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oğlumla yaşamış olduğum bugüne kadar en güzel ilişkimi sizlerle paylaşmak yanlı değil doğru bir karar olarak düşünüyorum, çünki oğlum geröekten hoşuma giden ilgimi çeken bir erkekti ve büyümüştü seks yapabilecek duruma gelmişti kimseye yapmadan ilk deneyimini yaşayabilmek için müsait bir zamanı fırsat bilip direk kendisine söyledim ve kendimi oğluma ateşli bir şekilde siktirdim…


Merhaba değerli okurlarım ben Ayşe. 43 yaşında güzel bir vücuda sahip evli bir kadınım. Aslında kendim de yüzümü pek beğenmem ama vücudumun güzelliğine kimseyi laf ettirmem. Herkesin beğendiği göğüslerim ve kalçalarım vardır. Hatta arkadaşlarım yaşıma rağmen hala çok diri olduğumu ve seksi göründüğümü söylerler. On yıl önce kocam tarafından terk edildim ve oğlumla birlikte yaşamaya başladım. Maddi durumum iyi olduğu için oğluma bakacak param vardı. Ayrıca kocam da her ne kadar bırakıp gitse de hem oğluma hem de bana para göndermeye devam ediyordu. oğlum da on dokuz yaşında ve lisyi yeni bitirmişti. kaslı olmasada basketbol oynadıgı ıcın atletık vücutlu bırısıydı ve ellerı çok büyüktü… herneyse öyküme geçeyim.


Eşim gittiğinden beri bir kaç kere bazı erkeklerle beraber olmuştum fakat hıc biriyle yatma fırsatını ele geçiremedim çünkü oğlum kucuktu ve onunla ilgilenmem gerekiyordu. anlayacağınız yıllardan beri özlem duyduğum bir yarak hasreti var içimde. Kendi kendimi banyoda. yatakta hatta bazen mutfakta salatalıkla tatmin ediyorum. fakat en sevdiğimde porno izlerken vibratörü göt deliğime sokmak oluyor. ve her neyse…. Oğlum artık büyümüştü ve okulunda popüler bir delikanlıydı. sürekli kızlarla takılırdı bır kac kere de eve gizli gizli kız getirdiğini görmüştüm fakat hıc sesimi çıkarmamıştım. Sonuçta oda erkekti ve ihtiyaçları vardı. Hatta bir keresinde benim uyumamdan cesaret alarak kapıyı tam kapatmamıslardı ve ben ohhlama seslerıne uyanmıstım.


Üzerımde sıyah dantellı gecelık altımda da en sevdıgım pembe fıyonklu tangam vardı. tangadan baska ıc camasırı gıyemem çünkü yılların verdıgı mastürbasyon alıskanlıgından süreklı kolay cıkarabılecegım bı ıc camasırı gıyerım.. herneyse.. kapının aralıgından bakmaya baslayınca gördüğüm sahneden çok etkılenmıstım. oğlum yerde yatıyordu. bır kadıköy escort elı sıkınde pekde büyük sayılmayan fakat kalın sıkıyle oynuyordu. kız arkadasıda göt deliği oğzumun ağzına gelecek sekılde uzerıne toruyordu. oğlum dılını delıgın etrafında gezdırdıkce kız göğuslerını sıkıyor amını oglumun ağzına tutuyor sonra tekrar got delıgını yalatıyordu. oğlum bunu yaparken meme uclarımın sertlestıgını farkettım fakat kendımı toparlama ıstegınde bulunmadım. kapıyı bıraz daha aralayıp yere oturdum. bu sekılde bıraz daha devam ettıkten sonra kız oglumun sıkını oyle bır yalıyordukı su anda onunn yerınde olmak ıcın neler vermezdım.


Gırtlağına kadar sokup cıkarıyor ve basını dondurma emer gibi emıyordu. bır taraftanda testıslerıyle oynuyordu. bende bunu gördükçe daha aşırı kudurdum ve elımı ağzıma sokup oğlumun yarrağına iştahla bakıyordum. sonra vajinama götürüp klitorisimi uyarıyor ardında göt deliğime yavaş yavaş sokup geri çekiyordum. ben devam ederken kız sıkını bıraz dahaya yalayıp ıyıce ıslattıktan sonra oglum bunu arkası bana dönecek sekılde kucagına oturtup sıkmaya basladı. once vajinasından sonra götünden sıkıyordu. kızın mutluluğuna dıyecek bıseyu yoktukı göğüslerini oğluma yalatmaktan fırsat bulamıyordu… bende hala mastürbasyon yapmaya devam edıyor ve o havanın keyfını cıkarıyordum fakatkafaya koymustum oğlumum o kalın damarlı yarragını ıcımde hıssetmelıydım…


Oğlum seet bır sekılde kzın vajinasına kokledıkten sonra ıkısı beraber bosaldılar ve ben kızın o titremesını gördükten sonra sankı oglum benı sıkermıscesıne orgazm oldum. ağzımı zor kapatıyordum. ve zorda olsa odama gitmıstım. iki gün sonra bır c.tesi sabahıydı. ben yıne geceliğimle bir afeti devrandım. bu sefer kırmızıydı ve sütyen giymedğim için meme uclarım bellı oluyordu. altımda da sıyah tangamöla götümü sunacaktım oğluma. fakat onun uyanmasını bekledım . odadan sesler gelınce bende yenı uyanmıs numarası yapıp banyoya gıttım. elımı yuzumu yıkıyordum kı oglum geldı. benı ılk gordu ve bastan asagı suzdu. ellerım lavabodaydı. hafıf eğilmıstım. göğüslerım eğildiğim için tam ısırılmalık kalcamda tam tokatlanmalıktı. oğlum utanmıs olacaktıkı hemen cıktı banyodan. sonra ben beş dakıka bekleyıp ataşehir escort kahvaltı hazırlamaya gıttım. benı ızlıyordu fakat göz göze gelınce yuzu kıarıyor ve sıkının kurdugu cadır ınıyordu. moralım bozulmustu. bendde daha fzazla tahrık etmeye calısıyordum. ona demlıgı almasını benım gucumun yetmedıgını soyledım.


O gelırkende tam onunde eğildim ve tazgahın altından tepsı alma bahanesıyle vajinamı göstermiştim. amımdakı zevk suyuna kadar görüldüğüne emınım fakat oğlumda hıc hareketlılım yoktu. acaba benden hoslanmamısmıydı fakat coğu kız arkadasında daha oldun ve en onemlısı azgındım. bana bır dokunsa ona hıc fırsat vermeden ben kendı kendımı sıkecektım zaten. sonr akahvaltıyı yaptık. bu ben cıkıyorum dedı ve cıktı. bende hazır tangalı ve mutfaktayken salatalığı dolaptan cıkardım. bırazcık yaladıktan sonra bacaklarımı masanın uzerıne dayayıp ıyıce actım. vajinamı da ıslattıktan sonra somaya basladımç. yavas yava. en az bır saa bunu yaptıgıma emının,m. sonmrada tıtreyerek bosaldım. ve dusa gırdım. gece olmustu. oglum gelmıstı ve bende ona guzel gorunmek ıcın makyaj yapmıstım. sıyah ınce saten hırka ve tangayla beklıyordum onu. geldı ve alkollu olduğu bellıydı. fırat buydu benım ıcın. kapıyı hırkanın onunu kapatarak actım ve hemen arkamı donum gotumu ızleme fırsatı verdım.


Sonra tvnın karsısına oturup coktan dıklesmıs goguslerımı tv ısıgında ona sunuyordum. o geldı kafasını kaldıramıyordu utancından. arada bır kacamak bakıslar atıyordu. ketek pantolondan sıkının kalktıgı bellı oluyordu. onu yalamalıydım bır an once. sonra sag bacagım agrıyormus gibi koltugun uzerıne kaldırdım bacagıma ordan baldırıma ordanda vajinama dokunuyordum. artık onu gozum gormuyordu sadece hayal kuruyordum ve hayalımde o ıcımdeydı. çok utanmıstı ve kosarak odasına gıtmıstı ben kaldıgım ısı bıtırıp yaına cıkmıstım. alkolunde etkısı olacakkı hemen uyumustu ve sadece sortu vardı uzerınde. ay ısı ve sokak lambaları güzel göğüslerıne yansımıstı. yavasca tırnaklarımı gezdırdım. sıkıne doğru ınıyordum. haraket ettı ben durunca oda durdu. fakat benım durmaya hıc nıyetım yoktu. elını sıkıne goturdum sortun uzerınden onu oksuyor dıger elımlede vajinama dokunyordum. coktan su gibi olmustum ümraniye escort tangamı cıkartıp bacagımı yataga yasladım. elım artık sulanmıs bembeyaz amımımn ıcınde çokdaha rahat hareket edıyordu. sıkını sortundan yavasca cıkarınca bıraz kokladım ve hemen opmeye basladım. dıger elımbılegıme kadar amımdaydı ve sular yere damlıyordu.


Muthıs zevk alıyordum gogus uclarımı hıc bu kadar sert gormemıtım. oglum hala uyanmayınca sıkını bıraktım. ve o sırt ustu yatarkenvajinamı agzına dokundurdum. o dudakları klıtoırısıme deger degmez orgazm olacagım sandım. eşim da vajinamı yalamayı severdı ve gercekten çokozlemıstım. ben bıraz daha bastuırmaya basladım. gıt gel yapıyordum artık cıldırmıscasına bastırıyordum ellerımle goguslerımı batlatırcasına sıkıyordum. hırlıyor ve vajinamı oğlumun ağzına sokmak ıstıyordum derken kalcamda bı saplak hıssettım. oğlum uyanmıstı ve benı delı gibi sıkmek ıstıyordu. gözlerını actı ve sılını. o sıcak ıslak kaygan dılını oyle bır soktukı amıma. sankı b,yıllardan berı orda duran bırseyı alıp goturmustu. o vajinama soktukca ben hırlayarak daha aşırı bastırıyordum ve o hala saplak atıyordu. benı arkaya cevırıp got delıgıme bı opucuk kondurdu. sonra yalamaya basladı arada bır devajinama suruyordu dılını. gotumden çok keyıf aldıgımı daha once soylemıstım zatemn fakat bu çok baska bırseydı.


O dılı hareket ettıkce bende vajinamıparmaklamaya basldım. daha aşırı dayanamadım ve oglumu durdurdum. sıkıne tukurdum. sonra got delıgımı bır kez daha yalattıktan sonra oturmaya basladım. kalca dansı yapar gibi bır tarafta goguslerımı yalatarak kendımı sıktırıyordum. ellerım yastıgı parcalayacaktı nerdeyse. kalcamı oyle hızlı bastıırıyordum kı oglumun sıkının her seferında dahada ılerı gıttıgını hıssedıyordum. on dakıka boyle devam ettıkten sonra o doggy styke ıstedgıı soylledı ve arkadan vajinamı koklemeye basladı. yavas yavas sokuyor ve benı cıldırtıyordu. ben onun kalcalarını tutup kendıme bastırıyor hadı oglum. hadı erkegım. dağıt annenın amını dıyıp onu azdırmaya baslıyordum. o hızlanınca da kendı kalcama saplak atıp hırlıyor ınlıyor ve klıtorısımı uyarıyordum. oglumda bos durmuyor gotume tukurup parmaklıyordu. on dakıka da boyle sıkıstıkten sonra ıkımızde tıteyerek bosaldık. ve yorgunluktan hıc yataktan kalkamadan uymustuk….

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Best Somali Erotica Ch. 04

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Everything is haram,” Fatima Abdirahman said to herself as she walked out of the mosque located near the train station in downtown Ottawa, Ontario. The six-foot-tall and chubby, dark-skinned and Hijab-wearing, properly robed Somali Canadian Muslim woman took the bus back to her apartment, located in the Gloucester area. During the long ride, Fatima Abdirahman had plenty of time to reflect on her situation. At the age of thirty, Fatima was unmarried, something unheard of in the Somali community. Since things fell through with her former lover Malik Osman, Fatima had been lonely to say the least.

