Young shemale with mature woman


Young shemale with mature woman
High speed internet has arrived at our cottage, fibre-optics! We own almost 500 acres with a very large pond, nice home with a pool in its backyard. Pond has a lovely beach but is a serious walk from our house/cottage, roughly 20 minutes via a trail through the woods. Seclusion is paramount, peace and quiet, love it!!

We’ve decided to try living at our cottage and have a grown daughter with her husband and k**s live at our house. I went on an extended trip to Europe for business. Wife loved being at our cottage, she’d go out back and swim by the pool, catch some rays, work online and just enjoyed the fresh air. While swimming and then taking in some rays by the pool young Ben came by, he’s a 14 year old neighbors boy that we’ve known all his life so she’d invite him to swim with her. He’d come by 3-4 times per week, wife and young Ben had a great time together, nice to have some company as they’re aren’t too many immediate neighbors in the area, besides, Ben always pitched in, washed dishes, very eager to grab a rake and help my wife clean the yard and such.

Wife is exactly 40 years older than Ben, same birthday. She’s a looker, 45EE-36-45 all natural, big breasted, blonde, blue-eyed beauty! Brought 6 babies into the world from when she was 22-34 years of age. So our youngest c***d is off to college and the others work in one of our companies or are self-employed. We have money and our c***dren are off to a great start in life. So young Ben hopping around as he’s an only c***d in his family is a breath of fresh air to my wife, she loves his c***dish buoyancy and impetuous youthful energy.

One day as Ben and my wife were swimming, pushing each other into our pool, laughing and tickling each other my wife noticed Ben couldn’t help himself from staring at her large all natural breasts every time she leaned over in her one piece bathing suit that very nicely highlighted her ‘assets’ as it were! In fact, her 45EE breasts almost came out a few times as my wife leaned over an extra amount to give Ben some better looks, he liked that! She didn’t think too much of it, but while alone having her dinner she found herself thinking a lot of Ben. Her heart raced a bit, she asked herself “am I developing feelings for Ben? Can’t be! After all I turn 55 in a week and he’ll turn 15?”

As she went to bed she dismissed such thoughts. Didn’t Ben mention he’d be leaving for a week starting tomorrow? She relaxed, went into a deep sleep. Upon awakening she noticed her pussy lips were very wet, “how did that happen?” she asked of herself. She went downstairs to make breakfast, didn’t dress as no one should be around so made breakfast in the nude. After eating she visited the washroom, took a quick look in the full length mirror on the shower door, liked what she saw, wished she could lose those stubborn 10 pounds or so that won’t go away, but she said in a low voice “not bad for bringing 6 babies into the world and just about to turn 55!”

Because she thought Ben was leaving for a week she ventured outside still in the nude and dove into our pool. Came out and lied down on a cot to catch some rays. Loved the mild breeze blowing against her naked body, her big breasts flopped over by her sides. “Wish they wouldn’t do that, just so big and floppy, I swear they have a mind of their own” she said in a low voice. Didn’t take long and she dozed off into a light and relaxing sleep.

Something startled her as she woke up in a hurry. Sat up wondering what gives? She thought she saw a figure duck around the corner of our cottage. She thought “oh no! Don’t tell me that Ben is here?” She jumped up, ran to the corner and there was Ben, he was visibly nervous and felt horribly awkward like he expected her to scold him, she didn’t have the heart to do that.

She stepped around the corner to face Ben, not yet fully remembering she’s naked. His eyes almost popped out of his head staring at her very ample breast size. She then realized the gravity of her situation, stepped forward, moved beside Ben, put her right arm around his back onto his right shoulder and said “I’m sorry, I thought you were leaving today for a week, of course you’re welcome to stay, my mistake”. He replied “I shouldn’t have looked and stared at you”. “That’s alright” she replied, “you’re a young boy with raging emotions”. He next said “you’re so beautiful Mrs. H, always thought you were, but wow! Seeing you in the nude, I can’t take my eyes off of you!”

She walked him around to the pool, very perplexed as to what to do. Should she put her one piece bathing suit on or ask him if he wanted to be naked as well? She then caught herself under her breath saying “did I just really think that? Of course, I should put my bathing suit on!” But, against her internal reasoning she asked Ben “would you like to remove your bathing suit seeing as I’m nude and you now know what I look like?” Inside she was shocked she had asked him. He replied “I’m really embarrassed with my size down there”.

She sat him down on her cot beside her. She looked at him and said “listen, you’re a nice young man, I’m sure you look just fine ‘down there’. Look at my belly, sitting here I have this little roll of fat I can’t get rid of, I hate it, when I stand up or lie down it’s not too bad, but sitting here it’s embarrassing for me. Here feel my belly fat”. So Ben did, he reached out and squished it between his fingers. He said “okay, so we both aren’t too happy with our bodies in one way or another”, “precisely” came her reply.

