First blowjobI finally decided to go down on this guy I like for the first time – really, the first time, as in my firsttime, ever – and here I am having to encounter balls for the first time. I mean, I finally got up thenerve to give a blowjob, months and in some cases even years after my friends, had just begun to geta little confidence about the idea of me with a dick in my mouth for the first time, when this guyhas to lift up his sweaty sack and lay it right on my mouth. Great. What the fuck am I supposed to dowith this?I’m not some girly girl that needs everything just exactly perfect and amtoo precious to get a little down and dirty. But fuck. Balls? What the fuck am I supposed to do withballs? They’re all big and floppy and I know enough to know that these things are pretty sensitive,right? I’m sure I’m supposed to be gentle or something, but, I mean, am I supposed to suck on these?Feeling like the clock is ticking and that if I don’t do something of consequence soon, this guy willknow I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, I stick out my tongue and lightly lick his balls. “Oh yeah,baby, just like that,” he says. Okay, so apparently that’s about what he is looking for, but man, I haveto admit these things taste and feel terrible. With each lick up the fuzzy, gelatinous sack, beginningdown at the bottom where the little marble sits at the bottom of the sack, up to the base of his rockhard shaft, I start to question some of the life choices I’ve made. But with each shudder of delight andanticipation as I flick my tongue back in my mouth and descend again for another round trip, I figure“Hell, at least I’m doing this right.”But then, new requests are made: “Oh yeah baby, suck on those balls.” Suck on them? güvenilir bahis siteleri Really?Fuck. But, damn, I’m nothing if not a giving person. So, my mouth widens and he lifts his sack up anddrops his left ball right in my mouth. “Well, what the fuck? I’ve come this far,” I think as my lips closegently around it and I gather whatever moisture I can from the back of my mouth and, well, what doyou know? Pretty soon, I’m sucking on a ball, much to the pleasure of the mouth on the other end ofthis sweaty, hairy nut. Well, I have to admit, this is sort of fun. I begin to suck on it with moreconfidence, then let it pop out and give the whole sack a couple licks, then work my way over to hisright ball and give it the same treatment. “Oh fuck honey, you’re so good.” “Damn right I am,” I thinkas I suck my first pair of balls.Then he starts with the slapping. As I’m doing this guy the pretty outstanding favor of sucking hiscock and giving his balls all the pleasure he can stand, he pays me back by slapping his rock hard –and pretty substantial – cock all over my cheeks, my nose, my forehead, even my eyes. “Oh yeahbaby, you’re so gorgeous,” he says as I look up at him with an obvious WTF expression plasteredacross my face. “Yeah, that’s right sweetie, you love it.” What the living hell? Does this guy reallythink I’m enjoying getting slapped in the face with a hard seven inches of flesh? Is he not reading myexpression of complete annoyance? I get the start of a thought out of my mouth a splitsecond before his cock re-enters my mouth. Well, whatever. Okay, at least I’m back on solidground again. I came here planning to suck cock, I got myself all mentally prepared for sucking ahelp but gag, and in doing tipobet giriş so my teeth make contact with skin. I try to pull my head away, but he’s stillholding on tight. “Easy with the teeth, honey,” he laughs. I’m in no laughing mood as I stare up intohis eyes defiantly, but he’s still sliding his cock in and out of my mouth. “Oh baby, I’m almost there.Just like that honey,” still shoving his cock down my throat, but a little bit lighter now. A good lessonlearned for both of us; teeth can send a clear message.But now, I’m just holding on for dear life. The rhythm of his thrusts increase in pace. His grip on myhead solidifies. I can feel his legs start to tremble a little and, as all of this is going on, there’s this littlethought running through the back of my head: “As much as I had a game plan for this, I’m not surewhat to do at the end.” Like, I know this guy is about to cum, and I know the whole thing about spitor swallow, but like the actual mechanics of the whole thing escape me. Like, what is this shit going totaste like? Or feel like? And do I really want to swallow this dude’s sperm? But if I’m going to spit itout, what the hell am I supposed to do with it? Where would I spit it? And like, oh fuck, I guess I reallydon’t have any idea what I’m doing.But despite this running conversation with myself in the back of my head, it turns out this guy hadplans of his own. His thrusting picks up intensity, little guttural moans come out of his throat, his eyesroll back in his head and, as the first spurt of cum enters my mouth, almost without even a consciousthought he pulls back all at once, his cock pops out of my mouth, his right hand jerks from my headdown to his cock, and he aims tipobet güvenilir mi it right at me as his cock explodes all over my face. A jet of spermsoars over my face, landing in my hair, trailing down my forehead, across my left eye, down to mylips. Another jet follows much the same path as I try to comprehend this turn of events. What the hellis this stuff all over my face? Is this normal? Does he like this? That last question got answered mostclearly the quickest, as I heard him sigh “Oh baby, damn! You’re so hot,” as the last bits dribbled outof his cock onto my mouth, and down my chin. I’ve still got his first blast in my mouth and now spittingseems like too much of a challenge, so I just swallow in an effort to get it out of my mouth. There Iam, on my knees in front of this guy I have such a crush on, and he’s just defiled my face with hiscum, and he seems to be loving it.I’m not sure what to do now, just kneeling there, looking up at him, waiting for him to come downfrom whatever plane of existence he’s on and back to reality. I’m starting to think that maybe I got offeasy, not having to swallow much and not having to deal with the whole spitting conundrum, when Istart to realize that the blob in my left eye is starting to be an issue, as I feel a little stinging sensationthere. Just as I start to reach up to get rid of it though, he starts with the slapping again, hitting hisstill-hard cock against my right check a few times, causing a little bit more of his cum to fly out andonto my forehead and into my hair. “Damn, you’re a hot little slut,” he tells me, in what I guess hethinks is a compliment. I get a finger in my eyes to clean out the gunk as he backs away and bendsover to pull his pants back up from around his ankles. That done, he grabs a towel off his bed and flings it at me. “Here. So you can clean up.” The picture of chivalry. But then, as he sits on his bed and I, still on my knees, wipe off my face, he tells me: “You know, you’re really really good at that.”