. Not only was there the physical pleasure of fucking Clayton. There was the visual pleasure of watching my big thick tanned cock pumping his white arse and the sight of his lanky body and chav face. The room stank of horny teen boys and gay sex which is better than any aphrodisiac. There was also the thrill of the fact I was topping a lad three years older than me. As it takes me ages to cum Clayton got a long hard rough fuck. I seemed to impress him with my staying power especially as we became versatile boyfriends but in an open relationship afterwards. My big thick cock was pumping his hot tight arse so fast and hard it was a fire risk. We were both loudly moaning and groaning in sexual pleasure and physical exertion. Then the warning tingle started in my cock and I started to fuck him even faster and harder. My buttocks already burned from the exertion of pumping my big cock into him but they found reserves from somewhere. “Shit I’m going to cum.” Clayton cried out catching me by surprise. I had been looking at his sexy chav face but my gaze dropped to his hot pale hard 9 inch cock. As my fucking reached intensity I saw his big cock give three twitches as it weakly pumped out three small jets of cum. Due to me fucking him knelt up meant on every brutal thrust in my bulbous knob boxed his prostate and the eye watering thickness of my cock stretching, sawing and stimulating his sphincter had coaxed another load of cum out of him despite the fact he’d recently cum in my arse. His mini orgasm made his arse spasm around my hard thrusting cock. “Cumming.” I loudly groaned as I felt the pressure in my balls reach boiling point. I powerfully slammed my big thick 9 inch teen boy cock ball deep into Clayton’s steamy hot tight arse where it swelled, throbbed and pulse as it started powerfully pumping jet after jet of cum into Clayton. I carried on fucking him with long deep hard thrusts of my big cock as I flooded his arse with cum. Despite it being my fourth load of the day my highly productive teen balls rustled up another impressive load. As I came in his arse I loudly cried out in intense sexual ecstasy as he purred with pleasure. I pumped 8 big jets of cum into his arse which I felt bubble around my thrusting swollen sensitive knob. When my intense and copious orgasm ended I slowly and gently pulled my big spent cock from his cum filled arse which I felt sucking and closing after my retreating cock. A tingle ran down my cock when it popped out of his arse. Still in my orgasmic glow I began licking up his tasty cum from his stomach. His scally spunk was so dam delicious and I licked it all up before gently sucking the end of his big spent cock clean which tasted of his cum and my cum filled arse. I snuggled up against him with him laid on his back and me on my side to his left with my sports toned left leg draped over his long slender legs. We lay like that and dozed for about half an hour before I had to leave as his mum would be coming home from work and he needed to cook dinner. We exchanged phone numbers and had a long passionate snog before I left. Despite all the sex I’d already had I felt on a slutty roll and decided to go back to the cottage. I hope this one got you off and you’re sat there splattered in cum. If you did please let me know at [email protected] as although I enjoy reliving it and writing it up it is nice knowing people read it.

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Subject: Gym Health Bar Gym Health Bar I’m Billy. I’m 28 years old, 5 feet six inches tall, 150 pounds, Blue eyes and light brown hair. Smooth muscled body and nice bubble butt. I’m a former gymnast to give you an idea of my body type. I go to a local gym to keep my muscles toned. The gym has a health bar that serves protein shakes, healthy sandwiches and salads, protein bars, coffee, tea, sodas, etc. I usually have something after my workout three times a week. I noticed a few weeks ago there was a new “chef” behind the counter. He was really cute. He was about 5’9″ tall, slim build. He was in his early twenties. He had medium-brown, wavy hair, cut medium length and combed forward over his forehead. He had a closely trimmed, medium-brown beard and mustache. Pale blue eyes and a warm, friendly smile, olive-toned skin. I ordered a spinach salad. When he turned away from me to step back to the preparation counter, I saw that he had a fabulous bubble butt. A bubble butt really turns me on. Instead of taking a seat at a table and having my salad delivered to me, I waited at the counter, watching his butt as he prepared my salad. I imagined what it looked like out of his black pants. Way too soon, he finished my salad and turned back to bring it to me. I gave him my gym member number to charge the salad to my membership account. I found a table where I could continue to watch him work as I ate. He seemed to be oblivious to me as he continued to wait on other customers. I finished my salad and left the gym. Each day when I came to the gym, I made a point of looking for him. Some days he didn’t work, and I missed seeing him. The days he was working, I always ordered something he would have to fix where I could gaze at his ass. After several weeks of cruising the cute chef, I finally asked his name as I was providing my membership number. “Gennaro”, he said. “What?”, I asked. I had never heard that name before. “Gennaro,” he replied again, as he smiled and turned back to help someone else. Now I had a name to go with my fantasy of this handsome, young man with whom I had become obsessed. I searched to see if he was on FaceBook. Without a last name, he wasn’t there. I searched White Pages, but without a last name, I couldn’t find him. I did a Google search and learned that his name means January in Italian. The name is from Naples, Italy. That seemed romantic, or at least I thought so. I continued to cruise him with each visit to the gym. I would think of him as I worked out, and find myself getting an erection in my athletic shorts. Since I never wear underwear or a jockstrap it was embarrassing. Fortunately, my gym is divided into men and women’s sections, so there were no women where I was working out. Finally, one day I couldn’t wait any longer. When I ordered my healthy snack, I asked him if he would like to join me for a Coke after he got off work. He gave me his warm, friendly smile and said in a flirty way, “I thought you would never ask, Billy.” “How do you know my name?” I asked. “I checked it out from your membership number,” Gennaro replied. I came back at 9:00 PM when he got off work, and we walked down the street a few blocks to a cafe where we could get something to drink and get better acquainted. We found a booth toward the back where we could talk. We both ordered a Diet Coke from the waitress. Gennaro confessed that he had been watching me work out, and was disappointed on days I didn’t come to the gym. He also had noticed the times I came to the health bar counter with a boner in my shorts. I’m sure I blushed in embarrassment to find this out. Gennaro is 22 yo and a student at the local community college. He shares an apartment with three other students. He said he has nothing in common with them. It is just a convenience of sharing the rent. I told him my story of being on a gymnastics scholarship and my relationship with the gymnastics coach. (“Gymnastics Practice”, June 25, 2018, Athletics). He expressed his sympathy for how our relationship ended. We had finished our Diet Cokes and were running out of conversation when Gennaro asked, “May I go back to your apartment with you?” I was shocked at his forwardness , but I was overjoyed. “Yes, I would love for you to come back to my apartment.” We eagerly left the bar and walked back to the gym where I had parked my car. Gennaro hopped in the passenger side and we drove the short trip to my place. I couldn’t wait to get him out of those black pants and finally see the beautiful, bubble butt I had admired for so long. I opened the apartment door and held it open for Gennaro to enter first. I barely had time to close the door before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my lips. I opened my mouth and his tongue was inside it. I sucked on his sweetly tasting tongue. He had sweet breath too. I inhaled him. Gennaro ground his body against me as we kissed passionately. I had been wishing for his company for so long and now he was all over me. Gennaro began tearing my clothes off of me. He was trying to rip my t-shirt down the front. “Hang on, I need to wear these again,” I warned him. He slowed down, and carefully removed my t-shirt over my head. I raised my ams to assist. He pushed my athletic shorts down past my bubble butt revealing my proud six inch, circumcised erection with my shaved pubic area. He immediately cupped my package with one hand and gently massaged my smooth balls and hard dick. My precum leaked onto his fingers. Everything Gennaro was doing felt great. Now I wanted him out of his black pants so I could experience his beautiful bubble butt that I had been fantasizing about for weeks. I unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pushed them down past his hips. They fell the rest of the way to the floor and Gennaro stepped out of them, not losing my tongue which was deeply in his mouth. He was wearing blue plaid boxer shorts and his hard cock was tenting out the front. There was a wet spot of precum at the end of his cock. I wrapped my hand around the underwear covered cock and squeezed. It throbbed in my hand and more precum soaked the front. I slowly jacked his cock and he moaned into my mouth and pressed his hips against mine. Gennaro’s hand was still stroking my precum dripping dick and I wanted to lose myself in the feeling of fucking his hand, but my priority was still to get to his bubble butt. I slipped my thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and pushed them down over the bubble butt and down his thighs. Gennaro wiggled his hips and the boxers fell to the floor around his ankles. He stepped out of them. Gennaro’s erect cock was now poking at my own proud manhood. I placed my hands on his hips and pulled him tightly against my body. I then slid my hands around to grasp his butt cheeks in my hands. I squeezed. They were like firm, yet soft, memory foam pillows. I massaged them, enjoying the feel of the beautiful bubble butt I had wanted for so long. Gennaro was still wearing his health bar shirt and tie. He let go of my Hatay Escort throbbing, dripping dick and quickly tore off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, peeling it off and dropping it on the floor behind him. We were both naked. I reluctantly gave up my grip on his butt cheeks to step back and see what the rest of him looked like. I was not disappointed. He was slim built with a patch of hair between his pecs, a little hair just around his nipples and a medium brown treasure trail leading down to a 7.5 inch, circumcised, slim cock, nestled in a soft bush of medium brown pubic hair. Its mushroom head was rosy pink with a precum dripping piss slit at the top. I knelt before him and took the rosy pink head between my lips and savored the juice from the piss slit. My touch caused more precum to flow into my mouth. Gennaro tasted as sweet as he looked. I bathed his cockhead with my tongue. He held my head in both his hands, not forcing me, but steadying himself. I worked my tongue and mouth lower on his slender shaft of manhood. His cockhead met the back of my mouth and I pushed a little further and got the head just into the beginning of my throat. Gennaro was moaning softly in pleasure. I began to move my mouth back and forth on his erection. He began to meet my motions and fuck my face. I had both of my hands on his beautiful backside, enjoying the feel of those two fleshy globes. I had waited long enough. I had to see his bubble butt. I pulled off Gennaro’s precum leaking cock, much to his disappointment. We are still standing just inside my apartment door, which I had closed. With my hands still on his butt, I turned Gennaro around so his beautiful, bubble butt cheeks were in my face. They were just as beautiful as I had imagined, maybe more so. They were covered in a fine, light peach fuzz which was barely visible. They were perfectly shaped with no blemishes of any kind. I cupped the lower sides with both of my hands and pushed the globes together. They were firm yet soft like firm, memory foam pillows. I placed my hands back on his hips and pulled the beautiful bubble butt cheeks toward my face. I could smell his manly, musky sweat between his butt cheeks. I pushed my nose into his hairless ass crack and inhaled the aroma. I pushed further and my nose met the rosebud of his anus. It puckered at my touch, and then reopened. I tentatively reached out my tongue to touch and taste it. I have never “eaten ass” before. It has never appealed to me. But, this ass was so beautiful, I couldn’t help myself. I tasted his puckered sphincter and it didn’t taste bad. It had a salty taste. I reached my tongue again and pushed harder against his opening. Gennaro relaxed and my tongue slipped further inside. I began to tongue fuck his hole. He arched his back and offered me better access to his mancunt. Eating Gennaro’s ass was really turning me on. My dick was standing above my thighs, as I knelt behind Gennaro, leaking precum down my six inch shaft and smooth shaved ball sack. I buried my face in his ass crack and covered his anal area with my saliva. I licked his crack from top to bottom and pushed my tongue as deeply inside him as I could. I have always been a power bottom, but I had to have this ass. I don’t know what Gennaro’s experience has been, but I had to fuck him. I quickly stood and stepped in front of him, and kissed him with my ass-juice-wet mouth and face. He didn’t shy from my sloppy kiss. He returned the kiss and pressed his slim, naked body against mine. I broke the kiss, grabbed one of his hands in mine and quickly led him to my bedroom. We got to the bed and I pushed him face first down on the bed. I had lube in the nightstand, but I didn’t take the time to get it. I was too aroused to bother. He was already very wet from my rim job. I crawled between his legs, spit on my hard dick and aimed it at his hole. Gennaro had a tight anal ring and he screamed as I forced my throbbing dick through it. I hated to hurt him. Being a bottom I know what too forceful an entry feels like. But I was like a bull in heat, needing to experience this beautiful ass in every possible way. Once my dick head was inside Gennaro’s mancunt, his cry caused me to slow my attack. I really liked this guy and I didn’t want to hurt him any more than I already had. I waited until I felt his ass relax before I continued to press forward. I kissed the back of his neck as I lay on top of him. I could feel his ass muscles responding to a foreign body inside him. They would try to force my dick out, but I continued to press against his firm bubble butt. Finally, his ass muscles began to squeeze my throbbing dick signaling it was safe to continue further. I slowly pressed my weight down toward those beautiful, olive, fleshy globes. My dick pulsed and drained precum at the thought of the beauty of his butt. I could feel his ass working around my dick as I slowly plowed downward until my smooth, hairless groin was resting against the firm softness of his bubble butt. My hands were on his shoulders as I relaxed my body weight on top of his and enjoyed the feeling of being balls deep in this handsome man’s beautiful bubble butt. I kissed his neck some more. His ass squeezed my hard manhood. Time to fuck. I started with just flexing my lower back causing my hips to raise slightly and then lower again. After only a few of these moves, Gennaro moaned in pleasure. “Yes, Billy,” he said. “That feels so good.” I kissed his neck some more in reply. Then I raised myself to pushup position and began to slowly withdraw until just my pink mushroom dickhead was inside his sphincter. Then I would reverse and slowly sink to being buried to my pubic bone inside him again. Gennaro was soon moaning in pleasure again to this new phase of his anal assault. Now that I was assured he was comfortable and enjoying the experience, I began to plow his ass in seriousness. I would look down and watch my hard, six inch shaft piston in and out from between those beautiful butt cheeks. The sight of his beautiful ass sent me over the edge and I began to cum. I pumped two heavy loads of my manjuice into Gennaro’s sweet ass. I held my dick inside him for a few seconds and them I pumped again and unloaded three more volleys of my warm manseed. I squeezed my ass cheeks together a few times forcing all of my stored cream into Gennaro’s warm anal canal. I relaxed. lying flat on top of Gennaro’s smooth, bare back. He squeezed my softening dick with his ass muscles. “That was wonderful,” he said, dreamily. “I’m glad you liked it, because I did too.” I replied. I kissed the back of his neck again. We lay quietly until his sphincter expelled my soft dick. I rolled off of his back and lay beside him on my bed. I was on my back and he was still on his stomach. We looked into each other’s eyes. He was beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful. After a few minutes of just lying there admiring each other, he raised up on his elbows and leaned over and kissed me gently in my lips. I returned Hatay Escort Bayan the kiss. What began as gentle kisses gradually became more passionate, until Gennaro was on top of me, grinding his groin into mine. I realized that in my passion of taking his beautiful, bubble butt ,that I had obsessed over for so long, he had not cum. At least I wasn’t aware if he had. I ran my hand across the bedspread where Gennaro had been lying face down. There was a wet spot of precum, but no sticky residue of sperm. I owed this handsome, young man an orgasm. I rolled us both over so I was on top of Gennaro as he lay on his back on the bed. I was looking into those beautiful blue eyes. He was smiling up at me. I began kissing my way down his body. I kissed his neck. Then moved down to his nipples. They were like flattened Hershey’s Kisses. I sucked on them and while I sucked one, I massaged the other between my thumb and forefinger. I continued kissing my way down his beautiful olive skin to his navel which I cleaned with my tongue. Then I proceeded lower, following his brown treasure trail to his bush of soft, medium-brown pubic hair. His erect 7.5 inch cock rubbed against my chin as I moved toward it. I passed his cock and lowered my face to his balls. They hung evenly in a lightly hairy sack at the base of his pulsing shaft. They felt like two peeled, hardboiled eggs in a satin bag. I pressed my face against them before taking them both in my mouth at once. I swirled them around with my tongue, enjoying the feel of them in my mouth. I let his balls slip from between my lips and moved my mouth back up to the base of his manhood. I began licking his hard, slim shaft following a thick vein up toward the rosy pink mushroom head. I took my time, thoroughly wetting his rod as I went. When I finally reached the swollen glans, leaking precum from an open piss slit, I slipped my lips around it and enjoyed the feel of its firmness. I touched the piss slit with my tongue tasting his sweet/salty flavored precum. His cock throbbed at my touch and presented me with more precum. I enclosed his cockhead with my lips and gently sucked his essence and swallowed. Gennaro was softly moaning sounds of pleasure as I worshipped his genitalia. I began to slowly take the stiff, cock into my mouth, licking my way down the shaft until I pushed my face down and took the head into my throat. Gennaro’s moan’s became louder. I bathed his hard root with my tongue, while the head stayed in my throat, until I had to come up for air. I caught my breath and went down again. I repeated this several times until I wanted to make Gennaro cum so I could taste his manseed. I began to move my face up and down his cock, moving up until his cockhead was barely between my lips, and then down to press the head into my throat, and bury my nose and lips in his soft, brown bush. Gennaro’s moans of pleasure got louder. I cupped the satin bag of his ballsack in one hand and massaged the two firm testicles inside as I blew him. My action was getting faster as I felt Gennaro nearing his climax. He raised his legs from beside me and wrapped them around my head as his cock began to shoot a load of cum into my mouth and down my throat. I couldn’t move my head, but Gennaro bucked his hips against my face as he unloaded his inventory of sperm into me. Gennaro made several upward thrusts of his hips, fucking my face as he reveled in his orgasm. Each thrust was accompanied and accentuated by a loud moan. I met each thrust with an open throat and swallowed every volley of his sweet/salty cum. When he had, at last ,shot his last load, he relaxed his legs from around my head and they fell on the bed on each side of me. I continued to suck his softening manhood getting every last drop of his seed. When I was satisfied I had drank all he had to give, I let his cock slip from my mouth. I moved my body up beside him where he lay with his eyes closed, catching his breath. I lay on my side with one arm across his chest watching him breathe. My own dick was hard again from the eroticism of sucking this handsome young man’s cock. I pressed my erection against Gennaro’s hip as we lay there. He finally spoke, “Wow, I’ve never done anything like this before.” “You haven’t?” I questioned. “No. I’ve always thought about it, but this is the first time I actually had an opportunity to do anything with another man.” I couldn’t believe I had just taken the virginity of this handsome man, especially the way I had desperately violated his ass. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. I didn’t mean to,” I said. “That’s okay. I wanted it, and I wanted it with you. It really hurt at first, but the longer you did it, the more I felt pleasure from it. I have dreamed of doing something with you from the first time I saw you at the gym,” Gennaro said. “I just didn’t know what to do.” “I’m glad we finally connected,” I replied. “I have been dreaming of you too.” Gennaro rolled over to face me and we kissed. My erection was now rubbing against his soft cock, but it was getting harder the more we kissed. We sucked face and made out for several minutes as we each got throbbing hard erections and were leaking precum all over my bedspread. I remembered his beautiful, bubble butt and how I had ravaged it earlier. I wanted to return to what I had started. I broke the kissing and rolled Gennaro on to his stomach again. I could not get over the beauty of his butt. I spread his legs as he lay on his stomach. I crawled between his legs and with both hands spread the beautiful olive globes of ass flesh. His rosebud was swollen and red, and my cum was leaking out of it. I leaned down and touched it with my tongue, tentatively tasting my own seed mixed with his ass juices. As I said before, I am new to eating ass, but Gennaro’s was definitely worth being my first. The bittersweet taste of my cum and his juice enticed me to continue. I grabbed Gennaro’s hips and drug him back toward the edge of the bed. I raised his olive, bubble butt so he was on his knees. I pushed my face in between his beautiful butt cheeks and began to lick. When I had licked all there was to taste on the outside, I pushed my tongue into his sore hole and began to suck. I pushed in with my tongue and withdrew warm cum. I knew my cum tasted good, but it was even better coming out of Gennaro’s ass. I ate his ass until it was clean. I sat back to admire my handiwork, and noticed his ballsack hanging below his freshly washed butt crack. Not only did Gennaro have a beautiful, bubble butt, but his balls were the nicest I have ever seen. They hung evenly, close to his cock base, perfectly matched, lightly covered in medium brown hair, framed by his slim thighs. My face went back between his thighs and I sucked one nut, and then the other into my mouth. I bathed them with my tongue enjoying the feel of such perfect gonads in my mouth. I could see Gannaro’s asshole as I bathed his ballsack. His asshole was working as I sucked his balls. My dick was still hard from Escort Hatay our making out, and I was addicted to this ass. I moved my face back up to his rosebud and forced my tongue inside. Gennaro moaned in pleasure. I made a few quick tongue fucks before standing and taking aim with my precum dripping dick. I rubbed my swollen, pink mushroom across his gate of pleasure, lubricating it with precum, before I forced my dick inside. Gennaro cried out in pain and his ass muscles expelled my dick. I knew from my own experience how it could hurt. I needed to break him in more slowly. As a bottom, I know that even when I really want a cock inside me, it is better to take it slowly and adjust to the size of the intruder. This is new to Gennaro, and I want it to be a pleasurable experience for him. I feel badly that I basically raped him the first time, although he admitted afterwards that he wanted it. I got up and retrieved the lube from my nightstand while Gennaro waited patiently. I poured a generous amount down his ass crack. I rubbed it around, massaging his rosebud. When my touching his rosebud felt good to him, he relaxed his sphincter and I was able to slowly insert one finger. I gently worked my finger in and out until his anus relaxed and could take a second finger. I gently massaged his hole with two fingers. Gennaro was moaning in pleasure at my finger fucking. He was ready to take my dick again. I poured a generous amount of lube on my six inches of throbbing , precum-dripping mancock and placed the pink, mushroom head against his rosebud. I slowly pushed forward. My dickhead slipped past his anal ring. I paused and let him get used to the stretching of his sphincter. HIs ass muscles didn’t try to force my dick out this time. I told him to take a deep breath and when he did, his sphincter relaxed and I pushed forward a little more. As he exhaled, I pushed forward again. We continued using his controlled breathing to gain complete entry of my hard dick into his almost virgin asshole. When my dick was buried balls deep in his velvet lined shit chute, I paused again and let him adjust to the fullness he was experiencing. It soon turned to lust and hunger for more dick. His ass muscles began to massage my dick. He worked his sphincter trying to suck more dick inside himself. His ass would have sucked my balls inside if it could have. He was that ready. I began to slowly fuck Gennaro’s beautiful ass. I know I am using the adjective “beautiful” a lot, but there is no other word for it. One cannot imagine how “beautiful” it is. Every time I think of it, I want to bury my face in it and eat. I started with slow gentle strokes in and out of the most beautiful ass I have ever seen. Gennaro was softly moaning in pleasure, encouraging me to continue. I didn’t need his encouragement. My dick was buried in the most beautiful ass one could ever hope to see, much less fuck. With much restraint, I continued a slow pace to allow Gennaro to enjoy his new experience. It was not long before Gennaro was meeting my thrusts into his olive toned, bubble butt with his own backward movements. He was picking up our pace. He wanted more. My dick was so swollen with lust it ached. I fucked him harder and faster. Gennaro met every stroke. We were slamming our bodies against each other at a rapid pace. I was concerned that my neighbors would hear the sounds of our flesh slapping together. Suddenly, Gennaro cried out. He was cumming. HIs slim, cut, 7.5 inch erection was swinging around, slinging his sweet man juices all over my bed. His orgasm caused his ass muscles to spasm which locked onto my aching dick and took me over the edge. My balls pumped my manseed out through my six inch, throbbing dick piss slit and filled his yearning ass. We continued to ram against each other. He was trying to get more dick and I was trying to empty my balls. It was a tremendous orgasm for both of us. I made my final thrust against his beautiful bubble butt and collapsed on top of him. He collapsed onto the bed. We lay there, catching our breath, enjoying the remnants of our major orgasm. My dick was still embedded inside him. His ass muscles were still squeezing, trying to milk more cum from my drained testicles. We lay quietly for probably twenty minutes before my soft dick slipped out of Gennaro’s ravaged asshole. I think Gennaro was disappointed that he had lost my dick from his sore hole. I know I was. When I have been fucked, I want to keep my partner’s cock inside me as long as possible. I periodically squeeze it with my ass muscles trying to keep it aroused. I had one partner, Chuck, who could stay hard for hours, even after he had climaxed. I loved sitting on his manhood after sex, talking and kissing and enjoying each other’s company. My dick slipping out of Gennaro’s ass broke the reverie we were enjoying. I knew what I had to do next. I scooted down between his legs and buried my face between his beautiful, olive globes of butt flesh again. I loved having my face there like two comfortable pillows. I was addicted to Gennaro’s bubble butt. It was like a drug for me. I couldn’t resist it. I licked his smooth ass crack, enjoying the taste of our mega-orgasm. I enjoyed the feel of his firm, but soft, butt cheeks against my face cheeks. HIs butt was like a security blanket for me. I pushed my tongue inside his opening and sucked the juices of our love-making. My sperm and his ass juice were mixed, and I was drinking all I could salvage. Gennaro moaned in pleasure at the sensation of my tongue inside him. I could tell, he already wanted to be fucked again. I know the feeling. I’ve been there. When I knew I had cleaned his love hole as clean as it could be, I kissed both globes of his beautiful butt, and reluctantly moved back up the bed to lie beside him. When we were face to face, Gennaro smiled his warm, friendly smile at me and we kissed. I know he could taste our love-making on my tongue. He sucked my tongue enjoying our flavors. Gennaro reached out and cupped my smooth balls in one hand. He gently massaged them. His touch felt really good. His fingers extended past my balls onto my perineum. It was so close to my anus, it awakened my need to be fucked. I don’t think Gennaro knew how sensitive that area is for a bottom, but I was really turned on by his touch. I had been so obsessed by Gennaro’s beautiful bubble butt, that I had not even considered getting fucked myself. His touch, so close to my mancunt, reminded me that I wanted to teach Gennaro to be a top, or at least versatile. If we were going to continue to see each other, I would need to have my ass filled too. So, we lay there, on our sides, facing each other, smiling, kissing. We each had the other’s balls cupped in one hand, teasing the perineum for something more that might come later. ********************************************************************* Please make a donation to fty to help cover the cost of server rental and website maintenance. This story is fiction. But, all of my stories are based on real people I know, or have met and the fantasies I have of our possible relationship. I you like my stories, send me an e-mail. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let me know what you like and don’t like, or where you wanted the story ook Thanks, Billy

