Iana – the perfect maidI haven’t wrote any story in 5 years. I wasn’t a great writer back then, please excuse me if I lack in writing skills.Maybe my stories are not that spectacular but they are all true.Since my last story I got married and I have 2 beautiful k**s. In the moment my first c***d was born something changed with me. I was always a very horny guy who wanted to fuck all the nice ladies. Once the k**s came, my priorities changed and I also kept telling myself that I will be faithful to my wife and I will stop fucking every piece of ass that I can. In those 5 years I only fucked 6 escorts – all of them in business trips and most of the times while the wife was pregnant.In the second part of last year one of my best friends got married. We organized a quiet stag party in one of our friends house, we drank a few bottles of whiskey, some strippers were there but nothing special … the interesting part was that after midnight we have sent the strippers home and we just continued to drink and tell all our funny stories involving ladies. We are all friends since c***dhood so we share a lot of great memories. I remembered fucking Beata*older story*, fucking Dana *older story* and a lot of other ladies about which I haven’t wrote stories here. I had a great time but after I got home I couldn’t sleep … I realized that I have changed a lot and I am not the same guy anymore. In the following weeks I kept telling myself that I am more mature now and that my current behavior is perfectly normal.During the winter I was in a 4 day exhibition in Budapest. I love Budapest … but not during winter time. I stayed in a very nice hotel overlooking Danube river. I usually go to Budapest 4-5 times a year, I have a lot of friends there so I can say that I always feel like home. Budapest is probably one of the best cities if you are searching for prostitutes … so since the moment I got there it was quite obvious for me that in one night, when I will be drunk, I will start calling for escorts. Happily for me it was not the case to spend money on escorts.I got there with 2 days before the exhibition, the first day was full but I finished the final touches of the exhibition booth in that day. The second day was quite relaxing, during the morning I had some work to do on my laptop, after that I took a quick lunch at the hotels restaurant and got back in the room for a quick nap. Suddenly a hard knock on the door woke pe up. Half asleep I ran to the door – it was the maid, she told me in a very bad English that she wants to change the towels. She was a mid 20s gipsy girl, she wore the maid uniform (nothing sexy) but she was quite cute. At that point I was quite angry because she woke me up so I didn’t saw her as being sexy. She changed the towels and left.Since it was a free day, I took out all the whiskey from the mini bar and drank it on the balcony while smoking some nice cigars … When you work too much and you also have two small k**s at home … you really enjoy quiet days like this. At 7 some friends picked me up and we went for dinner. I haven’t seen them in a while and we were emptying the glasses of alcohol quite fast. In Budapest you can always eat very well. Being old friends, they proposed to go to a famous strip club which was a 3 minute walk from where we were. Of course I accepted. Once we got there, the vibe was not right … there were a lot of foreigners and ladies canlı kaçak bahis didn’t knew how to take your money faster. I really do not enjoy that kind of atmosphere … so after 10 minutes we decided to go in a near bar for a last drink and then to go to the hotel. When I reached the hotel I was tipsy, entering the lobby I saw a gorgeous woman wearing a black dress, high heels and heavy make-up. She was simply stunning. She was about 5.6 ft tall, around 50 kg, darker skin, great legs … round ass … very firm and naughty breasts. No matter how picky you are when choosing women she was definitely a great lady for any taste … but I was tipsy and at that point for me it looked like the perfect woman … she was like Catwoman :). When I was near her she smiled and I realized that it is the maid that I saw earlier, she had the same cute smile. I smiled back and being in a foreign country and drunk … I couldn’t help myself and said in Romanian “As vrea sa te fut” – which in English means “I would like to fuck you” – I was sure that nobody will understand. I really didn’t wanted to be rude but men in general are very simple creatures when they are drunk and horny … I am no exception. At that point everything changed … from that very cute smile she gave me a killer look. At that point I realized that near her was another gipsy guy, the waiter that brought me lunch earlier. He was also looking at me like he was going to kill me. I later found out that the guys name was Daniel. He started swearing in Romanian and at that point I was afraid. I am a big and strong guy but I was drunk and Daniel was one of the most determined man I saw. What he said it is not very important, long story short, he kept saying that I was disrespecting his fiancée and he will make sure that I will pay for this (and after that he explained in 20 ways how he will hurt me). 80% of my job is to negotiate and to make people happy – so I started apologizing, I apologized to her, I apologized to him. I explained that I was very drunk and she is simply one of the best looking women that I saw … I offered to make this right. I had in the car a 35 year old wine and I offered it to them, apologizing again for my bad behavior. After about 5 minutes of apologizing, somehow Daniel got less mad but the lady (by the way, her name is Iana) was still a little offended.After I gave Daniel the bottle of wine he said “Look, you were a piece of shit, you shouldn’t talk like this in front of my fiancée especially when I was near her … you have disrespected her and you have disrespected me. In the same time, I see you are not a bad guy. If you want to make this right you will drink this bottle of wine with me and Iana will go in her room to sleep … she is working tomorrow, I can stay up late because I don’t work tomorrow”.I had no other solution but to accept. 