She came home from work and set down her bag. The routine is the same every day: up at four to swim and then to open the diner, home by four to shower and flop on the couch to either watch tv or sleep. Lina clicked on the tv and headed back for a shower. She came out, toweling herself off and started up some spaghetti, because noodles are cheap and so is ground beef. She’s saving up to buy an apartment in one of the habs, where all her old highschool friends seem to have ended up, but it’s such a distant goal that Lina feels herself losing sight little by little, burdened with bills and loneliness.
Spaghetti in, beef in (synthetic but you can’t really tell), sauce… she stands there, naked with her towel draped over her shoulders and thinks of the wine she picked up on the way home. It will go good with the chocolate she has stashed away. Damn, she thinks. I need friends.
She knows she isn’t bad looking, and there’s a guy at the diner who obviously likes her, but she doesn’t really care much for him, a motorcycles and raucous parties type. Carrying her hot s’ghetti to the couch she cast an appraising eye at her hall mirror.
Shoulder-length raven hair, pale skin, smallish, round C-cup tits with pointy pink nipples and the perfect, round butt one could only get from exercising it. She should be married to some banker-type, but she was always too shy and scared away boys throughout high school and college with her slightly desperate demeanor. Right as she sat on the couch she remembered her wine and stood back up.
Dammit,she thought to herself. I should have brought that in with me.
She stood there a moment in front of her tv, thinking about whether or not she wanted to run out to her car.
Fuck it, she thought and shrugged as she pulled out a heavy coat. Lina considered pulling on pants or something. It’s 2090, she reasoned. Clothes are going out of style anyhow.
Boldly, Lina strode out to get her wine, proud to have joined the trendier kids without fighting the inexorable march of fashion trends. It was cold, but it wasn’t yet so cold as to be uncomfortable for a few minutes.
Yanking open her car door Lina realized she was a bit nervous about this decision after all and forced herself to calm down. Everyone’s doing it, she reasoned, and thrashed through the messy car to victoriously pull out a wine box. She smiled to herself as she reversed from the driver’s seat, her coat bunching up around her shoulders, to place the wine on the roof of the car.
She was thinking gratefully about how nobody slammed a door while she was out here, and she closed her own car door as softly as she could. Snagging her wine box from the car top, she turned around and came face-to-face with her neighbor.
Time ticked by for a couple of seconds while her cheeks heated up. Her coat suddenly felt less adequate than it did when she was still inside. Was he going to rape her? He looked away, towards his front door and she noticed his cheeks were red, too. He mumbled, “‘Scuse me, sorry” and went into his house. She stood there a moment, wondering if he was embarrassed too, when his car suddenly beeped and Lina nearly jumped out of her beautiful skin.
Damn idiot! She mentally berated herself on the way inside, tugging her coat down to cover herself more.
Over the next couple of months she thought more and more about the guy in the parking lot. He was kinda cute. He was modest. She took more care with her appearance and looked for him at every opportunity, even making pointless trips to her car in hopes of seeing him, albeit fully clothed this time. Winter turned into spring and slowly her interest faded when she failed to see him again. She began to reason he had moved away and turned her attentions elsewhere.
One late, rainy night in mid-April Lina really needed to go to the bank ATM, well after curfew. It was only a couple blocks away and she debated whether to take her car or not. She decided against, on the off-chance she got pulled over. There was a route through a park and there wouldn’t be any beatcops walking in this weather, not in a safe neighborhood like this. She grabbed her bag and decided to be bold, once again.
Lina had an acquaintance from the diner she’d been going to the mall with named Fern. Fern was bold and tried all the newest fashions which included not including various important pieces of clothing. The first time Fern picked Lina up, she was naked from her ribs to her ankles. Lina had initially protested against such attire, but Fern eventually wore her down and the last time they went to the mall, Lina wore a half-chest top exposing her left breast. It had been rather thrilling and she liked the way boys and men pretended not to notice her breast. Or just stared outright. This night, Lina would go to the ATM wearing only her tennis shoes and mini-backpack.
The rain is so heavy, I’d be soaked vip escort and have to change anyhow. This way I’ll just towel off and be done with it, and anyway, Fern will be thrilled if I go out naked, soon. This is a rehearsal!