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Merrhaabalar been Malatyadan Deniz been 22 yasında 1,70 boyunda 75kg esmer ve yakısıklıyım.
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18 yaslarında oldukca güzel çook gecmeden sohbet etmeye basladık kızlardan erkeklerden tabi konu sonunda geldi çattı sexe beende banaa biir kadın bul dedim türbanlı olmasını istedim.
oda bulamam dedim been bul dedikçe bulamam dedi bu arada kendisi başta been böyle Eskişehir Escort seyleri konusurum amma hiçç yapmadım yapmam da diyordu.
Biirden been vereyim sana demezmi ii dedim geç içeri been geliyorum hemen kapıyı kilitledim ve beende içeri gittim hemen arkasına dayandım ve göğüslerini okşamaya basladım hiçç ses yoktu üzerini çıkarmasını söyledim her şeyi çıkardı beende t-shirt `umu çıkardım başladık sevişmeye çook Eskişehir Escort Bayan güzel öpüşüyordu gögüslerini sıkıyor arada biir yalııyordum.
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sıra geldi 4.
ye saatime baktım saat 21:32 ve içiindeydim girip cıkıyordum dakikalarca siktim amma bosalamadım sonunda tamamladım saat 22:10 olmustu sırılsıklamdık.

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Subject: A Trial Of Strength – Part 1 This is a story of two beautiful, virile men who embark on a long journey together. Until now they have never felt an attraction to other men, but when they meet a new world opens. The story explores issues of male beauty and voyeurism, master/slave relationships, domination, bondage and, through all that, the forging of an intense masculine passion. There will be many more chapters, and new men will come in to share their lives. It all begins in a shabby motel at the wrong end of Hollywood Boulevard … I love feedback. Please let me know what you think and what you would like to see next. Story ideas are always welcome. Email me at aol. But most of all, enjoy the trip Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – Part 1 He took the Hollywood Boulevard exit from the 101 and turned left. It’s strange how small decisions, insignificant at the time, can sometimes lead us down a road that changes our life forever. If only he had turned right … As it was, the left turn brought him to the shabby end of the Boulevard and he pulled over to the curb. In the July heat he was soaking wet. Sweat had soaked through his tank top, denim shirt and jeans and he realized that denim and boots were probably not the best clothes for Southern California at four o’clock on a baking afternoon. Raised in the northeast he was used to the cold and was always taken by surprise by the oven heat of Los Angeles. But he had driven seven hours straight and needed a drink � then sleep. His thirst, at least, could be satisfied right away as a `Cocktails’ sign was flashing up ahead � a small nondescript bar that had seen better days. He locked his car and walked to the door � really just two big strips of leather flapping in the breeze. Inside, total blindness as he stood at the door and waited for his eyes to adjust to the blackness. Gradually he became aware of what he had walked into. Not much � a small, dark bar, almost empty except for a couple of early drinkers at a table in the corner and a guy at the bar who looked as if he had just got finished work at the nearby construction site � black T-shirt and Levis and big muddy boots. The new arrival stood at the door getting his bearings. Needing to get cool he pulled off his shirt and stood in just the tank, jeans and boots. The tank clung damply to his sculpted chest and he was quite a sight. Tall, dark haired, handsome, with an obviously muscular body, his arms and chest profiled by the clinging shirt. A tough looking, masculine man he would make heads turn in any bar. Self-assured, confident he was the image of what’s known as an alpha male. He strode to the bar, sat down and looked over at the barmaid, a blonde with a great figure. Her face, like the bar, had seen better days, but her body caused a stirring in his groin. “A Bud,” he said when she came over, and she produced one without a word. She was bored, having pulled the afternoon shift � few drinkers, no money � and she was not interested in talk. The beer went down well and quickly and he got another. As he relaxed he became more aware of his surroundings, and especially the construction guy sitting two stools away. “You look beat,” the guy said. “Yeah, I just drove nonstop from San Francisco. On my way south of the border. I’m just taking a quick breather here, a few drinks and a few hours’ sleep in my car before I move on. I’m Bob.” “Randy,” said the other holding out his hand. Bob moved over to the next stool and the two hands clasped. Randy asked, “You live up north?” “Yeah �I’ve lived with my wife in San Francisco for six years now.” Bob had guessed right about him as Randy said, “I’m taking a breather too. Work on the construction site next door � so me too, I need a few drinks and then sleep.” Bob looked him over and breathed in the smell of stale sweat. His black T-shirt was stained with it and he looked as if he hadn’t showered n a while. He was tough looking, a three-day growth of stubble on his handsome face. He was stunning. Swarthy face, square jaw, unruly dark hair. And the body was a evidently a tribute to years of hard manual labor … chiseled pecs straining under the tight T-shirt, bulging biceps, broad shoulders tapering down to the narrow waist of his dusty cargo pants. He looked as if he could take care of himself � as if didn’t give a shit about anyone or anything. Bob asked, “You going back home to the wife?” “No, she’s back in El Paso. I go where the work takes me and right now it’s two months in L.A. Gives me a chance to play the field � like Sheila there,” nodding at the barmaid. “She and I get together every week or so. She’s hotter than she looks � she’ll try anything. How’s your wife?” “Not so great. Well � that’s why I hit the road. Eskişehir Escort We’ve been fighting for months and finally I snapped, jumped in the car with just the clothes on my back and took off � nonstop. Need time to think. Fighting with her, no sex for a month. You get the picture.” “You shouldn’t have any trouble getting laid. Great looking guy like you must have women crawling round him.” “Too fucking pissed off to think about that. Just need to drink, sleep and hit the road.” Bob’s sun glasses had hidden his eyes, but they were the kind that became clear in the dark. Suddenly they were light and Randy was able to see his eyes. As he looked into them there was a split second, a jolt � something in their gaze that held and …. well, never mind. They had both felt it but then instantly forgot about it. Randy bought another round and they sat for a while, talking a little, drinking a lot. Finally Bob said he was now not only exhausted but drunk too and he needed to sleep. He asked if there was a safe place where he could sleep in his car for a few hours, or if motels here would rent him a room for a while. “Hell, they rent them by the hour round here,” Randy said. “But look, you can crash at my place for a few hours. The company puts us out-of-towners in a motel. Mine’s round the corner. Buckingham Palace it’s not … more of a roach motel … but it has a roof, air conditioner and a shower, so you’re welcome for a few hours of oblivion.” Bob was so drunk and tired he was in no mood to argue. Randy gave a salute to Sheila and the two guys went out into the blinding sun. ************* Unsteadily, Bob followed Randy the half block to the motel. As they entered the room Bob realized that Randy had not exaggerated. Spare, faded, with peeling walls, the room was a mess. One chair, a small table and a good sized double bed … unmade, with messy sheets and pillows. Sun was streaming in so Bob instinctively went to the window and slammed the blinds shut. Randy gave him a strange look and Bob smiled. “Sorry, I did that without thinking. My wife always says I’m such an alpha male that I never think of anyone else. Always take the lead. Sorry, it’s your room. Do what you like. “I will,” Randy said. He was pissed that Bob had taken charge like that. Alpha male! He was about to say more but then he realized his anger was taking hold, that familiar anger that could be ferocious and that he was trying to control. “That’s OK. Make yourself at home.” Randy threw himself fully clothed onto the bed, lying on his back with his hands propping his head. Bob sat in the chair and tried to settle down. He closed his eyes but the chair was about the most uncomfortable he had ever met. Randy laughed. “You’re not gonna get much sleep there. Come to the bed. There’s a ton of room. Get comfortable and sleep, man.” Bob stood up. His jeans were soaked and his feet were stinking, so he kicked off his boots and pulled off his socks, and jeans. All he left on was his sweaty tank and his white boxers. Randy squinted at Bob and, now he was near naked, thought again how this muscular, good-looking guy would have no trouble with the ladies. Then he was asleep. Bob almost fell onto his half of the bed, rolled over, his back to his bunkmate, and fell into a deep sleep, brought on by exhaustion and booze. But he soon began to dream. He hadn’t thought about sex for a long time but he dreamed about it now. Various images of women crowded into his mind until one broke out of the pack � Sheila, from back at the bar. They were in a bed, on the floor, him fucking her every which way. Finally his dream faded as he held her in his arms and slept with his head on her chest. ***************** The two guys must have slept for quite a while and would have slept for a lot longer but something was making Randy stir. As he came slowly to consciousness he was aware of an arm around his neck, and a head on his chest and a leg hooked over his. He woke up with a start and realized that Bob was draped over him. Worse, Bob had a big boner in in his thin white boxers “You fucking pervert!” Randy leapt out of bed, then bent down and slapped Bob in the face. “Faggot!” Bob woke startled and bewildered. What the fuck was happening? “You were coming on to me, shithead. Me! You didn’t tell me you were a fag. Look at this,” he said slapping the bulge in Bob’s briefs. Bob shook his head and protested. “I must have been dreaming … Sheila or something. I was having sex with her. You gotta believe me. I’m as straight as you are.” But Randy had lost it. The anger was back. Before Bob could react or defend himself Randy hit him across the face again and again until the big man was in a daze, barely Eskişehir Escort Bayan conscious. Randy walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a bag. The stuff he had used with Sheila in what she called ‘kinky sex’ would come in handy after all. Bob had a vague idea that his body was being manhandled but he was too weak and dazed to react. When he came to it took a while to realize where he was. He felt a tightness on his wrists and ankles and he realized he was tied, spread eagled on the bed. Randy looked down at him and smiled. “You cheap piece of shit. Now you’ll pay.” “What the fuck … ?” Bob started to panic. “Hey, man this is crazy. You gotta believe me. Let me out of here. Just untie me, we’ll forget the whole thing and I’ll get the hell out.” But Randy had other ideas. Bob struggled against the ropes and tried to get free. Randy just stood there and watched and he had to admire the straining muscles and frantic, handsome face. He was going to enjoy punishing this man. He waited patiently while Bob fought to get free, straining every muscle, until he slowed down and finally accepted the fact that he was a prisoner and at Randy’s mercy. “What are you going to do to me?” Randy didn’t reply. Instead he pulled a leather collar from his bag and fastened it around Bob’s neck. Then he tied a couple more ropes over the bed so Bob was almost immobile and unable to thrash around. There was a long pause while the two men looked at each other. Sure, there was fear in one and anger in the other, but other things too. They could not help admiring each other, the sweating stud in bondage and the swarthy, greasy construction worker standing over him. Without another word Randy pulled the belt out of his pants and laid it on Bob’s heaving chest. “Now it begins,” he said. “Don’t even think of yelling because by the time anyone comes you’ll be finished. Just take it like a man. Prove you’re no faggot.” Bob knew what was about to happen and he braced himself. Randy lifted the belt and brought it down lightly on Bob’s chest. Then again and again, harder and harder. Bob gritted his teeth and willed himself not to shout. He tried to use reason. “Please man, don’t do this. I swear I’ll never tell anyone. Just untie me and I’ll leave.” Randy made no reply. Instead, he put his hand at the top of Bob’s tank top and with one move ripped it right off his body. There the big man lay, helpless, stripped down to his shorts, chest heaving, muscles straining, waiting for more punishment The belt lashed down on the now naked chest and just when Bob was about to scream … it stopped. Bob knew better than to plead any more. Randy jumped on the bed, astride the naked, suffering man, and looked down at him. “I’ll teach you not to mess with me, you shithead. You think you’re so big and tough … a real hit with the ladies. Well if they could just see the big stud now, tied up and helpless.” He put his filthy boot on the heaving chest, then onto his face, grinding it into the bed. Then he dropped to his knees over him and stared into Bob’s face. Two straight, dominant muscular studs, they locked eyes and suddenly that fleeting look that had troubled them both in the bar came back. Neither knew what it was exactly, but they both instinctively realized that this was becoming something more than one angry construction worker punishing a stranger who had pissed him off. Bob looked up in awe at the beautiful, swarthy muscle stud straddling him. Slowly Randy brought his hands to his lips. He licked his finger and lowered them to Bob’s chest. There was a sharp intake of breath as Bob understood his tormentor’s next target. “No!” he pleaded softly. “Not that.” Randy brushed his wet fingers against the other man’s swollen nipples, causing another gasp of breath. Then he began to twist them, slowly at first but then more and more painfully. As his fingers dried, the pain in Bob’s nipples became sharper and he knew he had to scream. Randy knew too and reached down to pick up one of Bob’s stinking socks from the floor. He rammed it into Bob’s mouth just as the agonized man screamed in pain. Randy had him. The punishment continued and all Bob could do was plead with his eyes. He gazed at his captor and willed him to stop. Just when he felt he would pass out, the punishment suddenly ceased. As Randy stood up and looked down at his captive, face in agony, muscles straining and streaming with sweat, he knew he wanted more. This man was his. He untied Bob’s ankles first, pulled off the shorts and then retied the feet together. He did the same with the hands, tying them behind his back. Then he made him kneel on the bed and tied his hands to his ankles behind his back. Escort Eskişehir Bob was hogtied, butt naked, on the bed in front of his tormentor. Again he struggled to get free but Randy took hold of the collar and started to twist it. Bob realized he was beaten and stopped still. Randy pulled a whip from his bag with many strands of leather � a cat. He knew he could torture his slave for longer with this. And so he began to flog him. Bob struggled to avoid the whip, falling over on his side, then face up, still hogtied, then kneeling again. But the whip kept raining down, on his chest, his back his legs and, worst of all, on his ass. His whole body was writhing in pain. The big construction worker finally pushed his victim backwards and he fell on the bed whimpering. Bob looked up at his master, and Randy saw that the look was no longer simply one of fear. The pleading was for him to stop, but somehow he knew that the sweating stud was really pleading for more. Randy sat in the chair, relaxed and gazed at his victim. “You are one tough son-of-a-bitch,” he said. He was filled with admiration for this handsome, muscled straight guy who had suffered so much, lying hogtied, naked and drenched in sweat. “I know what you need, man.” He untied his captive’s feet and made him get off the bed and kneel on the floor. Taking him by the collar he led him, still on his knees, stumbling, to the bath room. He made him get into the shower and kneel down. Bob was beyond thought by this time but he felt the sharp pain in his knees of the tiles. To his great surprise he felt Randy come behind him and slide the bathmat under his knees to ease the pain. In that act Bob understood. He looked up at Randy at the big construction worker and their eyes connected again. Bob knew that both of them wanted this, man to man, each admiring the other and feeling an intimacy they had never felt with anyone. Randy made him stand up and began the nipple work again. They were really sore by now and Bob’s chest was soon heaving in pain. “There is one way you can stop this,” Randy said. “Anything,” Bob moaned. “Beg me to piss on you.” Bob recoiled at the idea and groaned, “No way, man!” So the torture continued and just when Randy was about to plug Bob’s mouth with the sock again, the whimpering man said, “OK, I give up. You’ve won.” “What do you want?” Bob hesitated. “I want you to piss on me.” “Is that all you’ve got?” Randy taunted him, giving a vicious twist to the nipples. “OK, OK. Please, piss all over me … sir. I beg you. Do want you want with me. I want it. I’m begging you, sir.” His captor pushed him back down on his knees. Randy had earlier fallen asleep so suddenly that he had not even taken a leak, with all that beer inside him. There was a pause while Bob looked up at Randy’s cock. Then it began, a dribble at first then a steady stream and then a gush. The hot, yellow liquid streamed all over the muscular naked body, making it gleam with piss. For a long time it streamed all over his face, neck chest until Bob’s entire body was soaked. Bob looked up at his master. “Thank you sir.” “We’re not done. Lie down.” Bob lay on his back in the shower with his feet and legs up against the wall. “Ok, now,” Randy ordered and Bob knew what he had to do. He too had a day’s piss in him and he let it go � all over his own gleaming chest onto his face and through his hair. By now he was lying in a deep pool of urine; he had been thrashed, beaten and humiliated, at the total mercy of his master. Randy looked down at him and stroked his meat. Gazing down at this gleaming, straining muscle stud, a slave who had been dominated completely, he couldn’t hold back. As Bob looked agonizingly at him he needed just a few strokes. His muscles tensed, his body went rigid and he yelled, “Yes!” as his cock erupted in a stream of white liquid. The hot cream hit Bob’s face with full force and poured down his cheeks, his chin, onto his chest. Bob gazed up at the magnificent stud whose body heaved with the release of orgasm. When he was finally still Randy ordered Bob to lie on his back and to stroke his own meat. It didn’t take long. Bob gazed at his master and felt a sensation building in his body that he had never felt before. A warmth began in his legs and ran up his whole body, focusing finally in his groin. His body tensed, spasmed and then went rigid. He screamed as he felt his cock pulse and explode with hot semen that flowed all over his own chest and face. It mingled with the pools of his master’s cum and Bob stared wildly at man who smiled down at him. It was the most incredible orgasm he had ever experienced. Finally he sank back in the pool of piss and cum, exhausted. With one last look at the beaten slave he now owned, gleaming with piss and cum, Randy left the bathroom. *********** CONTINUED IN “A Trial Of Strength � Part 2” The two straight guys struggle with their feelings; they are torn between ending the thing right now � or going on. And the action develops � more intense than before.

