Under the CoversI was lying in bed waiting impatiently. I was fidgeting and I couldn’t keep still. Davey should have been here ages ago. Or was I just being too impatient?My heart slipped a beat and my whole body trembled when I heard the door open and close quietly. He came quickly to my bed and slipped under the covers. I put my arms around him and hugged him tightly as he pulled the covers over us and we wriggled down the bed until we were both completely under the covers.I wrapped my arms around him tightly and d****d one leg over him, pulling him close to me and kissing his forehead repeatedly. “Oh Davey, What took you so long? I’m so glad to see you. I thought you weren’t coming.” I said excitedly.”Hey, settle down. I’m glad to see you too. I had to wait till they were asleep.””They’ve been asleep for ages.””Ssh. Quiet down.””They won’t hear us. We’ve been doing this for years and they never hear us. They got no idea.””We should still be careful. We don’t wanna get caught. Then we’ll never be able to have our Quiet Time together.””Oh, I missed you so much.” I said hugging him tighter, pulling him closer to me with my leg that was d****d over his thigh.”I missed you too but it was only two weeks.'”Only two weeks? I hate going to bed when you’re not here.””I’m here now.””So how was camp?””It was awful. Like a prison camp. Running around the bush like natives. I don’t wanna talk about it.””You told Mum and Dad it was great fun.””Course I did. You know I only tell you the real truth at Quiet Time.””That’s when we tell each other the real truth. In here, where we’re safe, where there’s just us. Only us.””So tell me your news. What’s been happening while I been away.””You’ll never guess.” I said excitedly. “Guess.””You said I’ll never guess.””Guess anyway.””I dunno. OK. Um.. you got a boyfriend.””No.” I said, laughing.”You had sex.””Nooooooo.” I squealed.”You got a B on a test.””Nooooooo.” “You realised you’re a lesbian.””Nooooooo.””You got a*****ed by aliens.””I got boobs.” I said excitedly.”What? When? You got boobs in two weeks?””Well, they’d been feeling funny for a few weeks before you left and like the day after you left I thought they looked a bit different, like a bit swollen but no tits, just like a swelling and just every day they got bigger and bigger.””See? I told you not to worry.””Yeah I know but I was the last one to get them and… they’re not very big.””Show me.””Nooooooo.””Why not?””I dunno. It’s embarrassing.””Why? You’ve never been embarrassed before.””I dunno. It’s different now I got tits.””Oh come on show me. Remember? No secrets?””OK. But you promise not to laugh.””I won’t. Why would I laugh?””Cause they’re so small.””OK. I promise.”Davey turned on his flashlight and suddenly I could see him. He looked so gorgeous. I’d missed him so much and missed our Quiet Time under the covers so much.”Show me.” He said excitedly.”How come you’re so excited?””I dunno, it’s kinda exciting seeing your sister’s boobs for the first time.””Yeah, well don’t be too disappointed.”I pulled up my pajama shirt and looked down. Davey shone his little flashlight on my tits and examined them closely.”Wow.” He said in a hushed voice. “They look beautiful.””Yeah? Really?””Oh yeah, they’re so cute. Like perfect little tits. They look so perfect.”I looked down at them and they looked terribly small. Much smaller than all the other girls I knew. But they’d had their tits for months now. I was so far behind.”Can I touch them?” Davey asked and I wondered why he was so excited about my boobs.”OK.”I watched him slowly put his hand on one, then hold it in his hand and gently squeeze it. It was just big enough to fill his hand. I liked the feel of his hand on my tit. He was the first person to touch them, except for me of course.”What do they feel like?” I asked.”Oh, they feel good. Really good.””They’re so small.””No. No, they’re great. How does it feel me touching them?””It feels good. I like it. If I roll over on my side a bit more, they sort of hang down and get bigger. Look.”I rolled over further and I felt them move and sort of sag down a bit. I’d been looking at them from all angles and in every position I could imagine since they first appeared. They disappeared almost completely when I lay flat on my back, looked sort of normal when I was upright but looked bigger if I lay on my side or bent over. “Oh yeah I see what you mean. They feel different now. Yeah, a bit bigger.””Watch this.” I