With that line of reasoning, she cautiously peeked out the door and nervously fiddled with her clitoris chains. She didn’t want to be seen, and yet she did, partly because of her new jewelry. Fern had convinced her to get a belly button chain like the mall girls and a cute little gold triple-chain clitoral hood piercing came free with it. As long as there were no cops… Or old ladies… Lina stepped out into the rain with her head high, breasts thrust forward and false confidence in her steps.
It’s far less than we walked at the mall, and many girls there were more provocatively naked than me.
Lina reassured and reasoned herself all the way to the ATM without incident, a lone and pale figure striding through the rain, feeling her heavy gold chain swinging at her crotch. By the time she had her card out, she had become fully turned on and excited by her bravado. She swiped her card and held it in her crotch with a naughty grin, knowing she was on a camera. She deposited her check and retrieved the card from her thighs to swipe it again for a withdrawal. This time she stored it between the lips of her vagina, liking how it stuck there and stayed. She spread her lithe legs apart to test the hold, and found it stayed pretty well, held by the water on her soft skin.
She completed the withdrawal and left for home, thrilled with her outing and hugely amused that her bank card stayed where it was, safe between the lips of her labia. As she strode Lina playfully swiped the card through her vertical smile and slipped fingers inside. She soon put the card in her pack and toyed herself as she walked, the way girls at the mall absently fingered themselves as they chatted.
By the time she rounded the corner of her apartment building, she was masturbating and walking. She walked into the guy from last winter, six knuckles deep in her dripping pussy, pinching her left nipple and groaning softly.
“Whoa!” He said, and then looked straight at her hand buried in her vagina. His gaze snapped back up to her face and then off to the left as he blushed furiously.
She let out a small scream when she saw him and whipped her hand free of her moist pussy, grateful the rain running down her naked body hid how juicy her crotch was. She was horrified, devoid of rational thought and wishing furiously she hadn’t done this at all.
Until he looked back with a slight grin and said, “I could help you with that, you know.”
Lina wasn’t sure if she was excited or embarrassed that he had seen her arousal. While she stood there trying to decide, he smoothly stepped forward and ran a finger over her clit. The pleasure was undeniable and she shuddered, putting her hand on his arm. He took it as an invitation and slid two fingers into her, guiding her face to his with his free hand behind her neck and kissing her deeply.
She thought, This will only turn out badly, but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she clasped her hands behind his neck and kissed him fiercely, rolling her bare hips with the motions of his hand. She groaned softly across his cheek. He moved his hand from behind her neck and reached down to tweak and pinch her clitoris as his other hand churned inside of her, sliding in and out of her. They stood there in the rain for a few minutes, the neighbor quietly fingering her vagina and Lina rolling her pelvis and grunting softly as she kissed him.
When Lina’s knees weakened, he moved his hands up to her firm breasts and he gave her one last kiss before sliding down to put his face between her thighs. He nuzzled her pussy, sliding his nose through the golden chains that hung from her crotch before he tilted his head back and looked up at her as his tongue licked up and down her slit.
He moved his hands from her breasts to roughly grasp her bare ass cheeks, pulling her naked hips into his face as she stood on the sidewalk in the parking lot and she gasped. She looked down at him then, holding his hair as he sucked on her smooth mound and licked deep inside, and saw his bright blue eyes looking back, twinkling mischievously. She smiled and giggled a naughty giggle.
Just as she wondered if he liked her shaved pussy, he stuck his tongue inside of her, finding her G-spot, and loudly she gasped, “OH!” Lina clapped her hand over her mouth and he stopped for a second as she looked down, wide-eyed. Her neighbor smiled and chuckled between her thighs. He slapped her bare butt and dug in again with his tongue. His hands shook her wet ass vigorously, sometimes sliding a finger dangerously deep in her crack. She slipped her backpack off. In seconds she was moaning again as his two fingers worked inside of her and he sucked the front gecelik escort of her pussy. He made loud smacking sounds and she began to roll her hips again, her knees weak and trembling. She twined her fingers deeper into his short brown hair and he changed tactics, moving his tongue into her vagina once more. Lina rubbed her clitoris on his nose as his tongue sought out her G-spot, groaning in sexual ecstasy as he spread and shook her ass cheeks in the parking lot. She loved being naked in public! Suddenly he pulled away.
