Robin, l’amant choisi par mon mari.

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Anal Solo

Robin, l’amant choisi par mon mari.Robin nous a rejoint directement à la chambre d’hôtel, ou nous avons fait connaissance. Un grand black cuivré, souriant, au crane lisse comme tout le corps, ce que je découvrirais à peine plus tard, tout à fait gentleman bien élevé. Lui me connaissait déjà par JF, il avait eu le temps de murir son désir. Il cherchait une maîtresse et JF lui a proposé sa femme.Faire l’amour devant le mari, c’était une première qu’il a eu envie de vivre. Les présentations, les bises, et déjà les compliments. « Votre mari m’avait montré des photos mais réellement vous êtes plus que charmante ». Il a continué sur le même ton le temps de quelques bulles accompagnées des chocolats qu’il avait apportés en plus d’un joli bouquet.Faire connaissance, se séduire, le temps d’apprécier l’un et l’autre le choix proposé par JF, l’ordonnateur de cette soirée libertine.Il me plait et je sais que c’est réciproque, cela se ressent en peu de temps et JF déjà me jette un regard de connivence, il sait que la soirée sera délicieusement coquine.Dès que JF s’éloigne discrètement au fond de la suite, Robin se rapproche de moi tout en restant attentif à la présence de mon mari, il mesure ses gestes. Il me prend la main en m’offrant de mordre un chocolat, et glisse un baiser dans ma nuque, un frisson léger me parcours le corps. L’autre morceau de chocolat et nouveau baiser dans le cou, une main sur mon genou glisse vers ma cuisse, à peine. Il lance un sourire que je rends en inclinant le visage, nos regards se croisent, il m’embrasse, on s’enlace. Tout en déposant ses lèvres sur mes épaules il me déshabille lentement, délicatement. Nous sommes face à nos envies. Son parfum me plait suave et sauvage. Bel homme à mon goût. Il défait un par un chaque bouton du chemisier et continue ses baisers sur mes épaules, mes bras ou mes mains. Ne rencontrant aucune réprobation dans l’attitude de JF dissimulé dans la pénombre de la suite, Robin s’enhardie définitivement. Quand il dégrafe le soutient gorge, il s’arrête, contemple, et me félicite pour ma poitrine ronde et douce. Il en fait le tour d’une main, l’autre sur mon épaule avant que son visage se penche et qu’il embrasse chaque sein et entre les deux en enfonçant son visage. Sa peau est douce, il est délicat avec mes tétons tout comme j’aime. Puis il se relève et m’embrasse à pleine bouche après un sourire radieux.Je défais les boutons de sa chemise et pose mes mains sur ses muscles et sa peau lisse et ferme. Ensuite il m’allonge plus haut sur le lit, retire la jupe avant la culotte, mes chaussures étaient déjà au sol. Nue face à lui, couchée sur le dos, il m’observe et me complimente, « que vous êtes belle Muriel », et faisant mine de se tourner vers JF mais en me regardant droit dans les yeux « vous ne m’avez pas menti ou plutôt si un peu, Muriel est plus attirante encore en naturel ».Je me redresse pour défaire la ceinture de son pantalon, que je glisse au sol. Je lui laisse le soin de se défaire des chaussettes et des chaussures et je me charge finalement du boxer. C’est une sorte de satisfaction de découvrir le dessin du sexe bandé simplement par les premiers contacts tout juste un baiser et des regards. Je suis impressionnée par la dimension qui se dessine. Je fais glisser l’élastique en prenant soin de ne coincer ni déformer le membre gonflé, tendu… Mon fantasme à portée de main,… de bouche… Il reste debout, moi assise. Je m’occupe de son plaisir.Progressivement je me détends et je sens que Robin apprécie, il souffle plus fort et entame une sorte de va et vient prudent. Il fait attention à ne rien brusquer, à ne pas m’effrayer et surtout bahis firmaları à ne pas s’imposer….il me laisse le temps d’accepter et de prendre confiance en lui. Le temps de s’allonger l’un contre l’autre arrive et j’aime sa manière de m’enlacer, de me caresser et de glisser son sexe contre mon ventre, entre mes cuisses ou sur mes seins. J’ai l’impression de ne rien peser entre ses bras tellement il me tourne, me soulève avec facilité pour embrasser chaque parcelle de mon corps. Ses mains sont partout à la fois douces et discrètement curieuses.Cette auscultation produit un effet sensible sur son membre qui durcit et se rigidifie encore en se redressant contre son ventre. Je cède à mon envie de le gouter, de le sucer et contempler la fente du gland qui va s’ouvrir sur le fluide lubrifiant. Je masturbe, suce, goute et observe, tout en m’excitant de mon propre pouvoir sur mon amant. Je pense déjà aux sensations qui m’attendent à la pénétration…je sais les effets si particuliers de ce membre associés a cet amant attentif. Je lui plais et, à cet instant, cet homme là est amoureux de sa maîtresse, de la femme qu’il reçoit en cadeau, il veut montrer qu’il a envie de moi, il veut me faire jouir, il veut que mon mari sache qu’il apprécie d’avoir été choisi et qu’il va être attentif a mes plaisirs, fier de sa virilité arrogante. Robin est vraiment un beau fantasme, la silhouette, la peau, le comportement et le sexe robuste. Je m’abandonne volontiers, j’ai envie d’être à lui, envie de partager nos excitations sans retenue. Je sais, je ressens les regards de JF, il me voit toute disponible, toute heureuse et réjouie d’être l’amante de ce bel étalon.On se complète à merveille, nos envies se rejoignent, nos excitations se partagent totalement. Alors on roule, on s’embrasse, je le suce, il visite ma fente de sa bouche, l’ouvre de ses doigts et bientôt il me pénètrera. Je suis trempée d’excitation, je lui tends mon sexe pour qu’il boive ma mouille abondante. Qu’elle excitation de sentir sa langue me lécher puis l’entendre ensuite déglutir, boire, alors que ses lèvres pincent mon clito. Je le serre et enfonce sa tête entre mes cuisses ouvertes sur ma fente offerte ou j’arrache les draps ou m’agrippe au matelas en criant, en gémissant, en couinant mes extases. Cuisses ouvertes, jambes relevées en totale impudeur, je veux ce mâle en moi.Je veux montrer combien je suis comblée par Robin, que JF me voit fondre et me donner. Je me donne en effet, mon bassin se soulève, se balance pour aller au devant des envies de mon amant, mes seins se tendent durs à ses regards, à ses mains, ou ma croupe s’offre, sexe ouvert.Robin sait me combler et me fait vivre plusieurs orgasmes tremblant sans me laisser respirer, juste du bout de ses doigts et de sa langue.Malgré tout, un instant, j’ai besoin de souffler un peu ….et mon visage sur son ventre je regarde, j’observe, je me délecte de son membre imposant. Mon fantasme toujours exacerbé par la taille que je vais recevoir tout à l’heure…JF se caresse en regardant ma bouche déformée par la grosse queue que je suce et masturbe. Quelle excitation que ce regard échangé ! Notre amour pervers en résumé.Perversité totale entre tous en effet, je suce un autre devant mon mari et tous on s’excite de ce jeu, Robin aussi perçoit ce sentiment étrange de se laisser faire devant le mari de celle qu’il va prendre.On attend encore le moment de la pénétration, ce moment si particulier quand même ou je deviens la proie offerte, ce moment de l’abandon définitif, ce moment ou l’amant devient maître.Je le veux, je veux être prise, il le sait, le ressent, dans mes tremblement, kaçak iddaa mes mouvements sans équivoque. Je fini par demander « viens, viens, entre ! »Alors je m’offre, sur le dos, jambes ouvertes, lui se dresse au dessus de moi, approche son gros dard tout gonflé, tout raide d’envie. Il regarde ma foune ouverte, je me saisi de son membre pour le guider, et doucement, toutes nos émotions concentrées au même endroit, on regarde le membre qui entre, qui s’infiltre, glisse et s’englouti. Mon petit cri tête renversée, je le reçois en moi. Que c’est bon ! que c’est bon ! J’aime cette sensation d’abandon, la puissance du mâle, être dilatée, remplie et jouir des frottements, des mouvements de ses cuisses sur les miennes, de ses boules sur mes fesses et de nos regards qui ne se quittent pas. Il me baise comme je savais, comme j’espérais, toute entière à cet amant aimant. Il me veut du bien, veut me donner tous les plaisirs. Il scrute mes réactions, mes soupirs, mes gémissements, mes cris, les mouvements de mon visage, de mes cuisses et de mon ventre à l’intérieur ou son sexe s’enfonce ou recule. C’est bon et je dois l’affirmer la dimension du sexe y est aussi pour quelque chose.On prend tout le temps des plaisirs, on déguste, on se plait, on profite, on calme, on reprend plus ardant, sans mot, juste mes vibrations, mes souffles, mes soupirs, mes frissons pour le guider. Je souffle en rythme comme une petite chienne quand il m’astique et me lime. Puis il me fait jouir, il le sait par mes petits cris et les mouvements internes de mon vagin. « Continue encore !» Je ne veux pas qu’il arrête pour autant, j’en veux encore. Alors il me donne, plaqué au fond de mon ventre, son membre me bourre et maintenant me défonce avec vigueur. Excitée davantage impossible !Que c’est bon le sexe ! Que c’est fou la tête à l’envers ! Je suis à prendre toute entière, je suis à lui comme une folle excitée. Ma foune suce, absorbe, aspire, sa grosse bite. Nos sueurs coulent, ma mouille se répand sur nos cuisses, nos ventres claquent à ses mouvements…et là je le sens venir. Je m’agrippe a Robin, tremblante, en sueur et mouillée, je l’encourage « viens, viens, viens ! »Il se couche de tout son poids sur moi, passe ses bras sous mon dos, mes fesses dans ses mains. Il se crispe, se tend, se raidi totalement. Il écrase mon clito, mes cuisses, mes seins et le fond de mon vagin. Il enfonce un doigt dans mon anus et son visage dans mon cou, il râle et là on explose ! Accouplés !Mains et pieds à la retourne, tétanisée sous le mâle, je jouis de son éjaculation. Ses spasmes de spermes tapissent mon ventre et le chauffe. Un éclair fulgurant dans la tête, perte instantanée de conscience…ai-je crié ? Je ne sais plus, je ne respirais plus…partie, disjonctée, anéantie.Je tremblais convulsivement, m’a raconté JF plus tard. Le drap trempé de mouille, oui j’ai poussé un cri de folle qu’il ne me connaissait pas…Robin me repose sur le lit en se dégageant de mon antre, je lui souris dans nos mouvements, comme au ralenti. Je ne sais plus ou je suis, tout est blanc, souffle profond…Je reviens à la vie après cette extase formidable ! Impudeur de l’inconscience, je reste jambes écartées, sexe à l’orifice ouvert et luisant. Je sens s’écouler le trop plein de semence blanche. Bras relevés au dessus du visage, je regarde hébétée les deux hommes penchés sur moi.Quel orgasme ! Quel orgasme…. !On pourrait en mourir ?… n’y suis pas prête mais quelle belle fin si elle arrive dans 100 ans…sourire.Quelques bulles pour me ressusciter. JF embrasse mes mains et Robin plus loin se rassure, je ne suis pas morte ! Lui non plus n’avait jamais vécu kaçak bahis une telle onde de choc…JF fait servir un buffet léger. La femme de chambre pas troublée pour un sous, retape le lit, change les serviettes et nous salue en sortant. M’envie-elle, me plaint-elle, ou bien elle s’en fiche…une autre histoire…Plus tard je gouterais encore un peu de cet amant étonnant, trop envie de lui. Je suis insatiable ! Rire.Tous deux allongés sur le côté, Robin, dans mon dos, me prend. JF nourri sa libido au spectacle érotique que joue sa femme faisant l’amour avec l’amant qu’il lui a choisi. Le gros gourdin de Robin enfonce et écarte mon orifice de femelle, ses boulles glissent sur ma cuisse, mon visage grimace mes jouissances, mes seins l’un après l’autre enveloppés et écrasés par la main de mon amant ardant, l’autre main passée sous mon corps serre ma hanche ou titille mon clito et l’entrée encombrée de mon sexe. Tous deux épilés, les sexes qui s’emboitent confèrent une autre dimension érotique, plus enivrante, plus fascinante.J’aime particulièrement cette position ou l’amant me chauffe tout le dos de son corps, et dispose de ses mains devant. Il est crispé, lui aussi, sous l’excitation de nos peaux en contact total, nos corps joints, jambes mélangées et les plaisirs intenses qu’on se donne. Je prends aussi les boulles de Robin que je tapote et la base de son sexe que je caresse. Coquine, friponne, malicieuse, espiègle, j’excite mon amant…Il m’embrasse dans le cou, souffle dans ma nuque, pendant que je souris à JF, perversité à son comble. L’un me réjouit, l’autre mate et s’excite.JF observe nos deux visages et vit avec nous les sensations de plaisirs qui naissent de nos sexes fusionnés. Tout mon corps vibre des jouissances de mon amant et des échanges de regards et de sourires pervers avec mon mari. Robin aussi est excité par la présence de JF qui le regarde prendre sa femme. Il me bourre, me fourre avec minutie par de grands coups de reins sonores et ses mains me plaquent contre lui. Il faut se lâcher ! Robin me prend. ! On jouit, on grogne encore. Intense et brutal, son feu me transperce, son jus tapisse mon vagin. Robin se retire délicatement en m’embrassant langoureusement, je savoure ce coït en lui offrant ma bouche, deux vrais amants, je caresse doucement ses fesses rebondies. Il est temps de me tourner vers JF, mon mari Je reste offerte, allongée sur le dos, cuisses encore ouvertes, appuyée sur mes coudes, il se penche sur moi.Il a gardé intact l’énergie de son désir pour me prendre à la suite…Notre accouplement pervers de couple libertin je le veux aussi. Robin comprend et s’éclipse vers la salle de bain. A cet instant je suis profondément perverse, aguicheuse, vraie salope.Je veux mon mari à la suite, sans attendre. Je veux que mon corps passe d’un sexe à un autre sexe.Je m’offre à mon mari, prise l’instant précédent par Robin.Mon antre va se remplir d’un autre jus. JF plonge en moi, mon sexe dilaté et ensemencé reçoit le sien tout raide…Il coulisse dans mes liquides, mouille et sperme, avec des sons pornographiques qui nous transcendent. Je le veux lui, si, là, maintenant ! Mon cœur bat toujours fort, mon souffle à peine calmé, pourtant je suis prête à le recevoir, à être baisée encore, être prise sans attendre.Recevoir un autre sexe tout dur sans briser le rythme des désirs, des excitations. Je suis excessive, désireuse d’être palpée et transpercée encore, continuer le même plaisir, les mêmes excitations, les mêmes mouvements érotiques.Sur le grill, à point donc, on n’attend pas. Il me fait jouir, mon excitation déjà au sommet ! Que j’aime comme il m’aime et me baise profond tant je suis ouverte, épanouie, chaude! Je lui donne mes larmes de bonheur au moment fatidique…Baisée, satisfaite et amoureuse de son homme, voilà la femme que je suis dans cette petite mort…je m’endors dans ses bras.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A February Party