said excitedly.I got up on my hands and knees under the covers and I felt my tits swing down. They got bigger when I was on my hands and knees, they looked bigger and they felt bigger.Davey wriggled around with his flashlight and pulled my pajama top up out of the way. “Get underneath me so you can see them better.” I said. “Your tops in the way. Will you take it off?””OK.”I sat up, turning the covers into a tepee and laughed as I took my pajama top off. Davey sat up facing me. He seemed really interested in my tits. I thought he’d just take a look and that would be it. He seemed as excited about them as I was.I got down on my hands and knees again and Davey lay underneath me looking up at my tits.”Oh wow, they look really good from down here.” He said.He held both of them, feeling their shape and squeezing them gently. I felt a tingling feeling in my nipples when his palms grazed them. I shuddered and giggled.”What’s wrong?” He asked.”It feels funny when you do that.” “Do what?””Touch my nipples like that.””Really? Funny good or funny bad.””Funny good. Funny real good.” I said laughing.He rubbed his palms over my nipples and squeezed my tits gently. “Like that?” he asked.”Yeah, like that.””Lie back down on your side. It’s easier to get to them that way.”I lay on my side and he began to play with my nipples. He pressed them with the top of his finger, squeezed them gently between his fingers, and rubbed them with his fingertips. It all felt good. Very good. I had never noticed anything like this when I touched my nipples before I got my tits. This was new and different.My tits weren’t as big lying on my side as they were when I was on my hands and knees but it felt silly being on my hands and knees. They were bigger than they would be if I was sitting up and of course if I lay on my back they almost disappeared.I was surprised Davey was so interested in my tits. Sure, it was big news but bigger news for me than Davey. Still I was very happy that he was so pleased with them and so interested in them.”Do you like playing with my tits?” I asked seriously.”Yeah, I do. They’re great. Do you um.. like me playing with them?””Yeah, I do. It feels really nice.””Can I suck them?””What?” osmaniye escort I said, surprised and a tiny bit shocked.I had a fit of the giggles and put my arm over my tits, brushing his hands away. He started laughing too. It was so funny the idea of Davey sucking my tits.”Can I?” “OK. If you want to.” I said trying to stop my giggling.I took my arm away from my tits and rested my hand on his shoulder. He leaned forward and kissed my nipple. I felt a funny tingling sensation flow right through my little tit. He parted his lips, wrapped his lips around my nipple and he sucked it.I felt that tingling sensation get more intense and I put my hand behind his head. God, that felt good. I’d never had my tits sucked before and it was a strange and really, really nice feeling.It cured me of my giggles.”How does that feel?” He asked.”Good. Don’t stop. Suck it harder.”Oh God. The harder he sucked it the better it felt. I was surprised at how good it felt. I knew guys sucked tits and it was like part of sex but I never thought it would feel this good. “Try the other one.” I said. “Hold the flashlight.” I took the flashlight from him and shone it on my chest so I could watch him sucking my tits. This was SO exciting.I wanted to know if they both felt the same. Oh God, they did. He was squeezing one tit with one hand while he held the other tit in his other hand and sucked it, and, Oh God, it felt so good. I began to wriggle around a bit, squirming under the covers, stretching my legs out and kind of stretching like a cat. My thigh went between Davey’s legs and I felt it bump into something hard. I wondered what it was. It felt like another flashlight. Had he brought a spare one with him? Then I suddenly realised what It was.”Oh My God Davey, have you got a stiffy?”He just kept squeezing and sucking my tits so I reached own and grabbed it. Yikes! He had a stiffy alright. He’d gotten a stiffy before when we get under the covers for our Quiet Time but he said they just come and go for no reason but this time I thought it had something to do with him playing with my tits and sucking them.”Davey, you’ve got a stiffy.””Yeah, I know. Sorry.””That’s OK, but how come?””Well I been playing with your tits and sucking them and… well, that’s what happens.””But I’m your sister and I thought you