He stood up in front of her and said “so you won’t be alarmed at my size if I take off my bathing suit?” “I promise, I’ll be fine, but only if you want to” came her reply. So Ben reached down and removed his bathing suit then stood up in front of my wife. She was shocked but knew she couldn’t show it. Ben’s ‘junk’ was extremely small. Wife thought his two very small testicles were adorable and cute, but much smaller than she would have imagined. And his penis while having a good sized foreskin for its size was also very tiny. It was maybe just one inch in length. Although flaccid she wondered what size is it when erect? What maybe if he’s lucky 2.5-3 inches? If that??

She didn’t show her disappointment, commended him for being nude with her, said he looked fantastic! That perked up his spirit! She next stood up, looked him in the eyes as they were roughly the same height and said “last one in is a rotten egg!” Off they ran to jump into the pool. Both swam, splashed water on each other, laughed and truly let go of their inhibitions and enjoyed their nakedness and frivolity.

When they exited the water she tried not to notice but couldn’t resist noticing he had an erection. But it was what she thought it would be, maybe just 2.5 inches in length. Stood straight up which considering his age didn’t surprise her, but tiny nonetheless. She reached out and held his hand as they walked to their cots, he sat down as she left to enter the cottage to bring out some drinks.

While pouring some juice in the kitchen she thought to herself “good lord, what am I doing? He turns 15 and I turn 55 next Tuesday! Yet, here I am totally naked with him!” She was mad at herself for letting this happen but knew he has major appearance issues with his ‘junk’ being so small! So out she carries the juice, he’s lying on his back with his very small erect penis in plain sight for her to see.

As they relax he asks her “Mrs. H may I confide something to you?” She says “of course, what’s on your mind?” So Ben starts “You see I’m leaving with my mom after I turn 15 to have breasts implanted as I feel I should really be a woman, don’t fit in as a boy”. Wow, wife didn’t expect that news! As he talked she realized he was dead serious, so she showed the compassion and attention that was warranted. As she thought to herself “he must trust me as we’re both lying her naked with each other seeing the other’s nude body”.

He unloaded on her his deepest feelings. On the issue of crossover hormone therapy he said his mother had issues as he’d probably end up sterile, unable to father c***dren. My wife agreed with his mother, but took it a step further. Said to Ben “look you’re testicles and penis are small, but they are so beautiful. Their shape is nice, your foreskin has a small clump of skin at its end which is always a winner in my books! (he liked that as he truly thought to receive such a complement from a mature, beautiful woman was out of this world!) In my opinion, say if you change your mind in a few years and want to have c***dren? Sure, have the breast implants, change your name, but no hormone therapy, keep your sperm as someday you may want it”.

Ben agreed, his decision was made. He came over everyday for the next week, wife and him swam naked and had a great time. On his 15th birthday she baked a cake for him. They sat naked by the pool and had a great birthday celebration as both had their respective birthdays, Ben his 15th, my wife her 55th. Two days later he left for his surgery.

Wife didn’t see Ben for 2 months, needed to recover from his (or now maybe ‘her’ is more appropriate) surgery. When he (she) should up Ben is now Lucy and has grown her hair long. They ended up stripping into the nude then walked the long walk through the woods to our pond. There they swam, ate lunch and talked. Wife asked about the hormone therapy, Lucy said no way, wanted to but felt becoming sterile to too serious a risk. Wife then said “well you know, yes they are small, but as you said before they produce a lot of sperm so the right woman will gladly accept you and want your c***dren some day. If I may be so bold, your testicles and penis are absolutely beautiful, a woman would be lucky to have you make love to her, know I wouldn’t complain”. She thought to herself “what the hell did you say that for? Really??? I’m 40 years older than him, uh, I mean her!”

Over the next couple of months, Lucy visited frequently, both swam naked in the pool and pond, they teased each other. Wife woke up one morning and realized she was dreaming about Lucy and her making love. Knew it couldn’t happen as she was 55 and 8 months but Lucy was only 15 and 8 months old. She booked an appointment with a family attorney. He informed her that 16 was the age of consent for sex in our state. So she had to put her desires on hold.

Wife found herself having strong desires towards Lucy, found her adorable, cute albeit small testicles and penis so riveting, couldn’t stop thinking about them! One day by the pool she asked Lucy, “do you know the exact organs a woman has ‘down there’? Would you like me to show you?” Lucy jumped at the offer.

Lucy moved between my wife’s opened legs, wife now said “here, slide my clit head cover back to reveal my clit head. Now my clitoris isn’t just there, it goes around my vagina on both sides” wife showed her how to feel for it and stimulate kaçak iddaa it. Lucy was a natural. Next came her pussy lips, then her vaginal opening (at this point Lucy commented on how great my wife’s vaginal opening looked). Then came Lucy inserting her index and middle fingers to feel my wife’s internal ridges of her vagina. She told Lucy to fist her, once inside Lucy followed instructions, found my wife’s cervix, laughed and said its sucking my finger up into it. Wife said “that’s because I’m ovulating so my cervix is designed to suck a man’s sperm up into my uterus to travel into my fallopian tubes to fertilize a waiting egg.”