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


A February PartyThis happened in February, at a big party, with a couple of hundred people, held in a big repurposed industrial space.I’d had several glasses of wine. Loud music was playing and I was dancing with these two rather handsome guys. Our bodies were gyrating, moving, touching and getting quite close. I was getting very aroused, as they were both very attractive, and the atmosphere of the party seemed sexually charged.One guy started kissing me as we danced and we moved closer together. The second guy moved closer too, from behind, and cupped my breasts. I could feel his hard cock against me ass through the fabric of our clothes.Soon both of them were massaging my breasts, one kissing my mouth passionately, wile the other was kissing my neck. I felt the shoulder straps of my dress being pulled down, but I was just so oblivious to everything but this sweet hot sensation that I didn’t care!My eyes were closed illegal bahis and I let them undress me in the middle of this crowded room with the music playing as they continued to kiss and caress me as we swayed to the music. I felt my dress fall in a puddle of silk around my feet. One guy was behind me, cupping my breasts as he kissed my neck – I could feel his hard cock against my ass cheeks – another was in front sucking my nipples, as he dipped his hand down into my panties… I widened my thighs and let him… They kissed and caressed and fondled me in the middle of the floor, music playing… more men gathering close… they ran their hands over my body… sucked and caressed my breasts… dipped their fingers into my pussy… my wet dripping pussy…I felt cocks brushing against me… I reached out, feeling for them, grasping, taking hold, and stroking them, I felt like I was in heat with desire.They picked illegal bahis siteleri me up and took me to a couch – a sort of bench that was upholstered, with no arms or backrest. They laid me down… I just let them have me!The first guy climbed between my thighs and and guided his cock into my steaming hot wet pussy. I was so ready for him! I shouted out “Yes!” as he plunged in. He fucked me, while the others gathered round, cocks out. They massaged and sucked my breasts and stroked my hair… Women were there to, watching with curiosity, whispering amongst themselves, pointing and making comments… After the first guy finished, cumming in me, another took his place, followed by another… One after another they fucked me, and I just lay there taking it… my pussy was being adored by hard cocks, and I was in a dreamy delirium of ecstasy… At one point one guy went down and started eating my pussy, canlı bahis siteleri which was full with several loads of cum… It was wonderful as he sucked on my and he made me cum… Then he rolled me over and took me from behind, grabbing my hips and fucking me real hard. He banged me for a good long time, while I rubbed my clit between my legs and came again, squirting juices over his balls.After he came, a couple of more guys fucked me that way, and then I was on my back again, legs up and wide, taking more cock, as the evening wore on in a blur. Lots of people were standing around, drinks in hand, watching, cheering, and laughing. I had become the main entertainment at the party!Eventually it ended. I lay there with my legs open wide, soaking pussy covered in cum. Hubby was by my side, holding my hand. He kissed me and licked some of the cum of my tits and tummy, which made me laugh. Then he had the last fuck before bundling me up and driving me home. I found my dress, but I have no idea were my panties went.Hubby said I had 22 men that night besides himself. I’m glad he was there to keep track! My husband is a sweetie, and he takes good care of me. 🙂