Malik Osman left Fatima Abdirahman to find himself, or something to that effect. The truth is that Malik found himself attracted to Hodan Ahmad, a tall Somali gal from the City of Gatineau, Quebec, whom Fatima was once close friends with. Fatima and Hodan both enjoyed playing basketball and video games. Apparently, Hodan liked Malik, and gave him some of that tomboy pussy, and Malik ended up leaving Fatima as a result. Where does that leave the lovely and forlorn Fatima Abdirahman? Underappreciated, broken-hearted, and severely under-fucked, thank you very much!

Once Fatima Abdirahman got home, she took a shower and dried herself, and then lay naked on her bed. Reaching into a nearby drawer, Fatima grabbed a bag of sex toys which she recently purchased from Pleasures N Treasures, the adult video store which she frequented the most. Fatima had recently purchased a izmir escort bayan Bad Dragon, and one of their signature phallic devices was a huge black dildo modeled after, well, a dragon. Fatima is a size queen when it comes to sex toys, and the Somali gal was about to get freaky…

Fatima lay there, rubbing her erect nipples and fingering her wet, hairy pussy while thinking about her day. Working for Stats Canada seemed like a good idea, until the pandemic happened and now, like most Canadian government workers, Fatima was working from home. The already isolated Somali Muslim gal was now lonelier than ever. Fatima thought about her co-worker Youssef Osman, a tall, handsome young man from the nation of Djibouti, who unfortunately had a white girlfriend named Deirdre something or other. Why are all the good ones taken?

“Deirdre and I are getting married at the end of the year,” Youssef told Fatima as they talked at work the other day, and he showed her a picture of himself all hugged up with a plump red-haired white woman. Fatima smiled politely at Youssef and congratulated him on his upcoming nuptials. For a lot of unmarried women in the City of Ottawa, Youssef Osman must seem like quite a catch. He was twenty seven, had a Master’s degree in Finance from Carleton University, and worked for the Canadian government. As far as Ottawa was concerned, those things made Youssef Osman seem like a winner.

“I wish you and your fiancée the best,” Fatima escort izmir told Youssef, even though her heart winced. Another fine Somali Muslim man who bypassed his lovely Somali sistas to get with a white chick. There are a lot of Somali women who marry outside their culture, but for the most part, they marry Arab men or African Muslim men from other countries. Youssef didn’t choose to be with a Muslim woman. Fatima distinctly saw the silver cross around Deirdre’s neck in the picture which Youssef showed her. The gal was Christian, and she took a Muslim man from Muslim women. Isn’t life great?

Fatima banished all thoughts of Youssef and his white woman, his damn Deirdre, from her mind, and caressed the Bad Dragon. The dildo was huge and quite thick, and did indeed resemble a bad dragon. Fatima rubbed the head of the dildo against her vaginal opening, and gently inserted it. The dildos from Bad Dragon are definitely not for beginners. Fatima recalled seeing a review of a particularly large dildo from Bad Dragon by a skinny red-haired white chick named Lily something or other. Fatima doubted such a skinny bitch could accommodate the Bad Dragon but hey, anything is possible.

Fatima had difficulty getting aroused, so she turned on the TV and watched a porno. Onscreen, the tall, dark-skinned and muscular, shit-talking porn star Wesley Pipes fucked the hell out of some black chick named Jasmine Sky. Fatima fingered her pussy as she watched Wesley Pipes bend Jasmine izmir escort over and work his thick dark dick into her butt hole. Fatima closed her eyes as she masturbated, wishing that Wesley Snipes was fucking her ass instead of that skinny black bitch Jasmine Sky. Everyone knows that skinny women can’t handle huge dicks like bigger women can. It’s a simple fact of nature and anatomy!

“Oh yeah, cum on her face,” Fatima said, watching as Wesley Pipes blew his load on Jasmine Sky’s face after fucking her up the ass in several positions. To her credit, Jasmine Sky didn’t whine as much as Fatima thought she would while riding Wesley Pipes long and thick dark dick. For a skinny bitch, Jasmine Sky took it up the ass like a champ, and Fatima had to give her credit for that. Aroused by the porno, Fatima put the Bad Dragon to good use. Time for the huge black dildo to fill the depths of Fatima’s pussy. Can a black Muslim woman who wears the Hijab handle a huge dildo like a Bad Dragon? Time to find out!

“Oh yes,” Fatima squealed as she straddled the Bad Dragon, and her vaginal muscles clenched around it, gripping it tightly. As previously stated, the Bad Dragon is the king of dildos and it’s not for beginners, but Fatima is the definition of a strong black Muslim woman. Fatima lowered herself onto the Bad Dragon and managed to get most of it inside her vagina. Feeling wonderfully filled up and loving the deliciously hot pain and wicked pleasure she felt down below, Fatima took the Bad Dragon for a ride. When everyone lets you down, you’ve got to treat yourself and take care of yourself. For Fatima, an isolated gal whom both the ladies and the fellas have let down, the Bad Dragon is all she needs!

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Loving Ch. 1

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Pt. I: One Becomes Two

I woke up the morning after our wedding night and as I cleared the fog from my brain I looked over at my sleeping bride. Carol was what wet dreams are made of. As she lay there sprawled on her side facing me, sleeping soundly I enjoyed a moment of just looking at her. Her blonde tresses spread out over her pillow and framed her gorgeous face perfectly. I thought of her deep blue eyes now hidden and how they could turn me on with a “come fuck me” look or almost make me cry with a look of “I adore you, Dave.”

Her lips were slightly parted, full cupid bow lips, sexy lips that delighted me in so many ways as she kissed me literally everywhere, some places requiring more attention than others of course. Her complexion was perfect, no other word for it. Her light tan contrasted with the blonde hair nicely. I loved the feel of her skin against the back of my hand as I stroked her cheek lightly like a feather. She always seemed to respond to my touch in the best of ways. She would sigh and say something like, “Oh God Dave you turn me on so easily.”

The truth is almost everything turns Carol on and I love it that way.

Carol’s body must have been done by an artist that loved sexy looking women. She stood 5’6″ and weighed 125 lbs with absolute minimum fat. As we walked down streets men and women would turn to look at Carol. Her full breasts were lovely and firm yet were large enough that a hint of a delightful sag was present that caused them to sway as she walked… and bounce delightfully as she moved more aggressively. They were shaped just the way you would create them if you molded them out of clay…. full, round, slightly upturned nipples. Her breasts were the perfect size to overflow my hands nicely. Her nipples so right to kiss and suck and nibble on lightly (or harder as she cried out for me to bite harder in the throws of her unbelievable climaxes).

Her small waist nipped in to an amazing 23″ from the 38d breasts and then swelled into magnificent hips and ass of 36″. Her ass…. what a work of art, flowing from long trim perfect legs into such a cute tight ass that it always made me hard instantly, just looking at it. It felt so good in my hands. I love to cup a cheek in each of my hands as I make love to her sweetly aromatic cunt with my lips and tongue and nose and heart.

She was a natural blonde for sure and her bush was a delight to me. She kept it lightly trimmed knowing I loved to bury my face in her delicious pussy, hiding my face in her bush as my tongue explored her nether lips and her magical clit. I say magical because when I lightly lick it and then suck it and mouth it, it magically turns my lovely lady into a sexual animal, my lovely personal slut begging me to make her cum again and again and again… which I am always delighted to do. And I become her obedient slave administering to her sweet cunt until she is temporarily exhausted.

For izmir escort bayan a moment I thought of all the experiences we had had from the time we first met until our wedding including our wild flight to Jamaica. I was hard from just thinking about the past few months. I could resist no longer and I leaned over and kissed her sweet lips lightly letting my tongue explore very tentatively, the inner side of her full pouty delights. My hands were busy, one full of one of her magnificent tits, with it’s now hard, erect, full nipple between my thumb and fore finger lightly pinching and rolling it the way I know she loves. My other hand lightly trails across her legs and ass and tummy just above her bush. She moans in her sleep and rolls over more on her back as she spreads her trim legs wide apart opening up her pussy to my explorations. I thought at the time, were I a strange man or woman doing the same things to my darling, wouldn’t she still have opened herself to it? In her sleep she just naturally opened herself to pleasure. Much like when awake.

I dropped my lips to her other breast and sucked its erect nipple into my mouth and washed it with my tongue. She moaned louder and I felt her hands on the back of my head pulling my mouth harder into her full tit. I had no idea if she was awake or asleep then. My hand slid up covering her beautiful mound and I cupped it as one finger slipped slowly up and down her outer labia and I felt the growing moisture already present. My thumb had begun a slow circum-navigation of her magical button, not quite touching it yet stimulating it as it grew in size.

Then I heard her say,

“I don’t know who you are stranger but you can stay a while longer.” We both laughed and I raised up and met her lips in a passionate kiss as my fingers became more insistent in and on her delightful pussy. She gasped in my mouth and groaned against my lips,

“Oh God Dave, please wake me every day of my life like this. If you do I will be your slave forever.” I broke the kiss she was talking into and smiled at her, “I thought maybe you were going to sleep through it all”. “No fucking way cowboy…Oh shit…. Dave please make me cum with your mouth, I want your tongue in my cunt. Then fuck me for three or four hours with that huge cock of yours.” I smiled and kissed her lips, drinking the thrill of her dancing tongue, and then her nipples and then her cute “inny” belly button as I slowly made my way to where my love wanted me at that moment. Her hands caught and stroked my rigid cock that she had playfully measured the night before at a respectable 8 and 3/4 inches.

“Now I know how big you are so I can brag to my lady friends.” she had said.

As I kissed her juicy lower lips lightly she sighed and said,

“If you shift your body around I would love to see how much of your monster cock I can swallow this morning.”

I licked from her ass escort izmir hole to her clit slowly, running my tongue over ever bit of her and she cried out and raised her mound up into my face harder. I stopped briefly and said,

“Thanks for the offer love, but I would rather concentrate on ‘pleasuring’ you first. You can do me a little later and I will be your obedient slave. Right now I plan on making you into a very limp noodle.”

And I returned eagerly to my “work”. She tasted so good. Her aroma and taste was a combination of her normal delicious flavors and the remnants of my cum in her cunt from the night before. Some guys don’t like the thought of tasting their own juices but hell if my lady can enjoy the taste of my cum as much as she does there must be something OK there. Besides I love to eat my lady’s pussy anytime the opportunity presents itself.

For the next 30 minutes I brought my love to the brink of cumming, to back off, as she swore at me,

“You rotten fucking bastard…. oh Dave please….”

Then I would attack again and she would buck her cunt into my face groaning and crying,

“Oh darling… oh you sweet fucking man…. oh yes… oh yes oh gaaaawwwd Dave yes.”

Then as I laved her clit adoringly I slipped my finger into her receptive ass hole up to the first knuckle. And she came, God did she cum. She almost tore my fucking nose off of my face. When she finally let me breath again I gasped a lung-full of air and she laughed and said huskily, in a sultry sleepy post cum voice,

“Maybe…. you need to invent SCUBA gear for pussy eaters darling… sorry….. no I’m not sorry…..”

I took another deep breath and again caught her highly sensitized clit in my mouth and licked and sucked it and Carol screamed,

“Oh you sweet mother fucker…. yes.”

The cycle repeated several times until my darling lay limply, spent, a beautiful limp noodle. I had made her cum five times and it delighted me to please her so. I think she liked it a bit too. I crawled up beside her and kissed her softly… lovingly. She moaned and kissed and slowly licked my face as she cleaned her pungent juices off of it. Her hands found my rock hard cock and she stroked it lightly saying,

“Oh I am going to enjoy this if I ever get any strength back”.

As one might expect it wasn’t long until my “limp noodle” turned into super woman. I don’t know how many cocks she had to practice on to get so good and I don’t care. Her mouth made my cock “King for a day” so easily. The wet warmth of her mouth as it took the head of my cock in, the dance of her tongue under the glans that caused me to buck accidentally causing my love to deep throat me. Somehow she had learned to do that without discomfort and now she hummed softly with my cock deep in her throat.