Next my wife placed Lucy’s fingers at the top of her pubic hair and helped her to push down, deep down. When my wife could feel Lucy’s fingers touch her ovaries she instructed her how to massage them and feel them. Wife said Lucy had the magic touch, could she ever massage her ovaries, felt incredible, gave her an orgasm that somehow she managed to hide.

Lucy loved the lesson! She said “so that’s why there’s this green mucous stuff on my hand, because your mucous comes out so you can become pregnant”. “Yes” replied my wife clearly very much enjoying Lucy’s hand inside her vagina. Lucy then said “but you’re 55 and 8 months old, how can you still get pregnant?” Wife replied “Well, since we’ve been swimming and talking with each other while naked so freely these past few months and enjoying our being nude together my periods have become very regular again, 28 days apart even at my age!” Lucy said “I think that’s great, you’re gorgeous and fertile still”. Wife knew to let it go, after all Lucy wasn’t 16 yet, so even though she wanted to have intercourse with Lucy, no way!! Law doesn’t allow it!

Wife was flush with desire for Lucy, loved her small but ever so cute genitals. Both ladies clearly had developed feelings for each other, but they had to wait. Had to wait, yes, but both their desires ran wild inside them.

My wife stood up and asked Lucy “why do you find me so attractive? I mean, look at me, my waist has those stubborn extra 10 pounds that jiggle, big breasts just flop all over, no perkiness anymore, my hips have that little extra at their sides that stick out, no thigh gap anymore, facial wrinkles and all.” Lucy told her “she’s absolutely gorgeous, so hard to resist her!” Then she continued “look at my small penis and testicles, it’s so embarrassing.” Wife had Lucy lie down in front of her with her legs spread wide.

She then complemented Lucy on her cute and adorable small balls and penis. As she did this she slid her nails over each testicle driving Lucy wild with desire. She also proceeded to feel each testicle’s exact shape, weight and size between her finger tips always telling Lucy they look fantastic!

Next she noticed Lucy’s penis start to bob up and down and realized a sperm explosion was coming. She quickly grabbed an empty glass beside them and without any time to waste was able to collect Lucy’s huge sperm ejaculation. 6 very substantial, thick sperm shots followed by 3 lesser ones than finally a couple of squirt pumps to finish Lucy’s cum shot.

Wife was thrilled! She couldn’t contain her excitement just had to say “wow!! Your small testicles produce a gallon of sperm! Sure you don’t have a hollow leg where you’ve been storing these hundreds of millions of sperm? Love it! Bet you’re glad you took my advice about the no hormone therapy, I’m thrilled with your sperm volume!!”

Lucy said “well if you’re happy than I’m very pleased! Want to ask you a serious question though. (wife nodded in agreement for Lucy to go ahead) Did you want to become lovers?” Wife smiled looking at the massive deposit of sperm in the glass, looked at Lucy and said “I’d very much want us to become lovers. I’ve developed strong feelings for you as I believe you have for me (Lucy eagerly smiled in agreement) so yes I’d like us to become lovers, just lose each other in the other’s arms would be fine with me.”

As she said this she took a tablespoon and inserted it into Lucy’s sperm deposit and proceeded to place the full spoon into her mouth, sucked it dry. Said “it tastes really good, not bitter at all. Your sperm EVEN tastes good!”

Lucy then hesitatingly asked “can we make love today or are you worried about getting pregnant and that’s why you don’t want to have intercourse with me?” Wife tenderly kissed Lucy’s lips, pulled back and said “when I turn 56 and you turn 16 on the same day we can most definitely have intercourse! We can discuss the pregnancy issue later, but if I’m ovulating or not it doesn’t matter. I want you to flood my womb with as many sperm as you can deliver (she then in a sultry and sexual voice while tilting her head in a sexual gesture continued), as lovers I want ALL your sperm in my womb, what happens, happens, I’m fine with that. Besides my periods were becoming erratic than we started to swim naked together, tease each other and now I’m back on a 28 day cycle, so you’ve had an enormous effect on my old body, because of you I’m still releasing eggs to be fertilized as when I was younger. So, they’re your eggs to try and fertilize!”

Wife continued “so while I’d gladly have intercourse and receive all your sperm inside my womb we have to wait until you turn 16 in 4 months. I don’t want to wait, don’t know how I’ll be able to resist you for 4 more months, but somehow we have to. But when you turn 16 oh yeah baby!! Let’s become lovers!!” Lucy knew she was right and just had to be a little more patient.