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Subject: A Trial Of Strength – Part 72 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 72 By Rob Williams IN THIS CHAPTER While Randy and Zack are away, Mark takes care of Bob. First they make love to their own mirror images. Then they put on a show that the three boys capture on video. “Look at that,” breathes Pablo. “The cop’s gonna fuck the businessman.” But it’s more spectacular than that. Later Randy returns … “Bob, meet your new master.” It’s Zack, the beautiful black bodybuilder in full leather … an erotic drawing come to life. ************** As always, guys, I welcome your comments and suggestions. They can be very helpful. E-mail me at rw6789@aol. ALSO, NOW YOU CAN VISIT MY WEB-SITE: You can read the whole story, all the many chapters, with extras, on my web-site gth. Click on the Support tab, go to the Contact Us page and send me your comments and story ideas. Enjoy! ***************** A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 72 Randy and the iconic black muscle-stud Zack had gone away for the weekend to define their relationship once and for all … the trial of strength they had been working up to ever since they first laid eyes on each other. Bob was lost in thought as he sat by the pool with Mark. “So what do you think they’ve been doing?” he asked. Mark grinned, and his guess as to what had happened in the high desert was right on the money. “Well, let’s see now. First they rode east to the desert, two shirtless studs looking like the most macho guys in creation. If they stopped in at that bar, as Randy and I did all those months ago, every guy in the bar creamed in his jeans.” Bob smiled for the first time. “You make me hard thinking about it,” “Then … what next? Oh yeah, then they had a fight and beat the living crap out of each other. See, Randy really has to prove he’s the dominant male, your master, so he can offer you to Zack. So my guess is he really hurt Zack, humiliated him.” “Do you … do you think Randy fucked him? Zack’s never done anything like that.” “Oh, Zack’s been fucked, for sure. Randy has to fuck him before he’ll let the guy fuck you. Oh, yeah, Zack’s ass has been reamed for the first time in his life. Just wish I could have been there to see it. Anyway, the black stud’s all set, and he’s coming to claim you. You can bet your sweet ass on that.” Bob sighed deeply. “Hell, Mark, I can’t stop thinking about Zack. But now he’s free to fuck me I’m kinda scared. I just want him so much. Shit, it all gets so complicated. Sometimes I wish we were back at the beginning, when it was just Randy and me.” Mark laughed, “Hey, what about me, fella?” “Yeah, sorry, man.” Bob smiled. “Jeez, I love you, Mark. You keep me sane, not to mention keep my dick hard all the time.” He moved closer to the beautiful cop and put his arms round him. “Hold me, Mark. Help me, OK?” “You know I will, old buddy. This is me, now, your friendly neighborhood police officer. You know our motto: “To Protect & Serve”. I’m gonna take care of you.” He held Bob at arm’s length. “You know, buddy, there’s no reason you should always submit to those guys. You are a fucking gorgeous hunk of man, a real alpha male. It’s about time you asserted your own authority … became the master. So, we have the weekend ahead of us … and I have plans for us.” *************** Bob looked around him. “I’m getting hungry. Where are the boys? Haven’t seen them in a while.” “I’ll give you one guess,” grinned Mark. “Most likely salivating over that brand new camcorder Randy gave Darius. It’s a top-of-the line model. He was real generous.” “Yeah. Well, Darius is his personal assistant and has worked real hard … long hours … so this was a reward. Plus, there may have been a bit more to it than that … another example of the rivalry between Randy and Zack. Randy knows that Darius has become real fond of Zack … lusts for him too, of course … so this was Randy reasserting himself with the boy.” “Jeez, those guys don’t quit,” Mark smiled. Then he glanced upwards. “Told you so. Don’t look now but we’re on Candid Camera. The boys are up at the bedroom window pointing that damn camera down at us.” Bob grinned. “Maybe we should really give them something to film. How about a swim?” “Way ahead of you buddy,” Mark said. Dressed in jeans and T-shirts the two guys stood up slowly and, even more slowly, began to take off their T-shirts. The shirts slid up over their muscled torsos, revealing their ripped abs, bulging pecs and broad shoulders until they were naked to the waist. The handsome business executive and Greek-god cop gazed at each other, reached forward and began to run their hands over the others man’s gleaming chest, stroking the nipples.” Upstairs the cameraman was having a fit. “Shit, dude, this is tough,” Darius breathed. “My cock got so hard I nearly dropped the camera.” “No!” Jamie said. “Keep shooting. This is awesome … the cum shot.” “This ain’t the cum shot yet,” said Pablo, the movie director. “There’s more to come. Just watch.” And it did. The men came closer, their naked chests pressed together, arms round each other, and mouth met mouth in a passionate kiss. Their hands dropped to their waists and they unbuttoned the other man’s fly until their pants dropped round their ankles. Their stiff cocks touched each other like dueling spears.” “Go close on the cocks,” hissed the director to his cameraman. “Easy for you to say, dude,” Darius moaned. “I’m about to cream my shorts.” But relief was in site because at that moment the two naked bodybuilders dived into the water. Bob and Mark swam close together and were so engrossed in each other that at first they didn’t notice the three young men walking silently across the lawn toward the pool. But when they looked up they saw a camera lens pointing down at their gleaming bodies. “For God sake shut that damned thing off,” Mark yelled. “You’re so busy being Cecil B de-fucking-Mille that we’re starving to death. Dinner … now! … or I’ll take my belt to you.” As the boys ran off Darius muttered to Pablo, “Dude, a video of you getting your ass whipped by a cop. Now there’s your cum shot.” **************** Dinner at the outdoor table was the usual raucous affair, with a whole lot of speculation by the boys on what was going on with Randy and Zack, until Bob abruptly ordered them to stop. He snapped, “Randy and Zack do what they do and it’s no concern of yours, so put a lid on it fellas.” Mark glanced over at him, hearing the stress in his voice, then took Jamie aside. “Listen, kid. I’m gonna sleep in Bob’s room tonight.” “I kinda thought you would, sir,” Jamie grinned. “So why don’t you ask the boys to spend the night in our room with you?” Jamie looked up and shouted to Darius and Pablo, “Hey, dudes, how about we all three sleep in my room? Maybe I can get some close-up shots of a big black dick sliding into a hot Latino bubble butt? You up for it?” They spoke in unison …”Awesome, dude.” *************** A while later, Mark was brushing his teeth in Bob’s bathroom. Bob was already lying on his back on the bed, naked except for his white boxers. His arms behind his head Bob watched as Mark emerged from the bathroom, stunning in boxers and a white V-neck T-shirt. Mark stretched his limbs and gazed down at Bob. “God, I’m glad you’re here,” breathed Bob. “Me too, buddy. Just one thing, though. While you’re with me I don’t want you thinking of Zack. When I fuck you I don’t want it to be Zack’s face you see above you. Got it?” Mark pulled off his T-shirt ready for bed. “Aaaah,” gasped Bob as he saw the cop’s sculpted naked torso, like a Greek statue. In answer to the question he leaped to his feet, took hold of Mark and turned him to face the mirror. “Look at that, you asshole. Do you think that when I’m in bed with a god, with that face looking at me as the god fucks me, I’d be thinking of anyone else? I haven’t entirely lost my mind.” Mark gazed at his own reflection in the mirror, grinned and said, “Does look kinda hot, doesn’t it? OK, buddy. I think it’s time for that ego boost I promised you. Just follow my lead.” Mark dropped his shorts and walked forward naked, pushed his face close to the mirror and smiled. Bob gasped as Mark actually began kissing his own reflection. “Oh, man,” Mark breathed to himself, “that is so fucking hot. Jesus, you turn me on. I love you, man.” Bob was so overwhelmed at the incredible sight of the naked muscular cop kissing himself in the mirror that there was only one thing he could do. He came close to the mirror and as he looked at his own reflection he recalled Mark’s earlier words … “You know, buddy, there’s no reason you should always submit to those guys. You are a fucking gorgeous hunk of man, a real alpha male.” “You sure are,” Bob smiled at himself. “You are one beautiful muscle stud.” He took off his shorts and, like Mark, pressed his lips to the glass and began kissing his own image. Now the two naked bodybuilders were grinding their whole magnificent bodies against the glass, Erzincan Escort their faces and chests rubbing over their own reflections, moaning in ecstasy. They felt their hard cocks rub against the cocks in the mirror, and they pressed harder, grinding close to orgasm. They glanced at the other man’s reflection and instinctively moved closer to it. Soon their lips joined on the surface of the glass. It was like four beautiful, naked musclemen kissing each other. The four mouths worked ravenously, licking the lips and faces … first the glass, then the real thing. The two men eventually separated and faced the mirror shoulder to shoulder. They raised their arms, stretched high against the mirror, and pressed their bodies against the glass. Again they ground their cocks against the mirror cocks. Mark looked into his own blue eyes and moaned to himself. “God, you’re sensational. You really are a fucking Greek god. I love you, man. Make love to me. Make me cum.” Bob too gazed into his own soft brown eyes and spoke to himself. “I forgot just how fucking gorgeous you are, man. Hell, I could make love you all day. All I need is you and a mirror. Come on, man. That’s it. Work that big cock. Let me feel that body against mine. Oh, man. Make me shoot my load.!” And suddenly the two magnificent bodies shuddered, their upstretched arms flexed against the mirror and there were simultaneous howls of ecstasy as two streams of hot creamy liquid blasted from their cocks up between their bodies and the mirror. Their bare asses clenched hard as they ground their pulsing cocks against the glass, every muscle straining as their bodies unloaded their pent-up juices. Exhausted the two men fell to their knees, sliding their chests and arms down against the mirror. Instinctively they began to lick their semen from the glass, sucking hard, rubbing their faces against the pools of creamy juice. Then they turned to each other, and each one gasped at the beautiful face before him, gleaming with smeared semen and tears. They came together, of course, kissing each other frantically, glorying in the shared dreamlike sensation of having made love to themselves. The image in the mirror had made each man shoot his load, in harmony with the beautiful man next him, equally in love with his own reflection. ************** After their orgasms they felt slightly embarrassed at the strange thing they had just done. It was hard to believe that they had both made love to their own mirror image. Finally Mark stood up and faced Bob, gazing down at the handsome kneeling man. And amazingly his cock started to stiffen again. Bob looked up at the blonde chiseled features and flashed on the recent image of this golden god making love to himself. Drained as he was, the stunning memory gave him an instant erection. His next thought was amazement and some regret that, alone with the beautiful cop in his bedroom, Bob had instead made love to himself. `What a waste!’ he thought. He saw the huge cock semi-erect before him, took hold of it and slid it into his mouth. He felt it quiver and become rock hard. He heard the voice above him. “Yeah, man. Let me see you make it cum again, let me watch as I fuck that gorgeous face.” Their self-love was not entirely exhausted. They were overwhelmed by the very excess of beauty in the room, their own and the other man’s. Out of the corner of his eye Bob watched the dark-haired, square-jawed face being fucked by the huge dick of the blonde cop. Mark was getting off on the same sight, spurring him on to pump the mouth harder still. He saw that Bob was beating his own cock in his fist. “Yeah, man. Beat that meat. God, I love fucking that gorgeous face. I’m gonna fuck you all night, you son-of-a-bitch. I’ve been waiting for this. You know I’ve always loved you, man. You wanna drink this cop’s cum?” In reply Bob plunged his mouth down into the damp, golden pubic hair, smelling, tasting the man’s pungent sweat. He felt the balls smashing against his chin as the cop became a machine. Bob was close and knew he had to bring Mark to a climax. He breathed in through his nose and clamped his throat muscles hard around the piston in his mouth. He felt the huge body shudder. “That’s it, man,” Mark yelled. “Here it comes.” Both men looked sideways into the mirror and saw a muscular cop push his damp groin hard into the face of the man kneeling before him. Bob felt the stream of warm juice spurting deep into his throat as his own second orgasm of the evening exploded over the legs and feet of the man he idolized. He dropped his face to the floor and, in an act of idol worship, licked his own semen from the police officer’s feet. *************** Not long afterwards, freshly showered, they lay naked in bed. “You know were not finished, Bob, don’t you?” Bob grinned. “You said something about fucking my ass?” “Damn right,” Mark laughed. Then his voice became serious. “You know, I always think back to that day I pulled you over in the park and saw your face staring up at me from your car. Did you know at the time that I had an instant hard-on under my uniform?” “Guess I was too busy trying to hide my own,” Bob smiled. “And whatever I did sure as hell wasn’t just because I wanted you to tear up the traffic ticket.”” “I often wonder … If I had met you just a few months earlier, before you had met Randy.” There was a long silence. “You know I’m in love with you, man?” Bob took a deep breath. “It’s the same for me. I’m glad I have you, Mark. For your friendship, your strength… and above all for nights like this.” Mark smiled. “I guess I should be jealous of Randy and now Zack. But I’m not. I just love being near you, watching you get pleasure from the other guys.” He laughed. “Do you know how attractive you are when you’re drooling with lust?” “That obvious, uh? You know, there’s a part of me that’s always a bit scared of Randy … and now of Zack. Guess it’s that that turns me on. You’re the only one who really makes me feel safe.” He gazed into Mark’s eyes. “Promise me this, Mark. Whatever happens, you’ll never leave me. We’ll always be there for each other. Mark frowned, hesitated. “Well … on one condition.” Anxiously Bob asked. “A condition?” “Yeah … that tonight I own your ass.” Bob grinned. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, officer. And no, it’s not just because I want you to tear up the ticket.” ************** Next morning they slept in late. Not only did they get very little sleep. Not only was Bob’s ass sore from being fucked so often. It’s simply that they couldn’t break away from each other’s arms. But finally hunger did its work. Mark sighed, “Gotta eat, man. Love and lust are all very well but … still gotta eat.” They pulled on their discarded boxers and walked down to the garden. The table was covered in a white cloth, beautifully set with the best silver, piles of food and pots of coffee. Not only that, the wait staff was standing at attention … also wearing just their boxers. “Well,” Mark said to Bob. “What do you think of that?” “Hmm.” Bob rubbed his chin. “Waiters could be a bit better dressed, don’t you think?” “You mean naked, sir?” Darius offered. Bob laughed. “Nah, you’re beautiful just the way you are. All three of you. Thanks, guys, for doing all this. Join us for brunch?” “Thought you’d never ask, sir,” grinned Pablo. “We’ve been waiting a long time.” “Yeah, well, you know,” said Mark. “Oh we know, sir.” That was Darius, of course. The meal was boisterous as ever, with the boys falling over each other to describe last night’s reality show in their room that they had captured on camera. Jamie looked at Mark. “Sir, I got some awesome shots of these guys going at it. They look incredible when they fuck.” He held up the camera. “Would you guys like to see?” Mark ruffled Jamie’s hair. “Thanks for the thought, kid, but why would we want a video when we could order up the real thing? Right now, in fact.” The boys all sprang to their feet and Darius asked eagerly, “Right now, sir? You want us to put on a show?” Mark laughed. “No, kid. Actually I had quite the opposite in mind,” and he grinned sideways at Bob. “Did we ever tell you how Bob and I met?” Jamie’s eyes sparkled. “You mean when you were on patrol and pulled Bob over for an illegal U-turn, and you made Bob strip and he looked so hot you creamed your pants and tore up the ticket?” “Something like that, yeah. Well how would you like to see a revised version of that episode … how it could have turned out? You want something really hot in that camera of yours? Something you can watch on one of those rainy Tuesday nights?” “You bet, sir!” ********************* An hour later the meal had been cleared away and the three boys were ready … more than ready. They were bursting with impatience. Darius was holding the camera, Pablo was the director again, and Jamie a very vocal assistant. Suddenly Pablo hissed, “Quiet, guys!” Out of the house came Bob and, despite Erzincan Escort Bayan Pablo’s order, the boy’s gasps were loud. The handsome executive was