No one can imagine how that feels. You just have to be there. The vibrations, the suction, the moist warmth izmir escort and the realization that your cock is completely inside your lover’s mouth and down her throat. She backed off and sucked and licked and washed my cock with her mouth. Then she took me down her throat again. She repeated this over and over… fucking my cock into her throat as her finger slowly slipped up my ass hole. It was more than a mere mortal like me could stand and I said clearly and intelligently,

“Oh fuck awrrrr, yes fuck, cumming…cumming.. now …fuck Carol yes… mouth…cock cum”

Probably one of my better elocution’s I think. I could not resist my loves invitation and I blasted joyfully down her throat. She pulled back keeping just the head of my spouting whale in her mouth as she continued sucking and licking me into a fucking puddle. She lovingly drained me and as I finally stopped quivering she let my “limp noodle” slip from her mouth into her warm hand and she wrapped her fingers around my cock protectively.

She moved back up beside me and I kissed her, tasting my cum in her mouth and on her tongue. Like I said, she loves it, so I love it. We lay there and she smiled and said, “Do you suppose over the next 50 years you can fuck me a million times?”

It was one of those serious matters we both contemplated at times like this. I cupped a delightful tit and replied,

“At least two million, not counting holidays.”

“Will you put that in writing. I might sue for breach of fucking darling.”

“Of course. But I have lost count, we can start over with one if my cock every comes back to life.”

Needless to say, as my limp cock rested in her soft hand and she kissed my ear, sending her tongue all over the inside of it as she noisily slurped a wake up call to my cock, I responded! God how I responded. My ears are sooo sensitive to my loves tongue. She turned on her side facing me and I did the same. Our legs interlaced and she guided “Mortimer” into his favorite home.

As she started the head into her lovely snatch, I thrust hard and sunk Mortimer to the hilt as Carol responded,

“Arghh.. oh yes …. fuck me …”

I delighted in pulling out until the head rested against her outer lips and then stroking back the full depth massaging her ovaries (well maybe not quite that far). I cupped her ass cheeks that I love so dearly in each hand with one finger slowly insinuating itself up her ass hole and I said,

“Play with your clit sweetheart it is time for some serious fucking.”

Again she replied,

“Arghh.. oh… fuck… fuck… fuck “

I rolled over on top of my love and began long deep thrusts faster and faster as she squeezed her pubis coccus muscles tightly on my very spoiled cock. It wasn’t long until we were both humping and thrusting our pubic regions into each other with such force that, as we came explosively together, we fell off of the fucking bed and lay on the floor still quivering as our brains liquified. Later, when what was left of our brains, had time to regenerate we started laughing and Carol said,

“I knew I should have driven.”

To Be Continued…

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The Addams Family Chronicles Ch. 01

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Night Sounds

High atop its hill, beyond the tombstones the ancient Addams mansion sat. Beneath a Dark, starless night sky it rested, though it did not rest easy. A thousand sounds disturbed the silence. Mice scurried beneath the floorboards and spiders worked busily on their webs. The house creaked and settled on itself. Deep in the bowels of the old house, the behemoth butler Lurch snored steadily in bed, loud enough to shudder the walls of his cramped quarters. The soft flick of old book pages came from the chambers beside the kitchens, where Grandma Addams sat up, pouring over a faded copy of Gray’s Anatomy by dancing candlelight. In the greenhouse, there was a crunching, gnawing, as the giant flytraps feasted on their squirming dinner.

On the upper floors, from Uncle Fester’s room, came a low whine and the occasional gasp as Fester thrashed across the bed in the grips of a fierce night terror. A few rooms over, in the nursery, the toddler Pubert cooed and gurgled in his sleep. Between the walls, in one of myriad hidden passages, there was the soft plod of footsteps, as the Addams middle child Pugsley crept silently along the walls, trying to stifle his laughter. Of late he had taken a liking to slipping into their passage ways late at night, while the izmir escort bayan house slept, and peering into the various rooms, to watch his family without them knowing. It was always a thrill, but tonight there promised to be a real show. For tonight, by far the loudest sounds were coming from his sister’s room, the 19 year old Wednesday.

Beyond her door, came a constant creak of her mattress, and the steady slam of her headboard as it hit the wall, mingling with voices raised in passion. “Uh…Ah!…Oh, Gods! Fuck yes!” Wednesday called, her normally stoic voice now raised in fervor as her partner grunted with effort. “Eh, harder!” she ordered. Pugsley heard this from the passage and suppressed his giggles once more. His hand shaking with excitement slightly, he very gently slid back the hidden panel in the wall and pressed his face to the two eye slots that looked into his sister’s room.

It was shadowy, lit by candles on the nightstand. He could see clothing scattered in disarray across the floor. Wednesday herself was bent over on the bed, naked, her dark pigtails swaying, her pale skin seeming to glow in the candlelight. Behind her was a tall, slender teen boy with long hair dyed black, thrusting back and forth. Pugsley didn’t recognize him but that escort izmir was no surprise. There had been three this week already, all different. He was panting and groaning as Wednesday’s face contorted with each of his movements. Smiling, Pugsley absently rubbed the bulge in his shorts.

“Mmm! Aw! Aw! Yeah! Yeah! Gods, aaaaugh! Fuck me!” She crooned louder. “Uh!, Uhh! Mm, Fuck you are tight!” the boy moaned, moving faster. The bed groaned and swayed and the headboard slammed. Wednesday writhed and howled. Grinning, Pugsley unzipped his fly.

Meanwhile the sound from Wednesday’s room carried across the house. It drifted down the hall, to the master bedroom. There, in the gloom, in the great king-sized bed, under green satin sheets, Morticia and Gomez lay, awake and listening. Gomez held his wife close to him and Morticia gently stroked his brow. “Aaaaaw! Aaaaw! Mmmmmn, I said harder!” Wednesday’s voice called from several doors down, muffled but clear.

At last, Gomez spoke into the darkness. “Listen to it Tish’.”

“Our little girl.” Morticia answered. The sound of the slamming headboard picked up speed, and the animalistic cries grew louder. “Imagine it darling. Our Daughter, bent on all fours like a bitch in heat. Howling and moaning like a whore izmir escort as a thick member violates her wet teen flesh. A slut. A common harlot. I’m so proud.”

“I know. What more could a parent want.”

“And she’s not the only one we have to be proud of my dearest.” Morticia said, gingerly her husband’s cheek. He turned to look at her ashen face, framed by the locks of her jet-black hair.


“Mmhmm. He’s become quite the little peeping tom. He skulks around the house in the passageways, leering into rooms through the peepholes. Twice know I’ve glimpsed him spying on me as I was bathing.”

Gomez’s eyes sparkled cheerfully. ” Haha! The little rascal! Fester and I used to do that when we were boys. Eighteen and already a chip off the old block.”

They were quiet for a moment, listening, as the cries of passion seemed to reach their zenith. “Aaaaw! uuuuuh! MMMH!”

“Huh! Huh! Huuuuaaah! Hmm, huh…” Then there was silence. For the several pregnant seconds all sound of the headboard, the mattress and the moaning ceased. Gomez and Morticia waited anxiously. After a moment, came a loud thud as a trap door was opened, followed by a great flushing sound and a protracted scream. “AAAAAAAaaaaaaaa…”

“Another conquest out or the night.” Morticia said softly.

“Oh Tish’, our children are perverts.”

“Their nymphos.”

“Their deviants.”

“Their tramps.”

Then, together, there voices swelled with pride they said, “Their Addams’.”

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Sevgilim ve ben

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Sevgilim ve ben
Serkanla tanısmamı ilk sevişmemizi anlatmıştım nasıl hayvan olduğunuda.. ilki biraz romantiğe kaçmıstı ama bu seferki bir başkaydı.. evlerine çağırmıstı beni herşeyi yapmıştık zaten korkmamı gerektirecek bişey kalmamıstı o yüzden rahatca gittim kapıyı acar acmaz kucagına atladım bacaklarımı beline doladım kocacm özledinmi beni dedim özledim karıcm dedi amım tam sikinin üstüne gelmiş kucagındaydım beni salona götürdü o şekilde koltuga oturdu beni kucagından bırakmıyordu deli gibi öpüşüyorduk dudaklarımı bırakmadan koltugun yanındaki kumandayla televizyondan müzik actı sesini de yükseltti biraz.. inanın 15 dakika falan aralıksız öpüşmüştük hiç konusmadan.. seviyordum öpüşmeyi bunu bildiği için bana ayak uydurmaya calısıyordu dudaklarımız morarmıstı artık öpüşmekten karıcm yetmezmi biraz nefes alsam dedim tamam benimde nefes almaya ihtiyacım var dedim güldü yok dedi sen nefes almıcaksın neden dedim napcam dedim sikini gösterdi sırıtarak küçük serkanda özlemiş seni dedi güldüm iyi öyle olsun dedim çıkar da hasret giderelim onunla dedim sen çıkar dedi iyi böyle herşeyi ben yapıyorum sen yat oyle uzan dedim bana uyar dedi kızdırmaya calısıyordu beni ve basarıyordu sikini cıkardım azgıma almaya basladım dişliyordum artık öyle bir ısırıyordum ki acıması gerekiyordu ama unutmusum onun hayvan oldugunu bundan zevk bile alıyordu yumurtalıklarını sıkmaya basladım bi kaç dakika agzımda oynadıktan sonra biz özlem giderdik sende özlem gider götümle dedim güldü gel burauya canım karıcım benim dedi koltuga yatırdı beni diz çöktü amımı yalamaya baslamıstı diliyle oksuyordu beni zevke getiriyordu delirtiyordu beni bu cocuk diliyle resim bile cizebilecek gibi yetenekliydi elleri gögüslerimdeydi dili amımda.. sonra tabi ben yine zevke geldim onunki sertliğini kaybetmişti ben yine erotik laflar kullanmaya basladım kocacm sik beni hadi yanıyorum çok özledim seni falan diyorum götümden sik amımdan sik nerden sikersen sik sok bana nereni nereme istersen sok hadi kocacm diyordum tamam karıcm demesiyle sikini göt deliğimin kafasına sokması bir oldu.. çok acımıstı çünkü bu sefer götümün deligine ne parmakla ne diliyle yumusatmamıstı bir anda sokmaya calısınca benim canım yanduı ama anlatamam çok feci bi acı cektim kocacm napıyosn sen dedm sikiyorum dedi gülerek acıdı ama dedim ilk başlarda acıması normal deilmi karıcm falan dedi gönlümü almaya calısıyordu amımdan siksen olmazmı kocacm dedim tamam karıcm bekle dedi ama o hala götümden sikmeye devam ediyordu kocacıııım dedim efendm sevgilim dedi dur dedim durdu uzan dedim şimdi sıra bendeydi parmagımla sus işareti yaptım uzanmıstı bacaklarının arasına girmiştim sikini elime aldım gözlerinin içine bakarak oynuyordum sikiyle.. agzıma almaya baslamıstım kafamı bi saga bi sola savuruyordum saçlarım terden nemlenmişti hafif ıslak oldugu için savururken serkanın bacaklarına vuruyor ıslaklıkla acıtıyordu hosumuza gidiyordu ben deli gibi sikini ağzımda geveliyordum çok azmıstım sonra götümü yüzüne gelecek sekilde döndüm amımı yalamasını söyledim diliyle amıma yaptıgı şeyler harika zevk veriyordu bana nasıl yapıyor ne yapıyor bilmiyorum ama diliyle beni boşaltabilcek kadar zevk veriyordu o yaladıkca ben ısırıyor ben ısırdıkca o yalıyordu.. kalçamı yüzünün üstünde ileri geri yapıyordum istem dışı hareketlerdi bunlar sonra döndüm sikinin üstüne oturdum ellerini tuttum bütün agırlıgımı sikinin üstüne vermiştim sik beni kocacm diyordum üzerinde zıplamayua baslamıstım terli oldugumuz için sesler gelmeye baslamıstı her zıplamamda.. o sesler bizi daha da cok cıldırtırken ben boısalmıstım.. oda bosalacagını anlayınca amımdan cıktı dısarıya boşaldı beraber duşa girdik aynı suyun altında beraber dus aldık o beni temizledi ben onu temizledim sabaha kadar sonra salona geçtik bi film açtık ben onun yanına oturdum başımı gögsüne yasladım o kollarıyla sardı beni oturduk film izledik filmden sonra uyuduk şimdi soracaksınız sabaha kadar tek sefermi oldu diye evet çünkü tadında bırakıyorduk nasıl olsa karı koca gibiydik istediğimiz her an sevisebildiğimiz için dozunu kacırmadan sevisiyorduk gecede 4 kere 5 kere yapıp birbirimizden erken sıkılacağımıza haftada 2 yada 3 kere bazen bir kere beraber olmaya karar verdik anlastık uyguladık mutluyuz 4 yıldır ilişkimiz devam ediyor

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Camfrog Nelere Kadir.