Wife then excitedly said “have an idea, here take the tablespoon and give me a ‘sperm eye wash'”. Lucy was puzzled. Wife lied on her back, used each hand to open each eyelids fully and told Lucy to slowly pour a tablespoon of sperm into each eye as she blinks to have her sperm coat her eyeballs.

Lucy poured a full tablespoon on my wife’s right eye, then her left eye. Wife laughed a bit and said “can’t see a thing, oh well, here I go (as she started to rapidly blink her eyes moving Lucy’s sperm all over her eyeball).” She grimaced in pain as Lucy’s sperm stung like crazy but my wife continued with her ‘sperm eye wash’. Lucy was concerned and asked if everything was okay, wife assured her sperm always stings a woman’s eyes, but she wants to show her how much she loves her shemale lover’s sperm!

She lied there with her eyes now closed grimacing in pain but she wanted to show Lucy how much she means to her. After a few minutes more my wife asked Lucy “please pour some water over my eyes, I’ll blink rapidly to remove your sperm”. Lucy did as asked. When my wife was done she felt exhilarated, looked at Lucy with a huge grin and as Lucy noticed very blood shot eyes which Lucy commented on. Wife pulled Lucy down and they slowly but passionately shared many tongue kisses over what seemed an eternity but was in reality about 30 minutes.

Lucy came up for air and looked into my wife’s still blood shot eyes, wife responded “there, any doubts I love you? Look what I asked you to do with your sperm.” They kissed some more, rolled over several times, ended up with Lucy on top as my wife felt her penis head at her pussy lips. Wife told Lucy “we can’t, soon hon, soon.” They kissed some more then Lucy’s penis unloaded a second massive sperm shot all over my wife’s pussy lips. Wife pulled Lucy’s face away, gave her a passionate kiss, pushed her off of her, sat up, looked down at her sperm covered pussy lips and said “well, we didn’t have intercourse so I guess no crime was committed, but I might get pregnant my young gorgeous, shemale lover. Bet you’d like that huh?” Lucy’s couldn’t hide her glee at that thought!

With that she grabbed the glass with Lucy’s remaining sperm and proceeded to gulp it down, smacked her lips and said “right now I’m content to drink your sperm, but when you turn 16 no more drinking, every sperm deposit MUST be inside my womb! What happens, happens from there, I’m good with that. Look every time we get together and can be naked I want you to massage my ovaries, keep them in good working order to release an egg or eggs every month.”

While intercourse would have to wait both enjoyed their ‘playing around’ and thought “maybe there’s some other great and enticing ways would could play with each other?”

Looking online for some interesting ideas proved very exciting for my wife. She ordered some soft but yet still with some firmness dolls to insert into a woman’s vagina. They were called ‘make believe babies’ or something like that. She ordered three different sizes, 5lb, 7lb and 9lb. 9lb looked quite large, she was nervous but thought “hey, I’ve delivered 6 babies, am 55 with a big vaginal cavity so why not?” Dolls had interesting fingers and toes, ad said if maneuvered to the right position inside a woman their fingers could stimulate a woman’s cervix, she loved that idea!

Courier delivered the 3 dolls in only 2 days. Wife asked Lucy if she could stay over Friday and Saturday night as she has a ‘surprise’, Lucy didn’t even have to think about it, she’d be there.

Lucy and my wife went to bed early Friday night as Lucy wanted to see the ‘surprise’. Both ladies enjoyed some kisses and fondling in bed together, then out came the dolls. Wife spread her legs and bent her knees to allow maximum access for Lucy to insert each baby. 5lb was clearly small for my wife’s vaginal opening, Lucy still loved the way it looked inside. Wife walked around with the baby inside her, felt very comfortable. Dolls heads were a good size, she felt it when Lucy pulled the 5lb baby out.

Next came the 7lb baby. Baby’s body fit easily but its head hurt a bit as Lucy inserted it last. Wife walked around again, she said it was very stimulating as it filled her vagina comfortably and she could feel its unique long fingers/toes rubbing her cervix and g-spot. Also, she stood sideways to Lucy and commented “looks like I’m pregnant, doesn’t it?” Lucy replied “yes! Makes you look extra sexy! My goodness, you look sooooo…….. hot being pregnant!” Wife couldn’t pass on a major tease to Lucy with her comment, so she said “hum…. wonder why you find me so hot looking while pregnant? Gives you ideas for when you turn 16 does it?” Lucy’s little 2.5 inch erect penis was extra hard, wife couldn’t miss it!

When Lucy pulled the 7lb baby out of my wife’s vagina it hurt a fair amount, so much that Lucy was nervous but my wife assured her its fine, little pain makes it extra erotic! Next Lucy held the 9lb baby doll, wife said “well, don’t know about this one, but let’s give it a shot and see if it fits”, with that she spread her legs as wide as possible to give Lucy the biggest opening she could.