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Wife’s Birthday Surprise Gay

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Wife’s Birthday Surprise GayI have to admit that my wife, Joline, has always been more adventurous than I, especially sexually. First let me describe her. She’s about 5’8″ tall 140lbs., long, flaming red hair, large, soft brown eyes, freckles all over her body, a magnificent derriere, and 36c breasts with large pink areola and nipples. She’s a goddess who can turn the world on with her smile. She has introduced me to things I never thought I’d try, like exhibitionism, and mild bondage and discipline. But last week on my 30th birthday I was introduced to a whole new level of sexuality. Earlier that morning, before I left for work she promised me a night that I would never forget and did she ever deliver! Any way when I returned home that evening I found a note on the kitchen table that asked me to shower and manscape then to wait for her in the bedroom undressed. I day dreamed my way through the shower wondering what she had in mind, manscaping I was sure to have sex, then I dried off and waited patiently on the bed as she had requested. After a short time she entered the room wearing her sexiest black negligee. The mere sight of her made the blood rush from my head. She approached the bed and told me to just close my eyes, lie back on the bed and extend my arms over my head and she would take care of everything. I acquiesced, blissfully thinking of what she might do to me when I felt the cold steel being put around my wrist and heard it being snapped around the bedpost. I was startled for a moment and then I just decided to go with the flow and offered up my other wrist, which she skillfully tied to the other bedpost with one of my ties. She said to just keep my eyes closed and that she would tell me when to open them. When finally I was allowed to open them, I received the shock of my life. There to my horror at the foot of the bed was a naked man with what looked to be a 7 inch erection and my wife standing there with the video camera. “What the . . .” I managed to stammer out.”Relax,” she said. “Remember last month when you asked me what it felt like to be fucked by a man? Well my dear, tonight you’re gonna find out. This is my second cousin James, he’s gay so I asked him to do me this favor. And he said that he would love to bust your cherry.”I struggled to get up, but it was no use because of the restraints on me. My head was spinning, my heart was pounding in my throat both from the fear of trying to take something that large up my ass and the excitement of trying to do so. Finally I calmed down enough to speak. “Alright but only under 2 conditions. That he wear a rubber and that he stops when I say to stop.””Okay,” James illegal bahis spoke up,” where’s the condoms and the k-y jelly?” Joline just pointed to the nightstand beside our bed while holding the camera to her eye and recording everything. James got out a package, opened it, and unrolled it down his shaft with a little difficulty because of its size. That dick had to be over 2 inches in diameter. James saw my trepidation and tried to calm me down. “Relax,” he said, “you’ll be fine.”He put a pillow under my ass and told me to bring my knees up and to spread them wide. I complied, at which point he climbed up on to the bed and liberally smeared k-y on his condom and his middle finger. He added a little more jelly to his finger then he ran his lubed finger around my asshole. After a few moments he pushed his finger inside. The coldness of his finger with lube felt very strange but not uncomfortable. The he stated to slowly push his finger in and out and to move it up and down and from side to side, trying to loosen me up for the main event. I think that I even began to enjoy it a little. “You sure are tight,” he said, “but you’ll make it.” Then he withdrew his finger and climbed up on the bed till his face was directly over mine. “Are you ready?” I replied yes, at which point he placed my ankles on his shoulders and put the head of his prick at my rear entrance. Slowly, carefully, he began to push forward. I felt my sphincter stretch to the limit trying to accommodate this intruder. He struggled to get the large mushroom head of his cock inside me and I felt a sharp, burning pain down there like I was being ripped apart. “Stop!” I cried. I felt the invader quickly withdraw from my nether regions. My body was trembling and my legs were weak from the shock of the pain. But James wasn’t about to let me off that easily. After a few more moments to let me calm down, James once again placed the tip of his cock against my asshole. He looked down at me and I said “okay.” Once again I felt his cockhead push past the objections of my sphincter and into my rectum. This time there was a little less pain. I looked up at him and weakly nodded my consent. I could feel inch after inch of his dick slowly sliding into me, stuffing my bowels. I began to feel a deep, severe cramp as my rectal walls strained to contain his massive prick. But I gritted my teeth and held on. I wasn’t about to quit now. Finally I felt his balls grinding against my ass, I knew that I had taken all of him into me and breathed a small sigh of relief as the pain subsided slightly. I looked over at the far side of the bed and I could see that my wife had completely stripped illegal bahis siteleri off her negligee and was fingering herself with one hand and trying to hold the camera up with the other. James began to slowly pull his cock out and push it back in. My god, I was being fucked up the ass by a man! As I started to relax somewhat I began to appreciate James cock a little more. I could feel the softness of the large dickhead as it massaged my prostate, forcing open my rear passage, penetrating my being. And I could feel the power and firmness of the shaft as it filled my rectal cavity with its’ pulsating warmth. As he withdrew I could feel the cold emptiness left behind as my bowels collapsed around it trying desperately to hold onto their newfound intimate lover. My head was spinning, I didn’t know whether to scream out in agony or ecstasy. I only knew one thing, that I had to have that dick inside of me. I looked over at Joline and straight into the camera and begged. “Fuck me. Please fuck me!” That must have sent Joline over the edge. I saw her knees buckle and she almost dropped the camera. That was all the encouragement James needed. He started pounding into me like a jackhammer. It seemed like a tortured eternity, filled with pain and bliss, and fear and great desire all mixed up in my emotions. But it must have only been a minute or two before he began to tense up and said “I’m going to come!”He withdrew from me leaving behind a raw, gaping, empty hole. The relief I felt at that instant was … indescribably wonderful, probably the closest to what a woman’s orgasm feels like that I will ever experience. He ripped off his condom and I opened my mouth to let him know where to deposit his load. He began to climb farther up the bed toward my face and just when his dick got near my chin he let go. His spunk landed all over my face. I took my tongue and licked up all I could to show my appreciation. I had never tasted another man’s ejaculate. It wasn’t bad tasting, just a little bit salty and slimy I thought to myself. When he had finished cumming James climbed down off the bed and my wife came over to remove the handcuffs. He began putting his shirt back on but I said, “wait there’s one more thing.” “What is it?” he asked.”I want to deep throat you.” Joline couldn’t believe her ears. “My, you are a dirty little slut aren’t you? How do you feel?” “I feel . . . I feel like a bitch in heat, like a cum thirsty whore,” I replied, shocking even her.When I was released I knelt down on the floor in front of James and took his rapidly hardening dick into my mouth. I marveled at the size and velvety texture of the purple canlı bahis siteleri cockhead as I swirled my tongue around it happily lapping up the drops of precum from its’ tip.”It’ll be easier for you to take all of it in if you get up on the bed and hang your head over the side with some pillows under your shoulders and neck.” James said.I did as he asked and he came up beside me and stuck his dick in my face. I tried to suck it in, to lube it up with my saliva. “Easy,” he said, “don’t get greedy, take your time.”I slowed my pace and he began to push into my mouth little by little. About 5 inches in I began to gag and started to worry that he was going to cut off my windpipe. I fought off that reflex and allowed him to push his dick down my throat till his balls were around my nose. Slowly he began to withdraw and I breathed a sigh of relief as he backed out of my throat. Then he started to push back in. We continued this way for a few more moments and then he began to pick up speed. I did my best to keep sucking and breathing at the same time and to not injure him with my teeth. Now he was fucking my mouth almost as hard as he had my asshole before. This time it seemed to take forever for him to cum and my jaws and throat were getting very tired and sore. Thankfully, he finally came and I sucked in every precious drop of cum that I could. James just breathed heavy and closed his eyes as I cleaned his prick with my tongue. Finally James looked at his watch and said “I’ve got to get going but it’s sure been nice knowing you.”Dazed, I just nodded affirmative. James grabbed his clothes and shoes and put them on and left without another word. I sat up on the bed and Joline came over and sat down beside me.”You’ve certainly had some night. What do you have to say for yourself?” She said. I said nothing. I just grabbed and French kissed her, transferring some of the remaining cum from my mouth into hers. She acted shocked but I could tell that she really loved it. That night we made love with a ferocity of passion we had never known before. My throat was sore, my asshole was burning and my bowel movements were loose for three days afterwards. But damn, was it ever worth it. Now when we want to get into the mood we just bring out our video and watch it. Tonight when I got a package from Amazon was at the door and I open it, inside Joline ordered an 8 inch strap on dildo with a 32oz bottle of lube. I can’t wait to find out what she’s going to do with that.I quickly showered and manscaped waiting on our bed naked, I heard the front door open and yelled Joline I’am in the bedroom waiting for you. Great honey I got a surprise for you James is here with a friend. What kind of friend I asked? As they walked into the room my wife , James and his black friend, this is Tyrone. I see you found my order from Amazon my strapon will open you up for Tyrone he’s got big black 12 inch cock.