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Camfrog Nelere Kadir.

herkese Selam önceki yazdıgım gercek olaydaki kızda camfrogdandı şimdiki yazdıgımda camfrogdan tabi bu ayrı birisi.perşembe akşamı saat 7 gibi pc ye oturdum camfroga girdim nikimde ekli özeli acık olan bi bayan nikine yazdım cvb gelcegini tahmin bile etmiyodum ama yazdıgım dikkatini cekmişki cvb verdi o akşam saat 12 ye kadar muhabbet ettik muhabbetimizin koyulaşmasının sebebi ise benim avcılarda oturmam onunda k.cekmecede oturması ve avcılarda calışmasıydı.evelsi gün sabah erkenden uyanıp silivriye gittim akşama kadar silivride kalıp akşam saat 6:30 gibi gelip mükemmel bi baş agrısıyla pc başına oturup tekrardan camfroga girdim bakdım niki acık yine yazdım ve konuşmaya başladık o sırada başımın agrısı iyice artmışdı sabah kahvaltı bile yapmamışdım o yüzdendi büyük ihtimal ben buna masaj yapmasını biliyosan gel başıma masaj yap dedim oda 30 dk önce söyleseydin eve gelmezdim iş cıkışı direk gelir yapardım masaj dedi iyi o zaman bende yarın gelirsin hem ev boş rahat rahat yaparsın masaj dedim ve saat ilerlerken yavaş yavaş konumuz seks muhabbetine dönmüş ve epeyce ilerletmişdik ama kamerada birşey yapamıyoduk müsait degildi o günü öyle bitirip uyuduk ve evelsi gün yani tanışmamızdan 2 gün sonra cumartesi günü öglene kadar calışıcakdı bende arabayla onu iş yerinin ordan alıcakdım öyle sözleşmişdik.ve öglen ben arabayla alıp onu ilk önce bi cafeye gittik zamanının bol oldugundan direk eve götürüp korkutmak istemedim birer cay filan icdikden sonra hemen kalkdık cünki cafede elektrikler yokdu hatırlarsınız 6 ilde elektrik kesilmişdi.ve arabaya binip eve dogru yola cıkmışdık eve geldigimizde ikimizde karşılıklı oturmuş birbirimizden cekindigimiz icin dogru düzgün konuşamıyoduk bile o sırada ben internetten konuşmak msjlaşmak kolay dedim oda onayladı haklısın dedi.sen otur ben bi nescafe yapıpayım bari hem bu arada msj atarsın öyle daha rahat konuşuyoruz dedim ve mutfaga gecdim ilk msjı ben attım.
BEN:dudaklarına yapışmamak icin kendimi zor tutuyorum.
O:aynen bende kendimi zor tutuyorum.
BEN:o zaman beklemenin bi alemi yok gel yanıma.
dedim suyun kaynamasını bekliyodum 5-10 saniye gelmeyince seslenerek cagırdım gel yardım et diye.geldi ve tam o sırada su kaynamış bardakları dolduruyodum buyur şekerinide sen at diye şekerligi önünde dogru koydum o sırada tam şeker koymaya başlayınca arkasından sarılarak boynunu öpmeye başladım ve kafasını arkaya cevirdi göz göze geldik ve dudaklarına yapışdım artık ok yaydan cıkmış deliler gibi öpüşüyoduk mutfak tezgahına iyice sıkıştırıp sikimlede bu arada kalcalarına baskı yapıyodum ellerimde boş durmayıp gögüslerini okşayıp sıkıyodum yüzünü bana cevirip bu sefer aynı şekilde bacaklarının arasına girip amına baskı yaparak dudaklarını öpüp boynunu yalamaya başlamışdım ellerimlede kalcalarını sıkıyodum.artık ayakda durmakdan yorulmuş hadi iceri gecelim daha rahat ederiz diye salona gecdik ve bu sefer yan yana oturup tekrardan öpüşmeye başladık dudaklarımızı hissetmez hala gelince sigara molası vermeye karar verdik ve cakmagı mutfakda unuttugum icin gidip aldım geldim ve sigarasını yaktım bu sefer ayaktaydım ve egilip tekrar öpmeye başladım gögüslerini bi yandan okşuyodum bakdım onda tık yok ellerinden tutup benim alete götürdüm ve pantolonun üstünden okşatmaya başlattım bende hem dudaklarından öpüyor hemde bi memesini dışarı cıkarmış ara sıra meme uclarını emip ıssırıyodum.pantolonumun dügmesini acıp elini boxerdan iceri sokmasını istedim ve dedigimi harfiyen yapmaya başladı elleriyle sikimi okşarken suratına bakarak dün o dilin cok konuşuyodu nette ona ceza kestim hadi bakalım yalamaya başla cezanı cek diyerek sakso cektirmeye başladım.cok güzel sakso cekiyodu ve beni hayretler icerisinde bırakmışdı artık gözlerimi kapatmış kendimden gecmiş bi şekilde inliyodum.(bu arada kız daha 22 yaşında)tam boşalcagımı farkettigim anda agzından cıkarttım ve gel diyerek ayaga kaldırdım koltuga oturdum bacaklarımın arasında diz cökmesini söyleyip öyle saksoya devam ettirdim ellerimle saclarından tutup köküne kadar sokup nefessiz bırakdıkdan sonra geri cıkartıyodum böyle bi süre devam ettikden sonra ayaga kalktım kalkarken bile boş durmayıp dudaklarımız birleştirmiş öpüşüyoduk ellerimle pantolonunu acıp hafif sıyırdım kilotundan iceri elimi soktum ve elimi amının üstüne getirdigimde muslukdan su akmış sanki o derece sulanmışdı amı o sırada dudaklarımı ıssırdı ve ben tam amının deligine parmagımı getirdigimde sokayım mı parmagımı dedim oda dudaklarımı ıssırarak sokkk dedi bakire degilmisin diye sordugumda degilim merak etme dedi.bende bakire oldugunu düşünerek sevişmeyi bu kadar uzun tutmuşdum.orta parmagımı amına sokmamla dudaklarımı ıssırması ve bırakmaması bir oldu öyle daracık bi amı vardı ki parmagım bile zor giriyodu amına şimdi sıra bende diyerek diz cöküp pantolonunu ve kilodunu kendi ellerimle cıkartıp koltuga oturtup bacaklarını ikiye acdım ve sol orta parmagımı amına sokup dilimlede yalamaya başladım sag elimlede memelerini okşayıp sıkıyodum o sırada gözlerini kapamış inim inim inliyodu bi yandan parmagımı sokup cıkartıyodum bi yandan da yalıyodum o sırada elini kafama bastırdıgımda iyice boşalcagını anladım ve iyice hızlandım.dudaklarıma boşaldı bütün suyunu yaladım emdim bi güzel amının.ayaga kalktım ve hadi bakalım zamanı geldi diyerek sikimi biraz yalattıkdan sonra bacaklarını iyice ayırıp koltukta yavaş yavaş sikimin kafasını sokmaya calışıyodum ama düşünün öyle bi dar amı varki parmagım bile zor giriyodu sikimin kafasını zorla soka bildim biraz daha sokup bekledim biraz canı yanıyordu öpmek icin egildigimde dudaklarına tekrardan dudaklarımı ıssırmaya başladı ve o daracık amının icinde sikimi yavaş yavaş daha derine sokarak ileri geri yapmaya başladım amının duvarları sikimi öyle bi sarmışdı ki sıcacık olan amının icinde sikim alev gibi yanıyo ve boşalmamak icin kendimi zor tutuyodum artık iyice alışmış amına hızlı hızlı sokup cıkarmaya başlamışdım boşalmamak icin aklıma başka şeyler getiriyodum ama nafileydi amı sikimi öyle bi sarmışdı ki dayanacak gücüm kalmamışdı ve icinden cıkdım hadi gel yataga gecelim diyerek diger odaya yataga gecdik ve ben sırt üstü yattım üzerime cıkardım ve sikimi tekrardan yalamaya başlattım sikim artık iyice hazırlandıkdan sonra üzerime cıkıp oturmasını söyledim ve yavaşca egilerek sikimi icine almaya başladı o sırada bende memelerinden tutmuş sıkıyordum sikimin üzerinde oturup kalkarken bende alttan amına vurup iyice zewkin doruklarına cıkmaya calışıyodum memelerini koparırcasına sıkıyodum ara sırada yandan kalcalarına vuruyodum artık iyice hızlanmış odanın icinde inlemelerimiz ve her vuruşda cıkan sesler yankılanıyodu dayanıcak gücüm kalmamışdı ve icinden cıkartarak hemen agzına sokup bütün döllerimi agzına fışkırtmaya başlamış gözlerim kapalı bi şekilde bagırıyodum resmen bütün döllerimi yalayıp yuttukdan sonra ikimizdede hal kalmamışdı biraz yataga uzandık ve sonra kalkıp sigara icmek icin salona gecdik yavaş yavaş giyindik.boşalmanın verdigi mutlulukla ikimizde kendimizden gecmiş sanki ucuyo gibiydik artık gitme zamanı gelmişdi ve hazırlanıp arabayla k.cekmeceye evinin yakınlarına bırakmışdım.şuan hala görüşüyoruz ve degişik yaşadıgımız şeyler var mesala bilenler bilir avcılar k.cekmece arasınra karayollarını gecdikden sonra park yeri olan yerde arabada sakso cektirdim filan onlarıda tek tek anlatıcam biraz uzun oldu ama k.bakmayın artık 🙂

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Making the Grade

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Sometimes we do things that we don’t enjoy to get ahead. Sometimes we enjoy them very much, this is one of those times.

History of the middle ages, not the most exciting class, you had picked it because it looked easy. A simple way to pad your average and get some credit hours. Things however aren’t always as easy as they seem. For starters you couldn’t stop fantasizing about you professor in class and your marks where showing it. Despite your best efforts you just couldn’t pay attention.

You can’t really blame yourself, Prof. Miller was just so damn sexy. He was young, tall, fit and disarmingly handsome. Something about his calm confidence and smooth voice just turned you on as he lectured. Not to mention he had the best body in the entire classroom, at least that was what some of the other girls in class said. They had seen him in the campus Gym. Although he was of a leaner build he was frame was still muscular, you had never seen an inch of softness on his hard body.

Normally he was dressed rather casually when he lectured, dress shirt with black jeans. You particularly liked this outfit because when he would write anything on the board because he had a habit of rolling up his sleeves and giving you a view of his muscular arms.

Once in a while however he would come straight from the gym. Wearing only a tight rash guard and fight shorts, so much of him showed you could not help noticing whenever you shifted in your seat how your panties would rub against your clit. The show before you building a feeling of raw desire, urging you to finger yourself right then and there as you stared at your sexy teacher.

Halfway through the semester, you realized how much trouble this constant teasing is causing.

You’re almost failing the least difficult of all your classes, because every time you go to study you keep thinking back to Prof. Miller. You kept illegal bahis ending up naked, soaking wet and fingering yourself till sweet release.

Something has to change and soon, making up your mind you decide it’s time to go to the professors after class evening help group. The group portion however, was exaggerated as you entered the classroom to see no one. Professor Miller was sitting back, legs propped up against his desk reading a book with his headphones in.