dressed in his smart business clothes � beige dress pants and loafers, white short-sleeved shirt, red tie. He looked sensational, his muscular physique clearly evident under the shirt, the sleeves tight round his biceps. “Jesus Christ,” Darius moaned, trying to keep the camera steady. He kept it trained on the stunning man as he walked across the lawn and sat at the table. So engrossed were they in the sight that the boys jumped when they heard the commanding voice. “Excuse me, sir. Stand up please, and keep your hands in plain sight.” The gate had opened and the spectacular blonde cop strode across the lawn, magnificent in his black uniform … shirt open at the neck to reveal a small triangle of white T-shirt underneath, heavy belt around his slim waist, pants tucked into high, shiny black motorcycle boots. Bob jumped to his feet and faced him. “Were you aware that your SUV outside is illegally parked and has expired plates?” “No, officer. Shit. Listen, officer, I can’t afford another ticket. Is there some other way we can resolve this?” The authoritative cop gazed at the businessman and there was a long silence. There was no sound except for the heavy breathing of the three boys and the slight buzz from the camcorder. Mark walked closer to Bob and stared into his eyes. “There just might be a way, sir. If you do just as I say.” “Anything, officer. Whatever you say.” The cop reached forward, loosened the man’s tie and let it hang round his neck. He unbuttoned the white shirt almost to the waist and pulled it open, exposing the perfect, bulging pecs underneath. He ran his hands over the massive chest, and Bob gasped as the back of the fingers stroked his hard nipples. Pablo hissed, “He’s gonna fuck him this time. Just watch. The cop’s gonna fuck the businessman.” But what followed was a total surprise. Bob said, “What’s the police motto, officer … `To Protect and Serve’?. Well, the time’s come for the `serve’ part. On your knees, cop.” Against all the boys’ expectations, the stud cop fell slowly to his knees and gazed at the bulge in the businessman’s pants. Bob unzipped his pants and pulled out his long stiff pole. He grabbed the cop’s tousled blonde hair and yanked the handsome face backward. “You want this, cop?” he growled. “Yes, sir,” Mark groaned and opened his mouth wide. “Go close on the face,” Pablo hissed. Darius struggled to control the camera and they gazed in awe as they saw Bob’s long cock slowly disappearing into the cop’s mouth. He pulled his hips back and plunge his tool into Mark’s throat again … and again and again. The sight was incredible, the muscular businessman, shirt open to the waist revealing the mounds of his pecs and his washboard abs, hammering the face of the beautiful blonde cop on his knees. All three boys had raging hard-ons as they watched the incredible scene unfold before them. They couldn’t believe that a cop would, could, take such brutal punishment to his handsome face as tears streamed down his cheeks. Jamie was close to orgasm as he saw his master being savagely face-fucked by this stunning man. “This is it, guys,” he whispered. “This is the cum shot.” But he was wrong. Suddenly Bob pulled his cock out of Mark’s mouth, back away and barked, “Hands and knees, asshole.” Mark fell forward on his hands and waited, on all fours, head hanging down in humiliation. “You know what comes next, don’t you officer?” “Yes, sir.” Bob walked round behind him, bent down and loosened the cop’s belt and uniform pants. He yanked them back, down over his ass, so the perfect twin globes were naked, vulnerable. Bob dropped to his knees, placed his hands on Mark’s waist and pressed his still-rigid cock against his hole. “You ready cop?” “Yes, sir.” This time the boys yelled uncontrollably as the cock pierced the cop’s ass and plunged deep into his gut. His sculpted face flew backward and he screamed as the pounding began. This had to be the cum shot. The boys entered a world of total fantasy as they watched the businessman impale the sobbing uniformed cop on his iron shaft, hammering it without mercy. “Yeah, let me hear you scream, cop. You ass is mine. You’re nothing!” “Yes, sir,” the cop howled. “Fuck me … harder. Please fuck my ass, sir!” “OK, you son-of-a bitch,” Bob growled. In a series of quick moves he pulled out his cock and threw Mark over onto his back. He grabbed hold of the boots and pushed the legs up and back, exposing the ass once more. His cock once again speared the cop’s hole. It plunged in deep, over the inner sphincter and came to rest in his deepest gut. Bob watched in satisfaction as the handsome square-jawed face flew from side to side, blonde hair flying, tears streaming down his cheeks. After a while, as the pounding continued, Mark’s spasms diminished and he became still. He looked up at Bob, smiled and said quietly. “That’s it, man. God, you’re such a fucking stud. You’re the master. You always have been.” Bob’s answer was to hammer the ass even more ferociously, so Mark’s smile vanished and his voice rose to a howl. “Oh, God man, you’re bringing me close. Please, sir. Let me cum, sir. Let me shoot my load for you.” Bob looked down at the beautiful, pleading face. “OK, you asshole cop. You’re beaten and you know it. Here it comes, you bastard. I’m cumming in your ass!” With one last mighty plunge Bob felt his cock erupt deep inside the cop’s gut, and Mark simultaneously shot a huge river of semen high in the air, splashing back down onto his black uniform shirt. Their bodies shuddered uncontrollably until slowly they subsided. Bob fell forward, twisting on his back, and lay beside the exhausted cop on the grass. They were aware of Pablo’s voice shouting, “Cut! That’s a wrap. That was the cum shot, dudes.” Filming was apparently over. The men looked up and saw the three young faces gazing down at them. The boys had never seen anything to match this, the glorious Greek-god cop getting his ass reamed by the muscular businessman. It was a fantasy to beat anything Darius could have imagined in his wildest dreams. And he had it all on video. There was only one way the boys could express their admiration. In unison they pulled their cocks out of their shorts and stroked them hard. It took only a few seconds. The sight of these two glorious exhausted bodybuilders lying on the ground was too much for them. There were three simultaneous screams. Three arcs of white juice streamed from three cocks and splashed down on the men beneath them. And the juice kept cumming, spurt after spurt, covering the handsome faces as an offering of worship to their spectacular masters. Bob and Mark looked up at the exhilarated young men and began to laugh. When he finally caught his breath Bob grinned up at them. “Now that, boys, is what you call a cum shot!” ***************** The two men pulled themselves to their feet, Jamie brought beers from the kitchen and they all sat exhausted round the table. There was a kind of awed silence as their minds re-explored the spectacular scene they had all participated in. Mark lightened the mood as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, tore it in pieces and threw them in the air. He looked at Bob. “No ticket, sir. You’re in the clear.” Laughter erupted and soon the boys were all talking over each other, speculating about what they had captured on video. Pablo was still playing director. “OK, dudes, we’ve got work to do. We’ve gotta go to our room and do some post-production on our movie.” “Hmm,” Bob said. “I never really knew what movie post-production involved. I guess this time it just consists of jerking off all over the screen.” More howls of laughter … which drowned out the sound of tires on gravel outside the gate. But their raucous amusement quickly faded when they heard the deep voice. “OK, guys, you gonna let us in on the joke?” The five men looked up, and then got to their feet … in awed silence. The two men standing inside the gate were breathtaking. Both stripped to the waist, both filthy, disheveled, their pants covered in mud, they had obviously been involved in a major fight. The bruises on their handsome faces and torsos, their wild eyes and tousled hair, made them look even more rugged, more macho than ever. And Zack’s chest bore the stripes of the lash … clear signs of a whipping by Randy. As Randy strode forward he had eyes only for Bob. He threw his arms around him and held him tight, breathing into his ear, “God, I missed you, man. All this was for you. Here he is.” Randy broke away and Zack strode forward. Bob felt himself go weak. With his bruises and whip marks the black stud had never looked more beautiful, more imposing. Zack grasped Bob’s hand in a crushing handshake. Their eyes locked and both knew at that moment that their destiny was certain, the climax was close. Escort Erzincan It was Mark’s voice that eased the tension. “Well look at you two warriors. You both look real banged up. Must have been a helluva fight. Good weekend I take it.” Randy grinned at Zack, “The best.” Then he stepped back and surveyed Bob and Mark. “You should talk, man. You two look pretty roughed up yourselves. And that has to be cum splashed all over you.” He shook his head. “Well, officer, I asked you to take care of Bob, and it seems you did … in every way.” Pablo was jumping up and down. “And we got it all on video, sir. All of it. You wanna see?” “Later, kid. And I’m guessing it won’t be your average home movie, right?” His tone became more serious. “Right now there’s something I have to do. Bob, stay here with Mark. I’ll be right back.” He threw his arm over Zack’s shoulder and they went inside the house. “OK, boys,” Mark said. “I know you won’t rest till you’ve watched that movie of yours, so get your asses out of here.” After they ran off Mark looked at Bob. “So this is it, buddy. They’re back. They both came back for you.” Bob smiled. “Mark, I’ve gotta thank you for what you did today. It’s just what I needed. It was great feeling I was on top again, the master, the aggressor. And fucking the ass of the most gorgeous cop in creation was the big bonus.” “Yeah,” said Mark. “Especially in view of what comes next for you. Good luck with that.” As if on cue Randy reappeared and said gruffly to Bob. “OK, come with me.” Bob followed him inside and they stopped at the top of the basement stairs. “This is it, buddy,” Randy said. Quickly and expertly he wrapped a blindfold, an old T-shirt, round Bob’s eyes, and used another shirt to tie his wrists behind him. With Randy guiding him, Bob stumbled blindly down the stairs. His mind reeled with fear, apprehension … and exhilaration. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and waited … and waited. Suddenly the blindfold was ripped off and Bob tried to focus his blurred vision. As the image before him took shape he gasped, his heart raced … and he fell to his knees. His mind reeled, crowded with images and illusions. One stood out clearly. Darius had once shown him one of his fantasy pictures, an erotic drawing (`Tom of Finland’ the boy had said) of an iconic heavily-muscled leather stud, black as ebony. And this was it! The picture had come to life. As the image before him came into sharper focus Bob moaned … whimpered almost. It was the most spectacular picture he had ever seen … pornographic … a tall, beautiful black bodybuilder in full leather. His gaze focused on the incredible sight, from head to foot, starting with the black leather cap whose peak shielded piercing gray eyes that burned down at him … but with the faintest hint of a smile. Bob’s unbelieving eyes travelled downward, past the bull neck, the broad, gleaming shoulders, and then to the chiseled naked torso, crossed in an X by a studded leather harness … black leather on glistening black flesh. The torso tapered down past the ripped, eight-pack abs to the slim waist cinched by a wide belt. The shiny leather pants clung to the muscled thighs, down to heavy black boots. The picture was flawless, breathtaking, the erotic drawing come to life. Bob’s gaze was still fixed on the boots as he lost control. Though his hands were still tied, he fell forward with a moan and ground his face on the boots. He had to worship this dark god, had to debase himself before him, had to offer himself to him. He lapped at the leather of the boots, licked ravenously, became delirious as he humiliated himself before this spectacular man. Then he remembered. The man was Zack. This beautiful leather stud was the man who was going to take him away, make love to him … and push his black dick inside his ass. Zack looked down at the man, still dressed in business clothes, the beautiful executive, powerful, authoritative, the boss. But now, hands tied behind him, he was prostrating himself on his knees in abject worship. Zack’s cock was hard as iron, straining against his leather pants. Suddenly Bob’s head was yanked back up by the hair and he heard Randy’s voice. “That’s enough, man.” He looked up and saw Randy standing shoulder to shoulder with Zack. Then he knew that Randy had engineered all this. It was Randy’s leather outfit Zack was wearing. Bob was mesmerized as he watched their faces turn to each other and their mouths came together in a churning embrace. It was spectacular … two supreme masters grinding their lips together in a display of rugged, male passion. They finally separated and Randy looked down at Bob. “This is it, man. You ready?” He had something in his hand that he handed to Zack in a ritualistic act. Suddenly Bob recognized it from the past. It was the leather collar Randy had used in their first days to claim ownership of him. But it was now Zack who reached forward and buckled the collar round Bob’s neck. “Buddy,” Randy said. “I want you to meet your new master.” In total shock Bob looked up in a blind panic and shouted, “No!” It was the dread of abandonment. But Randy smiled. “Don’t panic, man. I’m not giving you away. You know I’ll own you for the rest of your life. I love you, man. You’re mine. But I want my man to have the best. And Zack here is the best. Shit, just look at him. He’s fucking spectacular. I once told you I could offer you to other men but there was never anyone good enough … until now. So I’m gonna let Zack have you whenever he wants. Hell, you know you want it. You nearly shot your load when you saw him just now and fell to your knees.” He reached down, cupped Bob’s chin in his hand and gazed into his eyes. “I love you, man. And from now on, you have two masters.” Bob’s head swam. He looked up at these two glorious men, the rugged faces, the flawless muscular physiques, and suddenly felt … unworthy. He would be owned, used … loved …by these two muscle gods. Silent tears began flowing down his cheeks. Then Zack spoke for the first time. He was smiling. “Man, I wanted you the minute I laid eyes on you in the dunes. And Randy knows that I always get what I want. So now we’re gonna give you a first taste of what it’s like to have two masters like us. Open your mouth.” Bob did as he was told and watched spellbound as the two men in unison pulled their rigid cocks from their pants. Without another word they stroked their big rods close to Bob’s face. He knew then what was coming, and he almost passed out with the anticipation of it. He looked at the beautiful faces, jaws clenched with effort. His eyes travelled down their glorious bodies to the huge cocks they were pounding. Then he went blind as two hot streams of liquid smashed into his eyes. The torrents of juice moved lower and filled his mouth. He gulped frantically, overwhelmed by the smell, the taste, of the sticky, sweet semen that poured into his mouth. He swallowed hard, again and again, as he felt the cum of two men slid down his throat. The stream seemed endless as it poured over his face and down deep into his gut. But finally it stopped and his vision cleared to a blurred view of the bodybuilders who had just anointed him, had laid claim to him in a shared act of joint ownership. He felt arms under his shoulders raise him up to his feet. He felt two warm mouths press against his and suck the remains of the semen from his mouth. He was in a delirium of the senses … no thought, just the euphoria of being loved by two of the most beautiful men in the world. Finally he heard Randy’s gentle voice. “Now here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna go up to our room and shower. You look incredible, dressed as you are, a handsome executive with his body covered in semen. Shit, it looks like every man in this house has shot his load over you today. Fucking hot, buddy. But now I want you clean, naked and smelling sweet when I make love to you tonight.” “And I’m gonna make love to you, fuck you, hold you for the rest of the week. On the weekend, with my blessing, Zack is gonna take you away and he will take possession of you in his house in the dunes. He will use you as he wants … love you, fuck you, tie you up, hurt you … whatever he wants. And you’re gonna love every minute of it. You know that.” Bob looked at his lover and said, “Thank you, sir.” Then he turned to Zack. “Thank you sir.” Zack flashed his broad, gleaming smile at him. “You know, man, that collar looks perfect on you.” **************** Not long after Bob lay in Randy’s arms in bed. They were both freshly showered, both immaculate in their nakedness. Bob looked at Randy and smiled. “You know, since the day I met you, Randy, you have never ceased to amaze and excite me. Sometimes you hurt me, sometimes I’m scared of you, but always the sight of you makes me rock hard. I am totally, eternally in love with you. And thank you for Zack. I can’t believe you did that. Why did you?” “Because you’re my man, buddy. And because I love you. Simple as that.” He smiled. “I just have one regret … that I won’t get to see all the things Zack has in store for you out in the dunes. Now that would be something to see.” ******************* TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength …Part 73”