5 minutes later I was on the balcony in my room with Daniel, smoking cigars, drinking wine and chatting. It turned out that Daniel was quite a nice guy. Somehow I was very honest with him, I have told him about me, about my work, about my family … I was getting drunker and drunker. Then I found out that they were both Romanian gypsies. He was mid 30s and he was an orphan. He did everything in his life … At some point he smuggled cigarettes from Ukraine, after that he spent a few months in jail for stealing, he was a pimp in Italy for a short period, güvenilir casino he had a lot of tattoos on him, he was like a movie character. You could stay and listen to him for hours. Everything changed 6 years ago when he met Iana in a local pub in a small city from Romania. He says that he felt in love instantly. That was the point when he stopped making any i*****l stuff and started working legally. He had some friends in Budapest and he came here to work at the hotel and after a few months he brought Iana. They were celebrating this evening 6 years of relationship and I basically ruined the end of they’re night. They were saving money to buy an apartment in Romania … they wanted to move back but they wanted they’re own home. They saved 35000 EUR but they still needed 10000 – 15000 EUR for the apartment. At that point he asked how much is an apartment in the city where I live. Normally the 2 bedroom apartments in new building is between 40.000 – 60.000 EUR. He kept saying that he is tired and he just wants to get home because for the past 6 years his life was the hotel … he got some money for them but it was simply too much! They wanted to come back home.My friend that got married in the beginning of the story is a real estate developer. He built most of the new flats from my town and I knew all the flat prices and discounts that he could offer. So I told Daniel that if he wants a flat in my city, new building but not necessary the best apartment from the flat, I can arrange with a friend of mine to get it at 35.000 EUR so he can come home tomorrow if he wants. He was shocked in the beginning, he asked me 3 times if I am being serious and I kept telling “YES” and that I will make arrangements for him if he wants because I have the “best friend discount”. I really started to like to guy … and probably I was also very drunk at that point and when I am drunk I am very friendly. I looked at the clock and it was 3:00 in the morning … SHIT! … the exposition started in 4 hours and I wanted to take a shower and to get some sleep. I politely asked him to leave. When we were at the door he asked me again: “Are you serious ? Can you offer a new apartment in a good area at 35000 EUR ? ” … I smiled and firmly said “Yes!” again. I told him that we will talk in the following days because I will be here for another 4 nights. As he got out of the room he looked at me and asked “Do you want to fuck Iana ?”. “What?” I replied. I was quite shocked to be honest. He asked again more firm this time, “Look at me, do you want to fuck Iana ? yes or no ?”. I looked at him and started to say that he is my friend now and I cannot think at Iana like that … at that point he slapped (quite hard by the way) and asked angrily “YES OR NO?”. At that point I said YES! He smiled and left.The next day was a disaster, I had a very bad headache and the hours at the exhibition were very hard. I got back at the hotel, took a shower and went to dinner. I decided I will not go out or drink this evening because I was still very tired for the night before. Daniel was getting out from the hotel for a walk and he saw me, he came to my table and apologized for the slapping me the night before … I also apologized for saying YES and we both laughed. He asked me again is I was serious with the apartment and now I was able to show him some pictures with the apartment. I could see that he was very casino firmalari happy.I finished the dinner, took a short walk and at about 10:00 in the evening I was back in the room. Once I entered I could see that the light was on, it was some jazz music in the background and a heavy woman perfume. I walked in and I saw Iana laying on the bed. She was simply stunning.She had a very cute face, great smile, and she wore white bikini and a white bra. She asked me to come near here … “Come here baby, sorry for not being so friendly the other night. I liked you from the very moment I saw you but Daniel is very jealous so … when men look at me nicely I usually put on a mask because he is very violent – he usually beats the guy and after that he beats me”. I was shocked, all I could say was “Damn you look stunning”. She laughed, came to me and kissed me long and hard. After that she got on her knees and started to suck my dick aggressively looking deep into my eyes. She licked my balls, my asshole and I was basically fucking her face at some point. I wanted to fuck this girl so bad but she was sucking me so well that I simply didn’t had the power to fuck her. While she was sucking she took my dick out of her mouth and said “Don’t resist baby … cum in my mouth when you can … I am your whore for the rest of your stay in this hotel … you can fuck me as hard and as many times you want”. 10 seconds later I was cuming deep in her throat. We went on the balcony for a cigar and we started round two. I licked her pussy angrily for 20 minutes … I kissed her allover … and I couldn’t wait, I put my dick inside her dripping pussy and I started to fuck her hard. Missionary / lady on top / on the table … her pussy was so wet that I was all covered in pussy juice. She was a screamer … I am sure that all the men from the nearby rooms were heavily masturbating :)). I probably fucked her for an hour. In the end I came deep inside her pussy … her pussy it’s one of the most welcoming and beautiful pussies I ever fucked. I always heard that gipsy ladies are very wet … but Iana was something else, it was pussy juice everywhere. She literally felt in love with my 8 inch cock and couldn’t get enough of it.Next day at breakfast I met Daniel, he said that this was his gift for me solving the cheaper apartment for them but unfortunately I cannot enjoy Iana’s presence in the following evenings because he waited for her the other night and he got a little jealous when he saw how well fucked she arrived home … he said that he saw ladies after gangbangs that didn’t had the pussy so loose. Honestly speaking I was a little disappointed because I already fantasied how I will fuck her in the following days. Anyway, I was happy that I fucked her. Once I got back to the hotel in the evening I saw a note on the pillow. It was from Iana. It was written “Daniel doesn’t let me see you again but I cannot resist. He is working until 12:00 this evening. At 9:00 I am in your room, prepare for a quick fuck! I need you inside me”. And so it was, at 9:00 I was deep inside her pussy … at 9:15 I was already cuming deep in her pussy … At 9:30 I was in the restaurant and Daniel was bringing my dinner.I fucked Iana every day in Budapest. I didn’t see her since but 2 weeks ago my real estate developer friend called me saying that Daniel bought the apartment from him and they will move to our town in the next months … So I am already fantasizing about fucking Iana again.I didn’t described Iana very well because sometimes a picture speaks for 1000 words. Please see the photos of Iana which she let me took during one of our quickies.I hope you enjoyed the read.