were just checking them out and doesn’t that mean that you wanna fuck when you get a stiffy?””No, it just means you know, that I’m kinda turned on that’s all.” “You’re not thinking about fucking me are you?””No, I’m not. It’s like my dick doesn’t know you’re my sister. But I do. You get it?””So, it turns you on playing with my tits?””Yeah, but it’s like my brain just tells my dick there’s tits there and really nice ones and not whose tits they are.””Oh, so you’re dick’s all excited about my tits but it doesn’t know they’re your sister’s tits?””Yeah, that’s right.””OK, that sorta makes sense.””Do you wanna stop?””No, do you?””No.””OK.”Davey went back to sucking my tits and playing with them and I thought about this whole tit sucking and tit playing thing and him getting a stiffy. We used to have baths and showers together when we were younger and we’d done the whole ‘I’ll show you mind if you show me yours thing’ and touched each other and all that stuff and it had never been a big deal.I’d seen his dick plenty of times but I’d never had a good look at it when it was hard. He’s always been embarrassed and quickly covered up. I reached down and felt his dick to see if it was still hard. Yep, it was.”Hey, what are you doing?'”Can I have a look at your stiffy?””What? Why?””I dunno. I’ve never had a good look at it, that’s why.”He started to laugh and I joined in. It was kinda funny. “OK. Help yourself.” He said with a laugh.I flicked the flashlight on an off a few times.”I got the flashlight.” I said in a robot voice.He laughed.I slid down under the covers till my face was level with his boxer shorts. I could see his stiffy making his boxers bulge at the front. I held the flashlight in my right hand and pulled the waistband of his boxers out and shone the flashlight in there. I saw his dick down there inside his boxers and as I pulled his boxers wider open it suddenly sprang out and kind of quivered. It looked so funny and I got such a surprise I burst into a fit of giggles.”You’re not supposed to laugh when you see a man’s dick, you know. You’ll never get a boyfriend if you do that.””It just leaped out at me.” I said, giggling.I shone the flashlight on it and had a better look. I suddenly stopped giggling. His dick looked kind of angry. It looked very different to what I remembered but it had been a long time since I’d had a close look at it.It was much bigger than I remembered. It had a blunt pointed head that was a pinkish purplish colour that looked really interesting and the shaft looked kind of thick and long.I thought God, this thing actually goes inside you when you’re being fucked. It looked too big. Much bigger than necessary.I wanted a better look so I began tugging his shorts down.”Hey, whatcha doing?””I want a better look.””Really?” He said, sounding strangely concerned.”Oh, just relax. I’m just looking.”I pulled his boxers down to his knees so I could have a really good look. Who knows when I’ll get another chance to check out a cock and it would be good to know what I’d be dealing with if I ever got a boyfriend. He was only wearing boxers and now all I had on were my pajama shorts. He was lying on his side and I gingerly pushed his cock out of the way with my forearm so I could see his balls.”You’ve got big balls. And a lot of hair down there.” I said, half to myself.”Have you got any hair down there yet?” He asked.”Just some downy stuff.” I said absently, absorbed by his hard dick and his balls. “You can touch it if you like.” He said. “Really?””You let me play with your tits, so it’s only fair.”That’s true I thought. I did want to touch it and he’d just saved me the trouble of asking. I was very curious about what it would feel like in my hand. I reached out and closed my fingers around it. I held it in my hand and I was surprised at how hot it felt. It felt really strange. Kind of alive and faintly throbbing. It felt kind of good holding it in my hand. I squeezed it and Davey made a strange moaning sound.”Did that hurt?” I asked.”No.” He said but his voice sounded funny.I was kind of surprised how I could move it up and down and from side to side. I guess I had never thought about it but it seemed strange that it moved around so much. I guess I kind of thought ti just stuck out like a rigid ramrod or something.I started to giggle again. I realised I was holding escort osmaniye Davey’s stiff dick in my hand and it seemed so funny.”I’d like to know what’s so funny about