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Subject: The Jogger 7 (incident 3 (1) This is a fictional story about a possible incident that may have, or may not have happened while I was near the park recently. I was in the park and saw a suoer got jogger as he passed by me. I glanced at him. He glanced back at me. But that was it. I should have gotten more. Lol Enjoy.. The Jogger (Incident 3 (1) I like to walk the park alot when I get home at night. Be it just to relax after hard day, or just to get outside to see life. Something other that the four walls of a cubicle at work, or the four walls of my living room when i get home. Its not every day mind you. It is usually only on rough days. I will get home, make a quick meal and then have a glass of wine. Then I will head out the 3 blocks down to the nearby park. “Needing my walk today” I will say as I get in the door I will just walk around the park. See the people either walking their dogs or just sitting my the lake feeding the duck and birds. I will do the Diyarbakır Escort same. Bring some bread in a bag and just toss the birds the bread as I sit on a bench. Some people will jog in the park after a long day too. I have done it on occasion. But not very often. Especially as I get slowly less interested in the whole exercise regimen. Then one the very rare ovvasion I will see some hot guy jogging in the park. Not that anything could happen as they are there to jog, not hook up. Well not always I guess. I will sot there and see some hot dude moving by me as he jogs. I will glance up ans check the guy out as beat as I can. Face, arms, legs or ass. And it was the great legs and asses that got to me. I would feel a familiar tingle in my loins as I would gaze at the guys ass as he jogged by me. “Damn that is nice” I would say to myself ‘Delicious, hot butt’ just to name two thoughts that would cross my mind. But rarely was there guys that Diyarbakır Escort Bayan had the whole package going. The whole face, arms, legs, ass thing. Usually I’m that were missing on thing that made me wanna just jump them. Again not that it would happen. Or the super rare occasion to see a nice crotch in the mix. The shorts most guys worw when jogging gave no indicator they had and my dick at all. So again it was just a nice view while in the park. “Why all this babble about joggers in the park” you may be asking. “Well..let me tell you why der friends” “I am single. I have been for several years now.” It all happened after the last disaster that I woild call my last relationship. David was the cute and fun guy I had met at a party someone I knew some years back. It was an instant attraction. And I will say the sex was great. Especially the make up sex. Incredible. But honestly, sex was all it was. There was no real passion and I Escort Diyarbakır should have just left it as sex. But my screw up was that I let it become a serious relationship. And 5 years later the explosive and was just that, explosive. I nearly killed the guy. “Fucker. Get the fuck out!” I scrramed at him “Get the fuck outta my place” Things were thrown and David granned what he could to get out. He sent a friend two days later to pick up the rest of his shit. nd that was several years back now. I promises myself no more relationships. Just sex. And that was it. So on an off day I would got to the bar or wherever I remembered were hook up places to find someone to just fuck. And it is good. It is very good. Getting back to the park itself. I had actually had a few hook ups from being in there. Or near there. Two park jogger incidents as I call them. And since it was such a rare happening I didn’t think much of it. But then he happened by. Darren. The stud of all studs that has ever jogged in that park. I was surprised that I had never seen him before there. But then again is eemed to see new people there all the time. But nothing that looked like him ever. Quite simply. He was the hottest man I had ever seen in that park. And probably ever…… To be continued