Confused and slightly upset, she looked down as he stood up from her crotch. He took her hand and said, “Follow me,” with that twinkle in his eyes. He led her to a wall next to somebody’s front door and had her put her hands there.
“They’ll hear us!” she whispered shrilly.
He looked around the vast parking lot and pointed out the obvious, “There are hundreds of apartments here. They won’t know who you are, and they won’t care either.”
“But-” and then he had his hand in her warm vagina again. “Nnnggg…” she grunted softly as his fingers worked inside of her, his left hand cupping her left breast. He pinched her nipple and kissed her neck, and she felt like a goddess as she arched her naked body in the rain.
Lina tried staying quiet but he soon fingered her so wildly that his hand lifted her heels high off the pavement and her bare butt cheeks bounced and jiggled in the rain as she Ohhhhh’d shakily, loudly. His breath was warm on her neck and she felt it mingle with the same gusts of rainy wind that tugged at her swinging vagina jewelry and swept water between her naked lips, down her thighs. She turned to kiss him, this man with his hand between her legs. He alternated slow, smooth penetration with rough and wild ass-shaking jerks as her pussy spasmed around his fingers. Up-and-down her heels hopped on the pavement as he lifted her by her pussy and shook. Her naked butt cheeks clapped together and she gasped a giggle. And then he stopped. Just as she looked back, confused again, he-
Wrapped his arms around her thighs and buried his face in her ass. His tongue moved up and down between her labia, in and out of her hot vagina, across her clitoris. Sometimes he shook his head and she jiggled from her ass cheeks through her thighs, breasts bouncing in the wind. Lina gasped and moaned in the rain, pushing her shoulders down lower and lifting her bare ass higher.
It struck her, then, the situation she was in, and she laughed. She stood stark naked in a public parking lot in the rain, hands on a wall and long, lithe legs splayed wide, laughing and having oral sex with a neighbor she didn’t know. As he shook her perfect, round butt again she thought of how anyone might chance to look out of any of the hundreds of windows visible to her. The more she thought of it, the more she yearned for someone to see her wet, naked ass bouncing in the night.
“Oh my god! Yes! Yes!” she squealed, almost-quiet. He rubbed her clitoris with his thumb, tonguing deeper, deeper into her as if he could lick an orgasm out of her pussy. She felt his nose hard against the inside of her right ass cheek and his hand roughly grasped her left thigh.
Lina threw her head back, flipping her short black hair onto her bare, arched back as she reveled in the sensation of the rain rolling in rivulets down her spine between her shoulder blades and around her naked hips to drip from her smooth, flat belly. She loved when he shook his head in her butt cheeks and made her golden chains dance between her legs, tickling her clitoris, even has her bouncy naked ass shook the rain off. She laughed and laid her face against the wet brick and felt the water falling on her back, on her round ass, washing her sweat away along her labia where he worked and down her naked thighs, in front of all those windows.
He rubbed his palm on her belly from her clitoris chain to her belly button chain and back again, running the jewelry between his fingers. He liked her sexy jewelry! He wiggled her pussy chain and then shook his head roughly while sucking her pussy, shaking her bare ass. She climaxed.
Lina cried out and arched her back as the orgasm came. She felt the jets of cum gush out around his tongue and run down the inside of her quivering, naked thighs, down past her knees. She rolled her hips on his face as he pulled her even tighter against him, quivering and cumming in squirts onto his face.
He let go of her then with strings of cream stretching from his mouth to her crotch as she sank to her knees, hand on her slick pussy and gasping for air with her right cheek against the rough, cool bricks. She felt his hand on her left shoulder and opened her eyes to see him smiling at her. She smiled back and giggled.
“So I guess-” Suddenly he stopped and looked over her shoulder. Lina gasped and snapped her head around to see a boy around twelve eskort years old staring at them ten feet away. Her neighbor took his hand away and she heard him go, ‘Shhh’, and looked back to see him give a knowing smile. The boy grinned and ran toward the stairs.