Lucy worked the baby’s legs inside, they bent as some toes pushed into my wife’s cervix. Wife giggled, was a bit startled but took a deep breath and enjoyed the sensation. Lucy continued to insert more of the baby, was tight to say the least. Last came kaçak bahis the baby’s head. Lucy had to rub some lubricant on her hands to rub over the baby’s head. Wife almost screamed in pain at first, then Lucy worked the head in slowly, little by little until the baby’s head popped inside.

Wife was panting and sweating as the baby was now fully inside. Sensations were almost overwhelming, toes and fingers were stimulating cervix opening and g-spot, she actually loved it! Hard time trying to stand up, Lucy helped her. She gingerly at first started to walk around the bedroom, then found her stride. Looked sideways into a full length mirror, giggled and turned sideways to Lucy, Lucy had a good hearty laugh! Lucy says “wow, now you look really pregnant, what do you think? Maybe 5-6 months?” Wife said “that’s about right, you know, I think I do look good pregnant!”

They goofed around with her ‘pregnant belly’, getting the baby’s head to pop out took some doing. Again, my wife was left panting and sweating profusely, but it did come out with Lucy’s help. Both ladies had an extra shower as my wife’s body odor from the effort of inserting the 9lb baby was noticeable. Ladies kissed and caressed each other in bed, my wife felt Lucy’s erect tiny penis head between her pussy lips. She looked into Lucy’s eyes, that’s all Lucy needed, knew no intercourse until Lucy was 16. Lucy’s penis proceeded to unload, wife felt her sperm roll down between her pussy lips and into her gaping vagina which was extra open courtesy of inserting the 9lb baby doll. When Lucy was finished unloading her sperm wife looked into her eyes and said “good, no intercourse, just 3 more months to wait then we can become full lovers! Good thing I’m not ovulating today, you just put a gallon of your sperm inside me”. Both laughed, wife felt very satisfied as they both dozed off to sleep.

They were going to town for some shopping the next morning. My wife had a very stimulating idea, she said to Lucy “how about we insert the 9lb baby doll so I look pregnant this morning?” Lucy loved the idea. Again, took some time to insert its head, but now it was fully inside my wife. She had Lucy help her (as bending over was out of the question with her vagina so stuffed) dress, shorts and a tank top. Then she said “it’s a hot day, how about I wear my one piece bathing suit, that would make me look even more pregnant?” Lucy liked that. So Lucy helped her change, true to their guess my wife looked a good 5 months pregnant. Off they went to town!

Visited a restaurant for some breakfast. Wife found it hard to stand up after eating. They then visited a large dollar store to buy some things. One older woman came up to my wife and said “I admire a mature woman in your condition, what are you 6 months?” Wife said “just shy of 6 months, good guess though”. They engaged in some small talk, wife played the part perfectly, introduced Lucy as her daughter then really embellished her situation by saying “I’m actually just a surrogate mother for my oldest daughter and husband’s baby, daughter can’t carry a baby”. Woman was thrilled, hugged my wife and said “how nice and thoughtful of you to carry your grandc***d”. Her hug caused the baby doll’s toes/fingers to stick into her vaginal walls, cervix and g-spot, sensation was almost overwhelming for my wife to bear. Loved it, but it did hurt. Woman noticed it hurt and apologized, wife thanked her but said “don’t worry about it, no problem.”

Lucy and my wife could barely contain their laughter as they continued to shop. Wife said “we should both win an Academy Award for our performance!”

Couple of aisles over wife put her hand on Lucy’s shoulder to stabilize herself. Lucy asked “what’s wrong?” Wife was in pain, then said “baby’s toe/finger (whatever) was poking into my urethra or pee hole. We have to go to my car NOW (said quietly but with urgency)”.

Wife walked at a fairly good pace to our mini-van even though in much pain. Fortunately, back of the van was secluded, wife walked around to the back hurriedly, opened the back door, flung off her sandals, opened her legs and started to pee, couldn’t help it. It was a total mess, pee squirted everywhere, poured down the insides of both her legs as she steadied herself against a back door. With the large 9lb baby inside she couldn’t just pee as normally. Took a few minutes, finally finished.

She wanted to get mad, but looked at Lucy and started to laugh. Realized how she brought it on herself by wanting to shop with the 9lb baby doll inside her, but also laughed because of the mess she had made of herself. Legs were all peed on, her feet were standing in a puddle of her own pee, bottom of her one piece bathing suit is all peed on AND she’s out in public, although thankfully secluded unless either driver from beside her shows up, fortunately neither driver of the cars beside her came.

After finishing laughing she asked Lucy to help her out of her bathing suit, now she was naked. Lucy said “what do we do now?” “Well, if someone wants a show, I’ll give them a show this morning. Here, help me crawl up through the van to the driver’s seat. We have to go home and clean up.”