my dick.” Davey said in that strange voice. “Nothing.” I said. “It’s just me. You’ve got a really nice dick.”It did look kind of nice but more interesting than nice looking. I moved it up so it was almost lying against his stomach and checked out his balls. Now they looked really interesting. So this was where his cum was made. In his big, hairy balls. Well, they weren’t that hairy, I guess. They seemed a lot bigger than I expected though.I let go of his cock so I could touch his balls. I cupped them and picked them up to have a better look. He made that strange moaning sound again. I wished I had both hands free so I could check all this equipment out a bit better but I needed one hand to hold the flashlight.I decided I liked his cock better and I put my hand back on it, forming a fist around it and squeezed it gently. I really liked the feel of it in my hand. “Vicky? Try moving your hand up and down it.” Davey said in that strained voice.”OK.”I held his cock loosely in my hand and moved my fist up and down. How interesting. The loose skin on his cock moved up and almost covered the head and then slid back down to reveal it fully when I moved my hand down.”Davey? Is this what you do when you wank?” I asked quietly.”Yeah. Sort of.””So am I like, giving you a hand job?””Not really.””That’s good, cause that would be weird.”I really liked how his cock felt as I moved my hand up and down it. It felt alive, kind of like a snake. It felt really hard but kind of soft at the same time. I liked looking at his cock and I liked the feel of it. I liked watching my hand moving on it and I liked the sight of my hand holding it.I started to feel strangely excited and I slowly put all this liking the look of this and that and the feel of this and that together and realised that, like Davey, I must be turned on too.So we were both getting turned on fooling around with each other. That was weird.”Vicky, you can suck it if you like. I mean you let me suck your tits so it’s only fair.”Suck it? Suck his dick? That’s a bit different to sucking tits. For a start he pisses out of that thing. The girls are always talking about cock sucking but it had never been an issue for me. Just not something I need to worry about yet and I found the idea mildly disgusting. I knew it was a big deal for boys though and sooner or later I was going to have to bite the bullet. Or the cock. Or someone’s cock and maybe it would be a good idea to practice on Davey’s. I held the flashlight in my left hand, pointing it at his cock and held his cock pointing at my face and looked at it closely, trying to imagine sucking it. Imagining it in my mouth. “Do you want to suck it?” Davey asked. “Do you want me to?” I asked.”If you want to. No, I mean yes, I do want you to.””OK.”Why not, I thought. See what this cock sucking thing is all about. See how bad it is. Oh boy. It just seemed so wrong putting a cock in your mouth.I leaned over and wrapped my lips around it just behind the head and Davey moaned loudly. I sucked gently on the head of his cock and it felt kind of strange but not unpleasant. I thought that Davey seemed to enjoy sucking my tits a lot more than I did sucking his cock. It felt OK but I wasn’t getting excited like he was when he was sucking my tits.I could feel my tongue bumping into the head of his cock in my mouth and I was surprised how smooth and silky it felt on my tongue. I licked it and it felt very nice. I took his cock out of my mouth and licked the head all over. Then I put it back in my mouth and sucked it again. I had no idea how you were supposed to suck a cock and I just sucked it like a lollipop, sucking, stopping, then sucking. I had seen a video of a girl sucking a cock but I hadn’t paid much attention. Davey was moaning a lot and I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad sign.”Vicky, move your mouth up and down it. Like you did with your hand. You know? Up and down so it goes in and out of your mouth.”Ah, I suddenly remembered that’s how that girl was doing it in that video. I started sliding my mouth up and down his cock. His cock was going in and out of my mouth and I thought this was a bit like fucking. His cock was going in and out of my mouth the same way it would be going in and out of my pussy. If he was fucking me. Now, that’s a weird thought.I started sliding my mouth up and down his cock faster. I sucked as I slid my mouth up his cock and just let my lips drag along it when