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Casino Pays Out Big Time

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Casino Pays Out Big TimeCasino Pays Out Big TimeLast weekend my wife went away on a girls weekend up to the cottage, so on the Friday night I decided to try my luck at the casino. I was probably only there for 20 minutes when the machine I was playing hit a mini jackpot. The bells went off and a casino employee came over to verify my winning machine. I won $2500. Not to bad I thought! I took my winnings and went to a fancy restaurant in the casino and ordered a $100 steak dinner. After dinner and dessert I got a room for the night. That was another $500. The suite was awesome with a mini bar, king size bed and 55″ tv. The bathroom had a huge walk in shower and a massive Jacuzzi tub. I put $500 in my pocket and the rest of my money I put into my room safe. I went back down to the casino to play some more slots. I was playing for almost 2 hours when I noticed I was down to my last $20. I picked a new machine and inserted my money into it and pulled the handle. Boom – jackpot again!!! This time I hit a bigger jackpot – $15,000! The same casino attendant brought me to a private room, gave me a glass of champagne and asked me how I would like to be paid out. I told her cash. After about 20 minutes the attendant and a security guard presented me with a gym bag full of money. They both escorted me to my room so I could lock away my winnings. Holy shit it was only 11pm!!! After I locked away my cash I took another $500 and went back to the casino. I was sitting at a machine when a very sexy mid 20 year old girl sat next to me and started a conversation with me. She told me her name was Sarah and that her and her new husband Kevin were there on their honeymoon. Unfortunately Kevin is not a good gambler and had lost all of their money and now they have no way to get back home. I know a scam when I hear it, but I continued to listen because illegal bahis Sarah had huge tits, in a tight v neck shirt, and I wanted to keep staring at her cleavage. She caught me looking at her tits, and asked me if I liked what I saw. I said yes. She then asked me if I wanted to see more. I again said yes! She said that she had a proposition for me…if I gave her $250 she would let me watch her and Kevin have sex. I told that would be good to start, but I wanted more. She said she would have to ask her hubby first. She turned and motioned for Kevin to join us. Kevin was a tall skinny dude, not bad looking but a bit older than Sarah. She introduced Kevin to me. We shook hands and I suggested we go to the bar for a few drinks first and iron out the details.After a few drinks we decided that they would come back to my room, and I would pay them $250 to watch them fuck. Then for another $200 she would suck me off and I could cum on her tits. We agreed on the terms and headed up to my room. I knew I was going to get more out of them and I was going to use their situation to my sexual advantage. We got to my room and we all agreed that everyone should shower. I told them to go first and then I would go. As they showered I dimmed the lights, turned down the bed and made us a round of drinks. I made theirs extra strong, and mine pretty weak. They both came out of the bathroom wearing the white hotel robes. I handed them their drinks and told them to go to the bed and get started and I would be right out.I had a quick shower, and dried off in the bathroom. I exited the bathroom naked. Kevin & Sarah were on the bed naked kissing each other and letting their hands explore each others body. Sarah’s tits were huge!! She had perfect pink nipples, a nice plump ass and a completely shaved pussy. Kevin was very lean, with a decent sized cut illegal bahis siteleri cock and he too was completely shaved. She was slowly jerking his hard cock as he sucked her tits. She stared at me and smiled as he licked from one nipple to the other. I asked if I could taste her tits too. She agreed and both Kevin and I sucked a tit. I moved my hand to her pussy and started to massage her swollen lips as I sucked her nipple. She moaned and groaned with pleasure as I slipped a finger into her wet hole. As I finger fucked her I told them I would give them $1000 if I could join them for a 3way. They both agreed. I immediately moved my mouth to her pussy and eat her out, while Kevin put his dick in her mouth. As I ate her pussy I watched Kevin fuck her mouth. She was good at sucking dick and had no problem swallowing all of Kevin’s cock. I wanted to see if she could do them same with my big dick so I positioned myself on the other side of her so she could take turns sucking both of our cocks. She slid my entire 7.5″ down her throat without even a glimmer of a gag. Wow, she could suck cock. I couldn’t help but noticed that Kevin was mesmerized my my cock. He really seemed to enjoy watching his pretty wife deep throat me.We changed positions so Kevin could fuck her while I watched. Kevin laid on his back and Sarah mounted him reverse cowgirl. He bucked his cock slowly in and out of her. Sarah arched all the way back so her pussy was in the air as he fucked her. I positioned myself between both their legs so I could lick her pussy as he fucked her. I sucked her clit and licked her pussy inched away from his cock. I moved my mouth down a bit so my tongue could brush against his cock as it went in her. He didn’t flinch so I started to run my mouth up and down his shaft as her fucked her. He started to moan and fuck her harder. canlı bahis siteleri I slid my tongue from her clit down to his balls and back. I squeezed his balls and licked his cock as he pounded his wife. Very quickly he moaned that he was going to cum. I grabbed his cock and pulled it out of her sopping cunt and shoved his entire cock down my throat. He pumped 2 or 3 times and unleashed a tidal wave of cum down my throat. Sarah looked down to see me swallowing her hubby’s cock and gasped. “Oh my God!”” she said. “That is so fucking hot!” I continued to lick every last drop of his cum out of his now soft dick. Sarah kissed Kevin deep and told him how horny that made her. He just sat there stunned. My cock was now so hard it could cut diamonds. I flipped Sarah and her belly and slid my cock into her wet pussy and fucked her like there was no tomorrow. I fucked her for about a minute hard. I told her I was going to cum and she asked me to pull out and cum on her ass. I whipped my cock out of her and jacked off and blew a huge load of jizz all over her ass. There was cum everywhere. I rubbed my cock in my cum on her ass cheeks. She moaned and push her ass up on me so I slipped my still hard cock right into her asshole. She gasped with surprise and groaned “of my god, my ass.!!”I kept pumping her asshole and withing seconds she was screaming with pleasure, telling me to fuck her harder. I reached around with both hands and grabbed her big tits and pumped her ass as fast as I could. I fucked her for about 30 seconds and then came again. This time I came deep in her ass. She fell limp on the bed, breathing very heavy. I pulled my now limp cock out of her ass and proceeded to give her a rim job. I cleaned all my sweet jizz from her ass. I sucked all my cum from deep in her ass. She bucked her hips hard as I ate her ass and she came hard. The three of us just laid on the bed for a while and collected ourselves. I suggested me all go shower and have another drink, and renegotiate our terms because I wanted more! They agreed and the 3 of us went to the shower.(More in part 2)

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Les 23 cm de mon amant

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Les 23 cm de mon amantJe suis allongé sur le ventre, je m’endors, la tête pleine de fantasmes… Je suis réveillé par de douces caresses sur mes fesses, des caresses qui se font insistantes dans la raie de mes fesses, un doigt humide tourne autour de ma rosette. Il n’en faut pas plus pour me faire bander. Je me retourne et, d’instinct, ma bouche retrouve tes 23 cm de chair, que je gobe et lèche de plus belle.Puis je te fais allonger sur le dos, je m’assieds sur ton bas-ventre et je fais coulisser ta queue, toute humide de ma salive, entre mes fesses. Pendant ce temps, tu as pris ma petite queue dans ta main et tu me branles doucement…Je finis par me retourner en 69, je reprends ta bite dans ma bouche, tandis que je te présente mon petit zizi, mes couilles et mon cul. Tu commences à l’enduire de lubrifiant, y insérer un doigt, puis deux. illegal bahis Ils rentrent sans difficulté, tant je suis excité à l’idée de ce qui va suivre. De mon côté, je fais glisser un préservatif sur ton sexe.Tu restes allongé et je pose doucement mon anus sur le sommet de ton zob. Ton gland est large et bien formé, j’ai un peu mal lorsque mon cul l’engloutit, mais cette douleur est vite estompée par le désir d’aller plus loin. Je continue de descendre, j’impose mon rythme, centimètre par centimètre. Il y en a 23 et je veux savourer chacun d’eux ! Enfin, j’arrive au but, mes fesses touchent ton pubis, tu es en moi, complètement ! J’oscille doucement, de droite à gauche, d’avant en arrière, pour m’habituer. Je remonte doucement, puis je redescends, je remonte, je redescends, je remonte, je redescends, remonte, redescends, monte, illegal bahis siteleri descends, monte, descends, de plus en plus vite. Tu fais maintenant des mouvements de rein pour m’accompagner. Ma queue est raide, elle glisse toute seule dans ta main qui l’enserre doucement.Nous ralentissons, il me faut d’autres sensations. Je me mets à quatre pattes, cambré : tu n’as plus qu’à renfourner ton sexe dans mon trou, il n’attend que cela. Cette fois-ci, c’est toi qui décides du rythme. Tu m’agrippes les hanches et tu fais des allers-retours : tu entres, tu sors, tu entres à fond, tu sors, tu entres à fond, tu sors, tu entres à fond… Aux soupirs que tu pousses, j’imagine ce que tu ressens : mon trou, peu habitué à des calibres comme le tien, doit enserrer ta verge, comprimer les veines qui la parcourent. A chaque passage, ton gland canlı bahis siteleri électrise mon anus puis vient masser ma prostate, je ressens des décharges jusque dans ma queue. Combien de temps cela dure-t-il ? Je suis incapable de le dire.Mais je veux que nous jouissions en face à face, je veux voir l’extase dans tes yeux. D’une caresse, je t’interromps pour me retourner sur le dos, jambes écartées. Ta queue retrouve bien vite son étui chaud et son rythme. Tu me tiens les jambes et continues à me pénétrer. Ma queue, toujours aussi raide, ressent de plus en plus de picotements, je sens que je vais jouir. Une de tes mains vient me branler. Ouiiii ! J’explose : un long jet atteint mon visage, puis un deuxième, un troisième, cela semble ne plus vouloir s’arrêter !A chacune de mes éjaculations, mon anus se contracte autour de ta verge, il n’en faut pas plus : tu pousses un cri rauque et tu répands ton sperme en moi. Ta queue reste encore quelques instants dans son nid, fait des va-et-vient moins vigoureux et se retire. Tu ôtes le préservatif et en répands le contenu sur mon torse.