She had a large beach towel in the van, laid it over the driver’s seat to protect it from her totally covered in urine mid section. Drive home went fairly well, just one glitch which my wife seemed to enjoy when a truck pulled up beside them at a red light. She gladly noticed the driver looking down at her very ample 45EE breasts, she didn’t care! She gladly pushed her large breasts around to give him a show, she thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head! They arrived home. Took Lucy a good 20 minutes to slowly coax and remove the 9lb baby from my wife’s vagina as she laid on the back lawn. Immediately after removing the large 9lb baby wife stood up, spread her legs, put her hands behind her head and let go and started to pee with a very powerful stream, look on her face said RELIEF! Then both had a shower together.

Both flaked out on top of the bed and had a prolonged and deep laugh about the matter. Lucy then started to kiss my wife and said “but, as funny as it was, god you looked super sexy passing for 5-6 months pregnant in your one piece bathing suit. You had that sweet old lady completely fooled!” Wife loved that honest and heart felt expression from her soon to be shemale lover, just 3 months more until she turns 16!

As they kissed and fondled each other for several minutes with Lucy in between my wife’s legs, wife could feel her tiny but rock hard penis, wife lifted Lucy’s head from hers, said “okay, no intercourse just yet (she said in a sultry, sexy voice, Lucy loved that) but let me give you a treat for helping me so much in the parking lot earlier.” With that she instructed Lucy to move back, wife opened her legs a little more and with her hands opened her pussy lips as well as pulling her vaginal opening wider, then told Lucy to without entering her vagina to feel free to ejaculate into her opened vagina. Lucy’s penis was almost touching my wife’s pussy lips, maybe just an inch outside of her than she unloaded. A massive sperm deposit flew through the air straight into my wife’s waiting vagina.

Lucy thanked my wife and said “that looked awesome, my sperm flying through the air into your waiting vagina!” They kissed for 30 minutes, than Lucy made another similar sperm deposit. After the second sperm deposit wife couldn’t help herself, started to say with tears in her eyes “just 3 more months than we can become lovers! Still not certain about becoming pregnant at 56, hey, what am I saying? Just let you fill my vagina with hundreds of millions of sperm and I should start ovulating either tomorrow or in two days, your sperm will live inside me for 3 days, I might get pregnant this weekend!” She kissed Lucy with extra passion realizing having her baby may just be what she really wants at this point in her life.

Both ladies were so excited that Lucy made another sperm deposit and two more that night, one at 3am with two more the next morning. All times Lucy loved watching her sperm fly through the air!

As they laid in each other’s arms at 10am after Lucy made her 2nd ‘fly through the air’ sperm deposit into my wife’s open vagina they talked about and chuckled regarding the peeing all over herself from the day before, totally fooling the older woman in the dollar store and about how sexy the 9lb baby doll made my wife look with her belly passing for being a few months pregnant.

Lucy asked my wife “were you serious about starting to ovulate later today?” “Yes” came the answer. Lucy continued “aren’t you worried about getting pregnant? Thought you didn’t really want to get pregnant”. “I don’t” came my wife’s reply, then she added “but I told you when you turn 16 in just 3 months time I’m fine with giving you my womb, flood it with as much sperm as you can! It’s because of you and our swimming in the nude these past few months, you massaging my ovaries every chance you get that has restored my periods. Thought I was going to finally go through menopause, but you’ve brought my womb back to life, so my womb is all yours! Besides your adorable and cute balls and penis are irresistible to me, absolutely love them!”

Both ladies resumed their slow, intense and passionate kissing with Lucy in between my wife’s legs. Lucy came up for air, was staring into my wife’s eyes when my wife asked her “do you have to leave in a few minutes?” “Not really I guess” came Lucy’s reply. Wife then asked “how about you stay over one more night and leave tomorrow at noon?” Lucy liked that idea, then asked “but if you’re going to start ovulating later today I guess you wouldn’t want me to shoot some more sperm through the air into your vagina as you might get pregnant?”

Wife gave her a quick kiss on the lips then lowered her head back down on the pillow and said “what’s life without a little risk?” “But I’m only 15 right now, thought you wanted to wait until I’m 16?” came Lucy’s quick reply. “We’re not having intercourse, you’ve never had your penis inside me. My womb is yours, I’m very much enjoying myself right now lying here with my womb full of your sperm, I’m greedy, I want more!” came my wife’s reply. With that they kissed some more than Lucy said “sure I’ll stay one more day, god I love you!”

Wife then said “officially you’re crazy though, after all I am 40 years older than you. Why you find a flabby, floppy big breasted, little extra weight here and there 55 year old woman like me attractive is beyond me. BUT, I love you for it!” Lucy couldn’t help but come back with the following “but you’re the first woman I’ve been with. Tried to have sex with a girl my age while still ‘Ben’ but when she saw my privates she couldn’t stop laughing at how small they are. You on the other hand love my as you call them ‘adorable and cute’ balls and penis of mine. I love güvenilir bahis that about you, want to give you my baby sooooo…….. badly! Plus you don’t care if I’m Ben or Lucy, you accept my new identity” Wife in a sultry and sexy voice said “or babies as let’s remember I’ve delivered two sets of twins years ago.”