I slid it into my mouth. I thought I was getting the hang of this cock sucking thing but I was a bit worried at the way Davey was moaning all the time.Davey reached down and took the flashlight off me. He sat up making another tepee out of the covers and shone the flashlight on me. He watched me sucking his cock with a really strange look on his face, like he was in pain.I had both hands free now so I held his balls in one hand and held the base of his cock in the other. I was sliding my mouth up and down his cock faster and faster and it was going in deeper and deeper until I felt it hitting the back of my throat and knew that was far enough.I was enjoying it and I realised that I liked sucking cock which was going to be great when I got a boyfriend.”Stop stop stop stop stop.” Davey called out desperately as he pulled me off his cock.”What’s wrong? What did I do wrong?” “Nothing. Nothing. You were doing it too good. I almost came.””What? You woulda cum in my mouth.””Yeah, well that’s what happens but I didn’t wanna do it to you.””Why?””Why? Really? Well… “”But you said that’s what happens.””Yeah, but I don’t know if you’d like it and some girls don’t, so if they don’t, then you pull it out and…””You’re babbling, Davey.”He slid down under the covers so we were face to face and started to laugh. “Vicky, I just sucked your tits and you just sucked my cock.” “Yeah, we’ve been really bad.””Vicky, can I have a look at your pussy?” “I dunno. I suppose. Why?””Oh I dunno. I haven’t seen it for a while.””It’s the same, just got a bit of fuzz around it now.””So can I?””OK.”I took my pajama pants off and Davey took his boxers off. I wondered why he’d taken his boxers off to have a look at my pussy and I realised that we were both naked now. I giggled. Davey giggled. “You giggle like a girl.” I said.”I know. So do you.”We had been naked before under the covers. We had both checked each other out pretty thoroughly a few times but hadn’t done that for a while now. Once we had a pretend fuck. Davey got on top of me and osmaniye escort bayan we went through the motions of fucking but we were laughing so hard and the whole idea of fucking just seemed crazy to us at the time.”Lie on your back.” Davey said. I lay on my back and spread my legs apart. I watched Davey slide down under the covers and get between my legs. I could see his face lit up by the flashlight as he shone it on my pussy and peered intently at it. I held onto my tits, one in each hand. I had tits now, I thought happily. And Davey had said they were great and they were perfect. I had sucked a cock for the first time and Davey said I had done it so good it almost made him cum. I was in such a good mood.I lay there holding my tits rubbing my palms gently on my nipples. God, that felt good. I lay there for a while and Davey studied my pussy in the light of the little flashlight. I raised myself up on my elbows, lifted the covers and looked down at him.”Whatcha doing down there?” I asked and giggled.”Just looking.” He said, looking up from between my legs, over my pussy, with a big smile.I lay back down flat on my back and held onto my tits. “You’ve got a really nice looking pussy. It looks delicious.””Delicious?” I said in surprise. That seemed a funny word to describe a pussy. I giggled but stopped abruptly when I felt a really, really strange sensation on my pussy.It felt like something wet was rubbing on it. It felt strange but it also felt like the best feeling I had ever felt in my life. Fuck it felt good. “What are you doing?” I whispered and my voice wavered and sounded faint. He didn’t answer and I felt that wet thing press harder on my pussy, forcing my pussy lips apart and then I felt it slid INTO my pussy. “What are you doing?” I whispered and this time my voice sounded really hoarse and strained. “I’m licking your pussy.” Davey said in a muffled voice.That wet thing was his tongue. Oh My God he had his tongue on my pussy. He was licking my pussy. I felt his lips on my pussy, like he was kissing it, then his tongue came out and slid down between my pussy lips and back into my pussy, back INSIDE it.OH. MY. GOD.”Go back up. Go back up.” I suddenly cried out, not even recognizing my voice.”Yes, there. Right there. Suck it.” I cried out.I couldn’t believe I had just said that. I couldn’t believe he was sucking my pussy. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. He must be sucking my clit. That must be my clit I thought. He kept sucking my clit, licking my pussy lips and sticking his tongue inside my pussy and I wriggled and squirmed under the covers and when the covers began to annoy me I threw them off.Now we were out in the open on top of my bed fully exposed and the flashlight lit up the whole room. I looked down my naked body at Davey in between my legs and all I could see was the top of his head bobbing up and down. I felt him move his mouth up to my clit again and begin to suck it much harder. My clit began to tingle and I felt a warm feeling spreading from my pussy up through my stomach.Then I felt his finger slide into my pussy, going in all the way until I felt his knuckles pressing on my pussy lips. Oh God, he had his finger in me. In my pussy. He began to slide his finger in and out of my pussy. I was surprised his finger slid in there so easily. I’d had my finger in there a few times and it was always really tight and hard to get it in. Davey’s finger just slid in. He began to suck my clit harder and harder and to fuck my pussy with his finger faster and faster. I could feel the insides of my thighs getting wetter and wetter. My clit was tingling and my pussy was throbbing deep inside and I felt this warm, wonderful feeling spreading up from my pussy through my stomach up to my chest. I felt waves of pleasure washing over me and through me and suddenly I felt this incredibly intense feeling of pure pleasure like a jolt of electricity, my back suddenly arched and my feet dug into the mattress and I had my first proper orgasm. Davey stopped what he was doing and came to lie beside me. I was panting like a dog and out of breath even though I had just been lying there. Davey had this wild, crazy look on his face and was staring at me intently.”Vicky, can I… can I put it in you?””OK.”I don’t think I even knew what he meant when I said OK but at that moment I would have said OK to just about anything.Davey got on top of me and I felt something big and blunt pressing right on the entrance to my pussy hole. I felt it forcing my pussy open and sliding it. I felt a tiny stab of pain, then a sudden resistance stopping his cock, then another tiny stab of pain and suddenly his cock just slid in all the way and he was fucking me. He was on top of me with his hands on the bed beside my head, his body between my legs, thrusting up and down and his cock thrusting into me. In and out, in and out. I wrapped my legs around him and he leaned down and sucked my nipple, sucking it so hard it almost hurt. I put my arms around his shoulders and held him tightly.I had always thought my first time was going to be very difficult and awkward but his cock had slid in so easily. I was surprised how good his cock felt moving inside me. I felt a very slight burning sensation but I loved the feeling of that cock in me.He put his hands under my ass and lifted my ass up a little way off the bed and that made his cock feel even better. The weight of his body was pressing on my chest now that he had his hands under my ass but I didn’t care. He began to fuck me even harder and faster and I was surprised I could handle it. I thought the first fuck would have to be kind of slow and gentle but Davey was fucking me like a madman. And I was fucking loving it.I had a sudden, disturbing realisation that it was Davey fucking me, that I was fucking my brother, and I wondered how this had happened.Then he put his mouth over mine, his lips covering my mouth completely, thrust his tongue into my open mouth and fucked my mouth with his tongue the same way he was fucking my pussy with his cock. I felt him ram his cock deep inside me and go completely still, then his body shuddered, he moaned into my mouth, his body shuddered and I knew he was cumming.I had to push him off me because he was so heavy and he was smothering me. I jumped out of bed and locked my door. Fuck, I wished I had done that earlier. I jumped back on the bed and pulled the covers over us, hiding us like we always did at Quiet time. We lay face to face and I put one arm and one leg over his body and looked into his face.”What have we done?” I whispered, then giggled nervously.”Yeah, I know. It was an accident. We didn’t mean to.””No, we didn’t. It just happened.””It’ll be OK.””We can never get caught doing this. Our lives would be over.””You wanna do it again?””Don’t you? I dunno. Do you?” “I dunno. Yeah. If you do.””Yeah, I think I do.””OK.”And we did. Many times.