He looked nothing like he did in class, wearing a graphic T-shirt and tight black jeans he would have looked more in place at a bar than in a classroom. He looked up as you approached with mild surprise. “I thought no one cared about their grades in my class. How can I help you cutie?” He chuckled to himself.

Surprised and flattered, you couldn’t help raise an eyebrow and question “Cutie, professor?” You had taken more than the average time making sure you looked sexy and perfect.

Laughing Prof. Miller replied. “It’s long after hours, little lady. Right now it’s just two adults learning some history.” Leaning forward in his chair and offering you one.

“You can call me Greg too, people calling me professor makes me feel way older than I am.” he explained still smiling that small smile he always seemed to have.

“Alright… Greg, can you show me what I will need to know for the next test.” Falling into the seat beside him.

As you two settled in you couldn’t help but feel like this was like a dream come true, one on one time with your hot teacher. He had just called you cute and you could tell he was checking you out as he explained the finer points of what you would need to know.

While he jotted down some notes for you, Prof. Miller paused for a second and catching his eyes on your breasts, you get suddenly bold and call him out. Pressing your chest out so your hard nipples illegal bahis siteleri are clearly visible through the fabric.

“Am I distracting your professor?” You say as innocently as possible.

Sensing he was busted, Prof. Miller blushed deeply and snapped his eyes up to meet yours. Winking he replied “Yeah sorry little lady, sometimes it would be nice to be blind. That way I can’t be distracted by my students.”

Pressing the opening, you shoot back “Well, I’m not your student right now, remember Greg? I get distracted by you sometimes too.”

History forgotten, Prof. Miller leaned back as if thinking and you caught a glimpse of a very noticeable bulge in his pants.

The sight of which was getting you excited, raising a hand to your breasts and teasing the V of your shirt to show even more cleavage. “Think you could help me with something else professor?” you ask coyly.

“That depends, can you be discreet little lady?” Prof. Miller said looking very serious.

“Of course, professor” you reply looking into those amazing eyes.

“Then I’d be happy to help you, what is it you needed?” Your sexy teacher asked playfully.

“I was hoping you would fuck me professor.” You answer blushing furiously at the audacity of what you were asking.

“I’d love too” Prof. Miller said, pulling you up from the chair and moving close. Catching you into a kiss and running his strong arms over your body. His strong hands grabbed your ass and drew you against his hard body, you felt his hard on through his pants. Running your arms down his muscular arms and legs. As your hands grasp his hard on, just as his hands find your breasts.

He pulled them out of your top, his teasing felt great. Pinching and rubbing your sensitive nipples as you rubbed his hard cock through his jeans. One of his hands then slid down and to rest over your pussy, canlı bahis siteleri rubbing you through the fabric. The indirect attention to your pussy and clit making you squirm in pleasure, trying to get his fingers in the right spot.

Unzipping his jeans, and letting them fall releases Prof. Miller’s sizable shaft from its confines. Taking as much as you could in both hands, feeling its size and hardness. Pleased in both respects your anticipation only grew as he removed your shirt and shorts.

Leaving you in your panties he bent down, slid them to one side and placed a kiss to your lower lips. Feeling yourself shudder as he licked and sucked your pussy. Catching your clit between his teeth and teasing it with his tongue. The feeling is so amazing that you quickly feel yourself building to an orgasm.

At that the moment he slips a finger inside, you clamp down and roughly grind your hips against him desperate to fuck. Taking the hint, the professor lifts you onto his desk and plants his shaft against your pussy, slipping the head in and teasing, before slamming it home, pumping your pussy with his powerful legs. Driving his nice hard cock deep inside your tight pussy.

Horny, eager and overstimulated, you climaxed almost right away. The spasms causing your pussy to clamp down over his dick, despite this he just pushes harder, spreading your pussy lips apart regardless of the resistance of your tightening kegal’s.

Moaning in pleasure, only spurs him onward into you finding your G-spot. Crying out in pleasure as he fucked you deep and rough. The feeling was overwhelming, fucking you straight into a second orgasm. This time he joined you, cumming deeply inside you and finishing with long deep thrusts that bottom you out and cause you to scream pleasure as waves of sheer pleasure wash over your body. Leaving the pair of you spent and relaxing on the desk as you recover.

“So Greg about that test?” you ask smiling at him.

“Little lady, keep coming for private lessons and I’m certain your marks will improve.” He said smiling ear to ear.

Getting an A has never been so much fun.

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The Cabin

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I drove into the driveway of my parent’s house. My mother must have heard the sound of my arrival because even before I was out of the car she was at the front door waiting for me. I had barely visited the old home over the past year, and it was a sorrowful letter from mother that had given rise to my present visit. As we approached each other I could see the dark stains under mother’s eyes, and neglected appearance of her clothing.

The letter had arrived some three weeks before, and it contained the news that my father had left mother. I felt the anguish in almost every line of the letter and decided that I must go home, even if only for a few days.

My parent’s house was a thousand kilometres from where I now lived and worked. Following my father’s example, I worked for a firm of architects and had been with them for almost a year. I had not taken any leave, so I approached the senior partner and explained the situation. He was very understanding, and after rearranging some work schedules, he suggested that I should take three weeks leave.

I rang my mother and told her I was coming home to spend time with her, but she put an alternative suggestion, we should go to “The Cabin.” This was a place my parents had built a few years after they were married and was situated in the hills about two hours drive from the suburb where they lived. It was in a very isolated spot, and I was not sure if it was a good idea to go there at this time, but mother was very insistent.

As we met in the driveway she clung fiercely to me for a couple of minutes, just repeating, “Oh, David. Oh David.” Once released from her embrace we stowed her gear in the car and after locking the house, we left for the hills. I had made a half way stop overnight in a motel on the journey over, so I was reasonably fresh and capable of driving without falling asleep at the wheel.

As we approached the hills, I noticed that clouds were beginning to pile up on the horizon. “It’ll be a wet night,” I thought. About four kilometres into the hills I turned off onto a side road cutting through a forest, and after a further fifteen minutes we came to the dirt track that led to The Cabin. We bumped along this for a while, then, crossing a ford over a stream and climbing up a low hill, we arrived.

The Cabin was built as one of those “get away from it all” places. It was of generous proportions and had been built when the “open plan” space was all the rage for homes and offices. Initially it consisted of one very large room with separate combined shower room and toilet. For sewage, this was connected to a septic tank.

The open plan had not stayed like that for long. Fairly soon a screen wall with a door was put up, and this became my parent’s bedroom. I assume that they wished to perform their more intimate acts unobserved. There were three other beds, each with the foot pointing to the centre of the room. These too had been slightly de-open planned, and now had mobile screens beside them to give some degree of privacy.

There was no gas or electricity, and cooking and heating was done via a wood burning stove. Lighting was achieved by the use of pump up kerosene lamps, hurricane lamps or candles. The system usually was that the pump up lamps were used until everyone was in bed, then this was turned off and the hurricane lamp lit and left to burn all night. This enabled anyone who needed to get up to move about without tripping over things.

We unloaded our gear and supplies from the car and carried them in to the cabin. I had expected mother to use the separate bedroom, but she opted for a bed in the main room. When I questioned this she said, “I couldn’t sleep in there.”

I lit the wood stove and mother set about preparing a meal. I made a tour of inspection seeing if any possums or other small animals had managed to get in, and carried in more wood for the stove. The place had not been used for nearly a year, and I noted that undergrowth and a few saplings had started to appear round the cabin. This is a dangerous bush fire area, and all foliage needs to be cleared away from buildings. I listed this as a job to be done while I was there.

After our meal mother and I sat, talking by the stove while soft music played on the old radio (no television). It was a strange sort of recital by my mother, in that it was so unemotional. She simply set out what she saw as the facts.

My father ran his own architectural consultancy business and employed a few people. About a year ago, he had employed a new girl to serve as receptionist. Not long after this girl started father began to ring home with “working late at the office” messages. These got increasingly frequent until the day he came home and baldly announced, “I’m leaving you, Mary. It’s no use making a fuss because I’m going now and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

Mother was numb with shock, and simply stood and watched him as he packed a few things, then saying, “I’ll send for the rest of my stuff,” he walked out. It seems that he had found the illegal bahis “deep and meaningful” love of his life in the new girl, who was barely eighteen to his fifty-three.

By the time mother had finished telling the story it was time for bed. The threatened rain had arrived, together with strong gusts of wind that shook the cabin, flinging rain like pebbles against the windows. I banked up the fire with wood for the night, lit the hurricane lamp and hung it from a hook suspended from the ceiling, and extinguished the pump lamp. In the dim light mother and I went to what I suppose might be called “our booths.”

The room was warm from the heat of the stove, so I did not veer from my practice of sleeping naked. I assumed without particularly thinking about it, that mother did the same, as I knew it was her habit to sleep nude as well.

I did not sleep immediately, but lay there listening to the rain beating on the roof and trying to batter its way in through the windows and the wind soughing through the treetops in the nearby forest. My thoughts went to mother and the curiously unemotional way she related the story of my father’s departure. Knowing her devotion to him, and seeing the strained look on her face suggested that she had not told the full story.

I heard mother moving restlessly on the other side of the screen and a vision of her lying there, naked and restless, entered my thoughts. “He must have been mad to leave a woman like her. Loving, devoted, she had always been there to support him, and to fulfil his needs. He must be going through a late mid-life crisis to clear off with a girl almost young enough to be his grand daughter.”

Mother was ten years younger than father. “He must like them young,” I thought facetiously. I began to consider mother’s looks. Oddly, this was not as easy as it sounds. I loved her with that love a son can have for his mother that has nothing to do with her looks. As a child I used to say to her, “You’re beautiful, mummy,” but the beauty I saw in her was her caring, her loving, and not simply face and figure.

I tried to focus my thoughts on her physical appearance. I had always rejoiced in the way she carried herself – so slim, straight and tall, not like some of my friends mothers, many of whom were fat or scraggily thin, walking with ponderous step or back bowed, slouching along. I was always proud to be seen with her when she occasionally met me after school, or on other occasions when we were out together.

Her hair is ash blonde and cut to shoulder length. Her eyes a fathomless dark brown that always gave me the feeling she was thinking thoughts beyond my reach. Her nose has a little bump in it about halfway down, and her mouth was wide with fairly full lips.

One of her features I had never actually seen properly were her breasts. I had some idea about them because she always wore a two piece swimming costume when swimming They were large without being obscenely big, and the thing that struck me about them was what seemed to be their unusual firmness. Often she would wear a dress or shirt with no support for her breasts underneath, and you could see that they needed no support. She put on bras, as she said, “When I’m being respectable.”

Slender without being thin, she was supported on long legs with finely defined thigh and calf muscles. I thought again, “My fool of a father left all that when scores of men would have prized her.” I later learned that a week after my father departed and the word got around, her next door neighbour called and informed her that they could have “a meaningful relationship.” Mother sent him scurrying back to his wife and three children.

In the midst of thinking about mother and the situation, I drifted off to sleep. I awoke some time in the night. As I came to, I tried to focus on what might have awakened me. Perhaps an extra blast from the storm still raging outside? Some falling limb in the forest? Then as my eyes focused, I saw in the dim light of the hurricane lamp, mother standing by the window staring out into the blackness and storm. She was very still, and rather than invade her reverie, I remained silent. She stood for what seemed to be a long time and I lay watching her profile in the faint light.

Eventually she moved to sit on the couch still looking out at the night, then she made her first audible sound. It was a gasping shuddering intake of breath that foreshadowed the sobs that followed. I knew the moment had come for me to intervene. This was the pent up emotion she had blocked off as she told me earlier of father’s leaving.