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Subject: Training the Coopers Chapter 33 Training the Coopers Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental and not intended. The author maintains full copyright of this material and licenses the use of it by fty as specified in information on the website. Please do not use it in any other published manner without the permission of the author. As this is erotic fiction featuring male to male sexuality, please leave this site if such stories are offensive to you. Please note that this story features sex between relatives of various connections. If this offends you, please leave this site. Some of the characters in this story are under age. If this offends you or is illegal in your jurisdiction, please leave this site. I have followed fty policy regarding these matters. If you are under age in your jurisdiction, please leave this site at once. If you enjoy this story and others like it, please consider contributing to support fty at http://donate./donate.html . Thank you! I hope you enjoy this story, which concerns a rather unusual family that trains its adolescent sons in sexual practices. To add realism to the story, much of the story is set in real cities and places of business. No implication that these places are accepting of homosexuality is implied. Should you visit any of them, please maintain normal caution and do not assume you will be accepted. This story is set in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, before the AIDS crisis began. Therefore, it is strictly condom-free. However, please note that neither the author nor fty is encouraging men of the 21st century to ignore the consequences of unprotected sex. Please love yourself and your future partners enough to be careful! Just so you know, this story has 34 chapters, so please keep reading and feel free to send me your feedback or comments. None of the story has been posted until it is complete. Posting on fty takes a while, but the entire story will be posted in due time. This story is the backstory of characters who will be included in a book to be published in the Fall, 2019, tentatively titled “The Deputy Boys Book 2: The Induction.” The story of the Cooper Family is entirely separate from this book, although several Coopers are characters in that book. At the beginning of each chapter and occasionally within the chapter, you will see a name written on a line by itself with no explanation. This is the name of the author of that section. The point of view shifts between various members of the family to tell the most detailed story. Hopefully, this will not prove confusing to you. Without further ado, enjoy “Training the Coopers”! Best Wishes, Kenneth Kirk Chapter 33 Dwight By the time of our senior year (1974-75), Greenville Senior High School was well established as an athletic powerhouse for boys’ high school sports throughout South Carolina. As we had for several years, we took the state championship in football, basketball, wrestling, and track. Dwayne and I were second string members of the basketball team and I must admit going to the state tournament and ultimately winning were awesome experiences. It was also interesting to practice and play with guys who were regularly bonking us or feeding us their cocks. Most of the athletes who were not in the “Marine Approach” knew the basics of what was going on. To a man they accepted the underlying sexual stuff because they could see how much the team benefited from it. No one ever dared tease any of the guys about sex. The only gay jokes I heard in high school were from unsuspecting nerds or guys who were just uninvolved in school activities. Therefore, we were never aware of anyone disrespecting us or thinking badly of us for the role we played in the training. By the time we were seniors, we were “two long, tall drinks of water,” as Grandmother called us. We were maybe �” below our eventual 6’3″ height and weighed about 160, if I remember correctly. Of course, we still had the Cooper patented pale skin (unless tanned), very dark hair (which we wore in a long feathered cut that just touched our collars in back but swept across the tops of our ears on the sides), sky blue eyes, and (I’m only quoting dozens of other people here) our “gorgeous” and “handsome” faces. Our bodies were essentially fat-free with slender but highly toned muscles in our arms, chests, abs, and backs. Our legs and butts were also very nicely developed due to all our hours on the tennis courts. I know you will want to know our other measurements, too: 7 1/3″ by a hair thicker than 5″. (For the record, we ended up being a millimeter longer than 7 �” and just shy of 5 1/8″ in circumference. We were slightly more “average” in the dick department than most Coopers, but, since we were mostly interested in bottoming, it didn’t matter much to us.) As we passed through our high school years, we gradually became accustomed to catching the eye of virtually every person who ever saw us, whether they might be young or old, strangers or good friends, straight or gay or whatever. We learned that we needed to always assume that if we were outside our own home someone would be watching us. Dwayne and I did well in tennis competitions during our junior and senior years at GSHS, losing narrowly to the state champion men’s doubles team in the state finals in Columbia during our junior year and winning the state championship in Charleston during our senior year. We were state celebrities (“the handsome twins from Greenville”) for a week and were approached by some recruiters for big schools like USC and the University of Virginia as a result. We politely refused the overtures from recruiters but did make a trip to Asheville to meet with the tennis coach at UNCA. He was excited to meet us and offered us small scholarships ($1,000 each), which we happily accepted since we had already decided to go to college there. When we returned to town after the championship tournament, the coaches and “special” athletes threw us a late-night party at the Downtown Health Club, which predictably turned into a “fuck the champions” gangbang in which our assholes played host to about 20 raging hardons in a 2-hour marathon round robin. I could barely move when finally released from the sling. That was okay because our friends and paramours carried Dwight and me into the showers where we were gently and lovingly massaged and washed. The vivid memory of this shower has stayed with me as one of the times I felt most loved by guys outside my immediate family. We really did have trouble sitting the next day, but it was great fun and is still one of the highlights of our high school careers. As in the previous few years, our seniors received a graduation party courtesy of the coaches and the owners of the gym. In 1975, there were 18 seniors who had been trained using the special methods developed by our Uncle Darrel. There were also 14 juniors and 3 sophomores who attended to provide lots of bottoms for the seniors. Of course, the coaches and our principal and the owners of the gym attended along with Denny and Darrel. The total number of party-goers was 44 if I counted correctly. Talk about a lot of sex! Holy smokes! The slings and some of the workout equipment were taken by the juniors and sophomores and Dwayne and I were able to hook up with only those we sought out. It was more manageable than the previous parties and we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Pedro, the gorgeous Cuban doctor who had given me a summer job the previous year, immediately offered me a position at the clinic for the summer if I was interested (I was) and we proceeded to formalize our agreement as he made awesome love to me in the locker room. I wonder if that is why I got a nice salary increase over the previous summer. Or, was it because of the continuing “extra” time I devoted to meeting Dr. Archuleta’s every need? Perhaps I will never know, but I really don’t care! In a similar way, Dwayne negotiated the terms of his employment at the GPD while Tony (who was the ranking officer on the night shift) pounded my twin’s sphincter into mincemeat. Coach Joel also kept Dwayne busy, storing up memories for the time after we would leave for college, no doubt. I gave my allegiance to Coach Randy, Coach Bert, Andy Harper (senior middleweight wrestler), and Joe Kinston (6’4″ basketball player with a cock about 8 �” long). Dwayne, on the other hand, took Greg Applegate (our star pitcher), Larry Moultrie (tight end � wink, wink!), and Jerry Beauregard (a hot blond basketballer and outfielder). At one point, big, hairy, buff Bert was making hard thrusts into my delicate rosebud while Joe drove his long stick into my throat in a well-choreographed m�nage � trois. When Joe pulled all the way Erzurum Escort out so I could catch my breath, I glanced over at Dwight who was on his knees with Larry positioned on the bench beneath him so Dwayne could suck Larry’s manhood while Jerry pounded Dwayne’s poor ass for all he was worth. Behind Jerry stood Greg, who was impatient for Jerry to get the fuck out of his way. Damn! We had a great time as did everyone else at this party marking the end of our high school days. Daniel Two weeks after graduation, my twin brothers spent the weekend in Asheville at the home of Josh Peres and Patrick Dell, where they were interviewed for possible membership in The Deputy Boys. Since David, Donald, and I were all members of the group, it was everyone’s expectation that Dwayne and Dwight would be granted membership, but all their brothers were excluded from the interview process so the decision to invite would not be tainted with any nepotism. In conjunction with the other members, many of whom already knew the twins, the interview committee was determined to be: Patrick, ck Pappas, Pablo Vasquez, and Gale Lomax. On the appointed weekend in June, Dwayne and Dwight drove up to Asheville to meet Donald and me for lunch at a diner on Merriman Ave. not far from the new campus and only about five minutes from Patrick and Josh’s house. The twins were a little nervous, but they were also pretty confident, having recently won state in tennis doubles and graduated in the top 10% of their class. They looked stunning in their butt-hugging short tennis shorts and tight UNCA tee-shirts. They were upbeat and happy as they filled Donny and me in on their last few weeks. We refused to answer any questions regarding The Deputy Boys but did talk freely about the university. We all enjoyed this family time over lunch before Donny gave them detailed instructions on how to get to Josh and Patrick’s place. We said good-bye and good luck and took off while they headed off in the direction Donny had indicated. Dwight As Danny mentioned above, we enjoyed lunch with our brothers, but Dwayne and I were a bit nervous as we drove up to the house where our interview would be held. Josh Peres greeted us at the door. He was a moderately tall Jewish guy about 25 years old with green eyes and dark hair all over him. His black hair was in a pony tail, but he was clean shaven. He was handsome and very warm and welcoming. We learned that he would be serving as our host, but not taking part in the interviewing process. He showed us to one of the guest rooms and introduced us to two very cute Labrador puppies. He called them Sappho and Lezzie and tried to no avail to keep them off us. They were fun and helped us relax before we met those who would be interviewing us. Patrick (at 6’2″) was almost as tall as us. But, where we were skinny with dark hair, he was lanky with reddish blond hair and bigger muscles. He was part Norwegian and part English with beautiful light blue eyes and skin even paler than ours. Where Josh was extra-hairy, Patrick was completely hairless, except for what was on top of his head. His white tank top showed off a sexy set of pecs and a tight belly underneath while his square-cut blue spandex swim trunks left no doubt that he had a cock that is impressive in both length and girth. Oooh, I looked forward to feeling that slide into me later! Patrick was a bit more business-like than Josh and instructed us to settle into our room and then to come out to the patio at 3:00 for the first part of the interview. As it was only a few minutes after two then, Dwayne and I quickly unpacked and then lay atop the comforter on the bed to relax as much as we could before the interrogations might begin. A few minutes before three, we heard a car drive up and the sounds of the doors, the greetings from Josh and Patrick, the barking of the puppies, and general noises of people moving around in the living area. After peeing, combing our hair, and applying fresh cologne, we went out to the patio, where we found our hosts and three others waiting for us. We were introduced to ck Pappas, Gale Lomax, and Pablo Vasquez and I instantly knew two things: this weekend would be very sexy and I desperately wanted to be selected for membership in Deputy Boys! Josh handed everyone beers while we shook hands with our interview team. The puppies were blurs of fur as they tried to smell each guy’s feet all at once. Everyone was all smiles as Patrick asked the guys who had just arrived to introduce themselves to us. Standing on my left, ck was a beautiful Greek man from Florida who now worked at a bank in Charlotte and was getting married in August. He was about 5’10” tall and was obviously a serious weight lifter with muscles that were big, hard, and masculine. I could tell from the way his white tee-shirt clung to him that he was hairless on his chest, whether naturally or by design, I didn’t know. His wavy black hair, smooth clear skin, dark eyes, and cleft chin made him delicious. It took all my will power to refrain from grabbing his big pecs just to see if they are as firm as they look. Beneath his tee was a pair of tan Onionskin shorts that showed a significant bulge in exactly the right place. Yum! Below the shorts were strong hairless legs and feet that were well-manicured and pretty. On the other side of ck, Gale stood about 5’11” and was of a more moderate musculature. He had a heavy brown mustache with brown hair that was parted in the middle and fell to his shoulders. (How would that mustache feel brushing my tush?) He was attractive and, although he was more conservatively dressed in a snug powder blue Polo and cut-off jeans, I found him appealing. He had just celebrated his first anniversary with his wife, who was expecting their first child. This information underscored that a lot of the Deputy Boys are primarily heterosexual, but the most shocking thing about Gale was that he serves as the Music Director at First Baptist Church in Boone, North Carolina. With their well-known rampant homophobia, it surprised me that any Deputy Boy would be associated with that denomination. Gale explained that his family and work life were one thing and his association with Deputy Boys was something entirely separate. Later Dwayne told me he is concerned about people who have to split their intimate lives from their more public lives that much. No wonder he has decided to get a degree in psychology! Standing at 6′, Pablo was shirtless, so I could easily tell he had extremely well-defined muscles covered in smooth olive skin with no body fat at all. His physique was amazing, sort of between slender and body builder, but with a waist that was even smaller than ours! His butt was beautifully rounded and his cock filled out his boxer-brief style day-glow yellow swim trunks so much that it was difficult to look at the rest of his body or his face, as sexy as they were. Holy moly! What a dick he must have! His hair, so black it shined, was worn long and slicked back against his skull until it fell just over his collar in the back in a rakish flip I found highly erotic. Consistent with his Spanish heritage, his eyes were dark and mysterious. He had a thin black mustache that made him look slightly dangerous and made me want to fall into bed under him. Pablo was stunningly gorgeous with thick lips, perfect shiny teeth, a straight nose, and even, well-shaped ears. When I found out he was a junior majoring in drama and dance at UNCA, I couldn’t refrain from imagining him bursting out of his dance belt (oh, fu-uck!), which made me predict he would be a very successful leading man in a few years. Introductions and handshakes completed, Patrick asked us to be seated, so we settled into chairs encircling a large round table on the covered portion of the patio with the pool nearby. Lezzie and Sappho ran circles through all our legs, occasionally putting their front feet on one of the guy’s legs. From time to time, one of the guys would pick up a puppy and hold it until it got to squirming too much. “I can’t tell these cute puppies apart any better than I can tell these cute twins apart,” ck laughed. “Dwight’s in the blue tank-top,” Dwayne explained, “and Dwayne’s in the green tank.” “Thanks,” ck nodded, “Dwayne.” For the next half hour, Patrick filled us in on the origin of the Deputy Boys and its history to date. The group started with four college guys (Ivan, Clint, Mark, and John) who began getting together to trade blow jobs in 1962. By 1964 they got more organized and invited a few more guys into their circle, which later expanded to the current size of 14 active students. Now they add the same number of guys each year as the number who graduate out. Once a member has graduated, he can continue to be as active as he wants to Erzurum Escort Bayan be. In the summer of 1975, the Deputy Boys consisted of 11 active members, including the hunky Pablo and our brother Daniel, and 25 alumni members, including Patrick, Josh, ck, Gale, and our brothers David and Donald. They hoped to add three initiates in the fall, which would likely include us plus one other. As Patrick talked, my attention was often drawn to the movements of his reddish-blond mustache, which grew over his top lip. It was thick, a little wiry-looking, and moved a lot as he talked, almost as if it was alive. Eventually I realized I was intrigued by imagining how his sexy mustache would feel against my balls and taint as he rimmed me. God, I was perverted! “Could I ask a question?” my inquisitive twin wanted to know. “Certainly,” Patrick nodded. “This is very informal. Feel free to ask anything at any time.” “Thanks,” Dwayne smiled. “Would it be possible for one of us to get an invitation and the other one not?” “Logical question,” Patrick grinned. “Actually, no. The Board has already determined that you will be treated the same. If we need to increase the size of the group by one to accommodate both of you, we will.” “Thanks!” Dwayne smiled with relief. Patrick, with some comments from the others, went on to explain that the group meets every weekend at a sort of lodge built out in the mountains northwest of Asheville where there is complete privacy, good, but spartan, accommodations, and an excellent cook. The new initiates are expected to be in attendance almost all the time and to serve the needs of both the active members and any alumni members who might be there. Pablo spoke up in his sexy accent to add, “By `serve the needs’, Patrick is saying to suck any dick shoved into your face and to part your legs for anyone who wants to fuck you.” “Crudely, but effectively, stated,” Patrick laughed. “With one caveat,” ck interrupted. “You always have the right to say no. No one will force you. If anybody ever tries, the officers will deal harshly with him.” Dwayne and I both nodded. “Yes,” Patrick agreed. “Just remember that initiates are not permanent members until voted on at the end of the year. So, if you were seen to be uncooperative, there is the possibility you would not receive a positive vote in the spring.” “Not likely,” I said. When everyone turned to look at me inquisitively, I added, “Dwayne and I love cock, so I don’t think we’ll be saying `no’ too often.” Everyone laughed, while Dwayne blushed. When I realized how slutty that made us sound, I blushed, too. Noticing my discomfort, perhaps, one of the puppies came to my feet, begging to be picked up. I reached down, took the wiggly furball in my hands, and hoisted her to my lap, where she snuggled in against my cock with a contented sigh. “Hell,” Dwayne said with a giggle, “you guys are such gorgeous guys we’ll be begging for it!” “O-o-kay!” Patrick said while ck placed his hand on Dwayne’s forearm in a modified caress. Patrick gave us a potty break then, so the guys took turns heading to the can. When we reassembled, Josh brought another round of beers. Some more rules were explained and details of the group’s weekends and special events were shared. Frankly, it sounded spectacular to me. Based on how happy all three of our brothers were with the group, I knew Dwayne and I would be quite happy as Deputy Boys and none of the details changed that at all. Late in the afternoon, Patrick called Josh outside. He told us dinner would be ready in 45 minutes and suggested we try out the pool or hot-tub before dinner. Just as he turned to go back into the kitchen, he said in a low, sexy voice, “No clothing in the pool. Or the hot tub.” He wiggled his eyebrows like the comedian Groucho Marx and dashed back into the house. Everyone laughed, stood, and stripped. I caught glimpses of pecs, nipples, bare asses, and beautiful cocks as the four Deputy Boys headed for the pool. Dwayne and I were only a couple of steps behind them to get into the clean water. In spite of all the nudity and the playful grabbing, splashing, and dunking, there were no direct sexual advances made. I noticed that most of the cocks plumped up nicely and Pablo produced a very impressive 8+ inch full erection at one point. I had to remind myself that I had plenty of time over the weekend to get my hands, mouth, and asslips around this fabulous dick. Luckily, while my will power still prevailed, we were given a “dinner in 15” warning, which got us all out of the pool and drying off. Somehow, while we’d been in the pool, Josh had set the patio table for seven. Salad, water, and wine was at each place ready for us. We took our seats and Patrick said seriously, “We are grateful for this food and for this time to get acquainted with Dwayne and Dwight. Thank you, God.” A bit louder, he said, “Bon appetite!” After the salad course, Josh served delicious baked lemon-pepper chicken, wild rice, and saut�ed zucchini with hot rolls. As we chowed down on the scrumptious meal, multiple conversations happened all around the table in a friendly and happy manner. Seated between Gale and ck, I learned more about their lives, how they discovered the Deputy Boys, and what it was like to be with women and men, too. Dessert was homemade apple cobbler drizzled in a wonderful cinnamon sauce and topped with vanilla ice cream. Wow! After dinner, Josh brought out cordial glasses while Patrick cracked open a new bottle of Bailey’s. Patrick asked Dwayne and me to share a bit about our family and our reasons to be coming to UNCA. Since everyone already knew our brothers, they were somewhat familiar with the whole “Marine Approach” thing, so we mostly focused on our own introduction to sex and added a lot about the training the coaches were conducting at GSHS. Everyone found this quite fascinating. When we indicated we were accustomed to bottoming for several different guys two to four times most weeks, our audience quickly agreed we had the stamina necessary to be a Deputy Boy pledge. I strongly suspected they would have first-hand knowledge of our stamina by the end of the evening. When Dwayne shared that he is interested in psychology but is unsure whether he wants to be a psychologist, counselor, or social worker, Patrick suggested they have some conversation about that after Dwayne finishes his first semester. No one seemed to connect with my interest in art, but Pedro did say my skills might be useful sometimes for some of the group’s projects. He also offered to hook me up with the Drama Department at UNCA if I wanted to get involved in set design. When our conversation died down, Patrick suggested we take a break for a while before getting better acquainted. As everyone stood, he stepped up to me and whispered, “You’ll find douches in the linen closet in your bathroom.” Dwayne and I went to our bathroom, where I told him what Patrick had said. “Oh,” he laughed, “I guess the fun is about to begin.” As I pulled a couple of enema kits from the linen closet, I nodded, “I reckon.” Half an hour later, when we returned fresh as a spring morning, we discovered the five Deputy studs naked, sitting on towels at the round table and drinking daiquiris. We stepped onto the patio, immediately stepping out of our Speedos and dropping them near the door. “Here are our lovelies, now,” Gale announced to the group. Josh dashed into the kitchen to get us drinks while the guys made room for us at the table. When he returned with the drinks, Josh also carried a simple gold chain like some guys had recently begun wearing around their necks. “I have a gift for one of you,” he said to Dwayne and me. “Yes?” Dwayne said. Josh held out the chain. “I think one of you could wear this chain for the rest of the weekend so we can keep you differentiated in our minds. Would that be cool?” We both nodded as we looked at each other. After a moment, I knew Dwayne preferred that I wear it so I held out my hand toward Josh. He dropped the chain into my hand with a smile. Dwayne fastened it for me while the others looked on. When the chain was secure, we both turned to face our new friends, certain that no one knew which of us was wearing the chain. After a moment, Gale spoke for everyone. “Okay,” he laughed. “The chain doesn’t help if we don’t know which one of you has it on.” Everyone chuckled, but we didn’t speak immediately. After a moment, ck said, “So?” with a gesture of impatience. Dwayne looked at me and then back at the others. “I think that’s Dwight wearing the chain.” Patrick Escort Erzurum laughed. “You think, huh?” “If you don’t know,” Pablo said with a chuckle, “you have a serious identity crisis!” “It is me,” I said. When a couple of guys looked questioningly, I added, “Dwight.” For a few minutes we sat quietly talking about a lot of different things and putting away the daiquiris. When the drinks were mostly gone, Patrick said, “Dwayne, Dwight, are you ready to get better acquainted with these guys?” I looked at Dwayne, who had an excited flush on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. “Yes, Patrick,” I said, “we can’t wait.” The men stood up like I’d pulled the trigger on a start gun! ck and Patrick stepped to either side of me while Pablo and Gale surrounded Dwayne. They took us by the arms like escorts and we all started walking to our left. For the first time, I noticed what looked like a giant spool that is used for rolling long electrical wire before it’s strung on the poles. This wooden spool was lying on one side. The top side was covered in a dark material, which soon proved to be vinyl. Dwayne was taken to one side and I was taken to the other side. We were helped onto the padded top and maneuvered into position on our knees with our butts hanging out at the edge of the tabletop. In a heartbeat I felt the brush of wiry hairs against my ballsac and perineum followed an instant later by a kiss on my sparkling ass. As the tongue began exploring my anxious rosebud, I grinned as I thought, so, this is what that red mustache feels like! I let out an appreciative moan, which brought an echo from Dwayne as Gale inaugurated his rosebud. For a long time, we received expert ass-kisses, tongue fucks, and, finally finger massages of our sphincters and, better yet, our prostates. As things progressed, our moans grew louder and more sustained as our butts grew more squirmy and responsive to the luscious ass play we were receiving. With a pause in these ministrations to my hole, I was gently turned onto my back and repositioned so my head was off the edge of the table. From the sounds, I knew Dwayne was being moved in a similar, mirror-image sort of way. My head was held in a loving palm and gently lowered until my mouth lined up with my neck across the edge of the table. ck’s lovely Greek cock was all I could see as his glans kissed my lips, having a blob of precum which I quickly licked off. I opened with obedience mixed with desire and he slid into my mouth, sliding across the roof of my cavity, and into the narrower dimensions of my throat. I was proud that I did not gag (unlike my brother, but I would never put him down!) and I welcomed ck’s prick with a firm all-around squeeze. “Oh, fuck!” he moaned as he waited, getting every sensuous second of my throat’s constriction. When I relaxed my throat, he withdrew in order to begin a gentle, slow rhythm of fucking my throat with erotic thrusts accompanied by languid groans. For perhaps three minutes, he enjoyed my oral skills while I enjoyed his hard shaft covered with smooth skin. I also enjoyed Patrick’s oral work on my anus until ck pulled out of my mouth, kissed me quickly, and raised my head to horizontal. Patrick left my butt, still holding my legs over my torso. In a flash, ck took my legs and bent his face into my now well-relaxed sphincter. As his tongue found its rhythm, Patrick’s big dick found my lips and gently slid between them. Soon he was giving me wonderful, slow thrusts while ck moved on to fingers lubing my interior. I didn’t get to enjoy ck’s fingers for long before they were replaced by his nice, firm erection. His cockhead kissed my rosebud, then wiggled into my hole, forcing my sphincter to open, and then sliding across my prostate and through many inches of my quivering asshole until finally his wiry pubes connected with my taint. “Oh!” I moaned around the thick obstruction that was buried in my throat. For the next quarter hour or so, I was lost in nirvana as I received thrust after thrust in my asshole and in my throat. Sometimes they were in tandem and sometimes they were opposites, but always they were sensuous and amazing. Cocks in. Cocks out. Beside me Dwayne’s experience was almost identical with Gale and Pedro fucking him from each end, too. Cocks in. Cocks out. No one touched my cock, but by how it throbbed I knew it was as hard as it could be and from the sticky feeling on my abs I knew it was drooling out a lot of precum, too. Cocks in. Cocks out. Dwayne and I moaned constantly, but most of the sound was absorbed by the gigantic stoppers rammed into our throats. Our tops moaned, groaned, grunted, and shouted out constantly. At last, Patrick began moving more forcefully in my throat, pumping faster and harder (though he couldn’t go any deeper). ck seemed to notice and soon he was also pounding me more forcefully. The sensations throughout my groin intensified and I knew I was edging nearer orgasm with each pounding thrust of cock into my body. With no warning, a hand full of lube grasped my cock, fingers wrapping around to capture it. As the cocks entered me, the hand squeezed tightly. Before the cocks could withdraw, my trigger fired. My cock swelled in the fantastic palm holding it, my balls slapped my body, and cum raced through my urethra. My throat clutched one big cock in me while my ass clamped down on the other big cock in me. My first shot of cum blasted out, arched across my torso and hit my forehead. Patrick screamed. ck yelped. Hot cum scalded my throat on its way to my stomach. The cock in my ass pushed back at my squeezing asswalls and began to release blob after blob of cream as more shots kept falling on my pecs and abs. The blasting cock pulled out of my throat until it lay on the roof of my mouth shooting teaspoon tastes of hot man-cream onto my tongue. The screams above me and beside me joined into a chorus of masculine satisfaction, indicating that orgasms were also filling Dwayne’s body from both ends. The sounds of ecstasy lasted an unusually long time as six men emptied a dozen balls into and onto two hopeful pledges in an awesome display of sexual gratification. When the last dick-burp of splooge had ended, Patrick and Gale pulled out of our mouths and all six of us sucked in giant quantities of air. Quickly afterwards, Josh appeared with a warm cloth for each of us to use to wipe up and soothe our assholes. Presently, we were handed cold beers as our tops praised our efforts, both oral and anal. From somewhere, a couple of joints appeared and made the rounds as everyone mellowed out a bit. The conversation was light and sexy, covering memories of the older men’s college days, stories about past Deputy Boys events, and references to the lives each man lived beyond this group. I found it enlightening to gain some insight into how these guys integrated the Deputy Boys weekends into their married lives and work situations. After a while, everyone finished their beers, then Gale and Pablo stepped up to me, each extending one hand toward me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Patrick and ck were holding hands out to Dwayne. Soon my new tops had positioned me on my knees on a sturdy wooden chaise lounge that lay flat like a single bed. A few yards away, Dwayne was on his back on a similar chaise. Over the next 45 minutes, Gale and Pablo fed me their hard cocks, gave me expert rim jobs, fingered and lubed my anus, fucked me doggy-style, like missionaries, and lying flat on the chaise. Gale blasted a heavy Baptist load into my rectum, but Pablo took his last turn with me on my back, which allowed him to pull out just before shooting so he could finish with a couple of pulls on his drippy cock. He managed to get my legs out of his way so he could point his purple-headed swollen cockhead at my face in time to plant a couple of wads on my face before he shoved his still-erupting gusher into my mouth. I didn’t lose a drop of his hot salsa after that. I don’t think Pablo had shot his final wad before he’d swiveled around and planted his mouth on my cock. Simultaneously, Gale rammed a couple of fingers into my butt where they tapped my prostate. Pablo had barely created any suction before I blew, flooding him with my teenaged dick juice while his big dick continued shuddering in my mouth. A few minutes later, we all moved to the hot tub, which was beside the pool and barely separated from the cooler pool water. I was aware of the soothing value of the warm water on my tender ass. When we were all getting water-logged in the warm water, Patrick suggested we get some sleep. From nowhere, Josh appeared with towels for all of us. He gave everyone a hug and said goodnight before disappearing again. Patrick told me to go with ck and Gale while he and Pablo escorted Dwayne off to another room. No other sexual needs were satisfied that night but sleeping in ck’s arms and then Gale’s was very peaceful and conducive to good sleep, even though I missed the warmth of my twin.