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Le cobaye familiale et plus 5

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Le cobaye familiale et plus 5Morgane et moi entendions les bruits de pas de notre mère résonner dans les escaliers. N’ayant pas suffisamment de temps pour nous rhabiller et aucun endroit où nous cacher, nous savions, les filles et moi, que maman allait nous surprendre. Apeurés, nous étions incapables de bouger ou de prononcer le moindre mot. Ce fut avec effroi que nous vîmes la poignée tourner et la porte s’ouvrir. Notre mère entra dans la pièce et, en nous voyant nus tous les quatre, son visage vira à l’écarlate. Les filles et moi baissâmes la tête, n’osant affronter le regard de maman. — Mais… Qu’est-ce qu’il se passe ici?! cria ma mère.Morgane tenta une explication en balbutiant, encore trop effrayée d’avoir été prise en flagrant délit moral d’i****te. — Nous… Nous ne voulions pas aller si loin. Élodie, Thu Jin et moi devions rédiger un rapport de biologie sur la sexualité des mammifères. Nous avons voulu prendre un homme pour l’exemple. J’ai demandé à Alexandre s’il était d’accord. Il a été réticent au début mais il a accepté de nous aider par gentillesse puis les expériences nous ont fait prendre goût à ce genre de rapport et nous avons continué à nous amuser tous les quatre. Je suis désolée, maman. J’aurais dû me montrer plus réfléchie et faire preuve de discernement. Tout est de ma faute. Sur ces derniers mots, ma soeur prit sa tête dans ses mains et se mit à sangloter. Ma mère posa une main sur son épaule. — Sèche tes larmes, ma chérie. Ce que vous avez fait ton frère et toi est très mal moralement mais vous êtes adultes maintenant et, en tant que tels, vous êtes libres de faire vos propres choix. J’espère juste que vous vous êtes protégés avant de passer à l’acte. — Oui, maman, nous nous sommes protégés. — Bon, eh bien, tout est en ordre pour moi. Vous n’avez rien fait de mal en ce qui me concerne. Surpris par la compréhension dont ma mère faisait preuve, je me demandais si elle n’essayait pas de cacher son état de choc. — Quoi? Tu n’es pas fâchée? Nous nous amusions en cachette par peur de ta réaction et de celle illegal bahis de papa. — Ne t’en fais pas, mon enfant. Pour tout te dire, ce n’est pas la première fois que je suis confrontée à l’i****te. — Comment ça?— Eh bien, je ne vous l’avais jamais dit auparavant mais, vu que vous l’avez fait, je peux, sans me sentir coupable, vous raconter mon plus grand secret. Est-ce que vous voulez connaître mon histoire?— Oui, bien sûr, maman. — Très bien. J’ai vécu une situation similaire à la vôtre avec mon père et des amis à lui. Vos grands-parents se disputaient très souvent lorsque j’avais votre âge. Mon père sortait toujours très déprimé de leurs disputes. Un jour, je l’ai trouvé assis dans son fauteuil, en train de fixer le mur du salon. Je me suis avancée vers lui et lui ai demandé ce qu’il se passait. Il m’a répondu qu’il s’était disputé avec ma mère au sujet de la complicité conjugale. Il m’a confié qu’il souhaitait retrouver les plaisirs qu’ils avaient connus au début de leur relation. Malheureusement, ma mère n’avait plus aucune envie de le satisfaire sur ce plan-là. — Et qu’est-ce que tu as fait ensuite?— Eh bien, à l’époque, comme beaucoup de jeunes filles, je fantasmais beaucoup sur mon père. Alors, en laissant parler mes pulsions, je lui ai proposé de lui donner ce que ma mère lui donnait au temps de leur rencontre. Bien évidemment, il a commencé par refuser en me rétorquant que j’étais folle et perverse. J’ai insisté en lui disant que son bonheur m’importait et que je serais très fière de pouvoir satisfaire ses envies. Il a finalement fini par céder et m’a demandé de lui faire une fellation. Toute contente de réaliser un vieux fantasme, je me suis agenouillée devant lui et ai fait glisser la fermeture éclair de son pantalon. J’ai ensuite fait tomber son caleçon au sol et, sans me poser de questions, j’ai commencé à sucer son sexe aussi bien que ma jeunesse et mon manque d’expérience de l’époque me le permettaient. Il était très bien équipé. Un peu comme tu as l’air de l’être en ce moment, Alexandre. Puis, après quelques illegal bahis siteleri minutes, il m’a demandé de recracher son pénis. Il a ouvert les cinq premiers boutons de ma chemise et il s’est mis à se masturber jusqu’à ce qu’il éjacule sur mes seins. Après que mon père ait repris ses esprits, je lui ai demandé comment il allait et s’il avait aimé ma fellation. Il m’a répondu que ma première fellation était meilleure que toutes celles que ma mère lui avaient prodiguées réunies et que j’avais un réel talent pour cela. Il m’a demandé si je voulais poursuivre notre relation. Je lui ai répondu tout de suite que oui et, depuis, il a fait mon éducation sexuelle et m’a pris ma virginité. Et, une fois qu’il m’a jugée prête, il a invité, dans le dos de ma mère, ses amis à coucher avec moi. Les petits jeux qu’il organisait ont duré jusqu’à ma rencontre avec votre père. À cause de mon mariage, je n’avais plus le temps de satisfaire votre grand-père et ses amis comme ils le souhaitaient. — Quelle histoire! Et papa? Est-ce qu’il le sait?— Oui. Il a été le premier à qui j’ai raconté mon histoire. — Et comment a-t-il réagi?— Il a été très compréhensif et n’a pas cherché à me juger. Tout excité par la confession que ma mère nous avait faite, je me risquai à demander : — Est-ce que tu as eu d’autres fantasmes de ce genre depuis ton mariage avec papa?Ma mère éclata de rire. — Si c’est une habile tentative de me demander de te montrer mes talents, il suffisait de me le demander tout simplement. Tu vas voir maintenant de quoi ta mère est capable. Sur ces mots, ma mère ôta sa robe. Je fus surpris de constater qu’elle n’avait pas mis de soutien-gorge mais j’étais trop excité par la situation pour lui demander quoi que ce soit. Elle fit ensuite tomber sa petite culotte au sol et s’agenouilla devant moi. Elle saisit la base de mon sexe et posa ses lèvres sur mon gland violacé par l’excitation. Dans un lent mouvement de va-et-vient, ma mère fit coulisser ses lèvres sur ma verge érigée. Maman n’avait pas menti : son entraînement avec canlı bahis siteleri mon grand-père lui avait permis d’acquérir beaucoup d’expérience.— Hum… Maman… Tu suces divinement bien! Cette fellation est la meilleure que je n’aie jamais connue!Flattée par mon compliment, ma mère accéléra le rythme de sa fellation. La pression de ses lèvres sur mon sexe me procurait beaucoup de plaisir, tant et si bien qu’au bout de quelques secondes, je lui criai que j’allais jouir. Ma mère recracha mon pénis et se tourna vers les trois filles. — Bon, on le finit ensemble, les filles?Ma soeur et ses amies s’empressèrent de se mettre à genoux aux côtés de ma mère. Maman s’empara de mon sexe et le plaça devant ses seins. Morgane, Élodie et Thu Jin engagèrent à leur tour leur poitrine sur mon phallus et les quatre femmes se mirent à me faire la plus belle branlette espagnole que je n’avais jamais connue. Le contact de ces quatre magnifiques paires de seins ne mit pas plus de deux ou trois minutes à me faire éjaculer. Les quatre femmes se relevèrent et léchèrent leurs tétons. Ma mère donna ensuite ses seins à Morgane pour qu’elle les nettoie de ma semence tandis qu’Élodie faisait de même avec Thu Jin. Les deux duos changèrent ensuite les rôles et ma mère me demanda : — Alors? Ta mère est-elle toujours aussi pleine de ressources?— Oui, maman. Tu as été superbe. De plus, les années et les maternités n’ont pas affecté la beauté de ton corps. Je suis sûr que grand-père était très fier de toi quand tu avais mon âge. D’ailleurs, en parlant de lui, ça fait longtemps que nous ne sommes pas allés lui rendre visite. J’aimerais beaucoup que nous nous retrouvions en famille. Enfin, tu vois ce que je veux dire. Élodie et Thu Jin devraient venir avec nous, elles aussi. Qu’en dis-tu?— C’est une bonne idée mais il faut d’abord que je parle de ce que j’ai vu entre vous à papa et à grand-père. À peine ma mère avait-elle fini sa phrase que la porte d’entrée s’ouvrit. La voix de mon père se fit entendre. — Bonjour, ma chérie. Bonjour, les enfants. Ma mère nous fit signe de nous taire en mettant un doigt devant sa bouche. Mon père appela une nouvelle fois.— Solange! Les enfants!Intrigué par le mutisme qui régnait dans la maison, papa monta les escaliers. Lui aussi allait découvrir notre petit jeu.[ à suivre ]