I crossed to her and sat beside her putting my arm round her. She leaned into me putting her head on my chest and gave full vent to her grief. Between heart breaking sobs she cried out, “Oh David, David, David.” My love and compassion for her brought me to tears, and I wept with her. I made no effort to stop her weeping, I let her cry herself out as I held her and stroked her face. Her anguish rivaled the storm beating against the cabin outside as illegal bahis siteleri she beat a hand against my chest and cried out in her tear-wracked misery. Finally, and still clinging to me and between the gasping aftermath of her emotional outpourings, she began to speak. As I had thought, she had not told me the full story. Now it began to come out in broken words, interrupted by residual sobs. “He said he had never loved me,” she choked out. “He only married me because I was pregnant. Oh God, David, all the years, all the love, all the love I gave, all the fidelity, oh God, David, David, I want to die. He’s taken my life away…what did I do? Tell me…what did I do not to have his love? Why couldn’t he love me?” Her eyes went to their old bedroom; “We used to…to…” she looked back quickly to stare blindly out of the window again.

“David,” she choked, “For me you have always been the fruit of our love. It wasn’t ugly, David, I promise you. I loved him and wanted him, I gave myself to him and it was exquisite. He was the first man ever and he was so gentle, he did everything he could not to hurt me when he broke through. Why didn’t he love me, David? Can’t you tell me? Can’t someone tell me? Why? When I knew I was pregnant, even though I was only eighteen, I was happy. I didn’t even ask him to marry me; it was he who insisted. Why didn’t he love me, David? I gave him a beautiful child and all the time I thought, ‘This child is beautiful because of the beauty of our love.’ And he never loved me. Oh dear God, he never loved me. He’s broken my heart.”

She clung to me now crying quietly. I had let her cry and talk to a stop. Then, for the first time I spoke. I understood the uselessness of false words of comfort, but I spoke the truth, as I believed it to be. “He loved you mother, and perhaps he is now going to find out how much he loved you and what he has thrown away.” I then said words that rose up out of the depths of my childhood past. Back in those happy times, I would say to mother, “Mummy, when I grow up, I’ll marry you and never leave you.” Perhaps they are words that are said by many sons to their mothers in the days of childhood. Now the words came out as, “I won’t leave you mother.”

I hardly knew why I had said them. Compassion for this broken woman? Or more powerfully, profound love for my mother? I rose and found a towel and brought it to mother. I helped to clear the tears from her saturated face, neck and shoulders. The tears had also run down over her breasts, and looking at them, I became aware of her nakedness – and mine. We had been so caught up in the great storm of naked emotion; our physical nudity had counted for nothing.

I handed mother the towel so that she could continue to wipe herself. When she finished she dropped the towel to the floor, and leaned into me once more. Having now become conscious of our nudity and the vulnerability that this gives rise to, I also became aware of her breasts pressing against me. I tried to ignore this, but for all my effort, my penis began to stiffen. It is extremely difficult when you are with a naked, attractive woman, with her warm flesh pressing against you, to not get aroused, even if that woman is your mother.

Mother lay quietly in my arms for some minutes, staring into space and wrapped in some inner world of thought. After a while she stirred and began, “David, could you…? Would it be…possible? I mean could you bring yourself to…? I won’t ever ask you again, I promise. But just this once… just tonight, my love…” She stopped speaking, unable to say what she wanted to say. I saw the soft sad look in her eyes and this nearly reduced me to tears again.

For a few moments nothing further was said or done, then suddenly she moved to rest her head against the arm of the couch, and drew one leg up onto the seat. In the dim light, I could see her vagina. Her hands reached down to part the outer lips and reveal the inner petals and whispered. “Just for tonight, my darling, console me. Please.”

I moved over on top of her, placed the head of my penis against her sex organ, and entered the warm, sweet world of her womanhood.

There was nothing wild or mad about our sexual communion. I stayed with mother for as long as I could hold back my orgasm. We spoke words of love and endearment. At times I didn’t move in her at all, but simply lay quietly in her, while I stroked her face and kissed her lips, my hand gently squeezing her breasts and nipples.

Mother sighed and said over and over, “Lovely, David, lovely my darling.” Once more, the thought flashed through my brain, “And my father walked out on all this?”

I am not sure if mother had an orgasm. After about half an hour of this sweet and tender lovemaking, I could hold out no longer. As I ejaculated into her I heard mother whisper, “Oh, my love, my darling, I love you so much.” Was that for me, or my father?

We did not share a bed that night, but went back to our own rather narrow single beds. In the morning, I was woken by the sound of mother singing. canlı bahis siteleri I found I was relaxed and at peace, which was surprising given the emotional storms of the night. The storm outside had passed and the sun shone through the trees and I heard the forest birds singing. It was strange, I seemed to see and hear things as if for the first time.

Mother, observing I was awake, came over to the bed and smiled down at me. “Come on lazy. Breakfast. Get out of bed, we’ve got a lot to do today.” She had on one of those shirts she wore with no bra. I could see those lovely nipples thrusting proudly against the cloth, and there flooded back to me the memory of mother and I locked together, loving each other.

I got out of bed and rather tentatively approached the table for breakfast. I was not sure what might result from our night’s activities. Mother, who had gone over to the sink to get something, turned, and I got my first good look at her from a perpendicular position. I was confused. “My God,” I thought, “she’s radiant. Where has the woman gone who sobbed so pitifully in my arms last night?”

Mother looked at me, smiling. “Come on, we’re going out today.” I didn’t ask where because I was too overcome by mother’s appearance. “She’s relaxed and beautiful, she has the look of a woman…” I knew that look. It was the morning after a night of love look. Perhaps you know that look? It is the look of a woman, who has loved and knows she is loved, a woman who has given her body and knows that her gift has been received with tenderness and passion.

Yet our sexual coming together had been so quiet, so gentle, and to give rise to this…? I could not pursue the thought.

I finished breakfast and showered. Mother informed me that our “going out” really meant we were going for a walk through the woods. We went out into the sunshine and started down one of the trails she and I had walked many times before in the past. She took my hand and held on to it as we walked.

Out in the clean rain washed air the rest of the world seemed a million miles away. I felt I could walk forever in the company of this lovely woman whom I had difficulty identifying as my mother. If I had dreamed of a woman I would want to be with like this, she was exactly the one, the dream woman – except, she was reality.

After a couple hours wandering along through the drying forest, we came to a halt. Mother stood, leaning against a tree and I was enchanted by her loveliness set against one of nature’s fairest offerings. I leaned towards her, kissing her on her lips, my hand reaching to touch her breast.

No sooner had I touched her than I pulled back. Last night she had said, “Just this once.” We had not made a single mention of what had happened between us and now I was overstepping the bounds. I had been allowed just once to enter the depths of her female mystery. I, a mere man and her son, had been given that inestimable privilege. What had occurred gave me no right to invade – even violate the wonder that is mother and woman.

“Sorry mother,” I said. She was smiling such a tender, loving smile. It was as if all the beauty of the word was caught up in that smile. “No darling,” she said very gently, “I said I would not approach you again, I did not say you must not approach me.” She slipped out of her panties and undid the front of my trousers and raised her skirt. I entered her as she stood against the tree. In the midst of nature, I was penetrating the source of my being.

That night, and every other night thereafter, we used the double bed. The ghosts had been laid for her by the new focus, not simply of her love – I had always had that – but by the new dimension that love had entered.

We talked and talked, striving to find and reveal the truth. The truth about the feelings we had long had for each other and had hidden, not only from each other, but also from ourselves. I believe this is true for many mothers and their sons, but it is a thought, a desire, that is pushed down into the sub-conscious, there to be held prisoner, unless some traumatic event, such as my father’s departure, frees it from its chains.

Our loving was the most wonderful I had ever experienced, and as the time for us to leave the cabin drew near, I knew I must fight to hold on to this love and the sexual fulfillment it gave. I loved mother and was now so obsessed with her; I could hardly leave her alone.

Everything about her enchanted me, her lovely breasts. The faint smell of roses that came from her sweet body. The taste of her female fluids as I licked and sucked her clitoris. Her tongue running over my penis. Above all, and unlike the first time we came together, the power of her vaginal muscles to pull me into her, grasping me, and drawing out my sperm to flood her.

I had always loved mother, now I was “in love” with her. I knew she felt the same towards me. Indeed, we never seemed to tire of pouring out our love to each other. But the time was approaching when we had to decide what to do after we left the cabin. However I felt about mother I had to return to my work. I was in the very early stages of developing my career, and to mar it now might prove ruinous. The only other viable alternative was for mother to come and live with me.

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Maidie Meets Her Match

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Isabel and I met for dinner at her brother’s restaurant in Old City after she returned from visiting Jimmy in Chicago. I waited at the bar, flirting mindlessly with the cute bartender, until Isabel finally arrived. An achingly beautiful redhead from Costa Rica, Isabel and I had met outside a club on Delaware Avenue, both trying desperately to shake a creepy guy who alternated his attention between me and her. We shared a cab only to discover we lived in the same apartment building, although not for much longer, as Isabel was planning to move to Chicago to be with Jimmy; it was true love, after all.

She was wearing a cropped blazer, snug white tee shirt, and dark denim blue jeans, her deep red hair loose around her shoulders. Classy as always, I thought, although I still felt pretty in my ruffled mini skirt and black tee. We turned heads as we were led to our table, the redhead and the blonde, a dirty joke in motion.

Isabel’s brother sent a bottle of wine to the table and we ordered the specials and chatted as we waited. Isabel was glowing like a woman who was either deeply in love or having great sex; of course, she was lucky enough to have both. She was particularly golden as she regaled me with stories of her week with Jimmy.

“He picked me up from the airport and I wanted him right there, by the baggage carousel.” We laughed. She continued, in her soft accent:

“We stood there hugging for like, twelve minutes. And he was hard and it turned me on so much. Just the feeling of him near my crotch was enough, gosh, we had to get out of there. And we controlled ourselves pretty well until we made it back to his apartment. As soon as we were inside, it was like, boom. Explosive. Clothes were torn off; we barely made it to the bed.”

I smiled behind my wine glass. Jimmy was a lover with simple tastes, a missionary-in-the-bedroom-only kind of guy. Adorable. Blonde. Canadian. As ordinary as Isabel was exotic. But Jimmy was sweet and kind and gentle and absolutely head-over-heels for her. Even the most vanilla sex was thrilling for them.

Isabel ran her fingers through her hair, clearly enjoying the memory. “His hands are so amazing, Maidie. He touches me in the most erotic places: my thighs, the small of my back, my stomach. It was just so good to be touched by him and to touch him again. It was the hungriest sex we’ve ever had, even though I only just saw him a few weeks before. Feeling his body on top of me…wow. I wanted to stay like that forever.”

I crossed my legs and squeezed my thighs together. The vaguest notion of good sex was making me squirm. It had been a while, a month, in fact, and as Isabel began again I made a mental list of possibly booty calls I could make tonight.

“Jimmy’s such a cuddler though, Mae. All about touching and holding afterwards; honestly I think he enjoys that more than the actual sex. It’s just nice. I can feel his love, you know,” and she blushed and we laughed over the sentimentality of the last comment.

“I’m jealous,” I told her, forking a carrot.

“And what about Nick?”

Nick. Yes. I’d nearly forgotten about him. He was the only guy I’ve dated since being out here that I genuinely liked. But we lost contact sometime after Valentine’s Day when we bumped into each other at a bar, he with some friends and me on a date; we hadn’t been exclusively but I think he was hurt by it. After that we had barely spoken. But the mention of his name stirred my interest. He was so cute, tall and well-built, dark hair, good looking in a generic kind of way but with something else about him, a ruggedness, a quiet sexiness that turned me on. Like the guys illegal bahis who worked in the lumber yards back home in Oregon. Nick would be a good lay, I decided, if I could only ignore the fact that I cared about him as well.

I shrugged and changed the subject. “What else did you and Jimmy get into?”

Isabel gave me a look, knowing I was avoiding the topic, but continued anyway. “I woke him up with a blow job,” she said so nonchalantly that I nearly spit out my water.

“It was a lot of fun,” she said with a smirk “When I woke up he was hard but still asleep, and I was horny enough to do it, so I pulled the sheet down and took him out of his boxers and just sucked him for awhile. He didn’t wake up for about 10 minutes, but once he did and realized he wasn’t dreaming, he came like crazy.”