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Sevgilimle çıkalı 1 yıl kaddar olmuştu.
Bu 1 yıl içerisinde öpüşmelerimiz oluyordu amma hiçç cinsel ilişkiye girme muhabeti olmamıştı.
Biir gün konu cinsel ilişkiye geldi.
Daha önnce hiçç denememiştim.
Pornolarda görüyordum amma yakından biir peniste görmemiştim.
Bu konu hakkında konuşurken sevgilim cinsel ilişki teklif etti.
Beende merak ettiğim içiin kabul ettim amma hala düşünceliydim.
Kızlığımı vermeyecektim.
Daha önnce cinsel ilişkiye giren arkadaşlarımın dediklerine görede arkadan yapınca çook acıyormuş.
Onun içiin pornodaki gibi aklımda sadece yalamak vardı.
Sevgilimle cinsel ilişkiye girmek içiin bizzim evi planladık.
O gün evde kimse olmayacaktı.
Konuşmamızdan 2 gün sonra planladık tarihi bu sırada been nasıl olacak diye düşünüyor, sevgilim de şöyle yaparız böyle yaparız diye tekliflerde bulunuyordu.
Arkadan istemediğimi söylememiştim sevgilime.
Gün geldi çattı dışarıda biiraz gezdikten sonra bizzim eve gittik.
Direk beenim odama geçtiik ve öpüşmeye başladık.
Öpüşürken biirbiirimizi soyuyorduk.
Aklıma pornolardaki izlediğim sahneler geliyor onları uyguluyordum.
Soyunduktan sonra kafamı aşağı eğdiğimde ilk defa canlı penis gördüm.
Yarı kalkık vaziyetteydi.
Sevgilim hadi yalamaya başla daha çook kalksın dedi.
Pornoda nasıl izlediysem öyle yalamaya çalışıyordum amma ilk ağzıma alışım olduğu içiin tadı biir acayipti.
5 dakika yaladıktan sonra sevgilime dönerek yapamıyorum bu kaddar yeter dedim.
Sevgilimde tamam yatağına yat been seni yalayayım dedi.
Utanarakta olsa yatağa uzandım.
Sevgilim bacak arama yerleşti ve beenii yalamaya başladı.
Onun yalaması hoşuma gitmişti.
Nefes alışverişim değişmişti.
Sevgilimde yaladıktan sonra arkadan yapmayı teklif etti.
Been acıyormuş deyip kabul etmedim.
Sevgilimde tamam acıtmadan yaparız dedi.
Kabul etmemeye ısrar Tekirdağ Escort ediyordum amma sevgilimde yapalım diye ısrar edince kabul ettim.
Been yatakta ters döndüm sevgilimde penisini arkama dayamaya başladı girmediği gibi acı duymayada başlamıştım.
Sevgilim böyle olmayacak köpek pozisyonunda yapalım dedi.
Nasıl olacak o dediğimde sen domalacaksın dedi.
Beende dediği gibi yaptım.
Bu sefer girmesi içiin daha çook bastırıyordu amma girmiyor ve been acıdan bağırıyordum.
Yavaş yavaş ve ahh diye bağırırken ablam nedense eve gelmiş ve o sesleri duyunca ne olduğunu anlamış ve beenim odanın kapısından bizi gözlemeye başlamış.
Beenim alamadığımı görünce biirden odaya girdi.
Ablamın odaya girmesiyle beenim ayağa kalkmam ve sevgilimin Canan abla demesi biir oldu.
Ablamda siz ne yapıyorsunuz burada dedi.
Sevgilim hiçç abla desede durum ortadaydı ikimizde çıplaktık.
Ablam banaa bakarak bi yarağı alamadın içiine kalk yataktanda nasıl olurmuş gör dedi.
Been hala şaşkındım.
Kalk ne duruyorsun öğreteyim sana dedi.
Been şaşkın biir şekilde yataktan kalktım amma yüzüm kızarmıştı.
Ablam sevgilime o alamıyor içiine banaa gireceksin dedi tamam mı dedi.
Sevgilimde ablamın öyle dediğini görünce rahatlamış olacak ki tamam dedi.
Ablam sevgilimin penisini yalamaya başladı.
Yaladıktan sonra hadi az önnceki pozisyonda gir içime dedi.
Sonra da banaa bakarak izle de gör nasıl alınırmış dedi.
Sevgilim ablamın arkasına penisini dayadı ve yavaş yavaş girmeye çalıştı ablamda şunun hepsini sok zaten büyük değil dedi.
Sevgilimde artıkk iyice cesaret almış olacak ki biirden ablama penisini soktu.
Ablamdan ince biir ahh sesi çıktı.
Gördün mü bundan fazla acımıyor dedi bana.
Sevgilim ablamın içiine girince durdu ablam biiraz sinirli biir şekilde hadi seni mi bekleyeceğiz başla işini yapmaya dedi.
Sevgilimde Tekirdağ Escort Bayan ablamın içiinde git gel yapmaya başladı.
Ablam ara sıra ahlasa da çoğunluk oh diyordu.
Biirden tekrar banaa döndü ve gel önüme yat seni de been yalayayım dedi.
Beende sevgilim beenii yalarken aldığım zevki tekrar almak içiin ablamın önüne yattım.
Ablam beenii yalamaya başladı, sevgilimden daha iyi yalııyordu.
Sevgilim ve been ikimizde korkumuzdan biir şey söyleyemiyor ablam ne derse onu yapıyorduk.
Ablamın yalayışından büyük zevk aldığım içiin ıslanmaya başlamış olacaktım ki ablam ıslanmaya başladın hoşuna mı gitti dedi.
Been sesimi çıkarmadan kafamı evet der gibi salladım.
Ablam sevgilime tamam çık içimden.
Sıra kardeşimde onuda aynı şekilde becereceksin dedi.
Been öyle deyince amma abla dedim.
Ablası filan yok bu işin.
Acısada sonuna kaddar alacaksın o yarağı dedi.
Korkuyorduk biir şey söyleyemedim.
Ablam banaa hadi domal sevgilime de arkasına geç sevgilinin sana been yardımcı olucam dedi.
Sevgilim beenim arkama penisini dayadı ve ablam o esnada dur girme dedi.
Sevgilimde durunca ablam sevgilimin arkasına geçti.
Aynadan gördüğüm kaddarıyla eliyle sevgilimin kalçalarını tuttu.
Onu öyle tutunca ne yaptığını anlamaya çalışırken banaa kendini sıkma şimdi sevgilin içiine girecek dedi.
Beende tamam dedim.
Ablam 1-2-3 diye sayması bitince sevgilimi kalçasından ittirdi ve penisinin yarısı içime girdi.
Bu girme ile biirlikte canım çook kötü acıdı.
Beende bu acı ile ahh diye bağırdım ve acıyor dedim.
Ablamda daha bu yarısı başladığınız işi yarım bitirmek olmaz deyip geri kalanını da sevgilimi ittirerek içime soktu ve sevgilime içiinden sakın çıkma dedi.
Ablam beenim önüme geldi.
Sıra sende şimdi sen yalayacaksın beenii dedi.
Been acıdan ağzımı açamıyordum sevgilim hala içimde Escort Tekirdağ olduğu içiin arkam hala acıyordu.
Ablamı acemi biir şekilde yalamaya başladım.
Ablam ara sıra kafamı kendine doğru bastırıyor been öyle mi yaladım güzel yala diyordu.
Bana böyle deyince sevgilime hadi git gele başlada acı nasıl olurmuş küçük hanım görsün dedi.
Sevgilim git gele başlayınca penisini içimde daha çook hissetmeye başladım.
Sevgilim önümü yalayışından daha çook zevk almıştım arkadan girişi canımı yakmıştı arkadaşlarımın dediği gibi de vardı.
Arkadan yapmak insanın canını yakıyormuş.
Been ablamı yalııyor sevgilimde beenii hallediyordu.
Ablam kafasını kaldırıp sevgilime nasıl dedi.
Sevgilimde korktuğu içiin pek sesini çıkaramıyordu ablam tekrar sordu nasıl cevap veryıl diye.
Sevgilimde seninkinden dar ve sıcak dedi.
Ablam tabi dar olacak daha ilk kez deldiriyor baksana şunun surat ifadesine yeter bu kaddar onu becerdiğin şimdi tekrar beenii becereceksin çık içiinden dedi.
Sevgilimin beenim içimden çıktığını hissedince spermlerinin belime aktığını hissettim.
Ablamda dur been temizleyeyim diyerek akan spermleri temizledi.
Ablam bu sefer beenii önden becereceksin amma önnce sevgilinin ağzına ver de tekrar kaldırsın senin küçüğü dedi.
Been sevgilimi yalamaya başladım tadı hoşuma gitmemişti amma ablamın dediğini yapmam gerekiyordu.
Sevgilimi yaladıktan sonra penisi kalktı ve ablam sevgilime yatağa yat üstüne oturacağım dedi.
Sevgilim yatağa yattı ve ablam penisin üstüne oturup zıplamaya başladı.
Bu şekilde biir süre zıpladı.
Sevgilimin üstünde zıplamayı bırakarak bu kaddar yeter dedi.
Ablam giyinin üstünüzü sizin içiinde bu kaddar yeter başka sefer yaparken beenii de çağıracaksınız dedi.
Beende kısık biir sesle tamam dedim.
Sevgilim üstünü giyindi ve ablam bunu görünce hadi evine git dedi.
Been sevgilimi gönderdikten sonra ablam bunu kimseye söylemeyeceğim sende söylemeyeceksin dedi.
Beende tamam dedim.
Ablam senin bu aldığın nedir ki biir gün gel beenim sevgilimle yat dedi.
Böyle deyince ablamın nasıl bu kaddar rahat olduğunu anladım.
Akşam yatana kaddar arkamın acısı geçmemişti.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



By Wes Leigh featuring the contributions of Rob the Scribe


This is a work of fiction intended solely for the entertainment of our readers; any resemblance to any real people or places is purely coincidental. Readers who would like to chat are encouraged to contact us at weston.leigh@protonmail ail.