Both took a break, swam in the pool, walked back to the pond, caught some rays. While lying on the beach at the pond wife felt her pussy lips, super lubricated, slid her fingers between her pussy lips, pulled her hand up to her face and saw some mucous. Ovulating time she thought! Showed Lucy, her 2.5 inch penis became super rock hard. Lucy made a major sperm deposit into my wife’s vagina, again she loved watching it ‘fly through the air’.

After an extended kissing session Lucy said “you really meant it, even though you’re not sure about becoming pregnant you’ve given me your womb to fertilize an egg or two”.

Both made love by the fireplace that night, Lucy being careful not to slide her penis into my wife but made sure when she fired her sperm it all went into my wife’s held open vagina! As Lucy left the next day at noon after making a few sperm deposits throughout the night and morning my wife felt very fulfilled and very excited at the prospect of becoming pregnant, lost a lot of her reservations of becoming pregnant.

As she stood by the kitchen counter making a herbal cup of tea she cried a bit feeling Lucy’s sperm trickling out of her vagina and down the inside of her right leg. She reached down and touched the sperm, held it up to her lips, tasted it and thought “swim little guys, swim as my waiting egg or eggs (she giggled with joy thinking about another set of twins) are forced to swim in a sea of your potent, grade A sperm!” After her tea was ready she lit a fire in the fireplace, placed a pillow under her butt, lied on her back with her butt raised trying to keep as much of Lucy’s sperm inside her ovulating womb, actually hoping a sperm or two get lucky and fertilize a egg or two as she read a book!

Unfortunately, no pregnancy resulted, she was somewhat disappointed even though still not completely certain she wants to have more babies. But, if she is to have more babies she wants her shemale lover to father them, of that she’s certain!!

Wife’s 56th birthday which was Lucy’s 16 birthday finally arrived. Lucy came over, lovely hot sunny day. They walked naked to the pond, brought some cake and drinks.

They openly talked about their feelings for each other. Both wanted to consummate their relationship. Lucy commented she couldn’t wear a condom, her penis is too small, won’t stay on. Wife said “you wearing a condom would never do. You’re a shemale now and I want you inside me with no condom and no pulling out. You empty your small but potent sperm factories loads deep inside me, don’t even think of putting your sperm anywhere else but inside my vagina! Want it all!”

Wife then asked “so would you like to have intercourse, bareback of course, with me? Would you like to put your baby or babies (as she has delivered two sets of twins) in me? Percentage wise, how much would you like to impregnate me?” Lucy smiled an excited smile, didn’t hesitate one bit “100% I’d love to make you pregnant! (wife smiled, could feel her desire in her tone) But what about you? How much do you want to become pregnant?”

Wife thought for a minute, then said “don’t really know. My youngest is now 22 and off to college, diapers isn’t too appealing at my stage in life. But I have fallen madly in love with you. (Lucy commented the same to my wife) So maybe 10% (Lucy went to blurt something out, but wife immediately said the following to stop her) but before you try to say ‘yikes, only 10%!!’ I want you to know I really don’t want to get pregnant, but I love you, love you becoming a shemale so want to give you every chance to impregnate me. I want to give my old, but still fertile womb to you, you’re so special! If you can put a baby or babies in me I’m fine with it. So I’d like to consummate our relationship today, right here, right now. Then if you can how would you feel about spending the whole summer with me up here? Just you and me for 9 weeks this summer? Make love to me as often as you want to, we could spend hours every day in each other’s arms. Please make sperm deposit after sperm deposit inside me. Force a waiting egg of mine to swim in a sea of your sperm! See what happens, if one sperm or two get lucky and give me another set of fraternal twins, so be it!!”

Lucy loved my wife’s enthusiasm and gift of her womb for her use. They proceeded to make love like two jack rabbits off and on for hours as they whole heartedly consummated their relationship as lovers on my wife’s 56th and Lucy’s 16th birthdays! Wife counted 5 sperm deposits, loved it! Lucy had to leave for over a month, so they were going to hook up for the 9 week summer love feast!

First two weeks at the cottage were crazy, each couldn’t get enough of the other person. Wife woke up on day 15 and realized she was on day one of ovulating, wanted to do something different with Lucy. Wife had breakfast ready for Lucy and her, after eating she hopped up onto the kitchen table, opened her legs to show Lucy she was ovulating, Lucy’s small 2.5 inch penis immediately rose to attention, then wife said “not so fast my fine eager to breed shemale lover of mine. I have something special in mind”.

Previous two weeks at the cottage wife had at random opened the “Kama Sutra” book to select a love making position, so Lucy thought this was the surprised. Not so! Wife lied down on her back on the shores of our pond and told Lucy to lower her testicles so she could gently bite them and she wanted Lucy to lift her head and shoulders off the ground while she bit her testicles. Lucy loved the idea.