“Somebody saw us!” she whispered, shrill again. She was suddenly very aware of how naked she was, her hand on her pulsating labia.
He grinned and said, “You’re a real prude for a girl who walks around naked in the rain.”
She blushed and stood up to set him straight, but then blushed again when she saw that her golden chains danced at eye-level to him now. She turned around, pouty, and realized that wasn’t much different with her bare bottom in his face, so she gave up trying to be indignant while naked before all the world.
She looked over her shoulder and asked, “Do you like what you see?”
“I suppose,” he replied, eyes moving across the curvature of her lower cheeks, up the cleft of her buttocks to the top.
She giggled and jiggled her ass for him. He said looked up grinning, and said, “I’m Stefan, by the way,” and pushed his fingers between her thighs to tap her golden chains at the front.
She giggled again and spun around to grasp his wrist. She bent down to eye-level and told him, “I’m Lina,” with her most provocative smile. She saw his eyes roving from her eyes to her hanging breasts, so she kissed him long and slow
Once again she felt the wind push from behind her, washing water across her ass and around her thighs. She felt a rivulet from her clitoris chain running down her leg; she reveled in the streams running from her back around her ribs to drip steadily off of her loose breasts to the pavement. As she kissed him, Lina felt so gloriously exposed that she wondered why she hadn’t done this before, this new nudity fashion.
She stood up slowly and put her hands on her waist, striking a coquettish pose with her naked hips cocked and thrust forward, feeling the wind unstick her pussy chains from her inner thigh to swing the weight back and forth. The chains tickled her clitoris invitingly as they swung at eye-level for Stefan.
Stefan looked at her appraisingly and said, “You’re beautiful, you know.”
She turned away shyly. She had never been told that and felt flattered. Lina had no patience for false modesty, so she said nothing and just smiled at the empty parking lot.
She heard him stand up behind her and put his arms around her shoulders, clasping his hands on her slick belly.
Stefan asked, “Wanna go get warm inside?”
Two weeks and three fucks later, Stefan asked if she’d come with him to see his very elderly grandmother. Lina obviously said yes. So, on a lazy Friday afternoon they took off on a subway, both with a free weekend and very little luggage. Things heated up very quickly.
Lina wore a modest but low-cut V-neck white blouse and a fairly immodest short, brown skirt with her new favorite three-inch black heels. Stefan had specifically requested her five-strand necklace, and she didn’t even think to put it around her neck. His very specific request made her wonder in later days at his motives before they had even gotten on the train, although she wouldn’t have refused had she known the end of the story.
In keeping with her newfound sexual liberation, Lina opted to wear nothing beneath the clothes. No panties, no bra. WYSIWYG, in every sense. All of the excitement started when she noticed her pert nipples standing out in her shirt, and the obvious, lumpy elation of a tall man at the ticket booth. Being seen excited her, and she was eager to be seen more.
As they stood on the platform, Stefan slipped a thumb under the hem of her skirt and cupped her chilly butt cheek. She looked at him equal parts alarmed and excited. When he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, she knew what he intended and she played along completely.
Lina shifted position frequently to make her bare cheeks jiggle for his hand and even plotted how to get the skirt to ride up indecently high to revel in the chill breezes of the underground. She set her bag on the floor and crouched as if to rummage in it, producing her cell phone to fake-text nonexistent friends. Judging by the tickle on her backside, the hem of her skirt rode just below the curvature of her bare bottom. She shifted and tapped her heel all the more, as Stefan became emboldened and gently shook a cheek. Oh, she felt fabulous.
As the train rushed up to the station it pushed a blast of air that brushed coolly against her exposed pussy and sent a thrill into her belly, just below her navel. In anticipation of more such stimulation, she folded the front of her waistband up a bit to shorten the skirt there, checking her reflection to see if it was visible or not. It wasn’t quite visible, but she showed nearly all of her silky smooth thighs and most of the golden pussy-chain. The sight of her near-exposure aroused her
The very last car was packed, standing room only, so they grabbed straps towards the back of the car and rode towards their next stop on the way to the suburbs.