“Hot.” I shifted my tongue around in my mouth; I knew I needed it bad when going down on a guy sounded that appealing. Eventually our conversation drifted away from sex, but I was only half listening. I really wanted to get laid and the thought of Nick aroused old feelings. I drove back to my apartment and sat in my parked car for a few minutes, staring at his phone number on the screen of my cell phone. But I wussed out and scrolled down, finding Paul’s number, the fuck buddy I fooled around with last summer.

Paul loved pussy, with a mouth made for oral sex, and never demanded reciprocation. We chatted for a few moments but when the moment came for me to invite him over, I realized that I didn’t want him in my bed. Didn’t want his mouth on my pussy. Didn’t want him inside me, although I was craving the deepest depth. I said goodbye to a clearly disappointed Paul and went into the apartment.

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Or so the adage goes. I resigned myself to the fact that tonight, since I hadn’t the balls to call the guy I really wanted to see, I’d have to take care of myself. I ran a bath, lit some candles, and put Al Green on the stereo. I felt awkward and terribly unsexy crammed into my too small bathtub, but slowly began to relax as the warmth of the water caressed my skin. I began to admire my body, firm and toned from twelve plus years of ballet but also soft, feminine, and a little fuller since I’d stopped training almost four years ago. My breasts were perky and small, not too small though, a good generous handful, and I liked the way they sat above my flat stomach. I had very little pubic hair, but what little I had I kept trim; being hairless made me feel like a little girl while keeping a little reminded me that I was, after all, a full grown woman. I was fairly average height, just above 5’5”, but my legs were long and I smiled at my tight thighs. Maidie Greer, I said to myself, you are a nice piece of ass.

I don’t know if it was the wine from dinner, the music floating around the apartment, my self-absorbed flattery of my own body, or simply the rhythm of the water between my legs, but I was suddenly very turned on. I closed my eyes and saw Nick. In my fantasy he was bare-chested, revealing the hot body I had watched run along the Schukyll, well defined and lightly covered with dark hair. Hell, in my fantasy, Nick was completely naked, and I filled in the body parts I hadn’t yet seen with those of past lovers: my psycho frat boy boyfriend from freshman year with the amazing legs; Fanda, the cute Czech waiter I had dated in Moscow when dancing there, with the lovely bum; even Paul and his generous penis, as it was the last one I’d come in contact with and therefore my most recent point of reference. Just the though of my naked Nick brought my hands to my breasts, illegal bahis siteleri my fingers pulling at the pink nipples beginning to harden at their touch.

I thought back to another story Isabel had told me over coffee and dessert near the end of our meal which had really gotten me hot and bothered. I simply substituted Nick and me for Jimmy and Isabel. In my version, it was Nick sitting on a chair, mindlessly changing the channels, waiting me to finish showering so we could go get something to eat. I would then come out from the steamy bathroom, barely covered by one of those tiny hotel issue towels. He doesn’t notice me at first, and I begin looking for something to wear. But then I feel Nick’s eyes on me and I meet his gaze, smile and blush, reading his expression, his hungry eyes. I wander over to him, teasing him a bit, but he seizes me by the waist and unwraps me like a present. The towel drops to the floor.

Nick strokes my body with his strong hands and here in the bathtub I mimic his touch with my own softer hands, caressing along my stomach, my legs, my shoulders, my breasts. I imagine his lips on my torso, like Jimmy’s had been on Isabel’s before pulling her into his lap. The craving for depth down there escalated and only in my imagination is it filled, the three fingers that have crawled into me not satisfying my lust for a thick cock. I wanted to ride Nick, to rock back and forth on top of him, and moan as his hands and lips covered my exposed body. I wanted him to pant and groan as he waited for the right moment to release. I heard him murmuring my voice low, from deep in his throat: “Maidie…Maidie…oh yes…oh yes…” and then I was pulled back into reality by the sudden seizure of orgasm that ran up my spine and I was spent, laying still in the tub for a few moments in order to collect myself.

The next day Isabel and I had a date for window shopping in Manayunk. I wore my black Vegas t-shirt and a denim mini-skirt, not expecting to meet the love of my life but hoping to find someone to cure my current bout with horniness. We wandered in and out of shops aimlessly, laughing and chatting and making up secrets about strangers on the street. We bought water ice and ate on a bench which provided a perfect view of the various strangers who were wondering around and providing Isabel and me with our entertainment for the day. We were in the middle of an elaborate story that this clearly embarrassed man walking out of Bendi Jewelers was decidedly buying a present for the bisexual coed he and his wife were having a threesome with later that evening when Isabel stopped, mid-laugh, and licked the dribble of cherry water ice from her chin.

“Look…walking out of the brewery…” I turned my head, expecting to see someone bizarre or tragically ordinary. It was Nick. I turned back quickly and Isabel looked at me with searching eyes.

“I dare you to talk to him,” she said, taking my lemon water ice from my hands “Go.”

I hesitated but ultimately my craving got the best of me. Nick was walking along the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street, hands shoved into his jeans pocket. His orange hat was backwards and bits of his dark brown hair were poking out underneath. He was only wearing a thin white t-shirt next to that beautiful body and the fabric settled into his rippling muscles.

He was stopped at an intersection directly across from where I stood, frozen. I looked back at Isabel; she was watching and gestured with her hands for me to cross the street. But I stared where I was, about to bolt down the street, when Nick met my gaze. I waved sheepishly, feeling the blush creep into canlı bahis siteleri my cheeks. He motioned for me to stay there and crossed over to where I was.

I breathed deeply as Nick came towards me. I tugged on my skirt nervously and smiled weakly. “Hi,” I managed and gave him a quick hug.

“Hey, how’ve you been?” I could’ve died, feeling his body against mine. I nodded and smiled and thanked God for Isabel, who suddenly tapped me on the shoulder.

“I’m going to get out of here,” she said, kissing my cheek. I glared at her and she raised her eyebrows. Nick didn’t notice. “Take care,” she and Nick clasped hands and then she was gone, a mass of red down Main Street.

“It’s been awhile,” Nick said as we walked over to the bench where Isabel and I had been sitting. I nodded again like an idiot. He asked me a few questions about work and by the middle of the conversation I felt like myself, comfortable with Nick, flirty, and dying to seduce him. I touched his arm when we talked, crossed my bare legs to draw attention to them, twirled my long blond hair around my fingers. It’s all so natural with Nick. I can’t help myself around him.

We agreed on dinner the following night and I kissed him goodbye, lingering a little longer on his cheek than I usually would. As I walked down the street I grew frustrated, impatient, even angry at myself for not pushing it further. I turned around to watch Nick leave.

He was still standing there, watching me. All of a sudden I felt powerful, like a surge of sexual energy had reenergized my coquettish nature. We walked slowly towards each other and I took his hand, without a word, and led him to my car.

Somehow I maintained my composure until we were in the kitchen of my apartment, drinking Coronas and laughing at non-jokes. Nick had downed a bottle and a half while I was still nursing my first one, so my feeling of power and control over the situation increased. I cuddled up to him, running my hands beneath his t-shirt, and kissing him quickly and repeatedly on the lips.

Nick nuzzled against my neck and placed his hands on my ass. I rubbed my body against his as he rubbed back. There we were, dry humping in my kitchen. Nick became a little more fresh and put his hands up my skirt. I was soaking through my panties and began pushing him toward the couch, which was the closest available surface. I was on top of him – the best position, as Isabel and I agreed – and was grinding against his hard on. I pulled his shirt off and then my own, and Nick began to claw at my breasts inside their red lace cage. I threw his hat to the floor and leaned down to kiss his mouth. As our tongues found each other his hands found my bra clasp, and when I rose again my boobs were exposed and being caressed by Nick’s free hands.

Our bodies kept rubbing, teasing each other, until finally I couldn’t take it anymore. I got off of Nick and pulled him to my bed by his belt. He followed eagerly and we both tore out of our denim as soon as we reached the foot of my bed. I don’t really know why I insisted on leaving the living room; it must have been Isabel’s Jimmy stories that made me want my first time with Nick to be in my own bed. And suddenly I craved to be beneath him, to feel the weight of his body over mine. I was laying across the width of the bed, watching Nick roll a condom onto his erection and a pang of affection filled my heart.

Just as quickly he was on top of me, our bodies meeting below. And then he kissed me, slowly and lovingly, just before I felt the push of his cock inside my pussy. We rolled around the bed, touching and thrusting and cumming like mad, and the next morning, waking up in his arms, I felt little inclination to push this man out of my bed. Instead, before his eyes opened, I crawled down, took his delicious hard cock in my mouth, and greeted him with the hungriest head of my life.

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The Bradenhams Find Happiness

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Big Tits


Harry Bradenham drove home with his mother sobbing quietly beside him. They had sat up all night with his father until he died quietly just after 10.15 in the morning. When they got home Harry made a pot of strong coffee and urged Virginia to try to eat something.

They sat side by side in silence looking at the garden she so loved. She blew her nose and smiled sadly at him. He put his arm around her and drew her in for a comforting hug. She had always hugged her son when he was sad and now it was his turn to be the comforter. “Harry, may I go to the toilet?” she asked. He had heard her say this a thousand times but never to him. It was always his father who decided if she could relieve herself now or wait until she felt more uncomfortable. He said “Yes” knowing full well that she would respond by asking him if he wanted to watch.

As she unwound herself from him he noticed that she did not look at him. They were both remembering the occasion when his father had realised that Harry was 18 and had never looked at his mother’s sex. She was told that Harry wanted to watch. She tried to raise her skirt so that they could see but it was too tight and she was told take it off completely. As she undid it and let it fall to the floor he realised that she had been wearing stockings and no knickers. He looked at her face and saw her embarrassment. He felt he was participating in a moment of exciting cruelty with the humiliation of his mother. They looked each other in the eye and he realised that her shame caused him more sexual excitement than the sight of her sex.

He was her son and she regretted that he had been put in this embarrassing situation. He now knew that this was how her husband and his friends humiliated her and that he would have to choose whether he would continue to treat her as the mother he loved or join his father’s friends who beat her and fucked her without loving her or even caring for her. She sat down and opened her legs for him to see and after a few moments his father nodded and she let her urine flow.

When she came back he enfolded her in his arms. But there had been a change; when she asked him if she could relieve herself she acknowledged that he was not only her loving son, but also he had inherited her husband’s authority over her body.

His lips met hers and gently it developed into her sucking on his tongue as though it were the small brother of his cock. Instead of filling her mouth with his sperm they exchanged their saliva as a demonstration of their intimate love for each other.

His hands began squeezing her breasts and then he began undoing the buttons of her blouse. When the last button was undone she undid the front catch of her bra for him. Her breasts were now presented for his pleasure. He caressed them so lightly with only his finger tips and then he kissed her nipples. Her mind went back to the time when her baby gave her so much joy while he sucked at her breast. He was three before her milk ran out. He had teeth by then and had learned how to bite her nipples enough to hurt but not too much. Now here he was kissing her breasts and sucking at her nipples. She knew that this gentleness would be part of her future but she also knew that within a few weeks he would have her tied upside down so that he could whip the underside of her breasts. As she thought about it she became aware that her juices were beginning to flow between her thighs.

She expected him to begin by pushing her head down to take his fully erect cock in her mouth. But he chose to excite her with his fingers and tongue. His fingers found her clitoris and began to masturbate her. He was gentle but firm and was clearly familiar with women’s genitals. He continued his attentions to her clitoris and added to her breathless delight by beginning to suck at her labia and explore her sex with his tongue. None of the other men who had used her cunt had made her so anxious to please them. She wanted to have an orgasm that would show him how much she loved him and the delight he brought her. But she could not cross the line between gasping with excitement and tipping over into orgasm. She was missing the pain. For the last twenty years she had not had an orgasm without a man inflicting pain, even agony, on her and it slowly dawned that the pain that men forced on her was necessary for her to reach her own orgasms.

“Darling, I am so sorry, I don’t think I am going to come. I need to have my lover hurt me before I can come.” She found it hard to confess to her son how little self-respect his mother had been forced to live with.

“Stay there. Keep your legs open.”