Lucy lifted my wife’s head and shoulders up with her biting just behind Lucy’s testicles being in my wife’s mouth. Lucy found it harder and harder as time went on, but wife told her “I’m going to make you work for your babies in me, so lift!”
Wife had Lucy lifting up and down, up and down, Lucy was almost exhausted, hurt, but loved it!

Then wife’s teeth slipped from behind Lucy’s balls and truly bit into her testicles. Lucy dropped to her knees in agony, rolled off of my wife reaching down and holding her balls in noticeable pain. Wife immediately rolled over, went up on her knees beside Lucy and apologized profusely. “I’m so sorry, didn’t mean to really bite them”. Lucy replied in pain “I know you didn’t mean it, but god this hurts”.

Wife rolled Lucy off of her side and moved her onto her back, pulled her hands away from her hurting balls, opened her legs and told Lucy she’ll fix it as she apologized again. Wife packed some crushed ice from the cooler into a cloth. Then packed Lucy’s balls in the ice, had Lucy hold the cloth in place. She then said to Lucy “5 minutes on, 5 minutes off. In the meantime I’ll give you a massage. Sorry hon, I feel so bad for biting your balls”.

This went on for 30 minutes, 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off with my wife starting to massage Lucy’s feet first with some lavender massage oil, moving up her body and finishing on her face. Time was up, wife had Lucy roll over to her stomach then gave her a deep, slow back massage. Lucy fell asleep.

As Lucy slept my wife read a book. 45 minutes later Lucy woke up, she rolled over onto her back. Wife knelt beside her mid section looking at her flaccid penis and testicles. Asked her if they felt better, Lucy said they still hurt like crazy, but felt much better. Wife then said “If you’d like to stop for today to give them a rest, I completely understand.” Lucy said “no, they’re tender but if we’re gentle (at this point Lucy gestured with her teeth a biting motion while smiling so both laughed realizing Lucy wasn’t upset but trying to lighten the mood with some humor) I’d like to try to impregnate you as you’re ovulating today, if you want that?”

Wife leaned over and gently ran her nails over Lucy’s balls then lowered her head to slide her tongue under her foreskin and rotate it around her penis head. Before long Lucy was fully erect even though it’s still only 2.5 inches she’s shown her stamina over the past two weeks of unending love making, sperm deposit after sperm deposit!

Lucy moved between my wife’s open legs and started to slide her penis head up and down between her pussy lips. Wife quivered in ecstasy. Lucy had to be careful as her balls really hurt if she tried to pump in and out having her ball sack hit my wife’s skin, her balls still were way too sensitive from being bitten earlier.

After a few minutes Lucy exploded inside my wife, she moved in as much as she could without hurting her balls. Wife felt an enormous sperm deposit, was thrilled her shemale lover had delivered such a potent load on her first day of ovulating. After Lucy was finished with her sperm deposit, wife felt down and carefully pushed Lucy’s left testicle inside her vagina, then her right one. Lucy winced in pain, but told my wife it felt incredible so continue. As they kissed Lucy said she could feel her penis and testicles were in her liquid of her own sperm inside my wife. Wife said “if you had a normal size penis I couldn’t insert your balls. See the advantage of having an adorable and cute small penis and balls? Not to mention when I give you a blow job I can insert your penis and balls into my mouth, never been able to do that before. Advantage small penis and balls!!”

Wife lifted Lucy’s face from hers so Lucy could see my wife’s little tears rolling down the side of her cheeks as she said to Lucy “god I love you! Still not certain about having more babies but I want you to try to impregnate me. Give me twins if you want!” With that they slowly continued to make love in different positions throughout the evening.

7 more weeks of rabid love making, both ladies totally and completely trying to please the other one, whatever the other one wanted was their desire to deliver. Wife never had another period so figured Lucy’s first few sperm deposits when she was ovulating were met with success. Their last day of love making on week 9 my wife said to Lucy “maybe we can do this again next summer?” Lucy found an extra bit of energy from that idea! Lucy’s last couple of sperm deposits were with extra gusto!!

Another month went by, wife visited her doctor, now 3 months since she last ovulated. Two of Lucy’s sperm had gotten lucky, a pair of fraternal twins she had deposited inside my gorgeous, mature, big breasted wife. Wife delivered two beautiful baby girls of Lucy’s. She hadn’t been sure about more babies, but after seeing her two ‘bundles of joy’ she wanted to spend another summer at the cottage with Lucy to see if Lucy could become a father again.

When Lucy saw her baby girls she was ecstatic that she didn’t take the hormone therapy and ruin her two small, but perfect testicles! Or as my wife said to Lucy, “your balls may be small, but I swear you have a hollow leg where you store some extra sperm, because your balls never run out of grade A, potent, prime sperm! Love them, adorable and cute!!

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