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Three chubby old ladies want hot and very heavy pe

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Three chubby old ladies want hot and very heavy peJoan, Susan and Dot were in their early to late sixties and had been friends for years. They met once a week to bitch about getting older, fatter and complain about their husbands ignoring them or failing to fulfil their needs.Dot, who was the oldest at 67 was the most vocal and honest saying that her old man just rolled on top of her every couple of months and shot his load after two minutes. ‘When we were courting, he really had to work for it. From kissing, fondling my titties and finger fucking me took him at least three months. Now he can’t be bothered to do anything. I’m fed up with it. What about you two?’Susan and Joan both had similar sex lives and Dot admitted to using her dildo rather than her hubby for satisfaction. Yes, they were overweight but not much, they all agreed that with a girdle on they looked good. They also agreed that wham bam fucking with not good for them as they needed a lot of foreplay to get them really wet – so heavy petting was ideal.At the meeting next week, Susan said she had been doing some research on the web and had come across, what she called, granny forums. ‘I found it most interesting that there were loads and loads of men of all ages who were turned on by women of our age, can you believe it.’They agreed that whilst they wanted to liven up their sex lives, they did not want to be unfaithful and start fucking strangers. But they would rather like experience extreme sexual petting with strangers who were very attracted to women like themselves. Looking at the various sites, they selected one that seemed to cater for men between 30 and 50. Using the screen name of ‘grannies love fingering’ opened a topic called ‘Heavy petting with grannies can be as good a fucking them.Hi guys, we are three slightly overweight ladies in their sixties and have decided to spice up our sex lives. We are not especially attractive – average really – but all us love what we call romantic sex which involves lots of passionate kissing and mutual very heavy petting leading up to orgasm. What do you think? In the main, most replies were quite positive and as luck would have it three of the guys lived in the same county. Their ages ranged from 32 to 49. They asked the guys for their email addresses and promised to contact them.The ladies selected an email at random and they decided to write to develop some kind of relationship before any sexual adventures. After a month they met to discuss their correspondence. Joan said that her guy Pete was just 32 and he seemed nice and pleasant and told her that he just adored old ladies and added that straight sex could be boring and short but heavy petting especially with older ladies could go on for bahis firmaları at least an hour and was more exciting. Dot’s bloke called Sam was 49 and she had taken a shine to him as he told her that he had an excessively long and thick penis and found old ladies appreciated it more than young ones. Susan’s guy (John) was 43 and apart from openly admitting to being a very horny and devoted granny lover, also liked the fact that they tended to have weak bladders which allowed them to squirt easily when being fingered. She had asked him if he would he would like to see her taking ‘a tinkle’ he said that would be the icing on the cake.After hearing those revelations and more their hairy fannies got quite moist just thinking about what could happen. But they had to be cautious so agreed they would meet the guys for coffee at a hotel that was easy to get to for them all. And they also agreed that the meeting was to be just platonic and if compatible would meet up later. They had all arrived around the time agreed and were sat in the lounge politely drinking coffee. Seeing them, the ladies dressed almost as old grannies and the guys in conservative suits, you would never have guessed at what they were talking about. All the guys were married but their wives were either not interested in sex or didn’t like it so they got their rocks off with grannies all over the county. The ladies asked if the guys had a problem with them wearing girdles and the unanimous reply was yes, strangely. John said ‘speaking for all of us, one of the attractions of making out with mature ladies was their lovely soft wobbly bellies and also the extra fat made their vagina’s plumper. The same goes for titties, we all absolutely love floppy ones’‘What about excess hairy down there?’ asked Dot whose cunt was getting excited. ‘Why else do we love old ladies’ replied Sam. Older ladies grew up without bothering to shave and we hope you ladies don’t. You don’t do you? Just then Dot had the answer and said, we’ll give you the answer soon, but whilst you get us some more coffee, we want to powder our noses.’ Susan and Joan were taken by surprise but followed Dot into the lady’s toilets. As soon as the door was shut, Dot outlined her plan to give the guys their answer. Walking back to their seats they told Sam to sit with the guys on the other sofa and the three of them sat opposite.Now you asked, if we shave our cunts, to put the matter bluntly. Well take a quick peek, with that they all pulled up their dresses and opened their fat thighs showing three of hairiest fannies the guys had seen in a long time.‘‘As I said’, explained Dot, ‘our husbands have virtually ignored us for years and so there was no need to shave. In fact, we all kaçak iddaa take pride in having very hairy fannies, don’t we girls?’ The conversation then quickly degenerated into absolute filth – which they all got off on and when came to taking things further, so to speak, Joan said that her shitty husband was away for a week up north at the end of the month so they could meet at her house then. Dot, added that as this was a first intimate meeting, they would all ‘play’ in the same room, one to ensure that fucking did not take place and two, they could mix and match to keep things interesting. At Dot’s house, the ladies discussed on who they wanted to start playing with. Susan looking forward to pissing, chose John. Dot, chose Sam and was desperate to slowly wank his big cock. Joan chose Pete as he was the youngest and he seemed to really to love old ladies. And being younger could probably shoot several loads of lovely spunk for her.The only other thing to settle was what to wear. They all agreed not to wear their girdles and as the guys got turned on by their fat bellies, they all chose loose skirts that really showed off their lovely fat and flabby tummies. No knickers as they would only get in the way but hold up stockings were essential. And as they all had big droopy titties, they had treated themselves to very low-cut balcony bras that revealed their big nipples, all covered with just a loose blouse.Other preparations were also essential, Susan wanting to have a really full bladder had drunk at least three mugs of coffee. Dot had ensured she had a bottle of lube for wanking a lovely large cock and Joan, well she just couldn’t wait to feel a young man’s fingers ramming in and out of her cunt. The guys had obviously met up beforehand and presented themselves en mass. Walking into the living room they were aware that the curtains were closed and the lighting dimmed. Three sofas were positioned in semi-circle. Susan was the first to get up and go over to John and immediately tongue kissed him and pushed her fat cunt into his crotch feeling him getting nice and hard. Dot, lifting up her skirt and opening her legs invited Sam to sit beside her and let him have a nice long feel of her extremely hairy fanny whilst she lovingly put her fingers on his crotch to feel if it was starting to grow.Whilst Joan, just grabbed Pete and kissed him lovingly and sat him down beside her. ‘Oh, John’ said Susan, before we enjoy ourselves, I have to take a tinkle. Would you care to help me?’ Halfway up the stairs, almost pissing herself with anticipation, she though it would be good to act as his nanna for their first piss escapade. Before going into the bathroom, he took her by surprise and again deeply kissed her and kaçak bahis put his hand up her skirt and felt her piss wet furry fanny.‘Oh Susan, I can’t wait for this’.Well, neither can I but to make it more exciting let’s just pretend that I am your nanna-what do you say?’ ‘Fine by me, nanna’Getting into the role she said ‘Now Johnny, nanna has to have a really big wee but I need some help’. Pulling up her skirt and sitting on the toilet she opened her legs as wide as possible to give him a good eyeful and looking up said, ‘Johnny, when I have a really full bladder, I have to pull my cunt lips wide apart, would you be a dear and do it for me’. Kneeling down with a rock-hard erection was not easy but he did so and he put his finger between her long labia lips. ‘Oh Johnny, this is lovely and bending her head down, kissed him deeply and then let go with her first heavy piss stream. ‘Oh, you’re getting Nanna so fucking horny, finger fuck and rub my lovely horny clit now’. John did not need asking twice as he rammed two fingers up her hairy cunt as far as possible and using his thumb, vigorously rubbed her engorged clit. It as all too much for her, she had never felt so fucking randy and as she came, all her piss gushed out. After getting him to wipe her up with his very imaginative tongue, she returned the favour wanking and sucking his nice fat dick and then surprising him by slurping down his copious amounts of creamy spunk. After about 20 minutes they were in back in the living room taking a rest by gently kissing and mutually feeling each other up they saw that Dot and Joan were extremely active.Dot had only her bra on and whilst Sam was sucking her big titties, she had wanked him really hard. They were really impressed with his nice 7inch very thick cock that was now liberally coated with pre cum. Sam the slipped a finger into her, twisting and turning, probing the slack walls of her pussy. Dot was getting hot and wanted more. Sam continued driving more fingers into now very wet fanny. ‘Fill me up, Sam. Put it all in’. With that he slid his whole hand right up to elbow and started fist fucking her. Dot moaned and closed her eyes and pressing her hips into his fist, arched her back to meet his every thrust. Her hand was wanking him faster and almost like they timed it, the both came together with him shooting thick wads of spunk everywhere.Not one to miss anything, Dot then knelt down and gobbled the white liquid from his massive bell end Joan and Pete were just keeping things simple – kissing and mutually fingering.He was gently stroking his finger back and forth over her swollen lips stopping at the top of her cleft to press on her clit. Joan was softly moaning as he moved his forefinger to her arse and gently poked it up her. Obviously more excited she spread her fat legs wider wanting more the one finger up there. Pete finished fucking her shitter with three and in doing so she got dick to shoot lots of lovely cum.