He came back with a jar of black pepper corns from the kitchen. “I am going to put two of these up your clit and I want you to masturbate your clit and have an orgasm in ten minutes from now. If you don’t make it I will take over and you will really know pain.” He checked his watch and returned to licking her labia.

She had never had to inflict pain illegal bahis on herself before and this was really painful. When someone whipped her there was a moment of intense pain and then a pause that allowed her to prepare for the next stroke. But with this, the pain was constant. Men had pulled, stretched and twisted her clitoris before but this was different. As soon as she squeezed her clit it was agonising but when she stopped squeezing and twisting the pain went on inside her. She knew he was confident that she would try hard enough to achieve her orgasm. He trusted her to endure the all the pain she needed to achieve her goal. She squeezed and twisted until she almost fainted but with her agony and her son’s skill in licking inside her vagina she made it with two minutes to spare. And her orgasm was so long and so brilliant she almost fainted again.

“I don’t want you to keep them up you too long. You can piss them out or gradually squeeze them down the passage.”

“Would you do it, please, my darling son, my lover, my owner, my master.

“I’ll answer to ‘my darling son’ or to ‘my lover’. I want to talk to you and Granny Dorothy about all this tomorrow. But now I want to enjoy your sex. Lie on the floor with your legs open. First, I am going to clear your clitoris and it is going to hurt. Then I am going to let you feel my cock up your vagina before I transfer to your mouth and you will receive the first of many deliveries of my sperm”.

Once again he caressed her clitoris gradually twisting and squeezing it harder and harder until she was squealing with pain. He then eased the two pepper corns out of her. She was bleeding from her clitoris and he let her blood run down over her labia and on down to her anus where he had placed a couple of towels from the kitchen to prevent a stain on the carpet.

She hardly felt him introduce his cock into her. He gently made love to her and she picked up his rhythm. “I am almost on the cusp. May I come?”

“I should regard it as honour if my mother comes the first time I make love to her.” They continued their rhythm and she reached her climax. This time there were no cries of delight, no grunting or squealing – just deep breathing and silent joy. It was as though the energy of her orgasm had surged deep within her whole body.

He withdrew and she did not need to be told to take his cock in her mouth. There was no haste in his enjoyment of her mouth. She made no resistance when he touched the back of her throat and he made no effort to avoid making her choke and cough as he reached his climax and filled her mouth with his sperm. She prevented most of it going down her throat and was able to taste his gift to his mother in the joy of knowing he would be regularly using her mouth for his pleasure – and hers.

As they lay half naked on the living room floor they realised that they had hardly had any sleep the previous night and they would be more comfortable in bed. “My bed. I like to keep things simple and I do not want to wake up with all that bondage and whipping gear around me. Just now I only want to caress your sex and make my cock familiar with the third pleasurable entrance to your body. Let’s get some sleep and in the morning I’ll begin with your bottom.”


She woke up the next morning with a pair of firm hands manipulating her breasts. As she lay half aware of her surroundings the hands became more insistent and began to squeeze and twist her nipples to wake her up. “Good morning , mother darling. Suck my cock.” She went to do as she was told but he did not intend to have her lying beside him. She was to kneel astride him. His cock was rock hard even before she took it into her mouth but he did not thrust it into her. He lay still and let her take it into her mouth as deep as she could without choking. She was conscious that for the first time he had a clear view of her arsehole.

Although she had not been whipped recently her bottom still showed signs of the beatings she had received before Richard went into hospital. Harry stroked her bottom and then introduced one finger into her anus and then a second. He had not used any lubrication and his two fingers inside her felt uncomfortable. “Now I want you to turn round and kneel with your face into the pillow and your arms above your head. I want to watch my cock going up your back passage.”

He finished and she washed traces of blood and shit off his cock. When she was sure it was clean she took it into her mouth and kneeling on the bathroom floor she gave her son his second orgasm of the day.


Harry’s grandmother arrived at ten o’clock, just as she said she would. Harry took her bag up to her bedroom and helped her settle in. Although she was almost seventy he found her still quite attractive. She dressed well, did plenty of exercise, and took care of her hair and make-up. He had always been fond of her and although he knew how his father and grandfather had both regularly used her (often at the illegal bahis siteleri same time) he had been no more intimate with her that the occasional hug of his grandmother. He had intended to just put her bag in the bedroom but she asked his to help unpack. He passed dresses, skirts and jackets to her and she hung them up carefully. Next came her stockings, bras and knickers. She was watching for his reaction. He took the bit of her knickers that went between her legs and caressed it for a moment. She smiled and he took her in his arms and gave her a long wet kiss.

When she could speak she asked him what he wanted from her, what their relationship should be. Before he answered he gave her another long saliva kiss and sat her down beside him on her bed. “I should like to be your lover. I would like to be free to enjoy your body at any time and in any place. That will include feeling your breasts and clitoris and I want you to be happy to receive my cock in your cunt, your mouth and your bottom. I intend to whip mother regularly and you as well. I like to watch mum on the lavatory and I should like you to ask my permission before you use the lavatory and when I allow you to go I want you to invite me to watch.

She took his hand and kissed it. “I would be happy to be your slave – after all I have been a slave to two of your ancestors – although Granddad William did love me and I would have done anything for him. I would be happy to be your sex slave but I am much happier to be your lover.”


When they went downstairs Virginia had got the coffee on and they sat down to plan Richard’s funeral. No one actually used the word but they agreed that they wanted the cheap version. The smaller chapel at the crematorium, recorded music and a couple of hymns that everyone would know. It would be nice if someone from the office would say a few kind words and one of his friends. He did not have many friends these days and they quickly agree to ask ‘The Colonel’. They would see the coffin off and leave for lunch at the best local pub.

Virginia thought the turnout might be larger than they expected. Both Dorothy and she had friends locally and a number of them would want to come and support the grieving mother and widow. Finally they opted for a wake at home with professional caterers – more flexible.

Over lunch Harry said that he thought his dad had had a lot of friends. “Certainly a lot of people used to come to the house to swap and beat their wives.”

“Including me and Dorothy. It was fine at first but Richard could not distinguish between friends and free riders. The idea was that every man would bring a woman and allow other men to enjoy her. But Richard was not firm enough and some men started to turn up on their own. And they were not very nice types. They beat us without having any affection for us; sometimes not even knowing our names. Basically women haters. One evening there were too many men and they started beating me but they went too far. Even when I screamed the safeword Richard did not stop them beating me. I went into shock and it just made them laugh. Thank God that The Colonel was there. He stopped them, untied me and wrapped me in warm blankets until I stopped trembling.

Dorothy and I told Richard that we would not be attending any more of his fun evenings. He kept inviting people but without us there was very little to attract men. He received a few invitations to other people’s parties and even those few dried up. His last five years were lonely and very sad.”

“The Colonel had a crush on Dorothy and he was the only person who would do a swap with Richard. His wife Martha, aka Mofflin, said they were some of the most boring evenings of her life – he just whined to her about how your grandma Dorothy had been left 75% of the business by his father and he got only 25% and how no woman worth having wanted anything to do with him.”

“To finish off our discussion” said Harry, “I should like to talk to you this evening about my relations with the two of you and try to make some rules so that you and I know how we stand. Drinks at 7.00 this evening, a light dinner from 7.30.”


Planning the Future

“Here’s to a happy future for the three of us.” “Cheers!”

“Yesterday my mother asked me if she could go to the lavatory. I assumed that she saw me as inheriting the privileges my father had over her. She then agreed to sleep in my bed and I had orgasms in her sex, her mouth and her bottom. So, mum, can I assume that I may use your body for your pleasure and mine, regularly, freely and exclusively?”

“Yes you can, my darling.”

“And you, granny. Do I have your agreement that I may use your body for your pleasure and mine, regularly, freely and exclusively?”

“I am 69 and I am so relieved to be invited to be part of your future. Thank you, darling.”

“Perhaps I should have told you what I expect from you before you declared your willingness to submit to me. I expect canlı bahis siteleri that both of you will undress when I tell you to, you will allow me total access to your breasts, bottoms and your three orifices where I love to insert my fingers, tongue and cock into your bodies.

I propose to beat both of you regularly and firmly. I used to know and love you both when I was a boy. But I have grown up, you have changed and I need to get to know you both again. I suggest that I will not start beating you for one month after dad’s funeral.

I love to whip women and I love to see that they will go through serious pain and helpless submission just to please me and make my erection stiff even though they know I may thrust it into another woman. You remember the story about how I first saw mother’s sex? She noticed that my erection was so stiff because of her humiliation and not because I could see her private parts for the first time.

Just a word on vocabulary. I am not your master or your owner; I know that my dad liked to call you both names like ‘slave’, ‘cunt’ or ‘whore’. This may have been be acceptable if he had loved you but he did not love mum and I don’t think he loved you, Gran, very much either. I should like to call you Gran or Dorothy or my lover or any other term of affection.

I think that ‘Mum’, ‘Virginia’ and ‘dearly beloved’ would be the preferred kind of address for you mum. As for me, I think ‘Harry’, ‘son’ and possibly ‘Mr Wonderful’ have the right tone.”

After they had eaten, Harry asked the women to remove their knickers and hand them to him. His mother had some difficulty taking them down as her skirt was rather tight to show off the beautiful curves of her bottom. She had to remove her whole dress. “I do like you in your stockings and bra”. Harry said. “But I think we should have a rule that knickers would be allowed with trousers but not with skirts.”

“I should now like to introduce you to a new piece of furniture I commissioned from a friend.” In front of the log fire was a new piece of furniture the women had never seen. He pulled a large sheet away to reveal a beautifully crafted wooden platform with a padded top covered with reddish brown leather. Mother, I should like you to lie face down on my bondage deck. Hands above your head and legs together.”

“This is what I dream of. A beautiful middle aged lady with a slim waist and a bottom to dream of”. He sat running his hand from her waist to her knees rejoicing in his mother’s bottom. He parted her buttocks and gently stroked her anus. “My fingers have explored this puckered beauty and my cock has stretched it and deposited the sperm from the first of many orgasms as far up there as it can reach.”

“Now turn over and show us your breasts, clitoris and beautiful eyes”. “Dorothy, I want you to lick out her cunt and then suck her clitoris until you make her come.” His mother anticipated his next action. She turned her face towards him and opened her mouth. His cock was out and he slowly took control of her mouth and throat. He enjoyed adding thrust when her breath came in shorter and shorter gasps as her Dorothy brought her clitoris to orgasm.

“Now I want to explore the private parts of my new lover. Virginia, please sit up and watch her undressing.”

“When I am undressed, may I use the toilet?” “No. I have only just started undressing you. Virginia, please fetch a set of the cruellest nipple clamps and put one her clitoris. Dorothy watched the clamp being attached with fear. She had not expected him to be so cruel. “Right, Dorothy, please take off your dress and give it to my mother. She will remove your bra and stocking.” When she was undressed he sat her on the bondage deck and felt her breasts. They were impressively large and still showed signs of the whippings and torture she had received in this very room. She could not help shivering with the fear that her new ‘lover’ would enjoy inflicting pain on her. He caressed her breasts very firmly; it was uncomfortable, but not painful. He reached down to her sex and was pleased to discover it was very wet. She sucked his fingers clean.

Virginia, I want you to suck her cunt. I will see how good she is at sucking cock. We need to take the clamp off her clit in about two minutes. He knelt astride her face and began to fuck her throat. She coughed and spluttered but it did not disturb his rhythm. He nodded to Virginia to remove the clamp. The blood rushed back into her clitoris, she tried to scream but he was blocking her throat. She writhed and grunted until Virginia’s tongue up her cunt made her come and he made her choke on his sperm.

Harry told her she could use the toilet but she had to open her legs wide so that he and Virginia could see.

A bright May morning.

Virginia was woken by the insertion of his thumb into her anus and three fingers into her sex. It was one of her favourite sensations to feel his fingers and thumb stroking each other through the divide between her anus and vagina. She no longer asked her lover if she could come, he had told her that he loved to feel the tremors in her sex and he was pleased that these days she could have an orgasm because he loved her and not because he whipped her.

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