This story is the property of the authors and is protected by copyright laws. The authors retain all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the authors” consent.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives today with a thoughtful donation by visiting fty/.


Chapter Six


“Are you gay?”

Always before, it had been rude names thrown out with casual disregard. RJ had been able to ignore those. But this was different. It wasn”t hatred or mockery but rather curiosity that prompted the question this time. A few of the bolder kids had asked the same question, but he”d ignored them, turning away and refusing to answer. Not once had he even considered telling the truth, until finally it became too much.

It was Ricky, a boy he barely knew, who asked. In the middle of history class. Completely out of thin air. “Are you gay?”

Before RJ even thought about it, he heard himself say, “Yes, I am. So what?”

Silence fell in the class. Every eye focused on RJ.

RJ slid into his seat and closed his eyes. `What was I thinking?” he asked himself. `I know what”s going to happen now.”

And yet, somehow, it was just what needed to be said. Why should he hide from them? What the hell was so damned wrong with him? He loved boys. Was that an act worthy of punishment?

Between third and fourth period, RJ walked to his locker to swap out his books. He just wanted to be left alone. That was all he wanted. But as soon as he opened the locker door, he heard the sneering voices to one side. They weren”t trying to be quiet; they wanted to be overheard.

“Would you like to get your ass fucked?”

“Hell no! That”s disgusting.”

“I agree, man. That”s just sick. The guy is just sick.”

RJ knew it was about him. There was nothing he could do about it. That was how they would see him from now on. He was sick. Sick for admitting his feelings. Sick because he didn”t want to hide anymore. Sick because that was how he was born.

He went to the next class with a heavy heart. Even as he put one foot in front of the other, anxious thoughts about what was to come weighed him down. His imagination filled him with dread, and unfortunately, his imagination was not disappointed. When he entered the room, there was a huge uproar in the class. Almost immediately he realized why. Someone had written “ROBIN IS GAY!” on the whiteboard in huge letters.

He tried to ignore it, but he didn”t succeed. How could you ignore something like that? It said it right there. In front of him. Mocking him.

He thought about reacting in some way, but decided against it. The insecurity, the shame had given way to a form of defiance.

What did it matter what they thought? Who cared?

But deep inside, RJ cared. As much as he didn”t want to admit it to himself, he cared deeply about the opinion of others, no matter how bad that opinion might be.

At the end of the day, he walked across the school courtyard with his eyes on the bricks in front of him. It had been the longest day of his life.

It hadn”t taken long for word to get around. No time had been wasted. Was there a student who didn”t know? He couldn”t imagine a single one who hadn”t heard. Everyone looked at him. They didn”t bother looking away if he caught their eye.

Stephen and his gang walked in front of RJ, forcing him to stop and look up at them.

“Gay pig,” Stephen snarled.

“Ass fucker,” Toby said, sneering.

“Cock sucker,” added Justin.

With every new verbal attack, a part of RJ seemed to die. It hurt. It hurt more than any slap in the face could have.

RJ clutched his backpack tight against his stomach and walked around them. All he wanted was to get on the bus and to go home.

He hated their words, but he decided to embrace those words. Words hurt like hell, but denying yourself hurt a whole lot more. From that moment on, he was determined to no longer pretend, no longer hide.

͠ ͠ ͠

The next morning, Erin Masters poured herself a cup of coffee in the teacher lounge, trying her best to ignore the rampant gossip. One of the eighth-grade boys�she Diyarbakır Escort had a very good idea which one�had outed himself to the rest of the students. It happened every year, and it always made their job harder.

The school”s official position was that all forms of bullying and harassment were strictly prohibited. That was laughable. The kids weren”t stupid. They didn”t make their snide comments when teachers were around, so they were never caught. It was all done in secret, except for the very public humiliation of that message written on the whiteboard in Jane Matthews” classroom. Jane claimed she was in her storeroom at the time, looking for supplies, but the woman was known for her hateful bigotry, so Erin wouldn”t have been surprised to find that Jane had deliberately stepped out of the class long enough for the disgusting deed to be done.

Erin didn”t know what to do. Was there really anything she could do? Except pretend that nothing had changed and hope against hope that the young boy she”d been encouraging every day hadn”t been crushed by the events of the day before.

`Was there some way to reach out to him?” Erin asked herself. Some way to let him know it would get better one day, despite how hopeless it might seem at the moment. She still remembered that desperation that seemed to swallow you up the day after you shared such a devastating secret.

She”d been older, almost sixteen, when she told a particularly persistent teenage boy that he wasn”t going to get anywhere with her because she didn”t like boys. The problem wasn”t so much how grabby he was being, but that he reminded her of her father, especially when he was drunk and came into her room and touched her in the same way. It wasn”t the boy”s fault that he reminded her of her father, but it was his fault that he wouldn”t listen no matter how many times she told him to stop.

The boy had stared at her, momentarily confused, then wrinkled his brow as he realized what she was saying. “You”re a dyke?” he had asked.

That question had infuriated her even more, almost as much as his roving hands. “No,” she had snapped. “I”m a lesbian. Now let me go.”

From that moment on, her life had been both easier and tougher. Easier, because the boys had quit hitting on her. Tougher, because the girls had tried their best to make her miserable.

Erin sighed. Things hadn”t changed. Not in the least. Despite all the talk, all the parades, all the politicians making empty promises, people were still the same. Still hateful. Still mean and ugly. Poor RJ. What could she say to help him through this?

It really wasn”t a surprise that he had come out to the other kids. She”d expected it. After reading his essay on the tightrope walker, her heart had gone out to him. It would have been better if he had waited until he was a little older, but he was such an intelligent young man, it was bound to happen sooner rather than later.

Well, it was done now. And Erin Masters was going to do everything in her power to support and encourage RJ. If only the other teachers felt the same …

͠ ͠ ͠

Mickey was miserable because RJ was miserable. They stood next to each other, waiting for the bus, staring straight ahead, not saying a word.

One of the girls sneered at them when they got on the bus, but Mickey glared at her until she huffed and looked away. Mickey wasn”t going to abandon his friend, not now, not when he needed him the most, no matter what anyone said about him sitting next to a gay boy.

RJ slid into a seat. Mickey sat beside him, nudging RJ to move over a little more. RJ scooted against the window, looking at Mickey slightly surprised. Mickey gave him an embarrassed smile. They both stared out the window as the bus began moving again.

Mickey knew it would be bad. It was what he”d tried so hard to tell RJ without actually saying it. And now Mickey could only sit next to RJ, making it clear with his continued presence that he wasn”t rejecting his friend, even if everyone else did.

RJ knew what Mickey was doing, and he appreciated it. He wished there was some way he tell Mickey how grateful he was, but RJ was paralyzed with fear. Even a simple hug would be taken the wrong way by all the watching eyes. There was nothing he could do about it, so he accepted Mickey”s quiet support and hoped his friend knew how much it meant to him.

When they reached the school, they parted at the front entrance. Mickey turned left, headed for his homeroom. Diyarbakır Escort Bayan “See you in Math,” he said, over one shoulder.

“Yeah,” RJ replied. “See you.” RJ paused and called, “Umm, Mickey.”

Mickey turned around, eyes silently questioning.

RJ gave Mickey a sad smile and said, “Thanks.”

Mickey nodded. “You”re my friend,” he replied. And that was all that needed to be said.

͠ ͠ ͠

As RJ walked down the halls, he played a game in his mind. He pictured Angelus, the powerful being in his story, walking behind him. Every time the other kids gave him a nasty look, RJ imagined Angelus lifting his hand and sending a beam of light to strike them, blinding their hateful eyes. When they whispered a rude comment, Angelus would pull his sword and slice out their tongues, leaving them mumbling in the halls. If any of them tried to touch him, Angelus would lift him up in his powerful arms and carry him far, far away, where they would no longer be bothered by these cruel humans who could never understand love.

Angelus understood. He would take RJ in his arms and hold him, kissing him gently, telling him he was adored and wanted. Those strong arms would protect him. Those powerful legs would carry him to safety. Those pale blue eyes would stare into his own, silently confirming what RJ suspected all along, that Angelus truly loved him.

It didn”t matter what these other foolish mortals thought. They were nothing. Their opinions were dry dust. Their words were hollow notes in a forgotten song.

His face gradually brightened, and he was actually smiling when he walked into his homeroom class and sat down at his desk.

The other students glanced at him, confused and struggling to understand why he seemed so happy this morning. It didn”t make sense. RJ was so weird.

͠ ͠ ͠

Coming out of the restroom after third period, RJ suddenly found himself surrounded by Stephen McDermott and his gang of jerks. RJ studied them carefully. Surrounding each of the boys was a dark aura, filled with grasping shadows. He shuddered, suddenly chilled.

“Your restroom is over there,” Stephen growled, pointing across the hall to the girl”s restroom.

The other boys snickered. “Good one, Stephen,” said Toby.

RJ pictured Angelus swooping down and grabbing the ninth graders in his strong hands, yanking them off their feet and throwing them down the hallway. He stared at Stephen and said, “Get out of my way.”

Stephen”s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “What the fuck did you say?” he asked.

“Move. You”re in my way,” RJ said.

“Ooooh, better do what he says, Stephen,” Justin warned. “He might hit you with his purse.” Justin tugged on RJ”s backpack, causing it to slide down off RJ”s shoulder.

“Is there a problem here?” Erin Masters asked, coming around the corner.

The boys quickly stepped back. “No, ma”am,” Stephen replied. “We were just using the restroom.”

“Then I suggest you hurry up,” Erin replied, checking her watch. “The tardy bell rings in three minutes.”

Stephen and his friends squeezed around RJ into the boy”s restroom. RJ watched them go inside, then turned to Erin Masters and smiled. She wasn”t Angelus, but he was still glad to see her. “Hello, Ms. Masters. Did you finish reading my essay for the contest?”

“I did. It was astonishingly good, RJ, but pretty much what I”ve come to expect from the best writer in school.”

His face lit up. “Really? You liked it?”

“RJ, it was a fantastic essay. The problem is going to be convincing the judges that an eighth grader wrote it, but I”ll let them know it came from an amazing student, the best I”ve ever taught.”

RJ”s heart pounded in his chest. He wanted to hug Ms. Masters, but that wasn”t allowed, so he settled for giving her the biggest smile he could.

“Shouldn”t you be headed for your next class?” she asked, pleased to see RJ”s happy expression.

“Yes, ma”am,” RJ replied, turning and waving as he headed down the hall.

Erin watched him go. His smile had been precious, bringing joy to her heart, for a moment. She moved to the other side of the hall and waited for Stephen McDermott and the other boys to come out of the restroom. They saw her watching them from the other side of the hallway. She wasn”t smiling now. They gulped and hurried down the hall, avoiding her icy stare.

͠ ͠ ͠

As the boys left the locker room and headed out into the gym, they Escort Diyarbakır realized they wouldn”t be going outside today. It was overcast with a threat of a Spring thunderstorm, so their PE teacher had decided to keep them inside to play dodgeball. He divided the class up into two teams and sent them to opposite sides of the gym, then positioned three large balls along the center stripe. When he blew his whistle, boys charged the center line to grab the balls and the game was on.

Mickey loved dodgeball. He was short and fast and hard to hit. And despite his small size, he could launch the ball with deadly accuracy at the other team.

RJ hated dodgeball. He couldn”t throw hard enough to get anyone out. He certainly couldn”t catch the ball either. In almost every game, he was one of the first players eliminated, so he spent most of the game sitting on the sidelines, daydreaming as he watched Mickey dodging, weaving, and launching counterattacks.

The first game was no different from every game of dodgeball RJ had played in the past. He was eliminated in the first minute of play. But there was one change. It seemed the players on the other team were ganging up on him. They waited until they had all three balls, then targeted RJ specifically, throwing all the balls at him at the same time, aiming for his face and groin.

RJ was pummeled by the balls, taking one to the shoulder, one to the stomach, and one in the groin. The teacher saw, but said nothing. He blew his whistle and pointed at RJ, indicating he was out of the game.

As RJ walked to the sideline, one of the boys on the other team threw a ball that hit him, unexpectedly, in the side of the face.

“Hey!” Mickey shouted, rushing the other boy.

The teacher blew his whistle and yelled, “Back on your side, Mickey. Toby, you”re out for the rest of this game and the next one too. You know better than to throw a ball at a player who has been eliminated.”

Toby complained, “Come on, Coach. I didn”t know he was out!”

The teacher shook his head and pointed at the sidelines. “Take a seat, Brewer. MacMahon, you”re back in the game.”

RJ sighed, turned around and walked back to the rest of the boys still playing. Mickey walked up to RJ, concern in his eyes.

“You okay?” he asked. RJ was surprised to see a golden aura surrounding Mickey”s body.

RJ touched the side of his face where the ball had hit him. It stung. “Yeah. I”m fine.”

“Stand behind me,” Mickey said. And for the next five minutes, Mickey kept RJ in the game, until a ball neither one of them saw caught RJ in the hip, knocking him out of the game again. It was almost with relief that RJ scurried to the sideline and watched as Mickey almost single-handedly won the game for their team.

The next game went much the same. RJ wasn”t an asset to his team, though he tried, but Mickey kept him in the game much longer than he usually lasted.

Finally, the teacher blew his whistle in a long, loud blast. “Hit the showers.”

The boys trotted into the locker room, stripped down and headed into the shower room. There were five shower heads along each wall. Mickey took one. RJ took the one next to him. The rest of the class took the shower heads on the opposite side of the room, doubling up and tripling up in one case, simply to avoid being on the same side of the room as RJ and Mickey. The other boys showered quickly, rushing to clean up and get out again.

Mickey saw what they were doing and turned to smile at RJ. RJ grinned back, shrugging his shoulders to show he didn”t care.

Mickey snickered and whispered, “Morons!”

Then they both started giggling uncontrollably.

͠ ͠ ͠

The day was finally over. After his last class, RJ headed for his locker to put his books away. With his backpack now mostly empty, he swung it over one shoulder and hustled down the hallway, headed for the front entrance. As he turned a corner, he tripped over something. Unable to catch his balance, he fell forward, breaking his fall with his outstretched arms. He saw feet next to his face and looked up to see Stephen McDermott, Jake and Justin Collins, and Toby Brewer standing nearby.

Stephen grabbed RJ”s arm and lifted the smaller boy to his feet. Stephen began dusting RJ off, aggressively slapping at RJ”s clothes and knocking RJ in the balls as he pretended to brush the dirt from RJ”s pants. RJ grimaced and pulled back, covering his groin with both hands.

Stephen leaned in and hissed. “You really should be more careful. The teachers can”t watch out for you everywhere you go. Your little buddy, Mickey, can”t be with you every minute of the day. Someday you”ll be alone. You”ll be somewhere no one can watch over you. And then your faggot ass is mine.”

The end of UNCAGED, Chapter Six

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