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Enjoying a new black guy at the gym

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Enjoying a new black guy at the gymThat morning I was making some workout at the gym as usual, when I looked over my shoulder and saw a new instructor.The guy was around his early thirties; he was very muscle toned and he was black. A handsome huge black man…I was wearing my usual gym clothes, as my hardened nipples were showing through the tiny material and my camel toe was in full view to everybody.I could not keep my eyes off his sexy body and to my pleasure he also could not keep his eyes off me.Eventually after several days of this flirting between us; he approached me and introduced himself as Peter. As he talked to me, I could almost feel him undressing me with eyes. I kept looking at his groin area…We became very friendly in such a short time. He also knew that I was married and I told him that our marriage with Victor was perfect. Peter asked why it was so perfect and I told him again I had the perfect marriage: I played and my hubby did not know….That was the green light he needed. He asked me if I wanted to join him for some drinks the following night at the gym bar. I accepted the invitation.My loving Victor was out of town for three days; so nobody would care at home if I came back so late. Peter held the keys and he would be there at the bar after the closing of the gym, just an hour before midnight.That day I picked out a very sexy dress with a low cleavage; stockings and some high stilettos. I felt excited about seeing that huge black guy.When I arrived I did not want anybody to see me so I waited in the car for the last people to leave. Peter had told illegal bahis me that he would call me to indicate the place was empty. I finally answered the phone and he told me he was alone in the gym bar. I knocked on the front door and almost instantly Peter opened and dragged me inside.He held me in his strong arms and clamped his lips on mine; as he pushed his tongue down on mine. Then I felt my tiny thong immediately become damp with my pussy juices. We went to the bar, where he had some gin tonics and margaritas.After enjoying some drinks, Peter led me to the swimming pool area, where he had the Jacuzzi warmed up. Then he undressed and jumped inside the hot bubbly place, wearing nothing but his nice huge smile. I could get a quick glimpse of his hardened cock and saw it looked really huge…I was a bit fuzzy after so many margaritas; but I managed to slowly let my dress fall to the floor, revealing my boobs, stockings and the black thong.Peter first stared at my hard nipples and then his eyes slowly looked the rest of my whole body. I could see he liked what he saw because his cockhead protruded now above the bubbles. Peter then asked me to take all my clothes off. I again very slowly peeled off my stockings and the thong.The black guy held out his hand and brought me into the hot water. My heart started to run faster as I felt my cunt getting even wetter.I sat opposite him and he leaned forward, kissing me hard and desperate.I kissed him passionately back wanting this young man’s cock inside me but also I did not want to rush things. He whispered in my illegal bahis siteleri ear that I was sexy.I laughed throwing my head back as I said I was twice his age. It did not seem to bother him as his fingers trailed over my nipples down to my belly and to my pussy lips. By now I feel his growing erection against my body.I wanted his fingers inside me but instead he lifted my body onto the edge of the pool. Then he opened my legs aside and buried his head into my labia.I felt him licking my clitoris as he pulled my pussy lips apart with his fingers.He knew exactly what he was doing as his tongue circulated my twitching clitoris and his fingers played and then pushed deep inside my hot cunt.I reached down to feel his enormous erection and wrapped my fingers around it. It was my turn to tell him what I wanted. I begged him to stand on the edge I then positioned myself so I grabbed his hardened buttocks and pulled him towards my mouth. His cock was something magnificent; huge and with a very dark head.Then I began to lick the cockhead and found it difficult to suck him because he was pretty thick. Soon Peter was moaning out of control, so I lead him to the cushioned seating area where I laid down and he got on top of me. My cunt was so wet by now but I told him to fuck me slowly.Peter placed his cock against my entrance and using his hand he guided it into me. He was very gentle and with each thrust of his cock he went even deeper a little more each time. After a dozen thrusts he had all of him inside my warm cunt. Suddenly I had my first orgasm, screaming canlı bahis siteleri like crazy.I begged him to fuck me hard and fast. I was not disappointed, since he started to pump me with all his powerful black cock. All of a sudden he tensed his back and he filled my cunt with a generous amount of semen.We laid there totally exhausted and I looked over to his impressive black cock as it was twitching. Peter grinned at me as he took my hand and placed it on his growing dick. I stroked it only a few times and placed it into my mouth. Amazingly it grew instantly between my red lips. I could taste his salty semen on it.As Peter was really hard, I stood against a wall facing it and begged my new black lover to fuck me from behind. This time his huge cock easily slid into my wet stretched cunt. My second orgasm came after two minutes pumping.What I really liked about this second session was when Peter started to finger my butt hole…as every stroke of his cock pushed me against the wall.Peter finally came in my womb, making me cum for the third time. He whispered in my ear I was the best married white slut he had ever fucked and he pulled out of my sore pussy.We spent two more hours fucking in every corner of the gym. When he let me go back to my car, I found streams of sticky semen running down my legs. I arrived home and went directly to have a warm shower.Early morning called me Victor, asking if everything was fine with Peter.I got a shocking surprise, asking my hubby why he did know the name.Victor smiled and said he had met Peter before he went to the gym as instructor. He had also seen my black lover naked and he was aware of the huge black cock Peter carried between his legs…So, it was easy for my hubby to know that sooner or later, I would fuck the black guy… or better we should say… the huge black dick…

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La défonce d’une MILF algérienne

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La défonce d’une MILF algérienneSamira, 42 ans, en pleine crise de la quarantaine vient de divorcer ; elle est partie vivre en Ile de France avec son fils Ben Salem, âgé de 17 ans. Grâce à son mari, elle a pu s’acheter un petit pavillon dans la région Bruxelloise, à 5km de l’hôpital où elle travaille comme infirmière. Elle est brune, a des cheveux mi-longs et la peau mate. Elle mesure 1m75 et pèse 65 kg ; une bonne paire de seins et de magnifiques fesses la rendent plus jeune que son âge réel.On est au mois de janvier ; c’est la première semaine de boulot.On est mercredi ; il fait gris sur Paris. Il est 8h, et je commence à 9h. J’ai des porte des porte-jarretelles blancs avec une tunique noire ; mes talons aiguille sont également noirs. Je prends ma voiture et me dirige vers l’hôpital ; quand j’y arrive, je vais directement dans les vestiaires. J’enlève mon blouson, pose mon sac, enfile une blouse blanche et pars prendre mon service. Aujourd’hui, je dois m’occuper des entrées des urgences ; je travaille avec une femme : Cécile, 44 ans, blonde, super belle et bonne à marier malgré ses quatre enfants. Je lui fais la bise et m’assois derrière mon bureau qui est collé au sien. La journée est calme ; il n’y a pas beaucoup d’entrées. À 10h30, je sors devant les urgences avec un café et j’allume une cigarette. Je suis assise sur un banc à l’entrée quand un jeune Noir, grand, musclé et très beau vient me parler.– Excusez-moi, Madame ; c’est ici, les urgences ?– Oui : c’est ici.– Merci !Il repart en direction des urgences ; c’est fou comme je le trouve craquant, ce mec… Ma cigarette finie, je repars travailler. Je le vois qui attend devant le bureau pour être enregistré ; je m’assois et lui demande :– On s’occupe de vous ?– Non.– OK : je vais vous prendre. C’est comment, votre prénom ?– Brahim ; j’ai 22 ans.– illegal bahis Merci. Et vous êtes là pour quoi ?– Euh, ça me gêne un peu…– J’entends de tout : c est mon métier.– Bah, en fait, j ai de grosses douleurs quand je fais pipi.– Bien. Je vous laisse vous asseoir : un médecin va venir vous prendre.– Ah… mais c est pas toi ?– Eh non !– Dommage…– Oui : dommage !- Tu es de quelle origine jeune homme ?- Marocain– Et vous madame ?- Je suis algérienne- Et tu t’appelles comment ?– Samira.– Tu as quel âge ?– 42 ans.– Franchement, tu es trop belle pour une femme de 40 ans ; ton mari doit se faire plaisir !– Je suis divorcée, et j’ai un fils de 17 ans. – Ah ? Bah, tant mieux pour moi ! Tu as un numéro ? Comme ça on se revoit…– Oui, avec plaisir !Je lui donne mon numéro, et il part en me disant :– Je t’appelle ce soir.– OK !Je retourne à mes occupations ; Cécile constate :– Tu es devenue une couguar, ma parole !– Arrête ; j’ai encore rien fait.– Oui, c’est ça… C’est pas à moi tu vas le faire !Je rigole et continue à travailler. Je finis le boulot à 16h et rentre directement chez moi. Je prends une douche ; quand je ressors, mon fils est en train de faire ses devoirs dans le salon. Je ne le dérange pas et vais dans la cuisine me faire un café et fumer une cigarette. Mon téléphone sonne ; je réponds : c’est Brahim qui m’invite à boire un verre ce soir à 20h. J’accepte son invitation et pars me préparer : j’enfile des bas fantaisie noirs, une mini jupe en coton noir, des talons aiguille blancs et une chemise blanche avec un décolleté en V. Je me maquille ; Brahim, le jeune marocain est déjà là. Je sors et monte dans sa voiture.– Tu es magnifique !– Merci. On va où ?– Il y a un bar tranquille à côté.On roule et on arrive dans ce bar, situé dans un coin perdu. On s’installe à une table pour deux au fond illegal bahis siteleri de la salle, cachée aux autres clients par une tenture rouge, et on commande deux verres de whisky.– Dis-moi, Samira, pourquoi tu as divorcé ?– Mon mari a appris que je couchais avec son grand frère.– Ah, tu es une chaude, dis-donc…– Je suis une femme qui a des envies.– Mais je ne te juge pas ; tu as raison de faire ce que tu aimes.– Eh oui, sinon je ne serais pas là avec toi !– C’est sûr… Je dois te dire un truc : tu m’excites grave !– C’est quoi qui t’excite, chez moi ?– Le fait que tu sois une milf algérienne et que tu es super bonne.– Merci ; c’est gentil.– De rien !Sous la table, j’ai ôté une de mes chaussures ; avec mon pied, je commence à lui toucher la bite. Au bout de quelques minutes, il vient s’asseoir à côté de moi et sort sa bite. Bordel, comme elle est grosse et grande ! Je commence à la branler.– Suce-moi, Samira…– Tu es chaud, dis-donc !– À point : j’ai envie de te faire hurler comme une pute, comme la kahba que tu es !!!– Hummmmmm… la kahba? Je suis ta grosse putaine de kahba !!!Sur ces mots, j’abaisse ma tête, embouche sa grosse queue et commence à le sucer ; je dois le pomper pendant une bonne dizaine de minutes avant qu’il me crache toute sa semence dans la bouche. J’avale tout jusqu’à la dernière goutte et lui dis :– Tu me ramènes ?– Waouh, j’ai envie de toi !– Non : une autre fois.On monte dans sa voiture et il me ramène. Devant chez moi, il me dit :– On se voit demain ? J’ai trop envie de toi !– Viens dormir à la maison…– Et ton fils ?– Ah, tranquille. – OK.On se gare et on rentre chez moi. Mon fils dort : on est donc parti directement dans ma chambre. J’enlève mes talons, mes collant, mes habits et je me retrouve en string et soutien-gorge devant Brahim ; je m’allonge sur le lit canlı bahis siteleri et il commence à me faire des bisous sur les cuisses, puis il m’enlève ma culotte et commence à me lécher la chatte. Je ne tarde pas à jouir.– Oui, oui, oui… Annnh !!! Anhhh !!!! Anhhhh !!! Anhhhh !!! Anhhh !!!! Oui ! C’est trop bon !Après ce long cunnilingus, il se déshabille et présente sa grosse bite à l’entrée de mon trou. Quand il la rentre, je pousse un long cri de plaisir.– Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh ! Putain, elle est grosse ta saloperie de queue!Il commence à faire de lents va-et-vient ; petit à petit, le plaisir monte sous ses coups de reins de plus en plus forts. C’est trop bon !– Oouuu….io…u….iiiiiii. C’est tr……o…….ppppp b…o…….nnnnnn ! Défonce-moi comme la kahba que je suis ; vas-y, baise-moi comme une pute !– Tu veux que je te baise comme une kahba, espèce de pute algérienne !– Oui ! Arrache-moi, fais-moi crier comme une grosse chienne que je suis !– Mais ton fils va nous entendre…– Annnnnh, c’est pas grave ! Baise-moi, gros fils de pute !!!Il me met à quatre pattes et m’encule à sec.– AIIIIIIIEEEEEE AIIIIIIIIIEEEE AIIIIIIIIIEEEEE AIIIIEEEEEE AIIIIIIEEEE AIIIIIEEEE AIIIIIIEEE AIIIIIIEEEE AIIIIIIIIEEE AIIIIIIEEEEE AIIIIEEE… Tu me fais mal fils de pute !!! Sniff, sniff, sniff, j’ai trop mal, Brahim, waaaa… Arrête !!– Ferme-la, sale pute algérienne ! Tu voulais que je te baise comme une kahba ? Même ton fils t’entend te faire baiser… T’aimes ça sale pute de mère ?– Oh, putain, zwwiiiiin… Oui, oui, oui, oui… Éjacule-moi au fond de la chatte ! Lâche-moi ta semence ! Démontes-moi ma grosse chatte de kahba algérienne !Sur ces mots, il m’éjacule des litres de sperme au fond de la chatte ; je reste dix bonnes minutes à récupérer, puis il recommence à me baiser comme un dingue. Au bout de la deuxième fois, je me retiens plus : je deviens sa grosse chienne… À un moment, je vois mon fils venir nous regarder par la porte entrouverte, mais je jouis tellement que je ne dis rien et je continue à me faire déchirer les orifices par ce jeune marocain.

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The Amazon Greek Goddess

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The Amazon Greek GoddessAt one point in my chequered career I was a life insurance rep for a major company. One fine spring day, I was out prospecting through a new housing subdivision, door knocking, and dropping off business cards and leaflets offering ‘free’ financial analyses. I was targeting younger couples, so focused on homes with swing sets and toys s**ttered about, and bypassing the well-kept yards which generally denoted ‘older’ persons lived there. I saw one such ‘older’ person working their flower bed, and passed by with a smile and a nod. Then I heard a husky voice call, “excuse me – what is it you are doing ?”  I turned back and was surprised to find that the ‘older person’ , although dressed in mannish clothing, it was abundantly clear that it was a woman.  She was a big woman, as tall as me, not overweight, but what we used to describe as ‘handsome’, or ‘big-boned’. I guessed she was around age 45. I gave her  my card and a quick rundown of what I did, and offered a no-obligation needs analysis for her and her husband. She thanked me, said her name was Eleni, and said she would discuss it with hubby, and I carried on, thinking no more about it. When I called in at the office illegal bahis the next day to check my messages, I had received a message from the lady asking me to call to arrange an appointment.  I rang her up and we agreed to meet that evening at 7 PM.When I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to find her all dolled up, and yes, she was built like a brick outhouse. The husband was nowhere in sight, as she served me tea and baklava. I asked where he was and she replied he was a building custodian who was working the afternoon shift until midnight. This was inconvenient business-wise as I really needed both spouses present, but since I was there anyway,  I gave her a quick outline of the different types of policies in hopes of a second meeting. I asked in general terms about their situation,  her husband’s work, health, pension plans, etc.  Apparently he was a rather controlling old-school Greek guy, tight-fisted, a hard drinker, and I suspect abusive.She said she wanted to purchase a policy on his life as she feared he would drink himself to death and leave her penniless. I gently explained to her that I could not legally help unless he was present to be interviewed and consented illegal bahis siteleri to be insured.  As she realized it was no-go, her face fell with a stricken look,  tears started to flow, and her impressive bust began to shake with racking sobs. A bit bewildered, I took her hand and patted her shoulder to console her, as she leaned in against my chest.  After a bit more crying, she looked up at me with that lost expression, and I don’t know why, but I gave her a little kiss on the lips.To my great surprise, she went on the attack ! Next thing I knew, her tongue was halfway down my throat and those lovely big hooters were pressing into me hard. We were soon laid out on the couch dry humping, I was fumbling with her zip and straps, as she loosened my belt, snaked her hand down my pants, and started to tug on my dick like she would tear it off. We were soon naked and she lay back and spread her thick thighs as I slipped into her warm, wet, and very bushy cunt. I could hardly believe it was happening, as I was banging her hard, she was pushing back with equal force, all the while moaning and writhing, her big breasts flopping around in the most delightful way. She was definitely canlı bahis siteleri an Amazon with lots of stamina, a voluptuous body that showed her Greek heritage. We soon came to a climax, and lay entwined with each other as we caught our breath.  No more tears, and a smile started to appear. I asked if I should be going, but she asked me to stay a while longer, the husband wouldn’t be home for a few more hours.  We talked, she was very lonely and felt unloved by her husband, but too afraid to leave him. We had another nice slow and easy fuck as I caressed her curvy body and fondled her breasts, she straddled me on top for a nice cowgirl ride.  All too soon it was time to go, but we agreed to meet again. She didn’t want to risk it in the home again, we worked out a code system to call and see if the coast was clear or if he answered the phone himself. We got together once a week or so through that spring and summer, sometimes at a motel, sometimes in a secluded park area on a blanket. Each time, she fucked with such an intensity as if it would be her last one ever… As we went into Fall,  I saw her less often, she was afraid that her husband was getting suspicious.  After a month of no contact, I drove by the house and saw a realtor’s sign on the front lawn. I called the realtor, who told me they had already left to return to Greece, and had no plans to return. I still wonder to this day what became of Eleni, my Greek goddess.

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